I what he knew would bo a prespi'ig want of tho government. When the central authorities were again in free communication with the country they found ^rifollshedevrrv Frl<i:iV morning, in the third ptnr; that just what they would have ordered of thee brick blocic! corner • > Msin tod Union Ktre?ip brick blocc! to be done hnd been done by the people Strict \RBOR, MICH. Kiitranci'ou Huron H S without orders. To the discomfiture of Bite ilio Gregory House. • ho had sneered at its helplessness, »»» 1»OM»» IMitov nn«l Publisher. our government was_ foiind to be very strong ; its strength was real, not apparterms, $2.00 a Year in ent ; i u strength had been vrtll preserved, For it had been left to the guardianship of tho people. All through the terrific conRATES OF ADVERTISING : test tin; effective work of procuring re[I? lines or Ir»<> considered asqunre.) cruits i ' ".us done by m. *'< in. 1 year. ! 1 v.i w. the people themselves, in their town meet-' ad through tlieir local authorities. 4 1)0 *6 Oft $ ilm am 1 .HI i 001 2 SO 3 5O|g 6c! B W 12 00 It is my belief that if at tho outbreak of v duarjH i tin S M ! «•• ! i 7 50 10 00 15 CO our great civil war we had been living for 11) 00 IS Oil 25 00 3 so 4 On 4 H (" J.5 colinnn any time mid. r a st n 'Ugly centralized gov8 1 15 00 20 00 30 00 •i column ; ow « uolio <x> is IK> 2-1 oo .15 00 JJ column ernment, aud had that, with a great ihow 50 00 ; DOHd OO] 12 IK)|15 Ooiju IX) .ID UO stay, eo he tUliied his attention to the plied: " It's pretty rough, but if you'll GROWTH UNDER COLORED GLASS. HOW A BULL-CALF ACTED UNIH-.lt THE MY PALACES* of strength, aso'ur only reliance, we should' LKTTEKKJIOM GOY. HOFFMAN. 100 00 handkerchiefs. give me $10, lie down in my boat, and 1 to preserve the Union. BAY. In Directory, uot to exceed foftr lines. $4.00 BY WILLIAM WINTER. I t chanced tha( Miss Romer still let her not stilj_ or do just what I b i d you, I'll Interesting: Experiments. The Danger <>f Centralization. Those axuopg us Who are advocating The story of General Pleasonton's stlcI your. hand rest on the edge of the box. I t was try it" Ho rowed tho man over and tf hut they call a slfbftger central governAdvertiser* to the extent "f « qnnr'er column on a eessi'ul treatment of a sickly calf is so exS-Uifc tifr Nfefe YoiiK, ; • HAMBFS, I They rose in beauty on the platiin a very small white hand, with little ilini- back in safety. As soon as he landed on Tho following statement, from tho N\traordinary that it is best told in his own ment arc urging a policy which leads in«a»"/y ciMtraeti will IM entillod to have their cards In ThXQtigti which my childhood danced in (flee, A M i A y y , J u n e VJ, 1»71. Y. Worlil, touching experiments made HNttor; without extra ctnvgv. ples at the joints, and pink, shell-like Staten Island tho stranger said : " Young When losvrt wieuthtM my idle clmin^ language. " My next experiment," lie To the Council of Sachems of the Tammany Society: evitably to weakness. A disregard of tho Special N"tin's on fourth pace once-and-n fourth upon the growth of plants and animals nail«, and Lennox, who was a passiimut;: man, how would you liko to run an opAmi holy Kiiyela talked witli me. healthful rules proscribed by. thu founders says, "was with an Alderney 1jull-calf| ^hj. rate* of ordinftry udvcrtisemeutM. d'nhvt' of pretty hands, longed to clasp position steamboat':" "Nothing would under colored glass will bo found of great born on the 26th of January, 1S70. At 1 have received your invitation to beof the republic mustena tti di i ay. What Local adltarial notices 15 cents a line. nosice«.They roec sublime nn moUhttifn h present at the coming Fourth of .July celinterest: we need to insure to our glorious Union hem in his own, null press them to hissuit me better," was tho reply. "Have r*'t>Uce.s 11 cents a line of apaco for the first insertion, Wlitecetti t^J' nitlt'iit youth upind, its birth it was so puny aud feeble that at Tiniiin.iny HalK I regtef >•'; 4 long life iild prosperity is that we should , n ,l.) cent* for each subsequent Insertion. t r o u g h eilver duys und gulden nighta— ips. But ho >vt»;<n chivalrous gontleliinn, you pluck enough to obey orders?" said At the recent meeting of the Philadel- the man who attends upon my stoek—a ebration Kre yet my heart giew dull and tiitd. h«** Ifta privilege of changing much that other engagomei'ts, entered inVeiirlv advertisers keep the people strong by limiting the acd would no more have taken ally liber- the stranger. " 1 have,' was the response. phia Society for Promoting Agriculture, very experienced hand—told mo that it three times. Additional chang" Suppose I was to tell you to run into held in that city, General A. J . Pleason- could not live. I directed him to put itto before 1 received your invitation, put tion of tho government to its simple necTheir stately towers wen (ill ailaine y with the humble shop girl than with tou ill he be charged c t, it out of my power to comply therewith. With rosy ham of Maturing li^ht — a steamboat, what would you dor" "Hun ton, by request of the society, read an in- in one of the peus under the violet glass. i ny duties. Tlv government, top, will he highest lady in the hind. »n. ortijteinents uu.icco»npanii-(l by written or I>)r hwjjc and love andfcwxv^fHnd fame You do well in calling attention to the (hen be strong iii its Binrplioity and in its reetious will be published thr<e mouth; and ." The bargain was teresting memoir upon his experiments in It was done. About this time Douglas took to enrly into her, by turned on their peuka aud hind^ tli»m bright. fact that again now. M on the great secure reliance upon a free people. morning Walks, which generally led down sealed atqid the storm that night on the accelerating tho growth of plants and IX TWHVrY-FOUR KOURS (,<£»! aiiverh'semonts, first inner Ion To cents per Now, brown und level fields expand Fourth of July of 1770, the vital question Under a system which seeks by one cento Chestnut street. Whether the fact island, and Vnnderbilt began his well- animals by the use of colored glass which (olio,85 eeuU [n-r folio lor each subsequent insertion. Around mo AS I hold my way impressed upon the American people i v:i I agency to look after everything in Thwugh bcirrc'ii hills on fithur }iand When ii postponement is added to an advertisement hut he occasionally met Hiss liomer on known career as a steamboat man. " selected " certain rays of tho solar spec- a very sensible change had occurred in is whether they will be governed by foi'ce And undor skies of solxir gniy* the whole will be charged Hie same as the first iueerpart of otfr extern!.K1 country noth-' ler'way to the store, and oneo or twice trum. The paper has been printed under the animal. I t had risen oil its feet, or tijQ. l o Ije i»;iid for when affldovUls made. will govern themselves. walked about the pen, took its food ficeThe Kcpcntaut lliirglfir. ing will ever be well looked after. 5?ho Palkvd with 1 M B had anything to do with the curiously iliexact title of " The InXo nulinnt towers in distunce rise, Our recent civil strife led to great con- public service must necessarily become O n Miiiiiii i i H ' i a i l inn.-. H t i o i i K d he matter or not, I cannot say. But The world of fiction hardly contains a fluence of the Blue Color of tho Sky in ly by the finger, aud manifested great viJTOR Nogorgeoua tMMiaa flaunt tha BkiM> vacity. In a few few days days its it§feble feeblecondic o d i centration of administrative power in the more and more corrupt ; for watchfulness ifter such ocnas-Ons I do know that moro thrilling chapter than an accident Developing Animal and Vegetable Life, vacity . Punters. Hand-Bills. Circulars, Cards, liut all the MaiM In Calm and sad. he spirits of Mr. Douglas Lennox iiu- which marked the life of the late Bev. as Illustrated in the Experiments of tion had entirely disappeared, I t began Federal government j but as tho war was over the countless host of subordinate ofI no&«M>,Labels. BUnk", Uill-Hends, anclorlier temporary and out of the ordinary course ficers becomes an impossible task. One of Yd. hrro und there, along the plain, - of Plain and fancy Job Printing executed mivi.'d considerably. fir. Lee, Presbyterian minister, of theGeneral A. J. Ploasonton between the to grow, and its development Wus A llown* tight! up tin1 (iidiiiK Krw^St with |irnin]'iue:b, und in tlu- best possible style. events, so this extraordinary exertion the most effective measure* ) o-daj> toward' One Sunday afternoon near sunset, village of Waterford, N. Y. years 1861 and 1871, at Philadelphia." vellous. On the :Slst of Mareli%ls7D, two of •And vhiflpetltig wind AM rustling uiin of power should have been temporary and a much needed ci*?il service reform would Muk% gvutlo music as 1 pass. Douglas left a lively circle in bis Mst< r'.s Mr. Leo was sitting in his study about A slight sketch of the results of the ex- liiontlis and five days after its birth, its promptly nirlor, and went out for a quiet walk by midnight, preparing a discourse to de-periments may not bo uninteresting to rapid growth was so ajiparent, that as its ceased.*ly abandoned so soon as the warbe to simplify our tax laws', both those1 And now aud then o happy face, In the revolutionary struggles which regulate the tariff and those relahind quarter was then growing, I told my And now and then a aappy thought, himself. He entered one of the parks, li v*er to his congregation, whon he heard our readers. Give to the scene u solemn grace, son to measure its height, and to note of our forefathers, George Washington ting to the.internal revenue, and thereby nd was strolling through the sunny, a noise behind him, and became conSir Isaac Newton, to whom we owe the The sweeter that it comes unsought. D W I N r . I ' m * Prosecuting Attorney. At green paths, when his heart gave a quick scious that some one was in the ioo:i'. first real positive experiments upon lisrlit, down in writing the height of the hind was for a time invested with powers al- reduce the officers engaged in their enAnn Arbor Tutmday mid Friday<>f each week. And, looking pai*t all earthly ill, jound at the sight of a trim little figure Mr. Lee exclaimed : " what is tho in it- although prismatic analysis was shown quarter, and the timo of toeararentont— most, if not absolutely, dictatorial. Tin: forcement to a number that can well be Offlce •• Court House. IM1 1 know there cornea an hjjur of rest, n blue, resting on one of the shady seats. tcr'r"' and turning around in his chair, from the earliest times in the rainbow, « Inch he did. On the 20th of the follow- moment actual war ceased, this greatest wa/ehed. Iu n dark palaoe, lowly, fltill, n ACK <V S t ' H . n i D , Dealers In Dry Goods. a moment he hesitut d, then he he beheld the grim face of a burglar, who first discovered the different refrungibili- ing May (1870), ju.st fifty days afterwards, of military chiefs gave up his commission, It is right that tlie . uf celeBraP W h c c\cry niiui's a Wylcomc guest. Oroceriui. Crockery, AK. X O . M •South Main divested himself oi power and left all po ting rossed over and spoke. the Fourth of July aEovtldbe kept' was pointing a pistol at his breast. The ty of the rays of light, and Sir John Her- my son again measured tho hind quarter, litical JUr.et. • questions to be sctttled by the tree " Good evening, Miss Homer." up by the Tammany Society, founded; air ruffian had entered tho house by, a side schel subsequently showed that different and found in that time that it had gainONLY A SHOP GIRL. f OKK O U H I S IIAIyl>.HI. n'^'HeiSdonc* iir>dT5rnM Miss Homer arose with the lady-lite window, supposing all the occupants parts of tho solar spectrum arc remarka- ed exactly six inches in height, carrying and peaceful deliberations of the people. it was, for the purpose of resisting efforts Gloves, sir t" Yos sir. What num- race No. 18. corner Williams aud Thompson Streets. The whole civilized world, its mom. which had long told Douglas that were locked in slumber. made, soon after Its formation, to divert odlcc honn l to 3 p. w. ble for different properties. Bearingits lateral development with it. Believ)cr P " 12fi4 he was used to cultivated society, and " Give mo your watch and money," these two facts in miud General Pleason- ing the question solved, tho calf Was its statesmen, its scholars, its people, duf,government from its true principles The words fell with a tired sigh from eturned his salutation. And then they looked with awe upon the simple, granturned into tho barn-yard, and When ICUAI-iElnVBRAV, Roofer Fire and lie lips of the young girl who stood be- at down together, and yielding to thesaid ho " and make no noise, or I will ton, following in the track of Koliert lnin^luig with the cows he manifested deur of the American hero. Today the and practice; You will celebrate the day, Water ProoT. Felt aixl Composition Gravel Hunt, of England, and other European every symptom of full masculine vigor, world at large does reverence to his mem- I am sure, not as mere partisans, but a* lire." ind the counter, and caused Douglas Book put on to order and warranted. Residence ou :alm Sabbath evening influences they Americans, claiming sympathy with and " You may put down your weapon, for experimentalists, undertook totesttho Lennox to take a second look into the Jtffereou Street, Ann Arbor. 11 into a quiet talk, us naturally as ifI shall make no resistance, and you arepowers of the different rays of light in though at the timo ho was only four ory as to no other name among those who troia all who h:u-e faith in the Constitu" have controlled the political destin mouths old. Sinco tho 1st of Apiil of W . KJ.1.IS & COn Druggists and dealers weet face and dark grey eyes which met tey had been old acquaintances. at liberty to tako all the valuables I pos- hastening tho maturation of plants and this year, when lie was fast fourteen men- Xlic human race takes pride in him ; tivin and pride in the past history of out is for the first time, • iu Pants, Oils, etc. Ho. 2 South Main Street, They talked of themselves, and Miss and animals. Ho determined to make months old, he has been kept with my shall we, his own eouutiyme.il, surrender land, and all who are Madjf to guard the' Bending over the box of gloves •\vliieh iomer told Douglas that her home had sess," was Mr. Lee's calm reply. An Arbor. American system of government of HreXl The burglar withdrew his menacing the first experiment upon grapes, and for herd of cows, and lias fulfilled every ex- our faith in-his wisdom? IK; had taken down for his inspection, Q. A . SESSIONS, Attorney and Counsellor ieii in New Haven, and her father was pistol and Mr. Lee said : fram decay as from assault. I t is essenthis purpose in the early part of 18(51 ho pectation that I had formed of him. l i e • :.( Law, tteal l>t:.lt- aud tnaurancc Agent Con. he young girl sighed again, and Douglas Our great civil war ended six years gentleman of means, who had lavished " I will conduct you to tho place whore set about building a cold grapery. H e is now ono of the best developed animals ago. The deliberations of our'people are tial, especially at this time, that our pcoretiucint; aud Colltxliou of < laims promptly at ustily rose from the stool upon which he- pon her, his only child, every advantage itlld be reminded at what cost our tended to on litK-r.i! term*. Ofllce iu Donncllys' says : my most precious treasures are placed." r ad lazily dropped. that can be found anywhere." et free. Powers have »been latelv lie government was established, what not yet BJrek. op stairs, Huron street, Ann Arbor Mich. , hich money and taste could procure. Ho opened the door and pointed to the I am ashamed to sit when you are he told him of the death of her father conferred, under a law of Congress, upon " Finding no beaton track, I was left CHILDKEN EEAUED IX THE SAMK WAY. vigilance on the part of great leaders i t cut where his two children lay slumberH . J A C K S O N , nentlet.sncccssortoC. B. itanding," he said; " I am sure you must the American President, which ought not ml mother in a single week, and how her ing in the sweet sleep of innocence and to grope my way as best I could under quired preserve it from time to • Porter. Office coruer Main aud Hurou streets, In view of all the circumstances of the q d h to p very tired) are you n o t ? " to be entrusted to any man, and which no other's estate proved involved, and loft peace. otw the store of K. W. Ellis & ( o . Ann Arbor, the guidanco of the violet ray alone. My i t they th h l d be b reminded, i d d case—that is always providing the Genand that should The young girl would have refused to er penniless aud alone. jl.fa. UH'^Uietics administered If required. rapery was finished in March, 1861. I t seral's experiments be confirmed—perhaps man is good enough or wise enough to also, that we havo here, " These," said he, " are my choicest jewin fact, the guard" otice a remark from most strangers, upon She told him she had sought for some imensions were—eighty-four feet long, the glowing language in which he close- wield. At his own discretion he may,un ianship of the cause of popular freedom F. l U l l . A K l . Y , M . W., Physician and dtr this wicked law, Suspend in any portans by which to support herself, and jels. Will you take them ?" • Sarfieou. Ollic*1, at residence corner of Hu- any subject except their purchases. There twenty-six feet wide, sixteen feet high at lie said also that as a minister of tho Onmd Division Streets rlrst door east of Presby are some people we instinctively feel we he had finally obtained her situation in tho ridge, with a double-pitched roof. tlie account of his experiments is not too tion of the country—.North, South, East for the whole human race. No event teri.-iu Church , Anu Arbor, Midi. can trust, and Douglas Lennox's kind Mr. Sheldon's store, and kept herself in Gospel he had few earthly possession, and I t was built at the foot of a terraced gar- eloquent. " If by tho combination," says or \Ve.-t- all the lawful rights of its citi- could occur that would be more disgracethat all his means were devoted to but the experimenter, "of sunlight and blue zens and govern it by miiiiary.foree, sub- ful in the history of man than that we, omfort. I J . JOJINSOTf, Dealer in Rats and Cab«, voice, and frank, honest face effectually one object—tho education of tho twoden, in tho direction of N. E. by B. to light from the sky, you can mature quad- ject to no restraint but that of his own with our eminent advantages and with She looked and jt t'urs. Straw Goods. Gents' Furnishing Goods, disarmed resentment. S. W. by W. On three sides of it there And Douglas told her that he, too, was motherless children. The burglar was ic. No 7 Suntli Main -treet, Ann Arbor. Mich. trust in our hands, should suffer said: was a border twelve feet wide, and on the rupeds in twelve months with no greater will—a power less limited, less guarded, this great veinineiit to be lost on this conti" Eather tired. I have been on my feet n orphan, only himself and Bell left: deeply and visibly affected by these re- fourth, or N. E. by E. side tho border supply of food than would bo. used for an moire absolute than that conferred upon o r T i i i : n i . A M » A W H E D O N , Life and ut he touched very lightly on the wealth marks. Tears filled his eyes, and ho inud should imitate here the bad exlent Lincoln iu the time of actual n fir.- (iMuaoce ^-enta, and dcalersai Real Estate. all day," and the faint smile which was only five feet wide, being a walk of immature animal in the same period, you amples found in the Old World, making Office on Iluron Strvet. dimpled the corners of her mouth added, hat was his, lest it should give her pain. dicated sorrow at the act which he had the garden. The borders inside and out- cau scarcely'concoivo of the immeasura- war. While they talked, Miss Eomor dropped been about to commit. EWIS C. KISDON, Dealer in Hardware, in the young mau's eyes, to the winning side were excavated three feet six inches ble value of this discovery to an agriculThe groat political question now before one man and his will supreme over the er fan, aud Douglas picking i t up, saw After a few remarks by Mr. Lee, the deep, and were filled np with tho usual tural people. You would no longer have us is whether, in the future, we are to be people and their rights. Stoves. House r'uriii hiu^Ooods, Tin Wan*, Ac. beauty of her face. No. 31 Smith Main street. " But surely you can sit down when you • rilten upon the plain, ivory handle the would-be criminal consented to kneel and nutritive matter, carefully prepared for to wait five years for the maturity of a the subjects of what is commonly called a Yve should not omit, on this occasion, ame, " Helen liomer." join in prayer; and there in that lonely growing vines. I do not think they Colt; and all your animals could bo pro- Strong government, or shall continue to to recall to our memory the illustrious adACH &. A B E L , Dealers in Pry Goods Gro- have a spare moment! " he said, somewhat " Helen was my mother's name," said house, amid the silence of midnight, the differed ciries, ic. &C.N6 -'0 South .Main .-tn-i t. AMI indignantly. essentially from thousands of duced in the greatest abundance and be, i - heretofore a strong people.J All po- ministrations of Jefferson and Jackson, Arbor. offender poured forth his penitence and other borders which have been made in variety. A prominent member of the bar litical power pertains, oiiight/to the peo- .who, when called at different periods in The young girl shivok her head. " No, e reverently. Was it ? I t is mine," said Miss Ho- remorse, while the representative of reli- many parts of the world. Thefirstques-a short time since told mo that his sister, ple ; Whatever is conferred ofl the govern- our history to tho Presidency, although LAWSON A; S O " , Gr«er», Provision and not in business hours." is a widow of a late distinguished ment is so much taken from tlium. What th. ).is( Ives clothed with the extensive Rommlssion Merchants, and dealers In Water gion, of peace and good-will, told him to " It is a shame," s;iid Douglas, " I have mer, in pleased surprise. to be solved on the completion of the who Live, Laud Plaster, aud Plaster Paris. No. li> East " I am glad it is yours," said Douglas, " go and sin no more." Such, a scene has tion General in the army, had applied blue many legitimately belonging to that ofheard that such abominations existed in frame of the grapery was the proportion mencalla strong government (mean- powers Huron street. nd he fell to thinking how often he had few parallels. light to the rearing of poultry, with the ing one lice, and having) each of them, an extraour city, but I never really believed it." of blue or violet glass to be used on the of extended, unlimited powi rs; his mother's name, " Helen Lenremarkable success after having ordinary degree of personal influence reSOXDHKI.TI* Whojeaale and Retail l)i-nler " It is allowed in some stores," said the nittcn roof. Should too much be used it would most • in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, CaSffliueree, ox," and how much ho would like to heard of my experiments. I n regard to aecossarily implies a weakened people. sulting from the confidence and attachMusic and J)ancing> reduce the temperature too much, and rwUngs.andGent'a FuruUhing Uo^ds. No.y South young lady. The two —" a strong government " and a it again with an " I I " between tho the human family, its influence would be ment of the people, abstained from taking Maiu Street. It was in London, and in 1811. Weber cause a failure of tho experiment, if too wide "Then why do you not leave your write aines. spread—you could not only in tlie strong people—cannot exist together. advantage thereof to enlarge their own r was in a boat on the river with some place here and go to such a one ? asked little it would not afford a fair test. At This question of whether we shall make l l ' T I . lH Af»>KIl» Dealer in Ready H«deCloth p ;s, but, on the contrary, devoted They sat very still a little while, hartl- ladies, and began to perform on the flute, a venture I adopted every eighth row of temperate regions produce the early maM ing.tlutbc Cualneres, VcstinirB. IlaU. Caps, Douglas. turity of tho tropics, but you could in- the government strong or keep the people ih. iiisclves to restoring the proper limits Trunks, Carpet Hags, &c. '^1 South Main street. She gave another faint smile. " If you y talking at all, and forgetting the llite- which he played to perfection. But see- glass on the roof to bo violet colored, vigorate tho constitutions of invalids, ami strong is one that underlies our party div- upon both the executive and legislative ess of the hour, until the gleam of theing that his boat was closely followed by' alternating the'rows on opposite sides of E A: FI8KJE) Booluellers and Sta- had been a shop girl for fotjr years, and develop in the young a generation phvsi- isions, but is at (limes presented more i M'dio.tl Lsw and Ooliftge Text Bo<ks, knew the difficulties of getting a situa- treot lamps close by startled Miss Eo- another, in which 'were several young thj! roof, so tha,t the'sun iu its daily course Willcli li-Kt been, iu many respects, overI d i f i * \ l ....11-- JLA : ol Hi:d MUCCIIHIICOUS ttooks. No. 3 North Main tion, you would not ask that question." ner. plainly nly presented p r e s e t d .u the revolution ot looked aii.l disregarded by their predecesofficers, he put his flute in his pooket. shuuld caai a beam of \ lolet light t.Gregory <Biock, Aim Arbor. The advocates of a strong govern- SOUfc We shall best do honor to the memThen hastily pushing a second • box of She hastily arose, saying, " I "did not "Why <lo you st.ip playing!"' said on every leaf in the grapery. Cuttings of come a. marvel in mankind. Architects 1776. T vines of some twenty varieties of grapes, would be required to so arrange . the in-ment lost. I t was again sharply presen- ory of these two great statesmen by ourA-. W S gloves toward him, she added in a lower now it was so late. 1 must go home a t of the officers to Weber. ^S nee." ,Shippers, Ac. No. -i E:tst Iluron street. tone: " l-'or the same reason that I began," each ono year old, of the thickness of a troduction of these mixed rays of light ted in the contest which brought ^Ir. Jef-selves renewing the work in which they Douglas rose, too, saying, " May I ac- replied tho composer. pipe-stem, and cut close to the pots con- into our houses that the occupants might tcr.snu into the Presidency, when also the were so earnest, restraining unwise and " Mr. Sheldon is coming this way. I derive the greatest benefit from their in- advocates of a strong government were improvident legislation, restoring the simtaining them, were planted in the bor" Aud that is':" should lose my place here if he heard ompany you 'i " W II. DAVENPORT & CU.f She hesitated a moment, her color came ders inside and outsido of tho grapery, fluence. Mankind will then not only be put down. It is again as sharply presen- plicity and consequent purity in the adwhat I said. Please look at the gloves." " Because it pleases me." And Douglas, not stopping to examine ind went, and then she, looking up with " Well, then," said the officer, " take up in the early part of April, 1861. Soon able to live fast, but they can live well ted to us to-day, and whatever questions ministration of Federal affairs, combating of lesser or more temporary importance tie- disposition of Congress to meddle with whether he got the number he w&nted or :i pleading glance, said: " I had rather your flute again, or it will please mo to after being planted the growth of tho and also live long." may have divided the people on oth- t 00 a 11 airs outside of their jurisdiction, lessenvines began. Thoso on tho outside were not, quickly selected two or three pairs, you would not, Mr. Lennox." throw you iuto the water." Douglas flushed then, but he asked Bo Fishes Tli ink { caaions, it is their duty now to consider ing the burdens of taxation, and putting paid for them and left the store. The composer, seeing that the dialogue trained through earthen pipes in the "Will you tell me why \ " A writer, illustrating tho question above all things, whether the absorption the government once more on the safe - - MICHIGAN- But carried with him the imago of thegently, was unpleasant to the ladies he was with, walls to the inside, and as they grew they SALINE Helen was silent, and crimson deepen- gave way and began playing again. were tied up to the wires liko those which whether or not fishes think, relates tho of all power into the central government, track pointed out by the chart left us by sweet-faced shop girl, and it haunted him ng in her fair face, and presently Doug- When leaving his boat, however, he ac- hud been planted within. Very soon tho following incident : which is going on a t a fearful rate, is con- t i e wise founders of the Kepublic. AND SELL unaccountably all day. repeated his demand in a iirmer tone costed the bold son of Mars, and said : vines began to attract great notice of all The roach practices a system of mutual sistent with the permanent welfare of the The acceptance or non-acceptance of " Poor, tired little thing," he said, pity- 'asPlease tell me why, Miss Homer." Government Securities, Gold Coin, Drafts ingly. " I wish she were my sister, and " Sir, the fear of annoying tho people who saw them from the rapid growth instruction on the banks of the Loir,;— people, or even with the permanent en- certain amendments which have recently Because, Mr. Lennox, a young girl in who were with me made me brook your they were making. Every day disclosed please, net to confound le Loir with la durance and strength of the government been made a part of the Constitution of on Detroit, New York, Boston, and other Cities then she needn't work so hard. the United States is not a practical quesAlao receive money <m Deposit, make Collccions, Once or twice he curled his haughty my position cannot have tho friendship insolence ; but to-morrow I will have en- some new extension, and the gardener Loire,—where stands an abbey. Oppo- itself. and attend promptly to all businc.-s pertaiuiug to lip at the idea that he, the aristocratic •A a gentleman in yours without—" she tire satisfaction. We can meet in Hyde was kept busy in tying up tho new wood site the abbey, in the midst of tho meadIt has been proved that this great Up tion. The civil status of the colored man Banking. park at 10 o'clock. If you have no ob-which the day before he had not observ- ows, some cold springs of purest water iou of ours cannot bo torn asunder. I t is is established, and he is in actual possesDouglas Lennox, who was sole master of lesitated and could not go on. Muiiej loaued on npproved Securities. Without making herself a mark for idle jections, we will fight with swoMs; we ed. In a few weeks after the vines had been break out, and uniting, hasten to join the clear, too, that the rights of States are sion of the right of sgffrage. The task be}3-'Sm3 a handsome place on the Delaware, who counted his money by the thousands and md thoughtless tongues, I suppose you need no seconds ; the quarrel is only be- planted, the walls and inside of the roof Loir in a broad, shallow, chilly stream rights within tlie Union, best protected fore us is to save the Constitution as a J". F. SCHAEBEELE, who for certain reasons had been the law- mean !" asked Douglas, with a dash of tween you and me, and it is quite useless were closely covered with the most luxu- which is known in the neighborhood as by the peaceful remedies provided by the whole. To save it as it is requires our rious and healthy development of foliage tho Gue Froid, the Cold Ford, and is the Constitution. If, however, we abandon best efiorts. The question of the day ia Teacher of Music, Gives Instruction on the to bring in strangers." ful prey of all the managing mammas bitterness in his tone. resort of whole shoals of magnificent the wholesome principles which controlled whether we are to live under a ConstituiSlie bowed her head in assent. and matrimonially inclined daughters in " The officer accepted the challenge. and wood." roach. Nowfishhave their perversities,in the construction of our Union, a decay tion at all, which shall be construed by Douglas quickly a^ked another ques- He was at the rendezvous at the appointsociety, should be wasting so many tion : " Miss liomer, I have sought your ed hour, and met Weber as agreed on. at his office* No. 57 South Maiu atreet, (Moore'b thoughts on a little shop girl. In September of that year a noted as well as men ; and not a single angler moro fatal than violence must supervene. an impartial court, so as to limit and rebuitdfugj, or at th« residence of the pupil. a good many times lately. Have He drew his sword, and put himself on seedsman (li. Buist, Sr.,J from whom the for miles round about could -ever get aThis vast continent can no more be well srain, asit was intended to do, legislaBut she was aristocratic, he was also society been the cause of any such pain to guard, when Weber presented a pistol at general had procured his vines visited his fish to take a hook in tho Gue Froid. One governed, in all things, by one central gov- tive and executive power alike, or under PIANO TUNING, democratic, and had no false notions Iyou ?" grapery. He measured some of the vinos June morning, M. Do la Blanchere re- ernment at Washington than was thea hollow form of a Constitution, interpre•ide a speciality and satisfaction guarautced; his throat. about caste. 1814/1 and found them forty-five feet long, and solved to try, employing a mode of fish- .whole, of of Europe well governed from ted, according to the expediency of tho Helen seemed deeply agitated, and did " Do you mean to murder me!" said And when rather early next morning an inch in diameter, while varieties of ing unknown to those parts and conse- Koine, in the days of the Koman empire. hour, by Congress itself, such interpretanot reply until the young man said cnthe officer. he took his way to the same store, DougP ROCKERY. unknown to the fish of theThe results would be, now as then, loss of tion being enforced by an unrestrained "No," said Weber, " b u t be kind like ago and size when planted—at the quently las acknowledged te himself that his pur- treatingly, " Tell me, Mis.s Homer." character and vigor in the people, and. Executive. The danger is imminent that A little," she answered faintly, then enough to put up that sword and dance same time too—were, under the ordinary place. chase was merely an excuse and his real GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, object an honorable interest in and aonce more looking up a t him with a a minuet, or you are a dead man." treatment, only puny spindlings not more Every kind of fishing -was practiced sooner or later, the breaking down of the we may lose sight of tho principles upon itself. The Constitution of which this government is founded, and warm desire to see again the winning pleading glance which touched his heart, The officer made some objection, b u t than five feet long and scarcely increased there except fly-fishing, which determin- government J. & I?- Donnelly^ ed him to make the experiment with a the United States made a wise distribu- which constitute its vital_ force—-princiface which haunted him ever since yes- she added, " But I know you did not in-the authoritative and determined tone of in diameter since thoy were planted. tend it, and I have been trying all tho nnve in store alargestockof Crockerj, GlaRsware, Weber seemed to influence him, and not- In tho following season the growth was fine kitchen bluebottle stuck on tlie barb tion of powers between the Federal and pies which gave to the Kepublic great fitted Ware, Cutlery Groceries, &c, 4 c , all to bu terday. evening to tell you that when we part withstanding the arrival of some people if anything moro remarkable. They were of his hook. Scarcely had it touched the the State governments. The Federal gov- prosperity before the war, and, in war, told at unusually low prices. That she recognized him, Douglas felt here, it had better be for good." No. 12 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor on the scene of action, he went through started to grow in March, after having water before one, two, three, ten, twenty, ernment must fail to fulfill its proper du- saved it from dissolution. sure, from the faint, sweet smile that U28tf JT. A P . D O N M E L L T . The young man's resolution was in-what he was asked, or rather told to do. been cleaned and pruned in the preceding fifty roach passed, one after the other, ties if it undertakes to discharge, in addiVery truly yours, again dimpled the corners of her small stantly taken. JOHN T. UOFFJIAX. " Sir," said tho musician, " you com- January. " Besides the formation of new into his basket, until it made his should- tion to its own, the functions of tho State mouth. JOHN G. GALL, shall not tell me any such thing, pelled me yesterday to play against my wood," says the general, " and the display ers ache. He returned as proud—well, governments. Having too much to do, it But he said nothing, however, only with nor You I don't mean to part with you at all. wish—I have compelled you now toof the most luxuriant foliage, there was a as Lucifer. But. nobody would believe will do nothing well. D E A L E R I3XT Why Women Fall. an eager glance oi admiration, aud, whea I understand you mean, and I would dance against yours. Our bond is over. great number of bunches of grapes, which he had caught them in tho Gue Froid. \\ e have a shining instance before our in making change, her soft hand acci- give my right what The '• social evil " is not confined by a my life—rath- However, if you should bo dissatisfied soon assumed the most remarkable proThe only way. to convince the incredu- eyes to-day in the case of imperial France. great deal, to the places where it exists dently touched his, it sent a thrill through er than injure hand—yes, portions—tho bunches being of extrayou. But I suppose that L A R D , SAUSAGES, E t c . , In that great empire centralization has lous was to take them with him, one by still. I am quite ready to give you any his whole frame. Orders solicited and promptly filled with thebest ordinary magnitudo, and the grapes of one, and by revealing tho secret, enable been complete. Municipalities and prov- in its more public manifestation. Awhile even a shop girl may have an honest " Whew !" he said to himself, lifting his lover, a husband, and a home. Miss Ho- satisfaction you may wish for." ugo, having some curiosity to ascertain if aeatt in the market. 31 East Washington street. unusual size and development." I n the The officer held out his hand, and beg- following September the same seedsman them to have the same sviccess; which he inces were governed from the capital, not the " personals " in the Sunday's Tribune hat and drawing a free breath as he left mer—Helen—if I offer you these, will you Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. ISSStf by tlieir own people. General nnd local did. ged his adversary to honor him with his came to visit tho grapciy again, and the store. " Douglas Lennox, I believe accept them ? " wero bona fide, and, if so, what was tho The fSIt timo, he and his friend had a affairs alike were administered by onecharacter of those advertising, I answered AKIvSEV, friendship. From that moment an at-after having critically examined its conin my soul you are captivated a t last central authority. For twenty years past Helen Homer trembled so that she was tachment sprang up between them which less abundant catch than when he tried and that, too, by a little shop girl, whose four of them. In time I received replies, tents estimated the weight of grapes as name you don't even know! Wonder obliged to sit down again. " You can- lasted to the day the illustrious composer being 1,200 pounds. One may well bc- the trick alone. Nevertheless, tho sport all this centralized power has been in the with the following result: No. 1. A wid Manntactn rcr of lianas of one strong, able man. On the not mean it," she faltered. "Oh, Mr.died. was not bad. They each of them took what sister would say ! " And astonished at this product whon it is con- some thirty roach. Everybody was now surface things appeared to be going on ow who keeps a boarding house on Michigan avenue, about 1)0 years of ttgS, with thought of his stylish sister entering th Lennox, don't trifle with me! " sidered that in grapo-growing countries smoothly and prosperously ; so much so one child. No, 2. A young lady on WaDouglas sat down beside her, and took convinced, as well they might be. AND SLEIGHS of every style, made of the best sume store, and perhaps, trading with T H E SPECVI-ATOR'S BEQUEST.—Stubbs where that fruit has been cultivated for Next day he returned to the Gue Froid that .some Americans, not firm in then- bash avenue, near twenty-second street) material, and warranted. Horse shoeing and He that very little girl, entirely unconsciou in his own one of the little, hands ho hadhad boon away from his native town a centuries, a period of timo of from five to with Pairing done promptly and prices reasonable. so longed to hold and caress. " God fourteen companions. He got sixfaith in our own system of government. about twenty-two years old. No. 3. A Detroit Street, Dear It. K. Depot, Ann Arbor, .Mich that her brother's eye had ever rested ad- knows I would not trifle with you, dear good many years. H e returned with six years will elapse before a single bunch have been weak enough to contrast our widow on one of the "courts" between roach ; nobody else got anything. 1322l miringly on the sweet face, Douglas streaks of silver in his hair, deep furrows girl," he said solemnly, " and He knows I of grapes can be prodnced from a young The day after, twenty anglers went to Wabaeh and Michigan avenues, about laughed aloud. upon his brow, and a stoop in his shoulddo mean it, I never meant anything in T thirty-two years of age, with three chiljT)R. 0. B. Well, after the little speech he made a: my life before. I have loved you, Helen ers. Upon the first favorable opportuni- vine, while here were plants only seven- work. Everybody's share was—exactly teen mouths undor cultivation giving a nothing at all. The roach had completed dren. No. 4. A married woman residing he left the store, I think you can imagin —let me call you so—ever since the first ty we called to see him, for he had been DE1STTIST. lias recently been put to the test. When on South Park avenue, about thirty, with about what followed. I t was astonish time I met you in the store, and I have our schoolmate and playmate in other most remarkable yield. I t was of course their education. predicted that tho fertility of the vine All fish, therefore, are not absolute the day came for the French government a sickly husband and no children. All 03i« iu the SAVINGS BARK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. ing how many little purchases Douglai longed to take you away from toil, and times. Wo found him sitting by his found he could not do without in theurround you with luxury. I am able to table, in a thoughtful mood, with his would be soon exhausted, but up to May, fools. But we should know moro about to exert its utmost strength it was found wanted thasame thing -a " friend" who than we do if every angler was a sa-to be weak and rotten, utterly incapable could asast them -tlie young Lady and ill Operations on the Natural Teeth noxt few weeks. And from dropping in o this, Helen, for I am wealthy, though right hand resting upon a largo well- 1871, nothing of tho kind had occurred. fish the in .vried lady spoke oi dress particuvant, which would become oppressive to of protecting t h e people from th'' i m at any store he happened to pass, he did not tell you this before." known pocket-book. Cordial greetings HOW THE VIOLET KAY MATURED PIGS. PERFORMED WITH CARE. the reading public, or if every savant while the people, Llhusod to sell reliance, larly. went to one particular store ; and if it so transpired, and anon ho lapsed again into " And I am only a poor girl, with nothUNSURPASSED FACILITIES The success of t h e general's experi- were an angler, which might be harder wsfre equally incapable Of defending th iinhappened that he was waited on by any a reflective mood. So much for that one experiment, which, AND EXPERIENCE other than the one particular clerk, he ng to offer you in return," said Helen ments in grape-growing, led him to make lines on fishes than they really deserve. selves. " Does n't it seem good to get back to I assure you, is litoraUy troe* Now the • j : l i:i?_ XT.. ioftly. some experiments upon animal life. He had the blues all day in consequence. Contrast the helplessness of France, in organ of this class of people is publishold place once more ? " wo a t length selected pigs upon which to first t r y his " Nothing! you have the most precious the Blacksmiths. How earnestly he longed to learn her this great crisis, with what we were capa- ing these " personals " all the time—esventured. hand. I n tho autumn of 1869 ho built a iossession that ever comes to a man in The Phrenological Journal has a curious ble of at the outbreak of our recent civil pecially every Sunday. The facts I have name, nobody knew b u t himself. H e " Yes," said he. piggery, into the roof and three sides of TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, dared not ask her, and he did not know he world—you have a woman's heart, my We hoped he had done well during which he introduced violet colored and article on blacksmiths, in which they aie war. We had always lived under what related go to show that the evil is fearDillnrei o/t*e proper lixt, $kapt,color. jirmncttanil kow else he should learn. But " fortune darling ! Will you give me that ? " his absence. Ho looked up and faintly white glass in equal proportions. He viewed from a new point. I t regards the was called a weak central government, fully ou t!ie increase all ov«r the city,and na al czjirettiun, 1244 blacksmith as a pprince of mechanics, lie limited in its powers, witiifewdutiaa de- indicate •< Btate ol morals not of the most favors the brave," you know; so one " If you will take it, Mr, Lennox." smiled. separated a recent litter of pigs into two And Lennox, too deeply moved to morning as he was selecting some fine is a t once an artist and machinist. He volved upon it. Before the war the mass favorable kind. " All that I havo gained," said he, " I J^UMBER YARD. parties, placing one in a common pen uncambric handkerchiefs from a box, thespeak, drew her close t o his heart, as shall leave to my favorite nephew and der ordinary sunlight, and tho other un- who can mould a statuej having in his of our people never saw an official of the One result'of my investigations on this proprietor of the store came up and ad-they sat in the thick shadow, and pressed heir ; and it will be valuable to him if he der the violent ray. In order to moke it mind tho imago, while tho clay is yetcentral government except in the , subject is to lead me to the conclusion "lis first kiss upon her lips. but a rude mass, and knows how to re-of the village postmaster. Tin! ho dressed her as Miss liomer. rightly uses it," And ho laid his hand as far as possible an wcptr&mtntwn tnuis, move the excrescent parts, and mould the that tlie passion for dress and display 18 Helen's days of weary toil were over, again upon tho old pocket-book. Douglas flashed a quick, pleased glance strong governments of Europe sneered at ho selected tho lightest woights and puni- mass into the requisite forms, has the ase for a large portion of this evil. she never forgot, while reigning queen at her, and the color deepened on thebut " I t is in there? " we suggested. our central authority as being utterly nvineed that more ,^*' a lar^c and well dtocked Lumber Tftrd on young girl's cheek as she met it with hci of her husband's princely home, how his " I t is all in this pocket-book," he nod- est specimens to bo acted upon by tho ac- same talent which tho blacksmith re- helpless for any great crisis. Our civil I am thoi'i. prison Street, In the south part of the City, and love sought her out when '• only a shop ded ; " but," ho added, " the key to thetinic rays of light. The two sets of pigs quires, who withdraw*from the forge the war proved that ours was the strongest ^irls are seduced into a life of shame by a ™"1 keep constantly on haud an excellent variety of eye. were treated exactly alike ; fed with the flaming bar of metal, and is required to desire to keep up with the times in fashwealth I shall put upon the ontside. I govenoaaent in the world. It w " Miss liomer," he repeated, I am glad girl." And many a young girl who stood in had just planned to write i t as yousame kind of food a t equal intervals of mould it with his hammer into the desir- because it had not, by absorbing all ionable at tire than in an\ oth<T way. I n I have learned your name, because you time, aud with equal quantities by meas- ed shape. This shape must exist in his 1 believe that three out of every five kkenedthe jieople. I t fact remind me ofraysister." (Oh, Douglas ! her former position found a true friend came." ure at each meal, and were attended by mind us the statue does in the mind of power into enter the gate that leads to destruction •kith will be sold as low aa can be afforded in this it wasn't because she looked like her and ready helper iu the beautiful and had not, by undertaking to do everything " A direction for its use ? " was our sup- the same man. They were put in thethe sculptor, and though the fact of rethrough the wiles of the tempter—Fash•nsrket. petted wife of Douglas Lennox. then !) position. Quality and prices «uch that1 pens on the third day of November, 18G9, peated blows seems a rude way of work- for them, rendered the people incapable of doing anything for themselves. On " I have no sisters, or brothers either," " A hint from which ho might gain and kept there until the fourth day of !h" women themselves, therefore, who BEGINNING I N L I F E . — direction," said Stubbs. " I shall fold March, 1870, when they wore weighed ing out his nrtistieal thought, it is only the contrary, our peojile, having beep left NO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITshe said sadly. so becauso his metal is less malleable to govern themselves in their several run riot in t h e extravagance of dress twe The newspapers often contain an acount " Have you not ? " said Lennox, pitythis old book in an envelope ; and upon again. Tho aggregate weight of the than the plastic clay. We contend that C. K B A P P . Ann Arbor, January 20th, 1871. ingly. " I should be very lonely without of Vanderbilt's beginning. Most of these the envelope I shall write this legend : three sows under the violet light on thowhoever can lie s first-class blacksmith neighborhoods, to take cure of their Local principally more chargeable in my opin986 mine, though I have only one sister accounts are apocalyptical. His own ' " The result of thirttmyeard tireless wan- 3d of November, 18G9, was 122 pounds; could bo also an artist in clay and affairs for themselves were perfectly self- ion with the existence and extension of C. JENKINS & " Now I have learned your name, may I statement of his first real success is th is : lU-rimj and tpeaulaiion.' " on the 4th of March, 1870, it was 620 marble. But tho blacksmith, in order to r e l i a n t w h e n t h e ^ c n c i a l f . - o v . i - i n e - n t w a s the " social evil " than arc the men.—ChiHo was a young man on Staten Island. for a time, at the first outbreak of the war, eago Btpvbl tell you mine r1" pounds, increase 398 pounds. Tho ag" And the book contains—" reduce the linn motal to tlie form reHe was a master of rowing. l i e was " Nothing!" H. RANDOLPH -WHITE, M. D. " If you please," said Miss Homer. gregate weight of the three sows in thequired, must have muscle, strength, ex- cut oil'from all communication with the country. Preparations to meet the crisis " I t is Douglas Lennox at your service athletic, strong and daring. One night a old pens on tho 3d of November, lSli'.t, Cavoda was executed on the 1st inst. ecutiveness, resolution, thoroughness, went on just as promptly without the orDENTISTS. Please consider the owner your friend stranger came to the landing and wanted A lady, in a philosophical mood, asked was 1-11 pounds, and on tho 4th of Ma i.h. power, and, if we might say it, the ele-ders of the government. A committee of at Puerto Principe. He previously to be rowed across to Gowanus. The COESER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. Miss Homer," said the young man sc night was dark and stormy, and tho wind a male friend how it happened that boys 1870, i t was 530 pounds, increase 386 ment! of fineness joined with the ele-citizens in your city raised some millions wrote letters to Yillamil, his brother gravely and kindly that she could not b pounds, or 12 pounds le.->s than those unAdolpho and other Cuban generate adblew a gale. Not a boatman could be got nil their bad traits from fathers. tho violet glass had gained. Tho in-ments of coarseness ; tho elements of taste of money tor immediate expenditure in vi. ing them to surrender, as that was the All Operations peiformed In t h e offended. "I don't know," was the reply; "but der found who would leave. Tho landlord with tho elements of strength. war preparation. One distinguished citifluence of the violet ray was thus even " Thank you," she said simply. Then LVor thc\ c |uld do to Cuba; that " There is nobody who can row you perhaps it would help us to answer if we hero very marked, though owing to the A first-class blacksmith requires to bo a i/.en oi" our State, the late Gen. V\ Most Thorough and Scienpushing the box of handkerchiefs nea said, •itinuition of the struggle would could find out where the girls get their lateness of the season it is doubtful if it first-classman; and though his fa. over but Corn. Vanderbilt"—for so he worth, opened widQ his private purse and tific manner. him, added, " Do these suit t" only entail t':iu USoloSB shedding of blood, was called. I t was doubtful, he said, blemishes from." bought, on his own account, loads of probLickoned and his hands hard, he will was then as powerful as in spring or midDouglas was very quick to tako th whether he "would do it. Vandorbilt was and that the Cuban cause was lost at Nitrous Oxide Gas constantly on hand, " Oh," replied the fair metaphysician, generally be found with a iine, strong visions, which ha shipp-dto Washington, home and in the United Si gentle reminders which she sometime found, and in answer to the request, re- " they all come from their grandfathers." summer. »n« administered with perfect safety. brain. gave him, that he was prolonging hi I3»o-yl. Till i l l l i p ARGUS ~" Vol. XXVI. ARBOE, F R I D A Y , J U L Y 14, 1871. f h BUSINESS DIRECTORY. E M M R J W f W I L B S S BANKERS, PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, N. Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETH, C. KRAPF, LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH & C No. 133O EyncTi Law In Illinois. Estate of Heman E. Gage. Railroad Accident. THE twenty horse power boiler in the The Dayton Tornado. OTATEOF MICHIOAN.County of Washtcnaw.s.. WATSEKA, I I I . , . July 5. NEWARK, N. J., July 8. sash andjblind factory of J. W. INGERSOLL, O At n sewoii of tile Probate Court for tht'Connly The Dayton .Journal of the lOtJi comes Martin M«ara, who brutally murdered At ten or fifteen minutes past eight f Waslitcuaw, kotdea »t the Probate Office, In the Detroit, located at 66 and 68 Fort street o'clock ; with, voluminous details of the d^-truo-ity of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-sevi-ntb this morning, the 7:45 train from his boy, near Gilman, on the 14th of June, <OR RENT i :o at that place on Sunday lay of .iuin>. In the year one thousand eight | \ , | l C m u A ! V »l A< • 11 > I It \ B K P O T east, exploded at about the hour of 4 New York and the 8:05 train from New- was hung by the neck at 8 this evening hundred aud seventy-one. ] i, ..July 9th. The Journal says the o'clock r. ir. of Saturday. The engine ark sighted each other, then dashing by a mob of his follow citizens who went Present. Hiram.I. Buakes.Juden? of Probate. gtorm gathered in the northwest. The In the Q. S, W0RMER & SON, to the jail at this place, headed by Dr. B. A DESIRABLE STORE ! deceased. matter of the estate oTHernan R. Gage, atmosphere was very sultry, the mercury FRIDAY MORNIKG. JULY 14. 1871- house was literally blown to fragments, along at full speed. " J. Daniels of Gilman. They disarmed the Dealers in all kinds of OnreadingandulinKlhe petition duly veriflcdol THE 0OLLI8I0N. the entire roar end of tho factory blown ranging at.90 in the sifade, but there wasSheriff, who fired one shot, but doing no And CELLAR. Al%> one Fine Front Room over luth R liage and Russell WblppV, Admtnlstra. THE NEW YORK RIOT. their New Store, No. 18 Main St.. from August 1st, o r s p r n j ing that they maybe licensed to sell ccr- "Wood & Iron Wortting Matrtifa,,^ a stiff refreshing breeze. In the nordown, the whole building seriously inNo whistles wore blown and without damage. 1871. Bnquire of aln real estate whcreol said deceased tiled s e i e d . The riot in New York, on Wednesday, jured. Tho saw factory of Mr. MELLUB, any dimunition in impetus they apnor west, however, there was a sullen M ">i «nr1 rn.T.nVrsnn AVe., Detroit, Mic, FURTHER PARTICULARS. lB30.tr o . W . HAYS. Supt. Thereupon It is ordered, thai Wednesday, the oloud, almost unbroken. The thunder the anniversary of the battle of Boyno adjoining was also badly dninnged, and proached the switch at Brill's Farm, which lixtuen h day of >a^u»t next, at ten o'clock in the | . i K I V I A A M l i l l I \ < : CHICAOO, July 8. oreuoou, be assigned for the hearing of sale was terrific, the lightning vivid, the wind and celebrated by the Orangemen, was se- I tho railroad runs through. A gravel train WESTERN STKAM A special from Watseka, Iroquois Co., IlUILDERd ATTENTION, other buildings in tho vicinity more or had last been switched off there, and the petition and that the heirs at law of raid dec- a»ed, Vv almost furious, and'the rain poured down ind at) other persons interested in sard estate, MARBLE WORK§ as if the flood-gates of heaven had open- rious and greatly to be regretted, though less so. The engineer, JAMES MCKENZIE, switch had not been replaced and the111., says that a crowd of citizens from that are required to appear at a session ofsaidCourt Manufacturers of Marble and Marbleiztd M»- ," ed fairlyfora deluge. The lightning, not so serious as was threatened, owing to was buried beneath several feet of brick, trains meeting each other immediately at town and the surrounding country, to the hen to beholden at the Probate Office.in th> citv of Cabinet and Plumbers'Stock. MonurarmJ? *\ SANFORD & CARPENTER Ann Arbor, and show cause. II any there be.why Ccmetry Work of everj description on hund iu* thunder, the streaming rain, the air filled ^lio prompt and energetic action of Gov. mortar, and timber, had his collar bone the junction the New York train ran off number of nearly one thousand, including :he prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: py petiti men, women and children, proceeded to **» with '.e ives and brunches of trees, shin- HOFFMAN. On Monday, Superintendent the up track on to the down track and I s f i u t h d d that rnlripetitioncr lrititi i m>- denier* in Orates Vnd it Isfiutherordered nivo the jail in that place last night, and took broken, and was otherwise badly bruised. cut right into its vis-a-vis, and jumping MACHINISTS ice to ihepursoosiutereeted gle-, slate, and tin rooting, were terrific if in said estate ol the pen. Cor. Monroe AVe. and Farmer s t , Detroit vuv therefrom Martin Meara, whose brutal 0 O KELSO, under the advice and direction of A workman named SHARPE was not dency of said petition, and the hearinr thereof, by not terrifying. from the tracks bounded -"™ * • £ ppy f hi O d d bp b l i h d i t h ; murder of his son, a ladtenyears of age, Jfct a.streot:in the city escaped' the Mayor HALL, issued an order prohibiting rescued until an hour and a half after the Arc prepared to do all kmcli of IUckyanArffHt,\ newtpapcrprlntcd audcircnlating DOWN THE EMBANKMENT, «l Dealers In was described in my dispatches lat>t night, n imid county, four successive weekf prevlout to Blast Whero no trees were torn up orthe procession of the Orangemen. This explosion, but was not as seriously in- into a ditch, dragging with it three of the and proceeded with him to a convenient said day of hearing. CARPETS AND DRY GOOD flung down, limbs wore torn, off or houses foremost cars. Tho smoking car of the j HIRAM J. HEAKE8. near at hand, where, after giving LATHE SCREW CUTTING, PLANING, CAtrnecopy unroofed. Scarcely a garden io tie city order was revoked on Tuesday by Gov.jured as MCKENZIE. Several persons in down train was thrown upon the tender place, 1330 Judcc of Probate 8T Woodward Avc.cor. Lnrned 8t twenty minutes to prepare himself POWER N. B. We have u immerse Btoett and will » escaped, and there was not a- street in the HOFFMAN, and guarantee given that the the vicinity were also injured by falling of the engine, and tho first passenger car him and pray, a rope was placed around his Estate of John E. ^Voodworth. Roods l'W enough R g to make It an ..bject for thnJi city—and oar reporters were traveling in Orangemen would be protected by thetimbers or bricks, and it is a great won- behind telescoped into it for full fifteen neck, thrown over the limb of a tree, and thnJi th iint<-rii-r t i t ** to b buy offus. OF MICHIO *N, County of Wathtennw.es the buggies or on horseback front three o'clock entire military force of the State. der that no lives were lost. Cause of the feet. In a few moments subsequent to the hundreds of ready hands aided in string- BRIDGE AND BUILDING BOLTS ! OTATK CARPETS, we make a specialty. v~ At a neislon of the Probate Court for the County until pitch dark—that escaped the storm. of Wa»htenaw, holden at the Probate ofiice. In the calamity the terrible fact became appa- ing him, and thero held him until he was Eo.». i'lios'jr & c o , The fury- of the wind was spent in fifteen The mob gathered at various points on accident a lack of water. City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the sixth day dead. The leader of the daring party ——ALSO ent that of July. In the year one thousand eight hundred G Chas- Noble. Geo, S. Kro»l. rj. W. or twenty minutes, during which time the Wednesday, and around the outskirts of and seventy-one. was Dr. Daniels, of Gilman ; he and his THE CAR8 AND ENGINES WERE ON FIRE. HNK -A.NU lightning was sharp, the thunder grand, the infected districts there was some IT IS given out that Senator SCHURZ has IIIrani 1. Beakes. Jndge of Probate claim that Meara could only be STEAM AND GAS PITTING Present. In the matter of the estate of John R. Woodworth, FAEMIiCG and the rain- drenchiu-g, the gutters over- skirmishing. The procession moved at deolared in favor of the nomination of The flames spread rapidly and soon en- abettors of manslaughter, and for that incompetent. flowing, and running upon the sidewalks about 3:30 p. M., having formed on 29th CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS for Vice Pros? veloped everything within their reach. convicted Emory Birnes, Onarditn of «ald eatate, conies FOtt SALE reason they were justified in putting the in many places. The greatest Into Court and represents that he it now prepared arch-fiend beyond the reach of mercy.— IN ALL ALL ITS Bit INCHES. AOEXTS FOP. to In every part of this State and the Unite render bin second account as such Gnnrdinu. Second street, where shade trees abound, •tract, below 8th avenue, protected by ident by the Republicans. And with ALARM AND TERROR Meara, previous to hisdeath, renounced Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the seventh DETROIT. •was completely blocked by fallen trees the 6th, 9th and 84th regiments. At 24th GRANT on the lead what a kangaroo af- Prevailed among the passengers. Ladies Masonry and ro-adopted Catholicism. Jay of August next, at ten o'clock in the fore STEAM & GAS FITTERS GOODS noon, be assigned for examlnlrijr nnd allowiiiL- such #J E , S^alraste Co., from tha level to the canal—especially be- and 25th streets the procession was fired fair such a ticket would be it is not nec- screamed and men became frightened and account, and that the m-Xt of kin of §nld low Perry street. incompetent, and all other persons Interact upon, and the fire returned by the mili essary to "rise to explain." But, then, terror stricken and rushed to the doors, Position of the Arkansas Democracy. (JOUKS, VALVES, WHISTLES, INDUSTRIAL AGENCY! The foregoing is a general review of the ed in said estate, are required to appear at a while others throw baskets, bundles, &c, tary with serious effect. No more firing the Republicans will do no such thing.— session of said Court then to be huldeii at the For snpplyiog every description f LITTLE ROCK, ARK., July 11. destructive storm. The sad feature of o &C. ALSO and in some cases small children from the Probate Office, in theCity ot Ann Arbor, in said the day was the loss of human life. Atwas necessary, the police thereafter being They don't like the name of ADAMS just windows. The terror thus created was The Democratic State Central and Conconnt.y, and show cause. If any there be, why the Distriot Committees adjourned least six human beings were killed, and able to drive the mob before them. satdncconnt should not be allowed : And it is furnow. augmented by the report that a score of gressional ordered, that said Gnardtin give notice to Office with OEOftGE 8. FROST & CO to-day. Resolutions were adopted as fol- Model Making of every variety ther many more severely or seriously woundThe losses are put at 35 killed, 175 wounhuman beings were in tho burning camthe persona interested in said estate, of the pen- Detroit, ed. Three were killed in the German lows: Opposing the calling of a State dency or said account, and the hearinc thereof, by THE President has pardoned the bigaages unable to effect their escape. ded, and 200 of the mob prisoners. The Luthern Church, which, excepting the Convention till the National Democratic Basement of Conrier Office, Cor. Main and Cather- causing a copy of this order to he published in the T A M E S J E J i K S , tE-UbibhtdUiT, Michigan Argtit, a newspaper printed and circn THE FIBE ALARM. ine Streets ANN AKDOR. IMO-mS front, was destroyed, and a number killed and wounded include a large num- mist BOWEN, and that model Radical exCommittee should call for a National latinjt in said County, three successive weeks J UeaWr in all kinds of "' wounded ; and two were killed and one ber of innocent persons, on the streets on Congressman is now at large, and at The fire alarm was rung and the fire-Democratic Convention ; disclaiming the previous to said da)' of hearincr. fAtruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, dangerously, perhaps fatally, wounded by business and from curiosity. We have no liberty to take a fourth wife to his em- men were on the scene promptly to extin- right to make a platform, but recommend- gOMETHING JNKVV MACHINERYl 133 Id .Indue ol Probate the total destruction of the bridge across AND SUPPLIES, the flames. The scene of the disas- ing to the people the earnest consideraroom for details, either of the events of braces as soon as he pleases ; also to proso- guish 1 A l s o A g e n t for H a l l ' s P a t e n t Shl»,u "Washington street. AT tion of the address of the Democratic ter is a fearful sight. For 150 feet the Cominissiono: s Notice. iTIucnine. ^ " cute his claim to the seat of his colored tracks are lined with the debris of the de- members of Congress and the platforms The damage at the Lunatic Asylum the day or the days preceding. CTATE OF .MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, es. 39 Atwater street East, between Bates jmi D competitor and brother DELARGE, which k. ^ Thundersigned having been appointed bv the d"lph streets, Detroit, Mich. ^ will be repaired at an expense of less than stroyed cars. Two engines and one hun- of the Democracy of Ohio and PennsylIn Jersey City and Newark there was Probate Court for said Comity. Commissioners to $2,000. Two female patients in the con- nooutbroak, Gov. BANDOLPH having tak- report says is to be awarded him as a re- dred men are working clearing away the vania, as embodying the living issues receive, examine and adjust all c'nim« nnd demands t XYVT W H A T UJF^IXSHOlTrirFAiiS valescent department were buried in the JU 1 n the bright Lexicon of yootli, whicli liu ot all persons against the estate of Christopher Lange. ward for the persecutions bestowed upon rubbish. Hundreds of people are congre- upon which a national campaign should 1st* of eaid County, deceased, hereby give notice cseives for his yonng manhood, there is noia* falling ruins, but were not dangerously en the same course as Gov. HOFFMAN. gating at the scene. One man jumped be made; opposing all secret political that six months from date are allowed by order ot word as fail. him. hurt. The action of Gov. HOFFMAN is genp»id Probate Omit for creditors to present their out of tho window at the moment of the organizations as being destructive to tho Randall's Circassian Cream Was& cfaims apalnst the estate of said deceased, and that THE GREAT CAXAJIITT—DEMOLITION OFerall y approved throughout the country. WE are no clamorer for blood, no un • accident and thus saved himself. All the best interests of society, and oommending LOUIS WALZ, they will meet at the office of Richard Beahnn. in Was never known t" f»il t" remove Freeklej, Mm, to the people protection of the rights of the citv of Ann Arbor, in said Connty, on Saturday, pies. Moth Pitches,Tan, Ac., If n»eri us p»r diret THE LUTHERAN CHURCH. The Orangemen have the same undoubt- questioning believer in the efficacy or ben- killed were employes of the road. the fifth day of August, and Saturday, the sixth ti'»ns. and poraevered In. It yonr druggUt KM U all citizens irrespective of race, color and TnE KILLED. The Washington bridge calamity had ed right to parade on the anniversary of efits of the death penalty, but so long as day of January next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each got it, tell him to send for it. condition ; but while doing this of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said hardly been reported, when the destruc the battle of Boyne or any other day that the law measures out death to tho convicThe following is a list of the killod : previous J. J. R A N D A U , . Proprietor claims, we shall earnestly demand our own rights tion of the German (St. John's) Lutheran Ffanet Clock jWwii, Geo. Hill, engineer, roasted alive under bated, July 6th 1R7I. 1380w4 Church, on East Third Streot, was an-the Irish have to celebrate St. Patrick's ted murderer just so long should its sen- tho engine ; Frank Kiernan, engineer' hor- by all legitimate means, calling on the NE ANDPARKING I,A!«DsZ». nounced. This proved to be the great day, the English St. George's day, thetence be enforced. If Mrs. FAIR in San ribly mangled, and died intenminutes ; people of the State to give a cordial supJOHN LYNCH, *'J PI offer HAS A FULL STOCK IN HIS LINK, AND for sale S5.O''O acres of Vnluable Pin? iJ calamity of the day. The storm had Germans the victories over France, or the Francisco is to escape the gallows- because Dave White, brakeman, and Wm. Mc- port to all Democratic papers, and inFarming Lands on Time, at Prices ranciD" from WILL PROMPTLY SERVE THB PUBChancery Notice. dorsing the course of Hon. J. M. Hanks « 3 t o$1O P e r Acre 6 3M acre.of \iZ struck the church when the Sunday Catholics, as they did a few days ago she is a woman, and FOSTER in New York Manus, fireman on the up train. CTATE OF MICHIQAN.-The Circuit Court torPine Lands are located on the Wisconsin Ijj,,.' LIC WITH SUGARS, TEAS, COFas members of Congress. school scholars and teachers wore as9,620 acres on Waters leading to Chebojcu « THE INJURED. ^ the County of Wa»htenaw: In Chancery. Duncan Mich. M« acres on the Anpret R|i,r seinbliug. Between three and four hun- without let or hindrance, the twenty-fifth because he was drunk, it is folly to hang FEES SPICES, STRUM, MAKY M. 8AVAOE, 3,'00 acres on Thunder BavwMers.learlmgto.il! The number of passengers injured canThe Harvest in Enrope. Complainant, dred children and teachers had gathered anniversary of the accession of Pius IX. anybody anywhere. That Mrs. FAIR was CANDIES, ETC. pena. 850 acres on the Tltibawasse Biter. t& be loss than thirty. George Banks of •when the storm burst in all its fury. The Belgian Monitor gives some details acres In Oladwin <'o.. Mich, fnr Farms andTimlw to the Papal throne. It is proper to say as sane when she murdered CRITTENDEN not AUGUSTUS M. SAVAGE, I 27-' acres choice Mineral and Harr< Timber luii New Haven, and Frank Adams, of Newof the prospect of the approaching harDefendant. The school room is on the ground floor. that the Archbishop of New York advised as any murderer ever was, and that near Ontonapon, •! IKM) acres Prairie land in Nfbru. It satisfactorily appearing to this Court by affidavit ark, are the only ones supposed to be favest in the corn growing countries of Eunear the Union Pacific Railroad. w,'tnrrMp>j A teacher heard the crash of falling brick. that the defendant. Auffuetus M. Savage, is not a ka tally wounded. Land in Oratlot county. S3 to $!> per IR rope. In Prussia the provisions are unMessrs. Degenhart, Tschuci and Frank, against any demonstrations against the the drunkonness of FOSTER is no resident of this State, but resides in the State of KnrmIng SJT" Many of these Lands are worth the pi km Illinois; on motion of Felch & (irnnt, solicitors for ask for favorable. Much of tha autumn sowings LATER. teachers, and Mr. Thomas, superinten- Orangemen, and instructed all the priests excuse for his crime are patent and them foi Farming purposes after the Tn WITH complainant, it is ordered that the defendant muse bens cut. For perished, and those of the spring are sufdent, went up stairs and discovered the in his jurisdiction to enjoin upon all the conceded facts. If life is to be made safe his JippeiiTHjico to l)e entered within three months from send for Circular.full description, nnce and tern, NEW YORK, July 9. the date of thin order : and that in case of his appefefnorth gable falling inward, and that the members of their congregations to keep the laws must be enforced; if the laws are Five persons were killed and 15 woun- fering from want of warm sun. In Saxintr, he cnus>e his answer to the complainant's bill to be ony the appearance is better, as the crops wind was lifting the roof. D. PRKSTO J & CO., Bankcn, ded in the Newark railroad disaster yestllt'tl, ami a copy thereof to be served on the complainthe peace. not right amend them. That's all. are thick and healthy. In Russia the ant's solicitors within twenty days after service of a Detroit. Mich. The side walls had not yet begun fallterday. Wm. Thompson, the brakeman, copy of said bill of complaint, and notice of this order, yield is expected to bo a good average, ing in, but the danger being imminent, who left the switch misplaced and caused and in default therrof, that the said bill be taken ns ^ R. & W. P. .LINN, AT SHORT NOTICE, OF THE confessed by the ssiid defendant. And it is farthei the teachers and superintendent hastened The Hon. A. H. Stephens says: " If FISH is going to resign again : this time the accident, was arrested last night, and and a very large quantity of last year's ordered, that within twenty days tho said complainMannrnclnrers of down stairs and gave the alarm. Rev. any Democrat has changed his opinion, as soon as GRANT can name his successor. lodged in the Newark city prison. He stock still remains unexported at Odessa. BEST QUAIITY, AND AT ant cause u copy of this order to be published in the Mr. Fritze, pastor of the church, also and come to the conclusion that the To do that will take considerable time, as has l>een in the employ of the company In Roumania, Bulgaria and Bessarabia .Vichitjfin Argus, a newspaper printed in said county of Ground f o f l e c j . Spites, Hnttard, elt, tit, THE MOST LIHF.RU. the aspect is most favorable, and in HunWashtennw, and that the publication continue at warned the school of the impending dan- Radical policy was right, then it is not nine years and was always thought a And Wholesale Dealers in least once a week for six weeks in succession, or TERMS. ger, and urged them to save themselves dishonorable for him to say so: but,it will require a careful examination of most trustworthy man. The railroad com- gary an abundant harvest is predicted. that she cause a copy of this order to be perwjnally TEAS AND GROCERS' SUNDRIES!! In France a large portion of the winter served on the said defendant according to the rules and by flying from the building. The panic- when he does it, the only honorable tho long list of persons who have presen- pany loses $100,000 by the accident, G-A.X.X. AltfID S E E 120 Jeflerpoi) Avenne, Detroit. practice of this Court. stricken children and teachers crowded course for him to pursue afterwards is to ted him fast horses, fancy "purps," plate which is the first of any importance that corn is lost, and the fields have had to be Dated, June 27th, 1871. rosown. BEFORE PURCHASING. toward the front door, filling up the go and join that party." has ever occurred between Newark and JOHN COPLAND, Manufacturer and R. BEAHAN, and other articles of virtu, or enrolled this city. 1330 me. O Wholesale dealer iu a large variety of aisles and falling over each other in their Circuit Court CommmiKsioner, AVashtenaw County, Michigan. Which Republican journalists and their names as fractional contributors of frantic flight. A few had reached the Frank Kiernan, the engineer who was Here is another cheap remedy for the Crackers, Snaps And Biscuits. FHLCH & GBANT, Complainant's Solicitors. 1330. sidewalk and others were still inside the their co-workers in the Democratic party, farms, houses, etc. BOWEN, in considera- killed, seems to havo enacted the heroic potatoe bug. The Cleveland Herald says: XTBAORDINARY Orders solicited and filled at lowest market price lecture room, when the roof and walls who sneeze when Messrs. STEPHENS & Co. tion of those unknown " promises " which part. Just before he died he said to a" Mr. N. B. Seymour, whose potato vines Send lor Price List Keel Ovea Steam Bakery, corner Randolph icj came crashing through, breaking down take snuff, think a clincher. There are in part induced his pardon, may prove the friend, " I do not expect to live. I did all woro afflicted with bugs, found an effectWoodbrldge streets, Detroit. the rear end of the second floor, over the ual remedy in soapsuds and soda. To a I could to stop the train. I feel satisfied. altar, about one-third of the extent no Democrats to be found who " have lucky man. Having had considerable I feel sure that I could have saved myself barrel of suds he added three povinds of » I I I U I I D . ! ' l l lt< I: A CO., A. of the whole room, piling up a mass come to the conclusion that the Radical matrimonial experience he would be just by jumping into tho ditch, but I hoped to washing soda and sprinkled the liquid TO PURCHASERS OF WHOLESALE of brick and timbers on thefloorof on the vines from a watering pot. He policy was right." But the mass of Dem- the man to negotiate the talked of alli- save my engine and train." the lower room. Fortunately the larger says tho insects dropped dead instanter,. THE CORONER'S INVESTIGATION. portion of the assemblage had reached ocrats have come to the conclusion that, ance between Prince FRED and the PrinI desire now to return my hearty thanks for the and that his vines aro flourishing while 3 5 W o o d w a r d Avenue, liberal patronage of the farmers of Washtenaw and NEW YORK, July 10. the front portion of the room and escaped dospite their opposition, certain things cess BEATRICE. those in his vicinity where owners have adjcuulujj Counties, who have for so many years in DKTROIT, - - - MICHIGAN. crushing by the falling mass, which fell have been accomplished, and that it is The investigation into the circumstan- done nothing are becoming rapidly dethe post extended to me their trade, and I hope and trust satisfactory and profitable to both parties. I UGH JOHNSON, with such force as to break down the the mark of wisdom to recognize that To " have served in the rebellion " cov- ces attending the accident on the Newark stroyed." hope to receive a fair share of their patp utige in the Manufacturer of nnd dealcrin ALSO floor partly into the cellar. Others, less & New York Railroad terminated to-day future My efforts will be houestlv directed towards ers a multitude of sins. GRANT rendered by the jury bringing in a verdict that CARRIAGES, B T O S U a AND SLEICBS! ivi uujmir, ncic unugui mm iruiicu uuuvi fact the T* Scbraaka, California, Kansas, and the A flue assortment of tbe latest styles of homiata the timbers and mass of brick. Three of We believe that Mr. STEPHENS was IE a s uii-. \jx m o *o«ov.»« r~- p*wA*M*g " George Hill, Frank Itiernan, Daniel S. and Bantern Carriages, Including LAI<D.IV», 'UI&fl.It. II. Lands. Interests of my Customers, KMOI and FIMILY CARKIAUM from the cclebnifi them were instantly crushed to death, himself an original opponent of secession, BOWEN, the Congressional bigamist. The White, John Rockafellow and Samuel The startingB.points of this Route arc at Chicago CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, factory of J . M,>TT A : Co., Bridgeport, Conn.,coi. and four others received serious injuries a» well as my own. And again my aim will be. nut other reason, that" he acted in good faith, Taylor, employes of the Newark and Pcoria. The central point is BURLINGTON, on to keep as cheiip goods as possible, but as x>od as stantly on hand aud furnished to order. but were taken out alive. The frighten- but that he bowed to the decision of hisbelieving his former wife to be dead," is New York Railroad, came to their death and Nos. 9(5 to 1(K> Larneci St. west, cor. Cass St. Deti il Mississippi. It travorscs Illinois and the whole cau be found, aud at as Low Kates as the quality of ed survivors, nearly all of whom were State, linked his fortunes with th» Conin consequence of of a misplaced switch ; the my «O"dts can be afforded. I will not undertaKe to breadth of Southern Iowa. Near the Missouri Its equally valid, considering that BOWEN compere in prices with inferior goods. I will not imchildren, there being only fifteen or federacy, and accepted the second office and we, the jury, do say that the misplaced forks into three branches, for it has three § Manufacturers. pair the quality of my implement- in order to re twenty teachers in attendance at the within its gift. This case is exactly in didn't consider her dead, but covered his switch was the result of the carelessness trunk western termini. duce the price. The purchase of cheap goods of any JOHN PATTON &SON. school, rushed en masse from the falling of the switch tender, Wm. Thompson ! kind prov.n »n unprofitable Investment, as many tracks with a fraudulent decree of divorce, Its northern ternilnnB Is Council Bluffs, where, Are offering the largest and best assortment of have found to their cost. I shall keep a building and sought shelter from the point. The Democracy opposed the reand we do also censure the company of the to Omaha, it connects with the Union Pa- Will now offer Thirty Thousand Dollars worth of CARRIAGES & BUGGJES storm in the residences in the neighbor- cent amendments, and especially the a copy of which his last wife, Mrs. PET- Newark & New York Railroad for em-crossing for all places on the lotra-coutlnental and PaSPRING and SUMMER hood. While the storm was still raging moans resorted to to force their ratifica- TIGREW KING, procured from New York. ploying, or allowing to be employed on c!6c IN THE WEST, cific slopes. Over land travel and traffic choose this At Greatly Reduced Prices Ail work made nidtr at its height, the fire bells rang out the tion ; but the amendments adopted it That living wife supposed to bo dead was their road young and inexperienced per- reliable route more and more. our own hupervision. and FPILY \VARRA\Tr.i>. alarm, and before the rain cea. ed, hunon hand, that Is jjenerally fonnd in market. I am Factory and Warerooms corner Woodbriilge ud sons to responsible positions." Its next terminus is Lincoln, the Capital of Nebrasthe authorized agent for the following dreds of people had congregated at thewould be the veriest stultification not to the one on which the other charge of bigBrush Streets,Detroit. The switch tender was remanded, but ka, fifty five miles west of the Missouri as Plansscene of the disaster. recognize that fact, and its recognition is amy was founded, and, in trying which, will probably bo admitted to bail. month. This Is the only direct avenue to the Sonth THRESHING MACHINES by no means a confession that the op- tho jury disagreed. GRANT shouldn't get Platte country, where {he sales of railroad land last AND things so muddled. " Fair Ann Arbor." season, rote to half a million. Bowen's Pardon. G e n u i n e B u f f a l o P i t t s , Buffalo, N. Y . position was wrong. iflTichipran S w e e p a t n k c s , Battle Creek. The special correspondent of the Kalam.v Its Ihird terminus is at Hamburg, and Nebraska Despite the fact that the prosecuting of- The experience of Mr. STEPHENS as a City. At Hamburg, It makes close connections, > i < l i o l s A: S h e p b e r d ' « V i b r a t o r , B.Creek ficer and eleven of the twelve jurymen legislator will, no doubt, show him an zoo Telegraph, writing up " Commencementtwice The " S. TV. M. P. I. C." a day, for St. Joseph, Lcavenworth, Kansas T h e G c i s c r M a c h i n e , Racine, Wie. who convicted ex-Congressman Bowen of Week " pays the following tribute to our City, and the whole Southwest. bigamy united in the petition for his par- opponent of many pending bills, which MR. ARGTJS : AT In journeying then, from the East to Kansas, via SIR :—In your issue of the 23d ult., I beautiful city:. doning, we regret the President's compli- nevertheless, were passed into laws, and " Fair Ann Arbor, rich in story!" linr .ni.'t.m, you enjoy advantages you can secure on ance with their request. No one who to which he yielded a cheerful obedience. notice an article, over the signature of The Champion Reaper & Slower, Self Itnbr. h i n sings a line of a s o n g well known <u> ottier line. You both pass over a road sechas read the testimony in his case can Because of such obedience, due from Secretary HAMILTON, on fire insurance. t o Tthe University students—a s o u g written ond to no other in speed, safety, or any Pullman lux The Kirby Self-Unking Reaper, Combined. doubt the existence of some foul play in by a w«li-reraeinbered college poet w h o of modern travel; and while on your way, sur Tbe kirby Two-Wheeled Mover. his pretended divorce from one of his for- every citizen, would he concede that his Not that I " rise to explain" (as it ex-flourished some half dozeu years a g o . ury garden of Illinois and Mi souri, us well as FOR THIRTY DAYS BEFORE MOV- Wood's ttaciUne, Combined with Self-Rake. F o r '.Threshing:. S a w i n g Wood, mer wives, of which he must at least have original opposition was wrong, and that plains itself), but " which I wish to re- "Fair Ann Arbor." One needs n o t be avey the acres of prairie in Southwestern Iowa, now JViakinsr C i d e r , H t e a m i n s : .Food lor been cognizant and there is little or no his opponents who favored the enact mark " in a few brief comments thereon. student t o appreciate the mcuniug of the40",ouO in market at low prices and loag credit. ING INTO C a t t l e , Sea, D. E. K1«J1S, Manufacturer. probability that if he had been a man of JACKSON WAGONS, He says: " We aro frequently interro- first part of the description, for the little Keep It thon before people westward bound, " t o ments were all the time in the right ? We 1 9 1 A T W A T E R S T R E E T , DETROIT. no prominence, of limited means, and city speaks for itself. I t s broad, tree-lined lSlOtf gated concerning the formation of a com- streets, its uamlsorne residences, its college takn the Bu>-"<u:tou Houte." without influential friends, he could have think not, and if not then there is no & BROTHER, Buckeye and Shortsville Grain DrillaG • DOELTZ obtained a pardon. The fact that the force in the paragraph we have quoted. pany in the townships of Freedom, campus of forty acres cut up and and ar Importers and Dealers in Fairbanks Scales, all sizes. hand of the law is, as a rule, laid heavily On the contrary it is the merest balder- Bridgewater, Manchester and Sharon. ranged with long shaded walks and ornaCOMMERCIAL. No. 23 South Main Street, now being FANCY GOODS! upon the obscure, and yet so often touchWe are conscious that such a company mented with shrubbery and trees o f variTHE GENUINE fitted up next door to Wiues & Worden's Toys, V a n k i i \ o t i o n - . Hosier}', LattsaD* es lightly upon the guilty in " high life," dash, and unworthy so distinguished a has been organized. That the Washte- ous species, and surrounded by double NEW YOBK, July 11. avenues forming the most p e a s a n t a n i atTrimmings is one of the scandals of this age. I tsource. Business is generally quiet, and unless an Irish " cortractive drivts,—these are not all the beau- ner " is established to-morrow, our city promises to AM) MANUFACTURERS OP weakens the popular faith in justice, deG. W. HAYS, Supt. The Democratic party, then, in cutting naw Mutual Fire Insurance Company tiful features of the place. A tramp over CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, BASKETS ASP stroys that respect for law that is so essen- lose from dead issues, in refusing to bewill suffer serious loss in capital stock wo the hills which stand conspicuously on all fall into unusual quietness. Many of our leading Manufactured at Kalam.izoo. Sleighs, No 30 and S.! Woodward .\vo . Detroit. tial, and producces results that are nothdo not believe. Although tho company sides of the town, reveals some of the fluest traders are taking tho present opportunity to indulge Ann Arbor, July 10th 1871. 1330-ml ing less than deplorable. The pardoning chained to putrid carcasses, in conceding has been in existence nearly three months views to be found perhaps in Michigan. in vacation, which the over-worked American should I have located mvnelf.it the old nnd well-known r P r a n p p l a n t N o w . — F r u i t anil Ornaments! Apple Packing House of I) (lennlngr. on Detroit 1 Trees, Shrubs KIRKS, Grape Vines, and ill power is one of the most important pre- that certain things have been done, and, &c." Now if the Hon. Secretary is, as he Take It all in a l l , Kalamazoo may be a treat himself to more often than he docs. Money conStruct, opposite Biiclioz1 Block, where I shall be hap- the 'mall fruits Qroen House aud Beddini; Plaul* tinues easy at 3 per cent, for 30 days from banks, and rogatives that is attached in the Ameri- if you please, irrevocably done, only conEstate of Cornelius Laughlin. py tu meet as m an ; of my old customers, and as Dahlias, Gladiolns l ube Roses. Madiria Vims, tt< more handsome place than Ann Arbor, b a t l@l>i on call from capitalists. In fact money is the says, conscious of the formation of such a man has made It more s o , not nature, for can system to the executive department. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Woshtenaw, ss. many new ones as may please to come. shonld be plan ted after tbe middle of May. Suwuj biggest drug in the market, aud it is an anomalous S At a session of the Probate Court for the County the best varieties—Field VejreUble and Flower, ill Its use, however, should be sparing and fess they were " the under dog in thocompany he should in all cases in answer the former can boast of no such impressive fact of Waahtenuw, holden at the 1'robate Office, in the that while America is the largest borrower in the I have secured the permanent services of Samuel new. A» tliis is the first year of our seed trade, »• only for the most cogent reasons, and its fight," and not that they did not fightto those interrogatories state tho facts as and attractive scenery a s i s presented t o world, money has been borrowed in her commercial City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the eighth day of McClaren. one of my old shop hand*, who pcrfcctly bare no old seeds on hand July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and undcrntundB misuse cannot be too deeply regretted. for the right. That is it, in a nutshell, they exist. We state, for the information the eye from t h e encircling hills of the metropolis thi« year cheaper than it has ever been seventy-one. A very large stock of the above, at moderate rat* Address, WM. ADAIR. Detroit. That it Rhould be exercised to shelter a Mr. STEPHENS. latter. T h e through passenser o n theknown in the world before, that is, 1 per cent. Gold is Present Iliram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. of all concerned, that the new organizaL Michigan Central may be sceptical a s t oI\{<&1 . iC lower than a week ago, while the report that bigamist, convicted upon such testimony KEPAiKiisra In the matter of the Estate of Cornelius Laughlin, OHJ W. IBPIILETT, as that given in the Bowen trial, and at tion does not, or ever did contemplate the troth of this statement, seeing, a s heSecretary iioutwell is about to throw the 5 per cent, deceased. Af! kinds of Agricultural Tools, and will be on On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of nomuu »ni.tn is There is a struggle among Americans taking from the old company ohe dollar does, but little except the shabbiest por loan on the European market, produces a vory uneasy Bridget a time when the reasons are so numerous Taylor, praying that some suitable person hand earlv in the morning and late at night, when ROCKINGHAM & Ohio STONE WAB! necessary to accommodate . that make it desirable that offences in Paris to secure possession of the Com- of " capital stock " that was not ready, tlon of Ann Arbor, which lies nearest the feeling. Sterling exchange remains at 110}^. The may lxs appointed Administrator of said estate. depot; but a few hours' ramble with some quotation** of government securities are barely mainThereupon it is ordered, That Monday, the seventh against the sanctity of the marriage tie munist prisoners as colonists. Some want GLASS AND STONiC FRUIT JARS. day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, should be severely punished, is something them for Colorado and others for Lower voluntarily and without solicitation, to strolling addicted student, would open t o tained. There is no demand from abroad, and not be Send for Price Liat. assigned for the hearing of said petition, ana his admiring gaze unsuspected prospects likely to be if Boutwell does as intimated. The dry that tho heirs at law of said deceased, and all other that it will be diffcult to justify, and that California and Arizona. The government insure in the new company, which was and scene? of beauty. Come and seo 64.Sc GO W o o d b r i c L g e S t r o e t Weet, persons interested in said estate, are required to appear goods market is resting quiet, with manufacturers of the President's truest friends will fail to is puzzled to decide.—Atlantic Cable. DETROIT MICH. originally designed to cover only one at a session of aaid Court, then to be holden, at the inn Arbor Aprillet.lSH. approve.—Detroit Tribune. " Rich In story " N o one but a Univer- cotton goods keeping back their stocks for higher and Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show It is to be hoped that neither party will township instead of four; and some of the cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner buyers holding on* for lower prices. "Wool is quiet but s'ty student can know the full meaning oj should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that S< S HI I KMtl K<;i(. Billiard Table Jlannsucceed It is not at all certain that the members think there are already enough those worJs. They bring before his mind Una, with the clip pretty generally panned beyond the said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in r , with •f Gold Exports. " Communist prisoners," a class of volatile in the company. Wo now have as mem-—they revive in his memory, college tradl- reach of flrst hand*. The speculators, fortunately, said estate, of the pendency of said petition, nnd the EAR Y E ! Cushions. 9S.W0 anil 102 Randolph Street, Detroit, thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be Mich. Branch: St. Joseph, Mo. The Xew York Commercial Bulletin re- enthusiasts, unbalanced reformers, rod re- bers those that withdrew long ago from tions which with their endless variety hold less than an average amount of wool this year hearing published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed that a tussel between them and manufacturers is I also muufactnre Pigeonhole, Jenny Lino >" ports the amount of gold exported from publican revolutionists, will make good or the old company, some that were never make up the spiciest spice of college life in but and circulating in said county, three successive weeks Basatell Tables and do all kind? of altering aiidjfr years long gone by—some, t'oinnnt'c and yet to come is inevitable. The decision, however, lies previous to said day of hearing. as well as imported to the United States pairing. Keep always on hand Second hand T»nW [A true copy.) HtUAM J. BEAKE8, in great part with the people. By their buying such and all ggitfU appertaining to Billiards. HovrUM during the fiscal year ending June 30, tolerable citizens or desirable " colonists." insured in a mutual before, as well as smacking of the chi¥alric ages ; some, tell- goods 1330 Judge of Probate. only aa is absolutely necessary those parasites Pins andTSBrTs for sale. Also all kiuds or trimming Besides, we want no " colonists," either those who have recently withdrawn ; and luj? of ,'hair breadth escapes and dangers on the financial body —wool speculators—may be demaking the footings as follows: done. by flood a n dfield"—"daysof clanger, nights Total exports *98,2<M.OOO in Colorado or any other territory. We " although th« company has been in exEstate of Jacob Sangree. of wakiug"; some recounting trtsia and feated in their nefnrious objoct. Bread*} tuffs, dull. Total imports «!>2,000,M>0 MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. are not a " Know-Nothing." We would istence nearly throe months," and had tribulations coming from a faculty's 'reign The receipts of flour are heavy and prices steadily do QTATEOF O At a session of the Probate Court for tbe County rlining. The stock of wheat in warehouse is abouj" Net export. #76,2(10,000 of law"—conditions, suspensions, lecturmade no serious inroads upon the capital of Waehtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the not close our ports against the immigrants In 1837, when the bank suspension took from France or Germany or Ireland. Nei- stock of tho old company, it had in fact i n g , reports, and wlmt not o f the "on-400,000 bu. Corn is more steady. Oats are l($2c City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the sixth day ple.isantuesses" a student's "flesh is heir higher, Michigan being worth 72@73c Kggu add but- of July. In the year one thousand eight hundred place, the whole amount of gold in the (western) are in better demand, the former 20, the aud seventy one country did not exceed but little over $12 ther would we send over the emigrant been doing business in tho issuing of to." They recall,to his mind triumphs and ter t'reseni. Hi ram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. successes, defeats and f*ilures. T e t , a few latter 20($23. Hops arc in fair export demand, with In the matter of the Estate of Jacob Sangree, 000,000. The statement of the Commercial agent to bring over "prisoners," pau- policies, but a trifle over three weeks. holders firm and counting upon the variable news deceased. months a w a y from college, nnd the average Bulletin gives us some idea of how vastly, Europe as weiglung in favor of a poor crop Ou reading and tiling the petition, duly verified, of MAKES ALL KINDS Of our resources have increased since that pers or free and well-to-do laborers, as Again : " That this new company is collegian forgets the potty miseries of col-from Anna Sangroe, praying that a certaiu Instrulege life and keeps fresh and vivid i t s there. AU groceries, except sugars, are quiet—stand- ment now on tile in this Court. purporting to be the time. The net export for the last nine " colonists." Let all come who will, let ard having advanced to 12?*. Provisions are firmer last will ami t»etament of said deceased may be adyears, according to the same authority, is them settle where they will, let them bide destined to succeed is established beyond pleasures and its "jollity aud fun" ; so that to-day, but on the whole weak. miltt'i] to probate, and that she may b j appointed 1SNT ONE OF when he slugs of a doubt by a single section in its charter, ns follows : sole Executilx thure< f. their apprenticeship to our institutions, " Fair Ann Arbor, rich in story," Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the which provides that no Secretary for its *76,2OO,OOO and then let them become citizens, a part seventh day of August next, at ten o'clock DARWIN'S the alumuus brings back the years spent PR0GENIT0KS FROM H E 1870 DETROIT, July 12. .... Sl.70O.0O0 company shall reside within village or there In the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of 1809 and one* more—to use the words of .... S6.8O0.OO0 and parcel of a homogeneous people. Honey matters continue about ns last reported—first said petition, aud that the legatees, devisees, and >«-,» .... 80,000,000 city limits, thus precluding the possibili- an old college song—"tastes the bunkum class paper bdug discounted at the banks at 7®» per helm at law of said deceased, aud all other BUT WHAT OK THAT AS LONG AS 18(17 .... 38.600,000 Brought over as " colonists " and planted cent. Business is generally quiet, but pneos on all persons interested in said estate, are required 1866 75,300,000 as " colonists," is only a transfer of a prov- bility of corruption creeping into tho joys'' of Alma Mater. to appear at a session or said Court, then to be descriptions of merchandise are quite steady. I n 1865 . . . 57,800,000 18G4 hardware, tin has advanced 25c per box and shot 25c holdun.at the I'robatc office, inthe City of Ann Ar. . . . 92,100.000 ince of France or Germany or I-eland, as management of its business." Now, I Tisit of Grand Diike Alexis. nnd show «iii«e. if any there he. why the prayer L86S . . . . S4,6O0,0O0 por bag. Dry goods are firm tit a slight advance on a bor,the TO (THE opine that any individual, aside from the petitioner should not be gtanted: And it is Official advices from Russia declare large part of the list, and dealers feel confident that of A portion of these annual sums goes to the case may be, to our seaboard, interior author of the quotation just given, would lurtlier ordered, that said petltlouei give notice to the HAS A FULL STOCK OF that the Grand Duke Alexis Alexanderthe fall trade will cause further advances. The leadpersons Interested in -said estate, of the pendency of pay tho interest on bonds held by foreign- or western States. It is better that our brands of print* remain OH they were a weok ago, f aid petition, and tbe hearing thereof, by causing a ers, but much the larger portion goes to new States make haste slowly than be make a fruitless search for said " single witch will certainly visit this country ing but the medium weights, which hiul not then advanced copy of this order to be published In the Michigan pay for goods purchased in foreign mar- settled with " colonists " instead of citizens. section " in its charter. And his closing near the fall, and will probably arrivo have now been marked up to correspond. The grocery Art/us, a newspaper printed and circulating ii. said AN D FIXISDES THEM EX kets, and which could be paid for in comparagraph : " For explanation we addhero in September. The squadron to ac- market is moderately active nnd prices generally County, three succetslve weeks previous to said day -FORmodities rather than coin, did not our un- We want immigrants to come to us with that one of our township committeo holds company him, which now lies at Cron- Btcody. A. sugar is now firm at 13.'«(<^13>{. Other- of {Ahearing. true copy.) HIRAM J. BRAKES, stadt, numbers several of the finest ves- wise there is no change worth mention. Produce is a 1330 Judge of Probate. reasonable and unjust tariff laws stand in their bone and musclo and skill and means, SPRING AND SUMMER ! ! stitfer, flour exempted. Best white wheat brands in the way. If paid for in commodity in- but wo want them to come expecting to the responsible position of director in this sels in the Russian navy, two of which little now selling at 6.ioa»7.00. Whent declined to 1.38 for are tho frigate Soetlana and the iron stead of coin the gold would remain at be citizens, to adopt as soon as may becompany, although ho refusos to insure in forTreiulwell, 1.30 for No. 1 white, IM for HIS STYLES clad frigate Kniaz Pcjarsky. Tho object extra, 1.37 A UGUST 10th, 1870. home to increase our wealth and prosperit." nnd 1.20 for regular. Light receipts, however, of the Grand Duke in deferring his visit amber, ity. The export of gold, if continued a our customs and language, to yield obediIIHVL- crcuted a better demand, and it now stands : ExA.K.E T H E IL.ATEST. Now, for explanation, we add: Wewas to escape the heat of an American tra 1.41, Trcadweli 1.40, No. 1 white 137, amber 1.36, number of years, upon the basis of the ence to our laws, and not to retain their last year would produce bankruptcy, as it allcgianoe to " foreign prince, potentate doom this last a fitting corollary to the summer, at the recommendation of Cata- nnd regular 1.30. Corn sternly at 01. Oats55U<<Si6(j. HIS GOODS 16®17 X. Eggs 17. Old potatoes, 7S'ai!K>; new is $ 15,000,000 in excess of the current pro- or power." Such are our views, long held, whole rigmarole, for wo can assure him cazy, the Russian Minister at Washing- Butter 1.00%1.12. Hops 1.0,6. Tallow 7®7'i. Small fruits IN A STTPPERIOR MANNER. ton, in order that he might be present at a a p o r i o r q n a l t i y , at t h e duct of the preoious metals.—Free Prett. as to importing by tho colony, or immi- that our board of directors is full, and tho next session of Con-fress, and more plenty. Honey -'u .i.v per lb, 1319-:y. W». 3 0 H t n o S T R E E T . that all are insured in the Southern Washformally testify to the amity that exists AND HIS PRICES THE The French government has paid to gration by colonies. AW ARBOR ritODl'Ct: HARKETS. tenaw Mutual Firo Insurance Company, between Russia and the United States. Switzerland '2,000,000 francs, a partial A R O T S O F F I C E , J U L Y 13, 1 8 7 1 . In 1865 the value of the boots and which, by the way, is no misnomer, as it reimbursement of the expense incurred W c q o o t e thinifternoon as follows 1 Very nice bolted Corn Meal, coarse Me«l, Graham shoes manufactured in Massachusetts Flour—good second quality Flour at low price,— in tho maintenance of the French soldiers is a mutual as well as a strictly Jirc in- At Wilkesbarre, Pa., on Saturday, WHEAT—White, l?5O13.ic : Red, 110*1150. Cracked Wheat, and all kinds of Feed, at lowest was $53,000,000, and the number of hands CORN—.14.0. i',0c. OATS—4J@60c. BEANS—1.50. who took refuge on her soil. SwitzerAlso a full line of Gents' Famishing Goods three more injunctions "were granted ijy H <Y—tS(g»$l«. turance company. Goto R.W.ELLIS & CO's prices, and delivered inauy part oftheclty. Terms land restores to France the greater por- employed 55,160. In 1870, tho boot, Call and examine his CHIPS, VALM8, STRAWS, Oa*h. Judge Harding against tho coal operaD. LEBAEON, BUTTRR—15c. BUDS—'5c. LARD—10c. for strictly Pure Drugs and tw Orders left In luy Order Box at the Post Office l'ANAMAS, and LEGHORNS, before purchasing. tion of the war material brought across shoe and leather product was $100,000, tors charged with working their mines AP'LBS—12V. POTATOK8—T5C. One of the Directors. promptly attended to. Medicines, Paints, Oils. &c. 000, uud the employers 75,000. the frontier by the French army. CHICKBNS—13c. T U R K E Y S H c . in violation of tho mine ventilation law. NEW POTATOES-*! .60. Hit J. T. SWATTIBt. , July 9th, 1871, f South Main S t . , A n n A i b o i . Mm MvtttismtrAi ( 50 Main Street! GROCER & CONFECTIONER Parties Supplied CAKES OF ALL KINDS E INDUCEMENTS FARMERS! DRY GOODS H THE FARMERS' STORE ! FILL STOCK OF FARMING TOOLS DRY GOODS! GROCERIES! REDUCED PRICES! THEIR'NEW STORE! CURTIS AND DODGE PLOWS, M. ROGERS. C H SAM. B. REVENAUGfl PHOTOGRAPHER, The "Bar" not being a Monkey PICTURES E. J. JOHNSON HATS & CAPS SMALLEST LOCKET LIFE SIZE, INDIA INK! NEW WHEAT FLOUR W A T I S COLOBs ! THE ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. BEST! 1MPROVKMEXTS IN THE CITY. Over 8250,000 being Expended this Year A Few Seasonable Wor-Is. Dedicated to hit Honor the Mayor and ihe 11 norable, Hie Common Council:— OMETU1KG GOOD BACH & ABEL jy[ACK" & SCttMID Ann Arbor Is a very pretty place ! We That our city Is IS a prosperous condl who live here say so, and strangers say so, tiou is evMenced by the number of new ARE NOW^OPEWING- ADVERT we should all be oUeniSed did they not MORKINO. JULY 14> 1871 buildings Which have been erected, or are and say so. And Ann Arbor Is a very Wellin the process of erectlou this season. New known place, Its name is oftener itt the business houses are springing up on the New York and other city papers than any "TIME different business streets, new dwellings town of its size in the West. Aud so we I pstionger tmina "** l e a v o •*" » e w i * 1 stations, as appearing here anil there throughout the rest on our laurels. In few places Is so city, old buildings being rertiodeled and littfc done for Improvement, asid'c fiom Improved, aKd the entire place putting on citizens' dwellings. Inside fences, all In very GOIXO WSET. O a« air of prosperity which has not been well. We challenge any place to show equaled In years, if ever. The city does neater houses mid better kept grounds. But jTATIOSS. not seem to be spreading out and widening our streets 1 Dignified with great names, es its boundaries to any great extent, but has they are little better than country roads. The undersigned, having located at this "place, h. M. 1 . M . P. M. p. x . P. M it, leave-, 1 « l y oo i U s U 9 50 a tendency to 'what politicians would term Look at the luxuriant growth of Weeds has just opened a* FINE an* SELECT an assort50 10 55 8 28 \0 07 6 4.' <i25 11 13 ' centr»ltaation," or in other words doub that have bildded and blossomed, and soon ment of 8 52 10 26 B 10 77 50 6 40 0 20 ling up. Owners of large lots are dividing will be seeding. Detroit street—tne strang8 10 9 t« 8 38 A . M . then and selling off as the property In 111 (I.S ers' way—especially exhibits all the varie' J 10 11 12 12 3 ! 10 « a-fies in Valoe, and iwany lots which were ties, from the inflicted thistle upwards arrd A. M . r. M. P.2M. 12 15, 10 occupied by bat one dwelling a year or so downwards. Then look at the free and 2 16 7 05 6 je, 8 05 ago can now number two or three, and as easy growth of grass and weeds iu the a con-wqaeirce it IsnH as far to one's neigh- carriage way. Start froln Main street aud 2 bors as it used to be. Business houses, too, walk up Huron—one of our best streets—to BOTJQHT s are gradually crowding out aud replacing ts terminus. You ne3d not notice partlcuresidences, and shoul.i the T. A. A. & N. arly lire chvohlc mud ptoddles near tire OUR RECENT < W P. *. A. 5>. A. M. R. become a " phixt phact," t>«r more crossing of Main, nor the barn-yard on the As can be found west of New York City.P-which P. M. 9 « « 00 0 no 5 t* A. M. P. M enterprising—so called—sisters of the State ho is prepared to make up into the most «outh side of the square, but just 1st your II 50 s » 10 25 2 10 vill have little chance fc<» exult over ttie eye take the line of the grass on both slde3 P. M. A. M. S 05 4 22 I 02 4 35 old fogy " proclivities which they iu:;ist of the street, as here It reaches out some S SS 5 00 :haracterize the inhabitants Ot the Uui welve or more feet, and then with no par5 25 A. W. ' i v STYLISH GARMENTS, I 48 5 40 i a •ersity city. 2 12 6 00 - es ticular symmetry of line or course retires , Ar**, 5 45 t S? 6 20 XT THE I tt ilAiiti, The following list comprises all of the up to or near the sidewalk. 6 45 .1 SS 7 25 * 00 *>it, urrive. 9 25 buildings completed aud in the process of Now turn, and as you walk back, just Train gees *v.rt Nstav.lay evenings on SHORTEST NOTICE, reClion which have come within our notice, mogine a line of grass, say four or six feet "ainir B x p r w " time. The " NSght i i x p r o w " „,',• MM awl Monday mornings vith the usttie of the o*ner, and the estl- out from the planks, a level well-seeded uaeSth, 1<T1. In the Eastern Markets, enables us to ofier Speoial InduceAND O3=* nated cost where it could be obtained: 411.I kept plot, and neither grass nor weed ments to Buyers. . Lansing and Sasruiaw It. R. University Hall, State St., 133x141 ft., four allowed beyond this line, but the road way .-...• Jack ion nud arrive from Wenona as stories. $80,000. graveled the several rods to which it is euARRIVE. LFAVF. Jnion School building extension, State St., itied. How much neater oursteeets would Express, a t H .S3 A. M. I3ietf „*,, at COO A. M. 30x100ft.,three stories. $20,000. 9.(0 P. M. 3.30 R M. M.'.il, a t ook under such reg ulatlon, and yet the at f\ Avery, Hiirou St., cor. PotSfth, Cook's cost to each cltiieu Would be scarcely that ALSO A LINK OF r,,rt Wayne, Jackson and Snginaw R. R. Hotel, 66x112 ft., four stories. $31,000. of a day's labor. Train* ou the road leave Jackson and arrive thereat Sutherland, Whedon & Co., Huron St, west, ufoUoirs: Then our trees need trimming up. They CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. bath house, 28x104, four stories. $10,000. are giviug 'he sidewalks a dreary look eBj 0.20 A. M. Kxpress, 11.40 A. M. v JSU R.I.1) A . M . Ace. Jonesville, 3.10 p. M. as. McMahon, Ann St., two .stores, 22x50 pecially at night, aud one's patience Is Ladies' Dress Goods of Every Class. ItJonwvillc, 12.00 A. M. Mixed, 6.55 P . M. ft. each, three stories. $10,000 surely tried carrying an umbrella on a ,',,'im 4.50 P . M . Ksrprcss, 9.18 P.M. Call on JAS. BOYD and he trill Ladies' Linen Suitings. Win. Burke, Ann St., store, 23x60ft.,three rainy day. Last winter their drooping stories. $5,000. )ranches fairly drove us off the sidewalks White Piquas, Organdies. &c. riolian Estate, Ann St., store, 22x50, ft., for days. GIVE YOU FITS. fojar Cured Hams—Slaweon & Son. Cheney Brothers (American) and Lyons Black Silks. three stories. $5,000. Our little city Is worthy such attentions. t , to rent.—O. W . Hays, I. Matthews, Ann St., meat market, 13x60 This must be, to a great extent, a city of guilders •' ttentiou—Sanford & Ca Scotch, English, Germ an and American Cloths. Eitraonlinary Inducements— Fanners' Store. ft., three stories. $4,000. residence rather than business. We have O-.QXT and Confectioner— Louis Wnlx. . Otair, Ann St., saloou, 13x80 ft., three now an unusual number of per.-ons who A. T. Stewart's Alexander Kids, (reduced to $2.00.) litt\e of John R.. Wcwdwath. stories. $4,000 lave come here to live, and the number is ' * •• Cornelius Luuglilin. lSlfttf 24 Main Street. . Reynolds. Ann St., store, 21x60 ft., three annually increasing. Hence our interest » •' Jacob Sangree. All Goods guaranteed as represented, and price of every article low. i* •• Heman K. Gage. storings. $5,000. to look to appearances—to keep a fair face « " Christopher Lanfeo. Ed. Vai>da\varker, S. Main St., store, 19x80 on our Ann. In a business point of view, a prominent corner occupied as a woodft., three stories. $5,500. HAVE THE Loral and O t h e r Brevities. yard, a kitchen garden near by, a little beohn Schumacher & Co., S Main St., store, ATEST STYLES! - C . B. IIoicuiNs, of Uiis city, has obO F yond a fine site for a dwelling awaiting an 21x00 ft., two stories $2,500. patent for the " Manufacture of ircctlon, are not very happv signs; but H. Binder, S. Main St., saloon, 24x85 ft., Starch." * when the mutter is rather a pleasant home, three stories. $6,500. — The Manchester Entcrprite proposes CHEAP BEST GOODS 1 M. Brodbeck, Liberty St., store, 20x40 ft, the features we have referred to make their —AT— •hcorganization of an Agricultural Socimpressiou. G. two stories. $1,;<W. tirin that part of the county. IM A. TZ- 3>T A. I* ID'S olin lMnrich, Fourth St., store, 24x52 ft., The railroad meeting held on Frldav — The Aiusus makes a specialty of Letthree stories. $4,000. We have just received ORB ATEST VARIETY afternoon last was not very largely attendter and Note Heads, Bill Heads, StateVm. Foliey, Detroit St. cor. North, carriage ed, and especially noticeable was the ab ments, Cards, etc. Send in your orders. NEW DRESS GOODS ! shop. sence of our business men and capitalists. — J.u'.m I.ACBKXOAVKR h a s purchased EVEK OFFERED I N WASHTENAW COUNTY, CONSIST) . llennlng, Pontiac St., near depot, apple Judge LAWKENCK, from the committee ap ttresaloon of H. BINDER, o n South Main IN packing house. pointed at a previous meeting, reported the Street, and is to convert the same into a JUST RECEIVED AT ING OF . T. Hallock, cor. State and Madison, St's., result of several conferences with the DiBLACK, COLORED me it mirket. dwelling. rectors. The report was substantially the — Read the address dedicated t o the AND . O. Banks, S. State St., dwelling $5,000. correspondence published iu the AKOUS of M»yor and Common Council, and then cut Irs C. M Welch, cor. State and Ann St's., last week. In submitting the report he the grass and weeds growing J n the street dwelling. spoke somewhat at length, urging its apIn front of your residence. Mrs. H. Morse, cor. State and North St's., proval by the meeting, and expressing French Orsandies and Lawns, white and — Compared (vltli Ann Arbor, Kalamacolored, great confidence that such approval would zoo must be a litigious town, for fifteen dwelling. Piqnas, Percales and Linens, W. D. Smith, cor. William and Maynard [cad to the early construction of the road. himrs advertise in the Telegraph, and not St's , two dwellings. Without further discussion the report was Parasols, asiugle one in the AKOCS. Ribbons and Lace?, — The Postoflice department has quit D. W. Bliss, William St., near Fifth, dwell- accepted aud approved, with a single dis senting vote, and the committee continued, ing. $2,000. printing business cards on envelopes. The OPPOSITE Hoop Skirts and Corsets* AKGUS office >s yet doing a little in that >chuyler Grant, east side Division St., near to carry out the propositions i.i conjuncHAS JCST RETURNED FROM Gloves and Iloslery, tion with the Directors. W.lliam, dwelling. $4,000. line. Send In vour orders. Linen Damask and Towels, — There is an old injunction which says : - W . H. DAVKNTOKT & Co., of Saline, R. W. Ellis, west side Division St., near UAXGSTERFER'B HALL ! William, dwelling. $3,500. ' strike while the iron is hot," and another tanaUbllshed a baukingofrlcs, and mean AND A FULL LINE OF OF THE BEST QUALITY. business Evideucc thulr card In t h e A R - V. D. Besimer, Huron S t , west, dwelling asout not letting " the grass grow u uder THE EASTj $1,500. one's feet," which we commend to the Di OVB; t/if sole bankers'card In our columns. <)tiu Gates, Huron St., west, dwelling. rectors, only adding ; — Lawyers are invited to call and examA new Stock of Seasonable Boots and ine the Records and Briefs printed a t the V. E. Walker, Miller Ave., dwelling. This is the road we long have sought. Shoes among which is a flue assortV. A. Gregory, Spring St., dwelling, WITH THE LARGEST AND AltGCs office. Our office has been fitted up ment of the latest Styles of Ladies' ames Jones, Broadway, 5th w»rd, dwell with special reference t o t i n t class or FUBD HUTZEL, living in Pittsfitid, about Misses' and Uhildrens' Fine These goods have all been bought by ing. $2,500. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT* work. three miles from this city, hatl a vtry fine Mr. J. W.Mavnard, Shoes in Serge, Goat and ieo. Killetts, Broadway, dwelling. span of sorrel horses stolen from his barn - T h e Ypsllanti Sentinel says t h a t a Kid ; A Great Variety of . Gates, Broadway, dwelling. IFOR CASH 1 on Friday night last, together with a set of borsc belonging to SAMUEL CASEV " jroi Mens' Boys' aUd As will be seen this does not include the double harness. Xot being able to get the hold of a mixture of Paris Green intended Youths' And they Wtti be sold at a omflil advance froih Cost. for bugs and passed in his checks." He ew Opera House of G. D. Hill, which is carriage of Mr. HUTZEI. without eudan ow receiving its finishing strokes, nor the goring their enterprise, the thieves hitched itc it, we snppo c J. H. MAYNARD. FINE GOODS I N PRUNELLA ew Church to be built by the Congrega- on to the double buggy of Mr. ELLIOT, livOF — WOODKVJFF has discovered six houses 1334m2 lonal society, and for which ground has ing near, drawing the same by haud pins up in Ypsilantl, " with premonitory French uen broken at the corner of State and through an oat Held to the road. Also beftaiploins of the seventh," and adds : " W e APtHFKCT FIT FOR, EVERY ONK, Calf, and also William streets. These buildings would ng inclined to fved their newly acquired shill break the news gently if we see far DIRECTORY an entirely new Stock dd some $75,000 or $80,000 more to the team well, several bushels of oits were Her cause for alarm." -OF— of Slippers, Gored Busmount, but as the former was enclosed takin from the barn of Mr. IIUTZEL, other — The framedwcllingof H. BINDER, corkins, and Shoes of Fancy Col3V IV A. I t 13 O It, ast season, aud nothing but the foundaGEM'S FlKAISiHXc; GOODS, tcrof Lil>erty and Main S t r t t t s , has been ors of New Styles. We aim to ion of the latter will be built this season, rain being emptied from the bags and the FOR 1871, bags filled with oats. The team was a val purchased by 'W. D. SMITH, mid is being hey are omitted. keep the best and most serviceabfe work) uable one, being worth $500, and besides With a Complete Portrait ot the City, removed to State Street, on the south lot of Several buildings are undergoing thorAN ELEGANT an Accurate Census, Statistical the loss subjects Mr. H. to great inconvenlie Knight property, first block south of ugh repairs, and comin? out as good as ence iu a very busy season of the year. Tables, &.c. &.c. the M.E. Church. VARIETY AT "IIK 0NDKR8IGHED having had an extensive ew. One firm lu the city Informs us — That colored debate a t Geneva, N . Yexperience In the compilation and publication AT REASONABLE PEICES. In the Supreme Court, at Lansing, on of• City hat they have some $6,000 or $7,000 worth and County Directories In this and other -recorded in another co'umn—reminds us Greatly Reduce TRUNKS, the 12th, two decisions wore announced in States, aud having been solicited by a number of I this kind of work to do. of the question discussed by a colored dethe prominent citizens to issue a work of this kind, casc« carried up from this county: Mela p:if«in promising complete satisfaction The Particular attention given to the manuPBICES, tains; school in this city some months ago. work will contain a complete portrait of the city, VALISES, Hi ram Arnold e*. Nelsou B. Nye el al. aettiug We have received a copy of tnc 'Trlenforth its advantages as a commercial ami It was : " Which am the most dlstractlUR facture of Fudgment below reversed and new trial manufacturing town ; also statistical table* show tube eye of man, woman or money ?" The ial Catalogue of the University of Michi the number of firmp engaged in every departSATCHELS, ordered. It Is uow about 10 vears since ing <n, for 1871," containing full lists of all ment of manufacture and trade ; the Rggreentc andiscussion was prolonged until 2 A. M., and nual *slcs 01 the same ; the number of a\\ Hint; the judgment below was rendered. onnected with the University from Its tli<question not then decided. and business houses in the city, aud in f a t every &0., &0., &C, Joshua G. Lcland, administrator of the kiud or character of information that the cltiRen or SEWED & PEGGED CALF oundation, as Regents, Professors or Stu -The Marshall Statesman, which h a s itrtBger may depm ; ski-tchec of the schools, entg. The summary puts the whole num- estate of Amanda Whitaker, deceased, vs. churches, benevolent societies The city possesses Utterly condemned Its cotemporaries for B O O T S1 advantages which, if they were generally er who have received degrees at 2,016, of 'saac M. Whitaker and Edward L. Boyden. many known, would attract settlers from all parts of the Wclving presents, has a t last succumbed THAT HAS EVER BEF.N BROUGHT TO THIS vhom 16 only received Post Graduate or Decree below, iu favor of Leland, affirmed. country. I t it our design to publish a work for ICITY, WHICH HE WILL SELL •<>«vender of roasted peanuts, and with distribution throughout the United States. On thee 11th a further return was order- geuerai lonorary degrees, making the number of It would be superfluous to here nrgethe nece-ity Which are guaranteed to give entire satisits elitorial mouth full of 'ot uns, calls the ed lu the certiorari case of Cornelius Craw of advertising a city, or to meiiti"n the ndvanlapes egular graduates in the several departiwout" heaven's own gift to a famlshiua that real estate owners and busine-s men derive faction as to ments aud schools, 2,900 Of these 102 are ford ts the Township Boards of Webster from this irethod of advertising a city. world." Another proof of the adage, The work will undelivered to ratocrlhers in the Cheaper than the Cheapest for and Sclo, which carries it over to next eported deceased, m»klng the alumni month of July It is to bo hoped that business men "trery man has his price." erm. orps now number 2.798. will duly consider and appreciate the advantages Cash. of advertising their business in thisbo<k. It will — The (JkronicU is reported very compli TIT AND DURABILITY. The 2,900 graduates are classified as folbe found in stores, offices, hotels and all public as to the Correclness of the Above Give T<* Siiiisfy Commissioner Pleasanton has decided •Wtiry to the AROUS In the closin? num place* where the cards mast meet the eye of scores Profits volume; but as no number was ows, each graduate being counted but ;hat tho salary of the President of the 01 purchasers every day. ALSO A F1NB ASSORTMENT OF nu«, though many have taken two degrees, Lunatic Asylum a t Williamsburg, Va., Us a *>t us, we presume t h a t the editorial Terms of Advertising. s not exempt from an income tax, bend some three and even four : One Page $2S 00 corpso-English for defunct corp«-didn't :uuse the office cannot bo said to be nec- Half " 16 00 • 611 essary *isli to lacerate our " pheelinx." Thought- Jachelors of Art, for tho legitimate purpose of a Fourth" 8 0' MEW GOODS tichelors or Philosophy, 12 Capital Names 50 ™- The »aine Chronicle also yave a part- Jachelors of Science. • • 147 State government. la Price of books to subfcribers, $? 00; to non-subDR. SAGES ? kick—some " anamules " kick natu ivil Engineers, 66 Those Parker Sugar Cured Hams at Slaw&on & ecrlberg, $3 50. CALL AND SEE OUR RECBIVED. COATINGS, - - . 138M . JAMES M. THOMAS. '•Hy—at the steward, sundry professors, lining Engineers, 13 : on's are choico euting this hot weather, when the 52 *• It was a safe time to do such noble Pharmaceutical Chemists, )octors of Medicine, . . . 969 dor of the best kept and cleanliest butcher's stall is and VESTI2TGS, 'wls, circumstances calling t h e valiant iachelors of Law, LADIES' POLISH i\\MTEM PROOF COLD 1,030 not very tempting. _A_3STISr A R B O R . AT LAST! CHOICE AND ATTACTIVE ASSORTMENT 24 Main Street. No. 26 Main St. DRY GOODS II FOR THE SPRING TRADE I FANCY SINCE THE RECENT DECLINE, RESPECTFULLY INVITE EXAMINATION LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. GOODS fA-lNTD P E I C E S - SIPZEOI-A-IEJTXIEDS : N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS JAMES BOYD, NO. 11S. MAIN ST., BOOTS AND SHOES! LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK NEW SUMMER DRY GOODS OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE FOR CASH! JAPANESE SILKS, B. F. Rice's SHOE STORE, LOWEST PRICES!! S. SONDHEIM WATCHES CF ALL GRADES, IN EITHER GOLD OS SILVER CASES. SILVER PLATED WAEEt CUTLERY, BOTH TABLE * POCKET II f© SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS CHILDREN AND YOUTHS' CLOM\G LADIES' //m VATC9SS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY !! mm •W fc and lampooners away from tlru their chivalry, to return no more, , forever. And If ever, per/iap», too, *'»r and more modest. At a session of the Board of Regents "don Tuesday evening, THEODORE A. "tGiuw, M. D., of Detroit, a graduate of "" LiKrary Department, class of 1859, was '??ointed Lecturer on Surgery, vice Prof. LKNSBY, resigned. Considered a good apMotmeut. ^ s a l a r i e s of the following Professors *«« fixed at |2,500, from and after the ^'<lay or October next: Profs. Wood, , Watson, Olney, Adams, Tyler, «,Prescott,D - Ooge,and Morris. That Pr. JONES was p u t a t $2,000. ,, J t a l e T e t h e venerable Dr. WILLIAMS, as' °'Prof. MEUKIMAX was made adjunct °«sor of Physics a t a salary of $2,000. 8 a a r i c s U s l l t t 0c o m m a n d a ' ° nd keep ^tbtl «st m cn> a m l ) i n0UI . o p | n | O D ) g e t m o r e ** out of some professorships than has °*n the rule. '?ht hundred dollars were allowed Arrest that terrible Catarrh, and thus avoid a con A Rood house and lot containing all the necessary BUCKLE SERGE SHOE, 0>LY $2.00. Total, 2,900 umptive's grave by using Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rera- conveniences of a good home. In <nn Arbor, Mich., The first graduating class in the Literary sdy. I t ' s not warranted to euro Consumption when for which I will exchange one of HkejleserlpUotl, very liberal terms, in the city of Frceport. Ill )epartment numbered 11, in 1845 ; the he lungs are half consumed, nor to make men live on My :house and lot ar* nice!y situated, are worth MIMES' POLISH W.lTEtt PROOF SILVER *4J o0. I also have twelve acres of nice farming or orever, nor to make this earth a blissful Paradise, to 1nalle.1t class, 9, in 1852 ; the largest class, gardening land joining city limits Worth #.wi per 8, in 1870. For many years the only de- 'hich Ueuven shull be but a side-show, but the pro- acre, all of which 1 wish to exchange for property in BICKL6 SEiltlE SHOE,$2.00. will pay $500 reward for a case of Catarrh Ann Arbor or a farm In Wanhtetiaw County. Am ree conferred was thatot Bachelor of Arts, prietor which he cannot cure. Sold by druggists, or send prepared to pay or tafco the difference in cash. A $1.00. he other degrees in the Literary Depart- ixty cents to Dr. R. V. Pierce, IS8 Seneca street, great bargain v, 111 be given. Address and learn par- 8«rge Gaiters, llculars, ment being first conferred as follows : Bach- Jutfalo, N. Y., and receive it by mail. LEWIS COLBY, 1820m3« Freeport, 111. Cloth Slippery .90. lor of Science in 1855; Civil Engineer in You can find the largest assortment 860 j Mlniug Eugincer In 1867; Pharma- of Hoop Skirtu and coneM at the lowSubscribers to Peters N. B. All Prime Goods. No Shoddy. Musical Monthly are Beteutical Chemist in 1869 ; and Bachelor of eat price*, at the New millinery Store ting their Mnsic forlesB 1324.3m. 17 South .»lnin Street. 'hilosophy In 1870. than two cents a piece. Those who have not seen In the Medical Department the first class SAM. B. KfcVENAUGH Itble Musical Mngnzjie Bounty to Soldiers. sl:o;itd send 30 cenl» for a "raduated in 1851, and numbered but 6. Those who enlisted in 1851 outhe first call of Pressample copy. The manic i« Copies Old ity Hays.'Thomas, Kln'he smallest since the first was In 1860, ent Liucoln, and who wore honorably discharged kel, Persley, and other nd uumbered 21 ; tbeiargest in 1869, num eforo the expiration of the term of their onlistpoi ulnr writers. lcnt. are entitled to $100 each, as bounty. Two back number*! (or erlng 94. And soldiers enlisting under act of July 4th, 18S4 New School Book, bj 4"cents. Four back DiimThe first Law class graduated In 1860, re to be allowed the unpaid instalments of bounty II.A 8. hern foi 75 cents. SubPSSKINS. Price, IN pon a single course of lectures, and num- they were discharged by expiration of service S7.60 per dfien. Contains scribers get The above classes should make application to the over two hundred new and ered 16 ; the largest class in 1867 and beautiful songs, duett, etc. ndersigned. umbered 145. by Will 8 . Hays. W\-b-j _ March 24tb,18T0, The Catalogue consists of 88 pages, and ster, Thomas, etc. Every I l-a^tf JOHN N. GOTT, biug is new, fresh, and J . TO ANY DE3IRBD SIZE. ontalns much other interesting iuformaBounty and Claim Agent. sparkling. Contents and on besides that we have passed under specimen pa^es pent free YOU WANT O n l y a f e w more of those P o i n t L a c e otice. b a w l s left, a t SKI, *7..">(), »5.i>0, a t t h e ~amplecopies mailed free IO1JG AMBROTYPES & DAGUERREOTYPES ]JIFTI DOLLARS FINE of postage to teachers for We are having magnificent harvest m i l l i n e r y Store. ' 5 cent*. Liberal terms ' Detroit, for plans for Introduction. Worth of Music for 8 3 . veather,—the rain of Monday night and Serond Hand and \tt» Organs The Address, Purchase of the BALDWIN Library uesday morning caused but little delay,— And Melodeonsforsalo very cheap at Trof.Mills' w orderd ordered,ffor want of ready means ; nd the farmers are Improving it in secur- muslcroom,No.« Main Street. (Over HullAKob J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway, N. Y. nson's.) ll Teachers sending n» their orders for $10 worth of p r i i * * «je proportion coming from'Detroit! lg probably the largest crop of wheat ever ALVIN WILSEY. music cun claim a 1 years subscription t o Pete«i' Mnslcal Monthly. lHJ.'tf we establishment in that city ofa rown in Washtenaw Couuty. ConsideraWe h a v e , i n order to close o u t o u r re7*W>>ic School, was uot accepted lc of it Is already secured. No change to m a i n i n g stock of F a r a « o l s , reduced P GLOVES. h e m to cowt. y <jing President Fimcae repDrted on the eported condition of summer crops. Now m i l l i n e r y Store, 4T S. Kluin St. I have 20 dozen of tho '"•on of women, and pronounced the The text of Rev. L. R. FISK next Sabbath J "»ent satisfactory, Soldiers of 1812, who 6crved sixty days, are enCELEBRATED EMPRESS KID GLOVES I I veiling will be from I. Cor. xiv.—35: "It tled to Pension, and should apply Immediately to 'other business of the session con "» making the usual appropriation*. s a shame for women to speak In theohn N. Oott, Bounty and Fenflos Agent, Ann In the most exquisite shades, for one dollar a hurcb." rbor, Mich. 13Mtf J . H, MAYNARD. L SMITH of FIRST CLASS STYLE PHOTOGRAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, fio. 30 Huron Street. V REMEDY WHICH n E WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER CALL TiiE ATTENTION OF THE PEOPLE Tlite Remedy does not vimpW rellcvi fora short O f THE time, but It produces perflrt nnd pfcrftlafleht Hires of the Worst cases MUhfonlc Nusal Calnrrii, atul 1 will pay $">00 reward i'i;r a cneo that I cannot iure. j • c o l d in the h'oad" snd <'atarrli.il Hoadacha ar»l ciirwlwkh nfrwapplications. If you hay* a <V<i-TO'fmilR EXTEN'SItE AND WBIX ASSORT-' chargefr'»m the n'*Bir, otlVufive or otbdrwlM. WouI-D STOCK Of SEASONABLE GOOUS plug rip or the noso at tiroes, partial 1O!*B of the IM THK LINE OP WARRANTED A t i t ofi NO SALE: Sense ol srrti-II. tas(e or hearing tfjfi! tMtfering «r weak, feel clitll, h.1»e pain en- pressure in the head, I B O O T S -fl. 1ST ID SHOES, yon may rest assured that you have Ontarrh. I Thousands annually, without manifesting half of the Which they now have In st<>re.and to which con'OR SALE OR TO RENT. above symptom , terminate in Consumption and utent additions will be made throughout the season' end in the ^ruve. No disease is so common, more The codds'whtch we offer are new and fresh from deceptive or less nnderstood by physicians. I will the Ir-ctbiy'i arid In all owes will be found as rep. send my pamphlet on Cntitnii to any address free. resented. A Gcntpol Residence 1'.( miles from t h e Court Dr. Sage6*s Catarrh Remedy is now House pqunre In Ann Arbor, together wtth s acroo SOLD BY MOST DRUGSTHTR IN ALL PARTS trrgBT DEswiirnoy or of orchard bearing choice fruit/fi acres pasture, well OF THK WORLD watered, jturdon shrubbery all of first quality Prlee PO cents Sent by mail po tpnlcl on eceipt Situation, healthy and beautiful. To ptrtica wl«hLIGHT AND HEAY$ WORK, ins tho benefits or onr E lucational I n s t i t u t i o n s , of 6n cents or four package! Ibr two doUArs. Beware < f c Minterfeits aud wo-thless imitations. See this property is very desirable. FORPrice raf*<lerate and a^oomrnoditlnsj Enquire of that my orlvate Siam|> which is a positive gnaran. tee of eenniticttese. is npon the ontskln wrapper. 132S J O H N N . Q O T T . Ann Arbor. MEN, WOBIB?f A!>» C H I L D B E D Romember that tills prl ate Stiinjp. tamed bv the United States Government ex re^ely for stamping my medicines, has m\ portrait, name and address, OR SALE. nnd 'hf words •• U 8. Ceitiflcate of Qemiinene"*1* We have the engraved upon It. »nd need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by travelers, and ot ets representing themselves as "Dr. Sage: I a m the only mnn now llvinglhat hflsthoftnowledjm and ri«:lit ^manufacture the genuine Dr. Sf.pe'8 Catarrh Remedy, arid OP THE Nearly new. Inquire »t the office of I never travel to cell this modcini* R. V. PIERCE M. n , CELEBRATED CiLF BOOTS A.1D SHOES, tt. W. CHEFVER. 133 Seneca Street, Buffalo, N . Y . Ann Arbor. May Both, 18TI. 1824-tf. CITY ANfr COUNTRY THE 'BEST STYLE, F EXCL US1 YE SALE A ONE HORSE TOP BUGGY F OR SALE. JTNGINE AND BOILER FOR SALE- The underpinned offers for sale her residence In The subscriber offers for snle cheap a Portable the vil'.ajre of Saline : two largs lot», desirably lo rated, with a pond house, barn, water, fruit, &c. Threshing Machine BttglHo <nd toiler. Cnu bt-socn at the di'pit in this city. Tei nis mado caf y. Ann Arbor, •! u:iu -27,1811. Mra. CORINTHA GREEN. 13i8tf PETER' SIU'LTERS. Sftliue, June 5*th, 1971. l8Silns2 Made by JAMES M. BUET. OP N. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTH ftl STOCK AND WORK. Also tho Vxcr.rslVK PEOPLE'S DRUG STOttEl R. W. ELLIS & CO. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the Citv, by ,.*=»,» Go to R. W.ELLIB & CO'fc for choico Wines and Liquoi i for Medical Purposes. <t!LE of B ITKOt 'S BB I.A DIES F> OF EVERY STYLE The atioye WorK is rarsuperior to .inv heratolbro y. 7BR offered In iliis < liy, tad we guarantee it iu ,. i- y particular, and sell it at TBN PER CBN?, below Petroit Prices, oa (he same gob^s". From Good Health. consent of her husband, to supply he daughter's plico. Wo ran wall imagin Mr.' Cooper's surprise at meeting with thi novel proposal on the part of hi* mother in-lavc. ' On the Use of Mineral Waters. N 0 Its Cure and Its Preventive. Drain Commissioner's Notice. Heifers to Milking •\Vhat are mineral waters? Waters ira Fryo, -Tr., wiitea as follows to the Lew pregnateel with mineral substances woul BY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. BBOrn to be a perfectly plain and oorreo iston Journal on this important subject : "All domestic animals require som answer, and yet a little reflection wil Many a human bolnjr 1ms passod awny fur whoso there wiM no other renson than the neglect of show that this definition is by no mean sort of training or education. Tho stee death known and indisputably proven means of (rare. Those may require more training than the heii justified in tho light of physical or chemi Hour nnrt dew tofttmtly Mid fneticln nve >*»i">h)K iti** dr, uDiowBlumbej Into if bleb, hnil thoyoalnif-j am pisd oal faot Does not all water chiefly be er, because the uses aro varied to wkic long to the mineral kingdom, and doe ho has to become accustomed to make hi DB. JOSEPH EL BCHEHO&fS BXALPUC TREATMENT, not even the rain water contain foreign labor " skilled " and practicable. \Yhil substances in admixture with its own es the cow may not need to be schooled i find nvniletl tliomnelves of his wonderfully nffienrtnus luetficlnoi, they wmiM not have M i e n . these higher branches of practical studie, sential elements? And if the torn Dr. Schonck ba« tn itis own cane proved that wh*r* sufficient vitality remain*, tltnt. vittiHtr, t>? Iris "mineral water" implies indeed, th. she.should be taught that to stand quiet over nvedlclnes and his direction! iov tin'ir use, i* quickenlv while beinir milked, and to " hoist" th presence of a larger quantity of miuera ed Into hraithfui viitor. nght toot and place it back of tho other In tills statement thoro i s nothing proMt nipt units. substances than is usually found in com To t h e faith of tho invalid la made n o representation shut La not ;i thousand times substantiated by living Estate of James O'Brien. mon sweet water, we must not lose sigh .ins virtues to be commended and reward and risible works. T h e theory ot tho euro by Dr. of the fact that there are springs note< od (by kindness, at least). No anim.-i Sehi'iirk'a medicines in aa simple us it la unfiuhna.1 should be allowed to pass its first winte It? philosophy requires no nrgunifiit. It la Helf-'i^Bijr all over the world for their efficacy am IOK. aelf-couTlndng. without being thoroughly "halter broke, healing power. Tho Sea-weed Tcnta and mandrake Pill* aro tin* flmt wmpona vntit wlih-ti the clt;i>fel of tho nin'mlv U that it can be led by the horn, or witl two The method-leal use of mineral waters i so assailed. T w o thirds o f t h e oaaea of consumption a rope around the neck, gently and poaco originate, in dyspepsia and a funetimniHy dlfmnlered alono indicated in chronic affections, auc ably. Doing this when they aro young liver. With tin'" condition the bronchial tubes " s y m pathtxe" with tbfl ftnmuch. They respond t o thethen only when the organism is not ye the liver. I lore then comes the culeasily handled, it saves a vast amoun iii'irUirti'ticUonof tnlMHthiK reaolt, and the setting in, witU aU its d i i •wholly reduced by protracted disease o: and of subseqiient hard work aud perploxity tru&sing symptom*, of fatal diathesis. and, it may be, the animals many kick CONOTMFTION* Mineral waters can be used either a and blows. There is a great dilVerence ii < Mnndrakn PHI* arn compound of onftof J^ntnrc'n the home of the patient or at the spring teaohen in this kind of science as well a n Tho iblesi glfta the I'odophllhiiTi I'eltatum. Thry !«'*but the latter is, for obvious reasons, fa in the four-footed pupils. Some teacher sps* all the blood-aearcblng. alterative propurtlcs of more preferable, and should be insistet I have seen did not evince half the sens cuiouici, but, utiiiko oftlomeli they on whenever practicable. The physician of the cattle they undertook to train. O; "LEAVE NO BTING BEHIND/' in recommending a spring, must, how the other hand, there aro some animals s Tho work of euro Ifl nn\r brOrmlnfT. Thfl ritlfttcrrf" tnocoua deposit* in tho botrr's and tn the alimenever, not be guided solely by the chemi perverse or non compot nn ntit that it seem find tary canal are elected. The HTOT. llko « clock. Is cal ingredients of tho water, but ulmos almost impossible to teach the first rudi wound up. It arotisoa from it* torpidity. Tho BtomHoh Acts responslvelr, and tho p;itient begins to fuel as much so by situation, climate and sur ments of good manners. But, certainly that ho is getting, at lai-t, roundings of the spring. in most cases there is nothing gained b; A 81TPPI.Y OF GOOD BLOOD. To send a patient, suffering from in letting them grow up in these uncout! H Tho Poa-wpod Ton I o. In oonJ.tnetton with thn Pills, flammatory irritation of the respiratory w;iys, thinking to take them in hand at . permeates and assimilate* with the food. Chyllfleati'Mi is now progressing without its previous tortures. mucous membrane, to a spring situatec later day. Train, ukilt young should b Digestion becomes painless, and tii<! curt* in f*ern to be in a region where tho air is very dry i the motto of the barnyard. at. hand. There Is no more Butulenoe, no exacerbation of the stomach. An appetite ^»it^ in. just as irrational as to send a rheumatii Now comes tho greatest Bloi d I'under ever yrt piv" Many an otherwise excellent milke on by an In lutgeni rather to suffering man. Senenck's to a fountain whose atmosphere is alway Syrupcuo.es In to perform its functions and surcharged with aqueous vapor, anc is spoiled for life by harsh treatment. I Pulinonic to hasten and complete the euro. It enters at. once is better to govern by gentleness anil kim upon Its work. Nature can not be ohettted. It collects therefore apt to restrain transpiration. and ripens tho Impaired and diseased portions of the tho form of gatherings, it prepares them for Neither very hot and dry, nor cool anc tn iitineiit than by harsh treatment ant lungs. In ration* and l"! In a very thon time the malady fear of the master. A heifer if well fcfco rainy seasons, are propitious for the use is vanquished, tlio rotten throne that it occupied is ken to the milk-pail, is thereby mad renovated and made new, and the patient, in all tho of mineral waters, and in either case th dignity ( ,f regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy tho physician must give his putient especia worth at least twenty-five per cent, mm- umuliood or wOffinnhOGa taut was directions for their conduct. Little ac —an increase which will pay for mm<;rvt;x VP AS LOST. Sheriff's Sale. tive exercise, lighter raiment and coolei painstaking. The handling ol theudde Tlmsppind thing Is. tho patients nrantfttay In a warm 11 :n until they (jet well; it Is almost Impossible to baths are indicated pending the hot term and the process of milking is a very \inus prevent tsikin f cold who i tin* lungs nre cllsensed, but and the reverse after the heat has moder- ual proceeding, and, inaddition, the teat it must bo prevented or u cure am out be effected. are often tender, and the bag caked ant Presh air and riding out, especially in this section of ated. in t!io full nnd winter season, are all inflamed so as to be painful under even th the country, Physicians who recommend that course lose Patients should, as a rule, drink small- gentlest touch. How often in surli a can wrong. their patients* if their lun^s are badly diseased and yottbooauso they are In the house they most not sit er quantities of mineral water during the ilition from pain and apprehends 1 <1;HII-I I ilei; they must walk about, the mom as much cold season, should but gradually ant she almost unconsciously lifts her foot am and asfastcia the strength will bear, to pet up a good circulation of bl<iod. The patients must keep in good cautiously increase the dose, take their knocks over the milkpail, and peraap spirits—be determined to pot well. This h;m a preat deal t i do wlia t:u; appetite, and is tho great point to breakfast some time after the last glass is hits a well-deserved " thwack " upon tli consumed, and bathe not before severa shins of the bungler upon tho milkin gain. To despair of cure after such o vide IKV of lf« possiIn thr> worst cases, and moral certainty in all hours have elapsed. The baths require stool, and then kicks and bruises arc free u bility others, is sinful. Dr. Sclienck's pcrsnnul Ftiitement no higher temperature than in summer ly interchanged between the frightens1 to the Faculty of bis own cure waa in these modest words: but if the skiii is to be excited to greater brute and the irritated master. " Many years a^o I wns In the last stages of consumption; confined to my bod, and at one time my activity, the patient must stay some time physicians tlion^ht that 1 could not live a vev.ok; then, "Fiist teach art your animals to lov like in bed and take no active exercise in tho a drowning man OHtChlng at straws, 1 heard of o obtained tho preparations which I now offer to open air before the warmer hours of the rather than fear you. Learn them to wel nnd the public, and they made a perfect cure of me. i t day, and then, only where he is not ex-come your coming by presents of a nub seemed to mo that I could feel them- penetrate my CO Sheriff's Sale. whole system. They fuon riponcd the matter in my bin of corn, an apple, a little salt, etc., 01 lungs, posed to cold winds. and I would spit up more than a pint of offenall occasions when practicable. Handle sive yellow matter every mornlns for n. long time. The use of mineral water cannot be ad" As soon as that began to subside, my cough, fever, ntatit sweats nil bcctin to leave me, nnd my vantageous unless prescribed, directed them freely, and get them accustomed t< pains, andbecame so growl that it was with dlfltoulty that controlled and carefully watched by cyour touch by rubbing and scratobin| appetite 1 could keep from oating too much. 1 soon Kuii>"^iiiy them. Heifers thus accustomed to bcinj, strength, nnd hnvo grown In flesh ever since. physician, who is cognizant of its charac"I WHS weighed shortly after my recovery,-* n i l . pel the Doctor, " t ten looking like a mure skeleton; ter and effects; he alone can, during th handled will soon come to seemingly lik weight was only ninety-seven pounds; my presprogress of the cure, determine whethot the operation of milking. I once had i ray ent weightistWO hundred and twenty-five (22,1) pounds, and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health." it is suitable or not, how long and inheifer that from having exceedingly sor PH I>r. Schenck has dtsoontlnuAd his pioregional visits what daily quantities it must be taken teats contracted the habit of runnini to New-York and Boston. H e or his m>n. Dr. J. n . Jr., still continue to SOP patients at their whether bathing Should be combine) away from me, when milked in the van SHiencfe, Dffloe. No. lo N^rtii Sixth Street, Philadelphia, etery with drinking, what should be the propel before the milk was half down. All mj Saturday from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Those who wish a examination with tho Rospirometer will ho diet and regimen, and he alone can insti endeavors to break up the habit failed thorough charged $5. The Resplroxneter declrfrcs the exact OH of tho lungs, and patients can readily learn tute all those modifications necessitatec till, as a last resort, when she started t< condition whether they are curable or not. run, I caught up the pail with one ham by individual, cases, constitutions a The directions fort:ikinj? the medicines nre ndnpted and seized one hind leg with the othei to the. intelligence even of a child. Follow tin-so rtfrcridiosyncrasi<\». and kind Nature will do tho rest, excepting tmit and held on firmly. After hopping a lev tlons, some- nilBfHl tho Mandrake, l'ills are to be taken In As in every treatment, so chic-fly in the steps and some pretty severe kicks am in Increased doses; tho three medicines need no other than tho nmple Instructions that acuse of mineral water, and even in sea-jerks to free herself, were made all to n accompaniments company them: First create appetite. Of returning bathing, a rigorous diet is of supreme im- purpose, she "accepted the situation, health, hunger i s the most welcome symptom. When as it will come, let the despairing at ^nco bo portance, and one of tho most essentia and calmly submitted to the process til itof comes, pond cheer. Good blood at onco follows, the cough the night sweat is abated. Jn n short time conditions of success. Drinking four oi milked olean. Two or three sucl both ofi, these morbid symptoms nrcgnno forever. five glasses of mineral water in the morn- lessons cured hor entirely. Such usag Dr. Schenck'a medicines aro constantly kept in tens CO thousands of famtMos; As a laxative or purgative, ing and then sitting down to a breakfast would probably have frightened her an< of the Mandrake Pills ore a standard preparation ; while of hot cakes and fried ham, or to a more made the habit worse had she been unac the. PulmontO Syrup, as B cure of coughs and colds. Duty be regarded ;i» a propbyloctorio utjaiiist consumpsumptuous dinner table, laden with al customed to being petted and handled tion in anv of its forms. the choice luxuries of the season, and al But a few lessons gave her an understan • Price of the Pulmonin Pymp and Poa-ween Tonic, tl^Ou bottle, or 87^0 :i half dozen. Mandrake Pills, the delicious yet indigestible dishes o: ding of what was required, and subse 25 cents a box. Fur salo by all druggists uml dealers. salads, and the no less reprehensible ones quently any attempt of a repetition o HURLBUT & EDSALL, of pies and pastries, not only annuls tho the misdemeanor would bo suddenly 32 Lake ^treet, Chicago, III., desired effects of tho cure but is produc- checked by merely placing my hand gen tive of positive harm. But too often th tly upon her leg. "Wholesale homo physician is blamed for having sen H the patient to an unsuitable spring ; bu " I t is very important that cows of nnj too often the latter returns not only un- age ho milked clean ; but more especiall; relieved of his complaints, but even in should this be practiced with heifers. On a worse condition ; and yet the cause o of the secrets of butter-making lies righ all this can frequently be traced to hishere. I need not tell those that are user own imprudence and intemperance. to tho care of cows and dairying that th CAM. 11. REV\E«AL'UH last drawn gill is nearly all cream, anc when one of these little measures of mil. A Queer Funeral. KEEPS ON HAND is left in the udders of several cows, as I heard also from my grandmother careless milker will often do, no insignifi remarkable story about her husband's fun- cant quantity of the richest milk is los Sheriffs Sale. eral. He died at Brougham in December every day. 1782. Neither my father nor his brother 1 " Bat this is not all or perhaps the great OB was thon in Westmoreland. Charles Duke of Norfolk, was then living at Grog- est loss. Leaving milk in the cow's baj, stoke in Cumberland, and being a most has a most deleterious effect upon the intimate friend of the family attendee cow. Undoubtedly many eases of gargo the funeral as representing tho chiel might be traced to this neglect. Ami th mourner. In that character his place was habit, if persisted in any length of tiim at the head of the of the table at the fun- will cause a gradual falling off in the AND eral feast, where ho was supported by all milk, and tho cow will be very unlikel; the gentlemen of the county. After din- to regain her full milking powers again ner the Duke rose and addressed the guests This matter is worth more than a casua as follows: " Friends and neighbors, be- thought. Heifers, tho first year of theii fore I give you the toast of the day, thecoming into the dairy, should be entrus V1INERAL PAIJNTS, & c , memory of the deceased, I ask you to ted to no inexperienced or careless milk LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND drink the health of the family physician, ers. A good milker will draw tho milk in OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. Dr. Harrison, the founder of the feast! silence and quickly. Never allow yourself to leave a cow half milked, and then CALL ON It. W. ELLIS & CO., Many toasts followed. The guests drank No. 30 HURON ST long and deeply. The funeral then pro- return and finish, thinking to get the ful BEFORE PURCHASING ceeded on its way to the parish church of complement that the cow would give Sheriffs Sale. Brougham, called Nine Churches, (a cor- This habit is nearly as bad as the one spo]\ :w GOODS ken of abdro, and its practice brings about juption of St. Ninan to whom it is dedicated,) a distance of three mile?, the road the same results. By such means heifers winding along the steep banks of the riv- often contract tho habit of withholding er Eamort. Arrived at the church, the their milk ; a most perplexing habit anc hearse was met by the rector, but the cof- often not easily cured. A good milker fin had disappeared! The shock was enoughwill attend tolas work and draw the milk A Large and Choice Stock o to sober the merry mourners. On search- clean as quickly as possible and establisl ing back, the coffin was discovered in the the habit of giving down freely—a valuriver, into which it had fallen, pitched able item in a young cow." down the steep bank at a place where the hearse, driven by the drunken coachman, had probably lurched against a rock. The Evidence for Darwin. oak outer coffin was broken to pieces, but A splendid illustration of Dr. Darwin': the lead remained intact at the bottom of theory has turned up in Vienna. Then tho river, too heavy to be carried down by is a girl there aged thirteen, a native 01 INCLUDING the stream. The shock and scandal pro- Palermo, Therese Gambardclla, who is duced by all this had the effect not only literally covered with hair so thickly thai A FALSE REPORT! THAT CLOTHS, of sobering everybody, but of putting an the Vienna papers pronounce her skin Sheriff's Sale. end to such disgraceful orgies in the coun- more like fur than anything else. The CASSIMKRES, ty for the future. The accuracy of my famous Julia Pastan is described as pergreat grandmother's story was strongly fectly smooth compared with the new VESTINGS, &C confirmed by an event which happened claimant to colobrity, whose hairy covermany yoars afterward. In October, 1846, ing extends from head to foot, even tho LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITIES the wall of our vault in the chancel of forehead, which, in similar cases, is said to HAS GONE OUT OP TRADE Nine Churches had given away ; on the bave been invariably found bare, being WHICH UE W1LI.1 vault being opened to make the necessa- entirely overgrown. The head closely rery repairs, I myself saw the lead coffiin of sombles that of a monkey, and several ab- HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS my grandfather, battered and bulged normities in tho build of the body still A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP from its tumble down the rooky bank of further complete tho resemblance. the river.—Life and Time* of Lord Brough- do not hear whether the young lady is on terms to suit. Also a full line of graced with a tail or tho shape of her jaws and teeth. The flexibility of her READY-MADE CLOTHING tongue, her excellent appetite, her rostlossuess, etc., strikingly remind one of tho Marricd Without Knowing It. AND A Mr. Thomas Oooper, an Englishman, agile and amusing animals in the ZoologJUST THE STYLE, cal gardens. Signorina Gambardella's has published an account of his travels in intellectual capacity is said to correspond Thibet, which he visito<l disguised as awith her unprepossessing TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALSO She is AND AT PRICESA FULL Chinaman. Among his stories is tho fol- i great favorite with theexterior. LINE OF public, medical lowing : and otherwise, and appears to have He was jup>t halting for breakfast, after a conquest over the photographe- GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! BEST leaving the Thibetan town of Bathang, achieved rs, who aro quarreling for the honor l DONT PURCHASE YOUR •when a group of young girls, gaily dress- diking her likeness. Alic LAI'IK-S-andGENTS ad and decked with garlands of flowers, oame out of a grove and surrounded him, MOROCCO SATCHELS some of them holding his mule, while T H E COLORED BEOTHBE IN- THE DEBATothers assisted him to alight. He was N o . 3 1 S o u t h Mala S t r « . t - E n t « l d « . SOCIETY.—Four colored gentlemen of then led into a grove, wheso he found a IN(; N. Y., and the same number of OUTFITS UNTIL YOU feast being prepared, and after he bad3eneva, same hue from Pcnn Yan, had a cleCALL AND SEE THEM. eaten and smoked his pipe, tho girls camo ;he recently on tho following resolu- C3-I "V13 H13VC A. C A L L . to him again, " pulling along in their aate : '• That the works of nature are more IVH.I.M.H W A G N E R . 15 South Main St., Ann Aibcr. midst a pretty girl of sixteen, attired in a. ;ion to tho human eye than the works Ann Arbor, May, 1871. silk dress, and adorned with garlands of pleasing Penn Yan took the affirmative flowers. I had already noticed," Mr. )f.ndart." won a decided victory, under the fol"DUTTER WANTED. Cooper continues, l; this girl sitting apart lowing triumphant closing appeal from from the others during the meal, and was their chief I am again prepared to take all orator: " Most ob you hab' very much astonished when she was n - seen in front ob some milliner shop, de luo.tan.try dragged up to me, and made to wax rigger ob a woman—beautiful in goat herself by my siilu; and my aston- ihape and form, wid long flowin' har, ishment was considerably heightened aultless nose, mouf, and cheeks, shiny il ET OUCHES ALL HIS NEAMade in the County, for CASH or goods when the rest ofjtbs ^rirls began to dance 13*22 tf J . H. MAYNARD ek eyes—de figger dressed in gorgeous around us in a circle, singing and throw- silks TIYES BEFORE PRINTsatins, ribbons and laces—all de ing their garlands over myself and my work and ob art—de highest style ob art. | ( U ) BUSHELS OF companion.." Tin- meaning of this per- !ow dar ING, SO THAT goes tripping along do sideformance was, however, soon made eli at walk a more \ IVE GEESE FEATPIERS CHOICE beautiful live woman—do to Mr. Oooper. He had been married st handiwork ob nature—in form •without knowing it. At Hist ho tried to ind feature so perfect, so handsome, dat escape tho liability entailed upon him; rt cannot imitate her. And, even if she FORSKZCD, for salo a t the Acricultiiral WareDo not show in any of his Pictures, house BACIISr ABEL, but suoh an oatcry was made by all the of people around that ho was forced to cany lad nuffin on, which would you go for'{ ' tfo Extra Charges. MOSES ROGERS. Ann Arbor, June U t , IS71. i:;-'lwi off his brido. He managed to. getridof her before long by transferringTier to one The following advertisement appeared of her relations, but even that was not n an Irish paper: Whereas, Patrick Matreated as a dissolution of the marriage. ony has fraudulently taken away sevorUEOPLE'S DRUG STOrt&i Finest Assortment of Toilet On his way back he was joined one day il articles of wearing apparel without Goods in the City, by by a Thibetan dame, of about thirty years ny knowledge, this is therefore to inform old, who announced herself as his wife's im that if he does not forthwith return 72. W. ELLIS & OO.,DRUGG1S7S. -A.nt o mother, tvud said she had cooie, with tho ho same, his name shall be made public. I OQ wH« o a 55 D 3 W S CQ CD o CD O . FAINTS POINTS PAINTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes a. ^L LARGE STOCK OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK W A L N U T GJLT FRAMES! WM. WAGNER'S SPUING A l SUMMER GOODS, MANUFACTURE HATS & CAPS! Gents' FUKNISHING Goods. -^•^^*- »»-M SPRING AND SUMMER 3AM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPHER I CHOICE BUTTER FRECKLES, MOTHS AND TAN GRAY BUCKWHEAT, fldUBi&e0S Mortgage Salo. Eeetate of John Mason D S Beal Estate for Sale. B S S Chancery Notice. Mortgage Sale. S D Mortgage Sale. Mortgage Sale. D S A. A. TERRY i^H4 D D S fe H Mortgage Sale. K K U ' T / r be*.', s n u d e i n the condition of a jnortEFAt'T/T hftring b©< n made in the t'hnriitionsof * ^ T A T I i O F M U M I ( ; A \ , ( o m , t y o f OTION i« hereby glvoo thut t h e I)r:i(n Comi ui&nan and Adam niorl Mary M. WatKiijS tb Kd- j At asort-H.Ti of kbe Probate Court ra tulwlopor o f Wa.vhU'iui\v c o u n t y will be at the RosbAchto J a m « » c a f u h o n , flated Ajyril 29th, A;. D. ward Treodwell, and dated April 4th, lWR M i k b •.ii.v.v. hlflden a t the Probate hOO06 of Patrick Welch. In Oie t o w n s h i p o f Northi860, and recorded some day in the Register's of&ee <>i e LB I'ecorded in tire office of the Eterteter of ltyof A n n Arbor, dri ^TtlosdAy, t) " Sdld«'ln Niid county 0 0 the t\9) liint Lfciilli Deeds for t h e oounty of SV«whfonaw, Rtate ex MichiJuly. I8T1. »t 9 o'ch'tck P. K., to meet parties to c»»- Wnsbtcnttw -County, in book S7 "t D l gan, in liber 13, on page 221, and aid dettact fof tlur excavation Rnd construction of a drun \\Ht l>y whifh Uie'power of sale Hi ameoDi native ; whio wan on the twentieth AQU there being n o w due the sum nr i*kt lliousaud Prenent, tlirani -I. H.-akoa, Judge of t l to be known us tho Lurtwick Drain, commencing 184 to Lucy W*. S. Mor- «!vcn Imii'iicn and twenty-three dollars aiid eightyin fcbe (nutter or the estate *»f John iu«hnini) addfloIttfKa eoiitb of the qnartcr stake w lay of September, 1 fan, .in' , tha assignmeui nobrded June 2lst\ 1871. light cents, also an Attorney*! fee <>f thirty dollar-?, censed the north ilde of si-ction (80J thirty, town 1 Mfflth, ind no proc adtogs a t law or inequity having been Bamu 0«aat, snd rnnntns thenee e u t e r i v nnd northerly icrosB tin* reeojfd of Bold mortgage, and U w s: u m o f n, athninbtnttor of said seventy-five dollars lK.'ltifr now claimed an due ' iodtorecove] -aid amount; Notice is thereior>' heren t o Court a n d represents ... t« the County Drain, on bind owoed by Appleton. now uid no nuit or proceeding having Wen instil •. ii.nt nn Saturday, theftth day of August. index his tinul account itp su*h .-it IwiMnlpn be Rt the house of Patrick Welch, on 16V1, nt eleven o'iflDbkpf soid day, at'the houth door of n t thereof; Thereupon it is orrlrml, that Monday aZl tho fl5) ilftectiih day of J o l t kfofesaid. at which 1 ;he Court Hoiise, in tincity of Ann Arl*or, In said KdUoe is therefore hereby given, that said mortp-ts:e rart b <l,»y of Jttl) nextj tit U n o'clock in tvf* tfll ^. time and ptflte^ t will exhibit m.ips of tho above . I Shtul - t i l i t public aurtion, t o the bigfaesi for exuraining examinin itml ..11)^Ft,K m i « * n ^ g n e d1for proposed druin, and descriptions of the tewrej frill be foreclosed by the sale of the mortgaged prontaiddoi', tlie premiflef described in said mortgage, that flen, to>wtt i " L o t number thirteen, in block number mil that tJi<- luirs ;it IHW of said dt*con«.i*"• mil eli of J:iud deemed by mo to be bcucJiied theres tn nay : all of the following pieces or pnreel» of land our Kvuth, raHgQ aumbJ r tw»> went, in th< ' • of Ann ithcr persona interested in said istnte are nil ^" >y, and the am'-nnt and di-scrlpiion by division nn<l ind State ol Michigan," or some part thereof, rituate in the city of Ann Art>or, aforennid, kjidwn w p e « i<t a si-s*ioii of add Oourt. t h a t W S S ^ snbdiviei n of the above proposed drain by nt« appor BS follows: L o t N o . one, and the i •-! it public vrni I lie, at the C o u t Ilonw, in said city, On Protn>t« i Ifflee, in the eity (if Ann tlooed io the owners <>f each dcscriptlou of land to Lot No. two, in block No. one north of Huron the twenty-third dav of September next, at uoon. t nnd dafaDw bt came, if constrncli and the township <f NorthAeld to coniinty, if imy there be why .? "N nfreet, tn fringe No. two east, according to the recorded - - ' ' w * ^ ^ ^ * ^ , W A B ^ A i fl*^r TV %,1*1«<JL, 1 1 <W1 J 111^ Dated, June 22d, 187li struct on account of sut^ drain beneflllng tii- high* ici:ount nhould not bo allowM : plat of said citV. LUCY W . t i . MOUUAN, Mortgagee. way. and hear reasons, if anv are offered, why mctl ordered, that smd Administrator (rive notS- ""it Dated, A n n Ail-or, May ftlh, Ufrt E . W . MOBOAH, Att'y. ' • apportionment should he revised or corrected. perwnx intorCHtM in said estate, of the iZS ^ % EDWARD TKEADWELL, said account, and the hrarine thereat b Ann Arbor,June SMth. 1i*7<.Mortgage Su D . CflAMtn, M(.rtt:agee. copy of thin onlor to be puUiahed Iti DAVll) Af. Ft^TJlV, 1ry>(», ii aewspajxt printed and circou Att'y. for Mortgagee. 1321 rJFA.UJ.T having been made in tho payment of 1323 County Drain Commissioner. iiunty, three succraalY^ *eelt8 previous money with t< n pex out. mti retot thcreCAi, t ot hi aring. ]<y a ii'i'iani indenture i>t' mortgage executed by Hiram Mortgage Salo. (Atimcopy.) HIKAMJ. Si onus and AU.II-J^ K. BtOrttlS, both Ol I lie city of Ann EFAX'LT having lieen made in tho conditions of and State of Michigan, to John A. Nichols, of 1328 jud i MICHIGAN, CuTint.TOfW'a«htcnaw.B8 Arbor, trtain inort^rige, executed by John D'Wolf, uml the same plane, and buuriiiK date the seventh day of O Notice is hereby giveti.thatby an order of the June, A. 1). 1870, and recorded iu the Offiosof thu Carolina ii'Wn.r, of iot tOwushipof Freedom. "NVash L'mhareCourtfnrthc Conntvof Wii^it-iinw, madf Register of Deeds in the county of Waahtenaw, tenaw County, ftlichiganf to John Jacob Piagei, of th Kstatc of Hugh Yanglm on the twentieth day of June A . D . 1871 six State of Michigan, on the eighth da? of June, A . D. siime place, bearing date the eighth day of July A. 1). TATK ( I F M I C H I G A N , Ccontx et*~ month* from thai date were allowed for creditorn to 1870, in liber 43 of mortgages, at page -*•>, by which 1S70, and ivwrdeu in the Rc^uter^i bfflos for the said A t a Ktrsaion ot the Frtrtiflttr (,'Dttrt present their cl&lms4kgatnet the estate ofJame tlit'.iult the power of side m said mdrtgnge has become County of Wnwhtenaw, on the eighth day of July, A. O'Brien, late of sai.l County, decea«od, and thai nil operative, and ne suit or psocesdisg at law or in I). 1870, in lil>er 41 of Mortgages, on rmgc 059, by rea- < lly IM VXIIII m u u r , uii .uoi creditor! of said deceased are required to present cbuncery having been instituted t*i recover the amount son of which fU'fiiult there is now due and to become if June, in the year one thousand eixtt ? their cltilniH to tmid Probate Court, at the rrnbat* n.l H-vinty-one. * °"* Lueon feoid mort0u«, ox any part thereof, nod the due upon said mortgage the sum of six bond Offlfe.fn the City of Ann Arhor.fnrcxnminatldti un< l'resent, Hiram .T. Kenkit, Judge of VnUu sum of seven hundred nnd fifty dollars being now .-.•wnty-ionr dollars and Jifty-two cents, and no suit or allowance, on or lirfore the tv entleih d a j o claimed to bo due open sajd mortgage and tin: bond proceeding at law or in chancery having been inRtiIn tho matter of th« rtt"«5 rt Hnith v Deceurfwf next, and Mint such claims will ho heart tntfvl to reyvsi MlA amount, or any part thereof; deceased. ^ ' "TO, mj ing tin- s a n s ; before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the sixNotice fa thtrcffre hereby given, tliltt on BMOfday, Margaret Vaughn, Administratrix mi * i Notice is therefore hereby given, that said mortteenth day of September, and on Wednesday, the Che twenty second day w July, A. 1). 1871. Bi Walwh, admini.strator de bonig non of said e3tat* ^ ^ twent! th dav December next, at ten o'clock in t h e /:u,"> will be foreclosed by a sail; of the mortgaged o'clock A. M., of the said day at the frontdoor of the in Court and represent that they are iunr n ~J'**1 t premises, on Saturday, the ninth day of Septem1 forenoon of each of thone days.. ber, A. I). IOTI, at the hour of eleven A. M. of said Court Jlouflo, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County render their nnul account ns such Ailraini.hfE?' * ""nwiu,^ l>ated,Ann Arbor, June 20th, A. D. 1571. day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Wasbtenaw, ftlie same being the place where the Adiiilnlsthilot-. Thereupon it in ordered, that Mowlny the t»-i_ of Ann Arbor afoxesaid, [the same being the plaec Circuit Courtforsaid county i« held!, I shall sell at HIRAM J . BKAKES, where the Circuit Court for said nmnty Is held) and public Auction to tho highest bidder the premises bare- fourth <lny of .Inly next, at ten o'clock in ti!?'" 1327w-t Jndge of Probate. that at that time aud place I shall sell ut public auc- matter described, or so much thereof as shall be neces- mum, In: n^si^ned for examining nnd i " tion, to the highesi biadi r, the premiss hereinafter sary to satisfy the amount due on said mortgageftt1 LM MOOOat, aud that the heirs at law of said Estate of William Latson. Ii Other persons intererited in sjiid r s described, {being the said mortgaged premises), or so date of this notice with intei-est and coats and expen- al' Q T A T D O * M H - I I I f i A V , r o m i i r o f Washtenaw,™ ( i rar | ,v " much thereof us shall be necessary to satisfy the ses allowed by law, together with an Attorney's ft-'* Ol ciuired to ajirieur at. a se*(ic,n tyt snirl Cou n notice la hereby given, that by nn order of the amount due on nn'vi mortgage and bond at the date ot thirty dollars, provided for in said mortgage that is to holden at the Probate Office, the eSt I'rniiat'- Court for the County of Wnuhtcnnw, made this notice, irith laterest, and easts and expeim* al- say all that certain tract or parcel of land situated ir Arbor, in said County, and sho.. ^cause, if ~ ,{? on OiO wiveiiioihlh day of .Juno, A. 1). 1871, sixlowed by law, together with an Attorneys fee of the township of Freedom, County of Washtenaw, and be,_ why the aaid account should Dott be b KM*JWPAprj months from that diite were allowed for creditors to thirty dolliii-s provided for in said mortgage, that is State of Michigan, known and de«ci-ibcd as the ea»t it is furthvr ovteod that said AdiniuiHtrxtfik "' present their clmms against tin- estate of Will to say: all those certain nieces or parcels of land sit* half of the northwest quarter of the north west quar- A'lmirii^tralor ^ive notice to the persons int»eLj 1 Cjfttflon, late efsajd county, deceased, and thai a] uatcd in the county of Washtenaw and State oi ter of section number twelve» in township number said estate, of the pendency of said account i l u creditors of suiil deceased are required to presen Michigan, known, bounded and described s s follows, three nouth of range number four east, in the district 1,-ari111: thereof, by causing a copy of tliii orf,,, 7 their claims to said l'lnhale Court, at the PioDot to-wit: being the woolen factory in Brown & Fuller'* of land subject ft) sale at Detroit, Michigan, containing published iu the Nichit/on Arfftts a ne Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, for examination an< and circuliit inj; in said County, tbnt addition to the village of Ann Arbor, in satd county twenty arre« more or Less. allowance, on or before the eighteenth day of De of \Vu-ht.;iiiiu-, with all the privileges and appurteprevious t/> said day of hearing. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1871. g. cumber next, uml that such claim* will be heard before nances, including all the machinery, apparatus un<: JOHN" JACOB FIEOEL, Mortgagor (A true copy.) H I K A M J.BEAKF3 said Probate Court, on Saturday, the fifth day o fixtures remaining thereon and to be put thereon ; mw: 1S2S D. CRAMEn, Judge f i August, and on Monday tho eighteenth dny of Deotxn also the following described several parcels ol land anc Attorney for Mortgagee. Iwr next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each o privileges and water power, to-wit: commencing at Estate of "William H. Cook. those days. the sou tli westerly boundary of Mill street iu said addition, titty-six links southeasterly from the point Dated, Ann Arbor. Juno, 17, A. I). 1871. T A T E OF M I C H I G A N , Count; _ where u line drau n from the south corner of bloek Q T A T E OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw u At a session of the i'robate Court for^ HIRAM J. BBAKE8. O Iii the matter of the estate of Anthony Ely, de-of Washtenaw, holden a t t h e Probate Olao. three in said addition, across and at right angles witl 1327w4 Judge of Probate. Ni.tiec M hereby given, that in pursuance o: City of A n n Arbor, on Thursday, the twintV Mill street, will intersect said boundary, thenee northwesterly along said boundary three chains and seven- an order granted to the undersigned, administrator day of June, in the year one thousand eWktv^ the eHtate of naitl deceased, by the Hon. Judge o: dred and seventy-one. l y-seven links, thence south thirty degrees west to tho of * flBI' l>robate for the County of "Waahtenaw.on the fifteenth mill nice, thence'down said race so far that a count C T A T E OF MICHIGAN, county of Waehtonaw, Present, Hiram J. Ueakes, Judge of Probrt. day of May, A. 1). 1871, there will be nold at public north thirty degrees east will intersect the point a O By virtue of a writ of execution issued out of ai I n t h e matter of the Entate of 'WilliM, j r beginning," thence to the place of beginning1, together rendne, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the deceased. unili r the seal of the Circuit Court for the county u ' ^ with all the privileges of using thereon seventy-tin Court Hou!»e, in the City of Ann Arbor in the county o Waabtanaw, Btate of Michigan, datfd the twenty Emcline Cook, Administratrix ot s«H estate n»_ Washtenaw in said State, on Wednesday the ninth square inches of water to be taken from said race seventh day of March, 1871, and to me directed an* day of August, A. D. 1871, at one o'clock in the af-into Court and represents that she is now - also commencing twelve feet northwesterly from th> delivered, against the goods and chattels, lands annortherly corner of the rake factory or cabinet shop ternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by to render her final account as such Adt tenements of Christian l-\ Eapp, defendant thereu Thereupon i t is ordered, that Monday named, 1 did, on the first dny of June, A. I). 187lj ft) formerly standing between the nice and river on the mortgage or otherwise existing at the timo of the fourth day of July next, at ton o'clock in L,ti» southwesterly side of said mill race, thence up the death of said deceased, and also •object to the rijcht o the want of goods nnd chattel* levy upon all the inter be iuKigM.il for examining and allowinr n T * 1 dower of his widow therein), the following describe" line of tho ran; forty feet, thence southwesterly a eat that Christian F. Kapp has in the following1 de count, and that the heirs a t law of said iSJtl real estate, to-wit: The undivided half of a parcel 0 ecribed pieces or parcels of land, to-wit: All of lot right angles with the line of the race to tho river Hu and all other persons interested in wid^iT 1 land bounded as follow: Beginning at northeas n>n, thence at right angles down the river forty feet six, seven and eiirht, in block one, Brown & Fuller' are required to appear at a session of said Comt ftl' comer of Cross and Huron btreets in the city of rpai thence northeasterly at right angles with the line o Addition to the city of Ann Axbor, said lots being ii lantf, county and State aforesaid, and running thence to be holden a t the Probate Office, in the ri? j the race to the place of beginning, for the purpose o the city of Ami Arbor, county of Waahtenaw, Sfal A n n Arbor, i n said county, and show eau» if™ north along Huron street nine rods, thence east oletq erecting ii bulk head and such other buildings ssth< of Michigan; which premises I shall expose for sale O. Sanders1 land to the river, thence down the river to there be, w h y t h o said account should w il parties may elect, with the privilege of using on sail at puMio auction, to the highest bidder, at the sout! allowed: A n d it is further ordered, thut said tom? Cross street, thenee west to the place of beginning, (ex door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on [and 144 square inches of water, to be taken from Bail igtrotrlx give notice t o t h e persons mteieftj^ the 26th day of July, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said •race, together with all the land and privileges of overv cepting and reserving the parcels of land owned b; said t <tate, of the jiendency of said iccwjit wJ-1 Charles HoCormiok and the City of Ypsilanti. nature, kind and description, conveyed by Sheldoi day. nearinjt thereof, by cnusin K a eopy of thi. ort«t.u Duted, May 30th, A. D. 1K71. Tomlinson and Abby EL, his wife, to the party of the Dated, June Ut, 1871. publilhed in the Michigan Argxu, a newspapet J~i first part, on the 2d day of June, A. I). 186y. MYROX WEBB, Sheriff, 1327 HIRAM DAT, Administrator. and circulating i n »aid county, t h i « tuoTII 1325 By JOKTIN FORBES, Under-Sheriff. weeks p p n i o u s to said day of hearing ^ ^ Dated, Ann Arbor, Juno 12th, 1871. (A true copy.) H I R A M J. bEAKR JOHN A. NICHOLS, 1328 TATE OF MICHIGAN, lourth Judicial Circuit Judge of Pnbitt D. CHAMKR, Mortgagee. TATK OF MICHIGAN, County of "WaRhtenaw In ' iiancerv. Att'y. for Mortgagee. 1326 By virtue of a writ of execution, issued out of sin PHEBE PALM.ER, Complainant, } Estate of Geo. Gotts, Sen. under tho seal of the Circuit Court for the county o vs. } WeahtenaWj State of Sftohigan, dated the twenty THOMAS W. PALMER, Defendant. ) Q T A T E OF MICniGAN, County of WBbttn, • nEFATJLT having been made in the conditions of ft Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the county o h'rst day ot' Maicli, 1871, and to me <lir«-r:tfl and detiv C5 At a session of the Probate Conrt for theConiTtf \J certain mortgage executed by William Fomero; Waahtenaw, In Chancery: A t Ann Arbor, on th ered, against the goods and chattels, landti nnd tene Washtcnuw, holden at the Probate Office, in the Citr and Charlotte Ponieroy, his wife, both of Ann Arbor mentaof Louis K. Huchoz, defendant therein named sixth day of Juno, A. D. 1871. of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twcntr-finnUtJ I did, on the third day of June, A. D. 1871, tor th Michigan, to Luther E. Allen, of the someplace It satisfactorily appearing by the affidavits of Phebe June in tlie year one thousand eight hundred iii which mortgage bears date the fifth day of February want of goods and chattels, levy upon those parts o Fulmcr and Mvron Webb, filed in this cause, and byseventy-one. A. 1). 1889, and is recorded in the office of the I' lots 1 and _ Lying west of Detroit street, in block fiou the return to tBe subpoena in this oause, thai the de Piesent, Ifiram J. Beakes, Judge of Fioditr ivnth of Huron street and rtmge {6) six, accoi-ding to of Dteds of the county of Washtenaw, in liber 11 o fondant, Thomas W. Palmer, is a resident of thi In the matter of the estate ot GcorRe Gotts.nl> the recorded ]>lat of the village (now city) of Ann mortgage*, on page 138, and was assigned by .-urn State, but that the process for his appearance iseu<x deceased. -."«, l.iith-r K. Allen to Betsy L. Fuller, By asslgnmen Arbor, excepting* the northeast corner, also exceptini in this cause could not be served by reason of the saic On muling and filing the petition, duly TeriM.it the north six rods of tho west seven rods ot RAJ made in liber two of assignment of mortgages, on defendant's absence from or concealment witbin thi M:n> (.otis. praying (Eat Edwin J.ickson, • » lot twOj said real estate beinp situated in the cit page 160, m the office of said Register of Deeds, oi State, and by reason of his continued absence frorr other suitable person, may be appointed adm^itn. the86thday of March, A. D . 1861, and wasfnrthe of Ann Arbor, county of Wasbtenaw4 State of Midi hi> Last known place of residence, on motion of Kiran tor of the estate of said deceased. assigned by said Betsy L. fuller to Lucy A. llennett tean; which premises I shall expose for Bale at pub J. Brakes, Solicitor for complainant, it is ordered tbu Thereupon it i» ordered, that Monday, the titm. byassignme&l recorded In liber two of assignment o lie auction, to tin- hi^ltent bidder, at the south doo the said defendant appear and answer the bill of com fourth day of July next, at tin o'clock ii ii, mortgages, on page 600, in the oJflea of said Hegiste of the Court House, iu the eity of Ann Arbor, oi plaint tiled in this cause within three months frou forenoon, be axsigned for the hearing uf Mid ;>.»:• of Deeds, ami by reason of said default the power o the twenty-lifth flay of July 1871, at ten o'clock I the date of this order. And it is further ordered tha and that the heirs at law of said deceased, aad jjJJ sale in said mortgage having become: operative, ani the forenoon of waid day. within twenty days after the date of this order th er persons inteiested in suid estate, arc r«iniinl i»,,. there being now claimed to be due and owing on sail Dated, June 3d, 1871. the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be pear at a session of said Court, then to kheHa, A mortgage and note accompanying the same, the sun published In the Michipcm Argu$t a newspaper printec MYRON" WEBB, Sheriff. the Probate Office, in the Cit j of Aun Atln, l>| of six hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifteen in said county of Washtenaw, and that such publica 1325 By JORTIX FOKBES, Under Sheriff, show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of tin rents, also an Attorney's fee of twenty dollars, and no tion be eoutinu*."d ones; in eitcli wee.k for six weeks ii should not bo granted : And it n tinSo suit or proceeding at law or in chancery having- beei •succession, or that she cause a copy ol this order to be pentionerthat said petitioner give notice to tht mm instituted to recover the same or any part thereof ; Sheriff's Sale. served on said defendant personally, at least twenty ordered, interested in said estate, of the pendency of utipU). ^ OPMICHIGA X, County of Washtenaw, S3 days before the time above prescribed for the appear Nottob is therefore hereby given, that on Saturday tion, nnd the nearing thereof, by eanantt ac&pyn/ui k? By virtue of a writ of execution issued out of au< the ninth day of September, A . D . 1871, al ance of said defendant. itnli-r to be pnbliahea in th>' Stithigtm .t.-j»», a an* under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county 0 o'clock A. nr. oi BAM day, at the south door of the (A true copy.) R. PKAIIAX, paper printe<l and eir»;ulatinjr in said cmintT, tint Wushtonaw, Stateol M iehigan, dated the eighteeutl Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in s&ld county Circuit Court Commissioner, successive weeks previous to said dny of heirisg day of March, 1871, and to me directed and delivered of Washtenaw thecnime being the place where the 1325w6 Waahtenaw County, Michigan. (A true copy.) HIHAU' .T. HKAKEJ against the Roods and chattels, Lands and tenements o Circuit Courtiorsaid county la held), I shall seH a1 Ann Ua 8. Bid anl, defendant therein named, I did oi '3J8 Judge of Prelntt. !. public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises the eighteenth day of March, A. p. 1^71, for the vran Commissioners* Notice. hereinafter described [being the premises de oi ..- tods and chattels, levy upon all the interest tha in said mortgage] or so much thereof as Bhal o T A T i : OF M I C H I G A N , Connty of Washtenaw, ss Estate of Obed A. Alvord. Amelia B. McCard baa In the following descviba be necessary to satisfy the amount due on sail • ^ The undersigned having K-en Hppotntea by th pieeea or panels of land situated in tin- village o OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of W.ubttMj,a ' mortgage and note at the date of this notice Probate Court for said county, ( ominissioners t o r e Chelsea, county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan O At a session ol tho l'robato Court lnrtheCnraljil with interest and costs ami expanses allowed b> Coive, examine nnd adjust all claims and demands ol al Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ollio?, in tie City raasfbuowa. to-wli: Lots No. 1,9)3,4, uiu law. tliai Is to say : all thai piece of land situated ii persons againsi the estate Of Lcandt-r LeBaron, late of Ann Arbor, mi Tuesday, the twenty-«vrathd»Tc{ (3U) thirty-nine, in block No. 6 En Bald village of Choi Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, describee of wrid County, deceased, hereby give notice that s i x June, in the ye;ir one thousand eight aoadndnd sea; also commencing oj a point twofodseast of th as all thai port of the west half of the nortucasi quar- months from date axe aUDwed^by order of said Pro -i vi ( • y - o n e . northeast corner of said lot one thence running nortl ter of section number nineteen [19] in townshi] bate ' 'ourt, for creditors i</ present their clami* ogaina along the highway three rods, thenoe west sixteen number two sonth of range six east, In (he-State ol tin-« state of -:ini . i n ased, and that they will meet a Pnaanl Jliram J. Beakes, Judge of VnMl. rods, thence south to the northeast corner of lot No Michigan, which was deeded by George D. Hill am; the late residence of said deceased, in said couSty Hi the matter of t h e estate of ObcJ A. Alrord, 98 in said block No. (6 six, thence eaut t o i h e p u i c e o wife to the parties of the first part in said mortgage, on Saturday, the fifth day of August, and Friday beginning; tisoe> piece oflaad bounded as follows On leading and filing the petition, dtilyitnfitiot by A*. d made on the first day of October, A. D. ltiGG, tho first day of December next, at 10 o'clock A. M., OJ on thu north by the last, deeca il e I pi oe of land, soutl and recorded in liber numticr Gl of deeds, for the each of said days, to receive, examine, aud adjust said Euaebia M. Alvord, praying thnt \ certain irelruiwiit by lot No. thirty-nine, and on the east by lots tffo ntiw on Jilt- in this court, puri*>rting to be tie lut county of Washtennw, on page 109, containing rifty- claims. and 2 in said block, which premises I shall expose fo will and testement of said deceased, maybe admitted ti.ii.' acres more or less, t<* which last montionec Dated, June 1st, A. D . 1371. 1327w4 sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at th to probate, and that alie. David S. Alvord nnd fin : advertisement-refers for a further descripCALEB MOORE, south door ot the Court House, in the eity of Ann Ar tion HI sai 1 pv C;i-« Alvidil may \K- appointed Kxeeutorsthereof. Commissioners O T H N I E L GOOD1XG, bur, ou the fifteenth day of July, A. D. 1871, at 10 A Tliereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twetfr M. Of Bold day. Dated, Auu Aibor June 1?, 1871. fourth day of July next* at ten o*doek in thefoieno, Dated, June 1, 1871. l.r< V A. BENNETT, ><-d for the hearing of said petition, andtbttie Estate of Ellen Xclligan. T). CIIAMFK, Assignee of Mortgage legatees, d e f i n e s and heir? at law of saiddftcarisl MYROX WEBB. Sheriff, TATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as Att'y. for said Assignee. 2326 all other peraons interested in said estate, are wquiid 1324td By JOHTJN PoBBXS, Under-Sheriff At a HOMIOII of the Probate Court fbr tUa Count) to appear at a session oi s;iid Court, then tobeheUa, of WoshtenaWf holdenal tfae I'mbatr i (fflce in the ( it; at tho Probate Othee, in the City of Ann Artw.ol of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the third day o:show cause, if any there be, why the prayei of tfceprEFAULT having been made in the condition of a July, in the year ouc thousand eight hundred, anc titioner should not be (rranted: And it is fmtt Y VIRTUE of <.ne execution issued out of am certain mortgage executed by George W. Mot m - seventy-one. under the eral of the ' ire nit ( ourt for the Conn ordered, that said petitioner rive notice to the JW mjofc and Nellie iici'ormick, of the city of Ann Arbor Present, Hiram J. Btaikes, Judge of Probate. ty of Wjifhiemiw, and state of HUchlgan, bearinj interested in said estate, of the pendency of Mid peticomity of Waahtenaw, nnd State of Michigan, U In the matter of the estate of Elleu Nclliyan tion, ami the bearina thereof, by causing a copr of this d'ate the thirtieth day of December. A O. 1870, anc Alice M, lietry, of the same place, on the 23d day o: deceased. order to be published in the Michigan Arinn, i net* to me directed an* delivered, I. Byron K. Porter Catharine Walsh, Executrix of the last will an<" 7-wiper printed and circulating in said ' ounlr, thw Sheriff, by Tho?. J. Hopkins, Deputy Sheriff, did, ou March, A. D. lrtfi<), and recorded in the Offio the thirtieth daj of December. A I). 1^70, levy upon of tbc Baffister of Deeds of said county of Wnshte- testament of said deccauedj comes Into Court and rep- successive weeks previous to said dav of heiiriw. oaW| on the 33U day of March, 18(>y, at 6 o'clock i>. u. rcsL'iitfc that she is now prepared to render her final nnd seize nil the right, title, and Interest -^f "aorta (A true copy.] I U K A M .1. UKAKfS. of said day, in Lil>er Ji!) of mortgages, on page 559. on account na such Executrix. O'Cconnor. in nnd to the foliovrIng deecrnud land) 1328 Judge of Probate. which mortgnge t h e n is claimed to be due at the dute i hereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the thirtyand premises to wit: The west \* Omlfj of the south of tbis notice the sum of one thousand and sixty-eight first day of July, inst., at ten o'clock n tht east ^fqa*rt r)orsectionfifteen and the north we* Estate of Lydia Church. dollarsuad eevtnty-ft>ur cento, and an Attorney's ir, % fqnarter) of the northeast U fqwartcr) ofsection 92 of thirty dollars therefor, in addition to all other leg. forenoon, l>e assigned lor examining and allowing Such account, and that the leira^eeR, devisees and OT ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteiiw.* I (twenty two;, town one south, n n s c «ix east, in the costs, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose heirs at l!'« of said deceased, and ullotherperaonsiuter' ' i At a session o f the Probate Court for the CmQ F Oouuty ofWaahien.iw and State bfftficnigan, whlcl said mortgage, aud no proceedings in law or in e*iuu> ested in said estate, are required to appear at a of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office it lit promts* •»! or the defendant's interest therein I vita! bavins been had to recover said sum of money or any said ' 'ourt, then to be holden at the Probate < tf&ce, city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twtntjiil expose for Bale, al public auction, as ihu law directs part thereof: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given of in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and shoti at the south door •••f the I'OUI t Koune in theefty <• that, by virtue of a power of sale iu said mortgage eanse, if any there be, why t be said account should nol day of June, in the year one thousand eij;lnktn. AT;11 Arbor, thatbeiut' the place for holding the contained, I shall sell at public auction to tho highest be allowed : And it is further ordered, that. Kjiid, Kxec- dred and seventy niir. Present, Hiram.I. Hcakea. Judge of Probilf. Circuit Court for the County <1 Wnshtoinw oi bidder, on the second day ot September next, s i -2 utrix give notice to the persona interested in paid esIn the matter of tho estate of Lydla ClorrK SaiuriMy the fifteenth day of July next, at tw<. o'clock p. M. of said day, at the front door of the tate, of the pendency of said account nnd the hearins o'clock in the afternoon. Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, county afore- thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published decea-ed. rheoaore P. McDonald, Administrator of nii «• said, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and cireuDated, Ann Arbor, .May 27th. I8T1. for said bounty}, all those; certain pieces or parcels ol lating in Raid County, three S.u00oi|sive weeks previous [ate, comes into ("onrtand represents that he ii •;* B. H ~ POUTER. Sheriff, land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county oi prepared to render his tiual account as such AtoB to said day of hearing. 1324 By Tnoa J. HOPKINS Deputy Sherifl Wtishtenaw aforesaid, known, bounded and dIstrator. {A trueoppy.) HIRAM J. BEAK i s . asfollows, to-wit: Being the west half of lots QUU Thereupon it is Ordered, that Mondaj. Hie«' 1339 Judge of Probate. and ten (0 & 10) block number three [3} south of Huron enteenth clay of July next, at ten o'clock tow Street, and range number two (2) east, according t o n C J T A T B OF MICllI.(iAN,CounTy of Waahtenaw.flB forenoon, be assigned for examining and illowinj recorded plat of the village (now city] of Ann Arbor, *^ By virtue of a writ of execution issued out oi anc Estate of Fiteh Hill. met) account, and that the heirs at law ol««'d«'under the seal of the Circuit Court, fur the county oi county of Washtenaw aforesaid. QTATE OF M I Cl I I - A N , county of Wnshtcnaw, m. ceased,and all other persons interested in saidesute, Waahtenaw, Btate of Michigan, datod the 23d day ot IO At a session of the Probate Court for the county are required to appear at a session ofsnid ConrUbn June 1st, 1871. June, 1871, and to me directed and delivered, against Of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the to be hidden at the Probate Office, in the City o'ij" ALICK M. BEERS, Mortgngeo. the goods and chattier, landd and tenements of Owen city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh Arbor in said County, and showcansetfanytliftew, JOHN N . QOTT, Atty for Mortgagee. LftM Croman, defendant therein named, I did, on tho 24tl day ot June, in the year one thousand eight hundred win- the said account should not be allowed: Asdita day of June, A. D . 1871, for the want o f goods ami and seventy one. further ordered, that said Administrrttor£iTC»»W chatties, levy upon all the interest that Owen Cromat Present, Hiram J. Brakes, Judge of Probate. to tin* persons interested in said estate, of the prt* has in the following described real estate, to-wit; eJ In the matter of the estate of l'itoh Hill, deceased. dency of said account, and the hearing thereof, .J 1 EFAT'LT having been made in the condition of a that piece or parcel of laud tying aud being i n the Comstock F. II il 1 and David Allmendlnger. Exeou causiiiL' a copy of this order to be published to t** certain mortgage executed by Torrey c Thomptown of XorthtieUl, county of Washtenaw and Statt son, ol the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washt. naw, tors of the last will nnd testament of said deceased, Michigan Ar;in*,u newspaper printedandcirctiWf of Mifhigun, described as follow!*, to-wit: the north come into Court and represent that they are now pre1n said County, three successive weeks preTioM l» and State of ftfidhigfin, to l'hobe Jane Kll*worth, ct cast quarter of section number fifteen in townshii j the township of Loctj, county of Washtcuaw afore- pared to render their final Recount aa such Kxecutors. ;;ii ri:.v Of hearing. Dumber one south, and range number six east, act ord Tliereoupon it is ordered, that Monday, the thirtysaid, on the *£d day of June, A. U. \HiiH, and reeordwl (Atr;iecopy.) HIRAM I. BXASH ing to theorlginiu survey, containing forty acres oi ftrst day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, land, which promises I shull expose for sale atpublio in theoilic.'of the Register of Deeds for said county, WiM JndscoiProbiH. aed Bar examining and allowing such account, on the 36th day of June, A. D. 1868, at 11?^ o'clock A. Bnotion, t*» the lug-heat bidder, at the south door of the M.,in Liber 29 of mortgages, on pagt 191, on which and that the legatees, devisees and heirs at law pf sau Court House, In the city of Ann Arbor, on the IBtl Estate of Koswell Curtis. B and aote -i' • ompanying the same there is deceased, and, all other persons interested in said esday of A u g u st, A . J). 1871, a t 10 o'clock A. K. of said claimed to be due at the date of this notice the yum ot tate, ore required to appear at a stssion of said Court, QTATKOFMICHIOAX, County olWashtemw,* nine lmndml and live dollars ami Mxty-two cents, then to be liohlcn at the Probate Office, in the city of 0 At a session of the Prob.ite Conrl for the Cow ' Dated, June 27th, 1871. alsottDattorney's fee of thirty dollars should any Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any 01 Wasbtenaw, holden ai the Probate Office ii 0> U T B O H W E B B , "Sheriff. proceedings, be taken to foreclose this mortgage, nnd there be, why the said account should not be al-City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty >«" 132S B y JOKTIN FOBBS, Under-Shoriff. lowed : Ami it is farther ordered that said Execu- diy of June, in the year one thonennd elgnt ni*" no suit or prococtling in law or equity having 1 dred and sevcnty.one. stituted to KCOvex the debt or any part thereof : No- tors give notice to the persons interested in said es tice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of tute, of the pendency of sniil account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to bo Present Iliiam J nenke?, Indje of Proo«t« In the matter of the estale of Roswdl <•>«*• tate of Michigan, County of Waahtenav, sp.—Bj sale contained in said, mortgage, I Bhali sell to the published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper virtue of a write of execuion, issued out of and highest bidder on the second day of September next, printo*! and cireulrttinir in Bold county, three succes- dec«a-ed Lester Curtfs. Kxecnt'r of the last will M ' 1 * under the seal of the Circuit Court for the connty ot at 2 o'clock P. M. of !-airl day, at the front door of the sive weeks previous to laid day of hearing. lament of said deceased, comes into Conrt«»W. Washtenaw and Btate of Michigan, dated the ninth ( dm t House in the city of Ann Arbor, m said county of Wasbtenaw, the premises described in said inort{A true copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKKS, resents that he Is now prepared to render hu »•*(9th} day of March, A. I>. 1871, und to me directed and 1320* Judge of Probate. account as *nch Kxecntor. delivered, at^uinst the poorls> pnd chatties, lands and gage as ail those certain pieces or parcels ox lain! situThereupon i t i s Ordered, that Monday, Ibe «rtI' tenements of Charies Peach, defendant therein named, ated in the Ctty of Ann Arbor, county of Washtonaw BOOthday of Jnly next at ten o'clock in tiel'Z I did, on the twentieth day of Mareh, A. P . 1871, for and State afoxesnid, known, bounded and described as follows, (n-wit: Being lots number ten and, eleven in DOOU, be assigned for examiningflD(^a • , the want of ROOdfl and ohotties, levy upon the followMICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, SB. such account, and tfc.it the legntfes oW^* ing real estate: Beginning at a stake in the center of block number one, and lot* five, e*ix, twenty-three and O At a session of the P l'roluite Courtt f for th the C County twenty-four in block number two, and lot numbex i f th b t C t the Territorial road, on the east half of fche BOntinresi of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oth'ce, i» tho Cil >" and heirs at law of said deceased, W" I|. quarter of section seventeen (17], in township four (4j four in block aumber four, according to a neoxn'ed of Ami Arbor, on Tuesdity, the twenty-seventh dny other persons interested in said estate, »« Jj plat of Hill's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, Michsouth of ran^e (6) six v.i-t, thenos north eigbty-aeven of .June, in the year one thousand eight hnndred and quired lo appear at a session of said Cnart.trfJ be holden at the Probate Office, in the City «["" degTees east, six chains; thence north fiitcun minutes igan, reserving from said sale lota ten and eleven in seventy-one. Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any IB^ west, four chains and eighty-live links; thfnoe south block one aforesaid, heretofore released. Present BUiem -T. Beakes, Judge of Probate. be.why the said account should not brall eiffhty-wven detrrocs thirty minutes west, bix cliains June 1st, 1H71. In the matu-r ot" the esjtats of 1'atrick Hobau, And it is further ordered that said " eleven linkri; thence south forty-one degrees thirty PHEBE JANE ELL8W0BTH, Mortgagee. give notice to the persons interested In •»•••"!, minutes east, three ofaains; thenoe south awhty^evea JOHN N. GOTT, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1324 On reading and filing the petition, duly venflcd, of of the pendency of said ncconnt. and the h«" 1 degrnes thirty minute.- west, (out chains forty links George Clarkm, Admini.strator th DOirfi IKM, with the hereof, by causing a copy of tbis order to M.PJJj to tho place of beginning, contjiininp three and sevwill annexed] praying that he may be licensed to isht'.dinthe Mlcmpa*irpia, a newspjipi-r Pnn: enty-fiveone-hundredthsacres of land: Also a paroal mortgage certain real estate, whereof said deceased >nd circulating in said Connty. three s n " " of land begXnnlns at a stuku m the center of the TerHKREAS, default has been made in the con el it ions lied seised. vecks previous to said dny of hearing. ritorial road, on the east half Of the soutlnve>t • of a certain moi-tgagc, made uud executed by Thereupon it Is ordered, that Wednesday, the ninth {A true copy.) ' 1I1KAM J. B Daniel I.<m-, Jr., on the I wcuty-thinl day of Decera- lay <'i August next> at ton o'clock in the forenoon, be of eeotfcm (17) seventeen, in town ' south of range (6) »er, A. 1). eighteen hundred and sixty nine, to John oust; thence north eighty-seven flegrees thirty min1 lor tho hearing of said petition, aud that the 1327 Ja kte( niiaii-k, which moronge was recoriled on the same utes cant, four [4) chains fifty links; thence south . d< visees and hein at law of s:vid decensed, and lay, in tueoifipe of the ttegjsterof Deeds in and for Forty-one degrees thirty minutes east, three chains; i pe^dos interested in said estate, are required utyof Washtenaffr. Michigan,in libertorty-two thence south efehty-eeven degree thirty minutes west, ai ai a session <->t said court, then to beholden, three chains to the place of beginning; Also a piece of of mortgages, and page two hundred and tilty; and at the Probate Office, in theTity of Ann Arbor, and W T A T E OP MICHIGAN, Couuty of Wnfhten«"'" rhereaa, fcjerels now due and unpaid the sum of thrrtj show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the ^ A t a a s u l o n o f Hie Probate Court for the (.»»»'• and being in the northwest earner Of the west half of toUarson said mortgage and the. note aooompanying line southeast quarter jof seo. (17) seventeen, in towntttitkraer should not be grunt*xl: And it is further if WRshlennw. holden at the Probate office. l»! he same for tnterest) and the further sum of uaee ordered, that suid petitioner give notice to the per- Jitv of Ann Arbor, on Moodajr, the » l » « l e * t j 3 shin (4) four.southof range [6) aixeaet commencing lundred dollars principal and accruing Interest above sons Interested in said estate, of the pendency of of June In the year one thonsand eight i'w' eijrnt rods east of the aorthweel eornei of said lot, runlie NtH thirty dollars will become due on thefirstdaysaid petition, and the hearing thereof, bv causing a iml sewiuv-une. ning went ei^ht rods to the corner of said lot. raenee >f Oetobei in st, and there is also thirty dollars due frir copy of this order to be published in the Michigan south ton rods, tlwnce ndrtheaatcily to the place of Present. Hiram J. Benkes. .Tndcfe of PruM" , joginnirur, all tho Above deacriptioas supposed tocon- in attorneyfee,,provided for in said mortgage should Arrftif, a newspaper printed and circulating* in said In the matter of the estate of Jacob »«•"" iny proceedings DO taken to foreclose the same; ;md, ;iin li\e :UK! onc-t'oui! Ii :•• u\- of land : Also (be south oun1 j . four successive weeks previous to said dny of i " . • • •. ^ • • i ! tinfial mlf of the west half of the northeast quarter of sec- vb- reas, no proceedings at law or in equity have boen Cathirinc H»rb«ra Bntier, fcrmerlv C«l»'• , oken t.. n i-i>\ rrtb'-sameor any part thereof: notice is tion (17) seventeen, in township lour south of rjoge HIKAM J. BEAKKS, tnu? copy.) Jarliara Maebrle. Executrix of the last w>H"j fiven, by virtue of the power dl sale contained ix east, containing forty acres <»f land, more or lees; Judge of Probate. estament of snid flecfated. cornea iotoiuu" r. 1329 a said inortgago, that on Monday, the seventeenth Also a part, of the northwest quarter of section (171 eprejcn'8 that she i* no^r prepared to renoc' lay of .inly A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-one, scventetn, town tour (4) south of range ((>) fix east, final account as such Executrix. _,. t the hour of twelve oYhx-k, noon, of nuid day, 'at the teginningat Hhe southeast corner of said quarter secTlier.-upon It i?ordered, th:it Moidsy. the w rout door of the Court House for the county of WashIon seventeen, and running thence north twenty-one TATE OF .MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. eenth day ol July uext, at teu u'clock in •"•'",; enaw, the undersigned wills.ll at public auction, to •hains and. seventy-two links, thenee west sixteen session of the 1'robato Court for the County inn In-.-is^i -IH-(1 for examJoinp and allowujf* j | he highest bidder, the • crlbed in raid bains and sixty links, thenoe south titty i of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlot, in the •count, and that the legatees deTteeM a»o W^ rest nine chains and fifteen link", to the oeoter lortgage, or sunlciant tboroof to pay and satisfy the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tho twenty-third aw of said deceased, and all other perauns it ( t the Saline and Monroe road, thenoe south thirtyOld debt, the interest thereon, the eo.frs ami expanses [ay of June, in the year one thousand eight Bunsted in said estate are required to »PP"' *t line and one-fourth degrees aast, twenty ehfuss and f said sale, and the attorney fee provided for in said amlon oftajd (,'ourt then to he holaeo _«' ^ orty •four links, to the south lino of s a i d q u a r t n s n • pei The said premises being described as that Present, Hirmn J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. 'robate Office, In the CHy ot Aim Arbor, w "JJ inn, and thence east on said line ten chains ai ertain piece or parct-1 of land lyiiiir ami being in the Tn the matter of the estate of John Diehl, onnty, and showcnusc.if any tliercbe, , Zfonty links, to the place of beginning', containing forty ity (rf Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenaw. BidaceoaDtabpuldnotbeRllowed: And » • , eoeased. ores of land, me re or less. WbioE piemJses I Shall ounded and desoribi >\ as follows, being Che south half On reading and filing; the petition, duly verified, oi xposetorsale at public auction, t<» tin- highest bidder, f the following described land, bounded by the Ann Margairotta Diehl, praying that Trtimsni Sruner i the south dooi of tftte Couri House in the City of LrbpT city limits on the north; on the east by the nay be appointed Administrator of the estate ot \ n n Arbor, in s a i l county, on tin.1 twenty-second day Catholic Cemeter] ; on ths south by the Chubb road; iii\ deceaned. f July, A . D . 1871, a t ton o'clock i n the" forenoon of i H U D v i i i i i *v**^»jf^*«v»»w*trC* nthewoetby lands recently occupied by Mrs. Silk, Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twontyHehigm Argus, a a newspaper printed sno y iid iluy. leinp* eitrht l-ody in front and ton roils deep. nuiih day of July next, at tenO*clOcV in tho foi*eitinp in said County, o y Dated June 8th, A. D. 1871. three successive » Ann Arbor, April 11th, 1S71. ioon, be assigned for the hearing of said i» >revioas to said day of fhcarinij. hi MYRON WEBB, Sheriff. JOHN McCORMJCK, Mortgagee. nd that the heirs at luw of siiid deceased, ana all othfAtrueCopy.J UIKAM J. BE I). CBAHSB, PltWs Att'y. 1325. O. HAWKINS, r penona intezestsd iu said estate, are roquii-erl to ap1S2:td JndteolP"" Attorney for Mortgagee. 1317-td. »av at a Bession of said Court, then to DO nolden, at • M T Office, in QM City of Ann Arbor, nnd Commissioners' Xotice. how cause, it any there U\ why the prayer of the All p'-rsons who h t m olidms against the estate o f t h e \.','- Mim t \ a E. -Mimdy, will present them for adjust- tetitfoner should not be granted: And it is furthei rderodtthai wild petitioner give notice to the persona i r n t a t theofilceof II. r>. Bennett, 1 ' n i v r s i t y buildFIRST QUALITY , nterested In sni-i estate, of tii>- pendency of said peti• i before the fifth day of September, 1871. onstautlyon hand and for sal< by i'.ti, and tlu- hearing thereof, by causing a copy oi Jmti.il, A n n Arbor, June 8th, 1871. examine and adjust all claims his order to be published in the Mi>:hui<nt Argus, a .11. h. BENNETT, \ sons Allen W. 11 p e r & U U B ; i i againet ; i t m ^ i m g the w v n iestuteof i " .- > ' iswspapar printed nnd oirvulating in said County, BEDGTVICB DEAN, J Trus d heieby h b (rive i notice'"-j^. f said couiitv, dooeaaed, ,. Hflivfl weeks previous to said day of hearing. LKMUEL FOSTER, ) ionth« from date are allowea, by order •>' fmj^t A trnecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKE8, ' rant, lur oredltora i'> piutoot t h * 1328 Judge of Probate. t the estate of said deceased, and thai •-.iiii.it the estate of BaiddeccoMd, ana uw ieet a t thi- i-esidenii- of Aaron Childs, m A t d th > Saturday, il»' twenty-** twan«y-< l «iiil sui county, on S r August, and Thursday, tho twenty-cign\CCl'RATKLY ANI> me^ba, next, at ten o'clock A . M . ° £ « " L ? CAREFULLY PREPARED nv«, to reoeive. exiituine, and aujufct said ci^» ^ Jbated, JunoSSth A. D1871. BY \ . \ K O N (" Hi,111.j J. W E B S T E R CHII.D8. t R. W, ELLIS & CO. Estate of Patrick Hoban. Mortgage Sale. W Estate of Jacob ilaehrlo. Estate of John DieM. Go to R.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquor? for Medical Purposes. Goto R.W.ELLIS & CO's for 9trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines,Paints,Oils,&c.