Emerson Junkang - Siemens PLM Software

Consumer products
Emerson Junkang
Solid Edge delivers advantages for consumer products design
Solid Edge
Business challenges
Meet demand for faster new
product introductions
Ensure on-time delivery
Keys to success
Maintaining compatibility
with U.S. head offices
Using features such as
automated steel frame design
to improve productivity
Reducing assembly time by
creating more accurate
production drawings
Two-week new product
development process now
takes three days
Lower development costs
Faster time-to-market
Easier design process supports
innovation and allows for
expansion into new markets
Features such as built-in
intelligence and large assembly
visualization help this Chinese
manufacturer get new products
to market faster while reducing
development costs
Market demands reveal the limits of 2D
Emerson Junkang Enterprise (Shanghai)
Co., Ltd., a Chinese subsidiary of Emerson
of the United States, specializes in products for the kitchen and the closet. The
company is well-known in this arena
and its products are sold all over China.
Emerson Junkang’s innovative research
and design team, which creates products
that are known and valued by Chinese
consumers, is backed up by strong marketing and sales capabilities.
Like other companies in the consumer
products arena, Emerson Junkang faces
pressure for shorter delivery times. And
over the years, it has become increasingly
important for the company to deliver
products on time.
Real benefits – from design
to production
Once the company realized the limits of
2D, management decided to upgrade to
3D modeling. Solid Edge® software was
the easy-to-use solid modeling solution,
and its powerful design capabilities for
assembly and fabrication were also very
important to the company. In addition,
the company was facing the needs to
maintain the design compatibility with its
U.S. offices. “Solid Edge can significantly
shorten time-to-market and this is the
competitive edge we need,” says an engineer at Emerson Junkang. “Solid Edge
enables us to design complicated products
faster and easier, and this helps us expand
into new markets.”
The transformation from 2D design to solid
modeling had a big impact on the design
process at Emerson Junkang. The company
now takes advantage of powerful new
functionality such as parametric design,
visualization of virtual assemblies, fabrication design, interference checking and so
on. One result is a faster design process,
particularly for steel structures. With Solid
Edge powerful functionality for steel frame
design, the 3D drafting tool is used to
quickly define a frame. Then, designers
simply select a standard section and the
software automatically creates a 3D model
of the structure. Highly intelligent optional
parameters are available to locate steel
structure members in the proper position
and direction. When a design is complete,
a detailed material list for steel pieces can
be automatically generated almost instantaneously. Mr. Zhao Wei, another engineer
at Emerson Junkang, says, “By using the
3D modeling method, we have been able
to express our design intention rapidly
and accurately with a very simple and
visual operation.”
Business consequences of the upgrade
The 3D model data created with Solid Edge
is sent directly to manufacturers for NC
machining. This has had a very beneficial
economic effect. The ability to re-use the
design data for production dramatically
reduces the time needed to generate
machining programs, shrinking production
time and reducing costs.
“By using the 3D modeling method, we have
been able to express our design intention
rapidly and accurately with a very simple
and visual operation.”
Mr. Zhao Wei,
Emerson Junkang Enterprise
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Solid Edge
Customer’s primary business
Emerson Junkang Enterprise
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. specializes
in products for the kitchen and
the closet.
Customer location
“Solid Edge enables us to
design complicated products
faster and easier, and this
helps us expand into new
The ease of generating assembly drawings
is another area where Solid Edge has made
an impact. Typically companies such as
Emerson Junkang spend a lot of time
generating these drawings, which is
very difficult and time-consuming to do
in the 2D environment. With Solid Edge,
a designer simply puts parts into an
assembly and the assembly view can
be automatically generated. This has
improved the efficiency of designers in
R&D department. An equally important
benefit is seen in production. Since adopting Solid Edge, assembly time has been
reduced because the design intention in
the drawings is very clear. And more accurate drawings mean less rework. From the
business perspective, this means fewer
delivery delays.
After completing several projects with
Solid Edge, it was clear to the management team that solid modeling was faster
and more accurate than working in 2D,
and that Solid Edge was well-suited to the
design of Emerson Junkang’s products.
Now that the company is using this solution regularly, productivity has increased
greatly. For example, with 2D CAD it took
an average of more than two weeks to
design a new product, complete with
detailed manufacturing drawings. And
because it was very hard to clearly represent the product with 2D drawings, errors
occurred frequently. In contrast, the
company needs only three days to do
the same amount of work with Solid Edge
and all the disadvantages of 2D design
are avoided. The management team of
the company is firmly confident that, as
engineers become even more familiar
with the software, design efficiency will
be further enhanced.
An engineer
Emerson Junkang Enterprise
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
“Solid Edge can significantly
shorten time-to-market and
this is the competitive edge
we need.”
An engineer
Emerson Junkang Enterprise
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Siemens PLM Software
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