How to print posters using the A0 printer

How to print posters using the A0 printer at
the Rechenzentrum
For the printing of posters up to size A0 a HP Designjet 1050/PS printer is
available in the computer center (Rechenzentrum).This printer uses the
Postscript language. So you must take care of some special issues. This
concerns among other to documents with transparent objects. As it is not
possible to process such objects within Postscript a work around is descripted
Printer installation
Documents without transparent objects
Documents containing transparent objects
Limitations on printing of PDF files
J. Rathlev, April 2005
How to print posters using the A0 printer at the
1. Printer installation
The printer HP Designjet 650/PS must be available at your workplace PC. This is true for all workstations
which are member of the physics windows domain and where the user logs on with his domain account (UKSPH). All other PCs need to be connected to this printer by the following instructions:
Windows XP
Start > Search > ... for Computers and persons > For another computer in the network
Type the computer name UKSPH-S1
Double click in the right window at UKSPH-S1 (see image below)
Right click on the printer RZ-CLA0-PS and select Connect.
Windows 2000
Start > Search > For iles and Folders
Click on Computers in the list Search for other items
Type in the computer name UKSPH-S1
Double click in the right window at UKSPH-S1 (see image below)
Right click on the printer RZ-CLA0-PS and select Connect.
J. Rathlev, April 2005
How to print posters using the A0 printer at
the Rechenzentrum
2. Documents without transparent objects
It is possible to print such documents direct from the application:
Start Print in your application
Selcect \\UKSPH-S1\HP Designjet 650/PS (RZ) as printer
Click on Properties
Check for the following adjustments:
In Layout for the right orientation (Portratit or Landscape)
In Paper/Quality the color selection
In Advanced the paper size ISO A0
Start print by clicking OK
J. Rathlev, April 2005
How to print posters using the A0 printer at the Rechenzentrum
3. Documents containing transparent objects
To perform the described processings you need a direct export to PDF from your application. This feature is not available at
the moment in Microsoft Office. You can create PDF files using the Acrobat Distiller plugin, but this uses the postscript format
internal. So all transparencies will be lost. The same probably refers to other printer drivers which produce PDF. You may try
this way, but should have a look at the output and check for errors.
Another requirement is an existing installation of Adobe Acrobat Professional. The Adobe Reader does not support the
desired functions.
If you can created PDF direct from your application, you should follow these steps:
Export your document as PDF from the application:
Load the created PDF file into Adobe Acrobat Professional
Start Print
Select the printer \\UKSPH-S1\HP Designjet 650/PS (RZ)
Check for the size (1189 mm x 841 mm for ISO A0) in the preview
Click at Properties
Check for the following adjustments:
In Layout for the right orientation (Portratit/Hochformat or Landscape/Querformat)
In Paper/Quality the color selection
In Advanced the paper size ISO A0
Click at Advanced (Erweitert)
Select Transparenz-Reduzierung (see image below) and set Pixelbild-Vektor-Abgleich to the value 25 (you may
try some other values)
Confirm by clicking OK
The transfer to the printer at the Rechenzentrum can be done in two different ways:
StarOffice: MenuDatei > Exportieren als PDF
Corel Draw und Word Perfect: Menu Datei > Als PDF freigeben
Direct printing: Start by clicking OK
Print to a postscript file: Check the box Print to file / Ausdruck in Datei, click OK and insert a filename
This way you have an additional chance to check your printer output by viewing the created Postscript with
Ghostview. If all is ok send this file via the Web-Interface to the Rechenzentrum übertragen (select in
Postscript-Drucker the queue pscla0 (A0))
J. Rathlev, April 2005
How to print posters using the A0 printer at
the Rechenzentrum
4. Limitations on printing of PDF files
You can transfer PDF files via a Web-Interface to the Rechenzentrum (select
in Pdf-Drucker the queue pdfcla0 (A0)). Take car to following limitations:
The document has no transparent objects. In this case you have
to follow the instructions in Kap. 3.
Documents in A0 Landscape cannot be rotated an will be printed
out in reduced size. There are two work arounds for this:
Do not transfer such documents using the Web-Interface. Try
to print from Adobe-Reader using the A0 printer (see Kap. 1
and Kap. 2).
Rotate your PDF document by 90° using Acrobat
Professional, save the PDF file and transfer this file via the
J. Rathlev, April 2005