International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 COMPARISON STUDY OF THREE PHASE CASCADED H-BRIDGE MULTI LEVEL INVERTER BY USING DTC INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVES L.Srinu, M. Kondalu, G.Naveen, A.Pavan Kumar Abstract- In recent years, multilevel inverters are becoming more popular for high-power and high voltage application. Due to their improved harmonic profile and increased power ratings. Many studies have been reported in the literature on multilevel inverters topologies, control techniques, and applications. However, there are few studies that actually discuss or evaluate the performance of induction motor drives associated with three-phase multilevel inverter. This paper presents a comparison study for a cascaded Hbridge multilevel direct torque control (DTC) induction motor drive. In this case, symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangements of five- and seven-level Hbridge inverters are compared in order to find an optimum arrangement with lower switching losses and optimized output voltage quality. Simulation results are proposed by using MATLAB/SIMULINK model. Keywords: DTC induction motor, H-bridge multilevel inverter, MATLAB, SIMULINK. I. INTRODUCTION Multilevel voltage-source inverters are mainly studied for high-power applications, and standard drives for medium-voltage industrial applications. Solutions with a higher number of output voltage levels have the capability to synthesize waveform switch a better harmonic spectrum and to limit the motor winding insulation stress, on the other hand lower number of levels either need a rather large and expensive LC output filter to limit the motor winding insulation stress. However, their increasing number of devices tends to reduce the power converter overall reliability and efficiency. Many studies have been conducted toward improving multilevel inverter, such as Diode-Clamped Multilevel Inverter, Cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter, Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter. In our paper we are using cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter[1]. The advantage of h-bridge multilevel topology is that the modulation, control, and protection requirements of each bridge are modular. It should be pointed out that, unlike the diodeclamped and flying-capacitor topologies, isolated dc sources are required for each cell in each phase. The cascaded H-bridge inverter consists of power conversion cells, each supplied by an isolated dc ISSN: 2278 – 7798 source on the dc side. The asymmetrical multilevel inverter to improve the output voltage resolution, in symmetrical multilevel inverter all H-bridge cells are fed by equal voltages, and hence all the arm cells produce similar output voltage steps. However, if all the cells are not fed by equal voltages, the inverter becomes an asymmetrical one. In this inverter, the arm cells have different effect on the output voltage[2]. Asymmetrical multilevel inverter has been recently investigated in all these studies, Hbridge topology has been considered and a variety of selections of cascaded cell numbers and dc-sources ratios have been adopted. The suggested pulse widthmodulation strategy that maintains the high-voltage stage to operate at low frequency limits the sourcevoltage selection. One of the methods that have been used by a major multilevel inverter manufacturer is direct torque control (DTC), which is recognized today as a high-performance control strategy for ac drives. Throughout this paper, at theoretical background is used to design a strategy coma with hybrid cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter symmetrical and asymmetrical configuration are implemented and compared Experimental results obtained for an asymmetric inverter fed induction motor[3]. Capacitors, batteries, and renewable energy voltage sources can be used as the multiple A multilevel converter has several advantages over a conventional two-level converter that uses high switching frequency pulse width modulation (PWM). Unfortunately multilevel converters do have some disadvantages the greater number of power semiconductor switches needed. Moreover, abundant modulation techniques and control paradigms have been developed for multilevel converters such as sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM), selective harmonic elimination (SHE-PWM), space vector modulation (SVM), and others. Cascaded H-bridge structure: The cascaded H-bridge inverter consists of power conversion cells, each supplied by an isolated dc source on the dc side, which can be obtained from batteries, fuel cells, or ultra capacitors and seriesconnected on the ac side. The advantage of this topology is that the modulation, control, and All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 1296 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 protection requirements of each bridge are modular. It should be pointed out that, unlike the diodeclamped and flying-capacitor topologies, isolated dc sources are required for each cell in each phase.[4] Fig.3: Output phase voltage waveform for symmetric (5 level) MLI using variable frequency. Fig.1: Two-cells cascaded multilevel inverter Symmetrical cascaded H-bridge: The Cascaded H Bridge (CHB) multilevel converters are simply a number of conventional two-level bridges, whose AC terminals are simply connected in series to synthesize the output waveforms. Fig.2 shows the power circuit for a symmetrical five-level inverter with two cascaded cells. The CHB inverter needs several independent DC sources which may be obtained from batteries, fuel cells. Through different Combinations of the four switches of each cell, each converter level can generate three different voltage outputs, +Vdc, 0,-Vdc. The AC output is the sum of the individual converter outputs. The number of output phase voltage levels is defined by n=2N+1, where N is the number of DC sources. For instance the output phase voltage swings from -2Vdc to +2Vdc with five levels. Symmetrical CHB inverter topology is known as symmetric CHB inverter in which H bridges are fed by separate DC sources having same magnitude[5]. Fig.2: Symmetric (5-level) cascaded multilevel inverter. ISSN: 2278 – 7798 Asymmetrical cascaded H-bridge inverter: An asymmetrical multilevel inverter shown in Figure.4 can be defined as a multilevel converter fed by a set of DC voltage source where at least one of them is different to the other one. The main advantage of asymmetrical multi-level converter is, it uses less number of semiconductor switches compared with symmetrical topology. One interest of the asymmetrical configurations is that the number of levels is higher with the same number of cells. The number of levels is higher with the same number of cells in the symmetrical case, whereas it grows exponentially, in the asymmetrical case, the asymmetrical topology requires only twelve switches to obtain 7, 9, 15, 21 level output voltage[6]. Fig.4: Asymmetric (7-level) cascaded multilevel inverter. Fig.5: Output phase voltage waveform for asymmetric (7 level) MLI using same frequency. All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 1297 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 II. PROJECT CONTROL TECHNIQUE: Space vector modulation (SVM) is quite different from the PWM methods. Space vector treats the converter as a single unit specifically the converter can be driven to eight unique states modulation is accomplished by switching states of the converter. The control strategies are in digital systems. SVM is a digital modulating technique where the objective is generate PWM load line voltages that are in average equal to given (or reference) load line voltages. This is done in each sampling period by properly selecting the switch states of converter and calculation of the appropriate time period for each state[7]. Space vector modulation (SVM) technique: Space Vector modulation (SVM) technique was originally developed as a vector approach to pulse width modulation (PWM) for three-phase converters. It is more sophisticated technique for generating sine wave that provides a higher voltage to the motor with lower total harmonic distortion. It confines space vectors to be applied according to the region where the output voltage vector is located. A different approach to PWM modulation is based on the space vectors representation of voltages in the α-β plane. The-β components are found by transformations. The determination of switching instant may be achieved using space vectors modulation technique based on representation of switching vectors in α- β plane. The space vector modulation technique is an advanced, computation intensive PWM technique and is possibly the best among all the PWM techniques for drives applications. Because of its superior performance characteristics, it is been finding widespread application in recent years [8]. (DTC) is to directly select voltage vectors according to the difference between reference and actual value of torque and flux linkage. Torque and flux errors are compared in hysteresis comparators. Depending on the comparators a voltage vectors selected from a table. Advantages of the DTC are low complexity and that it only need to use of one motor parameter, the stator resistance. For every doubling in sample frequency, the ripple will approximately halve. The problem is that the power switches used in the inverter impose a limit for the maximum sample frequency. The inverter switching frequency is inherently variable and very dependent on torque and shaft speed. The additional degrees of freedom (space vectors, phase configurations, etc.) provided by the multilevel inverter should, therefore, be exploited by the control strategy in order to reduce these drawbacks[9]. Trajectory of Stator Flux Vector in DTC Control: Fig.7: Forming of the stator flux trajectory by appropriate voltage vectors selection Torque and Flux Estimation: The stator flux vector an induction motor is related to the stator voltage and current vectors by dφs(t)/dt= vs(t) − Rs is (t) (1) Maintaining vs constant over a sample time interval and neglecting the stator resistance, the integration of yields DTC Technique: Δφs(t) = φs(t) − φs(t − Δt) =_tt−ΔtvsΔt (2) Fig.6: Block diagram of basic DTC scheme. Equation reveals that the stator flux vector is directly affected by variations on the stator voltage vector. On the contrary, the influence of vs over the rotor flux is filtered by the rotor and stator leakage inductance, and is, therefore, not relevant over a short-time horizon. Since the stator flux can be changed quickly while the rotor flux rotates slower, the angle between both vectors θsr can be controlled directly by vs. A graphical representation of the stator and rotor flux dynamic behaviour is below Fig. The fig.6 shows the block diagram of basic DTC scheme, the principle of Direct Torque Control ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 1298 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Voltage Vector-Selection Lookup Table: Fig.8: Stator & rotor flux dynamic behavior. The exact relationship between stator and rotor flux shows that keeping the amplitude of φ s constant will produce a constant flux φr.Since the electromagnetic torque developed by an induction motor can expressed by Te=3/2pLm/σLsLrφsφrsinθsr (3) It follows that change in θsr due to the action of vs allows for direct and fast change in the developed torque. DTC uses this principle to achieve the induction motor desired torque response, by applying the appropriate stator voltage vector to correct the flux trajectory. Equation reveals that the stator flux vector is directly affected by variations on the stator voltage vector. On the contrary, the influence of vsover the rotor flux is filtered by the rotor and stator leakage inductance, and is, therefore, not relevant over a short-time horizon. Since the stator flux can be changed quickly while the rotor flux rotates slower, the angle between both vectors θsr can be controlled directly by vs. III. SIMULATION MODEL AND RESULTS: Simulation model of symmetrical cascaded H-bridge five levels inverter: The simulation model of cascade h bridge multilevel inverter is developed by using MATLAB . Fig.9: Simulation model of symmetrical cascaded H-bridge five levels inverter Simulation model of symmetrical cascaded Hbridge five levels inverter output wave form: A graphical representation shows 127 voltage vectors generated by the inverter at instant t=k, denoted by Vks (central dot). The next voltage vector, to be applied to the load vk+1s, can be expressed by vk+1s = vks+Δvk (4) Where Δvks= {vi |i = 1 . . .6}. Each vector vi corresponds to one corner of the elemental hexagon illustrated in gray and by the dashed line in Fig.6.7. The task is to determine which vk+1s will correct the torque and flux responses. Knowing the actual voltage vector vks, the torque and flux errors ekφ and ekT, and the stator flux vector position (sector determined by angle θs). Note that the next voltage vector vk+1s applied to the load will always be one of the six closest vectors to the previous vks; this will soften the actuation effort and reduce high dynamics in torque response due to possible large changes in the reference. ISSN: 2278 – 7798 Fig.10: symmetrical five-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter Motor flux waveforms Fig.11: Symmetrical five-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter motor torque waveforms. All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 1299 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 Fig.12: Symmetrical five-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter output current waveforms. Fig.13: Symmetrical five-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter output voltage waveforms Simulation Model of Asymmetrical H-Bridge seven Levels: Fig.14: Simulation model of asymmetrical cascaded h-bridge five levels Fig.17: Asymmetrical seven-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter output current waveforms. Fig.18: Asymmetrical seven-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter output phase voltage waveform. Asymmetrical Waveforms of Nine Levels: Fig.19: Asymmetrical Nine-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter Stator Flux waveforms. Asymmetrical output Waveforms of Seven Levels: Fig.15: Asymmetrical seven-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter Motor Stator Flux waveform. Fig.20: Asymmetrical Nine -levels cascaded h-bridge inverter motor torque waveform. Fig.16: Asymmetrical Seven-levels cascaded hbridge inverter Motor Torque Fig.21: Asymmetrical Nine-levels cascaded h-bridge inverter Output Current waveforms. ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 1300 International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2014 V.REFERENCE Fig.22: Asymmetrical Nine -levels cascaded h-bridge inverter Stator phase voltage waveform. 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In addition, torque ripples asymmetrical multilevel inverter enables a DTC solution for highpower induction motor drives, not only due to the higher voltage capability provided by multilevel inverters, but mainly due to the reduced switching losses and the improved output voltage quality, which provides sinusoidal current without output filter. ISSN: 2278 – 7798 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJSETR 1301