AP3223 Leaflet 117 Annex A CENTRAL SERVICE FUNDS NON-PUBLIC GRANT APPLICATION FORM GRANT REQUESTED FROM: RAF CENTRAL FUND / NUFFIELD TRUST *(*Delete as applicable) 1. UNIT/ESTABLISHMENT (See note 1): 2. PROJECT OR ITEMS FOR WHICH MONEY IS SOUGHT (free text box) (See Note 2): 3. REASONS/JUSTIFICATION FOR THE APPLICATION (free text box) (See Note 3): 4. NUMBERS TO EXPECTED BENEFIT (See note 4): Serving Personnel RAF: ARMY: Dependants Civilians 5. ESTIMATED COST OF PROJECT/ITEM (See note 5): Preferred Quotation: £ Second Quotation: £ NAVY: Third Quotation: 6. £ CONTRIBUTIONS (See Note 6) : Local (Unit) : £ ( %) Other sources (eg RAF Ben Fund/RAFA): £ ( %) 7. AMOUNT SOUGHT AS A GRANT / LOAN (delete as applicable) (See note 7): Amount: £ If application is for a loan, state period of repayment in years: ______ years 8. STATEMENT OF ALL SERVICE FUNDS AVAILABLE: There is a requirement for a statement of all service funds available to be provided. This should be supported by a copy of the latest Audited Statement(s) for the appropriate Local Fund(s). 9. DETAILS OF ANY APPLICATION(S) TO OTHER FUNDS FOR THIS PROJECT (free text boxes): Fund Details Of Application Amount Sought 10. STATEMENT ON HOW MAINTENANCE COMMITMENTS CAN BE MET (See Note 8) (free text box): 11. EXPECTED LIFE OF PROJECT/ITEM (free text box): 12. CONFIRM THAT RAF SPORTS BOARD HAS BEEN CONSULTED DURING THE FORMULATION OF APPLICATIONS THAT ARE SPORTS RELATED (free text box): 13. CERTIFICATE BY PROJECT OFFICER (free text boxes): This application has been scrutinised/*and in addition the following comments are applicable: (*delete as appropriate) Signature: Name: Rank: Post: E-Mail address: Telephone Numbers (Military and Civil): 14. Date: SITE ESTATE TEAM LEADER (SETL) CERTIFICATE (See note 9): This application has been scrutinised and it is confirmed that no part of the works/items for which grant is requested is appropriate to public funding. The total cost, therefore, is/is not* eligible for non-public funding. (* delete as appropriate) The following comments are applicable: Signature: Name: Rank: Title: 15. Date: UNIT NON-PUBLIC FUNDS CO-ORDINATOR (See note 10, 11 and 12): I confirm that I have been consulted regarding this application. For RAF Central Fund applications should the application be approved an advance of funds would be required for the project: No If Yes, amount required £_________________ If Yes, why is the advance required? (Remember:- Unit must meet their % contribution first) Previous grants approved for establishment/association in the past five years (for RAF Central Fund Applications only) (free text boxes): YEAR PROJECT FUNDING SOURCE(S) AMOUNT REMARKS In addition I have the following comments to make: Signature: Name: Rank: Post: E-Mail address: Telephone Numbers (Military and Civil): 17. Date: COMMANDING OFFICER’S CERTIFICATE: This application has been scrutinised and my supporting comments are below*(NB: CO’s comments are a mandatory requirement for RAF Central Fund applications). It is certified that: a. There is a need for the facility requested (e.g. no other plans exist to cover the requirement/no possibility of sharing an existing facility). b. Eligibility exists under the rules contained within AP 3223 Leaflet 117. c. Where appropriate, the Station Community Support Team has agreed the requirement. d. The contribution offered from local Service funds is sufficient and realistic. e. The project is not fully or partially a proper charge to public funds (see Notes 2 and 12). f. The advice of the appropriate SETL (or equiv) has been sought wherever appropriate. (see Notes 2 and 12). g. Support from other funds has been investigated (e.g. other establishments who may benefit from or use the facility, local Funds). h. Details and three up-to-date quotation(s) (see Note 5) are attached. i. The bidding unit fund is/is not registered for VAT and it is/is not intended to reclaim the VAT, which may be paid in respect of expenditure incurred in relation to this project. j. That it is confirmed that future maintenance and running costs have been fully assessed, and will be met by the establishment /applicant and no further request for funding will be submitted for these costs. The applicant should consider establishing a maintenance/replacement fund. k. Where applicable, a fully detailed and approved business case is supplied. l. In all cases where a grant or loan is awarded but not fully spent on the intended purpose, the outstanding money is to be returned to HQ AIR Service Funds at the earliest opportunity. It is fully understood that such money may not be used to spend on items not originally bid for even if related to the overall project. (Free Text Box for CO’s Comments – may be completed on separate sheet if required - RAF Central Fund Applications Only). CO’s SIGNATURE BLOCK (TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL APPLICATIONS) Signature: Name: Rank: Post: E-Mail address: Telephone Numbers (Military and Civil): Date: AL 1 GUIDANCE NOTES ON THE COMPLETION OF THE RAF NON-PUBLIC GRANT APPLICATION FORM : Queries should be directed through HQ Air RAF Community Support 95221 ext 7457 or emailed to: Air-COSPers-Pol CSpt2 WO. Note 1. Name of Unit/Establishment submitting the application for a grant. Note 2. Give basic details of the project. For Nuffield Trust Applications: The Trust favours projects which are multi-funded, and will benefit the greatest numbers of service personnel, those serving in isolated locations, or living under arduous conditions. Note that grants will not be made for permanent constructions at Units where the length of tenure is in doubt. The narrative should address in outline the application heading as listed on the Major Grant Application Form, and should indicate that the appropriate Defence Estates Organisation (DEO) has been consulted where the occupation of MOD land or buildings is involved. It is recommended that units seek advice from CEstO, OC SSS or the Site Estate Representative prior to consultation with the DEO. Note 3. A comprehensive report is to be provided. Application for items which should properly be funded by public money should not be made, Note 4. To include other Services where applicable. Numbers should be a realistic assessment of those likely to use the facility over a 12 month period. Applications to benefit more than one Service are to be forwarded via the major use service. Note 5. Estimates. It is important that estimates, particularly for the larger projects, should be based on detailed planning and survey. The RAF Central Fund Grants Committee/Nuffield Trustees approval of applications for which a ‘rough order of cost’ has been submitted, is provisional only and will need to be confirmed at a later stage when the necessary planning and survey have been carried out. You are required to obtain 3 quotes (reason for non-compliance should be articulated in the bid). a. In cases where provisional approval is given, the cost of the work by architects and surveyors will be met by the funds concerned. b. Applicants should also include in their estimate a prudent margin to cover inflation, particularly where building projects are likely to be phased over an extensive period; this margin should be stated on the application form. c. Only exceptionally will estimates not be required. For example, if the purchase is to be made direct from a manufacturer or sole supplier/importer. If this is the case, the reason for selecting this source must be specified. Applicants are not necessarily required to choose the cheaper estimate but if the more expensive option is to be chosen then full justification must be given. Value for Money. With all applications the Committee/Trustees must be convinced that funds cannot be obtained from other sources, and that the sum requested is reasonable, it must be demonstrated that: a. All avenues of additional funding have been explored. b. The works/items detailed represent a reasonable minimum to achieve an acceptable standard. c. The applicant has considered establishing a maintenance/replacement fund. This shows a commitment to the project and allows the Committee to spread funding over a wider area. If it is not possible to set up a fund to finance complete replacement, applications will normally be expected to offer much more than the minimum contributions laid down in Leaflet 117. d. The justification is adequate. Reasons for the perceived necessity for the project are obvious to the sponsor, but there is a requirement to “sell” the bid to the Committees with adequate explanation rather than to make assumptions that the Committees will immediately see the advantages of the proposal. e. The details provided of those who will benefit are not to be exaggerated or the application will not appear credible. If an association or society is applying for an amenity the bid should specify the number of members/beneficiaries and not include figures for the whole establishment because the facility is available to them. The number of beneficiaries is not all important as the remoteness of an establishment with a greater need, than a larger establishment with better access to facilities will be taken into account. f. It must be clearly and fully demonstrated that the establishment has tried to obtain Value for Money. A clear Statement of Requirement (SOR) is essential with estimates costed against and accompanying the application. The Application requires three detailed and itemised quotations. VAT should be included where appropriate. g. For major projects, a fully detailed and approved business case is required to be submitted at the same time as the bid. Note 6. Contributions. Applications should be accompanied by a contribution from their own non-public funds of not less than 15% (for the RAF Central Fund) or 25% (for the Nuffield Trust) of project being a minimum level and is seen as a reflection of the applicants support for the project. This is particularly pertinent to large establishment and it is most unlikely that applications from large establishments will succeed with less than 20% for RAF Central Fund assistance. If a contribution of this size is not possible than brief reasons for this lack of self-help is to be made in the justification. Note 7. For RAF Central Fund Grants/Loans awarded should not be drawn down until needed so that the fund can benefit from the income derived. For Nuffield Trust Grants, a cheque will be issued following approval of the application for funding. Note 8. The RAF Central Fund and Nuffield Trust do not accept any responsibility for maintenance, repairs, insurance etc. Where the provision is for a non–core Service Welfare facility, future maintenance/replacement costs will fall to the originators own non–public funds and therefore the applicant is required to confirm that these have been fully assessed and can be met. Note 9. SETL Certificate is for Units/Establishments only seeking funding for projects involving building/alterations to buildings etc. Where applicable, Project Officers should seek advice from CEstO, OC SSS and Site Estate Representatives. Note 10. Normally OC Accounts or OC PMS. Note 11. The closing dates for grant applications are promulgated by HQ Air RAF Community Support. Applications should be sent to the following address for processing: WO CS2 RAF Community Support Hurricane Block HQ Air Command RAF High Wycombe Bucks HP14 4UE Note 12. Prior submitting the bid, refer to JSP 462 Chapter 40 Annex A (the mixing of public and non- public funds). Note 13. Where applicable, reference to should be made to the JSP 315: Services Accommodation Code and JSP 477: British Forces Youth Service (Covering Policy for Youth Work and Playwork Provision within the MOD).