Journal of Comparative Psychology r998,V61. 112, No. 3,244-258 Copyright 1998 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 073S-7036Y98/$3.00 Frequency-Range Discriminations: Special and General Abilities in Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttatd) and Humans (Homo sapiens) Ron Weisman, Milan Njegovan, Chris Sturdy, Leslie Phillmore, James Coyle, and Douglas Mewhort Queen's University at Kingston The acoustic frequency ranges in birdsongs and human speech can provide important pitch cues for recognition. Zebra finches and humans were trained to sort contiguous frequencies into 3 or 8 ranges, based on associations between the ranges and reward. The 3-range task was conducted separately in 3 spectral regions. Zebra finches discriminated 3 ranges in the medium and high spectral regions faster than in the low region and discriminated 8 ranges with precision. Humans discriminated 3 ranges in all 3 spectral regions to the same modest standard and acquired only a crude discrimination of the lowest and highest of 8 ranges. The results indicate that songbirds have a special sensitivity to the pitches in conspecific songs and, relative to humans, have a remarkable general ability to sort pitches into ranges. Male songbirds rely on song as a long-distance social signal to mark territory and to attract females for courtship. An enduring question in the study of animal communication is how birds recognize their own species' songs among a plethora of other biological signals. A related comparative question is how humans (Homo sapiens) recognize their species-typical vocalizations at a distance in their acoustic environment. In this article, we explore the perceptual abilities that underlie these long-distance auditory recognition skills. The most successful account of birdsong recognition is known as the sound-environment hypothesis (Leroy, 1982; Nelson, 1989); it states that songbirds are able to identify conspecific songs because each species occupies an exclusive portion of multidimensional acoustic space. Locations in acoustic space are defined by measurements of the acoustic properties of song notes (e.g., frequency, frequency change, duration). In support of the sound-environment hypothesis, and of special interest for this article, individual songbirds produce notes within highly circumscribed speciestypical ranges of acoustic frequencies, and birds use this pitch information to help identify conspecifics in multidimensional acoustic space. The frequency range of song notes appears repeatedly in the playback literature as important to species recognition (e.g., Becker, 1982; Falls, 1962; Weary, Lemon, & Date, 1986). Furthermore, frequency range is a superordinate feature in song recognition, because when pitted against other acoustic features in field playback experiments, altering frequency outside species-typical ranges (e.g., ±2 SD to ±3 SD) produces the greatest decrements in territorial responses (e.g., calls, song, flying to the speaker; see Nelson, 1989; Weary et al., 1986). In summary, the species-typical range of the acoustic frequencies in song has been demonstrated repeatedly to be particularly salient. The use of the frequencies in conspecific song notes for accurate sorting of conspecific from heterospecific songs requires perception of note pitches and memory for the range of pitches represented in a species' song notes. The main purpose of this research was to explore the perception of frequency ranges in laboratory experiments where songbirds were tested over a wide auditory continuum and with operant discriminations that were even more difficult than those required in the field for the recognition of conspecifics. A second purpose of this research was to compare the pitch-sorting abilities of songbirds and humans in frequencyrange discriminations. Comparison between songbirds and humans provides unique knowledge about the perceptual worlds of diverse species, convergent in their dependence on learned acoustic communication. Njegovan, Ito, Mewhort, and Weisman (1995) began the series of frequency-range discrimination experiments that we continue here. They trained zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and humans in an operant discrimination among 27 tones in the spectral region between 2000 Hz and 5120 Hz, spaced 120 Hz (an average of 3%) apart. Nine S + (rewarded) tones formed a contiguous middle range, and nine S — (unrewarded) tones each formed contiguous lower and upper ranges. Zebra finches acquired a precise discrimination: They gave a low percentage of response to low-range S— tones, then shifted accurately to a high percentage of response to middle-range S+ tones, and then shifted accurately again to a low percentage of response to high-range S- tones. Humans, too, discriminated among frequency ranges, but their acquisition was slower and of a lower standard than zebra finches. In other words, songbirds classified pitches into ranges more accurately than humans. These results suggest a perceptual basis for the superordi- Ron Weisman, Milan Njegovan, Chris Sturdy, Leslie Phillmore, James Coyle, and Douglas Mewhort, Department of Psychology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. This research was supported by grants from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (Canada). We thank K. Laird and L. Tomilson for their assistance in conducting this work and our participants for their efforts in this research. The software used for modeling in mis article is written in Pascal and is available from the authors. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Ron Weisman, Department of Psychology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6. Electronic mail may be sent to 244 245 RANGE DISCRIMINATION nate salience of pitch ranges in species recognition by songbirds. Here, we include potential effects of a superior ability to memorize pitches in the general definition of perceptual ability. In two experiments, we sought to determine the source and scope of (a) precise frequency-range discrimination by zebra finches and (b) the striking species difference between zebra finches and humans. Njegovan et al. (1995) suggested several explanations, including hypotheses about differences in perceptual processes and differences in motivation. According to a perceptual explanation, songbirds sort pitches with precision either because they have a special sensitivity for the region of the frequency spectrum tested by Njegovan et al. (1995) or because they have a general ability to perceive and remember pitches accurately across a wide spectrum of frequencies. In favor of the special sensitivity hypothesis, Njegovan et al. (1995) may have tested in a spectral region (i.e., about 2000 to 5000 Hz) more important to songbirds than to humans. This region includes frequencies of the loudest harmonics in zebra finch songs (Williams, Cynx, & Nottebohm, 1989), and it is where songbirds hear best (Okanoya & Dooling, 1987). It is also possible that a lower spectral region (i.e., 80 to 453 Hz) is more important to humans because it includes the fundamental frequencies of human voice (Bakan, 1987), which provide information about gender and age (Handel, 1991). Against the specialsensitivity hypothesis, Njegovan et al. (1995) appear to have tested in a spectral region that includes the formant frequencies associated with vowels and consonants and the frequencies where humans hear best. Therefore, whether humans have a special sensitivity for sorting pitches in any spectral region is undetermined. To test the special-sensitivity and general-ability hypotheses, we trained songbirds and humans in frequency-range discriminations in three spectral regions spanning the frequencies used in songbird and human vocalizations (between 100 Hz and about 5500 Hz). The special-sensitivity hypothesis predicts that (a) humans might discriminate better in the lower region than in other regions because it includes the fundamental frequencies in human voices, and (b) songbirds should excel in the middle and higher spectral regions because these regions include most of the fundamentals and loud harmonics heard in zebra finch songs. In the second experiment, we trained songbirds and humans in a multiple frequency-range discrimination that required both species to sort pitches in several rewarded and nonrewarded ranges across a wide spectral region (about 1000 Hz to 6000 Hz). The general-ability hypothesis predicts that songbirds should strengthen their lead over humans in this more challenging frequency-range discrimination. According to a motivational explanation, humans may have suffered under poor motivational reward conditions in Njegovan et al.'s (1995) experiments. It is not unknown for human participants to become inattentive because of poor motivation. In the present experiments, we used instructions and competitive rewards to ensure that the human participants were motivated to perform in the frequency-range discriminations. If the level of motivation was the principal determinant of species differences in Njegovan et al.'s (1995) experiments, then humans should perform much better with increased motivation in the present experiments. Perceptual classification, whether in one continuum (as in this article) or in multiple continua (as in the classifying exemplars of visual concepts; e.g., Wasserman, Kiedinger, & Bhatt, 1988), can be usefully conceptualized as simple discrimination and generalization (see models by Astley & Wasserman, 1992; Shepard & Kannappan, 1991). Njegovan et al. (1995) implemented Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) neural network model of stimulus generalization to account for the classification of tones into frequency ranges by zebra finches and humans. In the model, the pitch continuum varied with increases in frequency and was represented in a tonotopic spatial arrangement of neural units. Anatomical and physiological evidence supports the existence of neural tonotopic maps in mammalian and avian brains. Neural circuits extend from the cochlea to Al (mammalian primary auditory cortex; Brugge, 1985) and to Field L2 (the avian homologue of Al; Vates, Broome, Mello, & Nottebohm, 1996) to provide tonotopic spatial representations of pitch in mammals and birds, respectively. In Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) model, individual input units were connected directly to units in successive layers of a sensory network (the tonotopic pitch map), and the strength of connections between sensory units reflected the spread of excitation across units in the network pitch map. Weights for the strength of excitation in the model fell off exponentially from sensory unit to unit in Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) model. Generally, in neural network models, the strength of connections between units in the sensory network and the unit for some outcome (e.g., reward) reflects the activation of an association. In other words, the strength of activation between units in the sensory network and the outcome unit represents memories for specific pitch-outcome associations. In Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) model, weights for the activation of links between sensory units and the outcome unit increased and decreased in accord with a simple linear learning rule. Njegovan et al. (1995) concluded that the model gave a useful account of frequency-range discriminations in zebra finches and humans. Here, we extend network modeling to frequency-range discriminations across most of the perceptible auditory spectrum of songbirds and humans. Experiment 1 According to the special-sensitivity hypothesis, zebra finches were the superior classifiers in Njegovan et al.'s (1995) experiments because they were tested in a region of maximum pitch sensitivity where humans may be less sensitive. In Experiment 1, we tested zebra finches and humans in frequency-range discriminations in three spectral regions: a low region (100-453 Hz) a medium region (359-1633 Hz) and a high region (1200-5459 Hz). This design allowed us to determine whether zebra finches or humans have special pitch-sorting abilities in any of the three spectral regions. 246 WEISMAN ET AL. Method Participants Zebra finches. Eighteen experimentally naive adult male zebra finches participated in the experiment. All birds had unlimited access to water, grit, and cuttlebone in their cages. During training and testing, access to food (Finch Mix, Armstrong Milling Co., Ltd., Cantield, Ontario, Canada) was provided during feeder visits. Once a week, as a nutritional supplement, we gave the birds hard-boiled egg and unlimited access to food. We added a supplement (Vitamin Supplement Conditioner for Birds, Rolf C. Hagen, Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada) to the birds' water every 2nd day. The birds lived on a 12-hr light-dark cycle, with the temperature maintained at about 20 °C. Humans. We recruited 12 humans, including 6 women and 6 men, who were 20-27 years old, through personal contact and paid them to participate. The men and women were practicing musicians with 4-20 years of musical training. We chose musicians because they have extensive training with brief tonal stimuli. We excluded people with extensive absolute-pitch abilities because they constitute a minuscule percentage of humans; generalizing findings between them and most humans would be problematic. Apparatus Zebra finches. Each zebra finch lived and was observed in a standard budgerigar cage (0.3 m wide X 0.4 m high X 0.4 m deep). A wire floor, attached near the bottom of the cage, ensured that spilled food was not eaten. Each cage was contained in a ventilated, sound-attenuating enclosure and lighted by a 9-W twin-tube fluorescent bulb. Each cage contained several perches, a water bottle, a grit container, and a cuttlebone. An opening (11 cm wide X 16 cm high) in the cage allowed birds access to the feeder (Njegovan, Hilhorst, Ferguson, & Weisman, 1994). A microcomputer controlled the experiment and recorded responses in each chamber. Tone stimuli were constructed and stored in Macintosh Plus or SE computers (Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA) and played using a NAD 310 (NAD Electronics, Ltd., London) integrated amplifier and a Realistic Minimus-7 speaker (Radio Shack, Barrie, Ontario, Canada) beside the feeder. Humans. Participants worked individually in a room (2.1 m wide X 4.0 m long X 2.5 m high) containing a table, a chair, a small desk lamp (on at all times), and the test apparatus. The apparatus was a panel mounted on a box (24 cm X 23 cm X 8 cm high at the rear and 4 cm high at the front) outfitted with two response buttons and two light emitting diodes (LEDs). The response buttons were located in the center of the panel, 7 cm from the top edge and 5 cm apart. The LEDs were situated in the right-top corner of the panel, 6 cm and 10 cm from the top edge and 3 cm from the right edge. All other aspects of the apparatus, including control of the experiment, recording of responses, and presentation of tones were identical to the zebra finch apparatus. Stimuli Individual tones, 440 ms in duration, were synthesized with the computer and sound system used to present them during discrimination training and with SoundEdit (Farallon Computing, Berkeley, CA) and SoundCap (Gibson, 1987) software set at 22-k, 8-bit samples per second. Tones were ramped in amplitude upward at onset for 5 ms and downward at offset for 5 ms to avoid transients. We created 27 tones in each of three spectral regions (low, medium, and high) of the auditory continuum (see Table 1). A 6% change in frequency, A// / = 0.06, separated successive tones in each region. Table 1 Frequencies (Hz) ofS+ (Rewarded) andS— (Nonrewarded) Tones in the Low, Medium, and High Spectral Region Frequency-Range Discriminations Tone type Low region SS- 100 106 112 119 126 133 141 150 159 168 178 189 200 212 225 239 253 268 284 301 319 338 359 380 403 427 453 ssS- sssss+ s+ s+ s+ s+ s+ s+ s+ s+ sssssssss- Medium region 359 381 403 428 453 480 509 540 572 607 643 681 722 766 812 860 912 967 1025 1086 1151 1220 1294 1371 1454 1541 1633 High region 1200 1272 1348 1429 1515 1606 1702 1804 1913 2027 2149 2278 2415 2560 2713 2876 3048 3231 3425 3631 3849 4079 4324 4584 4859 5150 5459 To reduce the effects of amplitude cues on the frequency-range discriminations, we made versions of each tone at 65 dB sound pressure level (SPL) and 75 dB (SPL) measured at the bird's position on the perch with a Type-2235 Precision Sound Level Meter (BrUel & Kjaer Canada, Ltd., Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada). In alternate sessions (i.e., on alternate days), birds heard the first or the second version of each tone. Spectral analysis found no significant energy at harmonic multiples of the tones in recordings taken at the bird's position on the perch. That is, energy levels at frequencies above the training tones varied from —35 to —45 dB relative to energy at the fundamental and in no noticeable relation to the fundamental frequencies of the training tones. Procedure Zebra finches. Nondifferential training began after a bird learned to use the perch and feeder. We used nondifferential training to create a high and uniform rate of responding across training tones. The within-trial sequence began when a bird landed on the perch, in turn breaking an infrared beam. If the bird remained on the perch for 1 s, a single tone was selected randomly and without replacement and played. If the bird entered the feeder, in turn breaking an infrared beam, it was rewarded with 1-s access to food. A 30-s intertrial interval (ITI) followed. If the bird left the perch without entering the feeder, a trial ended after 1 s. If the bird remained on the perch, a trial ended after 1 s, and a 60-s m followed. We did this to increase the probability of the bird leaving the perch during all trials. 247 RANGE DISCRIMINATION After a bird responded at a high and consistent level to the tones, discrimination training began. Here, visits to the feeder after S+ tones (S+s) were still rewarded with access to food, but visits to the feeder after S- tones (S-s) resulted in a 30-s ITI with the chamber lights off. As during nondifferential training, for each trial, a single tone was selected randomly and without replacement from the stimulus pool. The birds were tested in daily 12-hr sessions. Birds had nondifferential training and then discrimination training in one of three spectral regions (n = 6 per region). In the low-region group, nine tones between 168 Hz and 268 Hz (the middle-frequency range) were S+s, whereas nine tones between 100 Hz and 159 Hz (the lower frequency range) and 9 tones between 284 Hz and 453 Hz (the upper frequency range) were S — s (see Table 1). In the medium-region group, nine tones between 607 Hz and 967 Hz (the middle-frequency range) were S+s, whereas nine tones between 359 Hz and 572 Hz (the lower frequency range) and nine tones between 1035 Hz and 1633 Hz (the upper frequency range) were S—s (see Table 1). In the high-region group, nine tones between 2027 Hz and 3231 Hz (the middle-frequency range) were S+s, whereas nine tones between 1200 Hz and 1913 Hz (the lower frequency range) and nine tones between 3425 Hz and 5459 Hz (the upper frequency range) were S-s (seeTable 1). Discrimination ratios were calculated during training by dividing the average percentage of response to the 9 S+ tones by the average percentage of response to the 9 S + tones and to the 18 S— tones. Discrimination was at chance when the discrimination ratio was 0.50 (responding to all tones about equally) and perfect when the ratio was 1.00 (responding to only the 9 S + tones). Discrimination training ended once the bird maintained a discrimination ratio greater than or equal to 0.80 in 3 consecutive sessions or after 15 sessions of training, whichever occurred first. Humans. The procedure for humans and zebra finches was the same except that (a) humans used their hands to press the response buttons, (b) humans had a 3-s ITI, and (c) humans did not receive nondifferential training but instead were shown how to use the apparatus with three exemplar tones before training began. For humans, their responses on S+ trials lit up the LEDs for 1 s, whereas responses on S — trials turned off the overhead room lights for 3 s (one 40-W lamp remained on). Each 40-min training session (about 500 trials) was divided in half by a 5-min rest break. Four humans (two men and two women) heard the tones in each of the three spectral regions. Participants were instructed to initiate a trial by pressing the left response button (the response played a single tone) and then to press the right response button if the tone was an S+. Participants were instructed that responses to S + tones turned on the LEDs and that responses to S— tones briefly turned off the room lights. We told participants about the importance of pitch to the discrimination and about the distribution of S+ and S— frequencies hi their training group. Participants monitored their progress on a wall chart. Separate charts, mounted in plain view, showed the competition for additional money as separate horse races among the participants in each of the three spectral region groups. Participants were represented by horses that were identified by numbers on the chart. The match between a numbered horse and a participant was known only by that person and by the experimenters. Distances on the charts represented differences in discriminative performance among participants, but the scale could differ between groups. We paid a competitive reward to the participant who attained the highest discrimination ratio in each group. Statistical Analyses We conducted analyses of variance (ANOVAs) on the results (i.e., discrimination ratios and percentages of response). The percentages of response and the discrimination ratios may not be normally distributed when sample ratio and percentage values are near 0 and 1, or 0% and 100%, respectively, so we conducted parallel analyses of the square root arcsine transform of both measures. Analysis of the transformed data yielded virtually the same levels of significance as analysis of the untransformed data; we report the untransformed data below. Results and Discussion Acquisition All zebra finches and humans attained criterion discrimination in 4,000 to 5,000 trials (i.e., in the 15 sessions allocated to the experiment). In an among-groups (Species X Spectral Region) ANOVA, we found no significant differences between species or among groups (Fs < 1). Inspection of discrimination ratios across sessions suggested that although all subjects finished training in about the same number of trials, the pattern across trials and the final level of discrimination differed among groups. Figure 1 shows mean discrimination ratios for zebra finches and humans in the low, medium, and high spectral region groups across Trials 1,000 to 4,000 and on the final day of discrimination training. Humans learned frequencyrange discriminations in the three spectral regions at about the same pace and to about the same level. Zebra finches learned the medium- and high-region discriminations more rapidly than the low-region discrimination, but by the final session of training they were discriminating in all three regions at the same high level. Early in training, zebra 1.00 < 0.90 CC 0.80 5 IT « Q 0.70 FINCHES 0.60 4 / HUMANS —•— HIGH —o— ••••••••• MED --0"- IL' --*-- LOW --&-- 0.50 1 2 3 4 FINAL THOUSANDS OF TRIALS Figure 1. Mean discrimination ratios across thousands of trials of acquisition and on the final day of training for zebra finches and humans in the frequency-range discriminations in the low, medium (MED), and high spectral regions in Experiment 1. When the discrimination ratio equals 0.50 performance is at chance, or about equal responding to all 27 tones. 248 WEISMAN ET AL. finches discriminated more poorly than humans, yet by the final session zebra finches discriminated better than humans. Every subject completed the first 4,000 training trials, but different subjects finished training to criterion after varying amounts of training; therefore, we conducted separate ANOVAs for results to 4,000 trials (in four 1,000-trial blocks) and for the final day of training. Across the first 4,000 trials, in a mixed (Species X Spectral Region X Trials) ANOVA, we found significant effects for Species, F(l, 24) = 7.88, p < .01, Trials, F(3, 72) = 100.08, p < .0001; and a significant Species X Trials interaction, F(3, 72) = 24.60, p < .0001. Analysis of simple effects (p < .05) showed that discrimination improved significantly over trials for both species. Zebra finches began with significantly lower discrimination ratios (at 1,000 trials) than humans, but there were no significant differences at 4,000 trials. In mixed (Spectral Region X Trials) ANOVAs conducted separately for zebra finches and humans, we found a significant effect of spectral region for zebra finches, F(2, 15) = 4.99, p - .022, but not for humans, F < 1. Individual comparisons (Tukey, p < .05) showed that in zebra finches the low-region group learned to discriminate significantly more slowly than the medium- and high-region groups, which did not differ significantly across the first 4,000 trials. For the final day of training, in an among-subjects (Species X Spectral Region) ANOVA, we found significantly better discrimination for zebra finches than for humans, F(l, 24) = 51.17, p < .0001; no significant differences in discrimination among the spectral regions within each species (F < 1); and no significant Species x Spectral Region interaction (F < 1). Although discrimination appeared to decline slightly for humans on the final day, in fact, mean discrimination ratios at 4,000 trials and on the final day differed by less than 0.01, and a mixed (Session X Spectral Region) ANOVA found no significant decline (Fs < 1). In summary, humans began the frequency-range discrimination with better performance than zebra finches, but by the end of training zebra finches discriminated to a higher standard than humans. It seems likely that we obtained better initial performance from humans than from zebra finches because humans were instructed about the distribution of S + s and S—s in their training group. Humans learned the range discrimination at the same rate in all three regions, whereas zebra finches learned the discrimination faster in the medium and high regions than in the low region. In the following analyses, we examined in detail the performance on the final day to seek out differences in frequency-range discrimination across spectral regions. Discrimination Across Tones on the Final Day Among Spectral Regions To compare performances directly across frequencies among frequency-range discriminations in the three spectral regions, we put the three discriminations on a common x axis. We scaled frequency in relative frequency units of constant log increase, A/// = 0.06, tone-by-tone beginning ZEBRA FINCHES —o— --0-- HIGH MED •-A-- LOW LU W 2 en LU OC U. o HI o 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 LU Q. 20- 0J 2 4 6 CONSTANT 6% INCREMENTS FROM 100, 359, OR 1200 HZ Figure 2. Mean percentage of response across constant 6% increments in frequency from 100, 359, or 1200 Hz in the low-, medium- (MED), and high-frequency ranges, respectively, in the final session of frequency-range discrimination for zebra finches (upper panel) and humans (lower panel) in Experiment 1. The solid symbols show S+ (rewarded) tones, and the open symbols show S— (nonrewarded) tones. with the initial tone, 100, 359, or 1200 Hz in the low, medium, and high regions, respectively (see Figure 2). Zebra finches outperformed humans by responding more to S+ tones and less to S— tones near range boundaries. Within each species, final performance (percentage of response) in the frequency-range discrimination appears to be highly similar tone-to-tone across relative frequencies in the low, medium, and high spectral regions. In humans, a mixed (Spectral Region X Relative Frequency) ANOVA showed no significant effect of spectral region and no significant interaction with relative frequency, Fs < 1. In zebra finches, a mixed (Spectral Region X Relative Frequency) ANOVA found a significant Spectral Region X Relative Frequency interaction, F(52, 390) = 1.41, p = .04. In an analysis of simple effects for the interaction, discrimination differed significantly among spectral regions at exactly 4 of 27 relative frequencies. Two differences involved the low region; one difference each involved the 249 RANGE DISCRIMINATION tional conditions for humans, and the apparatus were the same as in Experiment 1. other two regions. Examination of these small but significant differences in percentage of response revealed no systematic difference in favor of frequency-range discrimination in any particular spectral region. In summary, within-species differences in the final level of performance varied from nonsignificant to inconsequential from one spectral region to another. With the same few inconsequential exceptions, the discrimination of lower and higher range S- relative frequencies was symmetrical and equal among regions within species. In the cross-species comparison with humans, zebra finches appeared to have both a special sensitivity for the frequencies in the fundamentals and loud harmonics in their songs and a general ability to sort frequencies across spectral regions. Stimuli We synthesized 40 tones at 980-5660 Hz (see Table 2). In Experiment 2, as in Njegovan et al. (1995), tones were spaced 120 Hz apart. Details of ramping, amplitudes, and spectral analysis of the tones were the same as in Experiment 1. Procedure Experiment 2 Note that frequencies are among birdsongs' most salient features, and it is important to know that songbirds can use multiple-frequency features to recognize song (e.g., maximum and minimum note frequencies in conspecific song; Nelson, 1988). Thus, we expected that songbirds could discriminate more than one S+ range. In Experiment 2, we challenged the pitch-sorting abilities of zebra finches and humans in a multiple frequency-range discrimination contrasting four S + frequency ranges with four S - ranges. We maintained the same procedural and motivational aspects of the task as in Experiment 1. Nonetheless, we expected that the increased perceptual challenge of multiple frequencyrange discrimination would affect discrimination performance more in humans than songbirds. Method Subjects and Apparatus Ten experimentally naive adult male zebra finches participated in the experiment. Also, we recruited 10 experimentally naive humans, including 5 women and 5 men, who were practicing musicians with 3—20 years of musical training and who were 20—42 years old, as in Experiment 1. As in Experiment 1, we chose musicians because they have extensive training with brief tonal stimuli and we excluded people with extensive absolute pitch abilities. Housing and feeding conditions for zebra finches, motiva- After birds responded at a high consistent level to tones during nondifferential training, we added discrimination contingencies (S- and S+) between successive frequency ranges; each frequency range consisted of five tones as shown in Table 2. In the S— first-reward order groups (ns = 4 zebra finches and 4 humans), responses to tones in Ranges 2, 4, 6, and 8 were rewarded (see Table 2). In the S + first-reward order groups (ns = 6 zebra finches and 6 humans), responses to tones in Ranges 1, 3, 5, and 7 were rewarded (see Table 2). In each group, responses to tones in ranges alternating with S+ ranges were not rewarded. In all other ways, nondifferential training and discrimination training were the same as in Experiment 1. The procedure for humans was similar to Experiment 1, except that the tone set was the same as the set for zebra finches in Experiment 2. Also, in Experiment 2, humans were shown how to use the apparatus with eight exemplar tones (one per range) before training began. We told the participants about the importance of pitch to the discrimination and about the distribution of S + and S— frequencies over the eight frequency ranges in their training group (i.e., the same instructions as in Experiment 1 but with eight frequency ranges instead of three). Discrimination ratios were calculated during training by dividing the average percentage of response to the 20 S+ tones (4 S+ ranges of 5 tones each) by the average percentage of response to the 20 S+ tones and 20 S— tones (4 S— ranges of 5 tones each). As in Experiment 1, discrimination was at chance when the ratio was 0.50 (response was about equal to all tones) and perfect when the ratio was 1.00 (responding to only the 20 S+ tones). Discrimination training ended once a subject maintained a discrimination ratio of greater than or equal to 0.80 for 3 consecutive sessions or after 12 sessions of training, whichever occurred first. Statistical analyses of discrimination ratios and percentages of response were computed the same as in Experiment 1. Table 2 Frequencies (Hz) ofS+ (Rewarded) and S— (Nonrewarded) Tones in the S— First and S+ First Multiple Frequency—Range-Discrimination Groups Frequency range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency (Hz) S- first S+ first group group SS+ S- s+ ss+ ss+ S+ s~ s+ ss+ ss+ o 980 1580 2180 2780 3380 3980 4580 5180 1100 1700 2300 2900 3500 4100 4700 5300 1220 1820 2420 3020 3620 4220 4820 5420 1340 1940 2540 3140 3740 4340 4940 5540 1460 2060 2660 3260 3860 4460 5060 5660 250 WEISMAN ET AL. Results and Discussion Acquisition All zebra finches attained criterion discrimination, on average, in 5,000 to 6,000 trials, whereas no human participant met the criterion in the 12 sessions allocated for the experiment. Given that there was no variability in the results for humans, statistical testing was impractical, but it is reasonable to conclude that (in the context of a very long experimental test) zebra finches acquire the multiple frequency-range discrimination with high accuracy (discrimination ratios > 0.8) and humans do not. As in Experiment 1, we examined the pattern across trials and the final level of discrimination between species to obtain more quantitative information about discrimination performance. Figure 3 shows mean discrimination ratios for zebra finches and humans in the S— and S+ first-reward order groups across Trials 1,000 to 5,000 and on the final session of discrimination training. We show 5,000 trials here, rather than 4,000 trials as in Experiment 1, because the discrimination in Experiment 2 was more difficult; no subject learned it to criterion in fewer than 5,000 trials. The S- and S+ first discriminations were learned at about the same rate and to about the same level of accuracy. Zebra finches outperformed humans by discriminating between S+ and Sranges more quickly and to a much higher level (0.85) than humans (0.54). For humans, discrimination increased only slightly from chance (0.50) over Trials 1,000 to 5,000 or on the final day. Every subject completed the first 5,000 training trials, but different subjects finished after different amounts of train- 1.00 FINCHES ing; therefore, we present separate analyses across Trials 1,000 to 5,000 and for the final session of training. Over Trials 1,000 to 5,000, we conducted a three-factor mixed (Species X Reward Order X Trials) ANOVA and found significant main effects for species, F(l, 16) = 5.68, p - .03, and trials, F(4, 64) = 27.48, p £ .0001, and a significant Species X Trials interaction, F(4,64) = 9.41, p •< .0001. In an analysis of simple eifects (p < .05), we found significantly higher discrimination ratios for zebra finches than for humans at 3,000,4,000, and 5,000 training trials. In zebra finches, performance increased progressively and significantly over trials. In humans, the increase in discriminative performance was small but statistically significant, so that performance in the multiple frequency-range discrimination was above chance at 4,000 and 5,000 trials. In the final session of training, zebra finches greatly outperformed humans by discriminating between S+ and S- ranges to a much higher asymptote (see Figure 3). For humans, the discrimination ratio varied only slightly from chance (0.50). In a two-factor between-subjects (Species X Reward Order) ANOVA of discrimination ratios on the final day of training, we found only a significant main effect for species, F(l, 16) = 266.57, p £ .0001, that is, significantly higher discrimination ratios for zebra finches than humans. In summary, zebra finches and humans began the frequency-range discrimination at about chance performance; by the end of training, zebra finches discriminated to a high standard, whereas humans discriminated only slightly better than chance. In the next analyses, we looked in detail at performance on the final day to seek differences between the S— and S+ first discriminations. Discrimination Across Tones on the Final Day HUMANS Between the S— and S+ First-Reward Order Groups 0.90 —•— S- FIRST —a— --»-- S+FIRST - - A - - 0.80 5 £ 0.70 0.60 0.50 1 2 3 4 5 FINAL THOUSANDS OF TRIALS Figure 3. Mean discrimination ratios across thousands of acquisition trials and on the final day of training for zebra finches and humans in the S— (nonrewarded) and S+ (rewarded) first-reward older multiple frequency-range discriminations in Experiment 2. When the discrimination ratio equals 0.50, performance is at chance, or about equal responding to all 40 tones. To compare final day performance in detail among multiple frequency-range discriminations, we show the percentage of response as a function of frequency (Hz) separately for S- and S+ first groups of zebra finches (left panels) and humans (right panels) in Figure 4. For zebra finches, the pattern of response increased steeply and precisely from a low percentage of response to the tones in each S- frequency range to a much higher percentage of response to the tones in each adjacent S+ frequency range in the S— and S+ first groups. For humans, no precise alternation between low and high percentages of response between S- and S+ ranges was observed. Instead, in the S— first group, humans responded most at the highest frequencies and least at the lowest frequencies, whereas in the S+ first group, humans responded most at the lowest and least at the highest frequencies. We conducted separate two-factor mixed (Reward Order X Frequency) ANOVAs for the percentage of response across frequencies for zebra finches and humans and found significant interactions for both species, Fs(39, 312) s 8.43, ps s .0001. In analyses of simple effects 251 RANGE DISCRIMINATION ZEBRA FINCHES HUMANS s DC Li. O 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 HI H 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 S-f FIRST 100 100 -, eo 80- HI o HI 60- 40 40 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 4. Mean percentage of response across frequency (Hz) for S— (nonrewarded) first (upper panels) and S+ (rewarded) first (lower panels) reward order groups in the final session of multiple frequency-range discriminations in Experiment 2 for zebra finches (left panels) and humans (right panels). The solid symbols represent S+ tones, and the open symbols represent S— tones. (ps < .05), we found very different interactions for zebra finches and humans (see Figure 4). For zebra finches, the percentage of response differed significantly at every frequency, so that range-by-range when the percentage of response was low in the S - first group it was high in the S + first group and, conversely, when it was high in the S - first group it was low in the S+ first group. For humans, the percentage of response differed significantly at 16 of 40 frequencies, such that the percentage of response was low at low frequencies and high at high frequencies in the S - first group and the opposite in the S+ first group. In these two very different ways, the percentage of response in the S— first group was the inverse of the percentage of response in S+ first group, as demonstrated by large, highly significant negative correlations between percentages of response toneby-tone in the S— and S+ first-reward orders for zebra finches, r(39) = -.98, p =£ .0001, and humans, r(39) = -.77,/>=s.0001. In summary, zebra finches discriminated every shift between reward and nonreward range-for-range, whereas humans discriminated only whether the first and last ranges were associated with reward and nonreward, respectively, or the opposite. The results support the hypotheses that songbirds can accurately discriminate several S+ ranges between about 1000 Hz to 6000 Hz and that humans can acquire only rudimentary discriminations of the highest and lowest ranges in this multiple frequency-range task. A Simple Hearing Test Zebra finches responded accurately on over 85% of the trials on the final training day. Clearly, the birds heard the S+s and S-s. Humans responded accurately on only about 55% of the trials on the final training day. To ensure that poor human performance was not the result of poor hearing, after multiple frequency-range-discrimination training, we conducted a simple hearing test with tones at 100, 212, 453, 980, 1200, 2060, 2560, 3080, 4100, 5129, 5459, and 5660 Hz and no-tone "catch" trials. Tones were played at 65, 70, 75, and 80 dB SPL. Individuals were instructed to initiate a trial by pressing the left response button (the response played a single tone or no tone) and then to press the right response button if a tone of any frequency and loudness was heard. As per our instructions, no feedback from the LEDs or from the overhead light was provided during the 20-min test. Humans accurately reported the presentation of a tone on 85% to 100% of the trials in the hearing test. It appears that humans heard the S+s and S—s during multiple frequency-range training but were unable to sort the tones with any precision. 252 WEISMAN ET AL. General Discussion Motivation and Perception as Determinants of Frequency-Range Discrimination Njegovan et al. (1995) reported an incisive difference in performance between songbirds and humans; zebra finches greatly outperformed humans at sorting frequencies into ranges. Finding the source of a difference in performance between species can be problematic. However, more extensive data sets available for comparison increase the likelihood that the source of a species difference can be determined. One purpose of the present research was to determine whether motivational differences or differences in perception account for the superiority of songbirds over humans in frequency—range discriminations. We constructed a comparison of several data sets available from Njegovan et al. (1995) and Experiments 1 and 2 (see Figure 5). The presentation of results in Figure 5 requires some explanation. Discrimination results from 1.00 ZEBRA FINCHES 0.90 0.80 0.70 ..* a: 0.60 NJEGOVAN ET AL. X Sj | GO 0.50 --•— EXPERIMENT 1 A EXPERIMENT 2 1.00 HUMANS 0.90 O 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 1 2 3 4 5 FINAL THOUSANDS OF TRIALS Figure 5. Mean discrimination ratios across thousands of acquisition trials and on the final day of training for zebra finches (upper panel) and humans (lower panel) for the compact frequency-range discrimination reported by Njegovan et al. (1995), the high spectral region discrimination (Experiment 1), and the average for S— (nonrewarded) and S+ (rewarded) first multiple-range discriminations in Experiment 2. Performance is at chance, or about equal responding across tones, when the discrimination ratio equals 0.50. Njegovan et al. (1995) are replotted as discrimination ratios (with a range of 0.50 to 1.00) as a function of thousands of trials to conform to the treatment of results in Experiments 1 and 2. Ratios from Experiment 1 are shown only for discrimination in the high spectral region, which is about the same region as for frequency-range discriminations in Njegovan et al. (1995) and in Experiment 2. Also, highly similar discrimination ratios for the S + and S - first-reward orders in Experiment 2 have been averaged to simplify presentation. It is straightforward to construct an unambiguous ranking of the perceptual challenge of the frequency-range discriminations tested here and by Njegovan et al. (1995); the perceptual difficulty of a range increases with (a) the number of alternating S+ and S- tones and (b) the proximity in frequency between tones across ranges. The frequencyrange discrimination in Experiment 2 (eight ranges, tones separated in absolute frequency by 120 Hz or an average relative frequency change of about 3%) is more difficult perceptually than the discrimination in Njegovan et al. (1995; three ranges, with tones separated in frequency by 120 Hz or an average of about 3%), which, in turn, is more difficult perceptually than the discrimination in Experiment 1 (three ranges, with tones separated in frequency by 6%). For zebra finches and humans, discrimination ratios across trials and on the final day (Figure 5) varied directly with this simple and obvious scaling of perceptual difficulty. The relationship holds for zebra finches, who remained under the same motivational conditions in all three experiments, and for humans, who had stronger motivation in Experiments 1 and 2 than in Njegovan et al.'s (1995) experiment. We used instructions and competitive rewards to ensure that human participants were well-motivated. There are indications that these procedures were effective; humans in both experiments attended to their position in the horse-race simulation, continued to attend sessions regularly, and, in Experiment 1, had high discrimination ratios (Final Day M = 0.86). Therefore, the hypothesis that humans performed more poorly than songbirds mainly because of inadequate motivation fails to provide a principled general account of the available data sets. In Experiment 1, where humans were well-motivated, they performed about as well as the zebra finches in Njegovan et al.'s (1995) experiment (Final Day Ms = 0.86 and 0.88, respectively). Yet, in Experiment 2, where humans were identically wellmotivated, they fell to minimally effective (near-chance) discrimination (Final Day M = 0.55). Put simply, given evidence that the motivational conditions in Experiment 1 were sufficient to generate excellent range discrimination (Final Day M = 0.88), it would be bizarre to conclude that these same motivational conditions were the cause of dismal (but significantly above-chance) performance in a more difficult multiple frequency-range discrimination in Experiment 2 (Final Day M = 0.55); instead it seems credible that the perceptual abilities of zebra finches and humans account for most, if not all, of the differences observed among frequency-range discriminations and species in Experiments 1 and 2 and in the experiments reported by Njegovan etal.(1995). 253 RANGE DISCRIMINATION Perceptual accounts of the ability of zebra finches and humans to sort pitches in frequency-range discriminations could include only immediate perception for pitches (pitch resolution) or both immediate perception and perceptual memory for S+ and S— pitches. Better pitch categorization of more widely spaced tones (6% vs. 3%) suggests an important role for immediate pitch perception, whereas better performance with three rather than eight frequency ranges could implicate either better pitch resolution or better pitch memory. Network Models for Pitch Classification in Frequency-Range Discriminations In this section, we use a simple neural network mode) to provide a perceptual basis for how songbirds and humans sort pitches. The model also provides estimates for the roles of immediate perception and perceptual memory for pitch in frequency—range discriminations. Our starting point is Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) network model of stimulus generalization; Njegovan et al. (1995) reported that the model provided highly accurate predictions of the percentages of response in frequencyrange discriminations. Njegovan et al. (1995) also described a serious flaw in Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) model: It requires a hefty 6 layers of sensory units to fit performance for zebra finches and a mind-boggling 24 layers of sensory units to fit performance for humans. There is no anatomical basis for such voluminous tonotopic maps. Instead, the anatomical and physiological evidence suggests that tonotopically arranged auditory filters consist of single cells or small multicell units (Brugge, 1985; Vates et al., 1996). Here, we present a revised, simplified, and highly predictive network model of frequency-range discrimination in songbirds and humans. In our network model, we consider (a) the sensory effects of the stimulus tones, that is, the spread of excitation across an auditory network (in neural terms, a tonotopic pitch map), and (b) the effects of reward and nonreward trial outcomes, that is, the activation of connections between the auditory units and the outcome unit. In the revised model, we adopted a Gaussian approximation for excitation across a network of tonotopically arranged neural units (these filters are represented schematically at Line ai in Figure 6). The upper panel of Figure 6 shows the spread of excitation from a 1000-Hz tone to neural units spaced about 3% apart in frequency from about 600 to 1800 Hz (see the horizontal axis at the top of the panel). Excitation is expressed (on the vertical axis to the left in the upper panel) as the height of an ordinate of the normal (Gaussian) distribution centered at each neural unit. Sensory excitation evoked by a 1000-Hz tone declines in Gaussian function from the neural unit centered at 1000 Hz to other units. In our simulations, the height of the ordinate of the function at one filter from the input tone defines the form of the Gaussian excitation pattern. The spread of excitation across auditory filters is a function of the frequency and SPREAD OF EXCITATION ACROSS 3% INCREASES IN FREQUENCY (HZ) 1000 750 1250 1500 ZEBRA FINCHES w LLJ -" r / : ! HUMANS \ Z a DC o o.o TONOTOPIC UNITS Wjj The Spread of Sensory Excitation OUTCOME UNIT We traced the flaw in Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) model to its requirement that sensory excitation decline exponentially (over numerous layers of units). Experimental evidence for humans about the shape of the excitation pattern for pure tones is available (Moore & Glasberg, 1983, 1987). For example, Moore and Glasberg (1983) concluded that for human observers and a 1000-Hz tone, a filter centered at 950 Hz is excited about 94% as much as a filter tuned directly to a 1000-Hz tone, whereas a filter tuned to 650 Hz is hardly excited at all. Most important, Moore and Glasberg's (1983, 1987) data show that the spread of the excitation across neural units (in their terms, "filters") is at least approximately Gaussian and not exponential as Shepard and Kannappan (1991) proposed. ACTIVATION OF CONNECTIONS BETWEEN TONOTOPIC UNITS AND THE OUTCOME UNIT Figure 6. Gaussian approximations (upper panel) for the spread of sensory excitation across a network of filters, or tonotopic neural units, spaced about 3% apart in frequency in zebra finches and humans. The horizontal axis (in Hz) is shown at the top of the panel, and the vertical axis shown at the left in the upper panel is the ordinate of the Gaussian (normal) function at each frequency. In the schematic of activation across the network (bottom panel), Wjj is an associative weight assigned to the connection between each auditory filter, ai, and the outcome unit, BJ. To simplify the schematic, we omitted several of the connections between filters and the outcome. 254 WEISMAN ET AL. amplitude of the stimulus tones (see a review by Moore, 1989). The amplitudes of the stimulus tones were the same in Experiments 1 and 2 and in Njegovan et al.'s (1995) work. Hence, a single excitatory pattern specified by a speciestypical ordinate should suffice to model all the results from these frequency-range discriminations. It is possible, of course, that only one (species-general) ordinate might describe the excitation patterns for both songbirds and humans. However, the evidence presented here suggests that differences in perception between songbirds and humans are the main determinants of then- frequency-range discriminations. Therefore, we expected to find two different excitation patterns: one for zebra finches and another for humans (see the upper panel in Figure 6). The shape of the excitatory pattern across neural units is the model's estimate of immediate perception or pitch resolution for a species. In the model, better pitch determination results in a steeper decline in excitation at filters not centered on the tone. Table 3 Parameters of the Gaussian Model for Experiments 1 and 2 Parameter Zebra finches Humans Gaussian spread9 Learning rates (\s) Rewarded outcomes \i Unrewarded outcomes X2 Number of layers 0.150 0.391 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 1 1 "The spread parameter is the height of the ordinate of the normal curve one unit from the stimulus tone. Table 3 for parameters). Figure 7 includes Pearson rs for prediction of observed discriminative performance from linear regression on response activation values generated by the best simulations from the model. These simulations Activation of Connections in the Network In the model, the strength of a connection (an association between an auditory unit and the outcome unit) changes from trial to trial as a function of reward and nonreward. The lower panel of Figure 6 shows a schematic of this activation. (In the model every auditory unit is connected to the output unit, but to simplify the schematic many of the connections are omitted in Figure 6.) Consider the weight (activation strength) of the connection, w,j, between the auditory filter, Oj, and the outcome unit, ar (Although we use only one outcome unit here, we envision the possibility of more.) The learning rule in the network is that the change in activation, Aw,y, is equal to a:\i(l - H^-) on rewarded trials and X2(0 - wy) on unrewarded trials (see Shepard & Kannappan, 1991). Parameters in the equation are: a,, the spread of sensory excitation from the input tone to the ith filter (in the Gaussian function already described); \i, the learning rate parameter for a rewarded outcome; and \2, the learning rate parameter for an unrewarded outcome. In the equation, 1 is the maximum expected probability of response on a rewarded trial and 0 is the maximum expected probability of response on an unrewarded trial. As discrimination training progresses, the strength of the connections between the outcome unit and sensory units near an S + increases and the strength of the connections to units near an S— decreases. The strength of connections between the auditory units and the outcome unit is the model's estimate of memory for the tone's relationship to reward. In the model, strong connections between the tone and the outcome result in a better memory for the tone-outcome relation. To find the best fit between the results of our frequencyrange discriminations and the network model (see Table 3 for parameters), we conducted dozens of simulations of our results (altering parameters of the model from simulation to simulation) to obtain consistently high Pearson rs, which we report here (see Figures 7, 8, and 9). In Figure 7, we show percentages of responses simulated by the model and observed for each spectral region group in Experiment 1 (see 100-, ZEBRA FINCHES 80- SIM -o— / •••*••• -D-- HIGH MED LOW 40- CO 20- LU IT U_ O HI £ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 10 °-| HUMANS rs = .Q7 80 ' 60- 20- 0 2 4 6 CONSTANT 6% INCREMENTS FROM 100,359, OR 1200 HZ Figure 7. Mean percentage of response across constant 6% increments in frequency from 100, 359, or 1200 Hz in the low-, medium- (MED), and high-ftequency ranges, respectively, in the final session of frequency-range discrimination (Experiment 1) obtained from zebra finches (upper panel) and humans (lower panel) and simulated (SIM) by a Gaussian neural network model. 255 RANGE DISCRIMINATION ZEBRA FINCHES A = .97 u. o 111 o < 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 4000 5000 6000 S+ FIRST r = .83 100-, o cc UJ 0- 40 20- 0- 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 6000 1000 2000 3000 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 8. Mean percentage of response across frequency (Hz) for S— (nonrewarded) first (upper panels) and S + (rewarded) first (lower panels) reward order multiple frequency—range discriminations (Experiment 2) obtained from zebra finches (left panels) and humans (right panels) and simulated (SIM) by the Gaussian neural network model. provide an excellent fit for (actual) performance in Experiment 1 for both zebra finches and humans. Figure 8 shows observed and simulated (predicted) percentages of response and rs for the fit between the two; S— and S+ first multiple frequency-range discriminations are shown in the upper and lower panels, respectively. Using identical parameters as for Experiment 1 (Table 3), the fit to the discriminative performance of zebra finches is excellent. The fit for humans is very good (again using the same parameters as for Experiment 1), but nonsystematic variation in the generally increasing (S— first) and decreasing (S+ first) observed percentages of responses reduced the correlations between the results and the simulations. Finally, we asked whether the parameters used to simulate the results of Experiments 1 and 2 would serve in simulations of Njegovan et al.'s (1995) frequency-range data. In Figure 9, we show percentages of response data reported by Njegovan et al. (1995) and their simulation by the model (see Table 3 for parameters) and rs for the fit between the two. The Gaussian model provides excellent simulations of the data without the extensive multilayered tonotopic map required by Shepard and Kannappan's (1991) exponential model. After determining the parameters of best fit (shown in Table 3), we conducted dozens more simulations to determine the effects of orderly variation in values for the parameters on the model and its correlation with our results. For example, we tested models with one to three layers, using a separate Gaussian ordinate for spread among layers, but none of those simulations gave better fits than the one-layer model depicted in Figure 6. We conclude that multiple layers are not critical to an accurate model for frequency-range discriminations. This result agrees with the neural-anatomical evidence about tonotopic maps in Al and Field L2 in mammals and birds, respectively, which appear to consist of single neurons or small neural units (see review by Smith, Moody, & Stebbins, 1990). We conducted simulations using a range of learning rate (Xs) parameters from 0.2 to 0.02, with little change in the fits to discriminative performance. Making the learning rate parameter for unrewarded trials at least slightly smaller than for rewarded trials increased some of the correlations by about .02 and improved the visual appearance of the fits between the data and simulations. In general, then, over a wide range of values, learning rates were not critical to obtaining good fits between discriminative performance and 256 WEISMAN ET AL. 100-, ZEBRA FINCHES r = .99 SIM DATA 60- LU CO CO LU DC u_ o-i O °^&y?« 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 HI HUMANS t =.97 O 80- cc LU Q_ 60- 20- 2000 2600 FREQUENCY Figure 9. (HZ) Mean percentage of response across frequency (Hz) in the final session of frequency-range discrimination (Njegovan et al., 1995) obtained from zebra finches (upper panel) and humans (lower panel) and simulated (SIM) by the Gaussian neural network model. simulations from the Gaussian model, except that slightly better fits were obtained with a separate and lower learning rate for unrewarded trials. Also, the same learning rate parameters generated good fits to songbird and human performance. Be aware, however, that we did not seek to model acquisition here; human participants had instructions about the discriminations that cannot be coded into the learning rule (see Shepard & Kannappan, 1991), and a salience parameter is needed to account for differences in acquisition among zebra finches trained in different spectral regions. Much more research is needed to develop a successful network learning rule for these and similar acquisition functions (Anderson, 1995). In our systematic variation of the model's parameters, it is important to note that only the Gaussian ordinate parameters used to generate excitation patterns were critical to the highly accurate simulations observed here. For humans, decreasing or increasing the normal curve ordinate of the nearest filter (to the stimulus) by as little as 0.005 (and thus changing the spread of excitation across the tonotopic map) reduced the Pearson r between simulation and data by at least .10 and greatly affected the visual appearance of the fit. For zebra finches, decreasing the normal ordinate of the nearest filter by 0.20 had little effect, but further decreases made the simulations for zebra finches appear more like those for humans and, therefore, greatly reduced the fit. The network model might be criticized as circular, (i.e., anchored only in the data it seeks to explain). In fact, the model is anchored in a theoretical framework (i.e., Shepard & Kannappan, 1991), in knowledge of the neural circuits for tonotopic maps (e.g., Fortune & Margoliash, 1992), and in estimates of the shape of auditory excitation patterns in humans (Moore & Glasberg, 1983, 1987), all predating this article and Njegovan's et al.'s (1995) experiments by several years. In other words, the conceptual framework for the model, its neural basis, and the excitation pattern for humans were not invented by us to explain frequency-range discriminations. The narrower excitation pattern envisioned by the model for songbirds is accurate for several separate frequency-range discriminations but is not yet anchored by independent evaluation. Here, the model has performed as a heuristic, pointing to the usefulness of further perceptual and neural research to determine the auditory excitation patterns of songbirds. This analysis suggests that the Gaussian ordinate parameter for the spread of excitation across the tonotopic map is the single critical determinant of whether a simulation from the model will predict the performance of a zebra finch or of a human. Evidence that only variation in perception can account for the very different discriminative performances of zebra finches and humans in these experiments is important. For example, humans were able to discriminate only the first and last ranges in the multiple-range task in Experiment 2, which might lead one to suppose that humans were using very different strategies than songbirds. But the network model provides a more elegant principled explanation: One simple quantitative difference in auditory excitation pattern accounts for all the observed differences between species. In this way, the model provides further evidence that the precision of zebra finches' frequencyrange discriminations and the superiority of zebra finches over humans in frequency-range discriminations have a perceptual basis in the tonotopic maps of the two species. Also, if narrow excitation patterns are the rule among songbirds, these patterns may well provide the perceptual basis for the importance of frequency to song recognition in birds. Finally, failure to find an important role for the strength of connections from the sensory units to the outcome unit suggests that differences in memory for the pitch-outcome relation may not play an important role in determining the species' differences obtained in these experiments. In other words, the network model gives an excellent account of frequency-range discriminations between species and among training conditions based on differences in pitch perception between zebra finches and humans without implicating differences in pitch memory between the species. Future research needs to determine whether evidence favoring superior pitch memories in songbirds can be achieved separate from evidence favoring superior pitch perception. 257 RANGE DISCRIMINATION Weber Fractions as Determinants of Frequency-Range Discrimination Weber fractions (relative difference limens) obtained from simple successive two-tone discriminations show that songbirds and humans detect smaller relative changes at frequencies between 1000 Hz and 5000 Hz than below 1000 Hz; also, Weber fractions are about 1% and 0.25% in songbirds and humans, respectively (see reviews by Dooling, 1980; Moore, 1989; Sinnott, Sachs, & Hienz, 1980). The effects of spectral region on frequency-range discriminations (see Figure 1) are only partially predicted by Weber fractions. Zebra finches, but not humans, learned to sort pitches in the lower region more slowly than in higher spectral regions, but in final performance zebra finches were equally accurate in all three regions. Most important, the psychophysical data predict that humans should acquire frequency-range discriminations more quickly and to a higher asymptote than songbirds, and yet in three extensive experiments (see Figure 5) we found the opposite result. Can our results and those from two-tone discriminations be made consistent? To understand the extent of the problem, one must know that difference limens derived from simple two-tone frequency discriminations do poorly in predicting excitatory patterns calculated from discriminations of complex tones (Moore & Glasberg, 1987). Recall that these same patterns of excitation accurately predict the results of our frequency-range discriminations. In other words, we need to hedge conclusions about the prediction of multiple frequency-range discriminations from auditory difference limens until the relation between difference limens and excitatory patterns is better understood (see a discussion by Moore, 1989, pp. 160-165). Are Humans and Songbirds Pitch Specialists orGeneralists? Humans acquired the three-range discrimination at the same rate and reached the same moderate, final-day performance in all three spectral regions. This result indicates that humans have no special sensitivity for discriminating frequency ranges in the spectral region of the fundamental frequencies or the formant frequencies in their voices. In frequency-range discriminations, humans appear to be generalists, capable of modest but useful categorization of frequencies over a broad acoustic spectrum. This modest ability may allow humans to sort the fundamental frequencies in, say, female voices from those in male voices and in infant distress cries. Humans are challenged to the margins of their perceptual capacity by increasing the number of positive and negative ranges to eight. Humans shifted from discriminating the S+ frequency range from the S— ranges in Experiment 1 (three ranges) to discriminating only crude anchor points at the lowest and highest frequency S+ and S— frequency ranges in Experiment 2 (eight ranges, see Figure 4). Thus, the pitch-sorting ability of humans, although general across the frequency spectrum, is sharply limited in power. Zebra finches acquired a frequency-range discrimination more rapidly in the medium and high regions than in the low region. This pattern suggests that songbirds have a special sensitivity for classifying the frequencies predominant in their vocalizations (e.g., fundamentals and loud harmonics). By the final day of training, zebra finches discriminated to the same high standard in all three spectral regions. Also, in a multiple frequency-range discrimination over a broad spectrum of frequencies (Experiment 2, Figure 4) songbirds discriminated precisely in all eight ranges. So, although it is possible to have either a special sensitivity or general ability, in comparison with humans, zebra finches manage to have both when sorting pitches. Pitch Perception and Song Recognition Frequency is not the only feature important to song recognition, but it is the feature that weights highest in discriminant analyses that distinguish one species from many (Nelson, 1988), and when pitted against others it is the feature that predominates in song recognition (e.g., Nelson, 1989). Our experiments revealed that zebra finches have a remarkable ability to classify pitches, an ability that may be central to the categorization of song notes and whole songs as conspecific by songbirds. That is, superior frequencyrange discrimination in these experiments demonstrates that songbirds have more than sufficient perceptual competence to classify the several notes in song as conspecific. Using a simple neural network model, we were able to find evidence that songbirds' superior pitch-sorting abilities are likely due to better pitch perception rather than to better pitch memory. References Anderson, J. A. (1995). An introduction to neural networks. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Astley, S. L., & Wasserman, E. A. (1992). Categorical discrimination and generalization in pigeons: All negative stimuli are not created equal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 18, 193-207. Bakan, R. J. (1987). Clinical measurement of speech and voice. New York: Little, Brown. Becker, P. H. (1982). The coding of species-specific characteristics in bird sounds. In D. E. Kroodsma & E. H. Miller (Eds.), Acoustic communication in birds (Vol. 1, pp. 213-251). 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