INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS VOL.1 NO.2 ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) APRIL 2013 Design and Control of Large Scale Photovoltaic System for High Power Applications 1 Hammad Abu-Zied, 1,2Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil Abstract- Grid-connected PV application is currently driving the global PV industry. This trend is being increased because of the many benefits of using renewable energy sources in modern distributed generation systems. The connection of such distributed generator to the grid requires special conditions for high quality electric power system. This paper presents a three-phase grid-connected high-power photovoltaic generation system. The main purpose of a gridconnected PV system is to transfer the maximum power obtained from the sun into the electric grid. Therefore the use of a PWM inverter with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) capabilities and the ability of effectively connecting to the AC power grid is required. The model of the PWM inverter and a control strategy using dq0 transformation are proposed. The maximum power point is controlled by controlling the q-axis current component of the grid side, while the power factor is controlled to unity by controlling the grid d-axis current component. Simulation results and analyses are presented to validate the proposed controller for high-power, grid connected photovoltaic generation system. simplicity, overall efficiency and a cost reduction. The past technology, illustrated in Fig. 1(a), was based on centralized inverters that interfaced a large number of PV modules to the grid. The PV modules were divided into series connections (called a string), each generating a sufficiently high voltage to avoid further amplification. These series connections were then connected in parallel, through string diodes, in order to reach high power levels. This centralized inverter includes some severe limitations, such as high-voltage dc cables between the PV modules and the inverter, power losses due to a centralized MPPT, mismatch losses between the PV modules, losses in the string diodes, and a nonflexible design where the benefits of mass production could not be reached [3], [4]. The present technology consists of the string inverters and the ac module [4]. The string inverter, shown in Fig. 1(b), is a reduced version of the centralized inverter, where a single string of PV modules is connected to the inverter. The input voltage may be high enough to avoid voltage amplification. The normal operation voltage is as low as 450 - 510 V. The possibility of using fewer PV modules in series also exists, if a dc–dc converter or line-frequency transformer is used for voltage amplification. There are no losses associated with string diodes and separate MPPTs can be applied to each string. This increases the overall efficiency compared to the centralized inverter, and reduces the price, due to mass production [3]-[6]. The multi-string inverter depicted in Fig. 1(c) is the further development of the string inverter, where several strings are interfaced with their own dc–dc converter to a common dc–ac inverter [4]. This is beneficial, compared with the centralized system, since every string can be controlled individually. Thus, the operator may start his/her own PV power plant with a few modules. Further enlargements are easily achieved since a new string with dc–dc converter can be plugged into the existing platform. A flexible design with high efficiency is hereby achieved [7], [8]. The AC-module in Figure 1(d) is a reduction of the string inverter, where each PV module has its own integrated power electronic interface to the utility. The power loss of the system is reduced due to removing the mismatch between the modules, but the constant losses in the inverter may be the same as for the string inverter. Also the AC- Keywords: Photovoltaic, Maximum Power point tracking, Boost Converter, Grid-utility. I. INTRODUCTION As people are much concerned with the environmental problems and the fossil fuel exhaustion caused by the conventional power generation, renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important. The photovoltaic (PV) panel is widely used in residences and buildings since it has no noise, no installation area limitation, and no additional maintenance cost [1]. Recently, the photovoltaic (PV) has developed into a mature technology and has become acceptable worldwide. Therefore, the PV power supplied to the utility grid is gaining more and more visibility, while the world’s power demand is increasing. The PV grid-connected systems have become one of the most important applications of solar energy [2]. The increase of average PV system size may lead to new strategies like eliminating the DC-DC converter that is usually placed between the PV array and the inverter, and moving the MPPT to the inverter, resulting in increased 2 1 Electrical Engineering Department, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt On leave to Majmaah University, Majmaah, Saudi Arabia 16 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS VOL.1 NO.2 ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) Centralized technology APRIL 2013 Multi-String technology String technology String diodes PV modules AC-Module technology DC DC DC DC AC DC AC AC DC 1-phase Connection 3-phase Connection (a) DC DC DC 1 or 3-phase Connection (b) DC AC AC (c) AC 1-phase Connection (d) Fig.1 Photovoltaic system technologies. A) Past centralized technology, b) Present string technology, c) Present multi-string technology, d) Latest ACModule technology. module concept supports optimal operation of each module, which leads to an overall optimal performance [9]. The voltage-power characteristic of photovoltaic array is a non-linear because of the variation that caused by solar irradiation and temperature. Therefore, it is very important for a PV to operate at the maximum power point to reduce the cost of the generated power to the system installation cost. Many maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques for photovoltaic (PV) systems are well established in the literature. The most commonly known are hill-climbing [10], fractional open-circuit voltage control [11], perturb and observe (P&O) [12], and incremental conductance [13], the parasitic capacitance [14], the constant voltage [15]. There are lesser known, but sometimes very appropriate, methods such as maximizing load current or voltage [16], fractional short-circuit current control [17], array reconfiguration [18], linear current control [19], fuzzy control [20], neural network dc link capacitor droop control, pilot cells, current sweep, limitcycle control, and several others [21], [22]. In this paper, a design and simulation of a high performance three-level inverter of a three-phase gridconnected PV system and its controller. A 500 kW PV grid connected systems is used to investigate the performance of high power 3-phase PV generation systems. The control scheme of a three phase current-controlled SVPWM inverter in synchronous- rotating d-q frame able to control the output active and reactive power is presented. Validation of models and control algorithms is carried out through computer simulations PSIM software. II. SOLAR ARRAY CHARACTERISTICS Solar cells are devices that convert photons into electrical potential in a PN junction, of which equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 2(a). PV module is composed of n of these cells in series, as shown in Fig. 2(b), in order to reach a high voltage at the terminals. The connection of PV cells in series is named a string. Due to the complex physical phenomena inside the solar cell, manufacturers usually present a family of operating curves (V-I) as shown in Fig. 3. These characteristics are obtained by measuring the array volt-ampere for a different illumination values. From these characteristics, the optimum voltage or current, corresponding to the maximum power point, can be determined. It is clearly seen in Fig. 3 that the current increases as the irradiance levels increase. The maximum power point increases with a steep positive slope proportional to the illumination. The main parameters which influence the illumination levels on a surface at a fixed tilt on earth are the daily and seasonal solar path, the presence of clouds, mist, smog and dust between the surface and the sunlight, and the shade of the object positioned such that the illumination level is reduced, etc. The equation of the PV output current I is expressed as a function of the array voltage V I I sc - I o e 17 q (V IRs ) KTk - 1} - (V IRs )/Rsh (1) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS VOL.1 NO.2 ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) APRIL 2013 Impp is the current at maximum output power, Rs ID D Isc voltage at maximum power, I sc is the short circuit current Icell Rsh and Voc is the open circuit voltage of the array. Equation Vcell (2) is only applicable at one particular operating condition of illumination G and cell temperature Tc .The parameter variations can be calculated by measuring the variation of the short-circuit current and the open-circuit voltage in these conditions using the parameters at the normal illumination and cell temperature. Equation (2) is used for the I-V and P-V characteristics for various illumination and fixed temperature ( 25[ oC ] ) in Fig. 3. (a) VPV I PV III. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Isc,n Isc,2 Isc,1 (b) A conventional two-stage energy conversion system is connected between the PV array and the electrical power system as shown in Fig. 4. A boost converter is used to increase the PV voltage and it also plays a role of an intermediate circuit for tracking the maximum power point. The inverter circuit converts the direct current to the alternating current which flows into the utility or local loads. The connection to the utility grid is made by means of a step-up –Y transformer, and L-filters are included in order to reduce the perturbation on the distribution system from high-frequency switching harmonics generated by the PWM control of the VSI. The inverter controller has two main functions. One is to synchronize the output current with the grid voltage, which means the power factor is equal to unity. The other is that it controls the DC-link voltage. To achieve those two goals, the three-phase line current is transformed from ABC reference frame to a dq rotating reference frame. The q-axis current is used to control the DC link voltage to the predetermined value. On the other hand, the d-axis current is used to control the output power factor to unity. As shown in Fig. 5. , two line currents ia Fig. 2 Equivalent circuit of PV array. Fig. 3 V-I and P-I characteristics at constant temperature. where V and I represent the PV output voltage and current, respectively; Rs and Rsh are the series and shunt resistance of the cell (in Fig. 2); q is the electronic charge; I sc is the light-generated current; Io is the reverse Saturation current; K is the Boltzman constant, and Tk is the temperature in K . and ib are measured to be used in the inner-loop current Equation (1) can be written in another form as [23] I I sc {1 K1[e K2V 1]} - (V IRs )/Rsh controller to control the MPPT and the power factor. Two line voltages vab and vbc are also measured to calculate m Where the coefficient K1 , Vmpp is the (2) the angle of the rotating reference frame. The calculated angle is then used to synchronize the output current with the grid voltage. By adjusting the q-axis current to the optimum operating value, the DC-link voltage would be controlled to the reference value. The reference q-axis current is then compared with the real q-axis current and the error value is controlled using PI controller until the two values become the same. In addition, the reference d-axis current is set to zero for unity power factor control. In the same way, the reference current is compared with the real d-axis current and the error is controlled using another PI controller. K 2 and m are defined as K1 0.01175, K 2 K 4 /(Voc )m , K4 ln(( K1 1) / K1 ) , K3 ln[( I sc (1 K1 ) I mpp ) / K1I sc ], m ln( K3 / K 4 ) / ln(Vmpp / Voc ) 18 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS VOL.1 NO.2 ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter DC-DC Conveter PV Array Line Filter + V - dc Cdc Coupling Transformer ia Lf + - APRIL 2013 ea i b eb i c ec Inverter gating Converter gating PWM PWM Vpv System Controller (1) Vdc ia, b eab, bc System Controller (2) IPV Fig.4 Power circuit for PV system. e ebc eab VPV IPV Cdc + V - dc ia MPPT SVPWM VPV v qe* Vdc Voltage controller q-axis current controller iqe - L L iqe ide d-axis current controller * + ide + - e v de* + i*qe ib abc/dq va* vb* vc* IPV Vdc* + In this paper, P&O algorithm is used to extract the maximum power point tracker. P&O involves a perturbation in the q-axis component of the grid-side current. From Fig. 6, it can be seen that incrementing (decrementing) the PV current – or line q-axis currentincreases (decreases) the power when operating on the left of the MPP and decreases (increases) the power when on the right of the MPP. Therefore, if there is an increase in power, the subsequent perturbation should be kept the same to reach the MPP and if there is a decrease in power, the perturbation should be reversed. The process is repeated periodically until the MPP is reached. The system then oscillates about the MPP. The oscillation can be minimized by reducing the perturbation step size. However, a smaller perturbation size slows down the MPPT. The flowchart of P&O method is shown in Fig.7. abc/dq - ide Fig.5 Control circuit for the PV system. Fig.6 Operation in photovoltaic V-I curve using P&O Method. 19 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS VOL.1 NO.2 ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) APRIL 2013 IV. SIMULATION RESULTS The full detailed model of the proposed three-phase gridconnected PV energy conversion system is implemented in the PSIM software environment as depicted in Fig. 8. The PV array consists of 60 strings of 50 modules (NS=50, NP=200) of 50 Wp model with voltage and current at maximum power 17.4[V] and 2.87[A]; respectively. The PV array provides a peak installed power of 500KW at irradiation level 1000 W/m2. Fig. 9 shows that the PV current, voltage and power at full load. Fig. 10 shows that the DC link voltage dynamics at continuous variable irradiation level. Fig. 11 shows the grid voltage and current instantaneous waveforms. From this figure, it is clear that, the power factor operation is unity. Fig.7 Flow chart for P&O method. Fig.8 Detailed model and control scheme of the grid-connected PV solar system in the PSIM environment. 20 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS VOL.1 NO.2 ISSN 2165-8277 (Print) ISSN 2165-8285 (Online) APRIL 2013 V. CONCLUSIONS This paper is focused on the modeling and simulation of a Grid Connected Large Photovoltaic System controlled by the Voltage Oriented Control for both steady state and transient analysis. It does not require an intermediate stage of DC/DC control, as the optimum DC voltage is set by the inverter itself by means of a Perturb & Observe MPPT algorithm which is used for tracking the operating point for achieving maximum power output from the PV array, with change in irradiation level. The future work focuses on developing anti-islanding algorithm for large-scale gridconnected PV systems. References [1] W. Xiao, N. Ozog, and W. G. Dunford, “Topology study of photovoltaic interface for maximum power point tracking,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1696–1704, Jun. 2007. Fig.9 PV current, voltage, power at different illumination levels [2] L. Chang and H.M. 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The Ph.D. degree in Electrical engineering from Assiut University, and Darmstadt university, Germany, in 2004 (Cotutelle). Since 2004, he has been a staff member at the department of electrical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut university. His main fields of interest are Electric motors drives, power electronics applications, and renewable energy systems. He was lecturer in Omar El-Moktar university in 2005 to 2010. He is the author of one book, and more than 40 articles. Assiut university, Electrical Engineering Department, faculty of Engineering, Assiut, Egypt. Second B. Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil was born in Egypt, in 1970. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical engineering from the Assiut University, in 1992 and 1997 respectively. the Ph.D. degree in Electrical engineering from Yeungnam University, South Korea, in 2007. Since 2007, he has been a staff member at the department 22