ALS Association Rocky Mountain Chapter Newsletter Winter 2006-2007

Winter Edition 2006-2007
a publication of the ALS Association, Rocky Mountain Chapter
President’s Message
A Year in Review
The ALS Association – Rocky
Mountain Chapter is dedicated to
improving the quality of life for
those affected by Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis, as well as to
provide patient services support
for the management and
progression of this disease.
From the Executive Desk - p2 | Sponsor Thank You - p3 | 2006 Events - p4&5 | Who we are - p6
Veterans & Advocacy - p7 | 2006 Donations - p8-10 | “4 for 4” — A Unique Way of Giving - p11
From the Executive Director...
Pamela Rush-Negri
2006 was a wonderful year in The Rocky Mountain Chapter of The ALS Association. The love, generosity and dedication of
so many helped to provide services and equipment to patients and families of ALS all over the Rocky Mountain Region. It is
amazing to me how our supporters always come through to make sure we are able to give daily aid to patients and their families,
to provide equipment that would be cost-prohibitive to most, as well as to offer up-to-date information and resources of help, all
with a personal touch. We are truly grateful to have had the chance to make available this assistance.
It also occurred to me that perhaps we should explain exactly what we provide, so those that help us might congratulate
themselves on a “job-well-done” at making our jobs much easier over the past year.
While we continue to search for answers to ALS, we are equally focused on doing everything possible to improve living for
those fighting this disease. I have listed below our basic services in an effort to show how your generosity translates into help
for our families of ALS. In the Rocky Mountain Chapter, we strive to meet the needs of ALS patients and their families by
providing access to a wide variety of services free of charge including support groups, home visits, equipment loans, educational
resources, and collaborative efforts to ensure patients receive the highest level of care possible.
Thank you for your continued support and please give us a call if you have any questions about the services we provide.
Services of The ALS Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter
ALS Patient Service Staff - Support staff dedicated solely to
assist ALS patients, family members, caregivers, and healthcare
professionals by providing resources, support and home visits
to aid in the management of the disease.
The David B. McEachran Augmentative Communication Program –
lends or assists patients with the purchase of augmentative
communication devices.
Local ALS Resource Manual – This manual has been designed to
offer the newly diagnosed facts about ALS and information on
the Patient Bill of Rights, establishing a health care team,
research treatments, legal and financial issues, care-giving tips,
children’s issues and localized ALS resources.
ALS Monthly Support Groups – In Denver, Boulder and Colorado
Springs for patients, family members, caregivers, and friends.
The Newly Diagnosed Workshop – A 4-week series of speakers
and discussion about topics that pertain to people new to ALS
Information and Resource Lending Library – with informational
videos, books and pamphlets for ALS patients, family members,
caregivers, health care professionals and friends of the chapter.
The Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program — Offers the use of
needed medical equipment, such as: Hydraulic Patient Lifts,
EZ Pivot Patient Lifts, Power Wheelchairs, Manual
Wheelchairs, Recliner Lift Chairs, and Communication Devices.
We have over 450 pieces of equipment in our database – retail
value $5 to $30,000!
ALS Grief Packets – to families who have recently lost a loved
one to ALS.
Information – via a professionally designed Web Site and links to
other national ALSA resources, a Chapter Newsletter and ongoing communication via e-mail and mail.
The Pete Duranko Respite Care Program – Offers grants funding
to ALS caregivers who need assistance in caring for their ALS
ALS Association Support Group Schedule
For Support Group information contact:
Louisville/Boulder 2nd Tuesday of the Month – 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Christ the Servant Lutheran Church,
506 W. Via Appia, Louisville
Leslie Ryan
Suzanne Schrag
Patient Services Director or Patient Services Coordinator
Colorado Springs 2nd Tuesday of the Month – 5:30 – 7 pm
Odyssey Healthcare and Hospice –
4465 Northpark Dr. Ste 400, Colorado Spgs
The ALS Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter
1201 E. Colfax Ave., Suite 202
Denver, CO 80218
w w w. a l s a c o . o r g
3rd Saturday of the Month –11:00-12:30 pm
9155 E. Stanford Place, Greenwood Village
We want to extend a special
Thank You to Our Sponsors…
You Really Came Through!
John Elway AutoNation
Guaranty Bank and Trust
Vectra Bank of Colorado
Hatch Jacobs LLC
George T. Sanders Company
Wyant Data Services
Sage Hospitality
First Western Trust
Northern Trust Bank
Triton Investments Company
Van Gilder Insurance Corporation
Colorado Neurological Institute
Cage Williams
Coors Brewing Company
The Painted Bench
Fuller & Company
Perkins Coie LLP
Unique Properties LLC
The Monroe Group, Inc
Travel Organizers
Western Capital Partners
IMA of Colorado
Lockton Companies of Colorado, Inc.
Holme Roberts & Owen LLP
Green Manning & Bunch
Shaw Construction
Denver Newspaper Agency
Tommy Hilfiger Corporate Foundation
Colorado & Company
Zaler's Meats
Boulder Ice Cream
Paragon Graphics
Uncle Nasty of KBPI
Bresnan Communications
Gail Fallon of Keith and Gail
in the Morning KCOC
Steve Manshel
The Pepsi Bottling Company
Donate on line at...
The 2006 Events were so Rewarding, Successful and a Great Deal of Fun!
Sunset in the Park – June 15, 2006. Raised over $14,000! It was a beautiful June evening, the
food was delicious, the band was marvelous, the auction so successful, and the good company
The Denver Walk to d’Feet ALS – September 9, 2006. The rain held off just long
enough for the best attended Walk in the Chapter’s history! Entertainment by Steve
Manshel…hot dogs provided by Zaler’s Meats…ice cream by Boulder Ice Cream…the
whole experience – priceless!
The Grand Junction Walk to d’Feet ALS – October 1, 2006. Go Grand Junction! Attendance was
almost double over last year, thanks to so many for helping to get the word out.
The Fort Collins Walk to d’Feet ALS – October 15, 2006. A fall day on the CSU campus is breathtaking, but
made even more special when spending it with such wonderful generous friends.
12th Annual Lou Gehrig Memorial Golf Tournament – October 9, 2006 then October 16, 2006. It rained…
and it rained… and then the tournament was postponed a week. Event suicide you say? Not at all! Everyone
involved (including the sun!) came out in a big way to make sure the 12th Annual Lou Gehrig Memorial Golf
Tournament was a resounding success!
A Heartfelt T hanks...
want to thank all of our volunteers who donated their time and help before, during and after all of our events. Your time and
efforts are valuable to the chapter and we appreciate all of your help during our busiest times of the year. We’d like to give a
thank you to four extremely devoted volunteers who have “gone above and beyond” for the Rocky Mountain Chapter.
Charlene Cunningham
Charles “Bark” Goodson
Lee Marth
Teri Bogard
(Produces all donation receipts – thousands a year!, Database Management)
(Equipment Delivery, Denver & Fort Collins Walk and the Golf Tournament)
(Office Help, Denver Walk and the Golf Tournament)
(Office Help, Walks and the Golf Tournament)
If you would like to sign up for our volunteer program, please contact me by e-mail (, or feel free to call our
office at 303.832.2322. You can also sign up on our website at
Janet Kawamura
Administrative Assistant
Volunteer Coordinator
~ There are hearts and hands always ready to make generous intentions become noble deeds. — Helen Keller
Who Are We?
Board of Directors: The ALS Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter is very fortunate and grateful to be under the
guidance of such successful and dedicated business professionals. They each bring their own brand of expertise to ensure
the consistent growth and professionalism of our association and for that we are genuinely thankful.
• Brian Cook, Electronic Exchange Systems
• Tom Carley, Sun Microsystems
• Patrick Bailey, Triton Investment Company
• Marty Skolnick, Siemens Building Technologies
• Julie Bloom, Colorado Springs Liaison
• Cathy Bodine, Assistive Technology Partners,
CU of Denver Health Sciences Center
• David Shouse, PALS
• Rob Beckerdite
• Mark Williams, Cage/Williams
• Kent Mathews, Odyssey Healthcare
• Bob Deloian, Dentist
• Robert Behrens, RE/MAX Commercial
Staff: The Staff of the Rocky Mountain Chapter Continues to Grow! We are excited to introduce three new members to
the staff of The Rocky Mountain Chapter - Suzanne Schrag, Sally Vizas and Shawna Urbanski.
Suzanne Schrag
Sally Vizas
Shawna Urbanski
Patient Services Coordinator
Development Associate
Support Group Facilitator
Suzanne’s background in Occupational Therapy
and experience in assisting patients and caregivers in utilizing area resources, making
recommendations for home safety and
knowledge of adaptive equipment made her
the perfect candidate for the Patient Services
Coordinator position. We are thrilled that
Suzanne decided to join the Rocky Mountain
Sally grew up with ALS in her family. Her own
mother lost her life to the disease when Sally
was only 13 years old. Sally’s personal
knowledge of ALS and the effects it has on
all concerned, coupled with her experience in
fundraising and community networking made
her the perfect addition as our Development
Shawna is currently a full time student at the
University of Denver, working towards her
doctorate in clinical psychology. Shawna
lost her mother to ALS over 4 years ago, and
has been an active member of the Rocky
Mountain Chapter since her mother’s
diagnosis. We are happy that Shawna is
lending her talents to the Denver support group.
Staff Listing
Pamela Rush-Negri,
Executive Director
Suzanne Schrag,
Patient Services Coordinator
Leslie Ryan, Patient Services Director
Janet Kawamura,
Administrative Assistant
Sally Vizas, Development Associate
Shawna Urbanski,
Support Group Facilitator
Rocky Mountain Chapter Remembers...
our sympathy and continual support to those families and friends that have recently lost their loved one to ALS.
W eInextend
their memory, we continue the fight.
Mary Apple
Lolita Bailey
Tom Bishop
William Boies
Richard Bono
William Bouley
Viola Carmonsio
Joyce Chism
Carol Dalton
Maria Del Rio
Rob Dickerson
Karl Dieters
Barbara Jean Dionisio
Jeff Dunn
Jennalee Fair
Tom “Jerry” Fuselier
June Gusmus
Larry Hahn
Loren Hall
Delmar Hauk
Roland Hawthorne
Rita Hermann
Roberta Hermansen
Katy Hinckley
Shane Horblit
Bill Hunter
Perry Johnson
Elsa Kaiser
Denise Kale
John Kitchen
Ilene Kouzel
Ute Lamb
Prudence Lewand
Adela Licon
Hedy McQueeney
Maria McStay
Pat Newman
Henry Nolf
Gabe Pando
William Robert Pattridge
Troy Peck
Richard Perito
Charles “Bob” Piper
Carol Presley
Judy Preston
Cathrine Rees
Mary Lou Reisbeck
Charles “Chuck” Richter
Jeanne Russell
Tom Schack
Elda Stenzel
John Stermer
Donna Swiader
Charles Theisen
Jim Thompson
Nancy Traad
Charlie Truscott
Brenda Warner
Veterans Showing Increased Risk of ALS
he Institute of Medicine has released a report generated by
a team of experts gathered from across the country that
supports an association between military service and developing
ALS. Published reports reviewed by the committee showed that
service men & women deployed in the Persian Gulf War of
1991 had up to twice the risk of developing ALS as opposed to
the general population. Veterans from other eras also appear to
have a greater risk, although more information needs to be
gathered. One study reviewed by this team was conducted at
Harvard University’s School of Public Health. It found that
veterans who served in the military, regardless of era, are at an
increased risk of developing ALS. These findings, if validated in
other studies, will give the research community greater insight
into the cause of ALS.
Factors that may lead to the development of ALS are exposure to lead, pesticides or other environmental factors, use of alcohol or tobacco or extreme physical exertion. This report recommends additional high quality research to further investigate the
connection between ALS and all military service as well as to examine the varying aspects of military service that may cause the
Thanks to former Secretary Anthony Principi’s policy to aid Gulf War veterans with ALS, ALS is considered a service-connected
disease. It is not, however, considered a service-connected disease for other veterans diagnosed with ALS, even though initial
research has shown elevated rates of ALS in all veterans. This supports the need for larger population based studies, and the ALS
Association has been working with Congress to pass the ALS Registry Act (HR 4033/S 1353). This national registry of people with
ALS would be established at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and would collect data about ALS that could provide
insight into the causes of the disease.
There is currently a National Registry of Veterans with ALS, which helps researchers to understand patterns of ALS among
veterans and aids the VA in informing veterans with ALS about research studies they may be eligible to participate in. Any living
veteran who has been diagnosed with ALS is encouraged to enroll. For more information or to enroll, call 1-877-DIAL-ALS
(1-877-342-5257). For more information about this latest report or others, please visit, and click on the ‘ALS in
the Military’ link under ‘ALS Advocacy’.
— Leslie Ryan, Patient Services Director
Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2006
e are pleased to let you know that President Bush signed the Lifespan Respite Care Act of
2006 (HR 3248) into law recently. The legislation, which passed Congress on December 8,
authorizes nearly $290 million in competitive grants to help fund state-based respite care programs. This is an important victory for people with ALS and their families and caregivers and will
help ensure that PALS have access to quality respite services.
The ALS Association has strongly supported the Lifespan Respite Care Act since it was first
introduced in Congress more than four years ago by Reps. Michael Ferguson (R-NJ) and Jim
Langevin (D-RI) and Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and John Warner (R-VA). The bill has
been a focus of our efforts at National ALS Advocacy Day and was the subject of a breakout session at the advocacy conference
in 2005. In addition to Advocacy Day, ALSA has helped promote the legislation as an active member of the National Respite
Coalition, via the Advocacy Action Center of our website and at Walk to D’feet events held across the country. In fact, ALSA
advocates and Chapters sent thousands of letters to Members of Congress urging them to pass this vital legislation. It is clear that
those efforts have made a difference!
A number of additional legislative and regulatory steps must be taken in order to fully implement the new law and we will provide
you with additional information as that process continues.
Thank you to everyone for their hard work in support of the Lifespan Respite Care Act over the past several years. This is another
victory for people with ALS and their families.
e gratefully acknowledge the following benefactors who generously made gifts / contributions to our chapter. Monies
received support vital paient services, advocacy and research.
Anita Bailey
Betty Foster
Donald R. Heffeld
Dan and Helen Cowart
Gordon H. Clow
James and Theresa Cole
Howard and Esther Fletcher
Joe Foster
Valeria and Richard Klotz
Thomas Lawson
Susanne Merow
Harold and Sherry Murray
Paul and Eileen Peters
TWGA Lady Niners
Sue H. Collard
Frankie Rader
Jerry Fuselier
The Wranglers, Inc.
Ray Bennington
Mary Lou Bennington
Nina Martin
Tom Bishop
Sandee Arndt
John and Deborah Ascher
F. J. and Catherine Bourland
Sue E. Brophy
David and Chris Current
Silva and David Deines
James and Susie DeKieffer
Elizabeth and Joseph Durfee
Nancie Graebeldinger
Linda and Gary Hall
Roxanne and Tom Hawn
Mary P. Hiatt
Kim Horsley
Sharon T. Kolarik
Kathleen M Kregel
John and Elizabeth LeTerneau
Cynthia and Lee Macklin
Charles F. Manlove
Kenneeth and Susan Mann
Mary L. May & Edward Ball
Ann and Mark Mavrogianes
Clifford and Sandra Mullis
Timothy and Gail O’Neil
Michael and Cheryl Petersen
James and Carolyn Peterson
Helen Phillips
Mark Pscheid
Betty J. Richardson
Tracy Lorraine Smith
Robert and Judy Stone
Sandra Vergamini
Biscuit Eaters Agility, Inc.
Foundation Financial Group Inc.
Roselyn Diloreto
Mrs. David Fuselier
Carol M. Presley
Sylva H. Sheets
Judy and Ron Gasteiger
Kevin & Marie Hager
M. S. and K. L. Harris
Glenda Heronema
Rhonda F. Minard
Elizabeth Pettett
Edna Curry Ramey
Bruce W. Warneke
Lori Yokomizo
Katherine C. Ziegenfus
Bobbie Gonzales
Nikki Ellman
Ruth and Kevin Ellman
Joan Kosan
Susan Leitch Price
Ihsan and Sidna Rachid
William Weddel
Charles B. Goodson
Marjorie Sine Grefe
Diane and Gary Cook
Tom Karr
Lorna Haag
Gary Campbell
Panama City Women’s Bowling
Joan Campbell
Cathy and Wade Vecchio
Williams International
Elva Hancock
Bruce A. Berning
Heidi Thomas
Julie Tornabene
DCS Montessori School
Sharon Chismar
Warren Tracy
Karl Dieters
Steven and Jane Carter
Randi Ebel
Julie Bloom
Norbert W. Evans
Melba J. Evans
Jennalee Fair
Duane and Martha Ginter
John and Barbara Parrish
William and Stephanie Pass
Carol M. Presley
Mr. Mrs. William Adkins
Joseph and Irmgard Asiu
Jo Ann Barrow
Barbara & Daniel Cotter
Tracy Harger
Charles & Kathleen Jackson
Donald & Gwen Jenkins
Beverly A. Johnston
June & William McCrary, Jr.
Edna and Rose Roth
Germaine Sarna
L. G. and M. L. Stone
Mary O. Weller
Sanborn Consolidated
Grace A. Roetker
Phyllis Seelhoff
Aisha Sims
Mark Story
Rudy Hinojsa
Donald Hoffeld
Clarence A. Richardson
Perry Johnson
Maewood Adams
Mary Lea Chenoweth
Nancy J. Haworth
Elizabeth Boaz
Debbie Davis
Curtis and Jill Edlund
Isabelle and Howard Eger
Lee and Rae Elgin
Henry and Ingeborg Falvey
Larry and Glenda Hall
Beverly Isbester
Raymond and Sandra Kieft
Jacqueline and Robert Korb
Richard and Ann LaFond
Robert and Marie Love
Judith Neukirchner
Sheri A. Oren
Robert and Carol Steffenhagen
ENSR Corporation
George Gilbert
Ann Rutofsky
Jewel Brott
Diana Ito-Adkins
Roberta Hermansen
Charles D. Howell
Konrad Gasteiger
Carolyn Goodson
Patrick Bren
Robert Solon Inc.
Wenner, Silvestain & Co.
Delmar Hauk
Robert and Louise Emerick
Judith Hauk
Lisa Hauk
Don and Roberta Pikey
Roland Hawthorne
Gregory and Barbara Barrow
Richard & Myra Jean Beatty
Delmar and Shirley Beverly
Dennis and Judy Bohan
Mike, Julie, Matt Connolly
Hedwig Farris
Ann Hawthorne
Rita M. Kaiser
Christine and Rick Moody
David Richardson
Gene and Marion Rosman
Irene Tremel
Dr. Walter Huttner
Dr. Dennis & Jo Rene Battock
Field & Barbara Benton
Polly Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blum
Arthur and JoAnn Boss
Leon Brin
Robin and Steven Chotin
Myron Crane & Sheila Caldwell
Fred and Maxine Devine
Richard S. Dirkes
Eleanor and Charles Eisen
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Eisenstat
Dr. & Mrs. Tibar Engel
Irwin and Muriel Fishman
Gary and Janet Friedland
Helen J. Ginsburg
Barbara M. Glaser
Meier and Phyllis Goldberg
Phyllis Goodman
Robert S. Graham
Edward and Elka Haligman
Sanford Hertz
Barry and Arlene Hirshfeld
Betty Howe
JoAnn and Howard Kerstein
Alan and Gloris Kris
Gerry and Lisa Japha
Janis Jeffryes
Norman and Jacquie Levy
Orlando and Karen Martinez
Myron M. Miller
Larry Mizel
Esther D. Morris
David M. Naiman
Sandra L. Nilges
Meryl D. Orlin
Dr. Herb and Mrs. Rochelle
Joseph F. Pells
Essie Perlmutter
Julius and Rose Pluss
Lorne and Cynthia Polger
William and Doris Rifkin
Linda and Marvin Rogoff
Arthur Shenkin
Marvin L. Stone
William H. Strange
Carol P. Torgove
Dr. Joseph C. Tyor
Mary Jane Vestman
Sandra Vinnik
Ron and Patti Weinstein
Jack Weiss
Sherri and Bruce Wolin
Columbine Lodge
Larry Laverty
Paul Mathews
Jim and Gail Delaney
Mary Dillon
Jim and Joanne Dwyer
Paul and Penny Dwyer
Chris and Jennifer Elson
Harry and Phyllis Ferguson
Mark and Susan Frommelt
Peter and Lori Galligan
Diane Halley
Steven Katich
Kevin P Keefe
M. Ellen Keefe
Mary J Kelly
P. A. Krumholz
Robert V. Leberer
Wendy W Lucia
Tim and Melody McGinnis
Pete and Gail Marracci
Rick R Matsumoto
Elizabeth H. Nafus
Michael Newman
Mark and Dana Nickless
Tom Paolucci
Marjorie Power
Margaret Reidy
Edith Repka
Catharine Rhodes
Jennifer and Chris Sanning
Jeffrey and Marcie Schmitz
Vincent and Marilyn Schmitz
Richard Schmitz
John and Ursula Schultz
Fred Teal
John and Bonnie Vanni
Thomas and Julie Wilson
Anna and Tom Wilson
Donna and Lynn Wulf
Susan L Zahourek
Bus Stop Ministries
Ed Hoffman Floor Service, Inc.
Floyd A. McWilliams
Vera Nowak
Crissy Merlino
Ella M. Barrett
Doris Blakenship
M/M Robert Child
Maude Cook
Wilda M. Crockett
Mr & Mrs. Jimi DiLallo
Michael, Karen and Chris Merten
Naomi Montgomery
Mary Spencer
M/M Evan Riddle
June C. Hasz
Prudence Lewand
Cora-Ann Berryman
M. M. Borcherts
Audrey V. Dorsett
Charles & Donna Reese
Helen Thomas
Somerset No. One Assoc.
Jim Lounsbury
Ernest and Carole Baade
Jane and Eurene Glazier
Horace and Hildegard Hix
J. Charles Jordy, Jr.
Melvin and Janice Strauss
Norman C. Tate
James B. Walters
Richard S. Winton
Inscape Ltd.
Nucraft Furniture Company
Poppenberg and Associates
Schrader-Hernke, Inc.
Ron Lund
Jim and Becki Peterson
Allan MacPhee
Panama City Women’s Bowling
Elda MacStenzel
Gladys Isaacson
Paul Johnston
Richard Dunkelman
Dave Jones
Jill Shannon
Denise Kale
Clydette & Charles DeGroot
Valerie Gizinski
Elaine C. Rueb
Barbara & James Weidlein
Havurah Tiferet Boulder
Carol Kaufman
Debra Merlino
M/M David Coe
M/M Patrick Coe
M/M Joe Mendicelli
M/M Albert Merlino
M/M Paul Coe
Kris Moe
Michael and Marcee Kutner
Carol M. Presley
Ira and Cynthia Shwartz
Darlene Shwartz
JoAnn and Bouna Diop
Janet Stork Fedder
Gary and Kimberly Feffer
John and Lynne Munter
Nancy & Joseph Sherrill
Idell Kjeldgaard
Bruce D. Molcsan
Mabel Olson
Kenneth I. Molcsan
Ilene Kouzel
Sonia Murphy
Eleonore & Susan Siegel
Edwin & Lola Brosbe
Gordon & Betty Fortier
Michael Kuhn
Jill Kuehn
John R. Flint
Evaline Thornburg
Pat Newman
Bob Pattridge
Timothy and Brenda Ash
Stephen D. Bell
Christy M Bougie
Kenneth and Bernice Bueche
Mark Burtis
Nan Flynn and Charles Butler
Jean and John Carbone
Ann N Clift
Gale and Kitty Connell
Jo-An Ardourel
Susan P. Berryhill
Lorene Buffington
Gerald and Betty Ann Cavanaugh
Avera Connell
Helen Fassett
Eva Hodges-Watt
Connie Knopf
Mary Livingston-Weston
Josh O’Neal
William & Barbara Nickels
Walter Thomas Osborn
Barrie Bergener
Pamela Hope
Jerry Osterman
Susan Drage
Chris and Sonja Rosenberger
Jeffrey and Angela Stefanich
Gilbert & Mary Ann Yocky
I-Pro, Inc.
Rexel – Rocky Mountain Div.
Thomas R. Larkin
Floyd Reichert
Rose Taylor
Earl “Pete” Painter
Maria Nelson
Patricia and Mac McCleery
Virginia Marion
William Laverty
Fred Pattridge
PJ and Lisa Pattridge
Mary Sinsel
Francis Tripucka
Mr & Mrs J Waring
Parker Family Partners LP
Alice Pershing
J. Bryce and A. Jeannette Sanburg
Craig Pettijohn
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Carol Ahnen
Richard Perito
Clyde and Theda Archer
Mr./Mrs. Wayne Arner
Mr./Mrs. Joseph Carpinello
Hilda and James Comnillo
Michael and Kelly DeMattee
James V. DiCroce
Steven E. Maffeo
Mr/Mrs John Priola, Jr
Dennis Rudel
H. Victor & Marilyn Toepfer
Freeda Petering
Bob and Donna Ruskanen
Patti Pierce
Robert J. Gaddy
Charles “Bob” Piper
Jimmy and Janet Baggs
Alan and Mary Bowling
Douglas and Sandy Dix
M. Irene Fisk
Richard A. Fisk
Lori Piper
Janice and Mark Sullivan
Carol Presley
Tracey and Eliot Boyle
Dr. Bernard L. Daina
M. J. Drayer
Janet and Gene Gollin
Wayne Lavezzi & Brett Kappler
Edward and Ann Gruidel
Michael and Judith Lavinsky
Janet F. Wierzba
Decisioneering, Inc.
Judy Preston
C. Travis & Carol Presley
George H. Ralston
Lori Bibler
Myrna F. Sorenson
Denise St. Vrain-Perkins
Harry and Cheryl Swinhart
Mary Reisbeck
Don and Margaret Webber
Jody Renner
Betty R. Burnett
Lisa and Edward Grimm
Guard Family Trust
Utah and Sheila Gannon
Bernard & Nancy Hazuka
Stanley and Barbara Jones
Carol A. Kowalski
Clifford & Guy Long
Rodney W. Max
Mr. and Mrs. A. Miretsky
Carrol & LaVeda Montgomery
A. M. and V. A. Pysher
Carl & Elizabeth Rahne
Tim and Denise Rosko
Linda Scamporino
Ms. Dale Siegel
Barbara Tomaselli
Kevin Brennan Family Funeral Home
Jane Richardson
Ted Richardson
Karen Richardson
Mildred Pagano
Chuck Richter
Joan Van DeBerg
Charles Ridge
Panama City Women’s Bowling League
Jeanne Russell
Mary C. Bessler
Jerald and Sally Blyton
Maryann R. Degenhart
Gloria B. Dorough
John and Joan Eafanti
Laurie A. Faliano
Drs Fleischaker & Kreutter
and Staff
Virginia S. Flint
Chuck and Merlene Forbes
Edwin and Judith Herring
Gene and Helen Hoffman
Ruth Ellen Holliway
Patricia L. Mounsey
Dianne Petersen
Eleanor L. Raisch
Robert and Dorothy Riglin
Jean H. Rock
Evelyn A Schneider
Stacy R. Springston
Robert J. Stimack
John and Terese Thielen
Robert Sales
Donald E. England
Edward H. Saulsberry
Paul and Judy Slusser
Tom Schack
Brandi Addie
Mary Beth Allen
Patricia C. Amole
Norm and Shirl Anderson
Barbara F. Aussprung
Bill and Anne Bachrach
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Berlin
Christine Bessent
Sue G. Bishop
Marge Blaase
Arthur and Jo Ann Boss
Kathleen Capra Bowles
Jack and Lois Bradbury
Joy Brandt
Theodore A. Bryant
Cheryl Burns
Victoria A. Burns
Gary L. Butler
K. C. Butler
Patricia A. Carey
Susan H. Christian
Sandra R. Cooper
Charles H. Cowperthwaite
Judith A. Davis
Motenia C. Deaver
Susan C. Doherty
Lauren Emery
Gayle and Ann Erickson
Dorothy Faught
Phillip and Judy Fierro
Michael A. Fries
B. A. Geary
Karen K. Glunz
Neil E. Goodenough
Jean M. Goos
Richard R. Goossen
Traci Grilley
Robert H. Gross
Sally J. Hardwick
Terri Harrington
Ranol and Janet Hemingway
Lynn A. Holmes
John and Cynthia Hoover
Carol Ives
Daryl Jesperson
Dennis L. Johnson
Saundra Jones
Charles N. Junod
Earl Keil
Robert and Mary Kay Kelly
Elizabeth Krisor
Ethelreda “Corky” Shouse
Jim and Diane Leto
Diane Gamel Lighthall
Verdyne J. Lindell
Joanne M. Lowery
Debra Leslie Lum
Connie L. Lungrin
Pat Lynch
Steve P. Lynn
Nancy W. McClinton
Mr./Mrs. Barney McGahan
Stephen T. McGuire
Edward C. McWilliams
Linda (Lyn) M. Matthews
Deb and Frank Meogrossi
Donna Merten
Wilburta T. Miller
Catherine Moes
Freda L. Moore
Joyce Mosher
Robert D. Most
Kathy R. Mueller
Mary B. Murphy
Jeanette M. Murr
K. Lynn Myers
Lillian M. Myers
Katherine A. Myles
William D. Narva
Sheila Nevin
Bob and Karen Ottesen
James and Karen O’Boyle
Sharilyn K. Paris
Terry and Colleen Plate
Peter Praski
Joni Raimondo
John Ralph
Larry Ray
Regina I. Reagan
Roger and Margaret Reisher
Simon A. Rendell
Edward and Ruth Resavage
LoAnn Ross
Charles L. Routh
Janet Scavo
Becky Sue Schack
Karen Praski Schack
Rebecca and Randy Schack
Richard J. Schack
Mark and Sheryll Schuster
Les and Jean Sharp
Barbara L. Shaw
Patti Shiery
Joshua W. Shuster
Lisa A. Sieders
Phyllis A. Sinclair
Margo C. Sronce
Mary J. Steinwart
Patsy Stewart
Donald E. Tangren
David Thomas III
Arthur and Helen Voltz
Dr. Deborah Freese Walstrom
Rosemary Walters
Skip and Kay Watson
Julie Whalen
Mary Windemuller
Dwayne and Louise Wingert
Gary and Harriette Woitte
Dee A. Zimmerman
Assured Management, Inc.
Bill Moore Enterprises, Inc.
Bobbie Carl Realty, LLC
Chaffee County Board of Realtors
Colorado Assoc. of Realtors
Colorado Land Advisors, Inc.
Craig Association of Realtors
DLB, Inc.
Durango Area Assoc. of Realtors
Eagle Home Mortgage, Inc.
Ferber and Company
Jefferson County Assoc. of Realtors
Matthias Group, LLC
Metrolist, Inc.
Mile Hi Church
Newman & Co.
North Metro Denver Realtor Assoc.
Peggy Servaas, Inc.
Pueblo Assoc. of Realtors Co.
Seda, Weber, and Busler Co.
Summit Association of Realtors
The Cottage Realty, Ltd.
The Summit Group, Inc.
Laurie J. Alquist
Laura Beecher
LeRoy Bower
Randy and Tammy Burnett
Richard M. Chubb, Jr.
Gary and Debra Cottrell
John and Frankie Derfelt
Margaret A. Fields
Susan Horner
Gary and Kathy Johnson
Ruby Jean Jones
Doris J. Loeffler
Ella May McDonald
John and Nancy Messick
Donald G. Miller
Eleanor J. Myers
Charles and Debra Page
Delores W. Paxson
Wylie and Mary Ann Pitts
Charles and Deanna Rogers
Delbert and Sheryl Rowden
Paul and Trula Shipman
Ernest B. Stone
Rosemary Woodard
Class Reunion 46-50
FITS, Inc.
Donald M. Smith
Hodges/Marvin Architects, Inc.
North American FIS TD
US Ski & Snowboard Assoc.
Charles Truscott
Barbara Anne Jones
Robert Siegel
Len and Joanne Wilson
Lorie E. Woltemath
Richard Washnok
Joseph and Laticia Kaiser
Nancy Strange
Patricia and Grant Washnok
Reta Washnok
Frank Webster
W. R. and Georgia Brubaker
Elsie Mosbacher
Residents of 13635 E Bates Ave
Shirley Wederski
Gary and Tami Brothers
Janet Norman
Gwendolyn Wacker & Donna Ferguson
Mountain Springs Volunteer Fire Dept.
Sons of Norway Lodge No. 6-107
Jane and Timothy Crisman
David and Diana Harper
Robert L. & Robert M. Montgomery
Darrell E. Penner
Lora L. Thomas
Deborah Wagner
Richard Wesch
Jerry Southards
Donna Woolridge
J. W. and Margaret Attebery
Marlan & Lois Croissant
K. G. and Karen Garver
William and Gloria Shell
Jo Lynn Stecklein & Jack Southards
Kathleen Stuart
Charles and Marion Johnson
Judy Staloch
Patricia A. McNaulty
Governors Ranch Elementary
Judith Steele
John and Doris Nemecek
George C. Paul
James and Myra Priser
Marilyn and Dennis Priser
Salon 90 Inc.
Elda Stenzel
Chalice Marie Glenn
Mrs. K. M. Townsend
Eva Wallen
S & D Enterprises
Leroy Stewart
Wm. Kip and Donna Buxton
Gardner Sundstrom
Dorothy G. Beltz
E. L. and Josephine Doane
Jeffrey and Gail Doss
Aleda M. Langley
Paul P. Langley
Laurel and Clifford Rullman
Col. James and Betty Sears
George and Frances Strein
Thomas and Sandra Woodring
Connie Maxfield
Hubert E. White
Joann L. White
Brad Bennett
Anita and Paul Adolph
Rodney S. Babb
Robert and Laurie Beals
Charles McGee Bennett
LaVerne D. Bennett
F. Jean Branan
Don and Karen Brower
Steve and Judy Fallin
Rhonda and Rodney Fisher
Nancy M. Gaiser
Linda and William Garrity
Gary and Susan Gray
Gerald and Kerry Hicks
V. E. and H. Jeanine Husa
John A. Kintzele
Robert A. Kirkhope
Jeff and Lonnie Kocsis
Joel and Molly Kufeldt
Robert and Jamie Levitt
Ray and Kendra Phillips
Gina M. Quant
Dona M. Reinders
James and Maureen Reis
Beverly and Timothy Riegel
Jennifer and Jason Schreuder
Susan Schroder and Richard Paul
John T. Skalet
Jacqueline and Robert Stibor
Glayds Tardiff
Edie and Josh Widoff
Robert and Karen Wilson
Pinnacle Landscape, Inc.
Portus, Inc.
Bob Bruggeman
James Thompson
Michael and Marion Antkoviak
James and Beth Antrup
Tim and Dagmar Dunn
Jeff and Shelley Flavell
Susan F. Goldsmith
Jennifer V Gotantas
Linda Roberts and Rick Hein
E. Edward and Ann Hoerner
Thomas and Mary Keefe
Roger and Margaret Kendall
J. H. and F. J. Norris
Sharon Skavlem
Howard and Linda Uren
C. A. Fortune and Co.
Lois Lenorovitz
Thomas and Marilyn Logan
Jean E. Cleavinger
Richard L. Cleavinger
Curtis E. Clouse
Lori S. Curtis
Robert M. Debolt
Cheryll B. DeYoung
James G. Dezwaan
Lois R. Djurisic
John S. Dunn
Voda J Ebeling
Gene A. Eggert
Sandra L. Farris
Marvin W. Feinberg
Maureen L. Hager
Kathleen A. Hahn
John A. Harris
Retta Harris
Kathleen M. Imber
Harriet L. Irwin
Irene E. Jinks
Maureen Jones
David C. Kafer
Rodney K. Kauber
Robert L. Kirkpatrick
Sarah Ladouceur
Sharon H. Lawson
Lewis Family
Robert E. Lewis
David L. Lindberg
Mike Long
Barbara Madden-Bittle
Robert R. Mau
Michael Melton
Robert A. Melvin IV
Thomas P. Mettel
Peter M. Moore
Nancy Morgan
Mark D. Parady
Sylvia C. Pasier
David W. Peterson
Sheri J. Roche
David M. Rosen
Fred C. Schroeder
Jason Schroeder
Scott D. Schroeder
Debbi Lynn Schultz
Nancy Sherowski
Dr. Jerry G. Seidel
Larry Sorensen
David M. Terwell
EJ and GJ Teitsma
Barbara B. Toney
John A. Vanden Brink
Nancy J. Wales
Carol Ward
Dorota Weber
Dorothy M. Weber
Luan Zoellner
Activision Electric, Inc.
Grand Spirit Sports, LLC
Karl K. Barnes & Associates, PC
Lagattuta & Degrazia, PC
Lazy Moose Cabins
Lorper Ofc. Support Services
Denise Kale
Havurah Tiferet Boulder
Michael Keelan
M Catherine Kelly
Rich Levad
Merle and Margaret Whaley
Ian Pearson
Janet Stocks & David Perretta
William D. Witter Foundation
Brody Prieto
Logan and Ammon Prieto
Larry Csajaghy (Fred Schroeder)
Tom Schack
Pamela S. Adams
Karen W. Arnold
Dr. Carol J. Auer
Edward W. Bales
Nancy J. Borck
Ray H. Bouma
Margaret Botchie
William L. Burns
Donna Childress
Joyce E. Christensen
Jean Cooper Afton
Richard N. Allman
Art Arita
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooks
David and Kathy Beus
Marion M. Burns
Bob Bushacher
Isabel O. Canney
Randy C. Canney
Jack Carruth
Vanden Haynes
Sherrie Dembrowski
Douglas and Rosemary Denton
Paul B. Hargrave
Lola Johnson
Kathy Kingery
David Lord
Cindy Ludwig
Ella McDonald
Tina McDonald
Bonnie Mantooth
Barbara Myers
C H Ruwart
Rosalie M. Ruwart
Gerald and Margaret Sallee
Audrey Sevalt
Mike Shouse
Sidney Shouse
Daniel Skari
Tamra J Smead
Cynthia A. Trembath
Ken Weller
Marie Weller
June Weller
Marc & Luanne Williams
DJM Technology Mgmt., Inc.
Wyant Data Systems
Eileen Stetson
Merle and Margaret Whaley
Dave Vidrik
Samuel C. Fallaw
Bob and Penny Jacobsen
Maerit and Rhoda Kallet
Renate Wood
Robert & Robert Bolan
Dorothy Yorges
Elizabeth Arnold
Kenneth and Phyllis Babbitt
Doug and Barb Frederick
Patricia Novak
Pat and Leatha Reichert
Lori Weyrich & Family
Earl Yorges
Platte Valley National Bank
Virginia Zamzow
Patty Zimmerman
Bryan and Jo Ann Hartwig
Stacey Abramson
David Adelstein and Jill Tullman
Peter & Jude Aiello
Cynthia S. Albers
Craig Alexander
Debra Aughenbaugh
Stockton Baker
Timothy E. Baltakis
Judith K. Barnstead
Leslie Dana Barth
Cynthia Beckage
Kristin L. Bennett
Kristine L. Bensler
Corisa Bernard
Polly Bloom
Cathy Bodine and Kurt Klanderud
Thomas and Jean Brower
Sandra J. Brown
Joan Burtness
James M. Byrom
Ina C. Capps
Jolene D. Capps
Barbara Carlton
Terra Castro
Karen M. Cecile
Phillip A. Chambers
Roger H. Childs
Judy and Gerald Cook
Kathi Cramer
Amanda R. Crysler
Amelia C. Crysler
E. Jane Davis
Jennifer Davis
Cari Deslatte
Cindy and Steven Diamond
Paul Rein
Renton Family Foundation
Frances P. Reyes
Toni Rice
Barbra L. Rilko
Rose Roth
Marilyn K. Rowan
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sagawa
Scott and Yong Sagawa
Grace Sage
George Sanders
Karin Schaedler-Rosario
Roberta Lynn Seabol
Arthur L. Seiden
Brad Seng
Jillene Shannon
Melissa A. Shea
Helen Shear
Richard and Gretchen Sigafoos
Brenda Slade
Don Smith
Michell Stermer
Abby S. Stevens
Marguerite E. Stevens
Laura E. Summers
Erin Sumpmann
Debra A. Surratt
Doug and Sis Tackitt
Barbara Toner
Margarita Truscott
Marvin Tyson
Reinout & Janet Vanwest at the
request of Mac Toll
Claudia J. Van Loon
Suzanne Vest
Tina B Vondy
S. and P Wahlfeldt
Wilma and Ramon Walker
Frank Wanken
Joan Wanken
H. Rickey and Debra Wells
Donald and Marylin Werschky
Kathy Wetstein
Joann White
Edward Wilbarger
Jennifer L. Williams
Joyce Wilson
Kenneth & Laura Wilson
Emily Wojteczko
James and Nurit Wolf
Kim M. Woynowskie
J. Blake Young
Felix and Linda Zamora
5430 Sports
Accellent, Inc.
Amtel Corporation
Arapahoe Sertoma Club
BHBH Cook, Inc.
Bella Bellissima Designs
Brandon Bailey Construction, Inc.
Café Biltmore LLC
Café Biltmore and Coffee Muggers
Cars for Charity, Inc.
Citigroup Foundation
Colo. Housing & Finance Authority
Colorado Neurological Institute
Community Health Charities
of Colorado
Creative Touch Interiors
Delta Petroleum Corporation
Department 56 Club
Dollaghan Construction LLC
Dufford, Waldeck, Milburn & Krohn, LLP
Fresco Electric
George T. Sanders Co.
Gerald Phillps General Contractors
Gleneagle Women’s Club
Greystone Environmental
Consultants, Inc. – Colorado
Irish Snug
Health One Alliance
Manes to Tame
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Mile High United Way
Milstein Family Foundation
Oran, Inc.
Parker Family Partners LP
Patten, MacPhee & Assoc., Inc.
Pikes Peak United Way
Phikeia Corporation
Physiotherapy Associates
Sam’s Club Foundation
Shaw Construction LLC
Siemens Caring Hands Foundation
Torrington Livestock Markets, LLC
Martha Dick
Christopher Dillen
Rosie M. Dillman
Suzanne W. Dongarra
Judith G. Donovan
Charles and Yvonne Dugue’
Stephanie Dunn
Brenda S. Easter
Karen and Ted Ebel
Mark and Nancy Erickson
F. H. Ernst
Michelle Esparza
Melba and Paula Evans
Terri Sue Evans
Dee Fitzsimonds-Kehl
James and Suzanne Fuller
Dorothy Garrison-Wade
Richard & Annmarie Giancola
Betty Lou Golden
Madeline T. Goldhawk
Elizabeth L. Gorrell
Keith Grebe
Adam J. Green
Tom and Nancy Guetz
Dinelle Hageman
Leslie Hanna
Rick and Pat Harkness
Russell Harrist
Rex Jay Hartsough
Janet and William Hassell
Dave and Debi Heaton
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hebdon
Eve Heimbach
Sherrill Helzer
Roberta A. Hermansen
David and Carol Hill
Sara L. Hoover
Betty Howe
Karen Hughes
Arthur C. Hunter
Janis Jeffryes
Donald and Marianne Jelniker
Kristin M. Johnson
Marilyn Johnson
Terri Johnson
Wendy & Jeffrey Jones
Martha J. Kallestad
Karin Kane
Tim and Cathy Keady
Margaret L Keller
Roberta Kerr
Greg Krause
Ruth and Ray Kubly
Larry Kunz
Stacy LaClaire
Lindsey R. Leduc
Allan and Lois Livingston
Richard and Linda Livingston
Corinne M. Lude
Mildred Maker
Stacey L. Mandelke
Steve Manshel
Debra Marti
Laura Marvin
Kellie Mault
Kathleen M. McCarney
Mr/Mrs Daniel McEachran
Peter O. McKown
Peter McNutt
Karen Melliar-Smith
Kenneth and Patricia Mesec
Sara Miller
Christine Mohan
Sheila Mulholland
Charles A. Neal
Christopher L. Nichols
R. Scott Nix
Jill Obletz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven O’Dorisio
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ogle
RS and CI Oglesby
Eileen E. Organ
Julie K. Owen
Sheron Owen
Mildred L. Pagano
Katy S. Page
Lewis and Ann Palmer
David and Kimberly Patterson
Darlene Pieratti
John and Kate Pierce
Mary and James Pierce
Keith E. Poole
David Potts
Paul P. Preston
Fred Ramiriz
The Urman Company
United Seating & Mobility LLC
Wal-Mart Foundation
Lisa Nichols Children’s Trust
Matching Funds
4Charity Foundation, Inc.
AT&T Community Giving Program
Ball Aerospace & Tech. Corp.
HP Employee Charitable
Giving Program
Janus Capital Group
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Western Gas Resources
Sunset in the Park 2006 Donors
Abendroth Family
Cathy Anderson-Hyams
Diana Baca
Don V. Bailey
Jamie and Patrick Bailey
Mary Lou Bennington
Bishop Family
Julie Bloom
Cathy Bodine
Martha J. Brock
Mary and E. John Burgon
Jody C. Burtness
Carley Family
Paul and Meredith Childress
Childs Family
Liz Clymer
Joel Collier
Brian Cook
Kit Cowperthwaite
Charlene Cunningham
Tupy Davis
Marie Elward
Michael Emarine
Patrick Emerine
Robert C. Fanch
Charles Gargotto
Richard and Annmarie Giancola
Charles Goodson
C. A. Gritmon
Randall Hamai
John and Susan Hancock
Dana Held
Leslie Helm
Renata Hewett
Bob and Janice Hilton
Beth Hoffman
Paul Hoffman
Roberta Karr
Diane Kawamura
John Koslosky
Deanna LaCamera
Bill LaRock
Mary Beth Laughery
Alan Levin
Linda Livingston
Corinne Lude
Cheryl McEachran
Sharla Markiewicz
David and Sara Marquez
Kate Matheny
F. McClain and R. E. Toll
Ella May McDonald
Monique McKenna
Peter McKown
John A. Murray
Pam Rush-Negri and Joe Negri
Judith L. Pottle
Eleanor Raisch
Michael and Leslie Raisch
Rex H. Richardson
Bruce and Sally Rogers
Agnes Ryan
Scott Sagawa
Gary Sanders
Armen G. Sarkisian
Arthur L. Seiden
David and Patti Shouse
Marty Skolnick
James and Judith Staloch
David Steele
Leslie Gartrell Toepfer
Robert Tracy
Cynthia Van Cise
Jill C. Wayne
Edward Wilbarger
Mark Williams
Eric and Krista Wolf
Thomas Wootten
Karen Yablonski-Toll
Mary Zinn
Ageless Remedies
Sir Speedy Printing
Hutchinson, Inc.
Equipment Donors
Charlene Cunningham
Eileen Deseh
Judson Hambleton
Lavern Lemburg
Dorothy McMillian
Debbie Miller
Mary Nichols
Scott Olds
Tom Ryan
Carla Woodhull
DaimlerChrysler Motors Corp.
Rosemary Holtkamp – Stamps
Troy Renck - Stamps
Patty Taylor – Refrigerator
Jo Schultz
David Shouse
Donate on line at...
Wenona Casady
Jim Cimino
Greta M. Clarkin
Yolanda L. Clausen
Sally A. David
Joan C. Davis
Sharon D. Dilley
Marie E. Dorr
Darlyn V. Drennen
Lucille B. Egloff
Sherry L Erickson
Mona Esa
L. J. Farabaugh
Judith A. Ficke
Karen E. Fuller
Margarita D. Gallego
Lynnda Gies
John D. Gilles
Daniel R. Grant
Roberta J. Grieco
Joyce M. Haberkorn
Max Hanson
John S. Harceg
Fran Hardman
Linda L. Harmon
Marilyn Heller
Patty Hofhess
James E. Huter
Kay Lani Johnson
Stephen and Donna Kane
Stephen Kasa
John T. Kearns
Debra A. Lamm
Dolores Leswing
Edward Lobato
Stuart Lovelace
Patricia Luessman
Frances J. Luther
Steve P. Lynn
Stephen P. Lynn
Fay Marolt
R. H. and Madeleine Martin
Scott A. Matthias
Jacqueline Mauer
Norris Maxwell
Susan McLaughlin
Geraldine McCleery
Cheryl A. McGuire
Paul and W. L. Miller
Lorraine & Daniel Milosevich
Mitsuko Mitamura
LaDonna Mock
Joyce Mosher
Rachael M. Newcomb
Karen L. O’Boyle
Fern Oliner
Catherine Olson
Dorothy L. Ordelheide
Virginia Percival
Amy Praski
Julie Praski
Dorothy L. Price
Lorr W. Quinn
Judith A. Rhoades
Hugh Rice III
Charles L. Routh
Gloria C. Samuelson
Dennis R. Santistevan
Carolyn I. Schack
Karen Schack
Ronald M. Schneider
Twyla B. Sharpnack
Tad Shimizu
Alan B. Smith
Dix Barrett & Stiltner
R. W. Stoffel
Caroline Stone
R. Darlene Stone
June K. Stool
Geralyn E. Tebbe
Alice E. Tencich
Rosemarie Tronnier
Kathy G. Weimer
Bonnie West
Leah Mae Williams
Gary B. Witt
Marie A. Wommack
Helen F. Wood
Eleanor O. Wright
“Gehrig Ties All-Time Record With Four
Straight Home Runs as Yankees Win”
– The New York Times, Saturday, June 4, 1932
n June 3, 1932, Lou Gehrig, the legendary New York
Yankee’s first baseman who died from ALS, hit four
straight homeruns against the Philadelphia Athletics, leading
the Yankees to a 20-13 victory. To further honor this great
baseball player and American, now you can go “4 for 4”
with four convenient quarterly payments – to help us
provide services as well as find a cure for ALS.
The ALS Association strives to be a source of help and
hope to all those affected by ALS. To support our vital
programs and services, some of our most dedicated donors
give quarterly through a new program we are offering called
“4 for 4.” This program allows a quarterly gift to be
automatically charged to your credit card. The benefits of
giving through “4 for 4” include:
• A convenient and efficient way to provide meaningful
support to The ALS Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter
• Your gift goes further because administrative costs are
• Your quarterly gift will provide steady and dependable
funding for our fight against ALS.
To sign up for the “4 for 4” giving program please fill out the form below and send it to:
The ALS Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter, 1201 E. Colfax, Suite 202, Denver, CO 80218.
Yes, I would like to join the “4 for 4” Giving Program.
Please accept my commitment of:
$300 (4X$75)
$800 (4X$200)
$500 (4X$125)
$600 (4X$150)
Other ______
(We regret that we are unable to efficiently accept Quarterly gifts of less than $25)
Yes, I authorize The ALS Association to charge my:
quarterly on the first day of the month following the receipt of this pledge form.
Discovery Card
Card # __________________________________________________________ exp.______________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________ City______________________ State _________________ Zip ___________
If you have any questions, please contact The ALS Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter at (303) 832-2322
Telephone (______)________-________
Mobile E-mail address _________________________________
The ALS Association – Rocky Mountain Chapter
1201 E. Colfax Ave., #202
Denver, CO 80218
Tel: (303) 832-2322 • Fax: (303) 832-3365
of theMountain
ALS Association
of the
of the ALS Association
E. Colfax
Ave. 202
Suite 202
1201 E.
Ave. Suite
Fax: 303-832-3365
Fax: 303-832-3365
Non Profi
Org t Org
U.S. Profi
t Org
No. 815
Permit No. 615
The Rocky Mountain Chapter Announces...
~ Dates for 2007 Events! ~
Save the Dates! Put them on the Calendar!
June 14:
Sunset in the Park – Dinner and Dance under the Stars; Denver – City Park Pavilion
September 16:
Walk to d’Feet ALS; Grand Junction – Lincoln Park
September 29:
Walk to d’Feet ALS; Denver – City Park
October 14:
Walk to d’Feet ALS; Fort Collins – Colorado State University Campus
Keep Watching – More Events to Come!