IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 29, NO. 1, JANUARYIFEBRUAKY 1993 136 Control of Parallel Connected Inverters in Standalone ac Supply Systems Mukul C. Chandorkar, Student Member, IEEE, Deepakraj M. Divan, Member, IEEE, and Rambabu Adapa, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract-A scheme for controlling parallel-connected invertJnvener ers in a standalone ac supply system is presented in this paper. This scheme is suitable for control of inverters in distributed source environments such as in isolated ac systems, large and distributed uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems, photovoltaic systems connected to ac grids, and low-voltage dc power "" transmission meshes. A key feature of the control scheme is that Fig. 1. Inverter connected to stiff ac system. it uses feedback of only those variables that can be measured locally at the inverter and does not need communication of control signals between the inverters. This is essential for the operation of large ac systems, where distances between inverters make for power transmission have traditionally been current sourced, communication impractical. It is also important in high-reliability in recent years, voltage source inverters (VSI) have been UPS systems where system operation can be maintained in the increasingly used for high-power applications like electric face of a communication breakdown. Real and reactive power traction and mill drives, photovoltaic power systems, and sharing between inverters can be achieved by controlling two battery storage systems. Control schemes for VSI's in power independent quantities-the power angle, and the fundamental inverter voltage magnitude. Simulation results obtained with the system environments have formed the topic of recent work [2]. Further, with inverter topologies like the neutral-point control scheme are also presented. f I. INTRODUCTION A S DC TO AC power converters feeding power to ac supply systems become more numerous, the issues relating to their control need to be addressed in greater detail. Inverters connecting dc power supplies to ac systems occur in numerous applications. Photovoltaic power plants and battery storage installations are examples of such applications. In either case, the inverter interfaces could be connected to a common ac system. Distributed uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems feeding power to a common ac system are also possible examples. In addition, over the past several years, there has been considerable interest in applying inverter technology to low voltage dc (LVDC) meshed power transmission systems. The feasibility from the control viewpoint of an LVDC mesh has been demonstrated in [l]. The transmission system could typically consist of inverters connected at several points on the LVDC mesh, providing power to ac systems that could be interconnected as well. Multiple inverters connected to a common ac system essentially operate in parallel and need to be controlled in a manner that ensures stable operation and prevents inverter overloads. Although inverter topologies used Paper IPCSD 92-16, approved by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1991 Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Dearborn, MI, September 28-October 4. This work was supported by NSF grant 8 818 339 and EPRI Agreement RP7911-12. Manuscript released for publication April 25, 1992. M. C. Chandorkar and D. M. Divan are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. R. Adapa is with the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA 94303. IEEE Log Number 9204199. clamped (NPC) inverter [3], it is possible to achieve substantial harmonic reduction at reasonably low PWM switching frequencies. A standalone ac system may be described as one in which the entire ac power is delivered to the system through inverters. In a standalone ac system, there are no synchronous alternators present in the system that would provide a reference for the system frequency and voltage. All inverters in the system need to be operated to provide a stable frequency and voltage in the presence of arbitrarily varying loads. This paper first develops a control method for an inverter feeding real and reactive power into a stiff ac system with a defined voltage, as shown in Fig. 1. This forms the basis of a control method suitable for standalone operation. The inverter is a VSI with gate turn-off (GTO) thyristor switches, operating from a dc power source, and feeding into the ac system through a filter inductor. In a standalone system, a filter capacitor is needed to suppress the voltage harmonics of the inverter. The requirements for controlling such an interface are described in the next section. Later sections describe the development of an effective control scheme to meet these requirements and present simulation results obtained from the study of a power distribution system with parallel-connected inverters. 11. REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM The control of inverters used to supply power to an ac system in a distributed environment should be based on information that is available locally at the inverter. In typical power systems, large distances between inverters may make communication of information between inverters impractical. Communication of information may be used to enhance system 0093-9994/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE CHANDORKAR er al.: CONTROL OF PARALLEL-CONNECTED INVERTERS 137 I I 3 2 I P = X!L sin6 Q= w Lf w Lf * - =cos6 w Lf Fig. 2. Real and reactive power flows. performance but must not be critical for system operation. This essentially implies that inverter control should be based on terminal quantities. It is well known that stable operation of a power system needs good control of the real power flow P and the reactive power flow Q. The P and Q flows in an ac system are decoupled to a good extent [4]. P depends predominantly on the power angle, and Q depends predominantly on the voltage magnitude. This is illustrated in Fig. 2. It is essential to have good control of the power angle and the voltage level by means of the inverter. Control of frequency dynamically controls the power angle and, thus, the real power flow. To avoid overloading the inverters, it is important to ensure that changes in load are taken up by the inverters in a predetermined manner without communication. This is achieved in conventional power systems with multiple generators by introducing a droop in the frequency of each generator with the real power P delivered by the generator [4]. This permits each generator to take up changes in total load in a manner determined by its frequency droop characteristicsand essentially utilizes the system frequency as a communication link between the generator control systems. In this paper, the same philosophy is used to ensure reasonable distribution of total power between parallelconnected inverters in a standalone ac system. Similarly, a droop in the voltage with reactive power is used to ensure reactive power sharing. An important aspect of the control methodology developed here is that it is highly modular in nature. Thus, the basic control scheme can be very easily adapted to meet variations in the configuration of the power system, as shown in Sections 111 and IV. This modularity is achieved by choosing the controlled quantities of the slow, outer control loops to meet the dictates of the power system configuration while maintaining the same fast, inner inverter control structure. The controller for an inverter connected to a stiff ac system, which is detailed in Section 111, is easily modified for the control of parallelconnected inverters feeding a standalone ac system, which is detailed in Section IV. 111. CONTROL OF SINGLE INVERTER FEEDINGINTO A STIFF SYSTEM The power schematic of Fig. 1 shows a single inverter connected to a stiff ac system through a filter inductor. The inverter is assumed to be a six-pulse GTO VSI. This section details the control of the inverter based on feedback of quantities measured locally at the inverter. The real and reactive power fed into the ac system are the two variables that are controlled by the inverter. Given set points for the real and I V d 1 :Inverter Voltage Vwtor 1 0: S e ” I For Choice of Inverter Voltage Vector (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) Fig. 3. (a) Inverter output voltage vectors; (b) inverter switch positions. reactive power P* and Q*, the real and reactive power P and Q fed by the inverter into the ac system can be controlled by a method that controls the time integral of the inverter output voltage space vector. This concept has previously been applied extensively to ac motor drives [ 5 ] , [6]. The entire control of the inverter is performed in the stationary d-q reference frame and is essentially vector control. The transformation from the physical a-b-c reference frame to the stationary d-q-n reference frame is described by the following equations [7]. In these equations, the quantity f generically denotes a physical quantity, such as a voltage or a current. In the absence of a neutral connection, the quantity fn is of no interest. For a six-pulse VSI, the inverter output voltage space vector can take any of seven positions in the plane specified by the d-q coordinates. These are shown in Fig. 3 as the vectors 0-6. The time integral of the inverter output voltage space vector is called the “inverter flux vector” for short. The flux vector does not have the same significance as in motor applications. Rather, it is a fictitious quantity related to the volt-seconds in the filter inductor. The d and q axis components of the inverter IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 29, NO. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1993 138 PI L o w Pass Filter Regulator P' & Q* : Set Points for Real & Reactive Power Fig. 4. Inverter control scheme-stiff flux vector are defined as 1 t = $du Vddr (4) ac system. In (9), e, and e d are the q- and d-axis components, respectively, of the ac system voltage vector E. In addition, i, and i d are the components of the current vector 7. When i , and i d are expressed in terms of the fluxes, the equation is expressed as --CO / t $,U = (5) --CO The magnitude of & is Taking into account the spatial relationships between the two flux vectors and assuming the ac system voltage to be sinusoidal, (10) can be expressed as 3 p = - w$,$, sin 6,. 2L.f The angle of 5with respect to the y axis is In this expression, and are the magnitudes of the ac system and the inverter flux vectors, respectively, and 6, is the 6, = tan-' (7) spatial angle between the two flux vectors. w is the frequency of rotation of the two flux vectors. The expression for reactive The d and y axis components of the ac system voltage flux power transfer for Fig. 1 can be derived in a similar manner. vector its magnitude, and angle are defined in a similar This is and is defined as manner. The angle between 3 w (12) Q = - -[$U$, COS - 7 / 5 3 . 6, = 6, - Se. 2 L.f (8) .I::( 5, 6 Control of the flux vector has been shown to have good dynamic and steady-state performance [5],[6]. It also provides a convenient means to define the power angle since the inverter voltage vector switches position in the d - y plane, whereas there is no discontinuity in the inverter flux vector. It is useful to develop the power transfer relationships in terms of the flux vectors. The basic real power transfer relationship for the system of Fig. 1 in the d-q reference frame is 3 P = -(eqi, 2 +edid). (9) Equations (11) and (12) indicate that P can be controlled by controlling S,, which can be defined as the power angle, and Q can be controlled by controlling &,. The cross coupling between the control of P and Q is also apparent from these equations. The control system for the inverter is given in Fig. 4. The two variables that are controlled directly by the inverter are is controlled to have a specified and 6,. The vector magnitude and a specified position relative to the ac system This control forms the innermost control loop flux vector and is very fast. It is noted that both the inverter and the 6. CHANDORKAR et al.: CONTROL OF PARALLEL-CONNECTED INVERTERS 139 " TABLEI CHOICEOF SWITCHINGVECTOR Sector No. (Location of I z) I I m r v v v 1 Increase 2 3 4 5 6 1 Decrease & 3 4 5 6 1 2 (The zero vector is chosen to decrease 4,) .ii 33 N ac system voltage space vectors ,are obtained by measuring instantaneous voltage values that are available locally. The set points for the controller are P* and Q*, and the set points for the innermost control loop $: and 6; are derived from these. The actual values of P and Q calculated from the feedback are compared with the set values. The error drives a proportionalintegral (P-I) regulator, which generates the set points $; and 6; for the innermost control loop. The control of the inverter to generate the specified $, and 6, is detailed in the next subsection. 0 10 c> LIU 0 - 6 00 -2.011 2 00 h v In 6 00 11 VS Fig. 5. Inverter flux vector. 0 A. Control of $, and 6, The control of 4, and 6, forms the first level of control and directly controls the inverter switching. The choice of the inverter switching vector is made on the basis of the deviations of $,, and 6, from the set values $: and 6; and the position of the inverter flux vector in the d-q plane given by 6,. If the deviation of 6, from 6; is more than a specified limit, a zero switching vector is chosen. If this deviation is less than a specified limit or if $, deviates from $: by more than a specified amount, a switching vector that increases 6, and changes $, in the correct direction is chosen. This is essentially accomplished by hysteresis comparators for the set values and then using a look-up table to choose the correct inverter output voltage vector. The considerations for developing the look-up table are dealt with in [ 5 ] . The choice ' 1.694 1l.727 1l.760 1'.794 1l.827 s 1'.860 T *10-1 of inverter switching vector is dictated by the value of 6,. Fig. 6. Inverter voltage and current waveforms. The d-q plane is divided into six sectors for 6, as shown in Fig. 3(a), which also shows the inverter switching vectors. The inverter switch positions for the vectors are shown in Fig. the power system of Fig. 1 are presented in Figs. 5-7. The dc 3(b). The value of 6, determines the choice of two possible bus voltage is taken to be 10 kV, and the line-to-line voltage inverter switching vectors apart from the zero vector. One of the ac system is taken to be 3.3 kV rms. The inductor L vector increases the magnitude $,, and the other decreases is 17 mH. Fig. 5 gives the plot of the locus of the inverter it, whereas both tend to increase 6,. Thus, to decrease 6,, the flux vector The locus is seen to be close to a circle since zero switching vector is chosen. To correct the value of $,,, the magnitude $, is very tightly controlled. Fig. 6 shows the one of the two active switching vectors is chosen, depending inverter line-to-line voltage ?& and the inverter line current iu on the sign of the correction required. Table I gives the choice for P* = 1MW and Q* = 500 kvar. Fig. 7 shows the response of active vectors for given positions of the inverter flux vector, of the inverter to step changes in Q* and P*, successively. It which is specified by 6,. In this manner, $, and 6, are tightly is noted that there is a disturbance in P when Q* is changed controlled to lie within specified hysteresis bands by means and a disturbance in Q when P* is changed. In each case, the of inverter switching. The tip of the inverter flux vector is P-I regulators modify the set values of : 6 and 4,: to main guided along an almost circular path. Control of $, and 6, the P and the Q at the set values. In addition, the tight contro in this manner results in a PWM voltage waveform at the of P and Q within limits is apparent from Fig. 7. inverter output. I v . CONTROL OF INVERTERS IN A STANDALONE SYSTEM B. Simulation Results The control of a single inverter feeding a stiff ac system - I 6. Simulation results of the control scheme of Fig. 4 applied to based only on instantaneous measurement of terminal quanti- 140 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 29, NO. 1, JANUARYFEBRUARY 1993 0 I I I I I 0 frequency of are obtained from the outermost loop, which implements specified droop characteristics for the frequency with P and magnitude with Q, as mentioned in Section 11. The entire control is, thus, a three-level structure. The innermost control level controls and 6, and is the same as that described in the previous section. The second level controls the ac side frequency and the voltage at each inverter and 6 and $: for the innermost level. The provides set points : third level computes the set points for frequency and voltage for each inverter. The two outer control levels are described below. A. Control of Frequency and Voltage ol 0.02 I 0.06 0.11 T 0.15 0.20 I S 0.25 Fig. 7. Inverter real and reactive power. The frequency controller determines the setpoint 6; that is needed to attain the specified frequency. The structure of the frequency controller is given in Fig. 10. The frequency setting w* is integrated to obtain a reference for the position 6:c of the ac system voltage vector across the filter capacitor. This is compared with the actual position Sa, of E. The error is used to drive a P-I regulator, which produces the setpoint a,: which is given to the innermost control loop described previously. This scheme achieves a very tight control of the output frequency since the regulator attempts to control the output voltage vector angle at every instant. The voltage controller determines the setpoint $: that is needed to attain the specified ac system voltage magnitude. The voltage controller needs to take care of the filter dynamics to determine the exact value of $:. The structure of the voltage controller is given in Fig. 11. The controller command input is E*, which is the specified value of the magnitude of F. The controller consists of a command feedforward term and a voltage magnitude feedback term. The command feedforward term is given by Fig. 8. Standalone ac system. ties now forms the basis of the control scheme for multiple inverters in standalone system environments. The essential difference in the control scheme is that in the standalone system, there is no ac side voltage available for reference. The inverters themselves produce the ac system voltage, which is fed back to control the inverters. There is thus a possibility of controlling the voltage and the frequency of the ac system by inverter control. Fig. 8 shows two inverters feeding into a standalone ac system. The inverters are interfaced to the ac system through LC filters. The two inverters are connected by a tie line, and each inverter has a local load. The dc power source represents a 10-kV dc power transmission mesh. The nominal voltage on the ac system is 3.6 kV rms line to line, and the nominal frequency is 60 Hz. Each inverter is a six-pulse VSI made up of GTO switches. Fig. 9 shows the block diagram of the control of inverters in a standalone system. As in the single inverter case, the two and 6, for each variables that are directly controlled are inverter. Middle control loops are then used to control the magnitude and angular frequency of the ac system voltage vector E. The set points f o r the magnitude and angular The command feedforward gives the value of $: needed to achieve the specified E* with an unloaded filter and is intended to speed up the voltage control loop. The voltage magnitude feedback term is used to generate an error signal that actuates a P-I controller. The resultant value of $: is used as a setpoint for the innermost control loop described previously. The ac system frequency w is computed six times in one cycle. For this purpose, six axes are defined in the d-q plane. The time taken by the vector E to cross from one axis to the next consecutive axis is used to compute the frequency. For parallel operation of multiple inverter units, the setpoints w* and E* need to be chosen to ensure the correct P and Q sharing between the inverters in response to arbitrary load changes. This has to be done without communication of the setpoints between the two inverter systems. The next subsection describes the outermost control loop, which determines the setpoints w* and E* for each inverter system independently without any signal communication. This is done on the basis of the real andreactive power loading of the inverter systems. CHANDORKAR et al.: CONTROL OF PARALLEL-CONNECTED INVERTERS Outer hop: Droop Characteristics --- I - - - I --- -- Middle Loop: E and o -- I I I J , Feedback ' PandQ &E*=f(Q) Voltage Innerbop: --- Droops AC System 141 ! SYStelll Voltage Vector _-- --T-- - E* I E Inverter oand , + Flux Control , Calc. Vector vvand _-- Sp --- WV vv* Inverter -1 I I I Vector Control +Inverter Switches 1- I AC System Voltage Feedback Inverter Voltage Feedback V E Fig. 9. Inverter control scheme-standalone ac system. slopes m, for different inverters are chosen such that * 0' mlPo2 = maPo2 = ... = mnPon sx I From Filter Output Fig. 10. Frequency controller for standalone system. (14) then for a total power P , the load distribution between the inverters satisfies the relationships mlP1 = mzP2 = ... = mnPn (15) By choosing the slopes according to (14), it can be ensured that load changes are taken up by the inverters in proportion to their power ratings. The power-sharing mechanism can Fig. 11. Voltage controller for standalone system. be best understood by considering the two-inverter system shown in Fig. 8. An increase in power drawn by the load B. Computing w* and E* for Parallel Operation near Inverter 2 results in increased power from both inverters. The outermost loop determines the setpoints for w* and If the magnitude of m2 is larger than that of m l , w; would E* to ensure correct real and reactive power sharing between tend to drop lower than w:. Hence, the vector Fz would lag the parallel connected inverters. This action is similar to that the vector El, and the power flow in the tieline from Inverter used in conventional power systems to ensure the correct load 1 to Inverter 2 would increase. Thus, Inverter 1 would take sharing between generators feeding to a common ac system up a larger proportion of the load. It is possible to define [4].For the frequency set point, a droop is defined for the P- a composite power-frequency curve for all the inverters in w* characteristic of each inverter. The frequency set point is the system. The composite load curve is likewise defined. thus made to decrease with increasing real power supplied by At the steady-state operating point on the composite loadthe inverter. The P-U* droop characteristic can be described frequency curve, the total power delivered by the inverters matches the power consumed by the loads. Depending on the by stiffness of the composite power-frequency curve, the steadywt = W O - m,(Po; - P,) = g,(P). (13) state system frequency will change on changing loads. The frequency may then be restored to its nominal value by a In this expression, i = 1 for inverter 1, and i = 2 for slower outer loop. To restore the frequency, the value of Po;, inverter 2 (Fig. 8). W O is the nominal operating frequency of (13) has to be modified for the inverters. This is equivalent to the ac system and is taken to be 377 rads (60 Hz). Po, is the shifting the power-frequency curve vertically. The restoration power rating of the ith inverter, and P, is its actual loading. of the frequency may be done in a slow, coordinated manner The slope of the droop characteristic is m, and is numerically by a master controller, using a slow communication channel negative. The values of m; for different inverters determine between the inverters. In a similar manner, the setpoints E,* for the ac system the relative power sharing between the inverters. In typical systems, the P-w* characteristics are stiff, and the frequency voltages at the inverter systems can be determined from change from no load to full load is extremely small. If the drooping reactive power-voltage characteristics (Q-E) for Regulator From Filter IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 29, NO. 1, JANUARYIFEBRUARY 1993 142 the inverters. This droop ensures the desired reactive power sharing between the inverter systems and is described by Ef = Eo - n;(Qoi - Q;) = f ; ( P ) . (17) In (17), EOis the nominal voltage on the ac system, Qo; is the nominal reactive power supplied by the ith inverter, and n; is the slope of the droop characteristic. The control system described above has been applied to the standalone system of Fig. 8. The results of simulation studies are presented below. C. Simulation Results For the simulation studies, the droops of the two inverter systems are characterized by the following parameters: Pol = 0.75 MW ml = -1.4 x Po2 = 0.6 (radls)/W 0.28 U. 24 U.32 T U.4U U.36 MW mz = -1.75 x Qol = 0.2 Mvar Qo2 = 0.1 MVU n1 = -1.0 x 10-4 V/VX n2 = -2.0 x (radls)/W V/var. The nominal voltage is 3.6 kV rms line to line, and the nominal frequency is 60 Hz. The filter components for the two inverter systems are identical as are the initial load components. The component values are typical for a lowpower ac system. With reference to Fig. 8, the component values are 3 O.ZI1 I 11.24 I 0.28 I I 0.32 T I 0.36 s J U.40 Fig. 12. Inverter real and reactive power (standalone system). Fig. 12 shows the response of the inverters when the resistance RE^ (Fig. 8) is decreased suddenly to half its value. Fig. 12 shows the real and reactive powers supplied by the two inverter systems to the load. The figure shows that Inverter 1 carries a larger share of the real power since it has a stiffer slope. Fig. 13 shows the line-to-line voltage across the filter capacitor of Inverter 1. The plot for the reactive powers in Fig. 12 shows oscillations. These oscillations are the result of filter interactions and occur in the absence of active damping of the loop formed by the two filter capacitors and the tie-line inductance. These oscillations are not uncommon in power systems and can be damped by the inverters, given sufficient inverter bandwidth. One effective means of damping these oscillations is the introduction of a series active filter [8] between the capacitor and the ac system bus. As mentioned in [8], this method presents a low resistance to the fundamental and a high resistance to harmonics, thus effectively limiting the harmonic current injection into the ac system. The series active filter inverter is not expected to handle real power and can have a reasonably low rating. ' I - L' U.2U U.24 0.28 0.32 0.36 S 0.40 T Fig. 13. Voltage across Inverter 1 filter capacitor. V. CONCLUSIONS This paper has described a method to effectively control inverters in a standalone ac supply system without any form of signal communication. The control methodology has a highly modular structure. This feature enables easy modification of the controls to meet the requirements of different ac system structures. The simulation results presented indicate that the scheme effectively achieves the goals of power sharing in the presence of arbitrarily changing loads. Active damping in the loop formed by the filter capacitors and the tieline would enhance the performance further. The scheme described in this paper uses P-I regulators to determine the set points for 6; CHANDORKAR ef al.: CONTROL OF PARALLEL-CONNECTED INVERTERS and $:. However, the dynamic performance of the system can be substantially improved if an observer structure is used to determine the frequency. The position of the ac system voltage vector can be determined very accurately at any time. This information can be used to set up a frequency observer, the output of which would be an estimated frequency. The time integral of the estimated frequency can be compared with the actual position of the voltage vector, and the estimated frequency can be modified accordingly. Feedback of the observer states results in a system with very good dynamic response and disturbance rejection properties. In summary, this paper has discussed control system requirements for inverters interfaced to an ac system, with emphasis on a standalone ac system developed a modular control scheme that meets these requirements without control signal communication between parallel-connected inverters presented simulations for the control scheme as applied to an inverter connected to a strong ac system and to two inverters connected in parallel to a standalone ac system briefly discussed the issue of filter interaction in the case of parallel-connected inverters and suggested a method for minimizing these interactions. REFERENCES [ I ] B. K. Johnson, R. H. Lasseter, and R. Adapa, “Power control applica[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] tions on a superconducting LVdc mesh,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1282-1288, July 1991. L. Angquist and L. Lindberg, “Inner phase angle control of voltage source converter in high power applications,” in IEEE PESC Con$ Rec., 1991, pp. 293-298. A. Nabae, I. Takahashi, and H. Akagi, “A neutral-point-clamped PWM inverter,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applicaitons, vol. IA-17, pp. 518-523, Sept./Oct. 1981. A. R. Bergen, Power System Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1986. I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi, “A new quick-response and high-efficiency control strategy of an induction motor,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. IA-22, pp. 820-827, Sept./Oct. 1986. M. Depenbrock, “Direct self-control (DSC) of inverter-fed induction machine,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 3, pp. 420-429, Oct 1988. T. A. Lipo, “Analysis of synchronous machines,” course notes, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990. S. Bhattacharya, D. M. Divan, and B. Banerjee, “Synchronous frame harmonic isolator using active series filter,” in Proc. 4th Euro. Con5 Power Electron. Applications (Florence, Italy), 1991, vol. 3, pp. 30-35. Mukul C. Chandorkar (S’90) received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, in 1984 and the M. Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, in 1987. Since 1989, he has been working on the Ph. D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison From 1984 to 1986, he was with Larsen and Toubro Limited, Bombay, India, working on the engineering of cement and chemical plants. He worked as a design engineer in the power electronics industry in India during 1988-1989. His primary technical interests are in power electronics applications to electric machines and to power systems. 143 Deepakraj M. Divan (M83) received the B. Tech degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1975. He also received the M.Sc and Ph.D degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Calgary, Canada. He has worked for two years as a Development Engineer with Philips India Ltd. After finishing his Masters program in 1979, he started his own concem in Pune, India, providing product development and manufacturing services in the power electronics and instrumentation areas. In 1983, he joined the Depa&ent of Electrical Engineering at the University of Alberta as an Assistant Professor. Since 1985, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he is presently an Associate Professor. He is also an Associate Director of the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC). His primary areas of interest are in power electronic converter circuits and control techniques. He has over 30 papers in the area as well as many patents. He is also a consultant for various industrial concems. Dr. Divan was a recepient of the Killam Scholarship while in the Ph.D program and has won various prize papers including the IEEE-US Best Paper Award for 1988-89, first prize paper for the Industrial Drives and Static Power Converter Committee in 1989, third prize paper in the Power Semiconductor Committee and the 1983 third prize paper award of the Static Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. He has been the Program Chairman for the 1988 and 1989 Static Power Converter Committee of the IEEE-IAS, Program Chairman for PESC ’91, and a Treasurer for PESC ’89. He is also a Chairman of the Education Committee in the IEEE Power Electronics Society. Rambabu Adapa (S’81-M786-SM’90) was bom in Andhra Pradesh, India, on Sept. 2, 1956. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India, in 1979. He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1981. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1986. He joined the Power System Planning and Operations urogram of the Electrical Svstems Division of the Electric Power Research I n & & (EPRI), Palo Ako, CA, in June 1989. Prior to joining EPRI, he was Staff Engineer in the Systems Engineering department of McGraw-Edison Power Systems, Franksville, WI. At McGraw-Edison, he was involved in several digital and analog studies, which included transient, harmonic, and insulation coordination studies performed for electric utilities. At EPRI, he manages the Electro-Magnetic Transients Program (EMTP) development and maintenance project, commercialization of the Harmonic Analysis Software (HARMFLO) endeavor, and several other EPRUNSF-funded projects. His interests include EMTP, power system planning and operations, HVDC transmission, harmonics, and expert systems. Dr. Adapa is a Senior Member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society, a member of the DC Transmission subcommittee of the Transmission and Distribution Committee, a member of CIGRE and of the local IEEE Santa Clara chapter. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Wisconsin.