Page 1 COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA 274620 27TH LINE, P.O. BOX 306 INGERSOLL, ONTARIO N5C 3K5 MARCH 18, 2014 6:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST OR THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. MINUTES & BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES (a) Minutes from the Council meeting held on March 4, 2014. 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS & DRAINAGE MEETINGS No items. 6. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:00p.m. - Paul Beaton – County of Oxford - Affordable Housing Update 7. REPORTS FROM STAFF & CORRESPONDENCE REQUIRING DIRECTION (a) Oxford County Report 2014-59 from Jennifer Huff, Development Planner regarding Zone Change Application ZN5-14-02-Susan Bannon – Supplementary Report. (b) Memorandum 2014-045 from the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Rural Oxford Prosperity Corporation. (c) Memorandum 2014-046 from the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Thamesford Fire Hall – Purchase of Land from Mac’s Milk Convenience Stores Inc. (d) Memorandum 2014-047 from the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Recreation and Facilities Department. Page 2 March 18, 2014 Council Meeting Page 2 of 3 7.1 LANDFILL PROPOSAL CORRESPONDENCE (a) Correspondence from Walker Environmental Group regarding Community Exchange March 2014 Edition. (b) Minutes from the Joint Municipal Co-ordinating Committee meeting held February 28, 2014. (c) Correspondence from Garrod & Pickfield regarding Process for the Terms of Reference – Walker Environmental Group (WEG) Proposed Southwest Landfill Environmental Assessment. 8. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Correspondence from Greater Napanee regarding Policing Costs. (b) Minutes from the Health & Safety Committee meeting held March 10, 2014. (c) Upper Thames River Conservation Authority 2014 Flood Contingency Plan. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. COUNCIL QUESTION PERIOD & NEW BUSINESS 11. BY-LAWS 15-14 A by-law to amend Zoning By-law 35-99 (Bolton Manor). 16-14 A by-law to amend Zoning By-law 35-99 (Susan Banon). 17-14 A by-law to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Mac’s Milk Convenience Stores Inc. 12. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 13. CLOSED MEETING SESSION (a) Memorandum 2014-048 from the Chief Administrative Officer regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. (b) Minutes from Closed Meeting session of Council held February 4, 2014. (c) Minutes from Closed Meeting session of Council held February 11, 2014. Page 3 March 18, 2014 Council Meeting 14. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW 18-14 Confirmatory by-law. 15. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 3 Page 4 - 4940 - Council Meeting Minutes March 4, 2014 MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA P.O. BOX 306 INGERSOLL, ONTARIO MARCH 4, 2014 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Township Council was held at 9:30 a.m. on March 4, 2014, in the Council Chamber at the Township Municipal Office. Present were: Mayor: Councillors: Margaret Lupton Marie Keasey, Ron Forbes, Gordon MacKay and Jim Verwer (arrived at 10:38 a.m.) Chief Administrative Officer: Director of Finance: Donald W. MacLeod Maureen Simmons 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Lupton calls the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 01-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT the agenda be adopted as amended.” Disposition: Carried 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST OR THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No member of Council made a declaration of pecuniary interest or the general nature thereof. 4. MINUTES & BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES (a) Minutes from the Council meeting held on February 18, 2014. 02-03-14 Moved by: Gordon MacKay Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT the minutes from the February 18, 2014 Council meeting be adopted as printed and circulated.” Disposition: Carried 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS & DRAINAGE MEETINGS 03-03-14 Moved by: Marie Keasey Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 10:48 a.m. for the purpose of holding a public meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act.” Disposition: Carried Council Meeting Minutes (a) Page 5 - 4941 - March 4, 2014 10:45 a.m. – Zoning Application # ZN 5-13-05 submitted by Susan Bannon pertaining to properties located on the south side of 19th Line, between 27th Line and Ingersoll Road N, west of the Town of Ingersoll boundary line, described as Lots 1-7, 9 & 13, Part Lt 8, 10-12, 14, Registered Plan 94, Part Lot L Registered Plan 143, Pt Jane St, Odea St, O’Connell St, Plan 94, and municipally known as both 439 Bell St and 194233 19th Line. The applicants and agent are in attendance. Presentation of Report Jennifer Huff of the County of Oxford Community and Strategic Planning Office reviews the planning report for Council pertaining to lands described as Lots 1-7, 9 & 13, Part Lt 8, 10-12, 14, Registered Plan 94, Part Lot L Registered Plan 143, Pt Jane St, Odea St, O’Connell St, Plan 94, and municipally known as both 439 Bell St and 194233 19th Line. The applicant proposes to rezone subject lands from from ‘Special Restricted Industrial Zone (MR-1)’ to ‘Highway Commercial Zone (HC)’ to permit a range of highway commercial uses on the subject lands. The subject lands are located within the ‘Future Urban Growth’ Designation of the Official Plan. Desired uses within this designation are specifically identified and are to include only business, industrial and commercial uses. The subject lands cover an area approximately 3 ha (7.4 ac) in size and contain an existing vacant commercial building that was used previously as a car dealership, a bus assembly and a maintenance facility (known locally the former ‘McNab Auto Sales’). The lands have approximately 186.5 m (611.9 ft) of frontage along 19th Line (otherwise known as Bell Street), immediately west of the Town of Ingersoll’s boundary. The subject lands are on municipal water and private septic services. The application is not requesting an extension of municipal services from the Town of Ingersoll for facilitate the zone change. Planning staff recommend the subject lands be placed in a ‘Special Highway Commercial Zone (HC-Special)’ to permit a range of highway commercial type uses in accordance with the relevant Service Commercial policies of the Official Plan. Council Question Period Councillor Forbes questions whether multiple tenants could occupy the site. The agent notes the owner is looking at a single user. Councillor Keasey asks for clarification whether services are to be extended to the site. Ms. Huff states that an Official Plan amendment would be required to extend municipal services. In addition, County Public Works would have to be in approval for the proposed use. Councillor Keasey also questions references to Ingersoll’s Zoning By-law. Ms. Huff replies that due to the Future Urban Growth OP designation, compliance to Ingersoll’s Zoning By-law is required. Mayor Lupton requests clarification on site plan approval process. Ms. Huff explained the site plan would review, parking, plantings, building location and how the public can have input. Public Question Period Teresa Armstrong questions what type of building is proposed for the site. The agent states there is not a concrete plan, but the change in zoning is required to make the property more saleable. Drew Carter states an objection to the zoning by-law permitting large format retail stores. John Baker requests clarification as to the types of permitted uses proposed. Ms. Huff refers to the draft by-law to list those uses that are proposed. Council Meeting Minutes Page 6 - 4942 - March 4, 2014 Public in attendance: Teresa Arsenault, Mary-Ann and Verne Harvey, Ralph and Olga Dorland, Jane Muterer, Mark Ellah, Chris Kirwin, Drew Carter, Fred and Dorinda Ford, Paul Bartram, Valerie Popovich. (b) 11:00 a.m. – Zoning Application # ZN5-14-01 submitted by 409315 Ontario Ltd. (John Baker) pertaining to properties located on the south west corner of Road 92 and the 31st Line, described as Part of Lot 25, Concession 1 (West Zorra) and municipally known as 316489 31st Line. The applicants are in attendance. Presentation of Report Jennifer Huff of the County of Oxford Community and Strategic Planning Office reviews the planning report for Council pertaining to lands described as Part of Lot 25, Concession 1 (West Zorra) and municipally known as 316489 31st Line. The purpose of the application is to rezone part of the subject lands from ‘Special Recreational Zone (REC-1)’ to ‘Special Recreational Zone (RECSpecial)’ to permit an existing seasonal trailer camp to be occupied on a yearround basis. The existing trailer camp is locally known as the ‘Happy Hills Retirement Resort’. The subject lands include an approximate area of 54.5 ha (134.7 ac) of which the ‘subject site’ (hereafter referred to as ‘the subject lands’) includes an area approximately 7.9 ha (19.46 ac) in size. According to the applicant, the subject lands contain 72 mobile homes between 65 m2 (700 ft2) and 120 m2 (1,300 ft2) in floor area and a recreation centre. The application proposes to increase the number of mobile homes from 72 to 95. The subject lands are also subject to an application for consent, File No. B13-72-5. The subject lands have approximately 126 m (413.4 ft) of frontage along 31st Line and are on private communal services. The leaching bed that services the private septic facility is located on the lands to be retained. A number of concerns have been identified with permitting year-round occupancy of trailer parks. The County intends to undertake a comprehensive review of these types of applications to fully investigate the potential impacts associated. Additional information is required to be submitted by the applicant. Written concerns have been received by tenants of the Retirement Resort and they have asked that the decision be deferred until they come back to the Resort in April (many are out of the Country during the winter and unable to attend the March 4th, 2014 meeting). Staff are recommending a decision be deferred pending the submission of additional information by the applicant and the completion of a comprehensive review on these types of applications by the County. Council Question Period Councillor Verwer questioned whether any other trailer parks permit yearround residency. Ms. Huff replies that one park in Norwich Township does allow year-round residency. Councillor Forbes asks how many wells service the property. John Baker replies there is one drilled well. Councillor Keasey requests clarity on the impact of the proposed zoning. Ms. Huff reviews correspondence from the Ministry of the Environment noting concern over potential assumption of services by the County of Oxford. Public Question Period Carl Buder expresses concern over financial implications that residents face when they are forced to leave Happy Hills for one month. Council Meeting Minutes Page 7 - 4943 - March 4, 2014 Dorinda Ford states that residents are already there for 11 months of the year and there should not any additional impacts if this is made 12 months a year. John Morton notes the water and sewer systems are very well run and more than capable of handling water and sewage on a year-round basis. Barbara Wiper stated that residents purchased units knowing that is was not a year-round community. She also questions whether it can be zoned as a seniors community. Ms. Huff replies that zoning cannot specify that the property is for seniors. Public in attendance: Barbara Wiper, Carl Buder, and John Morton. 04-03-14 Moved by: Gordon MacKay Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT pursuant to the Planning Act, the public meeting be adjourned at 12:16 p.m. and the regular meeting of Council be called back to order.” Disposition: Carried 05-03-14 Moved by: Jim Verwer Seconded by: Gordon MacKay “THAT Council defer the application submitted by Susan Bannon whereby lands consisting of Lots 1-7, 9 & 13, Block L & M, Part Lot 8, 1012, 14 Registered Plan 94, Part Lot L Registered Plan 143, Part Jane St, Odea St, O’Connell St, Plan 94, located on the south side of 19th Line, between 27th Line and Ingersoll Road N, just west of the Town of Ingersoll boundary line in the Township of Zorra are to be rezoned from ‘Special Restricted Industrial Zone (MR-1)’ to ‘Special Highway Commercial Zone (HC-8)’ to provide for a range of Highway Commercial Uses to allow staff to provide options for sizing of potential structures.” Disposition: Carried 06-03-14 Moved by: Gordon MacKay Seconded by: Jim Verwer “THAT the Council of the Township of Zorra approve in principle the application submitted by 409135 Ont. Limited whereby lands consisting of Part Lot 25, Concession 1 (West Zorra), located on the south west corner of Road 92 and 31st Line are to be rezoned from ‘Special Recreational Zone (REC-1)’ to ‘Special Recreational Zone (REC-Special)’ to permit an existing seasonal trailer camp to be occupied on a yearround basis.” Disposition: Carried 6. DELEGATIONS No items. 7. REPORTS FROM STAFF & CORRESPONDENCE REQUIRING DIRECTION 7.1 Fire Department (a) Memorandum 2014-038 from the Fire Chief regarding monthly departmental activities. 07-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Gordon MacKay “THAT Memorandum 2014-038 from the Fire Chief be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried (b) Memorandum 2014-039 from the Fire Chief regarding Digital Two-way Radio Council Meeting Minutes Page 8 - 4944 - March 4, 2014 Communication System RFP. 08-03-14 Moved by: Gordon MacKay Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT Council endorse in principle the issuance of a Request for Proposal for professional consulting & engineering services and supply for a digital two-way radio communication system for the Townships of Blandford Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South West Oxford, and Zorra.” Disposition: Carried (c) Memorandum 2014-040 from the Fire Chief regarding Volunteer Fire Fighter Insurance. 09-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT Council authorize the purchase Accident & Sickness Insurance from VFIS for a premium of $3,977 and also that the Firefighter Accident Coverage from Frank Cowan Company Limited be deleted.” Disposition: Carried 7.2 Recreation Department (a) Memorandum 2014-041 from the Recreation Facilities Supervisor regarding monthly departmental activities. 10-03-14 Moved by: Marie Keasey Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT Memorandum 2014-041 from the Recreation & Facilities Manager be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried (b) Memorandum 2014-042 from the Recreation Facilities Supervisor regarding Thistle Theatre Agreement. 11-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Gordon MacKay “THAT Council enact a by-law to enter into a lease agreement with Thistle Theatre with respect to Embro Town Hall.” Disposition: Carried 7.3 Building & Drainage Department (a) Memorandum 2014-036 from the Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent regarding monthly departmental activities. 12-03-14 Moved by: Jim Verwer Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT Memorandum 2014-036 from the Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried 7.4 Public Works Department (a) Memorandum 2014-035 from the Director of Public Works regarding monthly departmental activities. 13-03-14 Moved by: Marie Keasey Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT Memorandum 2014-035 from the Director of Public Works be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried Council Meeting Minutes Page 9 - 4945 - March 4, 2014 (b) Memorandum 2014-034 from the Director of Public Works regarding 2014 Gravel Tender Results. 14-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT Council award Tender 2014-01 for Maintenance Gravel Distribution to E&W Blane for the tendered price of $2.66 per tonne and an overall price of $159, 600 including HST.” Disposition: Carried 7.5 Finance Department (a) Memorandum 2014-033 from the Director of Finance regarding 2014 Grant Requests. 15-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT the following grants and donations be approved as part of the 2014 budget: North Embro Cemetery Log Church Cemetery Kintore Methodist Townline Cemetery Wesley Cemetery St Andrews Cemetery Gregory Cemetery Ingersoll Rural Cemetery 6,360.00 3,000.00 780.00 100.00 500.00 2000.00 350.00 12,275.25 Embro & Zorra Agric. Society Kintore Optimists Oxford Plowmen’s Association Embro Pond Assoc. Thamesford Business Assoc. Thamesford TTAG 4-H Youth Exchange Oxford Farm Safety Association Oxford County Junior Farmers Thamesford Calithumpian Crime Stoppers of Oxford Canadian Plowing Championship 1,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 600.00 3,000.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 250.00 1,000.00 500.00 250.00 Disposition: Carried (b) Memorandum 2014-037 from the Director of Finance regarding 2014 Operating & Capital Budgets. 16-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT memorandum 2014-037 be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried 7.6 Clerks Department No items. 7.7 Administration Department (a) Memorandum 2014-043 from the Chief Administrative Officer regarding Bylaw Enforcement Officer Automobile. Council Meeting Minutes 17-03-14 Moved by: Marie Keasey Page 10 - 4946 - March 4, 2014 Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT the CAO be instructed to report back to Council at the December 2, 2014, meeting to provide an update on mileage paid to the By-law Enforcement Officer in 2014.” Disposition: Carried 7.8 CORRESPONDENCE REQUIRING DIRECTION (a) Correspondence from AMO regarding Bill 69 – Prompt Payment Act, 2013. 18-03-14 Moved by: Jim Verwer Seconded by: Gordon MacKay “THAT the correspondence be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried (b) Correspondence from Ontario Government regarding response to the Standing Committee’s Recommendations for Aggregate Resources. 19-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Gordon MacKay “THAT the Township of Zorra undertake a lobbying program to move forward with recommendations contained in the Standing Committee on General Government’s Report on the Review of the Aggregate Resources Act.” Disposition: Carried (c) Discussion regarding Embro Parkette – Councillor Gordon MacKay 20-03-14 Moved by: Gordon MacKay Seconded by: Jim Verwer “THAT Council approve the Embro Parkette Project at Huron Street and Commissioner Street in Embro.” Disposition: Carried (d) Discussion Resolution from Zorra Recreation Advisory Committee regarding the Recreation Needs Survey. 21-03-14 Moved by: Gordon MacKay Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT Council approve the distribution of the Recreation Needs Survey as noted and determined by the Zorra Recreation Advisory Committee.” Disposition: Carried 7.9 LANDFILL PROPOSAL CORRESPONDENCE (a) Correspondence from Walker Environmental Group regarding Community Exchange February 2014 Edition. 22-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT item 7.9(a) be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried 8. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Correspondence from AMO regarding OPP Policed Communities. (b) Notice of Application for Consent – Public Meeting – B14-72-5 (409315 Ontario Ltd. – John Baker). Council Meeting Minutes Page 11 - 4947 - March 4, 2014 (c) Notice of Application for Consent – Public Meeting – B14-03-5 (Schlegel Poultry). (e) Correspondence from Municipality of Thames Centre regarding school closings. (e) Minutes from the Zorra Recreation Advisory Committee meeting held on November 25, 2013. (f) Correspondence from Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association regarding Report to Ontario’s Communities 2013. 23-03-14 Moved by: Marie Keasey Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT items 8(a) - (f) be received and filed for information purposes only.” Disposition: Carried 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS No items. 10. COUNCIL QUESTION PERIOD & NEW BUSINESS (a) County Council Update – Mayor Lupton 11. BY-LAWS 13-14 A by-law to enter into an agreement with Thistle Theatre. 24-03-14 Moved by: Marie Keasey Seconded by: Ron Forbes “THAT By-law 13-14 be taken as read a first and second time.” Disposition: Carried 25-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT By-law 13-14 be taken as read a third time and finally passed.” Disposition: Carried 12. PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD No items. 13. CLOSED MEETING SESSION No items. 14. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW 14-14 Confirmatory by-law. 26-03-14 Moved by: Gordon MacKay Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT By-law 14-14, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council held Tuesday, March 4, 2014, be read a first, second and third time this 4th day March, 2014, and further that the Mayor and Deputy Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the same and affix the corporate seal thereto.” Disposition: Carried Council Meeting Minutes 15. ADJOURNMENT 27-03-14 Moved by: Ron Forbes Page 12 - 4948 - March 4, 2014 Seconded by: Marie Keasey “THAT this session of Council be now adjourned and herewith closed at 3:02 p.m. and the next meeting of Council be called for the 18th day of March, 2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Township Municipal Office.” Disposition: Carried MAYOR DEPUTY CLERK Page 13 Report No: CASPO 2014-59 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: March 18, 2014 To: Mayor and Members of Township of Zorra Council From: Jennifer Huff, Development Planner, Community and Strategic Planning Application for Zone Change Susan Bannon (ZN 5-14-02) (Supplementary Report) REPORT HIGHLIGHTS The purpose of the application is to rezone the subject lands from ‘Special Restricted Industrial Zone (MR-1)’ to ‘Highway Commercial Zone (HC)’ to permit a range of highway commercial uses on the subject lands. The application was originally considered on March 4th, 2014, during which Council requested additional information on the potential size of retail uses on the subject lands prior to further consideration. Subject lands are on private septic and municipal water services. Oxford County Public Health and Emergency Services have been unable to provide an estimated maximum building size without a specific development proposal. All future development proposals will require Site Plan approval. DISCUSSION Background APPLICANT/OWNER: Susan Bannon 44 Noxon Street, Ingersoll Ontario N5C 1B7 AGENT: Casey Kulchycki, Zelinka Priamo Ltd. 318 Wellington Road, London Ontario N6C 4P4 LOCATION: The subject lands are described as Lots 1-7, 9 & 13, Blk L & M, Pt Lt 8, 10-12, 14 RP 94, Part Lot L RP 143, Pt Jane St, Odea St, O’Connell St, Plan 94, in the Township of Zorra. The lands are located on the south side of 19th Line, between 27th Line and Ingersoll Road N, just west of the Town of Ingersoll boundary line and are municipally known as both 439 Bell St and 194233 19th Line. COUNTY OF OXFORD OFFICIAL PLAN: Schedule “Z-1” Township of Zorra Land Use Plan Future Urban Growth Area and Limestone Resource Area Page 14 Report No: CASPO 2014-59 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: March 18th, 2014 Schedule “C-3” Settlement Strategy Plan Future Urban Growth Area TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA ZONING BY-LAW 35-99: Existing Zoning: Special Restricted Industrial Zone (MR-1) Requested Zoning: Highway Commercial Zone (HC) PROPOSAL: The purpose of the application is to rezone the subject lands from ‘Special Restricted Industrial Zone (MR-1)’ to ‘Highway Commercial Zone (HC)’ to facilitate the use of the existing vacant commercial building for highway commercial type uses. For Council’s benefit, the subject application was considered by Council at a public meeting on March 4th, 2014. Planning staff recommended the subject lands be placed in a “modified Highway Commercial Zone (HC-Special)” to permit a range of highway commercial uses and a limited number of specific large retail uses (a furniture and home appliance sales and service establishment, a home improvement supply store, and a household power equipment sales and service establishment) so that the proposed zoning would comply with the policies of the Future Urban Growth designation and Ingersoll’s Highway Commercial designation as contained in the Official Plan. The Council deferred a decision on the application, pending the submission of additional information from on the potential maximum gross floor area of a retail use on the subject lands. Application Review As noted above, staff recommended the lands be placed in a “modified Highway Commercial Zone (HC-Special)” and that the lands remain subject to the lot development standards contained in Table 16.2, Zone Provisions for the “Highway Commercial Zone (HC)” – see below. Applicable Zone Provision (Section 16.2, Township of Zorra Zoning By-Law No 35-99) Highway Commercial Zone Non Residential Uses Lot Area, minimum where sanitary services are not provided 3,700 m2 (39,828 ft2) Lot Frontage, minimum where sanitary services are not provided 40 m (131.2 ft) Lot Depth, minimum where sanitary services are not provided 92.5 m (303.5 ft) Interior Side Yard, minimum width 5 m (16.4 ft) Front Yard Depth, minimum 10 m (32.8 ft) Page 2 of 5 Page 15 Report No: CASPO 2014-59 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: March 18th, 2014 Applicable Zone Provision (Section 16.2, Township of Zorra Zoning By-Law No 35-99) Highway Commercial Zone Non Residential Uses Rear Yard Depth, minimum 10 m (32.8 ft) Setback, Minimum Distance from the Centreline of a County Road 23 m (75.5 ft) Lot Coverage, maximum 40% of the lot area Landscaped Open Area, minimum 10% of the lot area Height 11 m (36.1 ft) Gross Floor Area, minimum No provision According to Table 16.2, given the size of the subject lands, being 3 ha (7.4 ac), the maximum lot coverage standard would permit a building approximately 12,000 m² (129,171 ft²) in gross floor area. Further, 10% of the lot, approximately 3,000 m² (32,291ft²), is required as a landscaped open area. According to Section, Parking Provisions of the Township of Zorra Zoning By-Law, retail uses require 1 parking space per 20 m² (215.3 ft²) of gross floor area. Accordingly, a building with the maximum gross floor area used for retail purposes would require over 600 parking spaces. The size of each parking space is related to the proposed layout and configuration of the parking area and without a specific proposal we are unable to provide an estimate of total land area required for parking. Further, any development proposal will also include additional site amenities such as parking aisles, curbing, light standards, fire routes, snow storage, garbage, etc., that could require additional land. The current building is approximately 2,322.5 m² (25,000 ft²) and appears to satisfy all of the development standards contained in Table 16.2 as shown above. The County of Oxford Public Health and Emergency Services Department was contacted and asked to provide a maximum gross floor area for a retail use given the size of the private septic facility. They were unable to find records for the existing facility, suggesting the facility was installed prior to formal record keeping (prior to 1975). Given the lack of information on the existing facility and without a specific proposal to assist in determining projected waste water flows, the Public Health and Emergency Services Department was unable to offer comments on a maximum gross floor area for a retail use on the subject lands. It is the opinion of Planning staff that the private septic service could limit the viability of a retail use beyond the size of the existing building. A Site Plan (SPC) application will be required upon submission of a specific development proposal. The SPC process will ensure the proposal would be reviewed for compliance with the minimum standards of Zorra’s Zoning By-law, and that items such as location of septic facilities, building orientation and layout, number and location of parking spaces, lighting, fencing, landscaping, services, access, outdoor storage, loading facilities, storm water management, and accessibility features are addressed to the satisfaction of the Council and Page 3 of 5 Page 16 Report No: CASPO 2014-59 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: March 18th, 2014 Staff. Further, the application will be reviewed for consistency with Zorra’s Urban Design Guidelines. It is noted that Council requested at the March 4th, 2014 meeting that area residents be invited to attend any future Site Plan meeting related to the development of the subject lands. Planning Analysis As the County has no records on the condition, size and location of the existing septic facilities and therefore no means to calculate the existing capacity of such facilities, in the event that Council wishes to consider alternative means to control the size of future buildings and structures on the site, our office suggests two options: A. Include in the proposed zoning by-law a special maximum gross floor area of 2,322.5 m² (25,000 ft²) which reflects the size of the existing building. A new zone change application would be required in the event a development proposal requests a gross floor area above 2,322.5 m² (25,000 ft²). B. Place the subject lands in a (H) Holding Zone, where a development proposal that includes a gross floor area above 2,322.5 m² (25,000 ft²) would require an application to remove the (H) Holding Zone symbol. This maximum gross floor area provision could be applied to all uses, buildings and structures or just buildings and structures related to the particular retail uses discussed above. Also, when a zone change application or an application to remove the (H) Holding Zone symbol is submitted, the proposal will be reviewed relative to servicing capacity. Proof of adequate servicing capacity would be required prior to removal of the ‘H’ symbol. Notwithstanding the above, it is the opinion of this Office that the Site Plan process will adequately address any concerns area residents, staff and Council may have with respect to suitability and compatibility with surrounding area residents and land uses. Further, any proposed use will be based on private septic service and such service will require the approval of the County of Oxford Public Health and Emergency Services Department. The Planning Office is satisfied that the proposed zone change, modified as recommended in Report No. CASPO 2014-38, is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Township of Zorra’s Zoning By-Law, is consistent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement and is in keeping with the policies of the Official Plan. Planning staff is satisfied that the application can be given favourable consideration. Page 4 of 5 Page 17 Report No: CASPO 2014-59 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: March 18th, 2014 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. It is recommended that the Council of the Township of Zorra approve the application submitted by Susan Bannon whereby lands consisting of Lots 1-7, 9 & 13, Blk L & M, Pt Lt 8, 10-12, 14 RP 94, Part Lot L RP 143, Pt Jane St, Odea St, O’Connell St, Plan 94, located on the south side of 19th Line, between 27th Line and Ingersoll Road N, just west of the Town of Ingersoll boundary line in the Township of Zorra are to be rezoned from ‘Special Restricted Industrial Zone (MR-1)’ to ‘Special Highway Commercial Zone (HC-8)’ to provide for a range of Highway Commercial Uses. SIGNATURES Authored by: “Jennifer Huff” Jennifer Huff, Development Planner Approved for submission: “Gordon K. Hough” Gordon K. Hough, MCIP, RPP Director, Community and Strategic Planning Page 5 of 5 Page 18 Karen Martin Subject: FW: Report _Bannon Sent: March-13-14 2:48 PM To: Jennifer Huff Cc: Karen Martin Subject: RE: Report _Bannon Hi Jenn, I’ve review the report and have discussed it with one of the senior planners of our office (Richard Zelinka) and we have some suggestions for next week’s Council meeting. From the previous public meeting the issue presented by several members of the public was the possibility of ‘big box’ retailers developing on the property. Examples such as Wal‐Mart and Staples were used by the public and Council and after closely examining the permitted uses list we are of the opinion that those types of users wouldn’t even be permitted under any of the uses listed. Of the permitted uses listed the only ones that could potentially develop into large retail uses would be the furniture and home appliance sales and service establishment, and home improvement supply store. In your report you responded to Council’s direction of looking at a Gross Floor Area Cap with two suggestions, both applying a 25,000 ft² cap (existing structure). We understand that there is a desire to minimize the chance of ‘big box’ retailers developing here and that is why the cap limit was suggested. The cap could end up having a negative effect on some of the permitted uses such as warehouse and wholesale outlet which are generally larger by nature and will end up reducing the marketability of the property as additional applications would need to be made for these uses above and beyond site plan. We still feel that the site plan process, in addition to the capacity of existing services, will be able to determine the size of any proposed building and use adequately. If Council still feels strongly about applying a GFA cap to the property we recommend that it is only applied to the furniture and home appliance sales and service establishment, and the home improvement supply store uses and that the cap be increased from the suggested 25,000 ft² to 50,000ft² to better utilize the size of the parcel. I would like to discuss our recommendation further and will be in touch to discuss Tuesday’s meeting. Regards, Casey Kulchycki, B.A.A Planner ZELINKA PRIAMO LTD A Professional Planning Practice 1 Page 19 MEMO To: Mayor & Members of Council From: Subject: Don MacLeod, Chief Administrative Officer Rural Oxford Prosperity Corporation Council Meeting Date: March 18, 2014 Date: March 14, 2014 Number: 2014-045 File: Agenda Item: 7(b) RECOMMENDATION: That Council pass a resolution to authorize Mayor Lupton and Julie McIntosh to sign an Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital for the Rural Oxford Prosperity Corporation on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Zorra. BACKGROUND: As Council is aware, the Townships of East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South-West Oxford and Zorra have all endorsed the creation of an Economic Development Corporation and have agreed to provide funding. It was also decided that each municipality would appoint two members to serve on the Board of Directors for the corporation. In order to proceed with incorporation of Rural Oxford Prosperity Corporation, it is necessary for the eight directors to sign an Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital. COMMENTS: It is required that Council pass a resolution to authorize Mayor Lupton and Julie McIntosh to sign an Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital for the Rural Oxford Prosperity Corporation on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Zorra. An initial meeting of the Board of Directors will be taking place in late April or early May. The Board will then be responsible for selecting officers for the corporation, adopting a by-law for operating procedures and the process for hiring or contracting an economic development officer. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A Corporation of the Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306, Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3K5 Tel. (519) 485-2490 • Toll Free 1-888-699-3868 • Fax (519) 485-2520 • E-mail: Page 20 -2- 214-045 March 14, 2014 IATTACHMENTS N/A Respectfully submitted by: [))}(J4{Jd Don Macleod Chief Administrative Officer Corporation of the Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306, Ingersoll , Ontario N5C 3K5 Tel. (5 19) 485-2490 • Toll Free 1-888-699-3868 • Fax (519) 485-2520 • E-mail: zorra@zorra.o Page 21 MEMO To: Mayor & Members of Council From: Don MacLeod, Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Date: March 14, 2014 Number: 2014-046 Thamesford Fire Hall - Purchase of Land From File: Mac’s Milk Convenience Stores Inc. Council Meeting Date: March 18, 2014 Agenda Item: 7(c) RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Council enact a by-law to authorize the purchase of lands located at Part Lot 21, Concession 1 (North Oxford) from Mac’s Milk Convenience Stores Inc. 2. That the purchase price be funded from the Emergency Services Reserve and the Village Affairs/ERTH Corporation Reserve. BACKGROUND: The Thamesford Fire Hall Building Committee has been reviewing potential sites to construct a new fire hall in Thamesford. Council considered a short list of sites in a closed meeting session and staff were then directed to negotiate a purchase for a 1.6 acre parcel of land from Mac’s Milk Convenience Stores Inc. adjacent to the new store on County Road 2 in Thamesford. The Mac’s Milk property was selected as it offers little in the way of risk, as the current zoning (Highway Commercial) would not have to be amended to allow construction. This is due to a fire hall not being listed as a permitted in use in the Institutional Zone and public uses are permitted in any zone provided the intended use is not listed as a permitted use in any other zone. The property is fully serviced with water, sanitary sewers and storm sewers and does not have any anticipated contamination issues. The County of Oxford Public Works Department carried out an initial review and has indicated access to County Road 2 would be granted subject to review of a site plan. The property would also be subject to site plan approval and that would offer area residents an opportunity to comment on the layout, lighting, landscaping etc. COMMENTS: After a prolonged negotiation, Mac’s has agreed to a purchase price of $250,000 for the property with the Township responsible for legal fees and surveying costs. It is estimated that incidental cost could amount to $7,000. It is recommended that Council enact a by-law to authorize the purchase of lands located at Part Lot 21, Concession 1 Corporation of the Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306, Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3K5 Tel. (519) 485-2490 • Toll Free 1-888-699-3868 • Fax (519) 485-2520 • E-mail: Page 22 2014-045 -2- March 14, 2014 (North Oxford) from Mac's Milk Convenience Stores Inc. I FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Emergency Services reserve was established for two purposes; fire communications upgrade and a new Thamesford Fire Hall. The reserve presently sits $216,819 and there will be a 2014 contribution of $57,575 and also a withdrawal of $56, 100 for engineering/architectural design services. There will be a shortfall of approximately $40,000 to fund the property purchase. It is recommended the difference be funded from the Village Affairs/ERTH Corporation Reserve. This reserve will have a balance of $402,883 and the end of 2014. This reserve is fully funded from interest payments received from ERTH Corporation based on the Township's share of ownership from the sale of the former Zorra PUC. The purpose of the reserve is to fund projects in Thamesford and Embro and this project fits within those uses that Council has approved in past projects. IATTACHMENTS N/A Respectfully submitted by: LJJ)_~ Don Macleod Chief Administrative Officer Corporation of the Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306, Ingerso ll, Ontario N 5C 3K5 Te l. (5 19) 485-2490 • To ll Free 1-888-699-3868 • Fax (5 19) 485-2520 • E- mail : Page 23 MEMO To: Mayor & Members of Council From: Don MacLeod, Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Recreation Department Council Meeting Date: March 18, 2014 Date: March 17, 2014 Number: 2014-047 File: Agenda Item: 7(d) RECOMMENDATION: For Council’s information BACKGROUND: General There has been considerable discussion and debate over the Township’s Recreation Department over the past several years and the financial impact on finances and staffing levels. There is not a set discussion planned for the Council meeting other than providing Council an opportunity to have a free flowing discussion on various aspects of the Recreation Department. This memorandum will provide background information on the Recreation Department. In 2011 a review of the Recreation Department was carried out and Council adopted a series of 15 recommendations to improve services. A list of the recommendations is attached as Attachment 1. Thirteen of the fifteen recommendations have been implemented or acted upon and only two are in progress. As a result of the study, a new staffing structure was implemented with a Recreation and Facilities Manager created as well as a Recreation and Facilities Supervisor at each centre. Thamesford District Recreation Centre has one full-time Operator and Embro Community Centre has two fulltime Operators during ice season. The Township of Zorra Recreation Department is responsible for operation and maintenance of the following facilities: • • • • • • • Thamesford District Recreation Centre Thamesford Library and Resource Centre Thamesford Scout Hall Thamesford Outdoor Swimming Pool Harrington Hall Embro Town Hall Embro West Zorra Community Centre Corporation of the Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306, Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3K5 Tel. (519) 485-2490 • Toll Free 1-888-699-3868 • Fax (519) 485-2520 • E-mail: 2014-047 Page 24 2 March 17, 2014 In addition, the Recreation Department is responsible for operation and maintenance of 70 acres of parkland. This includes playground structures, 9 baseball diamonds, 7 soccer fields and passive parkland. Major parks include: • Thamesford North Park • Thamesford Lions South Park • Thamesford Grace Patterson Park • Embro Matheson Park • Embro West Zorra Community Centre Park • Harrington Community Park Financial In order to set context for discussion it is important for Council to understand the finances of the Township. Attachment 2 summarizes the 2013 Operating Budget for all of the Township’s Departments and/or cost centres. This does not take into account transfers to and from reserves or capital spending, as these figures will fluctuate on a year-by-year basis. As Council will note, Recreation expenditures are third highest after Transportation and Policing. The Recreation Department generates $531,080 in revenue, which is almost double that of the next nearest revenue generating department. The net cost of Recreation places this department behind Transportation, Policing, Fire and General Government with a net cost of $495,687. This equates to 10.03% of the total net cost of the entire operating budget. Attachment 3 breaks down the Recreation Department revenues and expenditures into the respective cost centres. The cost to operate two arenas totals $174,997 which 3.54% of the cost of the Township’s entire operating budget. In 2013, the Public Works Department spent $126,570 in roadside maintenance for cutting grass along roadsides. This represents 2.56% of the Township’s operating budget. Staffing It is difficult to compare the staffing compliments at municipalities due to the many differences in services provided, number of facilities, number of sports fields etc. The following list shows staffing levels in the townships. It should be noted that Zorra is the only municipality with two arenas. Zorra (5.5 full-time) Recreation and Facilities Manager Recreation and Facilities Supervisor (2) Recreation and Facilities Operators (2.5) East Zorra-Tavistock There are three full-time, year round workers at Tavistock Arena. Staff are hiring on a contract basis and primarily at the Arena/Community Centre. South-West Oxford No recreation services. Corporation of the Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306, Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3K5 Tel. (519) 485-2490 • Toll Free 1-888-699-3868 • Fax (519) 485-2520 • E-mail: Page 25 3 2014-047 March 17, 2014 Norwich (7 full-time) Director of Community Development Services Facilities Manager Administrative Assistant Arena Operators (4) Blandford-Blenheim (2 full-time) Manager of Community Services Facilities Operator The Recreation and Facilities Manager has prepared the attached list of shift duties showing maintenance tasks that are to be carried out on a daily basis. These tasks are in addition to ice resurfacing that is carried out when the ice is rented. Staff working during ice rentals will spend an average of between 15-20 minutes cleaning the ice, preparing the ice resurfacer and emptying snow. They are responsible for cleaning rooms after each use which will take approximately 10 minutes. For the remaining time in between floods the following list of tasks may also be required: • • • • • • Washroom cleaning Lobby cleaning Collection of payment from renters (if not on a contract) Skate sharpening Snow shoveling Cleaning of bleacher area Ice Usage There has also been discussion regarding the viability of the municipality operating two arenas. The table below breaks down ice usage at each arena for all hours. Facility Boys Minor Girls Minor Other Minor Adult Total TDRC 18.5 10 8 23 59.5 ECC 22.5 6 10 18.5 57 Total 41.0 16 18 51.5 116.5 Optimal ice rental potential is considered from 5:00 pm – 12:00 am Monday through Friday and 7:00 am – 12:00 am on weekends. These time slots yield a total of 69 hours. TDRC rents a total of 56.0 hours (81%) and ECC rents a total of 56.5 hours (82%). If the 11:00 pm – 12:00 am time slot is removed TDRC remains at 56 hours (90%) and ECC drops to 54.5 hours (88%). Both arenas have several day time rentals starting before 5:00 pm. COMMENTS: Council, ZRAC and members of the public carefully reviewed the Recreation Review and as a result, there have been many positive changes implemented in Recreation. In Corporation of the Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306, Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3K5 Tel. (519) 485-2490 • Toll Free 1-888-699-3868 • Fax (519) 485-2520 • E-mail: Page 26 Page 27 Attachment 1 Recreation Departmental Review Recommendations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. That all Recreation Department staff be required to attend customer service oriented training. That all Recreation Department staff be required to attend conflict resolution training. That a complaint/compliment system policy be implemented. This policy will be prominently displayed and publicized at each facility. Similar to the by-law enforcement policy, anonymous complaints will not be acted upon. That a complete review of user fees be carried out and that Recreation Department staff be included in the review to provide feedback and comments on the applicability of rates and policies. That Council hold an informal meeting with Recreation Department staff at each centre at least once every other year. That future Council orientation sessions include a specific training session for roles and responsibilities. That a review of accounting and costing of goods be carried out on canteen booth sales at Thamesford District Recreation Centre and Embro West Zorra Community Centre. That a study be prepared on the feasibility of contracting out canteen sales. That the Zorra Recreation Advisory Committee be instructed to carry out a thorough and comprehensive review of the present Alcohol Management Policy and that comparative policies be obtained for review. This review should examine: The use of Township supplied bartenders The use of private security firms in place of the Ontario Provincial Police Licensing of the facilities for the sale of alcohol on a permanent basis The requirement for Council approval to serve alcohol in the presence of minors In order to harmonize operations at each centre, standardization of equipment and supplies from cleaning products to canteen supplies be implemented. Review Beaty Room cleaning costs to determine if this would be better carried out by Township staff. That a Business Plan be prepared for Township staff (including potential student workers) to carry out grass cutting and flower bed maintenance. That a consultant be retained to prepare and evaluate a Request for Proposal for implementation of an on-line scheduling software program. That staff carry out an after season wrap up meeting with user groups (hockey/figure skating in spring and soccer/baseball in fall) to review the past season and to prioritize items for the upcoming season. That further in depth review be carried out to determine what role the municipality should play in offering or facilitating recreation programming for all segments of the population. • • • • 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 28 Attachment 2 Departmental Expenditures, Revenues and Net Costs 2013 Operating Budget Expenditure Revenues Net Cost % of Net Cost Transportation $2,061,054 $5,500 $2,055,554 41.58% Protection - Police $1,059,450 $1,059,450 21.43% Protection - Fire $547,990 $5,800 $542,190 10.97% General Government $801,735 $273,988 $527,747 10.68% $1,026,767 $531,080 $495,687 10.03% $89,100 1.80% Recreation Village Affairs $89,100 Health Services $86,600 $18,000 $68,600 1.39% Protection - By-law $98,895 $46,450 $52,445 1.06% Cemeteries $23,380 $23,380 0.47% Agriculture & Drainage $67,357 $43,992 $23,365 0.47% Planning & Development $23,500 $7,000 $16,500 0.33% $6,055 0.12% Health & Safety Protection - Building Animal Control Waste Management Totals $6,055 $143,540 $141,300 $2,240 0.05% $16,050 $21,500 ($5,450) -0.11% $8,920 $22,200 ($13,280) -0.27% $6,060,393 $1,116,810 $4,943,583 Page 29 Attachment 3 Departmental Expenditures, Revenues and Net Costs Recreation Functions Included 2013 Operating Budget Expenditures Transportation $2,061,054 Protection - Police $1,059,450 Revenues Net Cost % of Net Cost $5,500 $2,055,554 41.58% $1,059,450 21.43% Protection - Fire $547,990 $5,800 $542,190 10.97% General Government $801,735 $273,988 $527,747 10.68% General Recreation $185,865 $185,865 3.76% E.C.C. $319,782 $100,502 2.03% $89,100 1.80% Village Affairs T.D.R.C. $219,280 $89,100 $338,295 $263,800 $74,495 1.51% Health Services $86,600 $18,000 $68,600 1.39% Protection - By-law $98,895 $46,450 $52,445 1.06% Thamesford Pool $63,750 $20,500 $43,250 0.87% Thamesford Parks $45,235 $6,000 $39,235 0.79% Cemeteries $23,380 $23,380 0.47% Agriculture & Drainage $67,357 $23,365 0.47% HKL Parks $22,350 $22,350 0.45% Planning & Development $23,500 $7,000 $16,500 0.33% Embro Town Hall $18,800 $6,700 $12,100 0.24% Embro Parks $14,890 $4,800 $10,090 0.20% Beaty Room $17,800 $10,000 $7,800 0.16% $6,055 0.12% Health & Safety Protection - Building Animal Control Waste Management $43,992 $6,055 $143,540 $141,300 $2,240 0.05% $16,050 $21,500 ($5,450) -0.11% $8,920 $22,200 ($13,280) -0.27% $6,060,393 $1,116,810 $4,943,583 Page 30 Attachment 4 Page 31 March 2014 Edition Welcome to the tenth edition of the Community Exchange for the Walker Environmental Group (WEG) Southwestern Landfill Proposal. You are receiving this Exchange because you expressed interest in our Proposal. We appreciate your interest, however, if you no longer wish to receive this update, contact us at 1­855­392­5537. The Southwestern Landfill Proposal seeks to develop a modern non­hazardous solid waste landfill at a quarry site in Zorra Township. The Proposal represents a significant infrastructure development for the community and a major investment for us. More details on our Proposal, including a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), can be found on our Proposal website, Southwestern Landfill Proposal Timeline and Time­Outs WEG submitted the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Southwestern Landfill Proposal to the Ministry of the Environment (the Ministry) for their review in August 2013. The ToR is a detailed plan for conducting the Environmental Assessment (EA) of the Proposal. The ToR outlines how we will assess the Proposal against a set of social, economic and environmental criteria that the local community and other interested parties helped define. The ToR also describes the scientific studies to be prepared by independent experts that will assess the social, economic and environmental performance of the Proposal. During the extended 60 day public comment period of the ToR that ended on October 30, 2013, the Ministry received many comments from interested parties. As part of the Ministry’s review, they sought clarification from WEG on some of the comments to assist in making an informed decision on the ToR. To prepare a thorough response to the Ministry, WEG requested additional time to consider and provide response to the Ministry on comments received, consult with key parties and prepare an amendment to the ToR and update the Record of Consultation. In consultation with the Ministry, WEG requested an initial time­out on December 9, 2013, and then an additional time­out on January 24, 2014 to continue to meet with key commenting parties to provide clarification and prepare responses to comments received by the MOE. The time was requested in accordance with Regulation 616/98 of the Environmental Assessment Act. Under Regulation 616/98 of the Environmental Assessment Act, a proponent (WEG) may request time­out period(s) of up to eight weeks each to make an amended submission to the Ministry. WEG will be submitting an amendment to the ToR and an updated Record of Consultation to the Ministry in the coming weeks. Once the amendment to the ToR has been submitted, WEG will provide an additional opportunity to comment on the amendment document during a 30 day public comment period. Interested parties will have the opportunity to provide comments directly to the Ministry on the amendment to the ToR at this time. Darren Fry, A. Sc. T Director of Strategic Growth WEG encourages interested parties to review and provide any comments on the amendment to the ToR to the Ministry. WEG will be publishing a Notice to alert the community of the 30 day public comment period. To allow for this public consultation on the amendment to the ToR, WEG will be requesting a third time­out. The 30 days set aside for the public comment period will be time allocated to WEG, the proponent, and not taken from the remaining seven week timeline set for the Ministry to make a decision on the Southwestern Landfill Proposal ToR. For more information on Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act, please visit: For additional information about Walker Industries, please visit the following resources: /Walkerind The 30 day public comment period will be communicated through a Notice published in local newspapers, posted on our Proposal website, mailed to our Proposal mailing list and posted at our site office, located at 160 Carnegie Street, Ingersoll, Ontario. The amendment to the ToR will be available at public locations noted in the Notice, as well as at our site office and on our website, We encourage all interested parties to participate in this additional review. We will develop the Southwestern Landfill only if it develop the Southwestern Landfill only if it Page 32 can be done safely, while protecting the environment and contributing positively to the community’s social and economic development. Southwestern Landfill Proposal Timeline We appreciate your continued interest in the Southwestern Landfill Proposal. If you would like to learn more about the EA, or if you would like more information about the Southwestern Landfill Proposal, please visit our website,, call our toll free number, 1­855­392­ 5537 or meet with me at our office located at 160 Carnegie Street, Ingersoll. Sincerely, Darren Fry, A. Sc. T Director of Strategic Growth 160 Carnegie St Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 4A8 1­855­392­5537 Home || Unsubscribe || © Walker Environmental Group Page 33 Joint Municipal Co-ordinating Committee Meeting # 7 – February 28, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. – Zorra Municipal Office Meeting Minutes Chris Haussmann, PRT Manager, Haussmann Consulting Peter Pickfield, Garrod Pickfield LLP (arrived at 1:20pm) Don McKay, Warden, County of Oxford Peter Crockett, Chief Administrative Officer, County of Oxford Tommasina Conte, Communications Coordinator, County of Oxford Don MacLeod, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of Zorra David Mayberry, Mayor, Township of South-West Oxford Ted Comiskey, Mayor, Town of Ingersoll Michael Graves, Clerk, Town of Ingersoll Lisa Teeple, Administrative Assistant, Township of Zorra Gord Hough, Director, Community and Strategic Planning, County of Oxford f t Ap P e pr n ov din al g Present: Regrets: Margaret Lupton, Mayor, Township of Zorra Mary Ellen Greb, Chief Administrative Officer, Township of South-West Oxford Call to Order Warden McKay calls the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. Minutes Mayor Mayberry moves to accept the minutes from meeting held on October 1, 2013. Mayor Comiskey seconds the motion. Everyone in favour. Minutes are accepted as final. Ms. Teeple will forward to Ms. Conte for posting on the JMCC website. D ra Business Arising from Minutes Mr. Haussmann confirms that all Councils passed resolutions relating to the Terms of Reference (ToR) filed by Walker Environmental Group (WEG). Mr. Haussmann notes that he forgot to add the reference to page 71 of the Peer Review Team (PRT) report regarding approval from the Aggregate Resources Act but adds that he will make sure this requirement is addressed. Discussion Mr. Haussmann explains that WEG has work to do in order to revise the ToR to satisfy the Ministry of the Environment (MOE). The MOE had similar concerns to those of the JMCC. If Carmeuse is operating as an entirely separate entity from the landfill operations, it will be very difficult to evaluate noise, air impact, etc. WEG has proposed that MOE approve the ToR and more details will be provided in the individual work plans. MOE wants more detailed work plan items addressed now. Page 34 Joint Municipal Co-ordinating Committee Meeting Minutes – February 28, 2014 Page 2 of 4 Mr. Haussmann explains that WEG will provide an amended ToR and when that is filed we will have thirty days to review and comment. Thirty days will not be enough time to run through all Councils so we will need to ask for another extension. WEG has until the end of March to submit an amended ToR. f t Ap P e pr n ov din al g Mr. MacLeod comments that Oxford People Against the Landfill (OPAL) submitted a Freedom of Information (FoI) request to the MOE and JMCC was not notified, nor were we forwarded a copy of the information that was sent to OPAL. Mr. MacLeod feels we should send a request to the MOE to ensure that we have access to all information sent to others so that the host municipality can keep informed. Resolution Moved by Mayor Comiskey Seconded by: Mayor Mayberry “THAT the Ministry of Environment be requested to establish a written information sharing protocol with the Joint Municipal Coordinating Committee concerning the flow of information and correspondence between the proponent, government ministries and agencies as it relates to Walker Environmental Group’s Southwestern Landfill proposal.” Disposition: Carried Warden McKay questions the Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The JMCC’s Health Risk Assessment peer reviewer has provided the following explanation of the difference between a HRA and a Health Impact Assessment (HIA): D ra “Health Impact Assessment: A systematic process that uses an array of data sources and analytic methods and that considers input from stakeholders to determine the potential effects of a proposed policy, plan, program, or project on the health of a population and the distribution of those effects within the population. Health Impact Assessments (HIA) provide recommendations on monitoring and managing those effects. [Source: National Research Council,]. HIAs differ from other commonly used tools for health assessment, such as health risk assessments and public health assessments, in that HIAs Are intended to inform deliberations on a specific proposal—legislation, proposed rulemaking, and project permitting, for example. Systematically assess the multiple influences on health that can occur as a result of social, economic, and environmental changes. Use a broad definition of health that includes physical and psychological health and general well-being. “Health Risk Assessment: An assessment to determine the risk of adverse health effects that would be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or other hazards. Calculations in health risk assessments (HRAs) typically rely on guidance from the U.S. Page 35 Joint Municipal Co-ordinating Committee Meeting Minutes – February 28, 2014 Page 3 of 4 f t Ap P e pr n ov din al g Environmental Protection Agency or other authorities (see ). Health risk assessments are distinct from HIAs in that HRAs tend to focus on biophysical risks from exposure to hazardous substances, whereas HIAs evaluate a broader range of health impacts and are generally used to inform policy, project, or programmatic decisions.” Mr. Pickfield advises he just received a letter from Agatha Garcia-Wright, Director of Environmental Approvals Branch, MOE in response to his letter to her on behalf of the JMCC. In her response, Ms. Garcia-Wright advises that MOE takes the position that it can delay any decision on an amended ToR as long as time-outs have been requested by the proponent. Once the amended ToR is submitted the MOE has seven weeks to make a decision. During time-outs, MOE can provide, and in this case has provided informal advice to proponents. MOE has recommended that WEG meet with stakeholders before amending their ToR. Mr. Pickfield advises it is MOE’s position that more time can be given to a proponent but once the amended ToR is submitted then the clock starts running. Mr. Pickfield suspects that the current MOE deadline of March 31 will be extended since WEG has not yet submitted an amended ToR. Mayor Comiskey asks if we should consider asking for additional time to review now. Mr. Pickfield confirms that we should ask WEG for sixty days and ask MOE for more time as well. He also recommends that we ask for a red-line version of the amended ToR so we can easily see the changes made to the report. ra Mayor Comiskey suggests we take MOE up on their offer of a meeting as noted in the most recent letter from MOE to Mr. Pickfield. Mr. Pickfield agrees and suggests including WEG in the meeting as well. D Warden McKay recaps that we will respond to MOE’s letter and in the response we will ask for a meeting; ask for sixty day review period after the amended ToR is submitted; and make it clear that we want to be engaged in the process. Mr. Pickfield will provide the written response to MOE since the letter was addressed to him. He will draft the letter and circulate to JMCC by email for comment. Mr. Haussmann will also draft a letter to WEG with the PRT response to WEG’s draft comments to the Government Review Team, and will circulate to JMCC for comment. Warden McKay suggests that we propose a meeting with JMCC, MOE, and WEG in the letters in order to remain transparent. Mr. Crockett says he has a meeting with Darren Fry at WEG this Friday. Mr. Pickfield will try to get the letters out before then. Mr. Haussmann comments that he will confirm in his letter that WEG will continue to fund this process. Mr. Crockett confirms that this is outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Page 36 Joint Municipal Co-ordinating Committee Meeting Minutes – February 28, 2014 Page 4 of 4 f t Ap P e pr n ov din al g Gord Hough is in attendance at the meeting to update the JMCC in regard the concept being developed in response to the County Council motion from Fall 2013. Mr. Hough explained the concept of a Community Sustainability Plan for the County and the value of such a plan being developed through a community-driven process. This concept is about creating a sustainable framework for our community to consider, and be guided by, the Financial, Social, and Environmental impacts in all decision making. As an example, one aspect of the Community Sustainability Plan may well be the achievement of community sustainability in waste management. Mr. Hough explained that waste management sustainability in our community would need to consider the desire and ability of our community to manage all of the non-hazardous waste (residential, industrial and commercial) internally generated within our community boundaries along with the steps necessary to achieve and ability to measure progress toward that outcome. Mr. Hough explains that this project will have an impact on the budget because it cannot be completed in-house in this short time frame. Mr. Crockett adds that the County Strategic Plan and many County and Area Municipal policies are already supportive of sustainable communities. Examples cited included the Source Water Protection Plan and our protection of farm lands within the Official Plan. Warden McKay feels it is a sound investment to build a solid plan and Mr. Crockett agrees. ra Next Steps Mr. Crockett comments that there has been a lot of social media activity surrounding the WEG proposed landfill lately. Ms. Conte briefly discusses some of the Facebook and Twitter comments and how best to respond. JMCC is in agreement that Ms. Conte will continue to work with Mr. Crockett to offer responses to some of the comments when appropriate. D Meeting adjourns at 3:06 p.m. Page 37 Peter Pickfield 9 Norwich St. W Guelph, ON N1H 2G8 Telephone: (519) 837-0500 Fax: (519) 763-2204 Email: File No 11651 Via Electronic Mail and Overnight Courier March 7, 2014 Environmental Approval Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) 12A Floor, 2 St Clair Ave W Toronto ON M4V1L5 Attention: Ms. Agatha Garcia-Wright, Director Dear Ms. Garcia-Wright: RE: Suspension of Decision-making Process for the Terms of Reference - Walker Environmental Group (WEG) Proposed Southwest Landfill Environmental Assessment On behalf of the Joint Municipal Coordinating Committee (“JMCC” and/or “Committee”), thank you for your response to our letter of February 14, 2014 received by our office this past Friday, February 28, 2014. This letter arrived just in time to be received and reviewed by the JMCC at last Friday’s scheduled Committee meeting. In your letter, you indicate that WEG now has until March 31, 2013 to amend its ToR and consult on the amendments with stakeholders and the public. You also indicate that MOE has an expectation that Walker will make available the proposed amended ToR for thirty days during the “time-out” period for public review. Walker has not yet released a proposed amended ToR. It is therefore not possible to achieve this MOE expectation of a 30 day review period and still meet the current March 31st deadline. It should be noted that WEG has circulated to the JMCC Peer Review Manager a table which sets out WEG responses to comments provided by the peer review team to the ToR as originally filed by WEG (WEG Response Table). WEG is seeking to meet with the Peer Review Manager to obtain comments on this Response Table from the JMCC Peer Review Team (“PRT”). Based on the responses provided in your letter and in light of this WEG request for input from the PRT, the JMCC decided to take the following actions at last Friday’s meeting. First, the JMCC Peer Review Team Manager has been directed to reactivate the PRT to provide further comments on WEG’s PRT Response Tables as requested by WEG. A letter from detailed PRT comments on the WEG Response Table will be provided to WEG within the next few business days. Ms. Garcia-Wright 2 Page 38 March 7, 2014 Second, the Committee has directed a request be made to both MOE and WEG that the MOE- suggested 30 day review period for the WEG-proposed amended ToR be extended to 60 days from the date it is publically released. The MOE-recommended 30 day period is insufficient time for the completion of a review of the amended ToR by the JMCC peer review team together with consideration of both the amended ToR and the results of the peer review by the municipal Councils for each of the four participating municipalities. You will recall that your Ministry allowed for a 60 day public review period of the original ToR. In the JMCC’s view, the same review period is required for the amended ToR if the councils of affected municipalities are to have a reasonable opportunity for meaningful input. In separate correspondence to WEG, a copy of which is attached to this letter, the Chair of the JMCC, Mayor Margaret Lupton will be writing to WEG to support this requested extension of the review period Third, the JMCC is requesting that the MOE direct WEG to take the formal step of posting the draft amended ToR on the Environmental Registry in order to trigger the 60 day review period. This step will ensure that all interested members of the public have independent notice of the proposed amended ToR. It is appropriate to take this step given the lack of transparency and clarity which has characterized the decision-making process for the ToR since the decision was taken last November to pause this decision-making process. Finally, the JMCC has directed me to accept the offer in your letter that the Ministry meet with the JMCC at the earliest opportunity. JMCC members continue to have questions and concerns about the way in which the ToR approval process was modified without clear and transparent information on this modified process and its implications in terms of the roles and responsibilities of affected stakeholders. The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss not only the revised decision-making process for the amended ToR, but expectations, responsibilities and clear communications going forward in the EA process, should the amended ToR be approved. To ensure a full and open discussion on these issues, the JMCC is also intending to invite representatives of WEG to this meeting. Please advise as soon as possible on the above JMCC requests to establish a 60 day review period and Environmental Registry posting requirement for the proposed amended ToR. In addition, please advise as to availability dates for attendance by appropriate MOE representative at a meeting with the JMCC. On behalf of the JMCC, thank you again for your response to our letter and for considering the above requests. Yours truly, Peter C. Pickfield cc: Members, Joint Municipal Co-ordinating Committee Mr. Chris Haussmann (Peer Review Manager) Harry Dahme, counsel, Walker Industries Mr. Darren Fry, WEG Ms. Michelle Whitmore, Project Advisor, EAB. Ms. Garcia-Wright 3 Page 39 Attachment: Letter from JMCC to WEG dated March 7, 2014 March 7, 2014 Page 40 MARCH 7, 2014 JOINT MUNICIPAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE Walker Environmental Group Inc. (WEG) 160 Carnegie Street Ingersoll, ON N5C 4A8 Attention: Darren Fry, General Manager, Strategic Growth Dear Mr. Fry: Re: Walker Southwestern Landfill Proposal EA Terms of Reference The Joint Municipal Coordinating Committee (“JMCC” or “Committee”) has directed me to write to you as a follow-up to our letter of January 28, 2014 pertaining to the decision by Walker Environmental Group Inc. (WEG) to suspend the decision-making process to permit the filing of an amended Terms of Reference for the Proposed WEG Southwest Landfill Environmental Assessment. As you know, after receiving your response to our January 28, 2014, JMCC has sought further clarification from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment with respect to the decision-making process for approval of the amended ToR. MOE has now indicated to us that there is a Ministry expectation that there be a minimum 30-day public review and comment period for the WEG proposed amended ToR document. The purpose of this letter is to request that WEG support the request of the JMCC to extend this review period to 60 days, and that this period be triggered by a posting of the WEG-proposed amended ToR on the Environmental Registry. In the JMCC’s view, a minimum of 60 days is required in order to provide adequate time for the following required steps to be completed: (1) review of, and report on, the WEG’s amended ToR document by the PRT; (2) JMCC review and approval of the final PRT report on the amended ToR document; and (3) review of the revised ToR and the final PRT report by the Councils of the member municipalities of the JMCC so that each can come to a final position on the amended ToR. In addition, as will have been clear from the January 28 letter, the JMCC has questions and concerns about the WEG approach to communications and public consultation regarding the November 2014 decision by WEG to seek a suspension of the decision-making process to respond to concerns raised about the ToR. It wishes to open a dialogue with WEG and MOE about how to improve communications and avoid unnecessary confusion and uncertainty going forward with respect to the environmental assessment process for this matter. The Ministry has offered to meet with the JMCC to discuss EA process issues. As you will note from the attached letter to the Ministry, the JMCC is accepting the Ministry’s offer, and as a first step to address the need for improved communications, I have been asked by the JMCC to invite you and other representatives of WEG to attend this meeting. 1 Page 41 Please advise as to whether you would be prepared to participate in this meeting, and to work with the JMCC to develop a clearer protocol for communications on the EA process going forward. We look forward to hearing from you on the above. Sincerely, Margaret Lupton, Mayor, Township of Zorra Chair, Joint Municipal Coordinating Committee cc. All JMCC members Attachment: Copy of Letter from Garrod Pickfield LLP. to Ms. Agatha Garcia-Wright dated March 7, 2014 2 Page 42 Page 43 HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA th Monday, March 10 , 2014 at 1:00 p.m. Attendance: Scott Simmons Doug Mills Rick Ackert Shawn McNaughton Kelly Hall Ross Ball Mike Hughes The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m., by Chairperson, Mike Hughes. He welcomed Shawn McNaughton to the Health & Safety Committee; he currently works between the public works and recreation, which will be a great asset to the committee. Moved by Rick and seconded by Ross that the minutes of the, December 9th, 2013 be accepted. Inspections: Thamesford Arena Kintore Shop Beaty Room Township Office Harrington Community Hall Drainage Shed Embro Shop Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Thamesford Fire Hall Mar 10.14 Embro Fire Hall Embro Town Hall Uniondale Fire Hall Embro Old Shop Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Mar 10.14 Embro Arena Mar 10.14 -remove propane tank under stands -general tidying/sweeping -no problems observed -no problems observed -no problems observed -no problems observed -no problems observed -poor ventilation -dead bolted doors with no panic bars ** -no problems observed -mold small in east room under stairs** -fire containers – proper storage area ** -building used for storage -need guard for Zamboni blade ** -no ventilation in skate sharpening area ** -exit light in hall on east side is out -one bulb is out in south hallway. Exit light **repeat items Discussions regarding Inspections – Embro Arena – a guard for the blade is needed to be installed on the Zamboni** Also the skate sharpener ventilation that was brought up at the March 2013 meeting has not been addressed. ** Embro Town Hall – mold is still an issue in the east room under the stairs, Mike will visit the hall with Trevor to resolve this issue. Page 1 of 2 Monday, March 10th, 2014 Page 44 New Business We currently have representation on the committee from two staff members from the Kintore Shop. Kelly will draft a volunteer sheet for an Embro Roads Staff member to join the committee for the June meeting, Ross will step down from the committee. Thamesford Ball Booth – the committee was concerned about the Thamesford Minor Baseball not purchasing insurance for using our facility and using our equipment. th Trevor has obtained an insurance policy as of January 29 , 2014 from the Thamesford Minor Baseball that covers all social and fundraising activities throughout the year. Embro Ball Booth – the committee would like confirmation of insurance from the Embro Minor Baseball as well for using our facility and using our equipment. Reassign members to different buildings for upcoming monthly inspections. Moved by Ross and seconded by Scott that we adjourn the meeting at 1:25 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 9th, 2014 at 1 p.m. at the Township Office. Page 45 FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY 2014 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority FLOOD CONTINGENCY PLAN Municipal & Agency Information Photo: London Free Press, April 2008 1424 Clarke Road, London, Ontario N5V 5B9 Telephone: 519-451-2800 Fax: 519-451-1188 @UTRCAmarketing @UTRCAfloodalert Page 46 Page 47 Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... i List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ i List of Tables.................................................................................................................................................. i Appendices ..................................................................................................................................................... i Distribution List ............................................................................................................................................ ii 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Floods & Flood Monitoring in the Upper Thames River Watershed...................................................... 2 3.0 Flood Messages ...................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety / Flood Outlook .............................................. 4 3.2 Flood Watch................................................................................................................................. 4 3.3 Flood Warning ............................................................................................................................. 5 3.4 Special Bulletin ............................................................................................................................ 5 4.0 Flood Communications .......................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 UTRCA Emergency Flood Line .................................................................................................. 6 4.2 Flood Message Communications ................................................................................................. 6 5.0 Responsibilities for Flood Contingency Planning and Response Operations & Emergency Flood Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Conservation Authority ................................................................................................................ 7 5.2 Municipalities .............................................................................................................................. 7 5.3 Ministry of Natural Resources ..................................................................................................... 7 5.4 OPP and Local Police .................................................................................................................. 8 5.5 Media ........................................................................................................................................... 8 5.6 Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services ....... 8 List of Figures Figure 1. Flood Communications Process ..................................................................................................... 1 List of Tables Table 1. Types of Flood Bulletins ................................................................................................................. 3 Table 2. Flood Bulletin Communications...................................................................................................... 6 Appendices Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5. Appendix 6. Appendix 7. Appendix 8. Appendix 9. Sample Flood Messages UTRCA Flood Forecasting and Warning Organization Municipal Flood Coordinator Contacts County and Health Unit Flood Coordinator Contacts Conservation Authority and Province of Ontario Contacts Provincial and Local Police Contacts / Boating Ban Contacts District School Board Contacts Oneida First Nation Contacts Upper Thames River Watershed Map - Stream Gauges and Flood Control Structures Page 48 Distribution List This booklet has been prepared by the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) as a guide to users in the event of potential or imminent flood conditions. Holders must be aware of their responsibilities as listed in the following pages. The UTRCA is responsible for the compilation of this publication. Users should notify the UTRCA in writing of any required change in their listing. Copies of this publication are issued to: • • • • • • • • • • • Flood Coordinators of all municipalities in the watershed receiving flood forecasting services from the UTRCA, including Counties Municipalities of South Huron and Lucan-Biddulph, which receive forecasting services from the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (see section 1.0) UTRCA Chair and Vice-Chair Neighbouring Conservation Authorities (Ausable Bayfield CA, Maitland Valley CA, Lower Thames Valley CA) Heath Units in the watershed City of London Fire Department Local and provincial police forces in the watershed Key UTRCA personnel Ministry of Natural Resources Response Coordinators (Province and Districts) Oneida of the Thames First Nation District school boards (public and catholic) in the watershed Page 49 1.0 Introduction The Thames River watershed has been subject to serious flooding in the past. In response, the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) has undertaken a major program of flood control through the construction of large water management structures, namely Fanshawe, Wildwood and Pittock Dams. Channels, floodwalls and dykes have also been constructed and are maintained in Mitchell, Stratford, Ingersoll, St. Marys and London. Appendix 9 shows the UTRCA watershed and the stream gauges and flood control structures. Although these structures play a significant role in flood control on the Thames, they do not guarantee against the possibility of future flooding. Therefore, an adequate system of flood warning is necessary in the watershed, a system developed through the UTRCA. The aim of this system is to provide routine flood messages to specific agencies and officials in the watershed and, in times of flood danger, to provide necessary warning to officials and citizens whose lives and properties may be in danger. All officials and public servants who are likely to play a role in the system must be aware of their responsibilities and must be prepared to ensure the system’s success. In addition, citizens who have been duly warned must exercise the responsibility necessary to safeguard their wellbeing and belongings. The Government of Ontario has, by Order-In Council, designated the Ministry of Natural Resources as the provincial agency responsible for flood emergencies. Within the Upper Thames River Watershed this role is delegated to the UTRCA, which is responsible for alerting municipal representatives, local police, Ontario Provincial Police, media, etc. The Conservation Authority is not responsible for notifying individual citizens of the watershed. That responsibility lies with the appointed municipal Flood Coordinator. It is that person’s responsibility to ensure the continuity of the notification system. Each municipality is responsible for their own fan-out system. UTRCA notifies the University of Western Ontario separately in the City of London. Figure 1 indicates the communications process. Figure 1. Flood Communications Process The UTRCA coordinates flood contingency planning and operation services with the neighbouring Ausable Bayfield (ABCA) and Maitland Valley (MVCA) Conservation Authorities. Accordingly, the Municipalities of South Huron and Lucan-Biddulph receive forecasting services from the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. The UTRCA provides forecasting services for the portion of the Township of Middlesex Centre in the ABCA’s watershed, on behalf of that Conservation Authority. Page 50 2.0 Floods & Flood Monitoring in the Upper Thames River Watershed Historically, the major floods in the upper Thames watershed have occurred from January to April; however, flooding is possible at any time of the year. Spring floods are usually the result of major rainfall when the ground is saturated and/or snow melt. In all cases, the watershed is usually saturated and any snow pack tends to be well ripened (i.e., very moist and quick to melt). Runoff is generally rapid, with major peaks occurring within a day of extreme temperatures or heavy rainfall. The highest flows are generally associated with major rainfall. Floods due mainly to melting snow tend to produce lower, more prolonged flows. Floods at other times of the year (May to December) are the result of heavy rainfall and problems may be compounded by a lack of storage space in the flood control reservoirs. In addition, intense summer thunderstorms may produce localized flooding problems on smaller watercourses and areas drained by urban storm sewers. These different runoff patterns require different responses by the UTRCA and the respective municipalities. Each municipal Flood Coordinator should be aware of the different conditions that may arise within the watercourses of his/her jurisdiction. The UTRCA operates a number of recording stream gauges, snow measuring courses, precipitation gauges and weather stations (Appendix 9). The snow measuring courses and weather stations provide detailed information on the flood potential in the watershed. The additional information provided by the stream gauge recorders allows UTRCA personnel to monitor the progress of runoff events throughout the watershed. These data are most useful in predicting the magnitude and time of arrival of peak flows and water levels at downstream locations. Weather information and stream flow prediction models further enhance UTRCA efforts to improve flood responses by assisting with predictions of flood peaks as much as possible in advance. The UTRCA’s website ( is an excellent resource for flood coordinators. The following information is available on the site: • Current flows, water levels and meteorological information • Flood bulletins (if any) • Media releases Page 51 3.0 Flood Messages The following types of flood messages may be issued by the Conservation Authority though a flood season or event. The terminology used is consistent with Conservation Authorities across Ontario, and in line with that used by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment Canada and the Weather Network. The icons used on the UTRCA website homepage during flood events are shown below, and are also consistent with icons used by other Conservation Authorities. Table 1. Types of Flood Bulletins Type of Bulletin Conditions for Use Watershed Conditions Statement: Water Safety - Issued during periods of minor flooding to report on general watershed conditions to flood coordinators, and to remind the general public of general river safety issues Watershed Conditions Statement: Flood Outlook - Issued to provide early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions that could result in high runoff Flood Watch - Issued when the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities Flood Warning - Issued when flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities Special Bulletin - Describes a bulletin for a specific situation. For example, a Boating Ban will be issued for the Thames River within the City of London when water levels pass the maximum boating level. The level is typically exceeded during spring snowmelt runoff or after significant watershed-wide rainfall events. The ban will be issued to the London Police and London Fire Department. The London Police will then contact the media to publicize the Boating Ban. Note: A Special Bulletin may be issued at any time during a flood event. All flood bulletins include the following items: 1. Year, Event Number, and Bulletin Number (sequentially by event excluding Special Bulletins). For example, 2014.05.02 identifies the second bulletin (Watershed Conditions Statement, Flood Watch, Flood Warning) issued during the fifth event of 2014. Special Bulletins will be numbered separately from other bulletins, and will have “SP” in the bulletin identification. For example, 2014.05.SP2 identifies the second Special Bulletin issued during the fifth event of 2014. 2. Date and time of issuance 3. Date when the bulletin expires (“valid until …”) Page 52 4. Identification of sender (CA and individual) 5. Intended recipient(s) 6. Message summarizing relevant information, such as weather forecast (precipitation, temperature and timing) and, depending on the level of bulletin, describing potential flood magnitude and assessing flooding implications, including site-specific information if relevant 7. Date and time of expected issuance of update 8. CA contact for additional information (including adjacent CAs when applicable) 9. Request for confirmation of receipt, if required 10. List of other intended recipients The messages are described in detail below. Appendix 1 provides examples of a typical Watershed Conditions Statement, Flood Watch, Flood Warning and Special Bulletin. Table 2 (in Section 4.0 Communications) outlines the targets and methods of communication for the various levels of bulletins. 3.1 Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety / Flood Outlook Watershed Conditions Statements are general notices of potential watershed conditions that could pose a risk to personal safety (e.g., high flows, unsafe ice, slippery banks). They report on general watershed conditions and provide general public information messages encouraging safety awareness. These bulletins are usually issued before overbank flow occurs (i.e., before watercourses flood outside of their banks), before spring breakup, or at any other time of year as conditions warrant, as a general reminder of the potential for high flows and unsafe conditions. Watershed Conditions Statements may also be issued when a major storm is pending, when there is above normal snow cover in all or part of the watershed and snow melt is imminent, or when general watershed conditions suggest high runoff potential. Watershed Conditions Statements will be delivered by email and Twitter. Confirmation of receipt by municipal flood coordinators is not usually required (indicated in the Watershed Conditions Statement text). 3.2 Flood Watch A Flood Watch serves to notify municipal flood coordinators and other primary contacts that the potential for flooding exists. It is issued to specific affected municipalities, usually following the onset of overbank flow. A Flood Watch will describe watershed conditions and the potential flood magnitude, and assess flooding implications, including site-specific information, if relevant. These messages do not require specific action but, having been alerted to the potential for flood conditions, municipal flood coordinators should initiate a check on their municipal flood or emergency plans and initiate monitoring of potential problem areas, and may choose to remain on a stand-by alert. Flood Watches will be delivered by email and Twitter. If confirmation of receipt by municipal flood coordinators is required (as indicated in the Flood Watch text), staff will follow up by phone if the recipient does not email or call to confirm. In the unlikely event of communications problems, police or other resources would be called upon to deliver appropriate messages through radio communications. Page 53 3.3 Flood Warning A Flood Warning is issued after a forecast has been made and will apply to specific flood damage centres where serious flooding appears inevitable. Flood Warnings will be sent only to those municipal flood coordinators and other primary contacts whose municipality is affected by the flooding, and they in turn will relay the messages to other relevant individuals and departments within their organization. Upon receipt of a Flood Warning for their area, municipal officials should issue warnings to households, businesses and industries that might be threatened by the flood. Necessary labour for sandbagging and other flood combating services should also be alerted and mobilized. In addition to the standard content of a Flood Watch, a Flood Warning message will include specific information on the location, magnitude and timing of the anticipated flood peak. Flood Warnings will be delivered by email and Twitter. Confirmation of receipt by municipal flood coordinators is required, and UTRCA staff will phone if the recipient does not email or call to confirm. 3.4 Special Bulletin A Special Bulletin is issued to alert special interests under specific situations. Examples of these are the issuance of a boating ban when necessary, or for any other specific situation involving the river in which someone needs notification. These bulletins are targeted only toward the persons affected by the situation. Page 54 4.0 Flood Communications 4.1 UTRCA Emergency Flood Line In the event that someone wishes to contact the UTRCA during a flood event, the switchboard may be operated 24 hours/day at (519) 451-2800. If a call is placed and the switchboard does not respond, the UTRCA maintains a flood emergency mailbox connected directly to the UTRCA Flood Response Coordinator. During flood events this person is extremely busy and only calls of utmost importance should be directed to this person. The emergency number is (519) 451-2800 ext. 240. A call directed to this mailbox will activate a pager carried by staff. Discretion should be used when using this line and messages must be short and concise. UTRCA contact personnel are listed in Appendix 2. 4.2 Flood Message Communications The primary communications targets for the UTRCA flood message are municipal flood coordinators, as shown in Figure 1. Table 2 outlines the communications targets (who receives the UTRCA’s information) and formats (how the UTRCA is sending the information). Flood bulletins are also posted on the UTRCA website – Table 2. Flood Bulletin Communications Bulletin Watershed Conditions Statement (Flood Outlook / Water Safety) Flood Watch To (Primary Targets) Information Copies To Email: - County and Health Unit Flood Coordinators - Ministry of Natural Resources - Neighbouring Conservation Authorities (Ausable Bayfield, Maitland Valley, Lower Thames Valley, Grand River) - City of London Police - City of London Fire - Boards of Education (FYI only) - Oneida of the Thames Email: Municipal Flood Coordinators - UTRCA Chair & Vice Chair - (internal group) Fax only: - OPP - Middlesex (London, Strathroy, Glencoe, Lucan), Oxford (Tillsonburg, Ingersoll), Perth (Sebringville, Mitchell) - Stratford Police - Woodstock Police Flood Warning Twitter (@UTRCAmarketing & @UTRCAfloodalert): - Any flood coordinators and media Special Bulletin Email: - London Police Services, attention: Duty Staff Sergeant - City of London Fire Department, attention: Communications Office Email: - City of London, Tom Copeland - City of London, Rick Pedlow - (internal group) Page 55 5.0 Responsibilities for Flood Contingency Planning and Response Operations & Emergency Flood Response 5.1 Conservation Authority 1. Maintain a Flood Response Centre. 2. Maintain a Flood Response Contingency Plan (Planning for Flood Emergencies, MNR 1990). 3. Encourage contingency planning by flood prone municipalities and provide technical advice to assist in reducing loss of life, property damage and social disruption due to flood events. 4. Maintain a system of flood monitoring throughout the watershed. 5. Maintain 24 hour watch of potential damaging floods. 6. Issue flood messages to appropriate municipal and other Flood Coordinators. 7. Issue flood related information to other agencies and media as warranted. 8. Liaise with municipal Flood Coordinators and others during flood conditions. 9. Maintain a flood event log. Emergency Flood Response: Liaise with local Flood Response Coordinator to advise of flood situation prior to or following flood emergency declarations. 5.2 Municipalities 1. Maintain a Municipal Flood Contingency Plan (Planning for Flood Emergencies, MNR 1990). 2. Outline responsibilities of all municipal services required during a flood, the method by which they function, and all other arrangements deemed necessary in a flood emergency. 3. Appoint a Municipal Flood Coordinator. 4. Organize an Emergency Operations Control Group. 5. Upon receipt of flood message, inform agencies, citizens, businesses and general public affected by that message. 6. Coordinate flood watch and Municipal Flood Contingency Plan. 7. Assess flood situation and liaise with UTRCA Flood Response Coordinator as required. Emergency Flood Response: - Assess flood situation and, if warranted, recommend declaration of a flood emergency to the municipal Emergency Operations Control Group. - Request provincial flood emergency declaration through head-of-council. - Notify EMO of emergency declaration. 5.3 Ministry of Natural Resources 1. Issue Provincial watershed conditions and flood messages. 2. Liaise with Conservation Authority providing input as required. 3. In the event of severed telephone communication, provide access to joint OPP emergency band. Emergency Flood Response: Liaise with Conservation Authority upon flood emergency declarations. Page 56 5.4 OPP and Local Police 1. When requested assist Municipal Flood Coordinators in warning businesses and citizens. 2. Provide transmission link through OPP joint frequency to local police forces in the event of severed telephone communications. Emergency Flood Response: Assist municipality in notifying EMO of emergency declarations. 5.5 Media 1. Local radio and television stations may be asked to broadcast flood messages subject to their station policies. Emergency Flood Response: Assist municipality, agencies and public in disseminating emergency response information. 5.6 Emergency Management Ontario, Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services Emergency Management Ontario (EMO), as the overall provincial emergency management organization, is responsible for the promotion, development, implementation and maintenance of effective emergency management programs throughout Ontario, and for the coordination of these programs with the federal government. EMO provides advice and assistance for all on-going emergency management activities, maintains the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) on a 24/7 basis, and maintains the provincial emergency response plans. EMO may coordinate the overall provincial response under the Provincial Emergency Response Plan or the Provincial Nuclear Emergency Response Plan. During an emergency event and depending on its nature, EMO may deploy the Provincial Emergency Response Team to provide field advice and assistance. Initially this may only consist of one Emergency Management Officer, but the team may be augmented to include other provincial staff. To contact Emergency Management Ontario for emergency advice or assistance, call: Provincial Emergency Operations Centre Duty Officer: • Phone: 416-314-0472 or 1-866-314-0472 • Fax: 416-314-6220 Should you have difficulty in contacting the PEOC then call the OPP General HQs at (705) 329-6950 and ask for assistance in contacting EMO. Certain provincial ministries develop, implement and maintain emergency management programs for specific hazards and risks and/or emergency services that are complementary to the programs implemented by communities. During emergency response, a provincial ministry may implement its emergency response plan in support of a community. Page 57 Appendix 1 Sample Flood Messages Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook Flood Watch Flood Warning Special Bulletin (City of London Boating Ban) Page 58 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Tel.: 519-451-2800 Email: Web: WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT – WATER SAFETY [sample] Bulletin Number: 2014.01.02 Issued at: January 13, 2014 at 11:30 AM Valid until: January 17, 2014 Issued by: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer To: Municipal Flood Coordinators (via email) Message: Elevated water levels throughout UTRCA watershed The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) watershed received between 25 and 30 mm of rain over the past weekend, which is more than had been forecast. This rain, combined with above freezing temperatures during the days, caused some runoff in the watershed, with bank-full conditions approached on some smaller watercourses. Water levels will remain elevated this week as above freezing temperatures and approximately 5 mm of rain are forecast between now and tomorrow morning. Seasonal temperatures are forecast after tomorrow evening. Residents are reminded to use extreme caution near all watercourses. Any remaining ice cover is unstable and dangerous; water is cold and fast moving and stream banks slippery. Parents are reminded to keep children and pets away from watercourses. UTRCA officials are monitoring the situation, and will report on any changing conditions if necessary. Update: None expected Contact: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer at 519.451.2800 x 241 Confirmation of receipt of this message: Confirmation not required Information copies provided to: Email: County and Health Unit Flood Coordinators; Neighbouring Conservation Authorities; Ministry of Natural Resources; City of London Police; City of London Fire; UTRCA Chair and Vice-Chair; UTRCA Internal Flood Contacts; Boards of Education; Oneida of the Thames Fax: Stratford Police, Woodstock Police, OPP (Middlesex, Oxford and Perth Counties) END OF BULLETIN Thames River water level information -- Types of Flood Bulletins Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety -- Issued during periods of minor flooding to report on general watershed conditions to flood coordinators, and to remind the general public of general river safety issues Watershed Conditions Statement - Flood Outlook -- Issued to provide early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions that could result in high runoff Flood Watch -- issued when the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities Flood Warning -- issued when flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities Page 59 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Tel.: 519-451-2800 Email: Web: WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT – FLOOD OUTLOOK [sample] To: Municipal Flood Coordinators (via email) Bulletin Number: 2013.11.01 Issued at: December 20, 2013 at Noon Valid Until: December 24, 2013 Issued by: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer To: Municipal Flood Coordinators (via email) Message: Wet weekend forecast The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) watershed is forecast to receive between 45 and 65 mm of rain from today to Sunday. Two significant weather systems are passing through the region, with the first one already delivering 5-10 mm of rain so far. The second, more intense system will arrive later on Saturday. The snowpack in the watershed contains an average of 20 mm of liquid content (before the rain began last night). This snowpack has the capacity to absorb a good portion of the rain, but will begin to release water later on Saturday and into Sunday, particularly if the higher precipitation amounts are received. The UTRCA expects watercourses to rise as a result. Significant flooding is not anticipated at this time but the ground has very little capacity to absorb water due to the wet autumn we experienced. UTRCA officials are monitoring the situation closely. Colder temperatures are expected to arrive on Monday, and the current forecast is for temperatures to remain below freezing until into the New Year. Residents are reminded to use extreme caution near all watercourses. The water will be fast-moving and higher than normal, and will remain so into next week. Recreational users need to be aware of these conditions and consider postponing planned activities on the river until water levels return to normal. Parents are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from watercourses. The flood control reservoirs at Fanshawe, Pittock and Wildwood Conservation Areas are at seasonal levels, and will be operated to reduce flooding. Update: None expected Contact: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer, at 519-451-2800 ext. 241 Confirmation of receipt of this message: Confirmation is not required Information copies provided to: Email: County and Health Unit Flood Coordinators; Neighbouring Conservation Authorities; Ministry of Natural Resources; City of London Police; City of London Fire; UTRCA Chair and Vice-Chair; UTRCA Internal Flood Contacts; Boards of Education; Oneida of the Thames Fax: Stratford Police, Woodstock Police, OPP (Middlesex, Oxford and Perth Counties) END OF BULLETIN Thames River water level information -- Types of Flood Bulletins Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety -- Issued during periods of minor flooding to report on general watershed conditions to flood coordinators, and to remind the general public of general river safety issues Watershed Conditions Statement - Flood Outlook -- Issued to provide early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions that could result in high runoff Flood Watch -- issued when the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities Flood Warning -- issued when flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities Page 60 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Tel.: 519-451-2800 Email: Web: FLOOD WATCH [sample] Bulletin Number: 2013.05.04 Issued at: April 11, 2013 at 13:00 Valid until: April 13, 2013 Issued by: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer To: Municipal Flood Coordinators (via email) Confirmation of receipt of this message is REQUIRED Message: Flood Watch Update - Continuing Wet Forecast The Upper Thames River watershed received between 45 mm to 90 mm of rain so far this week, with 10 – 25 mm received in the last 12 hours, depending upon location. Forecasts vary from 20 mm to 40 mm of additional rainfall by tomorrow morning. If these forecasts materialize, potential areas that may flood in the late hours of tonight and into tomorrow include the following: • City of Woodstock: Thames River at Highway 2; Cedar Creek at Southside Park • Thames Centre: Village of Putnam south of Highway 401; Reynolds Creek - Golden Pond Trailer Park • East Zorra -Tavistock: Braemar Trailer Park • Zorra: Ponderosa Trailer Park • City of London: o Waubuno Creek - Travelled Road, River Road o North Thames River - Windermere and Adelaide Streets; Gibbons Park (Victoria Avenue); Harris Park o Pottersburg Creek at Oxford Street (Veterans Memorial Parkway) o Thames River - Wellington and Front Streets • University of Western Ontario: Medway parking lot; Tennis Centre • Middlesex Centre: Former Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School site; River Road • Perth South: Prospect Hill Campground • West Perth: Motherwell area (Trafalgar bridge) • City of Stratford: Dolan Drive; Avon Cemetery; Stratford Golf and Country Club • Town of St. Marys: Thomas Street between Park and Queen Streets; Parkview Drive; St. Marys Golf & Country Club Minor localized flooding is occurring throughout the watershed and many low flood plain areas, including some park lands, are currently under water. People are reminded that stream banks are very slippery and that water will be fast-moving, cold and dangerous. People are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from watercourses. Reservoirs at Fanshawe (London), Wildwood (St. Marys) and Pittock (Woodstock) are being operated to reduce the downstream effects of flooding, with approximately 84%, 32% and 75% of flood storage capacity still remaining, respectively. Conditions are being monitored and updates will be issued as the event progresses. Municipal Flood Coordinators are encouraged to review their flood contingency plans. Update: As required Contact: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer at 519.451.2800 x 241 Confirmation of receipt of this message: Confirmation is required Information copies provided to: Email: County and Health Unit Flood Coordinators; Neighbouring Conservation Authorities; Ministry of Natural Resources; City of London Police; City of London Fire; UTRCA Chair and Vice-Chair; UTRCA Internal Flood Contacts; Boards of Education; Oneida of the Thames Fax: Stratford Police, Woodstock Police, OPP (Middlesex, Oxford and Perth Counties) END OF BULLETIN Thames River water level information -- Types of Flood Bulletins Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety -- Issued during periods of minor flooding to report on general watershed conditions to flood coordinators, and to remind the general public of general river safety issues Watershed Conditions Statement - Flood Outlook -- Issued to provide early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions that could result in high runoff Flood Watch -- issued when the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities Flood Warning -- issued when flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities Page 61 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Tel.: 519-451-2800 Email: Web: FLOOD WARNING [sample] Bulletin Number: 2011.10.3 Issued at: November 30, 2011 at 9:00 am Valid until: December 2, 2011 Issued by: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer To (via email): Municipal Flood Coordinators for - Town of Ingersoll - Municipality of Thames Centre - City of London Message: Atmospheric Environment Service projects 50 mm of additional rainfall throughout the southern part of the watershed this evening. Expect possible flooding of low lying areas late this evening or early tomorrow morning along: - Cedar Creek - Reynolds Creek - Dingman Creek - Ingersoll Tributaries - Thames River (South Branch) in Woodstock (Hwy 2) - Thames River (South Branch) in London Notify affected persons. Flows along the main branch of the South Thames should peak in London at 440cms late tomorrow evening. North Branch flows are not threatening. Expect flood stage 0.75-1.0 m higher than current levels by tomorrow night. Update: No update of this bulletin is anticipated Contact: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer, at 519-451-2800 ext. 241 Confirmation of receipt of this message: CONFIRMATION IS REQUIRED. Information copies provided to: Email: County and Health Unit Flood Coordinators; Neighbouring Conservation Authorities; Ministry of Natural Resources; City of London Police; City of London Fire; UTRCA Chair and Vice-Chair; UTRCA Internal Flood Contacts; Boards of Education; Oneida of the Thames Fax: Stratford Police, Woodstock Police, OPP (Middlesex, Oxford and Perth Counties) END OF BULLETIN Thames River water level information -- Types of Flood Bulletins Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety -- Issued during periods of minor flooding to report on general watershed conditions to flood coordinators, and to remind the general public of general river safety issues Watershed Conditions Statement - Flood Outlook -- Issued to provide early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions that could result in high runoff Flood Watch -- issued when the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities Flood Warning -- issued when flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities Page 62 Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Tel.: 519-451-2800 Email: Web: SPECIAL BULLETIN [sample] Bulletin Number: 2013.10.SP1 Issued at: November 01, 2013 at 09:00 Issued by: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer To (via email): London Police Services, attention: Duty Staff Sergeant City of London Fire Department, attention: Communications Office Message: The Thames River within the City of London has reached boating ban levels. Water levels will remain unseasonably high for the next several days. The City of London Police may implement the ban and inform the media. Update: When river levels recede below boating ban threshold levels, email notification will be sent to Police Services and Fire Department. Contact: Mark Helsten, Senior Water Resources Engineer, at 519-451-2800 ext. 241 Confirmation of receipt of this message: Confirmation is not required Information copies provided (via email) to: City of London, Tom Copeland City of London, Rick Pedlow END OF BULLETIN Thames River water level information -- Types of Flood Bulletins Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety -- Issued during periods of minor flooding to report on general watershed conditions to flood coordinators, and to remind the general public of general river safety issues Watershed Conditions Statement - Flood Outlook -- Issued to provide early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions that could result in high runoff Flood Watch -- issued when the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities Flood Warning -- issued when flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities Page 63 Flood Forecasting & Warning Organization Office Phone: 519.451.2800 Email: (for non-critical communication only) Web site: (non-critical, flood related information, river levels) Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Office Phone 519-451-2800 Email Cell Phone Mark Helsten, P. Eng. Senior Water Resources Engineer Technical Support Officer Ext. 241 519-719-3585 Mark Shifflett, P.Eng. Senior Water Resources Engineer Technical Support Officer Ext. 239 519-719-4934 Rick Goldt, C.E.T. Supervisor, Water Control Structures Technical Support Officer Ext. 244 519-719-4192 Ian Rowbotham Dam Maintenance Mechanic 519-951-7225 Ext. 373 519-521-7452 Jeff Cantelon Dam Maintenance Mechanic 519-951-7225 Ext. 356 519-808-0082 Jeff Brick Coordinator, Hydrology and Regulatory Services Flood Forecast Centre Supervisor Ext. 228 519-777-2703 Chris Tasker Source Protection Project Manager Flood Forecast Centre Supervisor Ext. 238 519-777-9956 Brad Glasman Coordinator, Conservation Services Flood Forecast Centre Supervisor Ext. 251 519-777-2705 Teresa Hollingsworth Coordinator, Community and Corporate Services Communications Support Officer Ext. 226 floodalert@ 519-777-2714 Steve Sauder Marketing Specialist Communications Support Officer Ext. 275 floodalert@ 519-777-2704 Eleanor Heagy Communications Specialist Communications Support Officer Ext. 276 519-709-3872 Jennifer Howley Coordinator, Conservation Areas Field Support Officer Ext. 265 519-521-5100 Alex Shivas Coordinator, Lands and Facilities Field Support Officer Ext. 227 519-719-4941 Ian Wilcox General Manager Flood Response Coordinator Ext. 259 519-777-2712 Name / Position Page 64 Fanshawe Conservation Area and Flood Control Dam Name / Position Office Phone Extension Email Cell Phone Steven Musclow Superintendent 519-951-6181 Ext. 366 519-521-7306 Damian Schofield Assistant Superintendent 519-951-6181 Ext. 360 519-521-7469 Sean Howley Assistant Superintendent 519-951-6181 Ext. 361 519-521-7428 Jennifer Howley Coordinator, Conservation Areas 519-451-2800 Ext. 265 519-521-5100 Pittock Conservation Area and Flood Control Dam Name / Position Office Phone Extension Email Cell Phone Brent Verscheure Superintendent 519.539.5088 Ext. 21 519-808-2675 Justin Skrypnyk Assistant Superintendent 519.539.5088 Ext. 22 519-521-2816 Jennifer Howley Coordinator, Conservation Areas 519.451.2800 Ext. 265 519-521-5100 Wildwood Conservation Area and Flood Control Dam Name / Position Office Phone Extension Email Cell Phone Paul Switzer Superintendent 519.284.2292 Ext. 431 519-521-7309 Diana Griffin Assistant Superintendent 519.284.2292 Ext. 424 519-640-9257 Ryan Mullin Assistant Superintendent 519.284.2292 Ext. 428 519-521-7437 Jennifer Howley Coordinator, Conservation Areas 519.451.2800 Ext. 265 519-521-5100 Page 65 BLANDFORD-BLENHEIM (Township) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Gary Crandall Director Public Works 1.519.463.5347 Ext/ 226 1.519.463.5881 Gord Gillespie Road Supervisor 1.519.463.5389 1.519.463.5881 n/a EAST ZORRA-TAVISTOCK (Township) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Dennis O’Neil Roads/Public Works Manager 519.462.2697 Ext. 30 519.462.2961 Scott Alexander Fire Chief 519.462.2697 Ext. 29 519.462.2961 INGERSOLL (Town) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Sandra Lawson Town Engineer 519.485.0120 Ext. 2236 519.485.6572 Darrell Parker Fire Chief 519.485.3910 519.485.6848 Doug Wituik Public Work Director 519-485-2931 519-485-2933 Page 66 LONDON (City) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail AJ Tyler Operations Centre 519.661.4965 (24hrs) 519.661.2440 Tom Copeland Manager, Wastewater & Drainage Engineering 519.661.2500 Ext. 4662 519.661.2355 Dave Colvin Emergency Management Specialist 519.661.2500 Ext. 7500 519.661.5934 Patrick Donnelly Urban Watershed Program Manager 519.661.2500 Ext. 0418 519.661.2354 Karl Grabowski, Transportation Design 519.661.2500 Ext. 5071 519.661.4734 Henry Klausnitzer 519-661-2500 Ext. 7502 519-661-5934 Dave O’Brien, Manager Corporate Security and Emergency Management 519.661.2500 Ext. 2459 519.661.5934 (high priority messages) Rick Pedlow Division Manager Sewer Operations 519-661-2500 Ext. 4623 519-661-2352 Ashley Rammeloo 519-661-2500 Ext. 4993 519-661-5845 MIDDLESEX CENTRE (Municipality) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Maureen Looby Director Public Works and Engineering 519.666.0190 Ext. 223 519.666.0271 Arnie Marsman Director of Planning Development Services/Chief Building Official 519.666.1090 Ext. 260 519.666.0271 Michelle Smibert CAO 519.666.0190 Ext. 226 519.666.0271 Page 67 NORWICH (Township) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Ron Smith, Public Works Superintendent 519.879.6568 Ext. 228 519.879.6385 Michael Graves CAO/Clerk 519.863.2709 Ext. 227 519.879.6385 PERTH EAST (Township) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Wes Kuepfer Public Works & Parks 1.519.595.2800 Ext. 234 1.519.272.3489 1.519.595.2801 Theresa Campbell Clerk 1.519.595.2800 Ext. 223 1.519.595.2801 PERTH SOUTH (Township) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail William Doupe Operations Manager/Foreman 1.519.271.0619 Ext. 226 1.519.271.0647 Ken Bettles, C.E.T., CRS. Director of Public Works 1-519-271-0619 ext. 230 Toll Free: 1-866-771-0619 1-519-271-0647 Tim Ivanyshyn CAO/Clerk 1.519.271.0619 Ext. 231 1.519.271.0647 ST. MARYS (Town) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Dennis Brownlee Fire Chief 519.284.2340 Ext. 201 519.284.1751 Brent Dundas Deputy Fire Chief 519-284-1752 519.284.1751 Page 68 SOUTH-WEST OXFORD (Township) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Wray Ramsay Drainage Superintendent 519.485.0477 x 234 519-877-2702 519.877.2647 Bill Freeman Works Superintendent 519.485-0477 x 260 519-877-0477 Work E-mail 519.877-0495 STRATFORD (City) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail David Wilton, Supervisor of Public Works 1.519.271.0250 Ext. 254 1.519.271.1427 Lyndon Kowch Manager of Public Works 1.519.271.0250 Ext. 255 1.519.271.0820 1.519.273.2720 Stratford Fire Department 1.519.271.3212 1.519.271.9511 STRATHROY-CARADOC (Municipality) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Matthew Stephenson Director of Building Waste Services 519.245.1105 Ext 246 519.245.6353 Police Services 519.245.1250 519.245.6264 Brad Dausett Roads Manager 519.245.1105 Ext. 247 519.245.6353 Page 69 THAMES CENTRE (Municipality) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Eric Boere, Director of Environmental Services 519.268.7334. Ext. 245 519.268.3928 Jarrod Craven Superintendent of Environmental Services 519.268.7334 Ext. 238 519.268.3928 Matt Jenner Road Superintendent 519.268.7334 Ext. 243 519.268.3928 Greg Borduas, CAO 519.268.7334 Ext. 223 519.268.3928 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail John Carson, Director Campus Community Police Service 519.661.4010 After Hrs. 519.661.3300 x- 84010 519.661.2122 Paul Martin Acting Director Operations and Maintenance 519.661.2111 Ext. 85421 519.850.2512 Police Dispatch Centre on 24/7 519.661.3300 519.661.2122 Mark Van Den Bossche Parking Manager 519-661-2111 ext 85662 WEST PERTH (Municipality) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Mike Kraemer Operations Manager 519.348.8429 Ext. 231 519.348.8935 Glen Patterson Rural Foreman 1.519.347.2371 519.348.8935 n/a Ed Renne Urban Road Foreman 519.348.8824 519.348.8806 n/a Jeff Wolfe Environmental Services Coordinator 519.348.8429 Ext. 236 519.348.8935 Page 70 WOODSTOCK (City) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail David Creery CAO 519.539.2382 Ext. 3100 519.421.3250 Alex Piggott Works Superintendent 519.539.2382 Ext. 3112 519.537.6984 Harold de Haan, PEng. 519-539-2382 Ext. 3112 Scott Tegler Fire Chief & Community Emergency Management Coordinator 519- 537- 3412 ext 5201 519-537 -0133 Brian Arnold Deputy Fire Chief 519- 537- 3412 ext 5202 519-537 -0133 519-537 -0133 ZORRA (Township) Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position John McFarlan Fire Chief/CEMC Mike Hughes Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent And Flood Coordinator Don MacLeod Chief Administrative Officer Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail 519485-2490 Ext. 240 519-485-2490 Ext. 224 519-485-2520 519-485-2520 519-485-2490 Ext. 226 519-485-2520 Page 71 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Martin Langdale General Superintendent 519.471.2020 519.471.2335 Chris Traini County Engineer 519.434.7321 Ext. 2264 519.434.0638 Bettina Weber Community Emergency Management Coordinator 519.434.7321 Ext. 2227 519.434.0638 519-471-2020 519-471-2335 John Elston Safety and Standards Officer Fire Prevention Officer CFEI MIDDLESEX-LONDON HEALTH UNIT Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Lynn Guy, Executive Assistant to the Medical Health Officer 519.663.5317 Ext. 2444 519.663.9413 Patricia Simone Manager Emergency Planner 519.663.5317 Ext. 2371 519.663.9413 Mr. Wally Adams Director Environmental Health 519-663-5317 Ext. 2316 519-663-9276 Fatih Sekercioglu Manager of Environmental Water Services 519-663-5317 X 2315 519-663-9276 ( COUNTY OF OXFORD Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Joe Pember Manager of Emergency Services 519.539.9800 Ext. 3485 519.537.1099 E-mail Address 24 Hour management emergency pager system through Spectrum 519-537-7961Rob Walton Director of Public Works Peter Crockett, CAO 519.539.9800 Ext. 3100 519.421.4711 519.539.9800 Ext. 3000 519.421.4712 Page 72 OXFORD COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Mary Metcalfe Public Health & Emergency Services 519.539.9800 Ext. 3449 519.539.6206 Lynn Beath Director of Public Health & Emergency Services 519.539.9800 Ext. 3400 519.539.6206 Public Health Inspector (on call) --------- ----------- Diane Marshall Emergency Planning Officer 519-539-0015 Ext. 3522 519-539-6206 Kelly Tunney Emergency Planning Officer (Alternate) 519-539-0015 Ext. 3498 519-539-6206 COUNTY OF PERTH Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Christel Ivanyshyn Emergency Management Coordinator 1.519.271.0531 Ext. 140 1.519.271.6265 Matt Ash Director of Public Works 1.519.271.0531 Ext. 310 1.519.271.6265 PERTH DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Dr. Miriam Klassen Medical Officer of Health 1.519.271.7600 Ext. 255 1.519.271.2195 Dale Lyttle Senior Inspector 1.519.271.7600 Ext. 247 1.519.271.2195 Donna Taylor Director of Health Protection 519.271.7600 Ext. 254 1.519.271.2195 Page 73 OXFORD COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Mary Metcalfe Public Health & Emergency Services 519.539.9800 Ext. 3449 519.539.6206 Lynn Beath Director of Public Health & Emergency Services 519.539.9800 Ext. 3400 519.539.6206 Public Health Inspector (on call) --------- ----------- Diane Marshall Emergency Planning Officer 519-539-0015 Ext. 3522 519-539-6206 Kelly Tunney Emergency Planning Officer (Alternate) 519-539-0015 Ext. 3498 519-539-6206 COUNTY OF PERTH Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Christel Ivanyshyn Emergency Management Coordinator 1.519.271.0531 Ext. 140 1.519.271.6265 Matt Ash Director of Public Works 1.519.271.0531 Ext. 310 1.519.271.6265 PERTH DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT Flood Coordinator Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Dr. Miriam Klassen Medical Officer of Health 1.519.271.7600 Ext. 255 1.519.271.2195 Dale Lyttle Senior Inspector 1.519.271.7600 Ext. 247 1.519.271.2195 Donna Taylor Director of Health Protection 519.271.7600 Ext. 254 1.519.271.2195 Page 74 AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Tom Prout General Manager 519.235.2610 Ext. 234 519.235.1963 Alec Scott Water and Planning 519.235.2610 Ext. 243 519.235.1963 Kate Monk Stewardship & Conservation Lands Supervisor 519.235.2610 Ext. 227 519.235.1963 E-mail Address CATFISH CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Peter Dragunas Water Management Technician 519.773.9037 519.765.1489 Kim Smale, General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer 519-773-9037 519-765-1489 E-mail Address KETTLE CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Jennifer Dow Water Conservation Supervisor 519.631.1270 519.631.5026 E-mail Address Page 75 GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Joe Farwell, CAO 1.519.621.2763 Ext. 2221 1.519.621.4844 Dwight Boyd Director of Engineering 1.519.621.2763 Ext. 2225 1.519.621.4844 Gus Rungis, Senior Water Resources Engineer 1.519.621.2763 Ext. 2222 1.519.621.4844 Lorrie Minshall Source Protection Director Water Management Plan 1.519.621.2763 Ext. 2231 1.519.621.4844 E-mail Address LOWER THAMES RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Jason Wintermute GIS Specialist/Resource Technician 1.519.354.7310 Ext. 227 1.519.352.3435 Don Pearsonl, GM 1.519.354.7310 Ext. 224 1.519.352.3435 MAITLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Phil Beard General Manager 1.519.335.3557 1.519.335.3516 Steve Jackson, Water Resources Engineer 1.519.335.3557 1.519.335.3516 E-mail Address Page 76 ST. CLAIR REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Brian McDougall General Manager 519.245.3710 Ext. 21 519.245.3348 Girish Sankar Director of Watershed Services 519.245.3710 Ext. 247 519.245.3348 E-mail Address MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AYLMER DISTRICT Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Sherry Pineo Area Supervisor 519.773.4720 (direct) 519.773.9241 (main office) 519.773.9014 Dave Richards Water Resources Coordinator Aylmer Michelle Smith 519-773-4731 519-773-9241 (main) 519-773-4725 519-773-9014 519-773-9014 E-mail Address MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES, GUELPH DISTRICT Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Ian Hagman District Manager 1.519.826.4931 1.519.826.4929 Devin Mills Senior Lands Technical Specialist (Acting) 1.519.826.4910 1.519.826.4929 E-mail Address Page 77 -MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES, SURFACE WATER MONITORING CENTRE, PETERBOROUGH Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Surface Water Monitoring Centre – Duty Officer (daytime) 1.705.755.5201 1.705.755.5038 or 1.705.755.5039 Surface Water Monitoring Centre – after hours Duty Officer Frank Kenny, Acting Coordinator – Surface Water Monitoring Centre 1.705.761.2044 1.705.755.5038 or 1.705.755.5039 1.705.755.5011 1.705.755.5038 or 1.705.755.5039 E-mail Address (4) Rotating SWMC Duty Officers: Gordon Gallant Nafeeza Hooseinny Lak Ramanathan Brent Smith EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ONTARIO Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Duty Operations Officer Provincial Emergency Operations Centre 1.866.314.0472 or 1.416.314.0472 1.416.314.3758 ----------- Steve Beatty Emergency Field Officer Ontario Ministry of the Community Safety & Correctional Services P.O. 25177, London, ON N6C 6A9 519.679.7055 519.679.7014 RED CROSS OF CANADA Flood Coordinator Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # E-mail Address Karen Charles 519-212-1298 519-686-8540 Page 78 OPP Flood Coordinator, Position / Alternate Position Business Phone Fax # London Call Centre: 519.680.4600 (24 hr) 519.681.0300 519.680.4697 Municipality Middlesex County Perth County Strathroy 519-245-1410 Glencoe 519-287-2436 Lucan 519-227-4000 Sebringville 519.393.6123 Mitchell (W Perth) Oxford County Other 519.393.6125 519-348-4155 Tillsonburg 519.688.6540 519-842-2190 Ingersoll 519.485.6554 519.485.6949 1.888.310.1122 Western Region Dispatch - Non-emergency communications dispatch for region (Windsor to Tobermory to Simcoe) Local Police & Fire Municipality Business Phone Fax # Other London Police 519.661.5281 (unpublished) 519.661.8446 (24 hours) Stratford Police 1.519.271.4141 1.519.271.3122 ------------ Woodstock Police 519.688.6540 519.688.5149 1.888.310.1122 London Fire City of London Boating Ban Agency City of London Police City of London Fire Department London Engineering Department Flood Coordinator, Position / Alternate Position Business Phone Fax # Other HRU Officer 519.661.5670 519.660.5460 Communications 519.661.5281 519.661.8446 ------------ Rick Jefferson, Public Information Coordinator 519.661.2500 Ext. 4622 519.661.8419 Cell: 519.521.4501 Communications Office (24 hr/day) 519.661.5615 519.661.2441 firecommunicatorsonduty Tom Copeland, Manager, Wastewater & Drainage Eng. 519.661.2500 Ext. 4662 519.661.2355 Cell: 519.200.2803 Rick Pedlow 519-661-2500 Ext. 4623 519.661.2352 Page 79 AVON MAITLAND DSB Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Steve Howe Manager of Communications 1-800-592-5437 ext. 132 or 1-519-527-0111 ext. 132 1-519-527-0222 Mike Ash Superintendent of Education 1-800-592-5437 ext. 113 or 1-519-527-0111 ext. 113 1-519-527-0222 HURON-PERTH CATHOLIC DSB Flood Coordinator, Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Gerry Thuss Superintendent of Business 1-519-345-2440 Ext. 330 1-519-345-2449 Anne Marie Nicholson Manager of Plant 1-519-345-2440 Ext. 325 1-519-345-2449 THAMES VALLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Flood Coordinator, Position/ Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Kevin Bushell Executive Officer, Facility Services and Capital Planning 519-452-2000 Ext. 21015 519-452-2395 Kate Young Manager, Public Affairs and Community Relations 519-452-2000 Ext. 20209 519-452-2395 Work E-mail LONDON DISTRICT CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD Flood Coordinator, Position/Alternate Position Business Telephone Fax # Work E-mail Mary Anne Moser Occupational Health & Safety Officer 519-663-2088 Ext. 43413 519-663-9250 Terry Williams Building Services Manager 519-663-2088 Ext. 43305 519-663-9205 Page 80 Appendix 8 - Enternal Oneida First Nations - External Name Robert Cornelius Operator in Charge Oneida Water Works Department April Varewyck Oneida Water Works Department Phone 519-630-3676 (cell) Fax 519-652-9123 Email 519-652-9560 519-652-9126 RD Appendix Page 819 RD RD 21 RD D1 PE 11 RT 9 RD 12 AD RO RD RD 1 AD 13 RO 12 4 RD AD RO AD 6 RO RD 1 -FO RD RR RT H ES T RO AD RD 12 AD RO Y ME HT AL 2 AD 12 LIC CH RO RD AD 13 RS 0 RO PE 0 15 AD RD RD 6 HR RO OA 14 RD 5 15 AD RO 13 9 15 4 15 RO RD 16 RO RD RD 5 AD 13 11 H AD RO 9 RT 14 AD RO RD 13 AD RO ROAD 111 RD 12 AD RO RD me sR . Th a th So u N TO IL HA M Cr. Mid dl RD 1 16 AD RO RD 4 RD 0 14 AD RD 4 16 AD RO 5 e r. 0 RO Waubuno Ce d ar C RD RD MILLDA LE RD RT RD R RD KE SW ICK NS VIL BROW LE NS VIL LE RD INS HWY HWY3 INS PRES SEY RD RD HAWK RD HAWK RD 13 ANDE OX FO MORTENSEN RD ER LINE DALEWOOD RD ST A E ST N ZE ND 01 HW Y SE AIRPO LINE Y4 RD 14 9 E HAM HW OX FO HWY5 Oxbow Cr. RD LIN RD RD 4 IE LD Longpoint Region C.A. RD DERE DR RD RD AD RD RO ONSF ICH NORW K DS 22 DFO OX FO RD N Norwich GREE QUAK LINE Main Branch 22. Byron D 23. Dingman D,R 24. Oxbow Creek D,R RO AD BL AN RD E LIN TA TIO RD ORD EZER PROU ICK KE SW LINE RD South Thames 14. Innerkip D,R 15. Pittock Dam D,R 16. Cedar Creek D 17. Ingersoll D,R 18. Thamesford D, R 19. Waubuno Creek D,R 20. Ealing D 21. Reynolds Creek D,R ORD D5 SUBS RD LIN E Stream Gauges and Dams North Thames 1. Mitchell D,R 2. Avon D,R,M 3. St. Marys D,R 4. Wildwood Dam D 5. Fairview D,R 6. Plover Mills D,R 7. Fanshawe Dam D, R, M 8. Stoney Creek D 9. Medway Creek D,R 10. Orr Dam D,R 11. Avon River u/s D, R 12. Below Wildwood Dam D 13. Fish Creek D IES BE AC AN ODEN M OS TR AM O OA CURR PL CULL PIGRA Catfish Creek C.A. OXF DR E RD BROW URY RD RE RD RD N DANIEL LINE CENT NT RD CE D EV ER RD Malahide RD E F OR L IN OX NE A VLI E E LIN AT L IN RR L IN T ELGI Key: D- Computerized Data Logger (stream water level/flow) R- Continuous Recording Raingauge M- Meteorological Station (solar radiation, temperature, wind speed) 0 2.5 5 2 AVE ULLO Y EB EN MOUN E TER LIN ARD E E LIN ZO R R RO AD RD Cedar Cr. U R SHIP RL INE PA TT RD TH Reynolds Cr. DR E HUBB L IN H H H ST KE 8 RD TO WE OLD STAGE RD PUTN O RD 15T 10T 11T /EA D ILLE R C r. IETSV LA RO AD RD DR LINE RD ZE OXFORD 5 H Y RA TO WN D South Thames MCBE sC DR YO RK EY -HUN C 9 SHIP HWY2 AN A South-West Oxford ld E R SA LF o yn Re STON RO AD SHIP 14 Woodstock 16 E LIN RD DR 14 HWY UNION ARTY AV ON ETON H E LIN HW E LIN ZO R H 74 Ingersoll DR CROM PTON HARR SL CROS 16T 14T H Y59 13T HW H E 37T 17 LINE MAPL LIN 64 60 8 RO AD AD 10 TO WN 15 JU LI 21 LEY ER RD MAPLETON LINE AD 33R AD D5 DR T RD RD FERGUSON LINE AD 62 RO HWY PS ON WILS ON E LIN AD A RO 01 HWY4 RTH DR THOMSON LINE T H A NT ST HE ST GLANWO SHIP RD 8 IP RO OX FO 66 AD RO ION DR BRA DY DR TRUMAN LINE 78 AD RO 4 D6 HU RD RE DR 41S 35T RO 66 RO CRAM SCO TLA ND RO AD RD RO SH TO WN TO WN E LIN E LIN A 18 68 AD RO R GA DR OX FO Pittock Dam H E AD RO GL AD DR RD LOO Blandford Blenheim H D 37T E LIN E LIN E L IN TH OM ATER TO WN 17T OO 11T E LIN D E LIN L IN VE RD RD -W E EW 43R E LIN E H H H RO MOSS WIL TON GRO L IN PL D LIN 27T 29T H 13T RO ST YB OX FO RD East Zorra-Tavistock Ingersoll Channel 8 D6 Meadowlily/Dorchester DONN D DR AS R MA ROOK OR North Woodstock Thames R. 15T INE XF Tavistock T E LIN L H-O H 96 AD 33R 31S D AVE C r. man Ding Kettle Creek C.A. E 23R FA LINE RD RT H LINE H W LINE RD PE Zorra DR MANNING LINE 33 Middle Thames ST BE LMON IT LINE North Branch/Mud Cr. 25T DR E LIN ORTH LINE 40 H NW HE R ND 7TH AVE OAK RD E D RD R GE B RN GLA DR RD C AT BRA DLE Y RD E SCO TLA ND R CK E H 84 AD DORC DE EL R LINE 41 25T RE RD S TD RIA L BR N GO 19 AIRPO RT DR E WHITE WE RD EL ULL C AR W EL A TR DU GO 20 SHORLEA LINE THD C RD RAY RNE 402 O DH R BE LL WO BU NG LINE Perth East LINE PERTH LINE 26 RO E LIN ST SOUTHDALE MUR EL B D RD H r Dingman Cr. S TD R R ON tte g ur sb London DING MAN RD SO U H Po 88 AD ST r. Pottersburg Cr. E EME RY ST 22 WE RD N STE 19T 7 DE T ES S ID E EA P ST CH RD FO OX RT E LIN 9 LINE 34 RD RD RD KR Springbank Dam DR W AR 8 DW HWY RD E RD P WE RD RD H AM HULL SO R ON IDA ELIJA KR A LE NELS BO LE R OD BRIG IB LO LINE SD 5 FO -OX GE AR SH Stratford Waubuno Cr. ITA EP FA N 11 10 R. PE 2 RO H ER AW W DA 23 G SW E LINE Avon River RD SH RD LE ING The Forks WO D ON E Grand River C.A. H LINE 45 MA D9 ILL YH DA NN River Bend IN ES TM ER R FA N D W Lower Thames Valley C.A. RT RD CH SU Y SH A A RO S ING R R H LINE 47 H ILL AY ST S IS PE LINE Black Cr. EH Stoney Cr. R KE N IR E LIN B BL Fanshawe Dam CLA KA IE KH D LIN E N Wildwood Dam CO E MIL HALE O R U 7 E LINE 51 PERTH LINE 43 RO E RD DW Wye Cr. VIE D M PA O E Thomas Orr Dam Otter Cr. FA IR RD N R S N UN DR R LIN Trout Cr./Wildwood RD MIL Dykes R SE 46 E 4 6 . es R RD A VE E r. T IGH RO 3 ham th T Y E D KO AM RD E E St. Marys Nor UR RD ILE R D E D E E 15T hC r. 13 R KE HB K K R AID E6 LIN 17T E CLA HIG N EC EE M HW EL LIN 4 1 LIN Perth South E Gregory Cr. NIN RD R EA Komoka Cr. AD E E6 E6 52 LIN Trout12 Cr. E DR Y N M LIN Plover Mills Corridor yC D TO R Komoka 36 n Avo 15 RD VATOR E 24 02 E HU 8 E wa RD MIL E E DR C N ST O Y4 LIN RD E LIN Fis RD ER R HW LIN LIN 45T LIN d Me IL E OXFORD ST W E 9 RD LIN 4 LINE R VA N RD IO AR R LD D LD E5 E RD H 6 2 OUSE R BE AI O SE LIN E E LIN RD RT N C M O E 11 2 E LIN LIN ROAD 132 STO NEH M EN AN R EL 6 RD E LIN LIN Oxbow Cr. R E E7 16 Thames Centre R D LIN E AD E E OB SER LINE LINE TE E EL V TE N St. Clair Region C.A. LIN 5 E RO E AWMIK ME IV LIN E 8 E5 49 2 E RD LIN LIN LIN LIN MITCH ELL ROMA N LINE LD TA TW IL D D LIN RD PE LIN ROAD 163 EN RD N D EN LIN RD LD NFIE O EW E 8 RD E 10 7 D 13 E LIN DE EW H C E RD 12 LIN Middlesex Centre IR TH R E5 LIN LIN ROAD 109 E LIN PERTH LINE AL Y RD N N M L IL r. E Cr. E R OA INE LINE BUR SAINTS RD R FE D R LIN ROAD 110 LIN LINE SUNSH HERN LIN E LINE ST RD AR RD WILMOT-EASTHOP E Black 18 Medway Cr. RD Y 86 ROAD 102 E LIN Fish Cr. EY D E NEIL MAG UIR ELG IE INF 29 LIN RD DR G LIN E6 2 LIN LIN LIN ST RD DR IL E RD E ROAD 106 LIN E Glengowan Flat Cr. C r. UNION RD S COURS RICHM ON BRINSLEY ST NM E ON 0 PERTH ROAD 107 E HURON AIRPO RT TE E GT ROAD 104 E t Fla LIN Lucan Biddulph SIX E8 6 E6 LIN E 17 LIN AD E 19 WH ST H E6 0 LIN 32 LIN RO E PARK LE lC IN 5 E LIN RO LIN 17 E ELIMV ILL South Huron ER E E RD E THAME WIL LIA M 4 LIN 24 LIN LIN T CO RN ir Wh ST 1 LL 3 LIN PE 9 E E 21 LIN NK Mitchell E 17 18 2 AD 18 AD RO RO LIN FR A AD LIN 44 RT E LIN Whirl Cr. RO H E E LIN E6 Mitchell Dam RD RD RD RT 1 PE LIN LIN E8 ROAD 108 LIN WES E RD 26 H RD E LIN LIN ADA RE E E West Perth Ausable Bayfield C.A. DR LIN 39 LIN LIN LIN E 34 RO E RT AD LIN LIN PE LIN LIN 42 PE AD AD AD 53 LIN LIN RO RO 16 E North Mitchell E LIN E 6 RO 8 LIN RD LIN LIN 16 AD RD 4 RD 0 L WE 8 5 AD RD 9 LIN 18 AD RO H RT HIL PE ER E7 North Perth RD EY NL MA MM LIN 2 EC BE Huron East SU E7 15 E7 LIN AD 17 RO AD RO E LIN E 16 LIN E LIN H 0 LIN RT RD RD PL D MA OO PE 1 RD FF RD HW E7 AD LIN S RO EL RD HA ON E Maitland Valley C.A. LT RIE MIC RD E LIN WA NC 8 LIN ST MO 10 kilometres Base Mapping Produced by UTRCA under licence with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources © Queens Printer for Ontario 1994, 2006. RD Page 82 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA BY-LAW NO. 15-14 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 35-99, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Zorra deems it advisable to amend By-law Number 35-99, as amended. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Schedule "A" to By-Law Number 35-99, as amended, is hereby amended by changing to “RR-12” the zone symbols of the lands so designated “RR-12” on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. That Section 9.4 to By-Law Number 35-99, as amended, is hereby amended by adding the following subsection at the end thereof. “9.4.12 LOCATION: PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 10 (EAST NISSOURI) (KEY MAP 58) RR-12 Notwithstanding any provisions of this Zoning By-Law to the contrary, no person shall within any RR-12 Zone use any lot, or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: all uses permitted in Section 9.1 of this By-Law. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Zoning By-law to the contrary, no person shall within any RR-12 Zone use any lot, or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: LOT DEPTH Minimum 3. 71 m (233 ft) That all the provisions of the RR Zone in Section 9.2 to this Zoning By-law, as amended, shall apply, and further that all other provisions of this Zoning By-law, as amended, that are consistent with the provisions herein contained shall continue to apply mutatis mutandis.” This By-law comes into force in accordance with Sections 34(12) and (30) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 18TH DAY OF MARCH, 2014. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18TH DAY OF MARCH, 2014. MAYOR MARGARET LUPTON CLERK KAREN MARTIN Page 83 SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW No. 15-14 © PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 10 (EAST NISSOURI) PART 1, REFERENCE PLAN 41R-9046 TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA METRES 0 20 30 N67-06-30E 71.00 N20-34-15W 0.92 N66-47-45E 3.05 L O T ALL DIMENSIONS IN METRES N66-48-45E 5.18 9 AREA OF ZONE CHANGE TO RR-12 NOTE: S.E. ANGLE LOT 10 CON 10 C O N C E S S I O N 19 TH LIN E N20-46-15W 51.08 C O N C E S S I N20-46-15W 52.00 O N L O T N67-06-30E 71.00 1 1 1 1 10 CO UN TY ROAD No . 11 9 5 0 0 10 THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" 15-14 PASSED TO BY-LAW No. __________, 18th March 2014 THE __________ DAY OF ____________, MAYOR Produced By The Department of Corporate Services Information Systems ©2014 CLERK Page 84 TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA 274620 27th Line, PO Box 306 Ingersoll, ON, N5C 3K5 Ph. (519) 485-2490 1-888-699-3868 Fax (519) 485-2520 ZON 5-13-07 TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA BY-LAW NUMBER 15-14 EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-Law Number 15-14 is to rezone lands located on the west side of 19th Line, south of Road 78, described as Part Lot 10, Concession 10, Part 1 RP 41R9046, in the Township of Zorra, from “General Agricultural Zone (A2)” to “Special Rural Residential Zone (RR-12)”. The effect of the zone change implements the recent decision of the Oxford Land Division Committee to grant provisional approval to an application for Consent to Sever (#B13-16-5) which permitted the creation of a non-farm rural residential lot as a result of a farm consolidation. The subject property is known municipally as 195577 19th Line. The Municipal Council, after conducting the public hearing necessary to consider any comments or concerns regarding the proposed zone change, approved By-Law Number 15-14. The public hearing was held on September 3rd, 2013. Any person wishing further information relative to Zoning By-Law Number 15-14 may contact the undersigned. Karen Martin Clerk Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306 INGERSOLL, Ontario N5C 3K5 Telephone: 485-2490 Internet: Email: Page 85 KEY MAP © METRES 100 0 200 400 600 LOT 11 LOT 12 200 15-14 LANDS TO WHICH BYLAW ____________ APPLIES Produced By The Department of Corporate Services Information Systems ©2014 23RD LINE C O N C E S S I O N 19T H LINE COUN TY ROAD No. 119 X C O N C E S S I O N LOT 10 LOT 8 LOT 9 15 TH LIN E C O N C E S S I O N I X X I ROAD 78 Page 86 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA BY-LAW No. 16-14 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 35-99, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Zorra deems it advisable to amend By-law Number 35-99, as amended. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Schedule "A" to By-Law Number 35-99, as amended, is hereby amended by changing to HC-8 the zone symbol of the lands so designated HC-8 on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. That Section 16.1 to By-Law Number 35-99, as amended, is hereby amended by adding the following subsection at the end thereof. “16.3.8 LOCATION: LOTS 1 -7, BLK L & LOTS 9 & 13 AND PART LOTS 8, 1012, 14, BLK M AND PART OF O’DEA STREET, JANE STREET, AND O’CONNELL STREET (CLOSED), REGISTERED PLAN 94 AND PT BLK L, REGISTERED PLAN 143, PART 1 RP 41R-5491 Notwithstanding any provisions of this Zoning By-Law to the contrary, no person shall within any HC-8 Zone use any lot, or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: an assembly hall; an auction establishment; an automobile service station; a bank or financial institution; a bingo hall; a bowling alley; a convenience store; a dry cleaning establishment; an eating establishment; a farm implement dealership; a farm produce retail outlet; a furniture and home appliance sales and service establishment; a home improvement supply store; a hotel, excluding permanent staff accommodation; a motel; a household power equipment sales and service establishment; a laundromat; a motor vehicle sales establishment; a motor vehicle washing establishment; a parking lot; a public garage; a public use, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.21 of this Zoning By-Law; a retail nursery; Page 87 a service shop; a veterinary clinic; a warehouse; and a wholesale outlet. 3. That, subject to, all the provisions of the HC Zone in Section 16.2 to this Zoning By-law, as amended, shall apply and further, that all other provisions of this Zoning By-Law, as amended, that are consistent with the provisions herein contained shall continue to apply mutatis mutandis." This By-Law comes into force in accordance with Sections 34(21) and (30) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 18th day of March, 2014. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th day of March, 2014. MAYOR MARGARET LUPTON CLERK KAREN MARTIN Page 88 SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW No. 16-14 LOTS 1 THROUGH 7, BLOCK L, AND LOTS 9 AND 13, AND PART LOTS 8, 10, 11, 12, AND 14, BLOCK M AND PART O’DEA STREET, JANE STREET, AND O’CONNELL STREET (CLOSED) , REGISTERED PLAN 94 AND PART BLOCK L, REGISTERED PLAN 143 PART 1, REFERENCE PLAN 41R-5491 © TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA METRES UN 25 TY RO AD No .1 12.5 0 25 50 19 N7 8 12 -43-4 2.1 0W 5 19 TH LIN E N.E. ANGLE BLOCK L R.P. 143 60 .96 N19-16-10W 138.11 N19-22-00W 242.16 6.07 BE LL 3.63 ST RE ET TOWN OF INGERSOLL CO N69-06-20E 157.13 THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" AREA OF ZONE CHANGE TO HC-8 NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS IN METRES 16-14 PASSED TO BY-LAW No. __________, March 2014 18th DAY OF ____________, THE __________ MAYOR Produced By The Department of Corporate Services Information Systems ©2014 CLERK Page 89 TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA 274620 27th Line, PO Box 306 Ingersoll, ON, N5C 3K5 Ph. (519) 485-2490 1-888-699-3868 Fax (519) 485-2520 ZON 5-14-02 TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA BY-LAW NUMBER 16-14 EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-Law Number 16-14 is to rezone lands located on the south side of 19th Line, between 27th Line and Ingersoll Road N, just west of the Town of Ingersoll boundary, described as Lots 1 -7, Blk L & Lots 9 & 13 and Part Lots 8, 10-12, 14, Blk M and Part of O’Dea Street, Jane Street, and O’Connell Street (closed), Registered Pan 94 and Part Block L, Registered Plan 143, Part 1 Registered Plan 41R-5491in the Township of Zorra, from “Special Restricted Industrial Zone (MR-1)” to “Special Highway Commercial Zone (HC-8)”. The effect of the zone change is to permit a range of highway commercial uses on the subject lands. The subject property is known municipally as both 439 Bell Street and 194233 19th Line. The Municipal Council conducted the public hearing necessary to consider any comments or concerns regarding the proposed zone change. The public hearing was held on March 4th, 2014. Council approved Zoning By-Law Number 16-14 on March 18th, 2014. Any person wishing further information relative to Zoning By-Law Number 16-14 may contact the undersigned. Karen Martin Clerk Township of Zorra P.O. Box 306 INGERSOLL, Ontario N5C 3K5 Telephone: 485-2490 Internet: Email: Page 90 KEY MAP © METRES 50 19 TH TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA E 0 50 100 150 TOWN OF INGERSOLL SH LIN 25 EL TO N DR E RO No .1 1 9 RF IEL AD DD R TY 7 UN IV CO IV BE HAI NES STR EET LL ST RE ET HAINES STREET 16-14 APPLIES LANDS TO WHICH BYLAW ____________ Produced By The Department of Corporate Services Information Systems ©2014 TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA KERR CRESCEN T HAIN ES STRE ET CR US OE PL AC E CONCESSION IN GE RS OL L ST RE ET NO RT H SC LOT OU SCOURFIEL D Page 91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA BY-LAW NO. 17-14 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LANDS AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE WITH MAC’S MILK CONVENIENCE STORES INC. WHEREAS Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, states that a municipal power, including a municipality’s capacity, rights, powers and privileges under Section 8, shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise; AND WHEREAS Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, states that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Zorra is desirous of purchasing lands for municipal use. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the acquisition of the lands described as Part Lot 21, Concession 1 formerly in the Township of North Oxford, now in the Township of Zorra, County of Oxford, is hereby authorized. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Zorra an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the Township of Zorra and Mac’s Milk Convenience Stores Inc. for lands described as Part Lot 21, Concession 1 formerly in the Township of North Oxford, now in the Township of Zorra. 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Zorra other such documents as may be required to complete the transaction. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 18th day of MARCH, 2014. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th day of MARCH, 2014. MAYOR MARGARET LUPTON CLERK KAREN MARTIN Page 92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA BY-LAW NO. 18-14 BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA AT A COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON MARCH 18, 2014 WHEREAS Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Chapter 25, provides that a municipal power, including a municipality’s capacity, rights, powers and privileges under section 9, shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ZORRA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the actions of the Council of the Township of Zorra, at a meeting held on March 18, 2014, in respect to each report, motion, resolution or other action passed and taken by the Council at its meeting, is hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed, as if each resolution or other action was adopted, ratified and confirmed by its separate by-law. 2. That the Mayor and the proper officers of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action, or obtain approvals, where required, and, except where otherwise provided, the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix the Corporate Seal of the Township of Zorra to all such documents. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 18th DAY OF MARCH, 2014. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF MARCH, 2014. MAYOR MARGARET LUPTON CLERK KAREN MARTIN