GAAS MMICS FOR AUTOMOTIVE RADAR APPLICATIONS M. Camiade, D. Domnesque, P.F. Alleaume, A. Mallet*, H. Daembkes United Monolithic Semiconductors, BP46, Route Départementale 128, 91401 Orsay, France e-mail: * IRCOM, Université de Limoges, 87060 Limoges Cedex, France ABSTRACT This paper describes design, fabrication, and performance of a GaAs based MMIC chip set for a production oriented Automotive Cruise Control (ACC) radar system at 76GHz. All functions of the high frequency front-end are fabricated in three different MMICs: Oscillator, transmitter, and receiver. Simulated and measured performances of these elements are presented. The results show that today MMICs provide a competitive solution for production type ACC application. Future trends and developments are also briefly discussed. INTRODUCTION After more than 20 years of R&D work, 1998 will be the first year to see Automotive Cruise Control radar systems as standard parts in production. German car manufacturers are taking the lead in this domain. The RF-part of the first production-generation systems will be based either on completely hybrid assembly using GUNN and Schottky diodes or on a mixture of GUNN and Schottky diodes together with one MMIC for switching. First experiences with these solutions show the limitations especially in the overall cost-, size-, and performance objectives. Clear improvements are expected by using a solution completely based on MMICs. The advantages are : - significantly reduced tuning of the oscillator and no tuning for the transmitter and receiver elements. - reduction of size - improved thermal stability - improved reliability - and finally reduced cost. The cost reduction will be achieved not only directly at the component level but at the module level which today is dominated by assembly, tuning, and packaging efforts. In this paper we report about a complete MMIC solution for all RF functions of a typical ACC radar. This chip set was tested in several generations of pre-production systems and is in production now. RADAR SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS For ACC applications, the radar system has to measure distance and relative speed of a car driving in front of the own car. Typical specs for the radar sensor are: a range of 150m to 200m, angular resolution of about 0.5° to 3°, speed of up to ± 180km/h with an accuracy of 0.2 to 0.5km/h /1,2,3/. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent 1Vehicles 371 Presently detection of fixed targets (obstacle warning, stop and go operation) is not yet required, even if some of the systems could already support these functions. Among the different radar principles /4/ FM-CW is the most popular one. The chip set described later on supports narrow band FM-CW in analog or stepped frequency mode. A modified version allowing wide band FM-CW and random frequency shape systems will be described in the last part of this paper. The partitioning of the system reflects the results of extensive system simulation concerning overall system performance and handling requirements. The key importance of assembly yield, directly determining the production cost, led us to the decision to cut the frequency chain at 38GHz and avoid one interface at 76GHz. The partitioning of TX and RX chips was determined following different customer requirements concerning the receiver concept. OUT 38.25 GHz x2 19.125 GHz x2 76.5 GHz OSC40 MFC 38/76 MOD RF1 RF2 DMIX 77 IF2 IF1 Fig. 1: Block diagram of the ACC radar RF-front end for a quasi bistatic system with two receiver channels. Single channel receivers are available also as image rejection mixers. /5/ COMPONENTS Oscillator The oscillator is the most important part of the today’s radar systems. Stability, output power level, and phase noise are the critical parameters. Especially the phase noise near carrier is a parameter of very strong influence to the resolution and so to the sensitivity of a radar system. Phase noise (dBc/Hz) -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 0.1 1 10 100 Offset frequency from carrier (kHz) Fig. 2: Measured phase noise characteristics of the 38.25GHz narrow band VCO 1000 The oscillator was designed to operate at fo/4 equal to 19.125GHz. This signal is multiplied by 2 inside the oscillator chip and also buffered against external influences. We use 0.25µm PHEMT technology in connection with a mixture of lumped and distributed elements. The design was done in microstrip technology. The frequency is determined by an off-chip resonator, which allows either wide band or narrow band. characteristics. Tuning is done by application of appropriate gate voltage. Tuning bandwidth at 1998 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent 2Vehicles 372 38.25GHz between 700MHz (low Q) and 20MHz (high Q) is achieved for about 2.5V voltage swing. The output buffer stage delivers a power level of typically 9±1dBm. Frequency stability is better than 5ppm/°C and can be influenced via the characteristics of the resonator material. Measurement of the phase noise was done in test fixtures and delivered values of -100dBc/Hz at 100KkHz offset from carrier. Transmitter The transmitter was redesigned starting from a former version /6/. It is based on 0.15µm PHEMT and microstrip technology. The improvements concerned the further reduction of noise in the TX chain and reduction of cross talk. OUT s um Fig. 3 : Chip photograph of the transmitter chip in 0.15µm PHEMT and microstrip technology. The input of the circuit is formed by a buffer amplifier, driving a PHEMT frequency doubler, and a three stage output amplifier / power splitter. It delivers 12dBm at the main OUT port. A second output port is buffered by a single stage amplifier, providing the drive signal to the receiver with good isolation. Evaluation of the phase noise of this chip delivers an excellent value of better than -154dBc/Hz at 200kHz off carrier. The circuit is very insensitive against input signal level variation. Receiver Depending on the application, one, two or three receiver channels are required today. For the single channel receivers image rejection mixers are realized. The earlier generations of receivers were fabricated using also 0.15µm PHEMT technology as for the TX function. The PHEMT receiver however delivered significantly higher 1/f noise performance and conversion loss. The conversion loss may be compensated by adding a LNA in front /7,8/, but the low frequency noise remains a problem for base band receivers. Therefore a redesign was done usíng a well proven diode process. This is a GaAs Schottky diode process with a minimum feature size of 1µm. Due to the very low series resistance and small capacitance, extremely high extrinsic cutoff frequencies in excess of 3THz are achieved. Further on the low frequency noise is typically around 20dB to 30dB better than that of equivalent PHEMTs. These performance advantages could also be realized in the diode based mixer MMIC as displayed in table 1. Therefore, with the new diode based mixers, excellent sensitivity equal to that of optimized hybrid diode based is achieved avoiding external tuning. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent 3Vehicles 373 Criteria Conversion loss AM noise @ 10kHz AM noise @ 100kHz Isolation between RF ports PHEMT based design 10 dB - 135dBc/Hz 18dB Diode based design 6dB -160dBc/Hz -167dBc/Hz 35dB Table 1: Comparison of measured performance of single ended mixers for 76GHz RF signal. TECHNOLOGY A standard PHEMT technology developed for communication application is used for the ACC MMICs. All levels are generated by stepper lithography except for the gate which is presently done by e-beam lithography. The gate recess process uses an etch stop layer which delivers excellent homogeneity across the wafer and from wafer to wafer. A temperature stable Aluminum based Schottky contact is used for the gate, eliminating the gate sinking and hydrogen related degradation observed for some Gold based gates. The diode process for the mixers starts with a MBE grown layer sequence. All litho steps are done by stepper. The minimum feature size is 1µm, enabling electrical yields in excess of 90%. For the interconnects and the passive components the same process and the identical design rules as for the PHEMT circuits are applied. For reasons of compatibility to the user interfaces, the designs were done using the well establish microstrip technology. Substrate thickness is 100µm. Via holes are used for contacting the backside. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS For applications requiring a wider frequency sweep bandwidth, a different oscillator principle will be used. All the other circuits have no bandwidth limitation and remain unchanged. With simple VCOs the noise figure is insufficient for bandwidth specs of a few hundred MHz. Further on, for standard FM-CW type radars, a linearisation loop has to be included. Fout/3 Chip 1 : VCO Fout =38.25GHz MEDIUM Q RESONATOR (Printed) x3 Tuning (Fout-Fif)/3 HIGH Q RESONATOR (Dielectric) Fig. 4: Generic block diagram for general purpose source at 38GHz /9/ Chip 2 : Reference x3 IF LOOP MOD 1998 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent 4Vehicles 374 A multi purpose, programmable oscillator for nearly all presently employed radar principles, a source architecture as given in Fig. 4 was developed and is presently under evaluation. The new source consists of a millimeter wave VCO combined with a stable reference oscillator in order to extract the intermediate frequency and build a loop for VCO linearisation and VCO phase noise compression. Details are reported in /9/. SUMMARY Based on more than 10 years of experience in the development of automotive radar MMICs, a comprehensive chip set for the RF-front end of a narrow band FM-CW / frequency stepping ACC system is now available on an industrial basis. Excellent performance could be demonstrated in commercial systems. A new source under development will enable us to provide a complete chip set for a wide range of different radar principles, allowing system designers to implement their new system in a flexible mode using standard off the shelf components. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from French Ministry of Industry in the frame of the Eureka project PROTECH and from the German Ministry for Education and Research. The support by numerous colleagues in Ulm and Orsay is gratefully appreciated. 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