Cabinet Decision Sheet - Northamptonshire County Council

Agenda Item No: 10(e)
Cabinet Decision Statement for meeting held on Tuesday 8 March 2016
* Statements in bold indicate additional/amended resolutions made in the meeting
** Please note that this item was discussed under the Special Urgency rule and is not subject to the call-in procedure.
Denotes a key decision
Minutes of the meetings held in
public on:
9 February 2016; and
18 February 2016.
Next Generation Model of Adult
Social Care and OCS Trust
(Please note the general
exception rule has been
Children’s Centre Services
(Please note the general
exception rule has been
Action to be taken
RESOLVED: The minutes of meetings held in public on 9 February 2016 Barbel Gale
and 18 February 2016 were agreed and signed as a true record.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
oted and agree the statement of intent to develop the new Social
Care Services Model bringing together Adult social Care and
Olympus Care Services.
greed to report to future meetings of cabinet as and when
required and for final approval by Council.
elegated to the Director of Adult Social Care in consultation with
the Cabinet member of Adult Social Care to finalise any initial
arrangements for the implementation of the new model of social
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
1. Endorsed proposals to update the funding methodology for the
allocation of the available Children’s Centre Services budget.
2. Agreed an extension for a minimum of six and maximum of
eighteen months to the current contracts / service level
agreements held with existing providers of this service across the
3. Agreed to consider the proposed impact of the amended
allocations at 10th May 2016 Cabinet meeting to enable rapid
implementation of reconfigured service delivery.
4. Agreed to delegate all necessary contractual arrangements and
Dr Carolyn Kus
Deborah Mahon
Alex Hopkins
Agenda Item No: 10(e)
Cabinet Decision Statement for meeting held on Tuesday 8 March 2016
* Statements in bold indicate additional/amended resolutions made in the meeting
** Please note that this item was discussed under the Special Urgency rule and is not subject to the call-in procedure.
Denotes a key decision
decisions over the next 18 months to the Director of Children,
Families and Education in consultation with the relevant Portfolio
Action to be taken
Agenda Item No: 10(e)
Cabinet Decision Statement for meeting held on Tuesday 8 March 2016
* Statements in bold indicate additional/amended resolutions made in the meeting
** Please note that this item was discussed under the Special Urgency rule and is not subject to the call-in procedure.
Denotes a key decision
Personal Care and Support
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Services for Children and Young
1. Agreed the arrangement for providers of Personal Care and
Support Services (Countywide) to be incorporated onto a two
year framework.
2. Delegated to the Director of Children, Families and Education in
consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and
Education the decision to award the new Framework contracts.
Special Guardianship Order
RESOLVED That Cabinet agreed to a change to the Special
Support Policy
Guardianship Order Financial Support Policy.
Chester Farm and a new model
for Northamptonshire’s heritage
Action to be taken
Helen Devine
Alex Hopkins
Fiona Mackirdy
Alex Hopkins
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Sarah Bridges
1. Approved the next steps in the project to secure the future of Tony Ciaburro
Chester Farm, as set out in section 5 of this report;
2. Delegated to the Director of Environment, Development and
Transport authority to approve all necessary procurement and
contractual arrangements for Chester Farm, and in particular the
appointment of a main contractor, as detailed in section 5.2,
subject to finance being available and in consultation with the
deputy Leader;
3. Agreed that further detailed business planning should be
undertaken on the preferred option for a new governance model
for the Council’s heritage, including Chester Farm, as set out in
section 7 of the report;
4. Agreed that further engagement takes place with the Heritage
Lottery Fund (HLF) with a view to the development of a new
governance model for Chester Farm and the necessary detailed
business plan, as set out in section 7.8;
5. Agreed that the Director of Environment, Development and
Agenda Item No: 10(e)
Cabinet Decision Statement for meeting held on Tuesday 8 March 2016
* Statements in bold indicate additional/amended resolutions made in the meeting
** Please note that this item was discussed under the Special Urgency rule and is not subject to the call-in procedure.
Denotes a key decision
National Project – Emergency
Services Mobile
Communications Project
Declare John Dryden House
(N0725A) surplus to the
requirements of the Authority,
University of Northampton
Energy Centre Loan
(Please note the general
exception rule has been
The replacement of Moulton
Transport be asked to bring a further report to Cabinet on the
outcome of the detailed work on the business case for the
preferred new governance model for Northamptonshire’s
heritage: and
6. Agreed that any new funding approvals are progressed through
the Council’s normal capital governance arrangements.
RESOLVED That Cabinet approved transition from the current
emergency services Airwave communications platform to the new
Emergency Services Network (ESN) via the national Emergency
Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP) as outlined in
section 4.3 of this report.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
1. Agreed to declare John Dryden House surplus to the requirement
of the Authority.
2. Agreed to delegate to the LGSS Director of Finance and Head of
Strategic Assets, in consultation with the portfolio holder for
Finance, Performance and LGSS the authority to agree terms
and dispose of the property to maximise capital receipts and
minimise void / holding costs.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
1. Approved £8m 3rd party loan, secured by a guarantee from the
UK Government, to the University of Northampton.
2. Subject to recommendation 1, delegated authority to the
Council’s Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to execute all
the necessary loan documents.
RESOLVED That the Cabinet approved the Council making a capital
contribution of £400,000 towards the cost of constructing a Moulton
Parish Council funded community building in return for a 99 year lease
Action to be taken
Ian O’Donovan
Tony Ciaburro
James Aldridge
Matt Bowmer
Mike Batty
Matt Bowmer
James Ellis
Matt Bowmer
Agenda Item No: 10(e)
Cabinet Decision Statement for meeting held on Tuesday 8 March 2016
* Statements in bold indicate additional/amended resolutions made in the meeting
** Please note that this item was discussed under the Special Urgency rule and is not subject to the call-in procedure.
Denotes a key decision
Corporate Performance Report
– Dashboard: 2015-16 Quarter
Monthly Financial Report
Monthly Capital Update Report
18. ** Balmoral Road – New
Supported Housing Scheme for
Younger and Older Vulnerable
Action to be taken
at a peppercorn rent to accommodate the relocation of Moulton Library
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
Richard Corless
1. Noted the contents of the 2015-16 Quarter 3 performance report Dr Paul Blantern
at Appendix 1
2. Considered if the report requires any further information or
analysis on areas of concern or special interest.
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Ruth Barnett
1. Noted the current financial position
Matt Bowmer
2. Approved the transfer of reserves - section 13
RESOLVED That Cabinet:
Mark Walker
1. Note the current capital forecast expenditure outturn of £108.2m for Matt Bowmer
the financial year 2015-16 and the expenditure and funding of
subsequent financial years.
2. Approve capital investment totalling £21,713,666 (detailed in section
7) associated with:
I. promotion of scheme Stanton Cross investing £9,000,000
II. promotion of scheme William Knibb investing £3,394,816
III. promotion of scheme Flore CE Primary School Extension
investing £400,000
IV. budget extension of A43 Moulton Phase 1b (Moulton
Bypass) investing £8,900,000
V. budget extension of Re-commissioning St Johns Secure
Unit – Phase 2 investing £18,850
following recommendations from the Capital Investment Board to enable
entry into the Council’s Committed Capital Programme.
RESOLVED That Cabinet agreed to sign the nomination agreement for Dr Carolyn Kus
20 years with Mears Housing to give Adult Social Care Service Users
access to a possible 72 apartments (Extra Care) in 3 separate blocks in
Agenda Item No: 10(e)
Cabinet Decision Statement for meeting held on Tuesday 8 March 2016
* Statements in bold indicate additional/amended resolutions made in the meeting
** Please note that this item was discussed under the Special Urgency rule and is not subject to the call-in procedure.
Denotes a key decision
(Please note that the special
urgency rule has been applied)
Published: Tuesday 8 March 2016
N.B. The scheme is dependent on Northampton Borough Council’s
Housing Benefit department approving the apartments for ‘exempt rent
status’. If they did not approve then the scheme would not be built.
Action to be taken