1 Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Meeting May 20, 2013 2

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Meeting
May 20, 2013
2:30 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Assignments are noted in bold.
A meeting of the Academic Standards Committee was held in the President’s Office conference
room, Administration Hall, Toledo Campus.
Ruth Ankele, Bill Antoszewski, Susan Deutschman, Diane Morlock, Deb Richey,
Majid Sawtarie and Barbara Seguine (7)
Chris Giordano, Patricia Jezak, Betsy Johnson, Julie Quinonez and Dave Siravo (5)
Robert Albright, Amy Giordano, Ryan Grant, Laud Kwaku and Dominic Wilson
Donna Holubik
Chair Diane Morlock called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
As there were no corrections or additions to the minutes, Diane Morlock declared the minutes for
the February 25 and the April 22 meetings approved, as submitted.
Policy Review ~ For Final Recommendations
11-2-15 Withdrawal from College Policy – Rescinding
No further comments/revisions. Accepted and ready to be recommended to the Board of
11-2-14 Course Withdrawal Policy and Procedures
No further comments/revisions. Accepted and ready to be recommended to the Board of
11-2-43 Academic Dismissal Procedures
The edits from the Open Forum were reviewed and there were no further comments/revisions.
Accepted and ready to be recommended to the Provost.
11-2-44 Readmission to the College Following Academic Dismissal Procedures
Betsy Johnson confirmed that the procedures would not be affected by the advising restructure.
Accepted and ready to be recommended to the Provost.
Returned from Legal to Prepare for Open Forum Folder
ASC reviewed legal counsel’s comments on the draft revised policy and procedures.
11-2-45 Academic Forgiveness Policy and Procedures
ASC accepted legal counsel’s additions to the policy:
• Adding the definition of academic forgiveness.
• Adding wording to implementation with respect to outlining the circumstances, criteria
and eligibility requirements.
ASC reviewed legal counsel’s additions to the procedures:
• Item A(8) was reviewed: A student must be enrolled in Owens courses to petition for
academic forgiveness. ASC addressed legal counsel’s comments and the sentence will
stand as is. Enrolled = Registered. There will be no effect by the College for the student
having registered for summer and fall semester classes at the same time.
• Item C(3) was reviewed. ASC accepted the clarification from legal counsel that the
“hours” cannot be reinstated (not the student). Further edits included to delete he/she and
to delete may.
• Item D(2) – insert a space.
Assignment: ASC members accepted all revisions. The documents will have final edits and be
moved to the Open Forum folder.
11-2-25 Repeating a Course Policy and Procedures
Legal counsel had no further edits to the policy:
ASC reviewed legal counsel’s additions to the procedures:
• Item 1 was reviewed and ASC accepted legal counsel’s edits of adding “to attempt” to the
language for consistency.
• Item 2 was reviewed for legal counsel comments and there will be no changes. The
clarification of what constitutes a failing grade is provided by the program requirements for
what is needed for graduation.
• Item 5 was reviewed for comments from Academic Leadership Team (Gina Brundage) who
proposed to delete the paragraph on “third repeats”. Julie Quinonez commented that the
current process puts a hold on the student account, which assumes that the student may try a
fourth time; however, it blocks all of the student’s registration attempts. Donna Holubik
commented that students are aware if financial aid will cover repeat attempts. She also
commented that Gina Brundage had previously commented that the Academic Leadership
Team is reviewing processes for advisors to make initial outreach to the students. Betsy
Johnson commented on the big picture that students at this point have other issues and are
working with an advisor or a chair. This outreach will become part of advising caseload
management. The current wording is an unnecessary roadblock to the student. Items 6 and 7
provide the processes of notification to students approaching the limits. ASC accepted the
Academic Leadership Team’s recommendation to delete Item 5. Item 5 will be deleted and
the following items will be renumbered.
• Item 8 was edited and “health programs” will be replaced by the broader term of “admissions
Assignment: ASC members accepted all revisions. The documents will have final edits and be
moved to the Open Forum folder.
11-2-01 General Admission Policy and Procedures
ASC accepted legal counsel’s additions to the policy:
• Discussion was held on legal counsel’s comment on “anyone” and on qualified
individuals. The sentence will be deleted as the meaning of the paragraph is not affected.
ASC reviewed legal counsel’s comments to the procedures:
• Item I was reviewed for legal counsel’s comments and there will be no change. It applies to
transcripts from any agency that is received and become the property of Owens Community
• Item I(A) was reviewed for legal counsel’s comments on redundancy and there will be no
change, as the redundancy applies to each section that students may review.
Item I(B)(8) was reviewed and it is ok as is.
Item I(F)(a)(i)(2)(b) was reviewed for legal counsel comment on title and the “PSEO”
descriptor will be deleted as it may be applied to any Owens Community College
representative. Same applies to early admission students section.
Item I(F)(a)(ii), (1), (2), (3) was reviewed for legal counsel comments on adding additional
detail of where forms should be sent to and there will be no changes as it is a high school
guidance counselor process for direct from high school students. Same applies to early
admission students section.
Betsy Johnson addressed legal counsel’s comment that the PSEO is on Ohio Board of Regents
program and that PSEO orientation is a unique orientation to PSEO students.
Betsy Johnson addressed legal counsel’s comment that Early Admission is the formal name.
Assignment: ASC members accepted all revisions. The documents will have final edits and be
moved to the Open Forum folder. The recommended documents to be rescinded with the acceptance
of the revised General Admissions will also be moved to the Open Forum folder.
11-2-XX Proposed New - Transfer and Prior Learning Assessment Policy and Procedures
Legal counsel had no further edits to the proposed policy:
ASC reviewed legal counsel’s additions to the procedures:
• Item 5 was reviewed. It is relevant that the College will accept. The second sentence will be
deleted for redundancy and Item 6 will be combined with Item 5 to make the meaning of the
paragraph clearer.
• Prior Learning Assessment procedures, Item 1(h), has the fee question been resolved? Betsy
Johnson commented that no, there is currently a flat fee charged per course. Assignment:
Betsy Johnson will advise Laurie Sabin to propose language to assess each hour of
Assignment: ASC members accepted all revisions. The documents will have final edits and be
moved to the Open Forum folder. The recommended documents to be rescinded with the acceptance
of the recommended new Transfer and Prior Learning Assessment will also be moved to the Open
Forum folder.
Progress Report
11-2-42 Academic Probation Procedures
Betsy Johnson commented that she had forwarded the request to Julie Quinonez to research the
stages of academic probation and she will provide the descriptions of before and existing.
Assignment: ASC members tabled the review until the Fall Semester 2013.
Announcements and Good of the Order
Diane Morlock commented that the Provost will be realigning the Academic Standards Committee
and due to the academic schools restructure the membership composition is affected. The
elections will be postponed until the membership is determined. Dr. Scott will notify the OFA in
August of membership openings. Dr. Scott has agreed to assign Betsy Johnson to be the Provost’s
Liaison for the Academic Standards Committee. The other non-voting, ex-officio, members will
continue: Chris Giordano, Campus Conduct Official, Donna Holubik, Financial Aid Designee,
Julie Quinonez, Registrar and Pat Jezak, Recorder.
Diane Morlock thanked all the members for their contributions toward this year’s
accomplishments of the committee. The Chair and Vice Chair will submit the annual report to the
Provost and will also complete the members’ letters of service.
There will be no June meeting.
Members turned in their binders to Pat Jezak.
Requests to consider for fall 2013
Adjournment – As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Approved 9-11-13
Pending Fall Review
Request to Consider for Web Course Honor Code submitted by Dr. Renay Scott, May 20, 2013
Request to Consider for Web Course Attendance submitted by Dr. Renay Scott, May 20, 2013