V TheWestCoasttime. ■^Ti*irvir^Ji^ LH77L HOKITIKA SA_TTTHDA"Y (£ate | Inflammations I I" and Irritations aro soothed,hea'ed 'I ' and cured by th-it safest and 1 surest of mi'dirines i j 1 I ' . j; , | I" ' j1 ;j |, <l' | !i j Prices— 3/- and 6/- a jar. from J. McSiierrv, !| Procurable " I Saddler. Hokitika: all Stores, F. l£O«-EHf, HOTELS; Masonic Hotel GREENSTONE HEARTSI GREENSTONE ALBERTS; — B TJ U- G3-"£=s I, II IIIiIR i. UPPER MAWHERA QUAY. THIS j } FAMOUS WHISKY ) Private Sitting Rooms, BilliardRoom Shower and Plunge Baths, and every convenience. Livery and Bait Stables. Horses, coaches, and traps always on hire. MAWHERA QUAY, GREYMOUTH, AND BROADWAY, REEFTON — GOVERNMENT LIFE some of our special lines of boots even branding on the heels our factory trads number?, and - JOHNJ.TOKER STATE GUARANTEE. Bonuses accrue with— ——each Premium paid. TRIENNIAL DISTRIBUTIONS. Bonuses allotted to Date : £1,920,000. GREYHOUND HOTEL ARAHURA. PROPRIETOR announce he is THE Cater for Picnic Parties that prices. wishes to prepared to at reasonable The best of accommodation Commissioner. provided. Best of Ales, Wines, etc., in stock. ROBT. S. LATTA, r Resident Agent, T E.R MS REASONABLE Greymouth. J. H. BIOHABDSON,F.F.A., Genius is G 1,0 riou " T he New Zealand v. Dixon OLDEST, LARGEST, and STRONGEST COLONIAL ACCIDENT COY.' MAIN FEATURES; — that the article t"P SKELTON, feOSTICK AND COMPANY* LTP.J has achieved a great triumph. Absolute Security. Prompt and liberal |«p & O" WHISKEY has had the proud distinction exclusive Employers of Labour of being selected for Army and use inHis Majesty's tfillitudy their owninterests by apply- Navy messes throughout the ing for rates and other particulars world, notwithstanding, the apply to of other brands hundreds Go Cray & G. S Absolute purity, available. COAST REPRESENTATIVES, of age. and milk ten years Greymoutb. mildness are its exclusive Mark SPr ot «£ Go points. Ask for it. BRITTAN ST.,i — -- ii± - -.- . Blacksmithing Engineering Soilermaklx&s. Pound? Work f ffEW ZEALAND INSURANCE HOKITIKA YOLuInT-ES «FIRI3 BRIGADE. COMPANY. AND MARINE* FIREALARMSIG JiALS. — £1,000,000 $ U I / M . "»'""«'««"." f ]) k^..^ tut % — - E\ :']7Z2:»i2XStil& "'' I rVeDGLVCVf Yf [ i j L 'i IVIObVffllV dlMh ,i,'p inn holthy condrMon it uot ! bt°P s tbe fal> but oiob of prem£tn:e n,r, p^entß tho frreynesi. It 1 sj! m O A 1 GlH.mi=t<, *o f. Dottle Dredge work r l fa^i — _^_ — AGENT*for*'BU"Ntw" r "" 1( . . r-tiv-, BJPERIOR tiun uo.'it, freo-frr-ni ol'-orvation. AddrcL.,-MliS h HAWKINS, 106, George Street, Dy.nidin. SEWELL HOKITIKA. TORY, announce tbe General Public and all Picnic out Parties tbat they are now putting beverages, several new and up-todato meet consumers on and are prepared to possible, compatible tbe very"be*t terms ofManufacture. Quality and Purity With BEG to Try our LimeJuice and Soda, Ginger Alo,. Hop Tonic, and Dandelion and Burdock Stout. The two latter posses Tonic and Aperient Qualities. . H Tablets b«fnberiain's^^ tub urtsiixA K I wnotM ' ... Tailor and Outfitter, ;. 4( t\ /0 (? Prkc Lists Free. You enn oriel unjtiling }'nu r^qufre, \ from n Unit U a 11ic\ ■ '. , ami your ordor will receive iniincdutc anl attention. R1 £10,000 Stock to select from. , JIOurAfaotory U tli* ;noc t l.j) to <lat« in the fi| H colony, and at /tiling ru it c.iiinot he sui'piiuil ►'/ 's, outof atoukuecau eaLil> and quafclj niuke. ';! V %\ J J/ 4*£s W. A. SGOTT, 150 George Street. BIMEDIN. jfr |_ s.ati'-facfcion to Hu' customer. Tlii^ ation on receipt <<i j^rico. accounts for tho incrcisiu^ businc-s bcin^ (JC Dli BLCOa a MJ'LKXION PILLS done at MrC. Ev.ins' Tailoring Establishdi/es tJjy mobt heuutiful coploiionio ment, Revell Street. It has bpnn found 4a 6d Bottlo neces-'ary to increase hig htafl' to copo Adc'iws-MilS L. HAWKINS 106 Gf?orpo Ktrotit, DUNEDIN with the work. Only first-class haml3 j ci luiu:n when xeiciiiinu \^ - 4 — [Telephone No. 55] 5- ■ ■- -. ff"> '? Ladies ' jppgn-ja 'ir v; \ ■ < HOLMES ILYNCH r ««, RTinft GOUT, i!ri-i)ui^ilbM, SSSATICAj __„.,„_.,,„ Have mor? or le^sdhirijcei which cannot Work Guaranteed. Patterns posted ■ ltwTtnrn p MCsrr'AS 0!3 LU)V|I*AuJ & EJEUAIUA. be clj'wclsod cikcluilly, u^ (lie ciu^e cauto.auy addles. diurilrjua tho can Dot be leinnvoii, but ] TV" acute jiMn i- quijklyrollrved and our«a la » I l9w days hv tlii) cilc l.i xtud Weilioine. 'andshfiiM b, oi.Liulktl by giving Chamjs,rcq»lr» Thci'O nil' -Alm.il "i '" I'crfutlylmrml '"">"' uqo alul Al celtam , a-id Dhrrhcua 1 Colic, Chi lot biriuni's ror.'ituimf >■' '!:" f '1" /^^y?V i^V'>^/%^i> to'.f v.mii th tt. laii,{anvvit'.liurt. lU-niuiy, ami an oix.^ional elo^e o£ castor n%^^^^^2A^ 0 Tabled ml to cleanse Liie wysierii. l''oi' sale by J. $ IMPUOVK YOUR WUttStiOW. t v.uiu.u. ciiu.u^li *uy UU*»Ut «* W«^ (jhesjuey 6l Co, Wholesaleui.Uliutail. - ° t^%^ '*' ■ , ' *^° ."" _— _. \ Note the A«'lrosa— j ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a 9 ■ Wallaoe I The Freeman & Snrgi. 1 Elcctro-Mediialand Insti-nte, Sts., Sy-'n«> ' 'Elizabeth *. Batbursl j | And at -"- ->-m«. TToward Freeman, Director. Wallace, M.D., Physlci. DR. R Chief. if 3| DR. Elizabeth White, M.D., Women H Children's Diseases. ". iao i 1 "* a 8 B ■ The Bradford Woollen Co. THE LEADING TAILORS THE ONLY TAILORS —— That Gixo an Absolu a Guarantee of Satisfa don. "' „ L*tc(ure _Fr»ni«B*H. EEVELL ST., UOKITIKA, \ \_J 1_ i^ [__ .'iritrigrr. * — -"" *■» ■ '■' ARE THE TALK OF WELLINGTON.] WRITE FOR SAMPLES & SELFMEASUREMENT FORM. Tweed Suits from 65s to 80s, Indigo Vicunas and Serges (dy« guaranteed) from 75s to 85ar Pinhead Worsteds, Silk Mixturesj Silk Stripes from 80s to 90s. i a —— SPRING SUITINGS (LAiTE FOWLER'fcLYNCH& Co.) '\ n'r^J^^ £*§ Tho Great Eaglish Remedy for nn To snve"tbe iDconvenience^of traTellin to Lady'Patrcns, our Lady's Tailor Wl. vuAt l-okitika on receiptof two or more 1 iT -" ">-»■ "^* .r=^''"T'^' *"■"■*-'o^'rH!23 .._ Blouses, Jackets, <?<tc*j etc, etc. ,' T ' £_adies Costumes d Speciality;also bilk {>■ s\\ < J "'"^^^\ ;i,r i -na a n & aVPSfi% Affections ot men, commonly de scrlbed as "weaknesß," ac* '""■ cording to our s{^ observati is, ar* firn »ot such, but de«| Strictly pend upon reflex li disturbances, and Sfe Flellable. are almost ln§J] BKI Pets moderate, Tariably Induced or maintained by only requirH and damS. Ed when- cure is appreciable "Be to the pros- B guaranteed. rate gland When ■ «f I * ' ■ occurlng In ro- ■ 3 bust subjects la ■ vfr( every other re"p , * j. Bptct, thei* forms ■ 3'" «^-^77V .g SPECIAL ATot B,>tfailed weak- I a-, very 1 ITENTION given nes a j to Nervous Uia- amenable to a easea Varico- per treatment.pro- 8 aa g cele, Ruptuie, Piles, S Hydroorte. pnnf-nf -n «f aA » Contagious Blood UOnircißTeU g Diseases, S " and 3 8 |Acute and Chro- E}|^flrnfirft 8 1 nic tirethral and , t?l*UI UCr». | S ProstatJc Ipfiaro» ». ». H "tatjeticsH m mation. II S j, complied from onr ~^ practice, MP-erinr ■ S B over 7500 cases, § Our Physician- we find that 90-per ln-Chlef, Dr. i<. have reco2 "Wallace. M.D., cent vered m seven 1 9 is registered by days or less. Thi« "a Australian, Eng- successful treat- ■' I llph. and Ame- ment prevents aHS co m p licatlons, B Medical £ rioan jl Itonrds. His great such as stricture, ■' j t>ook, 600 pages, inflammation d ■ '] "Clinical Expe- the bladder and H ' glanC. J rlences," on Dis- prostate -: ease and Cure. and kidneys, and, 9 ■j poet free, for one " together -with our 9 "j month. The elcK extremely low B fees, should In- S '■ man's best Advice duce all iv "r--<{ {J i personally friend. "rj or by of tr«-itrr.e ; ; J letter is FREE. consul* -..« 1T Ja. M 4A. 1 5 -„,. s _„„,....fcj-v ±±£<v ( — . iIVI B-4 ■ IW I g""Il\l Xj ourlew Z^J l IN M reliant Tailors, Greymouth, ' 3^ i^\' "'j ./s^Hlj An Excellent Variety of Cloths, I Tweeds, etc (just arrived from tho Homo I markets) to chooso from. ) , REASONABLE, PRICES f^am^lain'a;;;-,;: " GREYMOUTH ftIACKAY ST thanking, the General Public to favorsbestowedduring,thetimejthe have beenjin business take thisiopportun ity of informing them that they hove ad ded to their business CLEANING PRESSING, and DYEING. lorderr. fS^fil\ ' n s Allkinds of Ladies' Costumes Gleaned T? andPressed andmade equal to new easily arranged with the new Hair ?ads Wellington Prices. just opened by A, Mahf>.n, Draper. All invited. Inspection colours la. — 'WoslfHOSfi' .H BROS.. '3 ifgrerclmiatITaflors, &Yl.£ The pn.w.fc becoming \JS7 ANTED— styles of hair dressing can be >.-<"/ ( i - We Make No Experiment*. We litre No Ftllnres. Cores are Permanent. Onr Onr Fees ar« Fair and We Treat Toa Tilt Cared. a 3 a : SPECIALITY. -'-^ .-"">! - I LEAD LETTERING A 1? /'" ( fi STREET, to "The Trade," " \/^<-"c/. i__»3Oh Stafford Street, Opposite Railway Station / \ U' ? Dli PW/M^i'S "(;HAMiK BLOSSOM' HOKITIKA. Curc>;»il i/cim-lo (Jo?r>pUiuta, everylady REVELL STREET cau tzv t— 3i i~fll. One mouth's treat tradesrapn moans m«nt 10 . iLithcr Eer.t froo from obser fr^lTE WORK of good AREATED WATERS AND CORDIAL MANUFACTUUES FAC- MONUMENTAL should try Hcndj's "Juleptia" for beautifying the nair, destroying dandruff, and promotiris; a luxurious growth, of soft, glossy hair. Bottles la. A Mahan, Draper, Sole Agont. (Mrj<^oP^t^M T.Robinson & Sons' ai;d WANTED ''\A N':"-.-:.l^s^ USE HOKITIKA NDERTAKE S ©CS REVELL STREET* T. L, Balfe, FaI1" -/ j.kTng, [a card.] ** 1 *?\V?tii"«'"* V, ,i/ C v f Given ana , Plans w-v COBB'S J Wf^M"»2?Z I JbHtmmes .-i^yM Why not stop the |B _„ HOKITIKA SERVICE. , Gibson's Quay to VV«id Street bounded t<f t VasV V. ".' _ L-3!tka V^ urea Scalds, Burns Ulcers, Chilblain by Bealy Street, One tollaud peal. —Established 1859 MAWHERA'OUAY..'; TJ, " V ,«!)! r(r.~Sores, Fruits, Cain. Jjoils, C'happec Babacribed capital £1,000,000. Paid up Weld Street to Hampden Street bounded Old {', Hands, Everything and heals Touched peal. Two tol'sand Street, £600,G00. Bsaley Net Revenue Oy tod Reserves SOLD EVEHYWHE£T3. £440,000. Liberalsettlements. HarrpdeuStreet to Town Bolt bounded ;-— \fop.'^ -"'"' ' <O> T4T _Ca "S2" G^ «Sb J,8 : / Three tolk and by Bealey Street, Liability of Shareholders. Unlimited '_.. „ I „ r.tal. ' : V" The Premier and Wealthiest Colonial East of Bealey Street, Four} tolls and BLOOWINE," the great Ccm, Wica| calauci and j k-..'-u"7JCyr Company. andHunion Cure, trice ieverywhere 1 y^lxfafor Ch.'h au Australian Papeis, peal. great antidut for BloodFOUND. The Importer of Eiud^t Magaaines, j jf .^S\\^% LOWEST RATES. Poiwning is "SPRING iLO-SSOM Head Office ELIXIR." 2s bottle cv lywnere. ' SPKING BLOSSOM PILLS care InHew ZealandInsuranceBuudingß,g digestion,Liver,Kidney,airi Stomach FOOTBALLS-Ali:B-zoe Auckland. troubles. 6d and Is everywhere Fire and Marine Risks in Hciritika, corn w;all::house. * Komara, and other parts of Westland COMPLETE AND MODERN STOCK- \ Mrs.Louisa Eav/kins's £^**S"- f'-2>-WELD STREET, HOKl'liKA. 0s 6d ani 5a OF SCHOOL ! §*ken at LowestCurrentRates' PILLS, ; " FEMALE REQUISITES \ A^'SC / (Next Weßt Coast Times Oaico.) A. B. KING, FANCY GOODS. Slecl and PennyroyalPills 3s 6d ; Tansy ""' Jtrt J' '/ s-,,I'll, Jlvon 'S ' 'kis, Agent, Hokitika < Pills 10a bio> ; ; BJands -V. ,^ 111 1'tlaJJ.irk. Board and Uosidence for Pills 5s Dr Bloom's H 2« 6d ; Praiiio Flower Compound, Bob*Agent, Business Uentleopwu^-iud Tourists Pills, bottlu CRUMLEY, and ;or send Syuaploma 10s', JOHN 7s Gd ROSS, and mediciue will bo forwaiued by raTelepdone No. 35. OmDiUl EAST AND WEST COASTS' COACH IT lOM3R, _ Jos^s> &Zj. .-; > TEEMS, AGENT, Hokitika. MOW OFFERING AT " J'HOKITIKA. ! ViAiM ! 9 Sj ftp BOYS' &IGIRLS' ANNUALS, CHUMS, CHATTERBOX, Coaches leave Otira every SUNDAY, NISTER'S INSUNDAY MORNING at 7 o'clock FANT'S & CHILD'S OWN a.m, arriving at Springfieldat 7 p.m the MAGAZINE & OTHER came day, thus enabling passengers to ANNUALS reach Christchurch at 10 o'clock on Monday morning; alsoleave Otira on Tues- A Splendid Assortment of' Prayerand attention. days and Fridays at 3 p.m arriving at Hymn Books,Bibles, Church Praise, Cheapest Yard in the Town fnr Casb. Springfield the same hour next day " Etc. Etc. CO, Weight Guaranteed. CASSIDY & Goods, Large Leather also Assortment Ono ferial solicited and satisfaction is Springfield, of Gift and Birthday Books, Toys Assured. Proprietors, and Fancy Goods,Pictures, Fire G.W, MOSS & CO. Screens,Basket ware,Pianos Greymouth, Violins, Cornets, -AcAgents. ordeons, Etc., Etc. AND ON MOST FAVOURABLE , Ji^L-eSksil^ JLs >a/ JcbJcCj at vlr xlxiJK&JkJL Obtainable on draught at Keller's Hotel, Hokitika, andMrs Head's Hotel, Kanieri only. rpHE Proprietor"desire3to announce J1- that he has commenced business iv IV\J I11\fS w-^8 BrittanStreet (in close prox'mity to the Boat Shed,Gibson's Quay) and asks for a coeitbb OF fair sbare of public patronage. TANCRED STREET AH Classes of Wood and Coal supplied. AND OLSON'S QUAY. MILL WOOD, 2ft lengths, 5s per load. Orders willreceive prompt and careful -A:s f> IT OK" fT ITC I AXV IVJ L Settlements. "' JT TO X BE X " *~~~~ uiAni/o 111/ I1hi X -- c:hkistohuro &O" WHISKEY B©2_. ©9 o ° EM EXCELIENC- competent judges and demonstrates the unadulterated nature of excellence, we admit JFWP'fI AQ IPlrttfSi Qi pijigllli 0111/iCiiii/0 JOHN HOWAT, . And in no less measure is exMANUFAOTURED INNEW PL?T|yUMaA| Insurance Co, cellence. [ZEALAND. When an article A^—-,^.-.",-Vl\\\A 1 » llPilPil\ UUJJJJXvllllll converbecomes the theme of Accident PROPRIETOR. and whole- P. Box No. 19 — sation amongst men, when it Sold by tbe leading retailers, TeleplnmN. ■Branch. plants sale°by itself in the esteem of TRANSACTS all brancnes of ACCIDENT BUBLSESS. Is the F@ a '=Sa= THE HIGHEST TYPE DF >Gt> ] - wocd and:coalmerchant. D!M PIMCP P MUI 1 1 1L. """"LSi 8 jjjO :-.E&jGBNERAL CARRIER, = 7EALAIIA' machinery being new. Mr M'Gregor motto is tokeep apace with the time which is ezemolified by the work being turned out by his firm. Noont-o methods are employed in the man :date facture of bis WHARF STREET, HOKITIKA. Working in ifilk, Linen and Canvas. Cushion Covers, Table Centres, N.D Cases, C. & C. Bags, Tray Clotns Gipsy Table Covers, Slipper Tops, Shavin? Tidies, Glove and Handkerchief Saichels. ew samP^e Lines in made up Cushion Tops and Table Centres half worked with sufficient material to finishat— ...,^.. YOU WANT e*W"- James OJiesiiey &? Go*, Agents, $rreynioi-i;!i. cautionedthat when asking for some of our well known nunv* bers, to see that not only the number is there, but that each pair is branded "Zealandia," our registered trade brand;they dare not put thia brand on them for fear of prosecution! Imitationmay be thesincerest foim of flattery, but imitation, wheL it is intended to deceive the public,is contemptible. * and plant is thoroughly up-to-date,all th MADE UP LINES Marked with dainty designs ready for Why send away for these lines when you can procure them locally We import direct therefore thd prices a lo as yy in the rr substituting gond3 of inforior quality,' the public are hereby RUCCTPROPRIETOR, JAMES our p.re Connection with bis bueine&i, ht employs only firatj olaSf IN tradesmen the best oE material. Sis j -FANCY ABT NEEDLEWORK- come PKOPBIETOR. DOGCARTS JAMES O'MALLEY, Proprietor. having knowto ledge that certain unscrupu' IT lousmanufacturers imitaticg F. M'GREGOR, And vehicles of every description,estim/^ OOD WHISKY will never injure the system— it is thei 'ates of which will be furnished \X cheap stuff that is the curse of the world. application.^ This Grand Whisky has been proved by well-knownI Analysts at ?iome to have the same flavouring and strengthI as 30 years of age, andis a splendid mellow whisky. Ask for this Whisky and takeno other, I/VI nl\ THE >-AW OF I o be obtained from ail Merchants and Hotelkeepers shortly IiT **^Al NATORE |S> a I INFRINGE HER LAWS. FOR DEATH I ■PREPARE. DO NOT COMMIT THOSE ■ ■aao ACTS WHICH CALL FOR PENALTY. ■ ■ you If ■and Buffer from youthful wtakneas -8 early indiscretion, call or write to If ■ Sole Agents for South Island— th* Specialists of . 9' H 1Tbe FItEEHAN and WALLACE ■ ■ Electro-Heaicnl Institute. ■ g They can Advlae and Cure yon. Wine and Spirit Merchants and General Importers, . ! z-52, St Asaph Street, CHRISTCHURCH. . ona holiday trip will find every comfort duriDg their stay at the Bealey. CAUTION. Isnow being placed in Hokitika an other West Coast Towns of the) South Island and is Ooi2a.:Lo.sr to Thomas & M*£3®ash coaches, and is within easy driving distance or the far famed Otira Gorge, while the district in which it is situated supplies excellent shooting. Visitors Hokitibjl, proprietor Don't forget tlie dates* ANNOUNCES to the public that he has ro-entered the above hotel, which has been thoroughlyrenovated andrefurnished. His many friends and the travelling public generally may rely on the best quiremeots at his attention to thei hands. TbeHotelis the stopping pla°e for the night; of the east* and west-bound The choicestbrands of wines and spirits always in stock. JIRL /ILL giHE PROPRIETOR wishes to an- Inspection Invited. Carriage Factory. SCOTLAND. Mr, James O'EEalley X nounce that hehas just completed extensive alterations to his well and favourably known hotel, which will be found one of the most complete on the Coast. HOKITIKA ARDMOKE DISTILLERY, KENNETHMONT, ABERDEENSHIRE, First-class Railway Fares witl be allowed to all Purchasers of £10 Parcels. BSALEY, Shoeing Forges Bevell St. MONDAY A TUESDAY, January 15 & 16 Extraordinary Bargains in Departments^ JOLLY'S ■JJfig'SiMiMl Cream ON GLACIER HOTEL, HOTEL, KUMARA MAIN STREET, KUMARA. Too numerous to Mention. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. | F>2J#PRIETOIt. M.J (Ted) DONNELLY,Proprietor (Late of Defence Department, Wellington andRailwayHotel,Eketahuna.) rPHISHotel is now thoroughly com- j Offer Speckl Inducemenos to their Country Patrons Hok-t__m. CUBA ST., WELLINGTON. , INSURANCE. 9THOMAS AND M'BEATH'S KFLLER'S HOTEL, Telephone1186. Night Porter inattenclanse 1plete, andis one of thebest appointed houses in the city. Every room electric'\ Saddlers, and Chemists ; or pobt al'y lighted aud newly furni?bed. The I' free from Sot.omox Solution is built with all the latest and safest hotel Propriei"Aky, Wellington j; fire escapes, iron balconies and stairs leadingfrom everybedroom. Ample ac"commodationfor tourists and families. Hot and cold plunge and showerbaths. Lettersand telegrams punctually attended to. LIBERAL CUISINE Greenstone Tariff : 7s per Diem, or 35s per Week, Greenstone Porter meets all trains and steamers. Onof wines, spirits Greenstone. ly tbe choicestetcbrands stocked. Telegraphic Address "MASONIC WELLINGTON. GREENSTONE RINGS GREENSTONE BANGLES GREENSTONE BROOCHES GREENSTONE BREAST FINS GREENSTONE SLEEVE LINKS And Other Articlesof j ri THIS (> ') ' st ajt ion Hotelhas been recently rebniltand is furnishedand fitted up in the latest j modernstyle throughout. Has lofty and well ventilatedbedrooms. Hot and | oold baths, &c. Excellent accommodationfor Tourists and the TravellingPublic. Tariff Moderate. | TelephoneNo 51. , i, I' ______ Greymouth, \ " i There is always mystery anddoubt 1 about the action of internal remIt is different with SolJ edies. omon Solution, for it is applied I' externally, and you are sure to ' be surprised by the remarkable ,| change.it brings about in a few , hours. Notwithstanding its I " I powerful action, it can be used 1 . with perfect safety on the most ! tender skins. It quickly allays inflammation and iiritation, and I 'i removes all swellings, soreness and chafings. railway PfllCE -One nlPenny M, lEACHER&SONS Wharf Moisi) the jl So!O£„ T!DSI ..Mo. -\ -ScJlitrO;! .. !i!; adjoining MAKOH 17 19u^ ' ■"■"»■"■ BRADFORD' WOOLLN Company THE FliwM have considerably increased their stock and are prepared to LAMBTON QTTAY (NEXT STEWsupply estimates for all classes ART DAWSONS), of painting and paper* bunging at reason- able "~l l IN piices. WELLINGTON. STOCK. Oils, Colours, Lends, and every requis* /"{ASH GIVEN AWAY* it' of tho trade. A splendid selectionof picture mouldings. Workmanship and PLEASE NOTE.— 4B cash prizes are materialguaranteed. given away evtry bilf year as a cash discount to regular 4<KOZIE" TEA users ilenzi.hne, Turpentine, Benzine, and iustead of spending it on fCieusive ad* 1 Molhclajled Spirits tvt reasonableprices. vertising; and the quality of the tea is wellknowu to ta better than any other INSPECTION INVITED. tea at the same price,— £. J, Lloyd, Ageat. MA~tt^lP Vf School Children, 1/^ | NJ? L*sON & WELLINGTON. M full Alc.ou just Sew WBLLINGI'ON (ca)lin^ it flobart) |Fii |March 23 Quaiter jlooa 3 11 17 25 58pDn 8 7 11 11 47 am 27p.m 22a.ir The Arahura kuVfs Wel.in^ton to* for Nelbon and Westport, arnvicg at tfreymoutb on Moniay, and Failing sgain tie sime day at 6 p.m. for Westport, Nelson, and Wellington. leases Npllingtonon Mon\ dayTlieKi-oiija for Greymouth via Nelson and We-Jtporf,aTiiirg on Wednesday and sailing cay SYDNEY from WELLINGTON : Moko a |Thur |March 29 f fVia Auc'clard . "Monowdi |Sat March 17 , "DirMt ...... .. nrst Quarter for n a. s. W»-llingfon on YDNEY TO BRISBANE, HONO- T uesdfly for Nelson and Westport, arLULU, VANCOUVER, CANADA riving at Greymouth on Thursday aod UNSTED STATES and EUROPE Bailing ngain t-arne night at 8 o'clock for S,s Moane |Men | March 19 Wei.pi-rf, Nelson aod Wellington. (and monthly thereafter) Shipping Telegrams. ARRIVALS. — DEPARTURES Tbe TaTiuni. Manapouri.Navua (twinscrew) todHanrotoBail at reßnlur mtf*r LFAVE FOR WESTrORT,Eailj. WM. DUNCAN, Agent. ROYAL MAIL FOB LONDON. ...... ... ........... r'teMLM Papanui *ftaapehu «eg Pert Dep To"Sail" iabou») New Zealand 6563 Ljttelton Mirch 29 85d3W<llingtoi tApril12 \pril do May 10 "Riujutaka... 6000 do M-»y do Rakak June 7 do "romariro... 7010 Jun« Wakanui do Jaly 5 d.> *Turakina 7630 Jul do "Kaikoaru 7801 do 8027 at Rio de Janiero °iCalls Twin screw. Faiesfrom H. kitika-Steernge single from£17 to X2l; 2nd claf-a single £38 or Istclass single from £64 to £74. Anexperieucedsurgeon will accompany each steamer. Passengers bo>king at Hnkitika are Waitnate GLORLEfS IN HER AllBlack Hats IA Whar about your Winter Underwear. — ... Annual income ... ... Bonuses allotted £3,500,000 £11,000,000 £450,000 £1,920,000 "T" lo Commissioner ASK THE GROCER- ACCIDENT NOTICE mBE f\OUIII Xhe # Quutu 1 J->uiiisa Capital £1,500,000. Accumulated Funds1 £470,000. . v MortgHge" l"t enmity Ordinary AcHd^tit AcciHpnts bitiotJ Public R-*k Plate Glaus Uurgl ry Fidelity Guarnnfcop The South British Company's "Up-to-date Policy,1 of ticknssses. ( ' R veil Street, Hokitika. j J, H. WILSON rAgent. rS zSfffl^V? O CCL 1 w- CO 4} - — , — __ West CastTimes DEfcJRES lii9ureß ag-ni st Aecideut. iind gives Splmdid bnttiisfur a large iiumbtr THE ■" OLIVER ft.DOFF, aof^fl * and Sicknen* Benefits Coil- "UP-TO-DATE" POLICY forget Irf ibe Mosu Liheraluf the kind to compare quilltie.". I> y >v tind prints '*i hubmi'tcd io the public of as low as ours jou'Jl find the qualiiiea New Zealand. inferior.'Look at tbe qualities aud p:i'jes j particular can be obtai ed on of our new j'.ckets, millinery, and stylish I dres&'goods. W. M'Kay A Son, the npplicaiion at the Office CS J — — , don't . - ffl riIHE above Companj being autbor■** iee.J to nudenake AOOIDENT and GENBriAL INSURANCE BUSI NESS of ev<ry dtscription is new pre pared to accept the following classe* of risks :—: Employt re' Liability f. r Cotupeusation uuder ne Workers Aot paring pr cej LeadiDjdJDraper?. — 1BRITISH FIRE & MARINE INFURANCE CO JIPA^Y OF NEW ZKALAND. k co "* 3.H. BICHARDSON, F.P.A., I the* — H 1> & o o CO You kuow our Quality THE BEsT. ... S Kirkpatrick &Co Ltd, IVe!son - o v BOTH URIVALLED. Assets Sums assured Is made in snnny Nelson, the froit gar.ien of Now Zealand. Golden Ap.icots, Lv Clous Peaches atid Plums. Delicious Ra pberries and Currants. A of super fiae orchard fruitage it Hfealth our comm^nH. We use rhe purefrei-h friit to make our famous 'X" J»ms and Conserves,>md preserve Us lines, flivour v unadultwrated. When to- *. Manufacturers, DEPARTMENT.' Things are great or amall onlyby compirhon. The more yon comp<ire our prices with other?, the more you become ropre^sed with our groat values He ath rngs 4a 6d, linoleum-* aod floorcloths 2 yards wide rrom W. M'Kay & Son, tbe Ltading Drapers. SUBJECTS — QliverfyDuft GOYERNNhENT INSURANCE X" JAM AND CO., LTD., CHRIbTCtiU&CH 1 \Bsot Importers & Von freight or passage,-apply VIVIAN WM. BONAR, Agent, Wharf Street, HOKITIKA. Hajward Bros. ... Motto. ALEX LENNIE aud 'oriuatiim. Wholesale Agents— of Price COMMERCIAL HOTEL AllBlack Team given a tree coastal passage to fie port at which thf} join ibe tiuiue stean.er. The passenger ac3nuuiod;iti'>n iv tbe ibree classes is replete wi'.h every mndetu cunvenience and ti>e t'iftary so<ile such as will sustain the woll-eMrmdreputationof the Com|#aoy. i Walnuts issued at Hokitika for pae- j sages fromtbeOld Country. Round theWorld Tours.— Special rVrs ore quoted for round tcurs, one way by New Zcal-aud £ hipping Company, and theother by either the (ziuadmn-Aus-ra\ho lino or ihe A. and A. tout* +h>onuh North America, the femur via Vtncouveri aud the latter via Han Francisco. Write to-day for true panopblt-t of in» THE NEW OATEN PORRIDGE MEAL Mide in Chriatchurch Da>lv. Cooked in T*o Minutes. Not »o heatine »s otb<tr Out Foociu. Soldl>y Grocers at 1* and 5n fcr bag. of Qualitu KELLER BROS., and Son . GERSTENA . W M'Kay Via Monte Video, Teneriffe A Plyaioatu Ton Probl. dlv . Millinery this One mmt season understand and apits usual style, THE S.S. JANE DOUGLAS. ZEALAND SHIPPING THE NEW COMPANY'S LTNF. STEAM 8. Sarsaparilla „ „ „ „ „„ Westport, M*rch 15 p.m, K-imona, for Grrymoutb. 5.20 Auckland. j tsJs from i .— For (freight it Pwage apply to the Agent, J. H. WILSON, Revel! Street Hokitlk* VyiLL -\ OUR Greymouth, March J8 4.30 p.m, Charles Kdwud, fromWeft port. SOUTH SEA ISLANDS. talentof the young performers is quite ' Goodness Che is ""> . nut of the common, and their visit will be anticipated with great plessure by Ayer's Ladies, clusiveness. on Thursday for Dunedin direct. FOR LONDON VIA SUEZ CANAL Orient-Paoihc Line. Orontes(leavesSydney) |Sat |Mch 24 B3 (»nd fortnightly thereafter) 16a 4d. con^fl April19th and 20th. The Family sists of otte of the most popularcombine \^ tions that tours thecolony. Tb*musical LATEST CABLE NEWS j The Maponrika leavaa (O. & A. LINE) Tint OoUbr&ted 81-ekFamily of mnsical entertainers intend to visi' Hokitika on '" Winter iligb Water this day- 2.43 a.tn; 3.16 p.07. ?a*333 o? the jjOON— March, Mdpturikt |Thur |March22 at 8 p.m. Ariihura |i?oo |March 19 at 6 p uj. "-IjSLBOUIWI1. moM and LEAGUE, Another considerable l.icrsasu iii tb» revenue of tbo Wes'hnd railways ia recordedfor tbe period ending on the 3rd inst, being £804 Is 3>i, comparing this year's total withlast yeat'a. The former wan £7831 17s 7d, and the latter£7028 The services at So Paul's Methodist rajiiclovera in Hokitika and the dU- ■ church on Sunday, will be conducted by ■tiict. the Rev W. J. Elliott. The morning mote, and it did splendid work for tbe A.' fatal acc:dent was narrowljaverted subject will be "TheDavout Life and early settlers— particularly in the Koka- tbe evening subject "Faith, in Principal yesterday afternoon tt Cadarnun's «n— Thebloodneeds JL^£^2z&?[fL\ tal.i (Istrict by enabling them to raise andPractice." Noa church goers very nine©rinj? woik», when a yoaog mtn to be enricLcd "^ vlTTia■ ■'J loans for lunger periods than they could cordiallyinvited. named William Shannon...of Bimo, wai and vitalized; caught "in themain revolving shaft. Ii and for this there is no medicine in have obtlined them from other fin-ncial An application for a prohibitionorder the world equal to institutions at a time whenthe Advances was heard at the S.Vi. Court, before Mr attempting to reidjott a belt which"h»d slipptd off a pjlley wheel, tbe victimof to Settlers Dei artmenthad not yet beeu Acheron, S.M., yesteidiy Mr Lewis the accident was suddenly emght and inaugurated. It is vtryinterrs'ing to lock appeared for def ?ndant ;and, with the whirled round tbe shafting, with what back ou tbe long and prosperous career latter'aacquiescence, His Worship made must have been a fstal result had tb* of tbe Bank, which v one of the few out an order covering the licensing die- machinery not been quickly stopped. Thft trictsof WestlanJand the Grey. young in-.n was conveyed to DrTeichelinstitutions of thekind remaiuingin the TheEaster encampment tt Westport mmn'ssurgery, where be wis promptly colony. Savings In 1886 the Hokitika The cures it 1 as -worked, the men, Bank was first bo holiday attract: on for many attended to. So far as om be ascerstarted by Mr Archibald will the women, aud children it Las restored throughout visitors the Coast, and tha tained,however, th*re weirs no injuries to health, pro countless in number. Bonar, father of tho late Mr Jam** A town of Westpirt islikely to be crowded beyond some severe braises about tbe One such cxpoii'iicc i.s u» follows: Bonar, and having been successfully for the Carnival. Visitors to Westport hands and feet, and, although much "Ihave used Ayer'p Fawparilla in my marjaged by tbe founder for many years, then, and on all other occasions, will find shaken no bones are broken, and tbe family for years,ami vror.M r.ct bo without it. Iused to puffer with 1 ils and ekin be was succeeded by Mr Arcb.itaid Scott, the best accommodationat tbe Commer- sufferer is to be congratulated upon his eruptions, attended with great lassitude and exhaustion. Ia fact, Iwas so ill that now inChri tchurcb. It is ofinterest to cial Hotel,kept by that popular landlord comparativelylucky escape. Icould not attend tomy business. Being note a fact recorded in our old files that Mr Alex Lennie. Those visitiug tbetown Tbin, pale, bloodless women pp%& advised to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Idid bo, notify the first deposit in the Bank (ono of 20j) at Earter wonldhe well advised to Stesms' Wine to m«ka new blood and * and Iam happy to say that the medicine Mr Lennie in advance. restore etrengtb. Dobs mmuch good v restored mo toperfect health. Ihave since was lodgedby a godfather in favour of We have opened the Autumn Season cod liver oiland ironand tasteshko tho used Ayer'sSarsaparilla for my children, in an infant whois lowing appointed Tin fo" have been nowa wellknown settler fiuist oldport. variouscomplaints, andithasalways proved with an txcellent showing of ready-tostallholders for the Volunteer Band's to safely recommendit suf- of the K< kitahi. Whtthsr it was tbe effective. Ican Stall, wear hats in the very latest London and : —No 1 MrsG.J. forthcomingfair blood purifier." ferers as a true lesson in thrift thus tarty inculcated Roberts, Misses M. Pfeifer ;No 2 Stall. Paris fashions fihe excellence of our There are many imitation wKich influenced his subsequent career or Mrs A. Debenham, Misses Dwan and Sarsaparillas. Milliner/ is well known to erery lady on not, it may be mentioned that the infant Bock ; No 3 Stall, Mm F. King, Misses the West Coast, and while we show at all Be sure you get "AVER'S." thus endowed with the banking account Eastabrookand Brockleburst ;RefreshNirsu Puss AaaociATioM*— (JorVKioti? times tbe very latest styles we do not ask PreparedbyDr.J.C. Ajrer & Co.,Lowell,Mau.,U.S.A. afterwards developed into a successful ment Stall, Misses Allen, ft Stapleton, ; Stall, Rossand Wallace Sweeti Missas you to pay additional prices for such exAYEB'S PILLS, thebest family lantlr*. mm. Be thdt as it may, the Savings C. and K. Breeze ;Fish Pond, Miss J. Bank undoubtedly encourages thrift Pfeifer ; Band Stall, Messrs G. Shaw, THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT* amongst tbe yonng and old. From cbil- N. Warren, C. Ros«, L. Dwsn and M. dieu deposits of 1- and npwards are ac- Daly. All the stallholders are being Old Age Pensions. with, cepted, by aud the aided a numerous of jnveuile corps assistants, clunt* of tbe Tailors, institution, wboare fairly numeroui, are and tbo preparationsrortbe fair are now Motion in Their Favour qmets HOKITISA. vary prcud of paying iv their small sav- under way. REVELL STREET Carried. ioga and ha ing tb"m duly recorded in The Kaitangatacorrespondent of tbo out P.O. Box No. 32. Telephone 110 their own pass hooka. On' Mr Scott's Dunedin "Star"saya that theoutbreakof » .~"^ , London,March 16 COAT MAKERS are Specially retirement Mr Williim Duncan, the scarlet fev6r in the township is proving Mr Labourite, serions, and itis feared that the dUeas* O'Grady, in tbe House ' Imported from Home ; therefore preeent manager, took charge in 1879, The New Beaver Hat has found its way to Balolutha. Two of Commons, moved a resolutionaffirm* rely style and evidenceof the great progress made fre»h oases were reportedlast week to the ing.''that a measure,ia needed toprovide on getting the latest you can Felt 99 99 9f by the Baik sinceis afforded by tbe fret HealthOfficer, and it was likely that Dr oldago pensions, thecost of which should workmanship possible. and beat ,9, Motor 99 9 that when Mr Duncan took over tbe Ogston wouldbe made acquainted with be bjifne by tho pnblie funds and be Straw Shape Tailoring rX' cuted ia all ltd branches. management the deposits amounted to othersbefore tbo week was ovsr. The provided for by taxation. Ready-to Wear Hat Bight Hon Mr Asquitb (Chancellor between £^,000 and £6,000, whereas now local doctor is having it very anxious The Ready to-WearSailor An excellent assortment of Tweeds, of theExobequer)said he was infavour just now, principal time his difficulty £30,000. they ftand at over The Bank being inability Cloths, etc., to choose from. his to isolate the patients, of, and wonld acaept, the prinoipleemfrom thu earliest days has been very for- wherefore therisk of contagion is enor- bodied in tho resolution. Bnt they, Patterns posted to any addre>?. tuuate in i's management. At present mously increased. This aspect of tho should exercisepatience and prudencein see our His Excellency the Governor ia Prtai' question will have to be dealt with this matter. The Government vu pledged to carry out a pacific policy io dont and theHon Jame*Holmes,M.L.O, promptly and effectively. Mrs A D Macfarlane,L.A.B. Vice Prts'dent, and no*, as always, the abroad ;it would,consequently,take^nbAt theS.M.Court yesterday afternoon, stjntitl stops to reduce cbe expenditure preciate leading Trustees consist of tome of oar bofcre Mr Acheson,S.M., acharge was onboth,,the Army andNavy ;reductioM CERTIFICATED TEACHER OF great dealof preferredagainst William Roes of steal- in tbe expenditure men, business wbo devote a ASSOCIATED BOARD. on other departtime and trouble to the Bank, though ing four pieces of cloth, tbe property of ments, he hinted, would also be made ; Pinging, Pianoforte, th«ir positions are purely honorary. A Keller Bros. Tho case, as outlined by and the basis of taxation wonld be Harmony and Counterpoint. ' distinct advantage to tbe district inpos- Sergeant Folley, showed thataccused, on Widoued, with tho object of making the plea making suit, of a selectionfor a NEW TERM— THURSDAY, Fab Blh sessing such an institutionis the factthat the burden fall with greater juatico and NfcW PUPILS— From 2 to 5 p.m. on the funds in the Bank are invested secured four pieces of cloth, which equalityon all sections of.the community he afterwards disposed of, selling two sb, 6th, and 7th February, at 1 locally. The grea'est eire isexercisedin and giving two away. Pleading guilty, an with tbe object of raising more private residence. revenue. Then such reforms as tbif the ■election of investment?, andbefore accused waa fined £1 with 7s coats, and cooldbocarNod out. 8 any money isadvancedthe Trusteesmake ordered to refund 15s,value of twopieces EASTERENCAMPMENT AT The Bight Hon Mr Bnrna (President LEADING DRAPERS f AND CLOTHIERS | searching personal investigationof tbe of dotb, the other two having already of the Local Government a WESTPORT. Board)said be days' ; been recovered in default three H( KITIKA AND securities.Though,however, theTrustees imprisonment. GREYMOUTH. For tbe payment of re- considered that the best, simplest, and are intimatelyacquainted with the mort- fund sevendays wore allowed. fairest course would be to give everyone,, r< quiring it a pension of five shillingsa* gagesand investments, the secrecyof tbe According to the "Japtn Times" of week,, exclusive, perhaps, of those reBack is preserved as any enquiry is re* January 6, the destitntion in the famine ceiving Army, Naval, civil or municipal framedfrom as to rroney deposited. Tha stricken districts ct that country is pensions. When the reportof theRoyoL* balance sheet published a few days ago awful, and thereis a greatcry going up Commission now enquiring aa to tfiM mas into big figures and shows the for relief. Shibata township, inMiyacgi Poor L»w waa received, be said, to his friends in institution to be on a very sound and province, is one of the worst afflicted Government wonld take up the matter of Desiros to aoDoonce he has recently Hokitika and di^tiictthat prosperous footing. Tio cish ia the districts, the orop being fiveper cent of old age pensions. takftn oti r tbo above hotel where one The motion was sympathetically Bank and tbedebenture* whichmust bs an average crop. Even with the help of andall will receive a hearty welcome. accounted equal to each, runs out nearly the provincial authoritiesand (he Central received by the House. It waa carried Gore.-nment, all the needy cannot be without division. Bost of Wines and Spirits Stocked. nino shillings in the pound, aod this helped. "This year's rice, nut*, roots .'plenlid resu't is noV exceeded in any and bark," writesthe Japan Timer, "will i*a bu kin tbe world. Tbe Reserve Fund not lastthree months. Then the snow The Chinese Labour Debate. standing at £5927 woulJ, Jt thore were oomesand there isno work, so that mny Note the address— Newspaper Opinions, PALMERSTON ST. any necessity, writedown the mortgages will die of sUrvAttQi or of diseases brought by Bevcll Street. on the food ihat no poor by five and twopence in the pound. being ought to eat." In his speech in the Cbiooso labour Th« public will,however, have perused human SYNOPSIS OF NEtf ADVERTISEdebate, Mr Biddesdale (Unionist) aa»d veterinary yet statement for a Thereia no medicament themselves, the and MENTS AND MEMORANDA glance willconvince all interested as to put on the Australian market that has bt was unablo to conceive that any act AVISO disposed; of W. MorrishV beenso universallytestified toa^"3o!omjn «f one of thw colonies woild net bo at stuck of boots and shoes tbe firm March 17— Train STvice altered ffH have now opened ov>t an er.Utely new March 21 Tenders close supplies to thesoundness of the Bank's position. To Solution." It is doubtful if there is out muralas any act of tho ImperialGovernthe excellence of the manager's super- racing a.«aortmeur. The prices are marked in Wentl^nd Hospital stablein theselands of the Sjuth ment. plain figures and (ho firm i* determined March 28— Applications close fgr pilpt vision, and the carefalnetu of the Commenting on the debate, tbe Daily seas wherein it is not highly prised. urn bujinesa nnd fur linrbou-mister Karame*. to uphold the repetition tbe hrs efyjrts (ibis resqlt is due, apd Sue}} horseman »nd trainers aa Chas. News says the Government abowaprod* Trustees' coinpeti enjoyed for go many year* stotkirgoblt March ol Entries cl< 83 solo the thanks of the investors is cordially Q!Oonnor,B.Qoosernan andA.Robertson ence in uprooting tares without destroy. the very best, Repairs a speciality in tiens Band Contest. rr giidlo neatness and dispatch. declareit tobe thevery Quest preparation iin8 legitimate interests in thoTransvaal. due to them. ever dispensed for such ailments in' They acted in tho fullknowledge that POSTALNOTICE. hones aa fistula, spavin, oracked hoels, the true basil for the aaeooatfal otrryiog ORDERS BY POST PROMPTLY girth g«lls, sore baoks, wounds and en of tbo mining industry there was not Mr C.Ripper, a well-known optician MAILB OLOBB ATTENDED TO o wire cute as nelL as for many yellow labour. barbed day, and specialist, arrires in town to Mails forFerguson's, Waitaha, Hendes andamay be consulted here during the others, while Mr Horace Iwuio,thenoted The Manchester Guardian taunsMr Wataroa,The Forks, Waiho Gorge, Okatrainer says,"Solomon Solution" is the Balfour with the fact chat, while he ia Inspection of the up-to-d.it» stock is rito, Waikukupa,Gillespie's Beach,Bruce mxt few days. best embrocation for all purposes evei now, when in oppoition, a etrenuona cordially invited. Patrons will be guar Bay, Matiitaht,Paric^a,Haast,Pakorari, The usual fortnightlypaymentsof the brought before the public." It is equally advocate of non-interference with the Okura, Bay, and Jackson's will close at anteed Fatnfacuon on paying a visit to Building payable Societies are Westland 19th Monday, the March. valuable for useoncattle, sheep, dogaand rights of the noloniw*, bo yet vetoedtbe tbe esiablishmeLt. 2 30 p ni. on at theSecretary'soffice between7 and9 ther pot animals It is sold by J. legislation of the British Colombia! Parcels at fe.is) p.m. o'clock this evening. il'Shtrry, Saddler, Hokitika, and in fact Parliament against Japanese labourers Q entering that country. As to Mr ZZ) The Levin water race fcheme, which by all stores, chemists and saddlers. An CHURCH SERVICES. be had ignored fearfol Chamberlain, subject the in appears on have advertisement £6,000, cost about is estimated to obargeg of of West " mal-tro%tmont increased the value ot the property another column. SUNDAY, MARCH 18. Australian natives, though they.were £20,000. orer by rated "A Short Treatise onConsumption." madeon serious authority. An, Saints' -Hokitika, 11 a.m., Matine; The Trustees of the Hofcitika Savings This interesting andinstructivepamphlet The Timesseverely eensuree the Gov7 p.m, Evensong, Rev H. G.Hawkins. (LateW. MOFRISn.) Rimu, tl am. ;Kanieri, 3 p.m.; Boss, Bank intend to hare a strong room publishedin connection with Sacco, the erument for '-their determinatio,n to * 7 p.m., Rev H. E.Newton. erected on the Bank's premises, The marvellous-South African Consumption maintain, tf any cost, their reputation Pkesbyterian Hokitika, 11 a.m. and Bank has at present good safes, bnt the Cure, will be ported to »ny address, ia withtheir followers foj? consisteuov, The 7 p.m, Rev W. Douglas, M.A.;Koka- growing business of the institution plain envelope, upon application to Government had capitqlatod to t]|e tahi, 11.30 a.m., Woodstock, 2 30 p.m erectien of a streng Charles Fletcher, Pharmacist, Sacco violenceof a section of their aupporteta. Ross, 7 p.m., Mr F 97. Robertson. necessitates the Agency, Willis St, Wellington.— Adrt. They were on the eve of the creation of BT SPECIAL room. APfOIHrJEIT Ross, 11 a.m., (supply). the gravest menace to the Empire'e Wesleyan Hokitika :11 a.m. and 7 In thisissue MessrsPollock andBev?n weariness«f age may be orergome wholefuture; The " , p.m.; South Spit, 3 p.m (Blue Spur, announce that they kare forsole Mr W. with Steam's Wine, tho best tonic for st mnS Ff "-, 2 The Standard emphasises a statement Wednesday, at 7 30 p.m. and Humsawmillina; property, oldpeople, for it whets the appetite and nude in the debate by Mr Chamberlain phrey*, Thursday, ac 7,30 p.m.) Rev Olderog's raluabla aiding body the where aidsdigestion, thus W. J. Elliot. Kaoieri, % p.m,, Mr situated in Arahara. The offer of the must needed. to tbeeffect that it would be a delation ■— *~ (a Fk splenn offers a W. R( se. ! mill, pUnt, and property on tbeGovernment's parttoimagine thaV did investment for lawmiilers, timber An op-to»date display of Gent* new Canada's and Australasia's disapprovalof merchants, and others, which should be ties,efcuds, collarstuds,sleere links. Any- theChineselabourersimpliedany snpport^ eagerlyavailed of. thing in the way of men's wear we can to themin tampering w|ththe rich's supply and it willbe worth your while to !ibertip» of South Africa. The paper Thefollowingapplications were granted inspect onr stock.— W, M'Kay & Son, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1906. remindsthe Government tb«t it is hugeat the Warden's Court, held yesterday Hokitika and Greymouth. jJ\J %. |IBtc<MiKH»«r^|| <?■ \ ly mistaken if it imagines it is able to by morning, Waiden Acheson : J. impose and its ideas of morality onc self* of Hokitika Co, AN INSTITUTION OF VALUE TO Bryan and party, certificate of protec- F. Schroderand governingpeople. splendid i out opening V a \ arenow DISTRICT, Eumara Bapk ; THE tion, Greek T.Stephen and party, Next Wednesday Mr Byh>swill move* THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY protjiction of claim, Back Creek ; Con- lot of dado, oilcloths, latest designs; also of censure on Lord Milner re TEAS IN THE WORLD IN COM- The publication of the annual balance solidated Goldfieldn,certificate of reduc- new season's flannels. Prices rerj resolution theChinese. PARISON TO THE POFULATION sheet of the Bokitika Saving's Ban* tion. Mr Park appeared for each applir moderate. Mr Kinoaid S.<nith wijl move anamend* OF ANY COUNTRY. which appeared a few issues back, serves cant. Purchasing is not compulsory at W. ment declaring tl>at |n attack pn thf as a reminder of the existenceof one of Mr Olderog, of Arahura, yeaterday MK»y Son, the drapers. Come inand policy andconduct qfLqrd lk|i|ner weul^ tho mesb useful institutions which the brought into town a nimber of peculiar compare,andifyou don'tfeellikebuying be illadFised at tbe present juncture »n4 do this calcalated to revive and accentuate racial THE PROPRIETOR OF TBE district possesses. Like the annually re- water worn stones found in the clay walk out again, but2beforeyou sheeting wide yard our to be shown animosity^ Central Hairdressing Rooms curring surpluses on the aolony'aBttdge£ banks on the Arahura rirer. They are ask yard. W. M'Xay & Son, the Mr Winston Churchill's speech tbe which have come to be looked on ig a to be shpwn to expt>rts with tho cbjpct at Is a Drapers. in Leading Chinese labour debate ha* caused a frforegone conclusion, the record of the of determining whether the fouotry TO ANNOrNGE that be Savings' wherein they are found is of any practiaction in SouthAfrican sharesinLondon, Back's administration appears RHEUMO Ugh ralue. The stones, which it of REMOVED into the comcal whichis reflected \n ParisandBerlin, modi'iufl premie* in Ruiell Street, lately each ysar with unfailing regularity. The peouliar and fantastic shape, art at the Robeits, p^nfect^oner. ocrupied by Mis Bias curedhundreds ef cases of rheuma* beneficent work of the institution is Empire Hotel. The Sltop l'a.^ been rfcisntly renofan, rheumatic gout, lumbago, andsci- The Strength of the Army, unobtrusively, »nd and pa silently carried [a car vated, Mr Hall being determin- d to make aticaall orerNew Zealand.Our testimonQuck, reliableand eoononvcal are the ials bis noffis thorru^hly np to-ddte apd the amount of cpqcfentbuj labour and prove this. Try Rheumo, and you stores ou sbo r up-to-date now gis new second to none on the Coasr.. not regret it. It is not a liniment, U. M. COULSON, Motion for Reduction will earnest thoughtfulness expended pn a{b thesisCompany* ofl^CJ. Taese up-* it is not a pill, but operates directly on BUUOKJN DENTIST, The lurge.*t and best assort meat in that work by the manager, (Mr Duncan) Defeated. to-date gas stpyos are as great an im the system bj expel} jng from it theurio town to ibooe from. Lag*) stocks of MAbONIO BUILDINGS, latter acid, therealpause of tl^se diseases", It piped and ebavings nqiiißitis on hand todby th« Trustees, cannot only be provemenjj on a coal stove, as HAMILTON B*. and Jo arrive. to take, |nd if given a fair Mr Solby,|n theHoußt moved torts gaagfad by th« plea ing monotony with is onthe old fashionable fire pla.cn. QilI i|pleasant ? bopnd to give you relief from trial is terms for the Ea«y Dew For a shampoo ,or ariftve don t go else- which they are enabled to show substant- and inspect, rheumatism, goat, sciatica, lumbago,and dupe the personnel o.f tfye armj b,y too Oo^r.;— 3 A.M. TO I..M.— Every »p-to»d»te house bsupplied all kindieddiseases. Sold by all chemists thousand men. wh iv. Note ilie addnso— ' ial profi'a each succeeding year. That stores. witbgas.-Advt, Rev ell & Weld S^rbi^s and etorts at 2a 6d mi 4s M per fcoMfo. Mr Balfonr deprecated toyreduction. rtault »}ao pojoja to the fact that \\jff\ r^kjL^J^& PORT OF HOKITIKA, VTSIOM WTE*MSiIP IOOMPANI V OP NEW ZEALAND, LTD. W^^^^M W^^fffM>>h I /gSt^ 0((ct0 - "L3 JUVENILE iiuuii TEA TIGER ~'vjo. BOX 111, DUNEDIN. Which is so EggaiM^^-jr^ disheartening is often caused by yj / \^S^tI ((ct poofi thin blood,result- jf T/.| ing in defi- V Jkl* cient vitality. J? Graceful — COMPETITION NO 2. The followingsentence (completed)has" been sealed away by the Manager of tb C tagoDaily Time*, and not known to anyoneconnected with Tiger Tea*: "Discriminating Tea drinkers of New Zealand are dailytestifying to the fact and ." that Tiger Teasare / j-| /~\ Will be divided amongst tho^e who correctly supply the (wo nvssiot' XjJLKJ wordsdeicribing (I)tho qualities and (2) the positionof Tige»- Teas v The < stimation of the public If more than 40 correct replies are sent in, tbei thePrises willbe divided nmccget rhe 4'J whose writing is reate3t. CONDIriONS. Competibore must be aider18 ytars of age. (2) Write the complete se» fence on oneaide of a sheet of p«per or card; on the other side the competitor's fu> iiarae and addrew,also ag<\ duly endorsedby parentor adult friend; and in onecome ih»* wor.to "Competition No 2" (3) Any numberof guesses may be sent, but sn\> hiraIt* competitor m^y win ooly one prize. (4) Each guess roust be written on r«-par«ite sheet, abH the end of a packet of Tiger Tea confining the Numher.mnstb« : c-it f.ff ar.d aitnched to each sheet sent in. (5) Competition closes on 31at MABCI i.'-xt>nd the Pf"'B9S will be awardedimmediately afterwards.(6)AdHre«B wirhoufc|delat fljß WESTPCHT, bmi fio'e applieau's in (he dietrktare affo^dea finai.cialassistance of the greattevt advantage to thorn en terms of a nature so suitable to their circun.stinces ll.a*. they would cot be able to ob'aiu elsewhere. The history of the Huk tiki darings Bank is coincident with tbehis torj of fettkment in the district, whicb it ante-dated and helped largely to pro- That Tired Feeling iiere's Iocket Money for You. T906 ! I — SirgeuC, wbo wa? founddead iv theshop of h's employers (Thorns >n, BuJger am ; <'o), tbe evidence of Dt Fulton, who s<w d -ceased several months ago, was to ;h 1 effect that tbe man was in a state of aervoaa prostration and worriei over triflesia a state bordering; on insanity. H« told him to a«k for three months 1.-aye aad go fur complete reafc and change. As the man bid not doae so,he was n "tin tbe least surprised at what CXCEIIENCE PFORff AND EFFICIENCY WJSBT COAST TIMMH.^MAiiOS I? 1906 ' The purity and percentage of ultramarine determine the bleaching properties of Blue. lubjeet. . Avnbseqnent disenssion showed that ■ome redaction in the army's strength has been expected as^the result of the feeling in many of the electorates in favout of it. SirH. Campbell-Bftonwman appealed to the more impatient of his followersto allowMr Haldane a free handinstudying ttaiaintricate problem. He remindedthe Hove tbat the |GoTernment's policy was peace abroad. On the strength ef the,armj was dependent largely on their external policy. He hoped Mr Selby'aamendment wouldnot be pressed. Mr Selby insisted on the amendment beingput It was negativedby 296 to 56. The Opposition supportedtheGovern- every ft theultramarine thatis of ralue, for itdoes the bleaching. Some Blues contain an excess of binding matter, othersaremade of inferior ultramarine, while some contain thefaults of both. "Royal Blue" or Empire Blue as it v oftencalled contains the highest percentage of pure ultramarine. It is used in the Wellington Hospital Laundry because of its efficiency and economy. '" Royal Blue" k sold by all store- luTd. S-« Boot Pa'uce. — epechlly Cash mas, and Harmoniums repaired at D. Watches also repaired, at ceed 2s (id. a cost not GEOEGE'S, Revell Street Metal ex- SPROT MARK will sell by public Auction at their yards 4 CO ARAHURAOA FAT CATTLE 100 FAT LADIES' & GENTS' For Mr U.Diedricha. OA FAT CATTLE For Mr R. A. Harcourt. OA FAT CATTLE For Mr H.Karnbach CATTLE OA FAT For Mrs J.Ferguson sheep nr\ fat For Messrs M'Donnell Bros, LAMBS New Season's Mackintoshes. OA FAT For Messrs Staineg Bros & Beck Also opening out a Splendid Lot of Sale at 9.30 a.m. Sharp. DADO FLOORCLOTHS The Latest Designs. ANNOUNCEMENT TO SHEEP BREEDERS. rifice,SewellStreet,betweenthehoarsof J and 9 o'clock. G. H. EISFELDER. Secretary. New Dr#ss Materials New Hats and Bonnets New Jackets and Mantles . SHEEr & LOIBS MISSION AGENTF, fortnightly is [Saturday)EVENING at the Society's MaJeers Are now prepared booking orders for MONDAY, MARCH 19th. J MARE SPROT A Co. AUCTIONEERS, LAND & COM- are reminded that the subscription of MEMBERS usual 2s per share due and payable THIS Styles from the — Umbrellas, ANTED KKOWN w\T U Paraeols, Accordions, Concert SUBSCRIBERS The very latest production direct fron London and " Paris. Specially selected for the West Coast b; Mr WH Smith my Home buyer. Every article is marked at the wholesale prices, 5 Per Cent Discount for Casli just have landed from theNorth WERomney Island :— Marsh RAMS MISSING FRIENDS. -To"KNOW the(maiden whereWANTED abouts Mrs Ross »me Mary Byrom)Bitter Mrs M'lnof of Charters Towers. Queensland. 3ommanicate with Queensland National Bank, ChartersTowers. irney, ca.-U & ________ iitt U^e^gnlars before the projectedsupplementary!organisation was created. RigblHon Mr Haldane (Secretary for .War) aeked for time to effect -ecenomy. Thia be would perhaps do in a year. It wouldbedoneon scientific lines,and with due Mgard to all parts of this large Latest ■"" "" SH'">Ed. -Sale still con BOOTS t'cues ; line rewudow-D. litcoan, into anob. "*particles is THE ADVIItrnsj;>:-..\i'j UQ(i-!' t::n icadCAfE iosrnot cv-pc'diiii. SiiiN'ci v or'is v. c in t< Ulc-r OKE SBILLIX.; v ,r O' 0 r:k B», ' Ji i-rJers < by l-itrt if -r: """ u-s.Jria"' thnt doubl- tl>c-e'it. " ■ !i oh, ?1 l-iVsh accAm;aT!od b) LaundryBlue is made up of ultra- marine, incombinationwithglucose of "ome other substance, to bind tho had happened. Deceased's wife andher father deposed that Sar^eant wus overworked. Ha worked from 9 a.m. till about midnight, and sometiiueson Sunday. Hs toldhis wite be (deceased) bad made mistakes and he would end either in gaolor the lunatic asylum. keepers. Mr J. 0. Thomson, managing direoto 3 of Thomson, Bueger and Co, said tha with the exception of two or three dayi at the beginning of rhe month the staf THE VICTORIA werenever back atter hours, which weic NOTICES UNDERACT, COLLEGE 1905, & THE from 9to 5.33. He was not aware thai REGULITIONS RELATING deceased was back. Witness went bad THERETO. occasionally buthad seldom, if ever, seen deceased-thare. He was a most accurate Wellington, March 12, 1906. worker. There was nothing *in bis apfollowingMembers of theCounpearance suggestive of anything wronsf. cil retire, but are eligible for re Deceased was suffering from ballmin*- election, viz.: Mr C. Wilson, Parliahe holiday t.on. Had he asked for a mentary Representative; Sir Robert would have got it at once. If witness Stout, K.C.M.G., Graduates' Represenhadanyidea that deceased went back on tative ; Mr C. Watson, Teachers' RepreSaturdays and Sundays, he would have sentative; Dr J. G. Fmdlay,Education Boards'Representuiye. stopped it at once. An Election to fill the aforesaid vacanjury The rerurned a verdict that de- cies will be held ou MONDAY, 9th ceased committed nuicidt while in a April, 1906, tbe poll closios? at 5 o'clock state of temporary insanity. p.m. Erery candidate for election must ba (Fes Bonrtt P»<m. i nominated by one or more electors ec« titled to vote for his election, and the iomination is to bear the candidate's THE WESTLAND INDUSTRIAL c onsent thereto. Nominationswill CLOSE at NOON on BUILDING SOCIETY the 26th March,1906. Applications for enrolment and all are notified thai; the to the election are to be usual fortnightly subscription of 2s notices relating per share is doe and payable at the addressed to the Returning Officer for the Tictoria College Elections, Pnoanix Society's office, Sewell Street THIS Clumbers, Wellington, from whom forms (Saturday) EVENING between the cf enrolmentand nomination can be ob« hours of 7 and 9 o'clock. tamed. G. H.EISFELDEB, Tht Rolls will ba closed at 5 p.m. on Secretary, tbe 26th March, 1906. CHAS. P.POWLES, ReturningOfficer. NO 2 WESTLAND INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SOCIETY. 1 laiSGELLi-KEOUS, Paterson, Michel & Co., Ltd, 20 20 Shropshire RAMS These are all 2 shear Sheep and prize takers, and areto be disposedof privately. Intending purchasers should book their orders promptly to ensure delivery. MARK SPROT & CO, MER C HANjT S, Inspection Invite£i> milk), omiino ' FOR SALE. WHARF & REVELL STREETS. COUNTRY STORE AND HOTEL, usnr. big turnover, expenses light,commodious Many Radicals did not vote, premises. We are prepared to accept The full vote, for two hundred' and smallcash deposit andextend the balance four thousand men, waicarried. overa numberof years at five per cent AGENTS, State Fire Insurance Offise per abnum. For a pushing man there is AGENTS, Government Accident Insur- no better opening in this district. Apply THE RUSSIANS IN MANCHURIA. ance Department. MARK SPROT & CO, Landand Estate Agents. AGENTS, Government[Life Insurance Department. Serious Trouble Reported. FOR SALE-Freehold sections,1395, ' . AND London, .Vlarch 16 06, 97 and 1412corner Park and RollesKUMARA. GREYMOUTH, LONDON, WELLINGTON, WESTPOUT, MASTERTON C, RIPPER, MR DIRECT IMPORTERS ton streets forming one block containing The Tjraea 8t Petersburg correspon' Optican, From) England, America, and the one acre. We can take £50 for tbe lot PALMERSTON NORTH, DENNISTON, AND REEFTON. dent reborts aa follows:— %'A telegram and give easy terms". Apply Continent. from Vladivostoek, which has been re- rTTILL ARRIVE in Hokitika TO. MARK SPRUT & CO, AgentP. DA¥ and may be consultedhere ceived here, intimates that something YV tiring the next few days. ■erionaia occurring in Northern ManFOR SALE.— We have several freeohnria. Iraffic on the Ussuri railway In view of the necessity of hold sections in Hampden Street (tbe TENDERS. line is suspended. Japanese/are forTHIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOB faocy residential portionof tbe town) at bidden to come north, and the Chinese RENDERS are required at once for SPRAYING THE POTATO CROPS current values for all of which we are there are reportedto be hostile. prepared to financially assist purchasers. ? During tbe PresentSeason L laying 30 chains TRAMWAY. Full particulars can bo obtained at our We have secured a supply of Patent JUST LANDED'EX DELPHICkill,Flowery Oreek. PROPERTY-We have special1facili PURE BLUESTONE (SULSPRAYING PUMPS, PRICE from THE SYDNEY ASSYRIAN'S CASE. LINCOLN .BROS, TOOMEY ties for the disposalof property of all PHATE OF COPPER) FOR to 4s6d 32s each AND PEEBLES. 16d kinds and intending sellers cannot do POTATO BLIGHT Sydney, March 16 better thanplace the particulars of their ALSO The information against the Syrian property on our register when they will WaterglaS3 Egg-Preservative, Photogralanding are also a large|shipment ofbefpg We of person, prohibited Malouf a has iICENSE UNDLR THE REGULAbe assured of securing full market rates. phic Plates, Ilford and Imperial P.O.P. beendismissed, the Majptrate holding TIONS FOR PASTORAL LANDS othei Deeds, consisting of— MARK SPROT & CO., Gas Light and Self Toning Paper, IN WESTLAND. Auctioneers andGeneral Agents, Printing Frames, Developing Dishes' tbat the timd; in which tha educational Rye Cow Grass English Hokitika and Greymouth. GoldChloride. testa dhould afply hai expired. BOOTMAKER. r ANDREW O'DONNELL. hereby ItalianRye White Cloyof L, give notice that Ihave applied to Timothy TV- xi. xvrxx.x.x.A.iMrs. Red^Clover A SNAP. Just received from the most be Westland Land Board for a License Cocksfoot Mangold Seed PHARMACEUTICAL .CHEMIaT Celebrated Boot Manufactory nder the regulations over 25 acres Dun Oats his SPRING and SUMMER STOCK, ituatj at junctionof MaislenRoad and Turnip Seed £12U CASH will buy Butchei's Shop REVELL STREET. consisting of the Very Latpsfc and Moth Vehhman'a Track, B!cck IV, Wairrea Carrot do artarianand I- and business at Dunolhe. A splendid FashionableStyles, GoodFiuiutf, and tbe opening'; onJy one other shop in the gerian Oats. urvey District. Very Best Material, sold at the very town. ANDREW O'DONNELL, and other varieties ppecially Lowest Prices. Prove the statement MARK SPROT & Intarpravineial By his agent, tVm puncan, CO. selected. yourself by actual wear. Including the Famous PASPALUM (Per United Fress Association.) GRASS SEED, for the sale of which we SALE- One 12-Horse Power Repairs Neatly an-3 Substantially TALUABLK SAWMILL PROPERTY. have been appointed sole agents on the Double Cylinder Portable Engine and Boiler, West Coast. The PASPALUM SEED pressure. Good workMAGISTRATE'S COURT. and BEVAN, instructed should prove eminently suitable for sow- ing wider. 60 lbs by Mr W. Oldei»g. have for sale ing oa the West Coast, Sampleorders of MARK SPROT & CO. ; Oamaru, March16 11 those valuable aawmilling properties one pound weight and up to five, can be BOOT AND SHOE IMPORTER At theMagisfcrate'iCourt Mr Keddtll, a the Arahura district, in the neighbour parcel post to any address, sent by 8.M., aectenced Barnes McNeil to twelve cod of Mews J. C. Malfroy~& Go's HOKITIKA. months ona charge of revolting and in- ailway bridge, consisting ot sawmill BRICKS, We also Stock :— BRICKS. complete, bauling withbush BRICKS. engines, decent exposuregin the principal street' latt iel tings, circular sawn, breaking-down Having made oew arrangements we befure a womarlr and some young girls. teach, and every requirement of and up- Paints, * Galvanised Iron, The aeeoavdLaibeen sentenced before! o date sawmill, together with the Cement, Barbed Wire, Nails arenow in a position to supply common bricks for building purposes at excepon similar charges. commencing on rbole of the bush lands and timber- Wire Netting, tionally low prices. All ordere entrusted Dpsires to announce to lißr numerous &c &c. The Magistrate characterised the case { uttin-jj righto, c^rnpriaed in which is a to us will have our prompt attention. fiiuuds and patrons that she has recently ' aa the worst he had known daring bin ailwaysiding. The full schedule is to MARK SPROT & (JO. renovated tbe inst, Thursday, at offices Chaff Oats Pollard »c seen the of Pollock & Bevan Bth Magisterial experience, and be doubted Wharf Street. Wheat Bran Wbeatmeal if he waa doing bis dutyin passing such timber merchan's, sawmillers, inFOR SALE— One Farmers' Spring and extending over a Oatina Oatmeal adding: "Flogging was the reTo tors, speculatorsand others this offers Butter I Dray; has had very littJe us"; one wharf of two weeks is period forsuoh abeast." Only rplendidoppcrtuuity of securing one of Cheese Flour \ dray, in eplendidorder; one timber wagand other lines of produce gon,pracically new. Apply ABHBUBTON, March 16 she best properties and soundest investat being^held Wm George Smith was charged at the ments on theCoitfct. MARK SPROr & CO, Auctioneers. Magistrate's Conrfc to«day, with embtwlemenb and forgery, and pleaded mrtt.A.lElJE* ST guilty. Accused badbeenin the employ PRELIMINARY NOTICE. CO., AND Which iB now one of the best hotel proLTD. FOR SALE.— Central Freehold Section of Chae Begg and 00, and several perties on the <?oaMt. Every derail in with cottage thereon. Price £120. Jf charges againsthim werepreferred. H^ AND BEVAN connection with tha eomfc rt of the instructed by Mrs Hilldrup will WUA2F AND P.EVELL STREETS necessary we will aivt; easy term*. Apply waacommitted to ibe Supreme Courtat travelling public receives tho bet bf MARK 6PKOr AND CO,, ?el! on SAIURDAY, MARCH 31st, at Obristchorobfor sentenoe. attention, Bi>st nf wine a .d Fpirits Commission Agents. 11 o'clock, tbe whole of her household Kent Tai.ff moderate. furniture and effects, consisting of brilof Fashionable Dress Goods. Phenomenal Great]* pianoforte, liaot toned and the furniture Kevell Street. Clearance Ladies' of Underwear. Extraordinary offerings in TEST , A MINERS' CASE and effects contained in the P<s Office $ Men's, Youths' and Boys* Clothing Hot 1 ; also 100 fully paid-up Shares in NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. B&EFTon, March 16 the Princess Theatre Coy. Fulj particuin future la» isruo. The firtfc case under (he Mining Act TO ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, I HOKITIKA-GREY RAILWAY A competent staff has control POLLOCK & BEVAN, Amendment Act, 1905, of throwing*the AND THE BUILDIXG TRADE rof ORDINARY TIME-TABLE. Auctioneers. the Dressmaking Departonus of blams for accident on themine GI-NEIIALLY. 1 ment MONDAY. manager wai heard here to-day, before wlricl* ia now thorou?l»!y Hokitika depart 7-40 a m., 2 5p.m.,5.35 &PlIOT&OOh»ve b oaap. up-to-date. Warden Kenrick and two asiesecre, when VALUABLE FREEHOLD, SHOP p.m. The palate is gratified with the daiic: ous poir.tul atM-nts for Westport, The Quality Store, flavour aDd the subilo a'oma. The Mr MoMihoo,manager of the BigRiver Reefton, Greymoutli, AND 7.45 Hoki'ika and Grey depart a.m., a.m., DWELLING. 11.5 the *i 5.35 Coast gpnerally for distinctive bouquet is the embodiment Mining Company, was charged with the "Anchor Brana" Fit and workmanship guaran- of all that's fa-cinating in p.m. " tea. Thope GEEYMOUTH. Cement, manufactured by the Wellington negiigeDpt in consequence of an accident & BEVAN ' & THURSDAY. TUESDAY teed. wbo know it best are loudtst in their and Marlborough Cement, Janaarj;offer for sale a first-ola^s property Lime and Javfc, and which occurred io praises of depart a.m., Hokitika 5.35 p.m. Coal Company, Limited. 7.40 ( gffiich formedthe subject of tba present comprising ? rpoms and shop, (situated Grey depart 10 a.m. 5.35 p.m. One trial solicited. works PiqroN at the corner of Stafford and Fitzhetbert enquiry. WEDNESDAY. THIS CEMENT is of the HIGHEST and now in tbe occupation of Mr From theevidence, as detailed by the Street?,Rjown. Hokilika depart 7.40 a.m., 1p.m., 5 35 (QUALITY, and Engineers' report on A. J. tame from the Wellington City Council, Haine manager, an attempt; was made to The buildingis in a first-class state of p.m. aud Timaru Harbou.y Boards aud ti/takes baby grow. prove thatthe ground waa not timbered, repair,and the site is one of ibe best in Grey depart 7.4,5 a.m., 1.5 p.m., 3.30 Napier may others bo the a,t seen the town. offices of the (bab t*ja acoideqt p.m. «nd occurred in the The highest medicalauthoritieß recornAgents. The Cement is iquul to Ihe THE LEADING COMMERCIAL For further particulars apply to FRIDAYS. mend "ROMNdON'B PATENT BARimportedarticle, and considerabl" : AND THE RESORT Home HOUSE POLLOCK & BEVAN, LliiY as an Infant Jhood. It m a nntri* The Inspector of Mines atated that. Hokitika depart 7.40 a.m., 2 5 p.m. cheaper in cost,andis now beir.g used in OF COOKS' TOURISTS.' tiouß building up food. Tocni>nr«p rftct Auctioneers, the accident was dua to a lack of timsome of the fioeat buildings in WellingGrey depart11.5 a.m. 5.35 p.m. Wharf btrtet heslth for (he baby nse it in torn with -T bering. SATURDAY. ton. TO PICNIC PARTIES Toys ! ! *-^^J_*""^. "ROBINSONS PATENT GROATS.' lengthy THE TEA YOU'LL LIKE. AfUr evidence oo both aides Hokitika depart 7.40 a.m.,1p.m., 535 the convenience of Residents of THE WELLINGTON AND MARLp.m.,8.30 p.m. had been heard, judgment wasgiven that A. IIOItLKY, V|R ju^t received InsKe\ellßtroet,bas It is a wholeaornefamily tea, a KNOWN- Just opened Hokitika and of Visitors and BQI^OUqiI CEMENT, LJME AND i-»jL " happy Tourists /the accident occurred through no lack of consignjK'ijt of out GLASS PKE&EUVINGi Grey depart7.45 a.m., l.pp.rn,, 8.30 wishing to vipit Lakes MaHuaCOMPANY, COAL LIMITED. Dnijeeling nnd Ceylon teas, pua and Kai'en, iXMAS TOYS which fur quality and blend of precautionon the part of the manager. JARS with Fcrew top and large opming v.m., 9-3Q p-ro» I am able to supply variety surpasses any previous shipment free from impurities. It is honest tea Carriages, Bud.b. puncheon |or fruit and jam preserving all Outfit?, and Tbt information was then dismissed. suitable ]imported J. M. I3OULTON, 0 YOU HAVEMANY VISITOR*? to Hokiuku. Inspection of the all tha way through. »*«*u.v» r sizes;" also JELLY GLARES witb'tin Tbe 7.40 a.m, train leaving Hokitika "iei)bt or a pleosurable Iml.- -p. all require II Secretary Estock, which is oourktd in plain and lids. Enamelled aod braes PRESERV- connects on Wednesday?, Thursdajuand catered Kr ai.o day. ,rtain Shrofnjs parties Then ontt them with Rood T*.reasonable figures, is cordially Invited. FROM ALL STOREKEEPERS AT ten-els proved. ING PANS, all MzeS Sold at lowest Saturdays with train for Reefton;' and "UOLDEN-TIP KOZIE" TlfiA-*r,d A choice assortment of Xmas (Jarda on pricw. Place jour orde Bat oncp, to save Tuesdays and. Fridays connects 2a promptly Per Tel andletters with Lb. atttn- they willsoeak well oibowpitaltfci Don't cniaid hand. OUKEDIN, March 16 disappointment, at W. Heina's Westland Ofcira train. d^d you rememberthe dtliciou* Te» you bh» Works, Iroo Bheet Revell DODbON, Street^ LEiN at Mrs '*? Tb«t w.M l'Kpti." f.t the ioqueit held on JosephExacrt Empira Hotel, Hokitika. Tea! Coupons in every ptcktt, too. Mr I - F. SCHRODER & CO, Drapers St. Clothiers, . — The Wholesale Draper, Clothier, and Boot Manufac* turer, OKITIKA POTATO BLIGHT. DUNCAN M'LEAN — — IBONffIONGERk AS: LITTLE, GREYMOUTH. HAS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. j FOR , ARCHIBALD LITRE POLLOCK $ale ! PIGANTIC CLEARING SALE — MRS WO9LHOUSE , Tymons 3? Co's GIGANTIC MID-SUMMER SALE is now infull swing. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL sentence, 1 PITH,Illlllti, STEPHENS BROS. I)OLLOCK Sale \ DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT Sacrifice * TYMONS 00. f MAI'K i)OLLOCK To#s WANTED INQUEST. CRESCENTEEND JEjHipirC HOXQIi ■TEA - — 171' OR . . jE^.Wojd^M^ "* WEST a PATENTS APPLIED FOR. PRINCESTHEATRE. SPORTING. Racing. Messrs Baldwin and Ray ward, Patent Attorneys,Wellington,reporthaving fi'ed The above concert, which was held in the following applications .for Letteis the Princess Theatre last night on the Patent' during the week ending March KUAHK.A JOCKEY CLUB eve of St Patrick's Day, proved a pro- 10th. noancad Buccess. The performers were Hon.C. A. Parsons,England, packing greeted with a fullhousQ particularly in devices for theshafts of steam turbines; NOMINATIONS in the dress circle, which was filled to E. H. Donaldson, and A. A. Wilson, overflowing,and wearesure the raanage- Westpo-t, devicefor carrying a fountain FIRST DAY. m nt must feel gratified at the strong pen within tbe pocket: Chas. Harris and parronagesecured. The concert opened Chas. Todd, Roxburgh, apparatus for Ti sal Slakes- Bonnie Prince, Freelan ', wiih a piano duet "Irish Diamonds" by protecting fruit trees from birds; Chris- Cairngorm. Ohio,Elibink, Gloriani, RunMi?sea E.Daly andR. Book, which wss tianSteffensen, Puketeraki, an improved Poplar, Lulla, Km^stnill. played spiritedly and was mmch enjoyed. crayfishpot;GtorgeRidgway,Kalgoorlie, »'iga, Grand Mile Trot Cob, Muriel, ScrutiOne TueJSt Mary's School boys followed with mprovecaentsiv atmospheric filters; S. neer, Bhoksairt, Joe Dtvi?, Victory, a ''Song and March of tbeIrishBrigade," W. andG.H.Bnckeridge, Auckland, imR'gi, iMawhera, ForsakenChild. Nymph, captivating at provementsrelating to electrical conductheir lresh young voices J.H.C., Rubin, Westland, Mine, Sweet once the approval of the large audience torsand signalling thereby; N Amrein, Marie, Alberts u'e'ta, prtsrnt. Their marching was exceedingly Inglewood,improvementsia stone break- R Firt t View, Handicap, Dillinan's goodand they responded toan undeniable ing machines; J. Shepherd and G. H. Waimata, Ohio, Comb, Cheque, G>lden encore by repeating the latterpart. Tbe Chapman,Hokitika, an improved rotiry Blessbok, Waiwest, Replete,Norwester, St Mary'd School girls were equally jngine. Hinerau,Pure Silver. Fuccs.'sful in the 'Shamrock Danca and PROGRESS:— The Journal for everyKuraara jjandicsp— Freel-ind, CairnHong," their grouping and pretty dresaat- body interestedin invention, science a. d Dexterity, Abayclo?, GrandPoplar. gorm, being most effective. They also had to industry. March number now reidy. Westbrook Welter- Lurcher, Cheque, respond to -a pleased audience. Miss Published by Baldwin and Riyward, Bonnie Prince, Golden Comb. Freelaud, Eileen I Love Patent Agents, Wellington, ' Hatch \o her solo ''lieland Elibank, Gloriana, Runanga, Norwester. You was soon intouch with her listener", Siaudra,Lulla, PureSiiver. singing verysweeily. Herrecall number Kumara Trotting Handicap— l£ miles il was the evergreen Killarney." The GOING INTO A DECLINE. Scrutiuoer, Activity, Black—Muriel, recitation by Mr M'Cullou^h, "Who Divi?, Victory, Screwjick, sand, Joe Fears to Sprak of '98," was given with MRS ALLEN, CHRISTCRURCFI. Last Again,R'ga, For aken Child. J.R C, great vim, andhis encore number, which BLOOD NO BETTER THAN WATER Rubin, Westland, Roulette, Dooley> was of a humourors nature, raused a FOR 2 YEARS Quicksilver, Discovery 11. hearty laugh. "Sweet Killarney" was WASTING AWAY FlyingHanlicap— First View, Cheque, DAY A PICTURE OF HEALTH TO Mjfs Burke and had a good resung by Waimata, Firelight;, Replete. Runanga, PINKPILLS. DR WILLIAMS' ception, tbe inevitable encore being Ohirza, Pure Silver, Blessbok, Hinerau, demanded. The violin solo by Miss Licy.* to-day, you at me would "Looking Burns "The Harp That Once" wac, we think that, two years ago,Iwason consider, one of the gems of the evening aever the verge of a decline," aaid Mrs Bes=ie SECOND DAY. and well deserved theapplause bestowed. Allen, 54 Caledonian Road,Chrs'church. next has Dowell, water, appeared, Mfei P. who and I "My blceisfcirted to go to Handicap— Lurcher,Bonnie 1 was nothing better than President's a very pfeasngand promising voice, and wastedaway tillI Cairngorm, Eiibiuk, Prince, Freolind. who came to the in her song ''You'dBetter Ask Me" gave askeleton. Everyone deadly illIlooked. It Ohio, Grand Poplar, Runanga, Gloriana, how house said promise of mothtalent. Her enco c was was nouse trying to build up my streDgtb, Onmb, Lulla. wellmerited and was ako verypleasingly for Icouldn't keep any food down on my Golden Handicap, one- mile— Cob, Trotting rendered. Mr Heppell wasUDable to be stomach. I got weaker and weaker, till Muriel, Scrutineer, Blacksand, Victory, present but supplied a substitute in Mr my wholebeilth went to pieces. My and Igrew too Joe Davis,Scrcwjick, Nymph, Wawhera, Wermington, who with his comic songs nerves wops all on edge, J That was tha Sweet Mario, Forsaken Child, WisklifEe, for won s. fairly brought dawn the house. Miss downhearted in wheu lataited to take Dr Westland, Roulette, Alberta, Quicksilver, stateI was sang My "Ould Ireland You're Burger Williams' Pink Pills. In a mouth, Iwas Darling," which immediately charmed a different creature. Bix boxes of Dr Discovery 11. Greenstone Handicap Firafc View, those present, and the last verse had to Williams' Pink Pills made me oneof the Cheque, Gulden Comb, WaimaU, Ohio, be repeated. Mr J. M'Sherry was in healthiest women ia Christenurea. Ble3sbolr, Firelight, Replete, Elibank, capital voice, his solo "The Isle 1hat's "It is going on for four years since I Norwester, Siandra, Hinerau, down," Runanga, said Mrs Allen. started to break Crowned with Shamrock" being really "Every my blood grew weakerand Pure bilver. month melodious. For *n encore he sang % My lipsand gums were almost Miners Pursu— Fiiat View, Freeland, spirited patriotic song, in which he was poorer. blue for want of blood. I baled to look Cairngorm. Dexterity, Keplete, Abaydos, hearti|y supported by the St Mary's in the glass— my face wasso drawn and had great dark circles GrandPoplar. -. w Schoolboy's. The accompanists daring haggard. My eyesthey were sunk away Autumn Handicap Trot Muriel, Joe the evening were Misses E. Daly, M. under them, and back in my bead. My feet were like Davis, Scrutineer, Activity, Blacksand. Ward, Williams and R.Bock. blocksof ice, and my hands were every Yiclory, rfcrewj c'<. Riga. Forsaken TheReTFather Aubrey took occasion bit&s cold. I got thinner every week, Child, Wickliffo, Rubio,Westland, Marie, ' to sincerely thank tbe Urge audience far tillI waslittlemore than skin and bone. Roulette, Dioley, Alberta, Discovery11. theirliberalsupport and also the Volun- "People kept telling me what Iought First View, Telegraph Handicap teer Band for theiraEaistance, which was to take to make me fat andbuild me up " much appreciated. Ha also paid a tribute again— but they littleknew bow bsd IWaimarta, Cbcquo, Firelight, Replete, My was all coated Runanga, Licy, Chirzi, Hinerau, Pure to the.performers and one and all who really was. nevertongue get rid of the vile Silver. and I could bo ably assisted to make the entertain- taste in my mouth. It was all very well Farewell Handicap— Lurcher, Dexterr ment tbejjuccees it was. telling me to eat this and eat that—- but ity, A comedy entitled"Suspended Anima- I hated the very sight of fo>d. When I Bonnie Pnnce, Golden Comb, Freetion,"-in which the characters weie taken did force myself to e*t anything, it lay hnd, Wainaarta, Ctirngorm, Ohio, Eliby Misses S. Allen and A. Murphy, and like leadunderneath my breastbone, and band, 'Jloriana. Norwester, Kingsmill, me no end of pun Even a biscuit Pure Silver, Lulla. Messrs J. Brefzs junr, Gc. Hills and F. gave or a cap of water turned sour on my Sellers. The whole play was very stomach, and S9t me vomiting. Thjt brightly act>d, Mr J. Breezd being the took every atom of strength I had. [Pbr United Pkes3 Association] pivot around which startling events hap"I was hardjy ever free from bilious pened. The curtain dropped with the headaches," Mrs Allen went on ro say Cricket. audience thoroughly satisfied with their "They n-ver lett me from the time I went to bed. Toe strain evening's outing. The entertainment got up tillI soon told on my nerves. Iwin always MELBOURNE V. OTAGO. oloseel with tbe singing of the National irritable. My dearest fuend bored me tbe time, Anthem. wanted to be aloneall for I I Dunedin, March 16 was always on tbe verge of tea-s, and m>tch between the MelThe cricket great there ?as some trouble fancied WESTLAND REEFS AT THE WIL- banking overme. At eight,Iwaa too bourne Cricket Club and Obigo waa BERFORCE, ju3t tossed fromfide commenced t')-ddv on the C.iriabrook nervousto sleep. I kept think- Grounds. The weather was dull, but to side. Every liitle. while I A Visit to the Reefs. could hear strange footsteps about n gI kept fiae tiil 5.30, when rain fell. The the house. Every hour seemed as long The late season and the fact that we as three. It was often half way through wicket was easy. Otago went in Crat and made a veiy droppedoff to sleep, f n night before I have had practically no aumrrer has bad the I tired up d;sjlay agin^t Armstrong's the too weak and indifftrant morning; got ; retrograde effsc on mining in the t> staad Istarted e/ery day with a leg break* with the exception of Baker, Wilber force district. Captain Richards, dull heav> feeling andall oat of sons Iwho played a solid innings for 55. The Inspector of Mir.e*, has just paid a visit wasso nervous that my own abadow tJ toe Wilberforceand on his return last frightened me. Tha least; sound made total w;.b 133. The Australians had put on 13 without evening oar reporter was informedof the me jumpand set my heart thumping like littleexcitement sent a flush the loss of a wicket when stumps were results of the visit to the field. Thy mad. Any » ; shiver over uiJ. Iwas so ill drawn. Capiein states that toe snow bad inter- nnd a c d au v wrutc-ed that Irjwer knew the diy »Score 3:—: rupted all operations, especially at the when I wouldhave to lake to my*bedand Bell, Wilson's Beware claim Dr who never got up again. Otacso Ist Innings. >4No one can understand how wretched was there twelve months ago, wished to 0 tike samples out of a big lode,and unhss and il1 1 was, unless they have g<*rle Adam", c Aitsen b M'Leod 1 he isable to get innext Wednesday week firopuh tie s^me themselves At t'tnes Siedtberg, b Armstrong '16 ie^s were too shaky to hold me. 1 Graham, c Henty b Armstrong the srow will be swept away to give bini mv <v yd it stmd for any length of time. Austin, c Ransford b Armstrong 16 the opportunity of getting in. Dr Bell Aft..-r setting the dinner tibia Ihalto 2 arrived via the Ease Coast last Saturday sitdown and rest. My breath went, and Wilson, cßansford b Armstrong c han9ford b 55 Baker, Armstrong afternoon, and Dr Marshall, one of the a smothering feelingcame overme. Next 0 Geological Department stiff, an hour thing my heart started to flutter and Howden,1.b.w., b Ar.n»tro.ig """ and I allof a tremble. When2 race, got Fisher, c Aitken b M'Leod laterfrom the West Least. Dr Marshall hurry, I bud to stop with Dowaes b Armstrong 18 went via the Kokatahi and Styx Saddle ever Itried to caught me in the left side. Torrance, b M'Lend pain that the 12 preferencd Browning's in to Pass. Soon Igotso bid that it was a struggle 4 Captain Richards got there on Satur- forme to walk a few steps. Without any Willhm« (not out) 4 Ex ra. day an bour before Dr Bell by Brown- warning my head started to swim, and was dowuin a half fjint. ing's Pass. {Saturday and Monday were thenI " 130 TVil very wet and it was impossible to work. 'For two weary years Idragged along w)ek^ts Irish National Concert. LIVER ALL Vanished. The Case o' Mr. F. CORY. (B7A WEM.IMJtuS UUPOUThR). T>y the noble seli-sacrifice «f cur colonial .roy s in rcsy.or.diiu to t I-.o <-all to anna od ""ohalf of iJie tnoih. r cuUM'ry when thf uL'i Af. ic.m mi u.n."ldcl.neti we now have " pc leiiuetl s-jiiiitj!- roiiu.i itg lo tin colo wi'OjC i.isig'.it into '..he tU'ji.fcwt nicJuxU f co..duci'>! a waiMie ohoui'l proveuf (.Tea' -isMau-e i. im; "up:; pi c-:; .1 >"'itan " niwlc ii c to o'.u volnnifi rMn New o 3 e.ihnd'- ", ('i'nlia"J, ■-"■>'" A M'ltiam v,\.i y <ive pu>\u>l liu.i.i Ivo: .oeincn Id very bittlilicld wlieit-in ihcv h^ve fceen "nsr\ped, and tlie r>sii ic;i c,intelliirenre, ano ojcai 'ht bliou .ioy ilicni dining tho manj fc acrvaia of «io.n,iy f.uo ai;d other pnva »ijiis 1 in'e a <>i *"'d the admiration of wjihmij v h'>*e campaigns are 'i;- dii.'ipiii" &> d daring havt eii!)f:i.--o.i joen liiylily I.} tlie i>t!iot.ri uudei n-hom tiiey ha sV< r\od. At me timn ow ■ng to the dv.'i)i'ieiH\v of ti* sport, the army ,easnrß(l viso have 'u^b". J.ia l>y liDisoa and mules Vfter 6loci»ing in -.vit ,! tlir-3, ami sugaring he ravaijfu of coll, hunq»r, and fatigue "paides driiiki:i>iany water that could be Him I, no wondt.r that &ucli an appalling Ist of deitl.s oceiii 1ed of those unfortunates v\\D fuilo 1 to escape the provaiing diseases. The number of victims to enteiic fever fornio a dismal f.atuie in the history of the vvar, and it is sincerely hoped that ever? nan who has recovered sufficiently to r»idii to liia homo may soon enjoy the nnnlj -, lcirlh which he exhausted in upholding luirti.ur a:»tl dignity of the liritiuh Em ire » An iiuiilent which is worthy of tht wlii 's aft c tiun waa supplied toonrrepor l l''i?d''ri. k Cory, cf U xon Grove, er by l'-r.'-r. Uou.lt Vll torn, \\ e!ii £ton "1am iiitonnod ih vt v>i " wore ia delicate loalth bo c tinvj hick liazirdad the re -oner "1 tvo-ilil like to know the par' icidaro '-I aame 'f you li.ive no ohjecti<>nc T " 1 l.aye cot ,he slightest hositation ir. 'vini' p;:!ili"i'y 'o my expeiu-nce of «ick "3 s, I r Is>hall be discharging ai> Wli^'tjon r.:nl :idaty at the same time. It "o'-.r twel- « >cvr"s 'ijj'l,Idare say, since first lioCHMse ru 1 d wn in h alth through .tiein h :.t n Io-.eiwck. I was p yi a'iy and"ii.'ii'a'ly woin-o.it, and :n ■ u\ou; .:,*<. mi al.r. ». !iiv-iked aio!i3 of my 3'-rioup to-.f d-hl.t>." '■ V'erri y.,u li»i.-;g in this city at thf . - . in Mclb 'iirno. I v.'c travcllel ncir'y n!l ov^r tlio Adjacent "!o:u>3. !o"e«vr, Midi i")n«idor tint th" ""Idin chu.u.<j> >f vxpft'her ni some puts .a\ohad ag cotdoa! t-: do with hrhiging m my at'a^s t. dd.i'iiy, d\«rcpsia, am1 <ei 'tro-.ii-Vs. r My rtpj.el:te fill off com alsi nhtch, fi;:.i Is.fj'Oerj p orl>-. 1 -cviti d v it'i in i^-s'.'-n 1 f"lt tired and "'.vi " ci, with ii I." eat di-iiu-ii-iMion foi During U.e progre 1 xv ti->n -;f any !ii <! A t)"» "■ tiielvi y,:s 3 L i\ c take-i a lot of >-d.yM.u of vivii.u','. !;r, h, with tie result to h»t Iam ■jon.i;cv I <h -c is ' no meiliHne Iforgei " ;oiiij)Tie wv.h v.c 'T'i's o.12 it, but IUdS ho.' 1 c.-!i i- t" f-iait t.kJng \h«!ii I" id *"« nr,.i i".c it w*s iioi long beof a very .'oro ife t Oi it I was i" po-session rg.U l-'i'i til'<{'""!«. i.1' 11-it." " -i I'l :"■< I.to I'ui.'u .<ct with yon?' " !l->-.v.l Un'iiko *d Hi- hvi >o ni'.lod icmediee, [ hail o 'Om '.)' i "„' !f> iii'1 i -t if'er tulfiif: i!i\i (iv.-.d ■ r.e >!H. L.tuc J was able Vo si* p sui!' .1 .ci,. " l1 'i-d 11: y whole B\sti .1 iV'in.i !\ vi! '\ ut a o-uinge for pj-p.-itses of di.- 1. fe.- ;'..«.->!" ":,- j-iv* oitin -n a 'i'oi.n net <■ ■■ t >c;)fi:ki. le man"" which WiS toned ner on nw tior.-oul- n as.d i.t i.tsd up -no. in (o ) j d grees my ;nn.vl appi- tii ,iv.ume( j'.s v. Pr portions, an.il '..slim- .1. tU,-.! to legan my lost " il- -I. I so*' -Ii t. f. i.f mi l-^ i"'>, and the Li.f.il 1 1.id < !. s rt'-n «lii'-ii 1 used to The di .<.: piaiance auTc io.v d. !""'(" ■; wasoidy a of r.!i mv .i!-i ■■+ "->■" ■pi<>iii£Tonic, which m-tur of tiiiu- i'l. I i-ntfc restmo'l m« tv ">. Wst-vUaa condition of health and dtrei-j."!.. " Have you u-i.1 any medicine since! 'Only on a k-v "t.-cvsiii'na d»iingth« exoeasively warm feii-nriuT months, v^henl take tome ClPmenta Tonic t<> keep me in order. Ialways found CX ments T(.nic a faithful Irinnd, therefoie you aru ut liberty to pub' luh my testimony in any way you like. 1 " - - ThursdayDr Belland staff lett for the Taip« through Pope's Saddle, north, of Mount Aram. While on inspection on Tue«d iy they agreed »n the battery sit*. On Thursday Captain Bchards visited Billett's Gray's Fiddes' and Baacke's Prospecting areas. InBillett's claim Hyudman Bod patty bad b*«n exploitirga large reef, six feet wide,carrying a small percentagein every pipce of etone tried and excellent minerals, also a small leader a foot wide carrying a nice prospect of loose gold in tbe Mibblfe. , Id Fiddea' area, standing at a high altitude, abont 4000 feet, within twenty chiiup, tbey have pat ia ten cuts to inter- . lead. The reef varies from one to feix ftet widtf; and givenice dish prospests from 'tbe :rubble, and gold can bo seen in the stone, Preparations have been made for driving along the conise of tbe reef and »l»o for a cross-cut, w!ich will iotersect threedistinct gold bearing leaders. BaackeV prospecting area was visited The reef i* to ho seen, but he being absent in Chn fc:hurch no investigations " weremadeThe ronaumpfion of coffee in most George Pfahlrrt is promoting to the countries averages 71bs per head of tiu "ouch of Baucke's area on behalf of the population per year. En New Zealand it Kaoinri Fyuduate. He has opened on is less than one pourrl p r head. 'Ihe tbe same l.ue of reef as Fiddes, a leader ren«on for this 'sthnt mo'-t of fie brand* of about two fett wide, which givei real offered me stale and inferior, and con^egnct the , 1 ' u OLD FOLKS' FOLLY. folly Tt 's a for old folks to allow the boweldebility of nee to master them, at it naturally makes thfm age faster each day. By using Chamberlain's Stomach and L;ver TaMe s s'f " in In'eiFant relief ein always be had. Them is no griping For sale by J. Chesnev & Co, Wholesale and Retail. CKOUI'Y CUILiniEN If your chi'dren are subject to Croup, watch for the lirst syr_.ptoii of thedis as»2 hoarseness. If Cliamberlain'a Cough Remedy is given as soon as ihe cliild becomes hoarse, the at lack can b<i averted. Evenafter the crojpy cr>u»l' h.is appeared tbeat'a'ik c»» rlwujh bo prevented by giving this remedy. It is ai.so invaluable for col>ls and whooping coughs. It al ways cure?, ar>d (urea quickly. For sale by J Cheque} & Co, Wholesale and Retail — [^ AUTUMN MEETING THURSDAY & FRIDAY, April 19th and 20th, 190(3. Gerstena Porridge. Boots !^oo"fcs BOots. A SCIENTIFIC PREPARATION OF NEW ZEALAND OATS. CURES 1 COUGHS COto«f° >">! AND fjj the other area*. Try tho "'A^ab" brtind, winch is freshly Under the direction of Dr Bell, the r laaiediiui packed by Pa.ercori, Alii*i-I surveyors in thj districc have placed the and <''i, Ltd., and «o!r! hy m^t «-torelioe of reefa wberever indicationshave ks^pt-rs md L'rncera in one and two pound abown. t'ts at Is* 5d per pound, or in 7lb cau^With regard to the prospecting battery, ters (nett weight) at I* 4<l per Ib.Refuse, '■% J. i^et'ton. ""."" xjivi ft, ')(."" 1Captain Richards having ma le fall en- t) take any other brand. Auvr. Hokihln h ■ < '(-josi o» vee^. site, confidently may it quiries as to the itny.-e Sf?tion), Fl >i a— 9 x.va v 5 } Department willI Chamberlain's £I}&u1 &v Tablets be expected that the A dvt. delay. j mooeed to work without i JOHN SATCHEUj, (Easter Week.) PORRIDGE, GERSTENA OFFICERS j Cooked in two minutes. Judge— Mr A Stevenson ; Starter, Mr GERSTENA PORRIDGE, f FA. r Archer; Handicappeis, The StewGoes twice as far as othci?, ards ; Timekeeper, Mr H. Butlaud ; GERSTENA PORRIDGE, Clerk of Course, Mr H Karnbach jr., Ia absolutely Pure. Clerk of Scales, Mr E HRobinson ;Treasurer, MrD J Evans; Hon Surgeon, Dr GERSTENA PORRIDGE, Best on eirfch. '/Try it ! Teichelmarn. Stewards Messrs A. Stevenson, F M'Gregor, T W Beare, J. D. Lynch, WJ. Keller, Dr Teichelinann, HAYWARD BROS,, Ltd. E.H Robinson, J J M'lutosh, D. J Evans Christchurch. H. Preston, H. Butland. EEVELL STREET. — PROGRAMME OF EVENTS. 190R. Opes Handicap, of £25 second horso toreceive £5 out of stakes. Nomination 10s, acceptance, 13s. 7 furlongs. TiiADi:sJiii>"'s Handicap, of £35; second horse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination 10s, acceptance 255. 6 furlongs. IntroductoryHandicap Tkot, (nsaddle) of £20; secondhorse to receive £o out of stakes. Nomination10s; acceptance 10s. 1m'le. Hokitika AutujtxGift of £G0; second horse to rereive £10 out of stakes. Nomination 20s, acceptance 40s. 9 furlongs Borough Handicap Tkot, (in saddle) of 20 soys; second horse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination 10s, acceptance 10s. 2 miles. High Weight Handicap, of £45; second horse to receive £5 out ofstakes. Minimum weight 8 stone. Nomination, 15s acceptance 255. 1 mile. RailwayHandicap, of £40; second horse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination 15s, acceptance 255. 5 furlongs. SECOND DAY FRIDAY, APRIL 20th 1906. Mixkrs' Purse Handicap of £2.5; second horse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination 10s, acceptance 15a. 7 furlongs. Electric Handicap of £35; second horse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination 10s, acceptance 255. 5 furlongs. Provincial HandicapTrot (in saddle) of £20; second horse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination10s, acceptance 10s. 1-J miles. Westland Racing Club Handicap,of £60 second horse to receive £10 out of stakes. Nomination 20s, acceptance 40s. 9 furlongs, County HandicapTrot (insaddle) of £20; second horse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination10s, acceptance 10s. 2mile&. DisposalHandicap of £40; secondhorse to receive £5 out of stakes. Nomination 15s, acceptance 255. (The winner to be sold by public auction immediately after the race; proceeds to go to the Westland Racing CluK) 7 furlongs. Farkwell Handicap, ot £40 ; second horse to receive£5 out of stakes. Nomination 15s, accep tauce 255. 6 furlongs. NOMINATIONS,HANDICAPS AND Y7 EEN'SMTJ^TARD. KEEN'S MUSrARD. & SHOES at -EXTRAORDIN and Gent s Re-Marked his Yaat Stock of BOOTS LOW PRICES. The Stock comprises Ladies' HASARY Boots & Shoes of every Description* FIRST DAY. THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, The Goods being new and suitable for thßj Summer Season a large sale BbouldreßUlt. Repairs neatly Executed with Promptness The Best acd KEEN'S MUSTARD. 8-afes-t Condiment, 150 \cars KEFN'S MUS ARD. Imputation. KEENS MUSTARD.. -» WESTLAND FURNITURE HOUSE E. PEAKE to natify to the Public generally that he;has opened up a Com. pletQ Furnitnre.Faatoryinallits Branches, and regpeetfully.asksjfor Share of Patronage. WISHES FURNITURE' Of every description manufactured to suis purcnasers, Suitable for Summer Houses and Garden walks canbe obtainedat|theFaetorj Bamboo Verandah Blinds. Ladies "At Home" Carving prepared and made op. JOBBING WORK Pictures.framed Of all descriptionsjat ehortest notice. . CABINET RJIAKER O Maker & Eft!PAI/r PEAKE. CieiNET Tho Success of IIPHOLBTERER Upholsterbb WLLD STREET, HOKITIKA. £S3 BROWN MGRATH Farriers, Wheelwrights, & General Smiths. I.J. 1. Uiiii. REVKLL STREET, Opposite BaDk of New South Wale Weld Stpeet, HILL-GROWN Hokitika. 1 "■ G obtained tbe services Fir t-class Wheelwright the rm is in a position to guaranteeallwork entrusted to them. The other branches of the businessreceive equalattention. HAVI . — M M"Gratb, _ THE — Summons* co. Awell-paintTed hor&e. The decision of the stewards with respect to trotting events is subject to appeal (see Rub S of Constitution, and Rule Speedking Cycles i 93 Rules of Trotting.) By entering a horse, the nominator, and evsry p'i&onhaving any interest in such horse shall be deemed to accept all the condition* endrestrictionsimposed or implied by t'lese Rule«, and to be debarred from questioning any action or conduct of any official of a Trotting or Racing Clubin respect of such horse or of any person connected therewith, otherwise than is provided for by Rule 93, Rules of Trotting. The namesof the trainer and owner or owners must be included in all acceptance forms when trottingacceptances are sent ill in-defaultof which the owner or trainer ma/ be fined a sum not exceeding £5 or disqualified, Winner of any race after declaration of handicaps may be re-handicapped. Money will'bereceived for investment on the Totalisator by the undersigned on the usualconditions, each race day. Totalisator dividends willbe paid on first and second horses in which fie or more horsss in separate interests start. D J.EVANS. end not a spice. It doubles bhe layin Ring up No 92 for jonr requirements, power of the hens, increases the size an where you will be guaranteed satisfaction .weight of all birds, and keeps them free from disease, and in tip-top condition Price la 6d a tin, by post 2s. SPROSEN'S Egginr Cuickew Food— specially prepared for feeding chicks A FOOD. FOR INFANTS. 'nakes them healthy *nd they grow very fast. Price la per tin by post Is 6d. Infants require careful feeding. Their SPROSEN'S Eggine Preservative, the future health and happiness depend on best of all egg preservers mix it with how their bodies are built up when they water and it is ready for use. Is tin preareyoung. Mothers can't do better than serves 14 dozen eggs; a Is 3d tin preserve ROBINSON'S 28 dozen. By post Is 9d and 2a 6i. give their babies PATENT GROATS" and ''PATENT [JjjPure Minorca Eggs 5s and10s a dozen and tip top for show. BARLEY" inchange. Thty are excel- Unequalledas layers H L.JSPPvO.SEN Chemist, Octagon, Dune« lent buildingup foo-ls, p-S— din, Whenso 'iin;? jnention thi paper — " — — — See^Mr'H, Hughes for Bstimates Workmanship and Material Guaranteed. All, requititeß for the"trade on sale SAMMONS & CO. S, Holdtika Reve Sb. S MUSTARD. Beware of COLMAN'S MUSTARD. Substitutes, or something ARE COLMAN'S MUSTARD alleged to be 'just as good.' COLMAY3 MUSTARD. Colman'a has been the Best BIT OF ALL RIGHT. COLMAN'S MUSTARD for over 100 years, and is "While out shooting the other day," COLMAN'S MUSTARD still the Beit. CURES says R. London, merchant, Maldon(Vie) I.-trained the calf of my leg so badly COLMAN'S MUSTARD that I was unable to walk, and had to be I\h \HP'LUEN^ assistedinto my gig. On reaching home I had Chamberlain's Pain Balm rubbed Secretary TIREVBERY Submitted and^approved, in. Itcertainly warmed up that part of ROWN on F SELIG, President. JUREWEIiY my body, but it did the work, and to my J.B. NORRIS, Secretary great relief and pleasure,all the t-oraness Davis' XXX Bees New Zealand Trotting Association. was gone by the next day, andIwas able (Signed) W. HE. WANK LYN, fi Always of quality. Secretary Canterbury J ckey Clv 1 to walk. Chamberlain's Paia Halm ia a Nubhiug 61s Drink bit ot all right, and Inow speak frora Sold Everywhere. i personal experience as well as a storeOVER RIMU-lIOKITIKA COACH SERVICE keeper who has sold it for years." For JEWEL- sale by J. Chesney & Co, Wholesale and I WORTH jj jjjj TEE Retail. FOR ABSOLUTE SALE! that he has commenced Gall and Inspect AT STARTLING REDUCTIONS. a COACH SEiIVIOE between A IAME HACK. 101 l Rimu and Hokitika and respectfully asks the bo made twice to have pains in the small of for a share of public patromi»e. When you New Models present fize, and in order to reopen the back, dampen a piece of thick iannel Time Table — with an entirely new stock, the Choice ( «li«ht!y with Chamberlain's Pain Balm Rimu depart, daily 9.30 a.m., 2 p m., aDd Hi<ih-plass Selection of Just Landed' n, and (Saturday's only 6.15 p.m. "md biudit over the seat BROOCHES, The will follow. back should quick relief depart, daily Noon, RINwS, Hokitika 4.45 TRINKETS, p.m (Saturday's only 9.30 p.m.) he flanbe bathed with Pain Balna CHAINS. nel dampeuedwith it morning; and evenWestland Hospital visited alternate SILVKitWARE, ing. Rub the back vigorously at each ETC., CLOCKS, Sundays, leaving liimu 1.30 p.m., aud For sale by J. Chesney & application. will be at displajed sold Now being Hospital at 4.30 p.m. Co, Wholesale andRetail. about hilf the usual price. 'Joaches will run at suitable hours on THE SALE IS NOW IN FULL special occasions as requned. ArrangeRLVELL kSTREET. SWING. ments can be made for picnic or other GEE And will last till Ladies Walking Skirts! We have t c 4LL IRO.NM excursions. SATURDAY, MARCH 21st. in skirts, date all fancy newest up-to Horses broken in to harness or saddle NOTE. All overduo accounts not mixedmaterials, and fancy blackMelton on reasonable Irms paid on or before Saturday. 31st March cloths. The skirts are made to fit well TEE, CHARLES will be SUED FOlt immediately. Proprietor. and we can also guarantee die workmanROS *.hip. Prices range 14* lid.16s 6d; 18s Printedand published by PatblCK J 6 1 up to 28s 6d each.— W. M'Kay <SJbWKI.LIiUS,... Dunne, residing in Weld Street, jpw EJ,ECJT AB L E TEA. ...CASH Son Hokitika and Greymouth. Ho'iitika, foi the proprietors, Thb GIIEYMOUTH. bl\ TAINUI If yiu like Tea with a rich, delectable Wfst Coast Times Pbixtixg A flavour, then in all probabi'iiv you will Puulishino Company, Ltd., at We are now prepared to book orders bousing "GOLDEN TIPKOZIE" TEA their office, Weld Street,Hokitik*, KNOWN that the weekly for L'idies'Mackintoshes at vory reasonIf you are not, then you should try it at County of Wpptlatid, Wr w Zetland once. It is better lhau the Tea you are Leader can be obtained every Saturday, March 17, MOI% prices.— F. Schrodei & 00, drapers, using for cjitain. Coupons iv it, too. Mr Saturday at the Tjmes office. Price— 6d able Kumara. and Hokitika Lloyd, Ageot, E J. per oopy. Fastest Strongest Neatest and - / \_^/ I*" ft CROWN Mod Oande the Market £Q CHARLis NOTIFIES — PREMISES — F-C, WADE, gnod mortar prospects. qtwitly peoo'e do not now ho l'pth r»i]y There are no men working in any of use this formerly fay' urite liovpiaop — (registered) HOKITIKA. ... Melbourne Ist Innings. 13 CLUB X tor 75 mna Tottl for no wickets VITESTLAND RACING Large Size,»4B6a. " ...... ...... ... ...... ... experienced, with a heavy wind. They utilised tbe day ih looking over prospect* in tbtir tent. On LOCAL AGENT-W. X WILLIAMS, CHEMIST, IIOKITIKA. Pinall Wie, 2s 6d. . General Storei. Welsbbacb.Incandescent; Mantles,Danlop MotetteBicycle Repair Outfits, Galvanised Wire Netting, 3, 4, 5 and 6 feet wide, Colonial Ovens, Wringers, Axes, Churns, Winchester and Belgian Rifles, AmmunitionCartridges, 22 long,22 short, Good Workmanship. Has been bui!t on the Bulleted Breech Caps, Sceel Trunks, Low Prices. Portmanteaux,Patent BmHito, Leather pateatisfactiors of its Quotations for the building of all Blind Rollers, Galvanised RoofingVoD, , ACCEPTANCES. you rons 5o if can cla>Bes ofj jvehicleß given on applica- 5, 6, 7, 8 feet lengths, Tents and F^V Nominations for all events close on Paints and Oils, Birdcage Netting. Picniß*"H tion. THURDSAY, AFRIL sth, 1906, at 10 appreciate a delicious Baskets, Mirrors, Drugwiat Ware, Accoro'clock p.m deans, Violins, Flutes, Flatgeolets,Fifes, not a Handicaps for all? events First Day aromatic TEA Glass Ware, Jogs, Comports,TrifleDiahet declared on TUESDAY, APRIL 17th, tasteless substitute— ask &c, Crockery and China Ware, Oops and 1906. "» Propiietor. grocer for a tin Acceptances forall events First Day close on your 1Saucers, &c. Wednesday, April IStli at 10 p.m. to-day. Toys in Endless Yaviety« STATUTORY DECLARATION. Handicaps for all events Seoond Day I, Frkdkrick Okt, .f 'UJxon Grove, Mount VieBats, Ballsand Stumps, Masks, OCCEL Cricket Zealand, t,t" do declared at PostOffice Hotel at 9 o'clock, AND /^ /CAMERON oria, Weilnnrton. i" oloio "f New 1 have oarofullj night of First Day's races, Football?, Dolls, Perambulators, Motor lole ....lyand miuc-iv y ilecbrc that I AN VTOOCH UAMERON cn'mialing of two folios ihe annexe 1doc>i cm, Wa«l ftiniei'iitiKli Cars, Trumpets, Bead Necklaces, Bailj fr. in one to two, »nd Acceptances for second day'sevents received H O^K TIK A. Wd llcuntai'8 andmmS.iei aoraunt of up to 10 o'clock on night of first day's r^ces. MRS W. C. J.IKORTEGAST, v a itw nn > faiiliJul ways, Barrows,IndiarubberBalls,Drums thai ; T..n o, and also conRULES AND Boats, Guns, Kite?, Picture Engines, &v llliifss and fl-ire l.v t'l-wents REGULATIONS. any waymy publish in Builders & Contractors. Books, Jack-in-Box, Uina my full pern:'i">ioH to Allstakes paidin full. Settling night, Tea-sets, Magic MANUFACTURER ,F AERATED Wednesday, April 25th, 1906. Fans, Torpedo Boats, &c Lanterns, DLANS Prepare! and Eatiraata All nominations and acceptances must be WATERS AND CORDIALS OF oojand made in addressed to of writing Secretary buildings. the Toba given for all classes iTobacconista Goods. «en-r*l Assembly of New ZeaUud, intituled '-Jhe and contain the full amount of entrance ETERY DESCRIPTION. Groceries, Drapery, Stationery, Ironiuttioea oi' Ftac» Act ISSi." money withdescription and age of horse, The MostJjThorough Workmanship moDgery. and colours to be wornby jockey. GIBSON'S QUAY HOKIHKA. Guaranteed.—^ No entry will be received unless upon the 1 , t distinct understanding that the decision PROPRIETRESS desires to .yards of the stc shall be final, and all proannounce ihab she has recently iniggT Terms Reasonable. DMland tt Welllnstit., this ceedings barred. BtV.lod a new and up-to-dafce plant and is Jf*7tmbtr, can tlioi-sm ■! nin All horses must be at the post within 15 in a position to supply any class of mmuteaafter ringing the bpll for starting. now Cordial or AertteJ Water. The goods Painters?& Paperhantfers, The Trotting events will berununder the which are now being turned out by the rules of the N-Z. Trotting Association. EGGS. EGGS. factory, Gibso'i's Qmv, are of the best EGGS. house a jEvery Trotting entry shall state the name procurable. Picnic parties catered for. All poultry breedersgshould use SprOSEn's or assumed name of the owner, and the THE DELIGHT OF HOUSE name, the age, and the description of the, One trial solicited. HOLDERS. Eggine, the great egg producer. A tonic — bad weather was res; lir.g ( * 5 0 j " }\o, I was 1 ...... ...... ...... ... T' .ad to p:-i form unicli ""vor.. tliit would other- — Mailer (not out) Ai ken (uoi out) N.Z. Depot O^ces, 9 anJ 11, Hume's Buildings, oM k — Arm-trong took 6 and M'Leod 4 for 51. m . — in this awful plight," added Mrs Allen. "'People told me of all aorts of things to do me good— but Itried them all and they were all worthless. At last my blood wasno better than so much dirty waher. Iwas just 00 tbe v^rge of the started Dr Williams Pink grave whenI Pill8 lor Pale People. Even the seconu box didme a little good. It »nve me an noticed ho>v much appet ie and soon I bttter my headache and bickaehe was When the last box was empty Iwas a different woinin. Islept the whole rxght though ai.d got up early next morning Lrigtit and energetic. Naw b'ojd fl >wed A healthy to tvery part of my body guided in colour came in my cheeks and I weight. I am now a strong healthy woman, able to do my house work with comfort and ease. Dr Williams' Pinlr had been wastPills bayed my life alter I ing away for fvo years." Dr Wiiliacns' Piok Pills ac ually make ne>v blood, Tht is all they do,butthey do it well Ih y don't act on the bow els or tinker iMih ihs mere symptoms of d'B);iS! Toey ju«t tool out the cau^e of disea«e frora tie Ho -d itßelf. It is through the blood, and the Mood only, tbatDr Williams' Pink P Hi cure pileoe>s skin, troubleslike eczum ■, a> aemii, indigestion, headaches, neuralgia, rn%uuia<iim bacKache, kidn«y and liver complaint, lumbago, eciatici, paiiil pavalysis, locomutur ataxii, filling power- and the special irregularities in trie health or growing girls aod wjm n. Hut, of c ur.-<e you must get the. genuine Dr Wiiluma' PiokPills for Pi.ti People. From ttore k«epf»B andcliem'stp, <>< post tree from ihn Dr Williams' Medi-'ne - Co. Old Cus' 3* a box, f>'x tom House St, Welling o bixe-16 6d- Medi';al jdvic; given free. ■-"-^nrsSSS^^-SSSir^ Piiptred only and Sold Wholesale and Retail,' by the Proprietor— Victoria, W* Gm HsmPMßi, €h®mist, OpeSostg,Street-Wellington. Willis E>«=>vi are of Got^hs! " 1uneioiid. eOUOftC gftlaTOrai^ SASAAvLs£TgAFL.r BROMOKITIB, & GGNSUMPTIOH. at the bfc<nnJia-', a dose is generally sufficient, and a Completo Cure is certain. cii>a — On Tuesday they parted for the inspection of Billet's andFecWerson's pra«pecting areas atd for tbe selection of apublic bittery site. They stance' soon after 7 a.m. and at 9 o'clock (hey were driven home byheavy rato. On Wednesdayalso FG3 TROUBLES, RACING. ... i Dycpepcia, , " MASOH 17 1906 d?TMJ£ B COAST — GILBERT BROSB WANTED Use Shackiock s nn vov -