Welingto Independent (SUMMARY for the Australian nnd European "Mail; ■J) I li . " Kotfjfng extenuate, X or set oatun aujjijt tn #laUe*." published every Tuesday and IJXBJ—JI—L No. 1593 ] NOTICE. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. I SfitpjjtHg: Hloticta. litnKritNDßNT" Nexospaper yev circulation of THE "Wslllnotoh published New Zealand has the any greatest beiny its subscribers ; in (tested in all the most important Districts of the tolony.'ll.is who extensively ■iirculnted xn New South Watts, South and' Western .'Australia, Van Diemms Land, -Cape ofOoodTlope,'axxd in'the Hpther-cpiintry'-. Advertisers, therefore, in rnukina may use of the columns of /Tie. " Ihj)epek*l)k)(t," will he given ftel certain ihat the <ircalest publicitysale, and, that Rood*, .-wares, &o„ the oflered for to advertisers will ultimately reap benefits' in propor-. tion to the xixnnnexrin which, thet; keep their names '• before the'public. The Price of ■Adverlisenrentr; in the " Wei.i.ino- »ok Tnexphxpent" — »» Tlireepeiice « Lvncjor the -OF Whiting. •••■■■■■' Advertisements to be lift at the Tniu-pendbnt Office, Zanxbton Quay, before 10 o'Cloclt on Mo». day and Thursday Evenings. AND NEW n c are Tlm.i?/?'"T 1 '"'ended to be continued '»«« Ships * "" firstas Regular Traders. C ""' XX:::: S S CoJIMANOIiIIs. f:' — ' Hntt—Mr. f. Mills Upper' Hutt—Mr. P. Wilkie. Wangaimt—Messrs. Taylor & Watt. Taranaki—Mr. E. Dorset. Auckland—Messrs. Williamson Ac W Ison. H-elsonVMr- Elliott. Port Cooper—Noble Campbell & Co. Otago—Mr. James Brown. All Orders and Advertisements, left in charge of ur Agents, are requested to bo forwardedwithout River «lay for completion. s tr , r,, „,, '„" J.n.w-u,,.;.... i,,no I^^::^_M2! jj-!/^nnn vl l l brinK Further particulars ■ may be md known by applying to BkTHPN-E & HtJNTKR. WOOL SHIP FOR IJIRRCT. ~%j&L LONDON T"' HE splendid fnst-sailing British -*- bniltClipper Barque "SNARE sn A at Llo>'''3 45 ;) ROOK/ tons register, 700 -,, v-H commence to load with Wool at ' AtonsV*T* burthen EOR LONDON DIRECT. \v 9™ gne AB ms ffr splendid * Vessels, are authorised to arrange with Settlers here who maybe desirous of their Frwnd, m Great Britain out to this are prepared either to pay the PassageColon, Money at Liw of Line 4gsi|yf' SJHjjping Notices, .' Oresswcll John ™'" Agents For the "Wellington Independent." 'JOSU. 7m~ 11. Harla,,,! *•*•*«»**« Tom cashmere..:.:!;;; S".F.,w ..;;;; ™ ,/( Messrs. William Lyon, TTfKLLINGTON J. Siitberl-md and James Wallace. VV PACKETS ZEALAND. IiKTWEKt,- LONDON after disehnrgmgher inward earco She will return to Wellington to fill up in January FROM HVWKE'S RAY an kv,„ga lar*re portion of her cargo engaged, «*-*-»-. npHEa A. I. New Aberdeen Clipper will meet with quick despatch. For freight or passage, having Bnperior LIPS E," dation for first cla*-s passen*t»rs, apply to acoommo««Sj£aS' ■ 800 tons Rurthcn. W. R. Flliot, Messrs. Wm. JJOWLER, SON', & CO W«l!ington,. Commander. This fine fast-sailing vessel, which is nnd Or to STUART, KINJiOSS, & intended as a regular trader to Wellingtoninside wc»ington and Napier.CO., Hawke's Pay, will commence loading wool .„, „ X ihe Harbour at Napier, the first week of December, 1850. ~~ *md proceed to London direjt early in February. already .'• As a considerable jinrt ofonber -cargo i»promptly To the shippers rely being her follow Hastings." engaged, may " f fin,f ri,;snte.b..ilt A / despatched, and evtvry facility will be afforded hy l»~hK fVaE "ROBERT 1 Ship Afj ihe uudcr3igned for;warehousingand shipping wool SMALL," tons 059 register, J. W. B. Darke, oilier produce.' ' * andThe Vessel bat superior accommodation for a •36-~r--jgj***' commander. This well-known Vessel was to limited number of 'Jabin Passengers. leave London early in August, and will be ready to or Passage, apply to Freight For commence loading in ihis .Port as soon as the Hasting, EiCHAiDsoT! & CmHLTOX, Napier, has been despatched. or or Wellington. Freight Passage, For Co., appiv to W. SO. Tubkbiim & LEVIN & CO., 10th Octobe, 1859. JOHNSTON & CO TIRBT WOOL SHIP s|§fb». «" S"6 , _. * Vfellington and Wanganui A REGULAR THAuKH. I'Ai-Lon & Wati'6 r-* x A/TRSSRS.IVJL well known Schtrouer ?* tons Register. (Mppcred and copper fastened,) John Linklater, "35r5SJ(aE* master, sails regularly between Ihe above Ports, leaving each alternately once a . , , Or r « •„• BETK UNE & HUNTER. Buildings, ■ Exchange ifith September, IflflO. WOOL SHIP p *.- -IS J- OHnrsTOPHER NEWTON, ■WijJ*TKahj\ *==i"lfc| * "'" ; \np.tioe. : '' ' ;ii charge except Lighterage, aud guaranteed not to be pressed. hns unrivalled necommodation for a This vessel nHHE Undersigned do hereby t We limited numberasof Chief Cabin Passengers. K Particulars tofreight nnd passage money, and X notice, that they will no; be responsible for any debts.. contracted on planß of cabin, may he obtained on application to 'wagssgS*. account ol tbe ship Hastings, unless Wm. BOWLEII, SON, «c Co., Agents. •by their written order. Wellington. N-*v. 9»th, 1850. BETHUNF. & HUNTER, Attorniea for the Owners of the . . Ship llASXlxaa. ExchJige Buildings, 22nd Octobor, 1859. •• .nrito. SHIP '■' BASTINQO, 4msm\ JL*-.../ from London, hns; been, entered, S'IiEAM TO AHURIRI AUCKLAND. . AND ~ ~ ,THE "WHITE SWAN," *fc*>-» 'II7ILL Sail for tho above places on rjhljKV V* or about the Ist. and 14th of CONSIGNEES PER NOTICE ■'••••■■ "EASTINGS." TO 4MUn&H evor7 month. Freight -1 ns per agree- Wm. K.IRKWOOO, Office corner of Swinbonrne'sjWharf. in- Wellington, IQtii Dwember, ISC'I). CJH■ ■■ . R I STO PHBR NEWTON, wards this morning, and cargo, will be ■''•' ready for delivery ou Moxd.»y the 21th In 'ant. ; .1 (From, London..), The original Billscf Lading *siift be, exhibited to MKNZIES will not be responsible Undersigned, freight ptvid ,ie<juired, and the the :if J for any debts his Crew may incur while in previous to any goods being, .removed from.:tbe this Port. ! ; Wm; BOWLER, SON, & Co., vessel. '. -. ■■'■■ ■'■'■', .BETHUNE & HUNTER, ■•• Agents. ". 2Snd N*r.*emr*ar,'lo6B. Attorn«a for tli« Ovsnera.'siiuageuts for'tho ship.' ';•'-,, :.. .*i ■ . . . * ' QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S; Exchange Buildings, 82nd October, 1810. 1 SOUND, '" '' '' •''' (SAPTAIN '"' " ,; 7| FOR t '*=rjL)i LONDON DIRECT. Being a Chartered Ship. p r L HI! remarkably fine Clipper . Barque ' R N E," MELB /^ffl^r..Davitl Dickie, Commander, is i ■.■■""■ OU now ready torecnive cargo, and will sail for the above WONGA- WONOA," (having the greater portion of her cargo already Ooptnui Renner, will in future call port engaged) aud guaranteed to leave about the 20th 1 way Wanganui; Waitohi on her <*t to Jantniry. ■ commencing on or about 10th Stptemoer. Shippom of woo! will fi'id this a most desirable Faros Cabin—'Ml 15 opportunity, ns she will be the first direct vessel Steerage 1 6 which will leave tho port. freight 86 per ton Has splendid accommodation for passengers. Bucep 2 per bead For Freight or Passage, apply to tho Captain on DUNCAN Ji VRNNELL, board, or to ' " Oth September, 1859. ©arß.a. ■ ■Itteßlcal. LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. — OLD Dr JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. rHERE are three principal avennei [VOL. XV ittejMcal. Agunid, Wellington, SBnd SMITH & CO. November, 1859. __' BE OF GOOD CHRKR! fStcUtcal. CA UTlON. Ueware of sjmrioxu imitations. None are genuine unless the siijnnlnre of R. & L. Peiwy & Co., t> affixed to each wra/tby which ---per,and blown on theBottle. THE SINKING MAY BE SAVED. Nature expels fro*n t'te body what is nece»snry should be expelled the-efrom. The-e three »r» OH NERVOUSNESS, Established. 1853. RELAXATJOS, & EXHAUSTION the Stnol.the Urine, snrt the Pores. These MUST negociated, Mortgaies arranged, Pro- be A new nnd Improved Edition, co. irge.*l to 190 kept in ahealthy condition, or r'iiense is certain. paies, rOANS_ J parties pnHmsed or sold, either by illustrated 10D 'matomicul Coloured Knby Public IS A FIXKD AND POSITIVE LAW; Rale or Private Contract, properties let, rents col- nd THIS no human beini* can safelydisrestavd it Inadd* gravities, on Steel, price 2a. 0,1., lected, Block p'urnliasod or sold, lauds selected, and ition to this, the l.iver must he kept in order. Crovn Grants prooured. THE SIuSWT PRT^WD N.B.—Maps of every District kept for reference The T.XVIRIR is the T.<VRC*VEST MEDIC \L Work'o'i the Phvs'cal Exhaustion nnd a Ilegister of Properties ia tb« Province of ORGAN in the BODY. nnddecavoftlie Frame fro-n the .if Indiscriminate Wellington. Excesses. fe„ by It. & 1.. "EttltY % nnd has some of the most important functions to CO. Sun-eons, (who may he consulted at their re-si. Lambton Quay. fulfil. It regulates the Rile, and consequently Wellington, Feb. 13, 1858. he *'ici>ptinn nnd the bowels. The stomach must dence. No IS). Brrncrs street. t<xford-Bt.. London) 110 TA, OW .\ Y'S Plfil. S. he invigorated and made hca'thv. Added to all Pol Iby w. R. Fr.ntu-.cv:. 21H Cmisdnle-slreet this, the strength nnd tone of the system mun be Melbourne; and W.I. Piskr, llvj, Pitt street. The history of this trreat remcdv is the most MR. JOHN KTNG. kept up hy prop***- nourishment, exercise, and rest Sydney.. wonderful medical revelation that tbe world has The CORDIAL HALM of SYUHCUM is emTHESE AHE PLAIN AND MM?LE LAWS; NOTARY PUBLIC p'oved to renovate the impaired powers nf life. Its ever known. It estiblish»s the all important fnct and wheu Ibcy 11 work harmoniously, a person is that wnRBEVitR and in wn.*.TETEn shape internal AND SOLICITOR, action is balsamic ; it.< power of re-invi-n. in sound ieallh. This position will'not be ques* rating thepurely frame in nil cnses of Nervous Dehilitv, disease exis's. the disinfecting searching, and healManners Street intr ned. properties of the Pills are fully erpia! to ils sub. Sm-rmatorrhesft, l-'xhnnstion.lncapacityfor Snci»tv. jection WELLINGTON. and Now. when the system is diseased, it is the Stu 'y, or Husiiiess. This is not a. history written by shMtitiT of the Maud- mil one man, orcure. i. f.*it yrnnd nhiect to set all these fiiiiriinnsnt work, Limbs Tndigentinn. derived from the experiences of Shortness nf Breitli Con. one nation, iteven Uth to expel Disease and lo restore the Health. consists of a compilation of testimo. Miniplive Habits, Dimness of Sis-ht, D'-zincss, MTSS E. MARRIOTT, ials from the si<*k ofevery country, an unimpeach Tbe bowels must be OB2ued, c'.cn.ised, southed, pains in_ the fiend, Eruptions. So'C Tbr*. .and ■able record, Milliner and Dress Maker, the like of which has never been adduce and strenTthened; the urine must be mntle to flw n'l ii. ficiency cf natural has 'nan demonsin favour of any other discovery or inventionsince healthfully and naturally, aid to throw offtbe im- trated by its unvarying strength, Lamblon-quatj. success in thousand's nf time began. purities of t'je Wood ; the liver nnd stomach must he oases. Wellington, .limp 20,1858. Price lis. per bottle, or four quantities in regulated; and above all he PORES must be one for Ms., which saves I disorders of the Stomach openpd and <.he slim made healthy. Thes° thinsrs Tlie CONCF.NTBATRn DKTRRSIVE ESg<> MR. T. D McMANNAWAY, done, and nnmre will to her wirk; nnd ruddy SENCE, a remedy for any of the varied forms of Are the sources of the deadliest maladies, espehea'thwill sit smiling upon the cheek; and Surveyor and Land Af»ent, Secondary Symptoms, and for Purifying the system in warm latitudes. Theireffect is to vitiate oil the from Contamination. It is recommended for all fluids ofthe body, and to send a. poiseued stream THORNDON QUAY, WELLINGTON. Life will be again a Luxury. Nov. 25, 1850. We will suppose the cn9e of a person afflicted with those diseases for which Afercurv, Sarsaparilla, through all the channels of circulation. Now what a bilious complaint. His head aches, his appetite &c. are not only crnnloyed in vain, but 100 often is the operation of these Pills 1 They cleanse lh» litter ruin of health. Its astion is purely thebowels, regulate the liver, bring tbe relaxed or is poor, bis bones and bnck ache, he is weak and I" detersive, and its beneficial influence, on the sys- irritated stomach into a nstural condition, and ant. JOHN EVANS, nervous, bis complexion is *ellow, thf skin dry. and tem is undeniable. Price lis. a»d 335; per bottls, ing through the secretive organs upon the BtooD his tongue fnrred. He pnes to a doctor forr.-li;f, also SADDLER, a savin? nf 1 Is. it**elf, chantre the state of the system from sick, nnd is given a dose of medicine to purge him fieely. WILLIS SmEET, WELLINGTON, PERRY'S PDP.TFVINO SPECIFIC PILLS ness to health, by exercising a simultaneous and He !:ikes it, and it operates profusely, aud he gels constitute wholesomeeffect remedy upon all its parts and function*. a safe and for DisNearly opposite the Post Office. spcedv most seine temporaryrelief charges of any kind, Stone in the Bladder, and But he is not Cured ! "Woman of the Kidur-vs. nnd Uriniv-v Orsrans genedisuses N.B.—Ladies' and Gent.'s Saddles Repaired with In a few days tbe snme symptoms return, and tbe rally. Price £s. Od., -Is. Oil., an-l lis per box. Neatness and Despatch. in all her Difficulties same old purge is administered; una so on. until Wholesale Agents for the United i-tates and August aist, 1838. the poor man becomes a martyr to heavy, drastic, Is invited to test the regulating and restorative Bri'ish America—Mr. A. H. Harrow, l.iT, Prince- powers purgatives. Now, what would he the of tbis harmless, but oß>ciive preparation. street. New York, a few blocks West of Brnndwar. At tbe two epochs in life in which the female system TRUE PUACTICH Agents for the East and Weft Tiidie» and Aus.TII OS. W. PILCHE R, in such a ca**e? Whntis the practice that nature her. tralia—Antigua. T. and O. PnrroH Is.irbadoes, N. undergoes the most important and critical changes, self points out? Why. So set in healthy operation ,T. Ruck ; Kitwstnn. P.dwa'd Anron : Nassiu. T. in countries where these periods are surrounded hv COMMISSION, ALL the means that- Nature possesses to throw"" 1 Bruce ; Sydney, W, .J...- Pinko,,H2.. ritt-street.; thcsil.Pills,.yriJl prove a positive safeguard SHIP.& LICENSED CD STOM of-the system "ilie-'kiiiseHjafdisnae. The* iicwels" Ceyldu, 'j,;cE.' Eit'ifnr Unmlin.,-;•'Wcsirsir'nS-itmJrc." -n97ains"t evil obn»equorica9.'4-.They'.are>a's>yi'Vpopfi. HOUSE AGENT, must of course be evacuated, but the work is hut N'essjnvahjee,■& e.o'., 11. Forbes street; Pengiil. dently recommended as a specific in every disorder begun, nt this stnqe ofthe husimu. The CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF, Mdne73 Hulse & Netihews. Afedicat Hall. A-.'fa; Mel. to which females ore exclusively subject. must be prompted to do iheir work, for tliey have a bnnrne, W. H. Florance. 2iS. Lonsdale-street. WELLINGTON. Strength jini Vigos* at nil important work to do; the stomnch "must be Match 11, 1859. most by Roynl Letters cleansed ; nnd above fll tlie pores must bn relieved and of.nbM to throw off the **ecrptions which ought i Patent, of E-g'and. and scoured by t'tc scp.'b GKNTiniL Debility.—When the system in weaof the Ec.ole de Plnrmacii* de Paris, and the Impeto pass olf through them. We repeat that hy kened nix'- the vita! pnw.rs are paralysed b» too J. H. M ARRIuxT. The tial Co'le?e of Medicint*. Vienn*. indulgence an in .what prreat, Pores, are cal-fii the ple-isur«s Bowels—the TJrine—the TRIF.SRMAR, Noe. 1, 2 ond !?. are alike devoid Cclescoye fy[auufactuver» premature n\i a?o seems rupidly the disease must, be expelled from the system, and of taste or smell, and of all nauseatin'j qualities of life, nutl when there is no medicine in the world 'It tt approach!!)!*-, may tnjiet on the Telescopes made and repaired They bowels lie table use by prnetise. not tbe without th'ir a'one, ns is the usual has so tru'y ren'ovatinsr and exhilarating an effect as Spectacles te sui all sights And to effpct nil this, a Medicine nf no ordinnrv hem? suspected, divided into separate doses, is adHollo-way's famous Pills. In a v»ry few days tliey Compasses, &c, repaired kind will answer the purpose. Ttesort must he had ministered hy Vnlpaan, Lallemand, and .Roux. raise the exhausted stiff nr foci debility and deEngravings, etc., &c. to a remedy thnt is oongeuinl to the human sv«tem, adapted for both sexes. spair. strength and cheerfulness; tbey i-ric* the a remedy that strengthens whileit subdues disease. Wellington. 13th May 1853. TRIESEMAR. Nn. 1,is aremedy for relaxation, relaxedtr>nerves, purify and improve the blood, corspermatorrhoea, Such is the remedy founl in Old Dr. Jacob and exhanstion of th" system. \ humour.*, restore the lost nppc'iie, snd gross TRIESEMAR. No. 2. ef!'.;ctnallv. in'he short rect Toxnnseixit's American Snrsaparilla nnd Pills. give the whole system to a. decree never tone to space of three da*-s, completely erntlientirely and They will cleanse and inviuorntc the stoninnh ; WANTED, effected |by any other medici-.,e in th-> world, or freely puree tb". bowe's ; make the urine to flow cates all traces of those disorders which capsules yet by any ohange of regimen or of climate.. The young EMPLOYMENT by a strong, healthily and clenr ; open hennres; civn a nVasant have so lons been thought au antidote for, to the' active Young Map. in a Shop or Store, acruin of the health of a vast portion of the popu- and middln-nged, who, like tbe old. mnv Imva lost customed to hard work, and can write a good hand. temnerat:ire and tone to the skin, and do nil thie in '■their strength and vicroor from' any cause, eit'ier Satisfactory references can bo given. Apply L., the r/eiitlesl manner, without doing violence to tho lation. TRIESEMAR, No. 3, is the great Continental from imorn.lence of youth, or nt!io*-«isei .wi!-| Hud system. ltese wonderful Pills more precious than gold. Independent oflice. Tbe Creator hns laid down certain fired and im- remedy for thnt class of disorders which unfortuNovember 27, 1860. Tlieir value in India, tho Cape, and, Atts'ralia, is mu'nlde laws, which trovern both tbe physical and nately the Eimlish physician tresis with mercury, beyond dispute, as thousands have certified. moral man. One of these is, that everything that to the inevitable destruction of the patient's con-, and which the in Sarsaparillaa stitution. all the lives shall lMsorrter* of the I-ivcr. "WHITE STAR" LINE. world cannot remove. TAKE FOOD OH DIR. Price 1 Is., or four cases in one for 3!15., which Extract ofa Letter to Pinfessir HaHnwaif, dated Whatever is endowed with life, must have thatlife FOR LONDON DIRECT. cases, saves Us.; and in £6 wherehv there i« a "Carlisle," September \st, 1858. annulled with the elements which s"stnin it. of a proper amn-uit rf nuHtian. and savin? of £1 12s. To be had wholesale and retail Sra,—I was at death's door from a disordered ON SATURDAY, THE 28th JANUAKY, theDeprived liody languishes and dies. It i<* npnn this in London of Darby tc Gnsden, 11!>, Lcadenbflll- 'iver. Xliad teen persuadeItn .ry various mercuFULL OR UOT FULL, principle that sickness induces ni abnormal con- strcet, (opposite the East India Houjc); Barclay rial preparations, which give me no relief, and so dition ofthe system, nnd then medicine becomes os & Pons. Fnrringdon-street. strenjrth WARRANTED I.N TIME POIt THE MAY WOOL mv that I could scarcely move re'lnced Wholesale Agent for United States and British without necessary as food. The question a"ses. ns>istance from oti> «*i*le of my room to the SALES. America—Mr H. A. Harrow, L"i7, Princes-street, other. Peeing What is Ihe right land nf Wcliclne .» one ofyour a'lvei'tisene'its. I got a. rpHE Celebrated Al Clipper Slip _i—*_Itlenson nnd Science renly. That which ai**es back New York, a few bocks West of Ilrondway. supply of your admirable Pi'.s and Ointment. I "MEKM AID ." A cents Tor the East and West Indies nnd Ans rulihed -*2100 tons bnrthei), James White, to the body tbe natural and healthy use of ils functhe latter over the region <>f the liver twico tra'ia—Antis'tta. T. & G. Carroll; Barbadoes, N. a day, nnd Esq., Commaader, will be|ready to tions. took eight Pills evevy morning. In six .1. Ruck; Kingston, Edward Aaron; Nassau, T. This is Medicine found Old Jacob in Dr. weeks I was thoroughly cured I send you my recc ve ('argo here the first week Rruco; Sydney, W. I. Pinke. 112. Pitt-street; card for private satisfaction; if desirable, yon may of January, nnd be dispatched for Townsend's Sitrannarilla. Ceylon, J. E. Eator.; Rombay, Messrs. Framjee. print this letter. In hiliou-. yellow, anl intermitOF THE YEAU London direct, punctually on the 2Sth, which v.ill is a AT NO SEASON Nesscrw.vijee, Rengnl, & Co.. Forbes 11, street; open to the nssau'fs of pcrson'3 system so tent fevers, these medicines nre inestimable. enable her to arrive in ample time for the Mny Hulse & Nephews, Medical Hall, Agra ; Melbourne, Wool Sales, her avernge passage f.'om Molbourne disease ns in tbe Sprinc and Fall sontons. Every W, H. Florance, 2'2S, l.onsdale-street. Pills are the brst remedy &it<i.c*i in. Holloway's being 7li days. She p'ooeedß to Lttlelton in n day person undc'Crncs rerinin ohnnptcs with the season, popular HUMAN 11 Medical FRAILTY; Work, the world for thefollowing Diseases : or two to complete her discharge, and take in cargo nnd when Rpr'ng succeeds the Winter, the body is price 2s. fid., beautifully illustrated with 100 Enimmirities, which will engaged for her there, returning to this pott about encumbered with a load ofspeedily the opinions of Valpeau, Agno gravings, containing Liver Com- Tic-DouloDropsy removed. The generate di**en«e nnl-'ss the end of the present month. Dysentnry plaints rcux blnod moves sluggishly alone;, heint* black nnd Lellemand, Roux, Ricord, &o. It gives copious Asthma restoration perfect Wool and other Produce will lie taken at the thick, with for the of those who Erysipelas instructions Bilious CoraTumours Lumbago' decayed iii"tter. the •humours nnd suffering from the above disorders, and clearly Current rate-* of Freight, nt this port, and shippers Female Irre- Piles Dicers plaints bile, while oosiiveness on are is trorged stomach with will find this an excellent opportunity, as the the out the benefits arising from the chemical Blotches on gulnrities Retention of Venereal one haul, and tjreat looseness on the other, points of the spermatoza, by ibe affections. the skin Fevers of all Urine " Mermaid*' is the only vessel that can reach Lon- nr»vnil. and the body is ready tosink under disease. tests nnd examination don in time for the Mny Suits. Wool from coasters constructed Microscope, with powScrofula, or Worms of Bowel Com- kinds To meet t'lis condition of things, resort must be Author's newly can be put ou bonril without expense, and every had medicine that will lenses. From all Agents for the ualo of erful Fits Evil kinds plaints King's to facility will be afforded by the undersigned for "Triesemnr." Colics Gout Sore Throats Wcakue -.« PURIFY TH"3 BLOOD, storing and shipping Tool and other cargo. TRiEBEM.in may also be obtained from the Constipation Head-ache Stone and from whatThe and. at the same time, imnnrt enertrv, vigour, and principal Patent Mtdicine Vendors iv every oilier oftheBow/els Indigestion Gravel The accommodations for all classes of Passengers new evercnuM life to tbe whole physical machinery. &«., &o. Consump- Inflamma- Secondary part of the World. iv this Splendid Vessel are unsurpassed by any Wholesale Warehouse—?4S. Strand. Original Symptoms tion April 7, 1858. tion Sh'p afloat, and several cabins are already engaged. Exeter-Hall -370, Strnnd, Depot ndjoipint* Retail Debility j Jaundice The Saloon is fitted and furnished with Piano, West (formcilv Pomcroy. Andrews, and Co.) Library, and every requisite, and n most liberal J. HALI.IHAY & CO Sale Table will be provided. Second and Third class PricesJ.of Satsnpnrilla—Half-nints. Proprietors. Sold (it theEstablishments of Profbbsob H0i.1,0. |) r oUsbox jEtffoleg 3s. Cd ; Fints Passengers will also be provisioned on a most Wat, 24-1, Strand, (near Temple Bar.) London (Is.; Quarts, 10s. Od. liberal scale, aud the ship will osrry an experienced for Now Zealand, at considerable expense, improved the also by all respectable Drugtjiataand Dealers in MeAgents Surgeon. Such a favorable opportunity for a direct Interior of his Premises begs most dicines throughout the civilized world, at tbe foiC. & F. BAURAUD, passage to ihe Mother Country has never been respectfully to announce that hs is prepared to lowing prices—2s., 4s. 6d., lis. Gd., 165., f12»., f.bemi»ts, Wellincton. oflered at this port. Polish off the exterior of his Patrons, in the Inte- and 48s. eaob. For Plans of Saloons nnd further particulars as FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. rior of his Establishment fgg?" There is a considerable saving by taking the Freight Passage Money, and apply to Tho traveller who sails from Pole to Pole, may to larger sizes. for superior performances to those W. & G. TURNBULL & CO. VALUABLE FARM in the Settlement of seek in vain on N.B.;—Directions for tlie guidance of patients in by tbe inimitable Professor, who NKLSON, consisting of Fifty Acres of Rich daily carried disorder are affiled to each Box. Ist December, 1859. every ultra"of Level Ground. A large new Two-story House, Out confidently asserts that he is the "a ne plus Houses, &c, situate near Richmond, about citrht his profession. Having received consignment of Sub-Agents NEWSPAPER and PICTORIAL miles from town, and commands a beautiful view Bay Rum, be Is prepared to benuiify thecomplexion *•— •"PHI!*. LADY'S of iiis Customers, and bis Golden Hair Wash can TIMES isthebcstILLUSTRATED WEEKLY to seaward nnd surrounding country. I. 0. & V. BARIUIXD Wkllii-otoh obtained. is subbe JOUHNAL for LADIES, being especially devoted and now BISHOP DO. Theland is nil laid down in Grass, WILLIAM unrivalled He wouldremind his Friends that the to their interests, instruction, and amusement. It stantially enclosed,and sub-dividedwith Hawthorne, & WOON WAxaisrui MESSRS. BEAVAN and luxurious luxury can only be obtained ai containseach week, besides the usual Illus rntions and post and rail fences. -whom thisvaluable through B.OVVLEFS, may all From Medicine bo of the Ev. Nts of the Day, the Latest Paris Fashions A never-failing stream of water runs PROFESSOR -, obtained, and the Newest Wbrk-tiible Patterns (working size) the Paddocks, and tbe whn'e of the property being Near Sxoinboxtrne's Hotel. ■■ '■' ■■■ ;., ;; "; ■;■ and is therefore particularly valuablo toLadies and in first.rnte order, is well adapted for a Dairy Farm, Wellington, Jan. 26th, IM". Families out of Towu, and quite invaluable in the or Gentlemen's residence. TO LET o4 sell; / ; Colonies. Subscription (paid in advance) Annual TF.IIM9 LIBERAL. ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, £1 0s„ 3ix Mont'ie 135., Three Months (is. Od., Immediate possession can be given. oommodione busiiefs promisesin Ferijhv Spiced Beef cither stamped or post-paid to any British Colony, street, adjoining tie Custsm House, suitatil*; Prime Hauis and Bacon and single Copy (id. May be received through any Title Unexceptionable. ; .'• for ono or more tonants. Apply to JOHN LAING, rcspectablo News Agent, or dheot from the PubFor further particulars, npply to 'W. FLYGER. Grocer, Willis street W.J.JoiiNsox,B3,Fleet-street,London, lisher, Mr. DUNCAN & VENNELL. October 29, 1858. May 27, 1850. to whom money-orders may be made payable, 1 Wellington, 7th July, 1859, . A — , : : .. PERMANENT OR~L^7r7^l7 " TIME FOB lire MAY SALES. POO tons, burthen, D; MENzrEs, Esq., Commander, up specially and fitted commellce tnkii'** in carco This Vessel l» well formd, "*-*&!«:ss r for the above port, the first week lor Passengers. December, ond having the f-reater portion of For further particulars *pply to the Muster on in engaged, her freight will he* despatched early in board, or to January next, thus arriving in time for the May WILLIAM LYON, Wellington, sales. TAYLOR. & WATT, Wanganui. Freight on Wool one luxlfpcnny per lb., and on Wellington, oilierpx oduce equally low. 36th May, 1858. Wool intended for shipment will be received, stored, and shipped by tho undersigned free of nny fortnight. MORNINGrDECEMBEII 30, 1*597 Estate AND CO.'S LINE Friday morning* NEW ZEALAND, FRIDAY Mr. J. H. W4.I.L\CS ARTHUB WILLIS. GANN, Fin/ Insertion of all Advertisements; nnd One Penny a Line for every subsequent Insertion. Ad- JosephFletcher.... vertisements will le continued, and ciiAnai-D xinlil °>;«>>"!<xn counter-ordered; such Orders must le sent lo Ihis Office 0»K Day before Publication, and must be in f '• JNmxK — ' , HAVING — . A ■ : PRIME THOSE - , ' ■ >'■ . T"IR £BffS reliance ua- . __ WELLINGTON. ; most respectfully to intimate lo tiic l'nblio that she intends early iv .lamury next to oatabli'li ii BEGS SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. When she will be pi. paied to receive Pupi's on moderate terms, for instruction in tbeusual brunches •of a iionnd LAMBTON (FA 0 lira ____ \ French, Music and Drawing. Miss Freeman* having conducted the " I-lish*I gale Seminary" in i iihilcsex up in a recent peiioil to the great nitixfnctiou of Iter patrons, is enabled to ensure Parent* and Guardians who may be pleased to place pupils under ber tuition, that her exr-rtiins, which have hitherto met "Willi success, will not be relaxed in endeavouring to promote nml enhance ihe interest of ber pupils, which the system of instruction she professes cannot fail to impart. Private lessonsgiven on the Piano Forte. Tbiims and other particulars on application. "Wellington.' December. 21th 1S5!). £50 REWARD. SPURIOUS IMITATIONS OF HOLLOWAY'S . PILLS AND OINTMENT. TTUFTY POUNDS will be paid I giving information to Mil. John* lluguks, 'Wholesale Druggist, .Melbourne, that shall lead to tliconviction of any person or persons vending •spurious imitations of Hollowfys'Tills & Ointment. A power of attorney bus been sent'to Mr. Hughes, bearing date 9th August, 18511. It appears that •parties in Melbourne are either manufacturing: -Holloway's Pills and Ointment, or importingimitations of'he same from'ihe United Stales; such parties, when discovered will be dealt with according to law, in order to protect the public. The Genuine Oiutmeut and Pills have engraved on the British Government Stamp the words, Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London," and if tlie little Books of directions wrapped,round the medicines be held up to the light, tbe same words will be discovered woven in the water-marl; of the paper. None are genuine without these marks, and •] without tbe Government Stamp. The public or Australasia is respectfully invited lo join with the Pmprieior of these .Medicines in . endeavour lo trace out those who are practising fraud upon them, and to give information of the same to Mr. John Hughes. )m this (Signed) THOS. HOLLOWAY. London, August 9,1850 WANTED. A JTJL tions Situation [ns Ovcrpeer, on a cattle or sheep Station by a young married man, no objecto any part of the Colouy. Apply to, A.B. at the office of this paper. 1850. PETITION TO IMS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR ON BEHALF OF C. STRAKER. •Sard-December, in aid of the payment of QUBSCIPTIONS Printing and other expenses incurred in pre- . paring tbe Petition to bis Excellency -for a mitigation 'of the Sentence of on C. Straker, will be received on Committee by the Secretary, R. J. the Governor, Death passed behalf of the £ s. d. 0 0 ft 0 5 0 Geo.'Hunter 0 5 0 W. Af.Ennnatyiie 5 0 Geo. Moore 0 3 0 20th December. IS'iO. — - — : ; ': 1 £ s. d. & 0 5 o C. J. Pharazyu 0 W. W. Tavlor 0 Adolph Bing W.Spink-. W. Bowler W. Lyon ft O ft 0 000 0 5 0 0 •fT" OURPENCE per lb. will be given for Horsehair. Apply to Wm. KIRKWOOD, Oflice corner of Swinbourue's Wharf Dec. 20, 1850. W.ULAOE'S LAND SALE postponed till next month. Due notice (•iven, and particulars duly advertised. Doc. SO, 1850. 33 will be gALE- FOR rpiIF, BEAUTIFUL HOMESTEAD CF TURANGANUI, *Consisting of about Five Hundred and Fifty (GftO) Acres of Fbeeiiold Lanu, more or less, nowiu the EAST occupation of Joseph Kelly, F.sq. This most desirable Properly consists of a newly nui substantially erected DWELLING HOUSE, ciiiit-iining Seven Rooms, Kitchen, Sevants and Store Rooms, Dairy, Stabling, and all convenient Out-Houses, large Stockyard, well-fencedPaddocks, ALSO, A Right of Run over Three Thousand (3000) of NativoLand. This line Station, acknowledged to bo the beat the fertile District of the Wairarapa, and being in uii!y forty-live (AO) miles from the Cily of \YolL.'Ston, offers not only to the Grazier, but to the Pri-aie Capitalist and tbe newly arrived Settler an Acres opportunity for investm«:it that has not occurred since tho formation of the Colony, and is offered for S-'ale solely in consctiuct is of tne ill-health of Ihe Proprietor. The CATTLE, HORDES, &c, must be taken at a valuation. Th*) TERMS are very LIBERAL, viz., onethiii! of the Purchase Money in Cash, and the remainder in Bills at Six, Twelve, ond Kighteen Jiuuths date, bearing interest; or on Mortgage at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum. A Plan of the Property, and all particulars may be obtained upon application to tbe Proprietor, upon th» Station, or to lln. J. H. Hoknkr, Lambton a my, Wellington, IPth December. 1859. FASHIONABLE ARRIVAL PER & HUNTER. Exchange Buildings, Wellington, 20thDecember, 1850. WANTED. FEMALE SRBVANT as COOK,—she must be thoroughly competent to undertake the cooking in all its branches. A Appiv to - MRS. MeINTUSH, " New Zouluudcr" lun. Wellington, 17th Deoember, 1850, WAiNTFD, E N B RA AG Nathan, Willis Dacomber 10, 1850. L to Mns. S XR BEGS \ 4 STRONG MR. December 0, VAN T. Apply street. 15517. \i. MILLER. Commercial ; and Cabinet Work the sizes range from 4to 8-4. iv various lengths. To pariies contemplating Building Wharves,"tho of 40 acres of perfectly level land, mid abounds with Miinlze, Metal being nlniust new, will prove cf great valuable timber lit for sawing and splitting. It is service in protecting piles. The Planking inside bounded on one side by Mr, Charles Stewart's huul and out will consist of sxß, sxlo, aud oxlo Deals now tinder cultivation, and on the oilier shin hy Mr. of long lengths. There will also be offered Pig Iron, Alfred Judges Homestead, and Mr. David GalloCoals.&e. way's section, pint of which bush is felled and and sundry other nrtieles too numerous to detail an advertisement. ready tv burn. For further particulars, apply to Jin. C. Stuart or to THE TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. Wellington, Nov. 1, 1801). Jin. A*. Judge, ou the ground, or to Mr. John Sutiikjiland, Vulnahle freehold section No. 4 small npi-lAT I furm reserve, Pahuutaiiui Pislrict. It consists A'JTIVR LAD, accustomed to Cuttle, aud can milk ;u, short distance from Wellington. Apply to Deck Planks, yellow Deals, free from knots, and seasoned, and is well adapted for House Btiildu, X On the most Liberal Terms. WANTED, 'a. Panels U Large Water Tanks, admirably adapted f Dipping Sheep, averaging 1(1 feet iv length, 9 of feot wide, and 4' feet deep. The aiiciilion of llooltmasters in particular is called to this lot. EOll SALE. in a private family. Respectable references will be required. Apply to Mr. Giieex, at the Wellington Hospital December S, 1859. ox iii Hotel. NCVTTCE^ J PahaiititHin, 2.3rd Dec, 1800. Wanted to purchase the above, either of Town Land in Napier, Suburban or Rural Land within| thirty miles of Port Napier, from parties legally LONDON HOUSE. of the a )ov Vessel, (who have eontriictcd with Mr. Meech to carefully break up this ship,) Heurvr £il i sccUrnuotiiS* WANTED, GROOM TWO ONE 'lborndon Flat. COMMERCIAL AND GRAMMAR BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. authorised to convey the same. Apply to Daniel Muss until the 15thinstant. n< Messrs. Bethune & Hunter's, afterwards at th ■ Rotai, Hotel. Port Napier. Wellington, December !), 1850. Wellington Terrace. ESTABLISHED JANUARY, 1857. VALUABLE FREE HOLD, HUTT PROPERTY. MESSRS. SMITH AND CO., Have beeninstructed by Mr. \V. B. SHEPHERD'S PLAID VESTS from Gs. Od. at the LONDON HOUSE. the SHEPHERD'S PLAID TROWSERS from 7s. 6d. at LONDON HOUSE. STOUT DOESKIN TROUSERS from 14s. Cd. at the AT THE HUTT, NEXT JIAIIKET nAY, WEDNESDAY, 4th ALL at the MEN'S DOESKIN COATS, (super, quality,) from 215., LONDON MEN'S BLACK CLOTH COATS, from 255., at the MEN'S BLACK HOUSE. that plot THE Public are respectfully informed thnt the above Fourdry is in full operation, and persons requiring Castings of all descriptions enn have them executed on the shor.est notioe. W. MASON. FOR SalE, , LONDON . HOUSE. 6d., at the MEN'S White Linen DRILL TROUSERS, from 10s. LONDON HOUSE. MEN'S COTTON CORD TROUSERS, at 7s. 6d., at the LONDON HOUSE. MEN'S WORSTED CORD fronted Shop on Lambton Quay. . ON Family Grocer, \c, Willis Street. TO ARRIVE EX 123. 6d., if you have not, call TO THE OWNER OR WHOM IT AIAV " CHEVIOT." in C.ses ami Baskets, pints and ./"IKAMPAGNE \J quarts, from the famed House of CONCERN Of Town Acres No. 117 and No. being used as a Race Course or Cricket Ground during that time, at projtr times and under usual " COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAKESPEARE ROAD, NAPIER. 121. NOTICEEvening, January 2, 13110, Mon-day at five o'clock, in aid of iho funds for repairing ihe Chapel. The Rev. J.Scottnud other Ministers are expected to attend. Karori, Dec. 23, 1850. 0. FA REE, tbe Undersigned, Droprtetor of Town Acre 1 -, No. 110, on the New Zealand Company's Plan ofthe Town of Wellington, hereby give notice that 1 intend forthwith to erect a Dividing Fence between my property and the nbnve Town Acres Nos. Ill' and 121. iv conformity with the Act of the Provincial Council, Ses,-. 1, No. 10. and T herein" require you to assist in erecting the sni.l Dividing Fence -within 01 days f'rtm this date, otherwise I shall proceed to erect tbe same, and call upon you for payment of one half of the costs of erecting or making tho whole of such Dividing "B COUKSE~ 'Pendens to be sent tc Sealed and Endotsod " Tendefii.' or BentingUult Park and Race Courac," and addressed to the Chair-nan at Whitewood's Hotel, M ii tl, on or St-efoio 7 o'clock, p.m., Saturday, 01st December inst. Jorfurthe-p irticulars apply to IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. MR. JILLETT, Whitewood's Hotel, or CHRIST-MAS FRUITS. WILLIAM FITZHERBERT, Chairinau of tlie Board, SALE by the Undersigned ex Latest ArHutt, lu'th December, 1859. liv.tls, expressly ordered for the Christmas Season, the finest samples of Muscatels, Figs, Pudding Raisins, Currants, assorted Peel; and NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAYS. Spices, &c., ever imported for this Market. Inspection invited. is hereby given that a TEA MEETING will be held "at the'Karori Chapel on .10UN LAING, AND LONDON HOUSE. TO LET, will be received by tho Board of I Trustees for Renting tbe above Lima for Twelve Months, from Ist January next, subject to The Office of the Ixuepekcext." Wellington, 33rd December, ISSU. CARL UNMACK & CO., a ss sp <s> is i? m %isr3 ' 'BLENDERS restrictious. A DOUBLE Dec. 13,185U. N.l3.—EngineFittings of all kinds done on the premises. LONDON HOUSE. in Cloth, Tweed, and Doeskin, from 1859, L\. For further particulars, apply at <Kithi\e, Spirit, Self-Adjusting TROWSERS, MOSS'S 17s. 6d. per pair, at the JANUARY, :— offenders, will receive 10s. Reward on amplication to Monday, January lO'.h, ISGO. Particulars on application to CAPTAIN DICKIE, Or EDW. TOOMATH. MESSRS. SMITH & CO. December 23, 1859. 9th December, 1850. CLOTH TROUSERS, from 17?.. 6d., at MOSS'S LONDON HOUSE. you seen Moss's OFFICE COATS for HAVE at the AUCTION, Without Reserve, of Laud belonging to Mr. Plow, 1-IF* Course of Instruction embraces Literary, man, nearly opposite Hotel, Scientific, Commercial, und General informa- having an extensive frontage Whitewood's A. to the maiu Road. .FROM ON BOARD THE tion. 'Hie method of Tuition pursued is one wnich This property will be sub-divided into suitable practical experience in the wo*k for several years buildiug lots, and plans will be ready iv a few days. BARQUE MELBOURNE. has proved to be effective. Terms 'L'lie Latin and Drawing Classes nre under the 25 percent, cash, and the remainder by bills at 3. A WHITE RULLTERIH Ell. beinsrcms*-:between of separate Masters, and the School room is (I, and I) months in equal proportions. :\ an Rut-dish Terrier nnd IW.I Do*.'. The rWlit care liberally supplied with cnrefinly selected Heading For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers. side of his face is black, and nnswrsto tbe name of yock*, Maps, Globes, and other requisites for the Wellington, 24th December, 18')!). will give such information as use of the Pupils. " ROB." Whoeverconviction will load to the of tho offender or The Duties of the School will be resumed on HUTT PARK RACE riP WELLINGTON IRON FOUNDRY. LONDON HOUSE. Plowman, TO SELL BY PUBLIC STOLEN NOW OPENING AT THE " LONDON HOUSE," the Suit (205.) Twenty-five SUITS, from Shillings QHEPEERD'S PLAID complete. ,„ ' SMITH & Co., the Proprietors instructed by ' -fS-Usccnancoutt. " LORD WORSLEY," JUST OPENED, Case SUMMER SAO GOATS, from 12s. 6d. each MIiSSIIS. Are ~ NO TI cE. TO Slil.L infovm llio Ladies of Wellington ilmi sho has just reooivod by tho B V PUB LI C AUCTION At early of nu of which dua notice will WEDIHN'Gund DllfiSS Nowtoii," date, v coiisiyinnont "Christopher be given, BONNETS, H.Vi'S, DRESS CAPS, &<>., of iho most fnshiouublo iiuil newust nnilK FOLLOWING VALUABLE ITEMS stylo. A iUornin-v Cull is most respectfully requested. FITTINGS OF SALOON, comprising Maple 15, 1859, December Rosewood, Satin, and Figured Oak WoodDoors and to Cherry Brandy in Cases Assorted Confectionery 20th December, 1850. .'■'■ A7.SO, " EX ROBERT SMALL." 4 N EXCURSION TRIP round'the Harbour 1% out to the Heads, in the clip|Vr~» JUNO " T7IXPOUT STOUT in Hogsheads, from the on Monday, January 2, will start fnm JjJ firm of Plimmer's TAYLOR, WALKER & CO., LONDON, Wharf, at S) o'clock, a.m. FARBS,—3s. each. JOHN LAING, Tickets to be had at Mr. BuowkV Barrett's Grocer and Ship Store Dealer, Hotel, Cornelius Croft, and Hugh Douglas. 20th December, 185!). • Fence. .TAVES WILLIAM MEAKS. December 15, 1850. TROUSERS, at 14s. 6d., -at the TO LET, A MODE IIATF.-SIZ RD HOUSE, and the third ANNUAL CONTRACTS. part of an acre of Garden Ground, situate in FOR LONDON. Hill-street, near the Catholic Cathedral, commandCommissariat, Wellington, ing ore of the bes* views of the harbour. and inspect Moss's large assortment of SUMMER VESTS from Appiv Dvcemher,' 27'A 1859. To Sail on 10th January, 1860, from Lyttelton, at tho " Independent" office. r tpENDERS will be received at this Office until ss. lid. each Canterbury. Well'ing'oii, Oth December, 1650. Ji. noon of Saturday, the 7th day of.January from parties willing to contract for furnishing A 1 Ship'"" VALUAIIJLi'To^n^DS^TO^LE, 1 next well-known HPHE tho undermentioned supplies, transport, &c within A S H M F. R E," 1 " C John before you make your purchases visit the LONDON HOUSE, TOWN OF BEAVER, "m/jTECHANICS! the towns of Wellington ond Wanganui during tbe Byron. Commander. register, 040 tons ""■*• as it will be greatly to your adva tago. twelve calendar months commencing tbe Ist April n SEW PROVINCE OF' MAHUJOiIOUGII. next. To Sail on Ist February, IB(jo,from Lyttelton, 4s, lid. Moleskin Trousers, from npi-IE UNDERSIGNED arc instructed to offer Provisions, Fuel and Light. Canterbury. 2s. 6d. Twill Shirts, from Fresh Meat •"• for sale all that extensive and valuable part of the Town of Beavf.r belonging to Mr. Jamesi Blue Shirts 3s. Cd. Bread THE well-known A 1 ship Sinclair, and containing some of the best Building', Mould Candles at r.er lb. Town. "ZEALANDI A," Sperm Candles of "OECOLLECT at the LONDON HOUSE Goods purchased and taken home, sites in the said Beaver is one of the most rising townships in thei Knulisb Manufacture, 1031 tons Register, John Fo3rnn, Commander, J-* and not approved of, the MONEY RETURNED, or, if preferred, exchanged Colony, and iv the Superation Memorial of the; Forage for Horses (at per ration), Wairau settlers, is named as the place which " mayi Supplies to Ships of War, &c. for others. TriKSn line vessels were built expressly for tha bo suitably made tbe Capital." Situated in the! HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. New Zealand Trade, and have superior accoramo. midst of an extensive and rich agricultural plain, dation, LAXD TRANSI'OI'T. with every comfort for Chief Cabin, Second and commanding the import aud export trade and Third Class Passengers. Water Transport. the greater part of tbe Province, it may be reFor particulars apply, to and YOUTH'S CLOTHING, in great variety, always on hand at the of and Transport Wellington Wanganui, between and garded as the natural Capital of Marllioruugh. Itt LONDON HOUSE.. possesses a Newspaper and a Custom House. The Wellington and Napier DALGETY, BUCKLEY, & Co., Lyttelton, or Custom House occupies the centre of tbe land herei Ordnance Services. offered for sale, situated, on the river Opawo, whichi Wheaten Straw /i.r Bedding at per 100 lbs. BETHUNE & HUNTER, is navigable for ordinary coasting schooners. ; Wellington. Cleaning Privies each, THE ADDRESS:—LONDON HOUSE, LAMBTON QUAY, Such an opportunity for investment has seldom iff Sweeping Cliirnm'es each. Jslh Dccombcr, 1860. ever been offered to ihe public. The conditions of the several contracts aro those " (Facing (ho Neio Odd Fclloics Hall) A plan of the Town may be seen and further parnd vert iscil in the WcMixiylnn, Independent newsticulars learned on application to paper, published nt Wellington oh the twenty-third \ Warranted the First Ship ofthe Season. day of December, I8!>!), and any further information STUAHT, KINROSS, & CO. LEWIS MOSS, wiih printed forms of Tenders can he obtained at Wellington, 34tb December, 1850. Ibis Office. ri'\HJ3 line fast-sailing A 1 sbip PROPRIETOR. —Information is desired respectingr A.-P. ADAMS, D.A.C.G kMMi 1 " U A-S TINO S," October 25,1859. Alfred Rjckman, who left England with 5C5 tons register, Chaiiuss Cowib, ■ bis wife about 8 years ago : was seen in New Zen. oattlb owners. SaasdsSHi*'' Commander, .loading Innd three years since. Property has been left to This splendid vessel has commenced him, nnd any person affording satisfactory informaTWENTY POUNDS REWAItD. on the Manniii Station, Wairarapa, the and the greater portion of her cargo being engaged. tion as to bis being alive or deiid will be rewarded. Undermentioned Cattle, for whom no Owners she will positively sail early in January, 1800. Address to Mr. Robert Hickman, Durweston Flour is sent be found in this neighbourhood, and it is supWARD of Twenty Founds Sterling is r can (Sargo will be taken on board whenever it Mills, lilandford, Dorset, England. posed tliey belong to parties residing in the Hutt. alongside, and freight of any description addresser, otfered for such information as rany lend to 27,1851). December person by shipment, llie conviction of the who ki'lcd Malibiii"j LOYAL ROSE OF THE VALLEY If not claimed within two months from tbis date, to the care of the undersigned for will be ~ " they will be sold to pay expenses. Any putty or received and stored free of charge, and put on a GREY HORSE on Walt's Peninsula ou SUNDAY LOU GO',, parties proving ownership before that time, will.be wool from morning, the 18th iust. possible, board on moderate terms. If No. 1310, M.U.I O.F. five shillings land. C. A. "VALU.NCE.or pcimilled to take them away ou payment of ex- coasting vessels will always be transhipped at ouod, penses. LUXFORD & LING. ■ •• f nml no expense incurred. fteigiDecember 19, 1850. 'jPHF, nrctlivcn of ilie various Lodges are in. Crown Land's Oflice, Red Cow, hrimded W X, off hip Wool will be taken impressed at tho low 1. furmcd that iho Eleveiit.li Anniversary of tlio Wellington, liOih Dccernlicr, 1851). Red and White. Cow, branded a largo T, off ribH, ofone half-penny per pound (id.), aud other iirUabove Lodge will be celebrated byiv DINNKIt AND 'pIIE Commissioner of Crown Lands intends .■ with a calf by ber side cles'on eipmlly ronsouablotei'ins. / ■_ tor MALL on ilie 2nd January, l8(iO, nt tlic Odd FolPER OVERLAND MAIL. I proceeding to tl c Wairarnpa ami Rust Coasti This ship lias most excellent accommodations I Red Cow, nick on each car, branded C on off lows Hall, Unit, when all who cim mnkn it conve- about the Oth or 10th of cabiu, n"u month, for tlie purnext j-iirnp, and C on shoulder, with uciilf by her side a limited uum'ier of cabin, second nient i.ro respectfully'fnvi ed to nticml. Dinner on pose of inspecting land to which he lias been or DIARIES (or 1800. Ri:o Steer, brr.nd''il SU oil'rump Sl the Table at (i o'clock. Tir-ketn (is.onoli, to Ik; line! may be called upon to certify. j People's Almnnniiic, 'p|"uk " may be see.i, and furtherparGrizzled Steer, white hack, uiibriiiidod of ilie StcwiirtU, mid at Mr. UorUcifs, AgHojiby New Year's Gifia, " A'Tiingcmcnls have heen made to hiy off at oncei White l-'oley Steer, branded NIC, off rump ticulars lesriei'.ling rates of I'ieigbt, Passage money,. Anns. Jliiy bo had of such land as may Im certified to, witli v view to) lied and Witil" &c, obtained by otc. r, brantl.nl NIC oil'rump C. D. BAI'.UAIID, Ihuichitr to coimncDco nt 0 o'clock, when v immediate sale. & Red Steer, Wliiie Dolly and Tail, branded NIC Ijimbtnii Kuiiy. good QiiudriHe Band will be in itttenilnnoe. JOHNSTON & CO., "No applications can be attended to unless made: oil'rump. nnil of By Order of ilie N.G., oflioinlly at the Lund Office, Wellington, middle W. U. DONALD, i IiARP.AUIJ,;* OWES, THO3. WILSON, BETHUNE & HUNTER rti'tiisite deposit of 10 per cent, paid in. .Muiuiiti Station, Secretary, MuuiitTi S;n'ct, WILLIAM FITZIIERUKRT, Wu.iraru.pa. Ji'.xcbaiif'O Buildings. Wt-llingtou.l, December 20, 1809. Commissioner Crown Landu. IU&SL 2nd December, 1859 2-J*h November. LONDON HOUSE. ."\ COME BOY'S MARK * ' " , . ' I ' i^B~LONDON. * ! IsroTidTTo FOUND ARK rETTS' • ' '. RIOKMAN. NOTICE. T)LANS of the Township of Haveloclt, nnd of JL the Suburban Land advertised for Sale by the Government of Hawke's Bay, at Napier, on the 17th day of January, 1800, may be obtained and seen at the office of the Undersigned. BETHUNE I Cases "REGULATION CAPS," in Cloth, Oilskin, and Tweed, the r|lo HOLDERS of Crown Grants or Chief Cornnewest, stylo, at srrently rednaul pi'iccs. Ooiac early and get your choice, at .Ip* niissioncr's receipts of laud purchased in tho New- Province of Hawke's Bay. the LONDON "HOUSE. O X J. 11. . Trousers and Coats of newest cut, And host material made, At Moss's will lie found to put All others in tlie shade. Waistcoats and Sacs in shape quite new, "Wlnufi oanr.iit lie surpassed, " Varied in pattern and in hue, And warranted t.> last. Thru inrrrily your Christmas pass, For we've not long- to iive, So eiroulatc llio social glass, * And presents freely give. To London House a visit 'pay, And r.urihase a now suit, Then you will be on Christinas day, Well iltesed beyond dispute. iiORSEHAIR. ME. - P HELL MINA 11r QUAY. LAMBTON BALL.) Sales ftj> Auction. SHIP *V0Ll'vWiiANuT ' MILLINER, DUNCAN. Subscription already icceived. W. B. Rhodes 0 Geo. Hart O J. Woodward 0 ODD , FELLOWS Let classes s)iiirklu .in Ilic hoaid, And (ill them to the liriui Old Christmas BTct-t willi me accord And liiiste to uvleoine hi:n. All care iiiid mhiuw cast an.iv, i Let sous' anil juke jr" roimii; i Let every 'heart 'ha lijrht and u:i;,7 I And let good cheer "hound. For Christmas comes lint onci; a year ; j And it will scon lip o'er, So Christmas [irnseiils purchase hero, At Lev.is Muss's Swie, j Foi London ll' use is now replete Willi gifts for gn-at and -inn'). Garments of all kinds cheap u::d i:c;it, And suitable fur all. i to any person " 2HE NEW QUAY, OHBISTMA S. ENGLISH EDUCATION WITH HO U S E 3! LOND O N MISS JANE FREEMAN. Vhila-Slreet. INDEPENDENT WE* LINTON * oThTr'S.s ... TH R ..QUEEN'S- HOTEL, WE LLINMTON SOLD^ 'JO 13E hCTOIi ,~ ,.,,., , „„ , 'IP WO ACRFS OF FIIKKIIOLD LAND, B KUiiuti* ni Kurort, iilinut two .„;i,.s Town Oleic Ihhsii!:*",!!,,,'*,! ,|, ~...,„. )1(;i| Colfrom |i(; - Undci'signed having entered into full possession. of tliat well-known ami fTpHE J- old established FAMILY HOTEL, begs'respectfully to solicit a share of .. public patronage, and in'doing no, assures those' who may favor him with a call that their wants will be promptly met with civility and attention, throughout to TO LET. every branch of the Establishment. A FIVI--ROOMF.D DWKLLING HOC'SF, on NAB.—Luncheon Provided every day from Twelve lo Two o'clock li. Wellington 'J.ei-rii.:.-. P. W. LUGONG. JACOB JOSEPH & CO.. Wellington, October 21, 1859. J-iLiiiliton Qit.iv, r "'' ,.,. , , -.ov. 1, 1.8,10. BARRETT'S HOTEL. SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS AND "FAMILIES. [ Mil."" jTIvTb RA GQ~ ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER, AND SURVEYOR. PHOTOGRAPHER AND ILLUSTRATOR. „ 2nd . ~ A• , FLORI-.NCK LODGK, Willis- street, Wellington. ITtb Augubt, I ! f ' j SMITH I'IHINKSS, Buiider, Gbuzuee-atieet. 1-nII). l\ ii '' C. R. CAlVI'i-'.ll. October 2.111, 3 SOU. CHRISTMAS. The Northern Company AND LIFE ASSURANCE AT HOME AND ABROAD. Established in 18.3(5.—Incorporated by Act nf Parliament. FIEII, Capital <£ 1,259 760 Sterling. Observe! Deo. 27, 1859. be llie Company, obtained on application to \Y. WAIIING TAYLOR, Herbert Street, Wellington, 18th August, ISSO. X0 B A 0 0 ciin Agent. lIIIDS. S>< W J ON SALE, •Thorndon Fla!. Next door to Mr. Sutherland, Grocer. November 10. 38-10. FIG. JACOB JOSEl'li j BASS'S No. 3 ALE 71 cases Oilmen's St-.res (Cowani's) (i cnsci assorted Saddlery S minks Pools nui! Shoes 1 ease Printed Eoi-ks W. 13. RHODES 5- CO. Bho.les' Wbarf, 2:..rd September. IH.IO. 0~ CO OAREyT (MAiUNKU,) DECEASED. S .- CHRISTMAS.' 11 ¥, W IHIS B1 ®h * SLEEVES, at Is., Is. 2d., Is. 6d., Is. lOrl., 2s. 3d., to 7s. 6d. Collars, 9ri., 10£d.> Is., Is. 3d., Is. 6d„ :s. Od., to 6s. 6d. GFORCE SPACKMAN, TE AHO HOTEL FOR SALE. Upper Hutt \ alley. Collars, Bid., 9Ad., Is., Is. 6f!., &c. * Orders tn be left at Mr. diaries Brown's, Hoyal Late in Ihe occupation of Mr. M'Donouyh 6d., Bd., 10d., Pigne Collars Is. Is. Is. &c. Ladies' White Hold, Lanibton Quay. well-known and commodious House. Ladies' Colored"Pigne Collars, Is. 4d., Is. Oil., Is. Bd., Is. 10d., &c. Wellington, y 1st September, IS-19. comiiiiinding one of the best businesses in k I,allies' Jaconet Sets', 7s. 9d., 9s. 6d., lis , 12s. 6d. to 17s. 6'd. 'I'lIK UNDEJISIGNED, diaries Kvcihard j Wtllisigion", will he- disposed of privately, it conXJJiI &c. Sets, 6d.,35. 10d., 6d.,55. 6d., 3s. 4s. Ladies' While Linen Suistcil, Charles Tliirtmiiu, timlTredeiirk | YV tains besules a ntur.erotis suite of Apartments, Ladies' White Pirii c Sets, 3s. 6d„ 3s. lOd., 4s. 6d., ss. 6d., &o. Augustus Kruli,. bereby agree (lint tbe partneiship | a Ski'iti.i: Af.LKV, I-xttinsive Cellakaois, excelbetween us under llie finii of Snisied & Co., is to nr.xr Stallh and G.vnnnx There is also iibiin Ladies' Colored Pigne Sets, 3s. lOd,, 4s. 6d., ss. 9d., &o. be dissolved, as of tin's date. dance of ground on wliich to erect oilier buildings, Newest.Styles, in great variety, at Dated this 10th day of October, 1850. wi*h good frontage to Willis and Dixon s-.rceis. MUSLIN Ladies' iViushn LADIES" Ladies' White Linen (Signed) L. N. GRAHAM'S, ' Observe ! Deo.;7, 1859. — Charles Suisteii, (.'haulm Molesworth-street, Thorndon Flat. FIIED. Witness I,lth Next door to Mr. Sutherland, Grocer. Haiitji.in, AL'G. IiIICLL, (igeed) FnEDi:ntcK M.unix. November, 1850. I CRITERION MOTEL. r above Family Hotel will be continued ns usual, under tne management of tbe undersigned aud a reduction in prices will be made ou and ufter this date, B'HF & NEW CLOTHING. SUMMER CHARLES 35th November. 38511. SUISTED. VALUABLE FEEEHOLD RECEIVED per •* Christopher Newton," a very superior Shipment of :— PROPERTY FOR SAL!',. Gent.'s Black Cloth and Colored Tweed Sac Coats, ofthe newest styles Tweed,Doeskin, Shepherd's Plaid and Silk Vesls whole of those Extensive Premises, in''J'-HHeluding t Tweed, Doeskin, and Black Cloth Trousers a Six-stalled Stable and detached Cottage, consisting of Four Rooms, having a frontMen's and Boy's Moleskin Trousers ago of 1:22 feet, by a depth of 2-' SI feet, situated at Blue Serge Jackets, very good the junctionof tlie Tiuukori and Hutt Roads, and now in the occupation of His Honor the Superin Boy's snd Youth's Tweed Trousers and Sac Coats tendent. A very large assortment of Men's and Boy's Cloth Caps JUST Blue and Black Regulation Caps Browu and White Brazillian Straw Hats Men's and Boy's White Shirts, Brown Drill Trousers White Marsella Vests, &c, &c. For further particulars appiv to Messrs. JOHNSTON & PHARAZYX, Or, C. R. CARTER, Builder. August. 8-1 rtl, 18-10. J. BURNE, PORTABELLO TEA GARDENS. Lambton Quay. December 1, 1859. DANIEL MUNN'S ESTATE. NOTICE. WITH KNOW - au assortment of*Arniß Pins aud Glims, Patent Mail Axles, Bright Dog Curt Springs, Chase Head, Bolts and Nuts, and Iron Washers. December 1, 18611.- SHEEP, SHEEP. SALE ABOUT ISO SHEEP principally Ewes and Lambs, apply lo J. H. WALLACE. ZJ*l <jveuit)or, ItiOU. FOR Napier, Shoep fat-mer and Grazier, Government llun, Te Mata Block. CAUTION TO ALL PAKTIES have purchased land, or intend to purchase Land at Mr. Daniel Munn's Land Sales, that tbe said Daniel Munn never einpowoned WHO mcssis. Stuart, Kinross, & Co., or any one else, to sign in his name any conveyance from his Crown Grants. Witness—John DANIEL M. Curling, J.P., Kc-siilcnt Magistrate. Wellington nnd ils Vicinity to inspect bis stock of Calceolarias, which aye now in full, liower, they are of the finest description, having been imported last season from o"*:c of ihe best known stocks in England. Those per- Public of New Zealand, and the Public reference to n printed notico circulated To theWellington, and Hawke's Day inparticular. of by Daniel Marquis Munn, and nn ndverof lisement contained in the Hawke's Bay Herald ho YE that Daniel Muim has paid off most "the 30ilt of November.inst ,to the effect that of the liabilities that he assigned his prolias, paid oil"" most of the liabilities Hint he assigned perty TN TRUST for, and that he, previous to the his Property in trust for," and tliat tlie undersigned Ist day of October, arranged, through Messrs. manageliave made arrangements with bim for the Hunter and W. M. Banuatync, Esq., ment of his Kstate independently of the deed of Bethune & merchants, ofthe City of Wellington, nlso gave bis assignment to Messrs. Stuart, Kinross, & Co.,dated the eighth day of October, 1868, we hereby certify bills for the several amounts owing to his creditors, tbe 15tb day of that there is no foundation for the statements made which does not become due until January, 18(10, und that on or previous to that date therein, and that Messrs. Stuart, Kinross, & Co. he be prepared to " square the yards with tbo will the persons legally authorised realise are to only world ;" nnd in conclusion, hereby informs Messrs. :the estate for the benefit of bis creditors. Kinross, & Co., tbey had better " gang hame BETHUNE & HUNTEH, Stuart.and learn their grandniithcrs to sook eggs," again ..... .W. M. BANNATYNE. before attempting to Jew the founder of the Province ■Wellington, Ist December, 1850. of Hawke's Bay, nnd of twenty years colonial experience in New Zealand. DANIEL MARQUIS MUNN, TO COACH & CART BUILDERS, Foimerly of Greenock, N.8.; afterwards Master of Mariner New South Wales; afterwards LiAND WHEELWRIGHTS. censed "Victualler and Master Mariner of WellingNew ton, now Licensed Victualler of Zealand; & CO. have just received per JOHNSTON " Ohristophcr Newton," and Boxes, with WMANBILI, , and Oeinlcnißii of legs leave to invito the Li.dirs MUNN. sons who may favour him with n visit will not be disappointed. Plants in tbe autumn, :10s. per dazeu in pots. N.H.—A fine supply of Cucumbers on band. TVyOTK 1!-* L't .— . Fishery on theseIslands. '....£1,1i00.000. "- ' AND "CHRISTOPHER NEWTON." ,:'s ■ , afi . r « THOMAS PHILLIPS, JOHN RK.HJ. Kai "Warra, Nov. 20, 3.N50. 'ii knoViJes kTktt ) SURGEON, &c, MULGRAVE STREET, THORNDON. 1 " Oatmeal Smoked ami Pickled Herrings Salmon, Coil, Ling, Haddocks Salt Sago. Citnnimon, Arrowroot Ploughs, Harrows, Grubbers, Chnifcutters Pavement. Gunpowder, Pipes, Bath-bricks Purloin- and Cocking Stores, Furniture, Books CO. [AriVKP.TISFMENT.] C. AND L. HARRIS, , _,_ _ '. !" ' ,v t y t „ '; — '• '<* Liverpool & London Jfiw # pfe -ajitsurauec €ampamr. .. .... .. November 2'J, IS.IU. F. JONES, Sydney. Bonus additions calculated on a mostFiveliberal & |Jtanofor.e S-tt nccscale, An. added to the amount Insured after AND UKOUL.YTOn, ntial pavnents. Thus a Policy for I'looo on. the CUI3 A STKlili . .' . _ Quai/./, N 0 T I 0 B. tbe Newest Fasiiioks (be Mi.-ses assortment ofwepnrcd to complete any Oiders they Harris arc PBRSONS found Cutting Timber on may be favoured with in the most finished s.yle. Section No. Hill. Upper J-luti, will be proseV/edding Outltls nud Dull Dresses made on tbe cuted, A Reward of 1:1 will be paid to any person notice. shortest giving such information as may load to tbe convicLadies' lliilitbT Habits in the Newest Style'of tion of tbe offender. Fashion. A graceful lit wr.rramcd. Au early inApply ALL \Villis Street, :21st November, 188U. io i " ! Wellington, JOHNSTON 23rd Atigu.-t, lttSO. ,-ersou, aged 40 years, would, after live payments, represent .£IO4O Is. 3d., and at the end of 40 years, the Policy would be Increased (o life ot to be left at Mr. Lyon's, Lambton NoveuiM-r 21. 1 ■•■lll Orders . _ ', 5 X. LATE OK IIEGEXT S'IAEBT, T.OKrOX. KG to Gpeeiion rcopsiifully rcißiested. - *'' iicrjuaiut tbe Ladies'nnd tbo Public of is Hereby Given, that after this date T"> thnt they have opened an Empoall Cuttle found Trespassing on No. i Section, l~y Wellington, "Aillis Street, whore tbey respectfully solieii iv rium impounded. harbourDistrict, Kai Wrura, will be Having: visit. a very ehai.ie nud select a passing JAMES -HALI., NOTICE • I MkTw. CAUTION. R.M. iiIciFICATIONS ' tnltcn in exchange. SHAND, c c ~ ~~ A. W. Kaingaroa, Chatham Islands, IGth July, 1859. ! Mr.. Enrroit —l'lensu inseil copy of tlio i'nllowino-notice lliat I served im Jl t-ssrs. Stitiirt TAUI-IE 111NI KA U STORE, Kiiiftiss, aud Co., Napier, nn lite Slit inst., ut WAIRARAPA, NEAR THE FERKY. 8 a.m. Messrs. Stttatt, Kinross, & Co., Gentlemen, ripi-lK undersigned begs to ncqunint the 1nimbi-1 tants of the W.Ttirnrapa Valley that be lias i I Hereby S'ive you notice to cease re-opened the above Store, nnd having placed ii endeavouring to sell any of my properly until miller efficient management, respectfully solicits n my {riven yen, now running, are dishonored, bills share of public support. The following branches ol or'until funher nolice from me. buaincss willbo carried on, viz. :— I am Gentlemen, Ironmongery, Grocery, Drapery Vouv OVj'Jicnt Servant, Oil and Color Trade, &o. Daniel Munn. THOMAS MILLS, General Storekeeper. Sc DKESS MAKING NEW MII.LTNFIIY The Hutt, ESI'ABLISIiMENT. ©vgan Nov. 21), 1850. N.13.—W001, Hides, Sheep Skins, and Tallow ' ' ; s r fi cases Britannia Metal, Plated and Tinware lti bales Paper llaiieings 40 bundles Fencing Wire and Wire Netting 10 casks assorted Glassware 18 eiitles Kiirlbcnwui-e Sugar, Tobacco, Bottled Aie, Pickles, Sauces, Mustard, Salad Oil, Jams and Jellies September 12, lSbil. , ~T ~,. Cloths, Tweeds, Fiiinncls, Dresses, Mantles, Ribbons, Sewed Goods, Hosiery, Haberdashery, Muslins. Calicoes, Sbci-tinqs, Counterpanes, Shirts, lints'""und Caps, Brussels, and Kiddcrinii.sicr, Carpets, Hugs, &c, &c. ?" eases l-'inet.i Dnnlop Cheese if) casks Pearl Barley Nov. 24,1.5.10. • \'F Sherry noons. -Manners Street, 24 bales and cases'Drapery, assorted 4 trunks Roots and Shoes (Lochote & Sorjs) 0 bales Paper Hangings 2 cases assorted Hardware 47 cases Offley Cramp & Co.'s Poll S: Sherry 27 boxes Dtinlop beeses May 10,1859. 109 packages consistiu;'of Currants, A'irionds, Haisins, Nuts, Wahids, Candied Peel, ,1 HKREBY "GIVI-: NOTICE, that by Deed ■IV/E Pimento, Bottled I-'ruiis. Ilaspbe*-ry Vine. V » of Assignment dated the «lb day of October. gar, Mustard, Sauces, Pickior, Sni»d Oil, 18.18, and made between Daniel Muim, formerly of Wellington, in iho Province of Wellington, and,] Table Vinegar, Jams, Capers. Curiy Potvder, Maccaroui Sa.uines, Cinuuiouii, Colony of New Zealand, but then of Nnpier, in ihe Cloves, Pepper, Sperm ''undies, Sago, District of Aliuiiri, in the i-anie Province, Licensedj Arrowroot. Carbonate- of Smiu, Saltpetre, Victualler, of the first part, anil James ?.leliss Peas, Pearl Barley. o.c. Split Smart auci John Gibson Kinros.i. both of Wellington W & G. TUJi'.sBULL & CO. aforesaid, niurebcuts, of tbe second part, and the US, November 1859. several other per-oils whose names and seals were tbetcunto subscribed ami set, being severally credi] VALUABLE FREEHOLDS. tors of the said Daniel Mann of third ait. After reciting a cordon Deed bc-nring date >i.c said Stlih day of October, SKSS, nud made between the said ACI!ES s ct l01 No. 0, Grey Town adjoin* Daniel Miinii of the one pari, and llie said James ing the property of Mr. Kempton's (The Meliss Stuart and John Gibson Kinross of tbe Rising Sun*,") Wairarapa,a rich fcriiie soil, well ether part, being a Conveyance by the said Daniel j "timbered with fine Totara. Mhmi to the said .lanifs Meliss Stuart and John' ALSO. Gibson Kinross, their heirs, executors, administra", Town Acres No. 70 and 72, idjoiniug each other tors, and assigns, of -.11 tbu real and leasehold one acre fenced,and partly cleared, a-'joiuing Mr, the said Daniel Munn. It was witnessed Estates of Kempton's Garden,a frontage to the main road. that for the considerations in the said Deed of AsIf not previously sold, will be disposed of at the there- ]' HintMarket, January. 18(10. sisumeiilnieiilioued,the said Daniel Munn didMelisj by assign and set over unto the said Jainos ForfHrther particulars, apply to Stuart aud John Gibson Kinross, tbeir executors, MR. HUMPHRIES, administrators, and assigns, all and evcij the Stockv Hutt. or to in Trade, Goods, Wares, nnd Merchandise, House- ■' J. 11. WALLACE, of Fmiiituie, Plate, linen, China, Books hold Latubtoa Quay, Wellington. Account, Book and other Debts, sum and sums of Land & Estate Oflice, Honey, und all Horses, Cattle, Sheep, dirts, 18th Nov., 1859. Drays, Whaleboats, aud other Boats, and all otberr the personal Estate and Effects whatsoever ard& wheresoever, of him the said Daniel Munn, iv posFREDERICK J. SMITH & CO session reversion, expectancy, or otherwise, (ex04 CLEMENT STREET, UIR.UINGHAM, cept the weaiing apparel of ibc said Daniel Munn, ENGLAND, and of his wife and children,) upon -eriaiu Trusts■1 iv tbe said Deed nient'oned, and amongst other MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORT IRONMONGERS, Trusts, upon Trust that if the said Daniel Muim UPPLY at Manufacturers' i.ices every descripshould not on tbe first day of October, 3519, pay O Bedsteads, Fb.rihenw.ire, the several debts in tbe said Deed of Assignment O tion of IroumoiigGry, Glassware, Cullei-y, Boots and Shoe«, Plated and mentioned nnd thereby secured, that then the saiad Papier Goods, Watches, Jewellery, &c. Miiche j Meliss Stuart and John Gibson and Kinross, •lames December 27, 18-19. the survivor of tlietn, do and shall take possession ~~ of, call in, collect, and receive, all nnd singular, thec ■ real and personal Estates of the said Daniel Munn, Insttvanc-e (2 omy anyand sell the same as in the said Deed of Assignment mentioned. And we hereby camion and warn all persons from dealing with the said Daniel Munn, THE hi respect of any of ihe said real aud personal Estates of the enid Daiiiel Munn, so conveyed aud assigned lo us. Dated tbis I3ih day of November, ISSD. „.sigiioii J .1. M. STUART, Instituted 1836. | Q KtNBOSSi Two .Millions Capital Subscribed Per J. M. Stuart. i' 1,088,018 13 9 Reserve Fund Witness to tbe signature of tbe Liability of the Company unlimited. above named James Meliss Amount of claims paid for losses Stuart for himself and the i'lfiO,9"Jß 14 1 by Fire, 1807, above named John Gibson Amount of claims paid for losses 4C,1)i0 la U Kinross. by Death 1807, JOHN KING, Solicitor, r"H -HIS COMPANY presents unusual facilities Wellington. JL for Life Assurance. Policies issued without ~ thedelay attendant upon refem-.g to London'or W. I. Hum 011ley's Port IV. & 0. TURNBULL, & Ol'l'OilTE Ull. JOHN' IfAln'l.N'S STOIIES, OKUS to thank Lis Friends and the Public for I_> tbelibcralsiipporthehasirceiv.il during tbe Concertinas. Flttliints, iii-tl Accnriliiuis Sherry and OiiiKn ES, GENERAL COOPER, ■mil oilier ?*lu?iciil Tiislriimenls Tutied und Kepuiied on KpasoutiMa Terms. Cuba. Slvcet, Te Aro, Wellington. 115 cases and bales Drapery Goods, comprising the newest articles in black and eolured 20 Wellington. It FcTri AR D II OI,M .'* Whisky '■ Manners-street, WILLL'\M UKNT HA VI,CASES FINEST WHISKY AND HAILMONIUMS 400 30 tons Bar and Rod Iron piANOFORTKS ™- 12 qr. casks Piown and Pale Lrandy (I JOHN KING, k li.-r.-liy given tha' Interest will be GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR iilluv.cd o'l the monthly minimum Ralai:ce GOVERNMENTCONTRACTORS. ol Cu'i-i'iit .'.couiits. 1ihe rate : per cent, per annum, ani on Sxeil dcposi.s lodged after this dale, 15LANS AND ofthe as under, vix *■ Government Works of tbe New Province of Per annum. Havke's he seen and copied hy appli-* Bay can 3 3 months notice withdrawal, of $• cent cation Subject lo to Daniel Munn, al the office of Messrs. Lo ti do do i do, Bethune anil Hunter, oil payment of ten sbil-* Do 32 do do 5 do. Hugs sixpence. and longer periods, iuieresi i Co Deposits lml*ted for Nov. 15th, 1859. will be allowed according lo spec-ill arrangement. Manager. ADA if UUUNJiS, PER "TORNADO," " MERMAID," Wellington 13th duly IBDH. " DO cases 40 '• W'illis Street, that the PariuerE. ship carried on bj me, th*. undersigned, Jou*f Kjno, with A.a. l-lExiir HuNxy, as Solicitors, was dissolved on tbo 2nd day of November, instant, and that I, the said ions Kino, will continue the business of Solicitor, Conveyancer, aud . , , . (luc.rp.iral.rd b:/ Hoi/at CharUr.) l'.-.n. i-i' .'.41-iTAi. lii.-i:nv-: i-'L'xr> STUART, KINROSS, & CO. " hlidH. Photographer, 1809. THEREBY GIVE -NOTICE I , June 30, 3559. ■ EX " EAGLET," SNAItESBIIOOK," AND LATE ARIIIVALS. "g J TONS IJn* and Hod Iron A IS bales Woolpni-ks, H niisbel and Gunny bugs 8 HOME. BRAGG, live years he has been in business, and also to inform them that lv: has a w..ys on band a mud upply of Kegs of all descriptions, a th.i lonest I. AN 1) AN I) I-". SI- A "!' !■; OFF 1 C V.. prices. Churns, Cheese Vats, See., made to oider. b,-gs .1. 11. WALLACE iiif-im ilu7\ f!l. lo iVl I'ublie ihat be lms removed lis I.nad and JSili November, 185!). Estate Oliiro in those premise, Intel-,- occupied by O BE LET OR SOLD Ves?rs. Si:.i:li .V Co mid f..ini*:r!v out-upied by Mr. IT AGE, 0 having \S. Allen as Ibc V --ilingloo Sac"Rooms, Lau.btoi. \ FOUR ROOMED C t\ Kitchen and Scullery, with a good Garden C.iiuv". I'ropi'i-ties 7ii:d f-i.n-J: sold either by Public Auc- attached, situate in Tory-street. .-* fiuo Well of Water ou the premises. Imtnetion or by Private Contract. l'!m,ii"iir.u llei-iMeis of every District kept for iliate possession will he given. For particulars, apply at the office of this puper. leiereiii-e ami g.'.-iniii' iuf'.t'ii.i tion. Lauds purchased and selected, and Crown Grunis5 ith November, 1659. ~ ' I'l-oniired. jS'OTICIT I.oiiuii ucgoriaied, Mutigages arranged, aud THE NATIVES of these Islands requests to be P.-..|!-nii:s vnl.i.d, nml Suneys executed. f put iv communication with tlie highest bidder !'•:.' es n aimciid, em! -.-etii'iiil Agency Holiness 5 from tbe Merchants of Wellington for Whale and .oii.iii.--i.il with I un.pe, ihe Australian Colonies, lilack-fish Oil, Bone, &c. They have now started four Whaling Stations of aud America. 1 shore parties at Okawa, Kaingaroa, Maienikau, Li.i-.h-.oi. Qm-v, Owenga and along with offers and conditions for \'*:-liillg!01l, Kept 111, IR.Ifl. purchase, will be glad to receive any useful sug. Ollli.'.XrAL IiANK C'DHPOIUTION. gestions to assist them in establishing a large TEIIMS I.IIIF.UAL. '• ATI 0N AL W. P.i'i.'KOl-'r begs toacquaini her friencs iii.d Ihe public generally, thai she Ins i-.r iv. v P-oiudeis, nml v lew dny pupils. Tbe usuiil briiuci.es of v sound Eiie.li.sh education, wiih r'reueh. Music, Singing, and Drawing, will be Notary Public. s-.iieliy i-iif'orctd, and every care taken to combine the com!(,r;s of home, consistent with the daily November !4tb,1859. educational i'uuliue. Anplv to Mr. Samuel G avith, or (i J. November H), Viu-iiiieies HUU.SE AND LAND Foil ,-,ALE. AT large nnd commodious Dwelling erected lust year by Mr. Thomas .R-ffares. ainiau-d in \lnjoribiuil;». street, Te Aro Flat, and built of ".IkSis materials .4 1.1, I'nuies lniving Claims on the abovenamed It contains seven room* and kitchen, out-houses, l Estate, nre leijuestcd to send in ibeir iil-coiiius S.-C..&C anil stands on lialfnn acre of ground to tlie undersigned, nnd nil parlies iiideblcil to tbo Tt was built expressly for tbe builder's own use Estate nre requested to make payments at tbeir and has consequently been pm up with unusual curliest convenience. jood care. Tbe land 'o well fenced in. For a largo family, or private lodgin-? house, a C- -I. PHARAZYN, 1 „ mo':e suilai-.lc iuiildiiig cou'd not be procured, and JOIIN VAHNKAM, } kxW'OrS' Ibi view excels any iv Wellington. Nov. 28, 3Mofl. TKI'.M?. LIBEHAL. Appiv on the pri.-niiscs, or lo SAWN TIMBER OR FE*\TCI\T& STUART, KINROSS, & CO. / AN be inpf-iied ou the most reasonable terms June 90.1Mil. at tlie shortest notice by ESTATE OK NICHOLAS ' &-,. r Ale ■ " 12080 doz. Bottled " •• Porter IO KEGS SHELLAHD'S SMALL Molesworth-street, — EX "COUNTESS ThM'TEE." Copies of Prospectus, forms of proposal, nnd nny oilier information respecting I1letter, 1850. . Wa.o ii ' STOVIiI) SALT. \Y. li. RHODES & CO. FINK Hoarders. •'.() guineas per uiliiuin, no extras Liv Piiidls. 1 -"ilium and v half per ijumier X 15.—Poiirders are -.obrii.g v Tabl.-s|.oon Knife etid Fork, and Six T.,-vels. Wasuiig i guinea per qimrt^r. Tin- Hutt. near Hriil-,-e, Sept.. •;.-), 1 HOD. 2 " Wax Vestas 1 " Writing Desks 0 bales Gunny Pags 1 craies Eniliienware 2 lilids. Hollow Ware 3 cases ussi-vto.l Hardware 1 " Jewelry 1 " Toys 1 " linbenbu-hery C casks Glassware VV. 13. RHODES & CO. Ilhodes' Wharf, 23r-l September, 18.10. Assurance ■> J A I jy X RS. Jv Ci.mfoitabic, livc-roomod Collage, ''-'-' and situate it. Ghuzuee-stio.i-t. " R. Hit A GO'S Portrait. Hooni--. Willis Street, (near Mr. l)ii.'NsnF.i.t.'s) are now cuipleied, scale siinilii'- io tb- sens. div Lo.-.bin. Miy d«ser.|.t*tii ol" Puit-iiits cither on iJ'r.-u Paiier, or li utbe-innt.--.iii! i-aii be execni..-d in ihe i ewes' I.or don style-, on moc liberal ic.-ius tbiiii bus hii'ici bee,. oflered io tlie public. A cboi.-e seleeiiuii ofnew St*ieoscopic Sii les un Sale. The public are invited to inspect the same. A Portrait ou Paper suitable fur enclosing iv a \.f on .Vj Apply to " Ei)UO POllTltAITS! I'OfITUAITS! POIfl'UAl'J'S! '' Ilhodes' Wlmi-r. ■iiJrd Hi-pumber, PLIM.MER & SONS. TO BE I.l'T, l l TONS |" S ' Plimmer's Wbarf, ■lime 10, 1653. willlie pro-eeiited accordiii'dy JILKRY Ml-.KGJI. ' ' i' ' ON SALK ISY THK UNDKHSKiKKiJ. n. QUANTITY of Maize, Oats, liailev, Hlnirp, Ii and ili-un. ) September, IM!). lawful purpose pud L. N. GRAHAM'S, ' NO'i'/CK. Till: uideisii-iieil will not he BROWN begs sincerely to thank his Friends for the liberal support he has Builder. Ausust 3(1. IN.ID. received since he commenced Business, and assures Gentlemen newly N 0 T fo~E~] » EX EAGLET." arrived in the Colony, that his Accommodations, combined with moderate chafes, SHIP "OLIVER LANG." Qffc DOZ. PALE ALE are such as he mists will ensure an increased patronage. UiidiM-sigiic-l, l,llv llg e1;i*.,,.,J into nn agree- aX '|-HK i 3SO lb,/.. Poner t ment with tlie Owners cl" the Ulicer Imii,,, to WINES, SPIRITS, &c, of the best quality, imported direct from first-class break 01 cases Coward's assorted Oilmen's Stoics up and remove the said vessel, hereingives 3 " Leatber notice, that from tliis lime 11 panics found ircspusHouses. ■ to l.c iliere lor nn nnI " Guns hig on bo-ti-d will be deemed Wellington, August 23, 1559. 1 Klecu-o Plated /"I ENTLEMEN'S Brown Cotton Socks \JT Gentlemen's White Cotton Socks Gentlemen's Plain and Fancy Merino Socks Gentlemen's Blown Coiton Vests Gentlemen's Merino Vests Gentlemen's Brown Cotton Drawers Gentlemen's Merino Drawers Gentlemen's Regatta Shirts, newest shapes and pallet ns -Gentlemen's White Dress Shirts, newest shapes Gentlemen's Fancy Vest Shirls J3est quality, prices moderate, at ixi i s c c I i a « c o i\ o ail i i~i tc Un nco vB, 'i'o'm-i'soLD.""" "" Desirable. |:„M,,e« Premise; si-vat*. pIOSK s i HI the cornel ,f (il„iZ -.ee & Turn.,aki Si.e.ts, iinswe.u'.le for ll: ij' in o i ,C ilu, ni,,st ii,,|.|-( ,viiia tails, fme •" V d-ii s oi-105..*-ii of Cittle ci.tr-ist-d to •pound, u „,l ii., *,|.,.!,. „ li* ;•...- .-.tl. i I .ii.ii.l-. ,„ u ,.ii, 1i1v r-.-iu-.-ii (;),„,,„„,. i j-, 'I own. There js i,.,.„iir ol ~., ,-,,,. ''CiiilMinii-|i*.l >•).... ft,„■„. !"„, CAN 11.L It I h.-iIIDS. „,,,,],. htreet, and CO feet to Tuiamiki S:u-i-t. tbe h„u*.c is | Ut thcOllhc 'TlbL •„■,,„ i-,(,|-l„ l-u-i.ii-i. ! newly biiih, P „i:;r j„ h ~.,.,.., i.,.. ..«, (■-.. ~.■!:.;".■ ..i* ••ii.ii-i'!-.. 1«.'.!). i". lllis, Kuiori. Novciulii r I, 'IK",!), cxer-lleni o|...ionii:ii-.v j'..r in-.-, st-.-i'ut. i or i-....ii-* i-.* 'IO AHUiVE l'l-:il view und fmiher piirl.i-.iiars. uppiv lo "~ i • r INI>E PEiNIHCN r i*X tflcctlancottff. Sc CO, . . 1 .i-2000. '■ F:.ro Insurance in all its branches, Premiums varying according to risk. Losses arising ftoin Fire or on Death, paid by the .undersigned immediately upou'proof of tbe slime. ■:•■ On all subjects connected with the Uusiuess of the Company, the fullest information can be had on application to & CO.. A-JOll'S. WM. 80W1.15K, SuN Lotnbtoii-qiiav. Wellington, May 88,1858, *"■ - -IHL - •- '• TH X tftVl rvc ij a 11» fis f. ■ "" THIS SEA SON, ia'©pis, EseitA*\d'§ .'.•.TpVNGLAND'S HOPE has been recently inipor- '.^.j..i||iJj„-ti'il from England, and is considered by com- ,>]if-te;i>t judges to be ihe finest horse, and surest b.:ge.lteri:'overinip'--rted.Marc. foal .a"it ns. tn the groom. i'- per Terms lV.vpient lo be ninile on or before tbe Ist Jnnii«i;y*.lf-(iO, nnd Groom's fen at the time of covcrini. Good Paddocks provided without risk .lind-an allowance of ten per cent,, for cash at the fiist lime of scrvinc. EDWIN RAILTON JONES. The Unit, Sept. 10, 1850. \],'j»\iß 'WTiTgREY OART STALLION -PL O U G H B O Y. . - r'TO. STAND THIS SEASON. •'•'Kveiy Saturday at Ma. Waii.acb's. Nguhnuratign, remainder of the week at •'Mr. X Buckridge, Albion Inn, the Hie stables of Hutt— imported from TSLOUGfIBOYIias been recently Jfcl Ijj ew Soulu Wales, and is considered by com..pi-ieiit-.Judges to bo the most usernl horse ever ''■titrpikci. " F.X Qri " prime I'nlc liranily 4 qr.-cnuks Old Tom ( Wo-iliinpton's) 1 case Clmlh's. Plaids, Robes. Mob.iir, rhene. Sirin. Vchet, Giaoed Si k, Shawls, Tres-a*, \-c. 1 case Cons. lints. Hon-". &"c. 1 case Fulls. Collars. Sleeves. Habits, A-c. 3 cases Lif» ibiojs, HtuißS. Gin(;er Beer Corks, &c.. fir..' | 10 ke?s T-lw-bniiks' patent Nnils do do 10 kees Morris' 2 cn«es Irontimni-erv j l-j. cases Is'ew Pairas Currauts, in (ins of 2S His. ench, no j 2M cases Olive Oil 5 casks Shot :l cases Cnnip Chairs ', 1 ense Sebeps nnd Chairs ■ 1 case Iron Camp Withstands 1 case Drab Tubing for Wells Whisky, from tbe following ric* :•• Islav. Glcnlhet, -1Fci-iniosb. and Sunocl f.O - '• "Piidgi-'s 11 " Porter, case " 1 3 1 2 • " 1 1 2 1 1 ii ii , ' ; ;J7^i^ Ei^^ELG. I /TJ " "' and " " "" " Out " Bulwer Coats Youths' cord Trowsers mole " doe and tweed, doe suits " Wen's "blue cloth Cups " " black " fniicv tweed " "" Boyi" b'ue and black cloth do. Gent'emeii's Felt Huts " Boys' and Youths' do. '*" silk and oil Lnwu _ ' do. aps JACOB JOSEPH & CO. ON SALE, BALES Men's Scotch Twill Shirts, lined backs 8 " unlined unwashed Regitta 2 1 " boy's and youth's " •* | 3 " Scnteb Twill " " 1 case Gent.'s "."bite Shirts washed & boxed 1 " " Swiss fronts " Regatta 3 " 1 " boy's and youth's White Shirts " 4 bales Men's Bine Serge Shirts, double back " " " "" "" HORSE "" "to^ooyee- &s seasonT • S'a "" " . *"* , " * " L'HIF, . ' t r ' • " " " " " " "" " "Since ;' T'6 " '< " " '' '" "" " _ NUGGET ' " " . \ "THIS " '* . cu¥ry^ "" "" " " " "" ■' POU~LSON, ' ... X3"o~M ' - " BEGS . .... .. " " " " " " " " J?'- -MS WILLIAM • " " : •'■ , every Cnals r Undersigned is » Cash Buyer ol Woo! THK OHRAPEST HOUSK IN WELLINGTON. mHK mPiryment lo be ? or will mince liberal advances on tlnnn.' -»IB6o] consigned to bis correspondents in London, Messrs nud groom's fee at the time cf covering. To buy M~at.t:csscs Wholesale or Retail, ..v..i,-n>j fi,—c,ooi "Paddocks provided without risk, single 2 "vVAIttJOr.LS MATTRESS MANUFAC- James Barber & Co, " " " and nn. alln-warce of JO percent, for cash, at the IS 1 si:k faced J. SI. Y\'Ar,L.*oE " '•' TORY, CLAY POINT. serving. first time of 2 " boy's anil youth's Serge Shirts ±W\ Decemoer. 1858. EDWIN RAILTON JONES. A good Bedand Pillow 2 eases Gent.'s Crimean " for 2en-Shillings. ■•"i PepKlO, 1850. 2 " " Lambswool Vests and Drawers Wool. HAIR, FLOCK AND FLAX MAT U-.i<ifi-*.i**ii-id a".- C-isb Buyers ol Wr-,1 oi 1 '"■pill-. '* Merino " TRES3KS always on head, quality unJ, general advances on tlie sane S. will make 1 " Men's Blueand Fancy striped Guernseys MJ equalled. ro.isignc.il to their Corresiiuiidents in L"nd..n or Heavy Rlne Jerseys 1 " " v a N. B.—Take pnnic-jlar notise of the nidress. COYER THIS SEASON. ihe Colonies. 1 " rp; STAND TO " Kersey Drawers November 10, l*)r,n. JACOB JOSEPH S* v-'i I " Cotton Pantaloons " Military CART HOUSE " GLENF-1..G," will stnnd 1 half Hose Wellini*ton..lamiaiy li, Imp:,. " BRICKS AND I, ISI E. Ai* loto cover tbis season at Mr. Bromley's Ferry. 2 Brown and Grey Cotton do, •iWipilP. nml at Mr. Bryant's, Toliiisnnvi'ile, every Notice. 2 " " " Hose "vVcdncedny, from 10 to 12. and the si-me day nt SUPPLY of the above materials, ofthe very "1 " Boj's and AND ALDRUSON, Hyde Park Store " half"Hose NgUJlHtu-ni'ißa from 2 'o-l. Terms.'! wo Pounds per best make and quality, is always kept on OAiL ii JL '..'4, Elizabetli-street, Sydney. hand by tbo uni!ersi*!ned. mare, and Two Shillings the Croon. Good Padof all descriptions and Maniilactiirerr. Importers 2 Women week. the 8 111" Kiln, shillings Delivery " the of He' per nt docks al two corner l *' of Leather and Grindery, Saddlery, Harness, Boots 2 " Ladies' White Coltou Ho3a Belmont roads. ■"Tr.ni.rs Cash at tbe time of covering, &c. &c. &c. 1 " Girl's -iee'jltcnihei-lf), ISSO. EDWIN JACKSON, Shoes, Town or Country punctually Orders from Children's Rocks All 1 " bricklayer. attended to. 1 " Men's, i'oy's. nnd Youth's Cotton Braces Hutt, -Ith April, 1850. Sydney. 20th September ]S_) 1 " Gent.'s IndiaRubber Brnces si!.i"!<> f JACOB JOSEPH & CO. HORSE DRAUGHT JUST HASTINGS," *PBE ENTIRE ARRIVKD PER TO "MINERVA," ARRIVE PER November 17,1859. "*-• (and on saxe.) PROM LONDON. G G E T." U A^^S Bttriielt's superior Old Torn -ii.la ut 100 L Jv 0 hoxes Jloney ON SALE. HHDS. BASS'S No.'-3 ALE DewCttvcmlish Tobacco 'JA was got by Sampson,nxtt of nn imV -10 hhds. Porter 2 bales Scotch Twilled Shirts A CASES Ladies' Summer Dresses—consisting ported Draught Vare from Tasmania, both 10 « Ale 1 " superior Welsh Flannels *• of Muslins, Tape Check's Balxorine, Cliina Si-eand Dam. and is allowed by competent judges 20 " Sroiit 1 Blue Serge Siiirts Gauze, Lustre, Mohair, Sardinian Cheek, to'iyUtte' best Stock ever imported into tbis colony. Fnncv 9000 1 and Conr.tess Slates Regatta Shirts high, tbree inches &c., iscc &c. " bands Nugget. .stands fifteen 2 " 11x4 and 12x4 Blaiikets 11,000 Viscountess do. cases Ladies' New Summer ClntliMantles color i-'la.-k, and is Dossessed of treat muscular 2 case fancy Madder Prints 8 casks Earthenware 1 getter. a sure foal 1 himself power, nnd hns proved " " Silk. Glaci anil Moire " 2 bales Stout Grey Sheeting Calico i cases Leather Nugget will stand at the Nag's Head. Wellingcolored Delaines 1 " C barrels South Curoliua Rico 9 packages Oils and Paints, assorted ton, every Saturday; r.t .Jillett'sHotel, Hntt Bridge, check Mohatisand Challis 1 0 cases W. I. Arrowroot W. B. RHODES & CO. Parasols cvcpj,<iV'.,qiul.-iy ; at James brown's. Criterion Hotel, 2 " 0 " Sngc Rhodes' Wbarf, Summer Bonnet Ribbons Upper''.'lutt, every Tuesday ; nt the Hnlf-Way 2 23rd September, IP.-ML ft barrels Split Peas 1 " black Lute, fom Od. to 16d.and brown House, W. Clnpham's, Porirna Road, every Tliurs5 kegs Scotch Barley Bd. to I2d. dt>J.;,.niul nt. the Stables of the undersigned during .12 crates splendid assortment of Earthenware EX COUNTESS OF FIFE." Cambric & Muslin, Habit Shirts, Sleeves, 1 tho'remainder ofthe week. ,'io boxes Sperm Caudles ( ollars. Gauntlets. &c., &c. 9 ini- !e ll'tre*'. ftl allowance mnde £'* fo 'Jtcvfi?. 3. 11. WALLACE. 1 " Crape and Crane Tiiniminirs for t.breq or more mures, the properly of one person, GINaKIt 'VINE 200 oil,oz &\y\j 1 asserted Silk Fringes and Buttons jiayr.bjo on or before tlie first day of January, 18(10, anih May, 1850. 0 Eoi ! e(i Slout) nuarts 1 " Braids ?nd Trimmings, assorted 160 " pints aiifl' the.Groom's Fee of threo shillings per mare at Produce. 1 " Silk Ribbon, Velvet ths.timo.of covering, 10 cases assorted Drapery Undersigned are purchasers of Wool. Oil, JOB MABEY, ,' 1 " "Ladies' Mohair Caps and Falls 2 " Candied Peel Whalebone, or Produce of nny description, '"" Taita, fancy Summer Good-*, consi'tinrr of black 2 W. & G. TURNRULL & CO. prepared shipments consigned Hult are advance on lo to and white Brussels Setts, Gauze Wellington, 30th September. 1S5I). '~■•'• -i ■'■ tlieir Correspondents in Loudon, Sydney, elVeils, I ace Falls, Saxony Lace, '"N.ri'.—-Good Paddocks provided at the Hutt, and bounie, or Hobart Town. Lin: en Thread do., Whisker Blond, even; .attention paid to Marcs, but without respou"CHRISTOPHER NEWTON." XX BETHUNE & HUNTER, Edaings. Ladies' Silk Neck Ties Bibiliiv. Excbauge Buildings, "Women's white, drab and grey Sita>s 1 October 11, 1850. WOOL PfiESSES QTATION 20th April, IS-iS. 1 Cambric Hankercbiefs, in boxps v 3Hand Flour Mills, with Dressing Apparatus 1 " Silk Chaff Machines chakley." " black & co'ored Brussels, Bands, and llni-ane. Corahs and Spun Portable Forges Marine Insurance* :i Children's and Infant's Goods, consisting 2 Iron Harrows SEASON, |""I1"E Undersigned, succes-ors to Mr. James COYER of Cashmere Cbuiki anil Hoods, Hay Rakes and ForV= Kelhiim, nre prepared to effect Marine In I. Chemises. Trimmed Lawn S'liris. PnixcE and a assortment CiunT.ET, draught Netting, general Stallion Wire cf npHE'flno uranccs, on the system followed ar Lloyd's. ]In*kets, lobes, Pinafore--, Aprons, I.'nnmonnoi-y color bay. and black points. Sire Young BETHUNE £<, HU.NTER. Pilrliers, Satteen and Print Frocks, growers is invited to ihe The a'lenti'in of Wool Charley, out of the powerful Van Eieman's Land Exchange Buildings, Cashmere Hats, plain Feeders, MarStation Iron Screw Wool Press, which will lie found Mi\rc: 7)i'mi'.ii'/.. He is four years old. and stands April 2,1858, sella Gircu'ars. tie., kc. l'jj-hands high. He has proved himself a sure to combine great utility wiih compactness, portacase Thread and spun Silk Gloves Lisle 1 bility nnd cheapness, and will doubtless soon superfoal-getter. Terms—Three Guineas per Marc, and Worsted Hoots Infant's or more 1 Mares, " made for three Lever now librjWrl allowance and Press clumsy dangerous sede the a Cotton Handkerchiefs EX LATE ARRIVALS, 1 iv use. belonging to l!:e snme Proprietor. JACOI3 JOSEPH & CO. GEORGE MOORE, Payment to bo made on or before the Ist day of AND ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. 17th November, 1859. January',IcTiO, I.am'bton-quny and Farish-street. |/d HHDS. I'ORTEB 21st 1850. November, lie will'sbmilnt the Stables of Mr. John lU'ln* Jl f> " Ale lonh.New Zealander, every Tuesday; at Robert If! qr.-ensks Martcll's Bratdy ON SALE, Hutt, every Wednesday JilletlI*. -Whitewood's Hotel, FRUITS! FRUITS!! FRUITS!!! 8 qr.-casks Geneva James Brown's, Criterion 30 in Grey Calico Sitt.tiv.l-.iy 1A BALES, ; and nt Mr. embraces this opportu300 cases Geneva UNDERSIGNKD „ -, IV7 8 "JiHE 7 Hotel, UppeVu-itl, every Thursdayand Friday. 23 hhds. Rum nity of thanking the public for their very -1 ANGUS M.'MASTER. 0 Croydon Dowlas 23 qr-casks Enm liberal support since she has commenced business, Wellington, Oclolier 21, 1850. 1 Domestics encouraged patronnrd be?s to slate that by tlieir 15 cases Sherry 1 5 " Horrocks Long Cloth 15 half hhds. Vinegar age arrangements have been made wiih the 5 " Smiths Shirtings 20 drums Boiled Oil steamers and other ships, to have a continued sup1 " Imperial Sheetings 72, 80 &00 in. 0 tierces W bite Lead ply of the choicest Frails procurable for die Wel•■••!,(JHTB of the 05th hegihp.nt,) 1 Cotton Ticks 1(1 cnses Hardware and Cutlery lington Market. TEACHER OF MUSIC, Linen and Union do. 1 67 Iron Bedsteads Fresh Butier, Eggs, &c., always on hand. 1 Forfar ■. 1:-■■ I Willis Street, Te Aro, £ pkgs. Ir..n Wheelbarrows MRS. SANCTO. 1 " Duck 30 cases nssoited Galvanised Iron Lambton-quav, 1 K.ti'.—Lessons on the Flute, Cornet, French and Twill Regatta Shirting 15 boxes 'Pin Plates November "21, 1850. 2 Sax-l'lorns, and Violoncello given, on the most Derry 2 cases American Axes Sergo 1 " rtt'.snnable terms. BEST MATERIALS, BEST FIT, 50 bundles Iron Hoop 3Flannel AH-<let*criptions of Music Copied nnd Arranged. WEARS THE BEST. 18 boxes Glass, assorted 2 Carpels (Dutch and Kidderminster) 18 jars Spirits of Tar N.8....f1ai1s and Parlies supplied xoith an I Moleskin and llcdfonl Coids. 5 bales Woolpacks B. efficient O.uadrxlle Band on the shortest notice. 1 Shepl plaid Tweeds & Fancy " D-cskins 25 " Sepr.-SOJ IAISO. Coriisncks 10 crnles Earthenware $ ;®rotos.e.rs palur, %\x\\iit Fancy Cambric Prints ft 9-8 " 9-8 Hovles 8 pkgs. Hoping and Seaming Twins CJLAIiLES GOLLETT, (FROM LONDON,") Cambric Fa-nry Piints 4 20 barrels Koman Cement " Moreens and Embossed Cord 1 10 trunks assorted Hoots and Shoos LAMBTON QUAY, -Coburgs and Orleans 2 " 0 cases Kip and Culf Leather door to Messrs. Luxford & Ling's.) (Next "' ".i'tOT,ESWORTH STREET, Circassians 4 crate:* Chairs 1 " \Yindo,v llolliind b cnses French Plums 1 " 1 THOItNirOM FLAT. to inform the Public that he makes the 8 tierces Loaf Sugar 1 case Muslins, Jaconet, Tape, Check, & .-.ugust S3, 38,13. very best garments at tho lowest possible Hair Cord 6 cases Fnncy Biscuits monry, price for ready as the following List will Mantle Hollands 1 4 " Figs M E RCUL HOTEL, warrant. Cheapness consists in having value for Hough & Dresfed Brown Hollands 2 Moleskin and Cord Trowsers ,l " 6 " money. 1 your Bleached Nuckabnrk 1 " .LAMBTON QUAY. 6 " assorted Hosiery l| Establish* Best fancy Dae or Angola Trowsers.. 18 0 Linen. Lawn, and Diaper 3 " Gents Fell Huts 1 HM -iW'-.*l'<.l'-"« lor of lhis •'•<* I<llown 1 13 0 Woollen or Bedford Cord do, 1 " pleasure to inform his old t |.;"i'iu, hits the generally,-that Poll lacuii'ita 3 " Linens 4 4 0 the improveDoc. or Angola Suit " Fancy 5 halts superior 11-4 white Blankets friends .'atiil.i'lie Public Blue Serge Shirts 4 shall be Wcsiof Kngland nincki'loth Suit-5 5 0 2 " 12-1 " 8 unii's "m completed, and that nothing Gents Clotling " 10 liatlics Riding Hahiis, from 5 10 0 4 " «' w„i,C- r jv'i-.is |-ai-t to merit a continuance of that 3 " 0 trunks assorted Prinu To Pas* 2 " 9-4 ".."., 1 bate Pegatia Shirts Good Fit Guaranteed; patron, pe. hitherto bestowed. upon him. N.D.—A be ■"' « good Road offars and 2 8..-1-.-rs j/,-r Summers 1 case FniK-y Waistcoatings 11-4 B'ue Nnv 17. 1.359. Si-iV.,'?'7t-ii' Ue.-bsio.-n-. vriih a first-rat-e table 1 •' White Counterpanes 10,11 & 12--1 Ladies Hats nud Bonnutfl i ,iil;etl directly 0 si l'* b"'"P iiCtli'lilipe. Tro-wserings Cotton Blankets GARDENS, a till ''lh«usedl"'-by r,,.r!y *all the near,,1 " opp.suiltfWWharf, Haberdashery 1 " Sheets 10, U, & 12-4 WILLIS-STUEET, SOUTH, ] Linen Darnosk Table Cloths sh-iis.|.,,v;,';i.i'. pitrliflr.lai'ly applicable f«f passengers, 1 bale Ticking 1 case vessels., such 1 " uiln-r r.i.tiu-K for "i" li-udinf* from, 3 " Flannel Oil Bnizo Table covering TV. AEO. 1 bale li, a n.ii-ci separate bedrooms wiil bo provided Knitting Worsted 1 " Bliiiiknts Nurseryman, Mending Cotton 1 " MANSKLL, tiegs fßrati'i'JiV;Vil10 " White Biid.Grey Oalicc Kxbinition Cotton 1 Brooks 'llic'i'ro'pii'.-ic" also bojrs lo intimate that alarfje respectfully assorted inform the Inhabitants case very case to Brushware, 1 Glace nock o.'|il;<-, ;,erv boo' Wines, Deer, and Spirits v.-il) of Wellington and its vicinity, that lie has laid out 1 •• 8 " Saddlery Harvey Blk„ White,and expense, frinned P tbo above Gardens of and tigraviuga regardless they Clrrkesfc 1 " ■'"' w 17 " WILLIAM MILLER. Cobured do. are now open as a place of recreation and amuseC " Stationery Hiibi-riliislieiy consisting of Needles, ■Wclij.j-rjcji, ment. 1 Threads, Sewing Silk, Tapes. The Ground* command a splendid View of the '"jtJWtITnMJEU, EX "HASTINGS." '-"' Ilev, and Visitors may icly upon every attention Hookß & F.ycs, bins, Ha'n-Pins.&e. <j '• Writing Paper of i*o'.,ui-ts, Hats, h OHOli-K SKLKOTIOS them. Boot being shewn and Slay Laces, &o. Printing P-'per I «' 28 bales «*c. ie. !\ F*.-iiisrs,F!o7fci-H, iMi.lenery. Evens. Boarsheul Crochet Cotton AND OTH Kit GOODS. 1 " ME'i. 11. PILCHER, itHODKS CO. Ten. Curdsand Skit and Cotton Cord & 1 Whey, #•<;. W. B. Willis-street, JACOoJOSEPH & CO. Ehodcs' "Wharf, Willis-street Nursery, Near tbo Church. 1859. 17, Ist, Septembor 23rd November 1859. Nov. \.i'"<. I NavemUer 10,185». Terms ''"^ serge Nov. 17,1859. an, mare, and .Is. Od. to the Gioom :—.E-1 per made on or before the Ist January ' 1 I EX "MISI-".RV.\," (a). LONDON. 0 trunks Regatta Shins. Men's and Boy's 1 trunk Bolts and Braces 1 trunk Ladies' clothing 1 trunks HeWing Jackeis ■ 5 trunks Tn-cd and o.her Clothing I case India Rubber Palls, and otber goods' STUAItT. KINROSS, & Co. Wellington, 1-J.th July. 1559. Per Countess of Fife " '< 1 " " 1 easo Boys' pints quarts and piuts assort-il Hose, Hoy's Bells, Habits, &c. 1 " assorted Hose 1 " Cord and Mole Trowsers 1 " Pedford Cord nnd Mole Trowsers | 1 trunk Men's .-.ltd Boy's Cloili Cups r "jpHK Uiidcrsisned are Cash Purchasers of 2 " Sfen's strontrßlucber Boots 2 ,: Boots nnd Sbocs, nssmled. i Wool or other Produce, and will advance on Women's and Children's Boots and Consignments to their Cm-respondents in London •I Liverpool, o: the Colonies. Shoes, assorted W. B. RHODES & Co. J. H. WALI.ACF... 2?th November. 1 fi.'.*'.. August 1850. 1 j distil- Campbeltown hluls. Loudon Stout XXX Ale 5 cases Milrov's Saddlery 1-.' barrels Pcrn'-l Parley 10 barrels and 1 case Outmenl 10 ' &c. 3 TORACCO S. "ll:> .-n'-es .lames Stewart & Co.'* Whisky 150 barrels bottled .Ale and Porter, quails llifl 20 " " suiniiier " MARGARETHA ROUSNER,"® LONDON. •IS qr. rusks ot ON S A L F., To be lleior ffnld, "" cord " Bed/ord cord FIIESH OYSTKI!' just received from HP HAT Valuable r nc hold Estate, at Rangldki strapped for riding TTHNF Queen Charlotte's Sound, at. 1 ■ 8 " I «AMRAY ORANGE, "TrowsersDuck Trowsers MRS. COLLINS, C.ontamir.g OHO Acres of FertileJ.anil, Lambton Quay. and watered, and well timborad 1 " fririn.ng one of; ,he most complete molo " August. 30, 1859. 2 "" " printedshepherd's ani I)ia plaid Trowsers Gentlemen's 2 t of ii' i u. hl k e' i " tweed 1 " fanev doe •' OX SALF* HYTHF, UNDERSIGNED "" This valuable Estate"'•is replele witi 2 "" re. " SIIEKP-WASH quisite for comfort, usefulness, mid profit. TONS " n 1 " blnck *> DRANSFIELD. For further particulars, apply at the oflice of Hue pilot 1 "" " Suits. oth October, 18-50. si epheid's plnid Tweed 2 " Es.a.e Office. Wo-lington, """ bliirk 1 " doe Brighton Sacs *' WALLAO«April 18, 1850. FOR SALE OR TO LET. " 1 doe Sliooting " black tweed and doe Vests T.enselio'd Propert". conuisling fnncy 1 "" " 1 blnck i-b'tb and mohair do. Dwelling House, coht.iiniug Seven Undersigned having purchased the Steam rll.-.Tof theViilunb'o " Men's" bine pilot Pea Jackets 2 bars Rooms. houses, &c., situated in Willis Street, THWRaw Mill built by Mahey and Morgan nt tin 1 7 2 cases Tables 2 cases Couches Cork hum's Poit'rt'iue Mnrtell's Prandy " 2 case.; Creme de Vnnelles 3 " Po-t. Poclibuin's 2 " Mi«l(.irii 2 " Ornnirn Hitters 10 " Ruskin's Pale Sherry 3 fl £r«lt)' Saturday, at ilfn. Wallace's. Nr-alnuirniisa !ti-jiiV: 'the remainder of the week ut tbe stables of Mr R. PitcicitiDGK, Albion Inn, Mutt— ' 10 cnses Men's Mole Trowsers " qr.-casks Roskin's Sheriy . . SeU."' —— ffo 3Let or "~ Sell* i OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! TO CAPITALISTS. AGIIICULTUMSTsT &c. 3Lct So ON SALE. EX "HEUIJ.UIIA." CH LONDON. OA HHDS. EDINBURGH ALB 8 liltds. XXX Ale and *?Q PACKAGES' CURRANTS 20 hhds. Furze's Stout ™i> RAISINS, Stnrcli and Oilmen's Stores. 5 eases Birch Garden Chairs 4 cases Collapsing Arm Chairs Per Hastings." •1 cases Belfast, Wellington, Trafalgar, and 80 cases Woi-ihinp-ton's celebrated Old Tom Essex Chairs GREY CART STALLION. : r> &l tvtf)antii»e. ARRIVE PER "EAGLET.' TO S TO.STAND INDEP UNDENT. #1 cvci)a na i» c* WMLLIN GTON " , " la-ely oeci.p'-o.d by Mr. Hushes. Surveyor. Tbe land lins Pfl feet frontage to Willis-street, and the whn'e denih of the Acre. No. 100, frontaiw to Dixon street, subject to n ground tent of *613 perl annum and nine yems to r-n. Price £80. For further particulars apply to ROBERT ARCHIJHLD, Uppov Hint, and having finished aiid got'it iti'ful work, will be open to supply parties with Totarnl' of nil sizes, either for Building purposes or ship. pin<\ rUnTders, Merchants, and others wanting supplies, will do well to come and look at the lam. pie at Plimmer's Wharf, lfitli November, 1859. FOR SALE OR TO LET, Ashby House and Grounds. I'LIMMER & SON3. Feb. 4, 18-50. Carpenter, Willis Street, LIVERY~AND NAG'S BATT STABLES. HEAD T N #-,"■•-■ , Cuba-Strr-et, Te Aro. desi-ablePusiuess Prenvses. situated in the centre of the Lower Hntt Va'ley, and in tlie most iniprovina-neighbourhood. They consist of a lai'ke Shop nnd Dwelling Hnise with a good Pnkehonte attached, suitable for the currying on a p.ofi!aWe and extensive general Trade. There are (wo excellent Gnrdens well stocked with Fruit Trees and sulist-in'inlly fenced. Also au excellent well, and plr-nty of firewood. The Premises can be had with or without 20 acres a'-d upwards ofthe ricbe't and beat land, m.sly laid down with English Grasses and substamially fenced. With n trifling outlay, tbey could be made suitable for a Gent'eman's Priva'c Residence. ~ WILLIAM ARNELL, to inform his Friends, and BEGS the Public in general that'he has taken the above commodious which are now renlete with every convenience, and he hens lo assure all, who may honor him wiih tbeir patronage nnd support, that the grsntest care nud a'leutiin will bo bestowed on all Horse? miller bis charge. Hay, Straw, aud Fodder of nil sorts constantly on lir.nd. Medical iiltenilanco provided for Sick Horses N.B,—llor«es bought ami sold on Commission. Horses for Hire bif the Boy oi Week. 25th February, ISSO. ~ very THE ' FOR SALE. following Valuable COUNTRY PRO- PERTIES. Further Particulars, npply to Motukabaka, f'oi-iru-i, about 17 Acres of that MR. WILKIE, Sex. valuable Section No. 87, f.ontnge to the harbour, On tlie Premises. presently occunied by Mr. Mitchell, nearly all Nov. 22. "ISSO. clenre'l and fenced, and laid down in grass, one of the largest orchards in the colony, a scveii-rootned POWELL & CO. WALTKR house, t'.vo cottar-es, large barn, mil out-houses. Inoj* and Merchants. Wholesale InoxMoNGEns 150 Acres, liangiiikei. That valuable agricultural Section No. 0. hnv nc a river frontage, an* 7 Swansiou-strect. and iO.'! Flindcrs-stieet, East, rosso-sing iv valuable advantages as an agriculMi-'LBOUHNE, in receipt of Ilesular Shipments of Kngli'li turalsection. J. H. WALLACE; nnd American Hnrdwaie. and have always Land and Estate Office, on band n Large and Well Assorted Stock of BrushLambton Quay. March 8, 1850. ware, Cutlery, Brass Foundry, Files, Saws, Ho'lownre. Gunpowder, Twinps, R.'bnnk's Patent Nai's. RAN GITIKEI. from 1 to fi inches, ns also a General Assortment of Shelf Ironmongery, Bar, Bod, Sheet and Hoop Iron, TO BE LET OR SOLD, BR Crown brand. Morewood's Galvanized Corrupted Tin'dlrnn, from •'JIHE Estate known as " luverhoe, in the Ran gitikei district, consisting of about 350 acres k 4 to 8 feet lengtlis, 24 & 20 wiih House and Farm Rui'dings. Tbe Properly ii Gauge Plain Sheet Iron 24,20, & situated ou the bank of the Piver, and ahout four " miles from theFerry. Immediate possession may end 38 Guage « RoofiugTiles.24c<2Bgimge be bad. For further particulars apply to A. it B. Bran, Joint Down Slip Gutter, " bun. Esq.. Lambton Quay,Wellington, pine, heads March 21, 1850. Shoes, Brackets, Nails, Screws,' Sec. FOR SALE E-. "ACASTA. Tupper & Company's Galvanised Corrugated Iron, TONS PIG IROV. from 4 to 8 fl. lenghs. 24 & 2(1 guage App'y to SMITH & Co. Corrugattd Roofing Tiles. 28 " We'li'igton. April 25. 1850. each Shoot Zinc, Nos. 8. 9. 10, in casks of 5 cwt. Agrir-u'turnl Machinery nml l'iirmin*rImplements OWKN DALY, Fencing Wire, Black and Galvanized SIGHTKAI< American Snades, hovels. Picks, banded Axes, MOLESWORTH STnEET. Tomahawks, Churns, Wash Boards, Pick and Axe May 30, 1850. Handles, flrooms. Pumps, Wheelbarrows. Sluicennd Manure Forks. Buckets, Washing Tub-., Clothes' £20 REWAKD. Pegs and Shelf Hardware, from the best manufacTli«M3 VEnV LIIIEIiAL. : ARE " "" " THIRTY " ' turers. All orders accompinied with a remittance or satisfactory reference will receive prompt attention. EX "C H RISTO PH KR NE WTON," AND LATR ARRIVALS. IA QR.-CiSKS HENNESSY'S dark and pale BRANDY 10 qr.-casks Mnrtell's Brown Brandy 10 hhds. brown Cognac 10 " Wist IndiaRum 10 qr. casks Old Tmn 20 " Ramsay's Scotr-h Whisky 80 red ensps Geneva, Key Brand 2 cases Yoirhs'and Boys' Mole Trousers " Tweed and Doe 2 ,-2 Fancy Flannel Shir:s 2 " " Regatta Long (loth " linen fronts 1 1 Black Coburgs and Orleans '* Shirtings Fnrniiure, and Horrock's 1 " Ribbons, Lutestrings, &c. 1 Stays Women's 1 " 10 Men's and Youths' Boots aud Shoes, *" ''r'HF. above Reward will be given for the prone. and conviction of any person or person* 1 cntion Cutting Removing, or otboiwise destroying nny part of the Bush on the lonth side of the Raho. ruru Uiver on my property in the Wairarapa district, HENRY R. KANE. Wellington, Auuiist 10. 1859. found HORSE SHOEING. " "" " " " " various " 10 trunks Women's and Children's " 4 cases Griudery 1 tierce Men's, Women's, and You'h's Lasts 2 bales Welch and Saxony Flannels Cotton Tii-ks 2 C " Seaming, Roping, and Shop Twino 0 '* Corn Sacks Wool Pucks 5 2 Wool and Hay l'res-es.eompleto 17 craies Dinner nnd ToiletServices ft casks Horse Shoes 13 nests Brns-i Wire Sieves 50 boxes Tin Plates 20 cases Salad Oil 20 " Mustard 5 casks clover Seed 80 kegs White Lead Ml cans Boiled Linseed Oil 00 barrels Knglisli Crushed Sugar 3 " Jamaica Ginger, lilt ached 3 coses Creiira of Tartar, 28 lb. -'ara 1 case Curl's Patent Candle Wick JOHNSTON & CO. December 1,185.1. ■* " wtlltam jabez hall & sons. Wheelwrights, &c. Mulgrave-strect, Thorndcn Fl.il, near the Colonial Hospital. returning thanks to their numerous friends and the public for the liberal patronage awarded **n for a.peiio-1 of 17 years, begs to irtimate ths» addition to the business of Wheelwrights, lh« have added that of Smith and Furrier! and employ ing none but the most competent handß, person, entrusting tlieir horses to them, may depend npo* iliem bd23 cnrefully shod. IN _ ' . Carpenteringand -Jobbing work doD« v uiO»1. July 18th, 1859. FOR SALE. m* VERY SUPERIOR Milch 170UR other Cattle, STOCKBRIDGE'S. S. Ohiro, November 21, .1851). TO LET, SHOPS, with Dwelling Houses attach** on theBench. JACOB JOSEPH & 00. Lambton Quay, November 1. 19M>. FOR SALE. np\VO X I"IIFTEF.N HUNDRED ACRES of the very best .' and in tbe Rangitikei District,'having, the whole of the Frontage io the Tutainnl Stream and tn the back there is a splendid Bush for si purposes. To any person block of really good laud, that seldom offers. For particulars apply lo wishing to purchaso 4 this is an opportunity MR. A. BROWN, Barrett's Hotel, JPtiR "HASTINGS." Wellington. Junr 23, 1859. ]A CASPS BROWN'S PATENT BRISTOL - "* Cows; at FURNITURE, consisting of:— Drawing and Dining Room ( hairs, Telescope Dining Tables, Cheff.inie.s, Sofas, Sideboards and N OTICE, Toilet Tables, in compact packages, which cati be at of New Zea and aoiiiall/ part forwarded to any TTBOXi the Ist of November, tho underalgny* cost for freight. ■ i 1 are ptepar-d to deliver TOTARA/ TIMBEB JOHNSTON & CO. December 1, !Br.o. i TO ARRIVE EX "CHEVIOT.1' AQ Saw Us. j- ~ „ A,. h December 1, 1809. JOHNSTON & Ci. WANTED TO PUIICHAiSF,, per 100 feet. October 23,1859. CASK3SODA CRVSTAL3 20 barrels Pearl Barley 10 casks Oatmeal st " Flour i.f Sulnhcr 5 kegs Saltpetre 3 casks Glue the Hon. LEVIN & CO. The Wet.unoton Um.vkv-ov.wr is mllished every Tuesday and Friday. Subjoined art th* U ''pric7of the raper-Fcrty Shilling pa. Annnm, pambh in advance mnxmumca. All Orders, Advertisements, and Conmumca. o) Will* corner Office, l„ the IsßKrasßT.«.i SPAN IE L. Address Mn WALDIV, Oriental Bank. Nicholson, New Zealawl. Ivovemhcr 27, 1859. AG OO D ' H. VvY '*<»V" B U-'P" from the Mill of Wellington, »t Hutt, in any part of the Town of IJewyear's giftT^" —— 22.?.„ WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT*. ,* „.„ I'«le, i bale, m boxe.i soap, 11,1)00 slates, W. '""""'II *. <!„.; I ho,, t|. -y, (n ;" •Ooniinercwl'-' and « details which " ]?oliti«nl instead .Mil. Kino, with whom was Mr, Rtmwsi' j Tie month's pnprix.inine.'it with lii.ril labour. avo have usually appeared fur the plaintiffs MY. Uimndon fbr It will bo remembered, t'iat in t! ie lute cai« the defendant. This was nn notion hroiijrht by' ilesjina v, Straker, ma ad(l t,l:lt t!ie sitt Oe-irR Bell, on being replaintiff- as assiances fur-the estate of John called, distinctly snr.iro, '• t'mt h.i not throw S„„„, Kbli-voad, A-*c,.|.,_<»o_ t„l,*,, oi tho Supreme Court was t.ltogother of Uiiljjtvuy, ugainst defendant to compel him to portions of the p.illoy nor nte isi:sdidoverboard," an unusually important .tharacter, exei-ut.'ii conveyance- tv them of v certain por- his conviction but lays him to the open therefore lor particulars wo must refer to the re- tionof Town Section, number 20!) on the plan charge of perjury. KXI'OKTS. ports that have already appeared in our of the Towi of WullingV-n, which it wis al* Our reiders will Intl..' «,,-,„, ; ««-*,,/,../;., o. Crawford, A-rcut, se? l>y m a'li-ertiseuient in the lie hinii-rhtas af-cntof Messrs. Riil-rw.iv, columns. iIcred »"S*»". 3 do. colic.-, 1 ',7,'r,. diiytoi), anil Earp. To this the defendant re- oolumnsof this trim'ier, lh-il the cclcSrate-l firm VA'J !'"»» U of Messrs. ila:f lmi Thos. W.iitc V G,)., nr l?,irt<moulh, 1"', 1R plied, thnt he had Use ! made the purchase alluded hnveappointed Mr. Jn.ne<j l-'i *"**'• l<. \Vil!s) a;'ent in t", on his own behalf and not as an ufrent, hut New mf-H'* 'PtlßlilC GENERALLY aro Vespoeifully iiil.iiriictl .lutl they cm |~iVL. Zealand for their patent heaving up slips, that In the Hr.,th-„, W. |1„w r «„„, -, ~„__ „ even admitting ho did buy it, it was after- wliich have obtained GRATIS for llio trip in iho WONGA WONGA, l.v iiiukino v inuoli.tsiI Tic-kel A C11|(1 for them a innne on the wards ., s .„!,, .-, ~„k THE b,, up public MONTH. fairly -i to Shillings, put and auction, vi K ks 1( m i H( mks |j(|ll cj|l list of which a to tho Aniuunt uf 'i'weniy uire Inventors ever will Im estesmecl &% C bought by him there-it, and that hy sj dotii-rlic -. I'ktis. ruis us, 1 case while the most tinpiirta'it by ihe inercintile miriiie. I*KAVIS MOSS', i-.V ~i '""'"',''"l t ltM COMMEIKUAI*. secured legal perhaps, a title. Our readers will, """"--'Hi-s almonds, And we sincerely trust that our enterprising E-Jtitloii IJuusw, Luiiiliiiin Qtmv. "'V Utile, if my chniig'.* has been observed best understand the case if we place before thcin merchants will at i» "he Alert Jacob J,*-,*.,!, tn onoe perceive the necessity of 29th December, 1859. J* A.-en*.-, is eiiiiiiiit'i-i.'iiil triatU'i-s dmiiig the month. Wool the issues which the J.ury were directed to try, proo:irin;r one of those slips which would evenens, ,,,,>• 1-. ~„,|!s |~U | „d «i'nii.j» id Hist from the various stations,and viz: W(plii| ~. tually bring their plan into n.itice for its comthe ships now i„ harbor '•'*», and Co.; c «,-, | m„ |.„ | SMjfjjpfog SSbcrtißeniciusj. proceeding \ are with Ist. Did the 1 vv .'i ~„L of Hitigway, Guyton, and mendation to vcssaW, and at a much less co.<t firm l'<\«.; <■• Moore ;1. hhd. tbeir loading, but money remains exceedingly Earp carry on their business 'on the oremises nlm |*j ~.,„„„ ~„ |)( blocks, and the sum time a-lirdin,,"advan" scarce, and al present without immediate " FOR NAFJEII pros"- comprised in the grant lo defendant referred to than uOO bricks, 0 |m B tages equally as great. 3 HUTT MARKET. ».n«, peel ol iinpiuveiiiciit. Auction sales have cas|l cor ia Umc a not in the declaration only, or in llie said premises "auks Hour, 7 boxes lu;--ii"e. b*.'i.-ii very numerous, having probably to Jhe WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, l«?>f>. some and on oilier part of the seclion GovEits-on.—Bv the Sarah Elizabeth the In the IrW-,, lIV,.;,;,'nUM I " WIHTK SWAN," we learn that H M.S. NigSr,wh\i his.5*Excellency Vei.ne'l, extent boon iuicrnipieu by the sittings of the plan of the Town of Wellington. 209 on wi!l suil fur v il v,! H "»* AueiilK,—JO cases whisky, 10 |il„|s. ale Uk,..-9 Supreme i""" WALLACE $km& Mil. J"* and. Did the defendant purchase section the Governor on hoard, was observed steaming; inuiil, oboxescandles, 1 case saws, 3 cases shirt"- and Co., Court. One sule by .Messrs. Smith «SCT s-'Wir day morning, nt !) o'clock. °" througn on Wednesday, (the 28 inst.) demands 209 as an agent for and on South entrance of Qieen Charlotte 1 case medicine, :10 sacks Is instructed to fell, apply at the behalf of the firm Sound ontheWednesdiy flour, - -1coil rope a passing notice from the fact that il comprised of Itidgway, * For Freight or pas-inge, & "-"■.*Kinross, ,ti»*,-,. i,. hut. at 2 p.m. His ExCOM I'A.NY"'-j Of-KICK, Co 1 "no. hhd Rlieny, iStuart! Guyton, Earp, and Company. „' -1 qr. casks pori a considerable VALUABLE HOUSES, and some quantity of furniture was umc, cellency (c expected at Waitohi on Sunday 3 chests niches 3rd Did the defendantoffer for sale by pubtea, b casks su-ri-r, 2 boxes's--.lf, I chests of drawers, Swiiihoiinic'H Wharf. useful Cattle, at the Hutt Market, Wednesday, library table, Jcc.)all manu- lic auction, and purchase but did last, lH5i). case, ca*l( sundries, III) bugs 10,,,-, Smith arrive IM), not December until Monday. The highest as the bidder 18(10. & Co, January i, I i factured m this town, and of a quality that will at a sale thereof (ofl'ee, i casks lu.rdby public auction the land and natives and Europeans had all assembled to I case drapery, 1 case ground December 110, 1850. wtic, J l.dis. S.eves, meet him. The Niyr must have proceeded to do. tray., 2 qr. casks port leave little cause for importing similar articles premises comprised in grunt to of defendant the southward. I.P.k.M. COM I-ANY. mill', I cask su-jnr, fiI cscs i.-liainpajrnc, 10 boxes in tlie future. No great change has taken part of section 209, now in his possession. HUTT MARKET! caudles, ■-> cases vinegar, 8 fcej-s vhiiu lead. 8 i ars place in the piices of staple aiticics, but with Several witnesses were heard at considerable Wairaiupa Cosvkvasue —Tt irives us great r r 5 ;111 Company's Steamers /IXy\oV :| l,„lf ebi-st, 1,,,, a ihe harvest now near if»i,.l.Drai.sllel,l; hand, at \ we may look length, and on the second day the Jury retired pleasure to inform our ivader.s that Mr. Hast* WEDNESDAY,.4th JANUARY, 1300. sucks sugar, 9 do. ,-;,.-,., a ha f 01,e.5-s '* !■« .''-Ijulched fbr ■I""■meal, te I ,-.„., for Mime decline in ilour and hr*ud.luffs) while and after tin absence of more than one hour well has commence'; running • t.:o iindi-i-inciiiioiicd !i 1,,,-,**sail, tl boxes -oa|., a conveyance purls us |< c ., vine-nr, tlie large quantities of goods that continue to I returned with the following verdict. On ? A Ll* AC X once a week, between \V"lli-i<rui'i and tbe'ltfuib ox X ns-iviir,.., 0 pk-s.. H m :| eai.ks bard, arrive from Great Uriiuin, MXi J. 11. V\ will prevent any ad- first issue, the Jury found affirmatively. the wan-, .1 ca-es pick'es, I. dniin |ri,-., •> Ou rarapu. Tt starts fro n '.Velli-i-jtnn u-i "Wedne.sFOII i'AS" IT-.i'iJUUY AN!) OT UK). cases croeciies, vance on rales thathave lately beeu obtained. oil, Is i .Iriii-t.-d to sell 'I IIkRS. i.0,,-vii,c,-t 1;,., s ~.,)„, vtlie second issue, the Jury found that "the de- day st 12and renche* fi rev tow-mi 0 ./cl-.ck the ; " Aire iiY.'' on or about ibc "lib .liuiurv WITHOUT RESERVE. -Vo.: 1(1 !,«•{, sup,,-,-, fendant did nut purchase ns agent for the firm sicneerenimTrctiirnioru*i th«folio vin<rTiiesdav. 1,|.~,seeu-,currans, ti cscs rtM-A-T Va-imliln Leasehold I'roperiy near tb.- (Traut-iiippiii.. fr >m Lord Ash ov" Ci-./in Nelson, si.ii.i'ics, ll.mcu, POLI T I C AL. Kidp-.vny, Guyton, and Earp, but that he did This rite of travell'n ris most expedition ", and of &\r,., 111(! .Munnk.,ll). ■I'lo-iiiuiki. and 1 *, I funk boots, The •■'•review" which wo published incur make tin- Hutt Miuhct .fence, coiiM-liu- ■■! } "I'm •e\.* -. i,k;;s. ovens, F,)ll N-.I.SGN AM) SYDNKY. such purchase with a view of benefitting the opportunity of spi-ndin-r a week in thel Wairosi uilm, pared, Spinks fronmct! lo Hint 100 Ifi'l the 1 I lust /i-rc of land, about c-.inhlci issue, wool to nli»u-, -l-i'-'its dismiss litis: Ashley." packs, Lord tb*. its a"„., (;o ] ,l ~,' . portion li.c. of the said firm. On the third issue, the Jury rarapa which it iiffurl* will nu doubt be exten,Ju>miiry, 011 or :'r M! e m " I*oo. :« boxes soap, Bond, tn-.'l-thcv y*itb the tmi'diit'gs I'lci-u-i! lbereon. summary our lpol, Howler, So-.i, 3*. Co. I case with a very brief note., At tbe found affirmatively. For b'r.-i.-l.ior Passu;.', apnh- at the sively embraced, the in .re especially as the fare -U.-O, s-.c1.-s Ibmr, Johnston & Co.; a'pkgs. iron, end of tho lust month, an answer iv the negaThis terminated the Civil Sittings. CO.vII'ANY'S dI'TICK. is only ten shillings. Mr. Ifastw'ell is having I lift',1■>iirr.tiiill ■IO.A-i-.es. **t.ction No. 0, Gr.-y Town, nrjnh.i.ii! •to & (Jo.; 4 -,w |.9 oatS] ■[■U1.', 1t 1 n tive was received to the ,l dissolution " netiti'oti. I'liinmur's a more commodious conveyance built than tbe (tini*-.ing !miii). Mr li Wharf, Kcnpton's properly Ih" of bags outs, L.H 1>0W S ] loWi lUchni t-*<*n'; 2 This was hailed by the Radicals as a triumph, Accident —An accident Or to JOHNSTON & CO. \ which had it not been the one now in use, which will be feadv in a Wnirnriipii, a rii-h fertile soil, well timbered will) horses, St .Ices. they then made another effort to induce for tho intrepidity of our fellow and l'ircoinb,.|. Sll. 1850. Totara. Mr. few weeks. townsman, fine In the Sea Gull, \V. I.yo-, Agent,- 1 case zinc, llie Superintendent tv bend to their wishes, A. Cockroft might have terminated fatally, hapAMI AISO, I. Iv. Allan; S casks *.*ii*nr, 1 "the Wonga Wongi, Captain Renner, from bir-iitePe 4 either hy changing the personel of his Execu- pened to one of bonrd, (the Compton's Grocer's) case, Mr. No. .10 and li!. ai'joininir each other oilmen's stores, .1 J. Tnine 0 kc-s nails, 1 tive, or I TownacreAcres. FOR WANGAN'Qf. abolishing tbo Executive altogether. little hoys. It seemed that the younjrster Ahuriri,arrived iv this burhoui at 4 o'clock on fenced nud partly cleared, adjoining; Mr. cask chain, 10 prs. ciut arms, 41 camp one uvens 1 Both of these alternatives having been refused, on the evening of boxing day while waiting Monday morning the 19th inst. She had a CALLING A I' PJt'TON, QUKICN CHAIiKen nton's Garden, a frontage to the main road. lilnl. lid-*, 1 case, W. VV. Taylor ; 1 case confection, they proceeded in very sulky mood, to discuss for his mother, wis playing on the breast very boisterous passage from Wellington to ary, Tiir.ibull *t Co.; LOTTE'S SOUND. Terms al SIIIO. |,nx, 2 pk-s Mrs. Crab-'and such was the strength of the gale 1 ---7 boxes effects, -r. Smith :j |,kg«. do Mr. Alien; nnd eventually to pass tin Indemnity Act. and work of Lambton quay and overbalancing Napier, Bfl.li Dee., 18.19. Appropriaiiou Acts, co.-eting together the himself fell into the water. Mr. Cockroft who that it literally blew away her quarter boat frota, 'IM-lKss. IS bars, 1 bund!,, iron, case brandy, Win. Howler two I the davits. She arrive.', "at Napier on Wednes'• a time from Out. 31, I WONG I Sou, &-.-„.; „,,«„ passing March was the lime with WOS'tJA," 1859, 31, 1880, to at jj3k „•„.<,„„_ vv/Lyon; 3 casks an entire abnega- day, calling at PATENT IIEAVING-U1 1 SLIPS. Il'.'iiner, will le iVc Swinbourne's slioi, I pel. bisr-ngn, VV. W. Taylor; I ease piano, in the last of which they omitted the salaries of tion of self plunged in after him, and it was mained there Castle Point on her way; reMsW t-iip'i'.n until Saturday, when she started IJ. the Executive Smith; 1-2 pkgs. (Mr. "**:!£&&>* Olliceis with liig-jnt-o, great Wharl' 011 'I uesday, ibe 3rd January, Mr. Patterson. 'altogether. Previous to difficulty Cochroft himself not are iv peneral rei|ucst from ilic v-.i-t IriliO, for Ibc at-ove uliices. I I UK this a petition had been presented to the Su- being able to swim) that they were bothrescued, for Wellington at one p m and made the passage incr* use of Steam, pai-ii.-ulailv of Iron Ves- f.. Notick.—No goods will be received on bourd 39 hours. The Napier Government, in perintendent praying fortunately him to withhold the GoPost Office, Wellington, we are glad to be able to record, no in compliance with the sels. Ibat want cleaning readily so often, the cost ia without the sh.pp.llg notes being lirstsigned by the demandsofthe General 2!M December, 18fli). vernor's assent to the Corporation Act," and as ill results have accrued. suiallsj)inipiii'ed wiih decks, and if ihcrr is tench, Agent*. have Government withdrawn' the small subsidy had been attached to the petition, On the same day Mr. Winteiingham of the giren to the MAILS for Napier and Aucklandper White 4 12 names one Slip will accommodate scve.nl ve-sels. Tliey Wonga Wonga, and have given F*.r freight or i.assage, apply to of including political men all shades of Hutt with met Saturday, opinions, ou a serious accident. It seemed upon Swan, al 3 pin. piles, coucrKi'. or aie ens ly laid down, cither three dungAn times the the amount to Vennell, & White Swan. For the Australian Colonies, India, Eng- the Superintendentsaw fit to grant its prayer. that in the excitement of holiday keeping he Such rock, cut direct 10 the slope or incline,,just ucio it. needs little comment from Agent*. land, *j-.",, via Nelson and Sipine!/, per A Bill was introduced by Mr. Carter having for began wrestling with a person of the name of us, thea proceeding to soil or the material heapest at luu.d. Jlise inn 8(ltb Uecemb-ir, 1859. public of New Zealand will be abie to Lord Ashley, on. Tuesday, the 3rd Jan its object the granting to the Society of Odd Donald, when lie was heavily 'thrown and had and full of water ofno consequence no dninwoik ia Fellows the piece of lat.d on which they are Ihe misfortune to break his leg in (wo places,j judge for themselves. The Wonga sailed again necessary, where ihere is loiij-ih of promises. ary, at 2 p m. on the 20th returned port to on t" c 22:id after HONES, BONES, BONKS. erecting their new hall, and as the Oppos'it'ton Every attention was promptly paid to the suf- having Further particulars will he readily furnished by application to the puteni'-cs. dared not refuse this, they "shelved" it under the ferer, and he is nosy progressing favorably. We She leftmade a very quick trip to Wanganu''. UNION BANK OF ADS Tit Wellington ALIA. on Tue:day, with a THUS. WHITE !i CO.. plea of ils being a private bill, and therefore regret to haveanotheritem to add to the list. Ab ", HE UNDEIiiSJGNED is a Cash purfull cargo, and a lumber of passengers, arCamber Slip Yard, ebnf er of I'ones delivered in his yard, Howe's rIP !US. JUNK will be closed on Monday next, requiring certain formal notices which had not Mr. Death's Van was coining from the Hutt on 2nd the rived the January, 1 at Waaganui I'orii-mou.h, 1800, for Uie Ualf-Yearlv fullmvi'i; morning, Lime, Lixou *• tr. et, } been given. Eventually, on the 22ttd instant, Boxing day, shortly after starting, and nearly ' Balance. Oi' to W. HOWE. the Council adjourned until the 20t!i of March, opposite Mr. Fitzherberts residence, Mr. Cle- discharged cargo, loaded ag.iin and sailed the J; CARTER, JAMES !•'. WILLS, SOtii Dec. 1850. having first made at; ineffscliial attempt to in- lands conreyanee with a restive young animal same evening, callina at Pict-m on her way Manager. Custom-louse Street, Wellington, duce llu- Superintendent to prurugue them. in harness had the misfortune to come in con- hither, the whole lima occupied being about Wellington, 2!)i!i December. 1859. Agent for Mew Zealand. Thus terminated the Council's four months sit- tact with one of the Van horses, and notwith- 54 hours. Dec. 30. 185t). The " Juso."'—Tbis vessel i< now upon ting, its latest meetings being divcrsilied- hy a standing every skill and care ofthe driver was THE AIUUVICP. hurricane of abuse launched at ihe dcvoled overthriwn and dragged withit theotherhorses Messrs. Dryden and Tiiirkell's slip undergoing December 27, brigantine Eagle, 110 tons, from i.eail of Mr. Toomath,- whilouie the "second anil Van. The passengers, with the exception a thorough overhall, and hem,,- coppered. Newcastte. leader" of the opposition—because he dared to of a maori female and child, who we are sorry This is ihe largest vessel thnt has yet Same day. brig-mtine Esther, lii ions, James .EXCURSION PS TIXI take an independent part, and vindicate the to state were seriously injured, escaped with, a been on the slip, and it speaks well for the port ti Campbell, fiom Casile Point. December Friday, ch.ira-. lev of a public officer, who hud been most few bruises. No blame is attributable to any to be able to effect ship repairs with'such 30, 1859. Same ill y. si-boon-i- Swift, 90 tons, Joseph facility. The Juntis of peculiar construction, unjustly mr)ligucd,-H'tiu.s the buuslful Rdical one. to Co' k, fiom l'oangnhuu. of lightdraught of water, and well adanted for party that went up hke a rocket" has come Fifk a r the Lower linn —On Wediien. crossing. BOAMES' ISLAND AND THE LIGI.THOGSE Same day. schooner JSuudolph, 2d tons, Thomas THE TRIAL OF THE BROTHERS thebar rivers of New Zealand. -She a down like itick." day, Whyley the 25:h the house of Nov., Mr. at STRAKER. Ki-in|itlionie. from Kai Kent... ON tbe Huoti, Tasmania her timber?, the third river, was burnt-to the ground during was. built on 28, biigaiuine Afan/ Thimson, .'i2 tons I &c, are hltv: p-um, and very stronj. planking, MONDAY, 2np JANUARY, 1860. K. December DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. family afternoon while the were busily oc- She is bame Mnirhend.from O ago. the In compliance with tho wishes of built; and has a centre board, many (Weather Permitting.) 1 December 21). schounsr Emerald, 33 tons, John cupied working on their land :—everything was of our Subscribers, we this dayrepublish SUPREME CO OUT. destroyed. A subscription was immediately which, when down, extends 8 feetb*dow the riMlF* W.S.N Company's SS. "WONGA Si dco c, fr.-ni Mai,aw atu. bottom of the vessel. She measures 75 feet King v. Fwitherslon. Same day, brigantine '/Allah OS tons, S.J. in a complet.) form the whole ofthe progot up by the neighbours and we understand JL WONGA." Captain llenner, will leave Swiuoverall, 18 feet beam, and 5\ feet depth uf hold! Allen v. same. bourne's YJharf for the island at 8 o'clock, a.m., Wilii.-ins. from Auck'and. I'ussc-ugers.rierSlinaling ceedings in this important case, together was cordially responded to. is only 50 tons register, but has carried 100 King v. .MuKeuzie and Mvii". Fire.—On Friday night, ihe i)th inst., a fire She retiirniiirj at J past 10 o'clock, ar.d will lenve asain S/ur, from l.ivrrj.ool—saloon, Adam nnd .luiiics wiih an account of tho tons dead weight. O.i one occasion she con. zealous efforts Allen v. the same. for the'is'a'ud nt 12 o'clock, returning from there Smith, Charts llaistcad, Alexander Gootlbriiii.l, broke out in the premises belonging to Mr. Kbciitzer MucKae. Eninia Louisa Yii-kers ; inter- which have been made since tlie trial, to These lon;» pending actions were nn the trial Archibald, Willis-street, and sucli was the ra- veyed from Lyttelton to Christchurch 60,000 at 3 o'clock. Mr. Mrs. Patterson and laid Mr. mediate, aud y, I'be Steamer will leave the wharf for the light procure a commutation of sentence pas- paper lor Monday, tlioStb. instant. pidity of tlie conflagration that in a very short feet of sawn timber, besides 16 tons of goods. capacious cabins, well fitted for carry, house.at 4 o'clock, and will remain o*Tilicli{-lithouse and Mrs. I'lackey and family, Mr. and Mis. iMc sed upon Charles Stra.ker. In repeating Tliey huve however been teiuihiatcd liy time they were entirely consumed. Fortunate- Shehas ing 12 passengers. Her coppering is being I'ligbion and t.v.. sons. son, George Nab. and until eight o'clock, ennblinj; nil panics tbat wish it, Di-ieitilcr 20, s s. 11 hUe Swan. 108 ions, \V. C. the hope expressed by so many of our consent of the parties with tlie applanation of ly it was a fine night, with hardly a breath of very rapidly proceede to inspect the finest lighlhou-e in New Zealand. ; rough Justice tlio llecords the Johnston; in strenuI with, and she will satj air lo fan the flumes so that tb Air. Iloats will be provided for lnndinf* passengers, Cellem, from I'oit Napier. Passengers—saloon fellow-colonists that tho life of this "un- several actions being withdrawn, and each party ous exertions the fire was confined to the pre- for Port Cooper on Welnesday next. both-nt the Island and at ihe Lighthouse—free of Mr. and .Mrs. vYorihiugton, Air. cud .Mrs. Lamb, Upper man we Hutt.—On Wednesday the 30th mises iv which tbey originated. If it had been may be spared, yet quite paying his own costs. Mr. anil Mi-s lis!.or. Men-is. Siiiglehurst, lirniuloi', happy charge. blowing al the time a considerable amount of November, the Inhabit ints ofthe above place Y.uing. Fanning, 11n.-diiig. v* \>.in, McDonell, John- concur in the view expressed, we believe, FARES. Friday, 9tii Deckmi)Bii, 185!). property would inevitably have been destroyed. were alarmed by two serous accidents happen* son, Mrs. *M. Gri'gor, .Missis Biickhurst and by his Honor the Judge to the deputaTo the Islnid and Back 'Js. His Honor Mr. Justice JahiiHtoii presided. Inv.-.iediately on the discovery of the fire, the inglwithin a few hour< of each other. The VVii'ti.s i-y ; steeti'M-', Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Mr.and " Lighthouse " .Is. The Civil Sittings of thisCourt were resumed alarm was given, and there was soon a large first accident took place about mid-day, at refreshments will be provided at the I*linid and Mrs. Dickinson and family, Messrs. Goodworth, tion who waited on him, that the systo when it und to above, immediately proceeded Ityuer. try tematic concourse of people prf-sent. Through the ex- Messis. Duncan aud D maid's Victoria Steam persecution—not say cruelty as at the Liablbonse iv Lning's usual style and at SAII.KJ). rcnvonnble rates. —to which boys arc subjected on ship therecord i" the case of ertions of the neighbours a portion ofthe furni- Saw Mill, one of the workmen had his head V. PIIAK.UVX W'AItnURTI mny yl be bad at the Company's office .V. Tickets tons. G.II. Croncber, board, requires to be repressed by a ture was saved ; but, notwithstanding the most crushed in the steam engine, but although tha Dec. 2-1, ketch lirothers, Mr. Waui) appealed Cor pl:>i'.i(,itf and Mr. praiseworthy efforts, it was found impossible to injury was very severe we are happy to say he of Messrs. Moss for Wi-i au and that it must be matter strong hand, defendant. 1-ing day, V. Siime. s.-lmonr-r i-arah nnd Elizabith, 18 King for save tho house. The fire engine belonging to is progressing favorably. With regard to tho of gratification to all right-minded per'l'iie issue in this case being upon .nvarl and tho London and Liverpool Insurance Company second accident we are sorry to say it has heen .1. Mclntos-h ■ tons, McXci z'-o, for Un cbauia. King for deleiiclant Jehu Martin Drc 27, ri.t cr Aleit, 12 ions, Shot, for Wairau. sons, that in a Colony so distant and satisfaction o:.ly, .Mr. was tpiickly on the spot j the Military engine, of a more serious and even fata' nature. It James Wallace Same day, s.s. IJ-'i nga Wonga, 103 t.ms, F. openeif the case to the Jury,and stated with Captain Turner, the officers ofthe Garri- appears that Mr. milliard, the Storekeeper, had Homier, for Napier. liisscn;. crs—.Masters Harding young as this, the power of English law John Sutherland That this was an action to recover t!u-amount son, and the soldiers came in double quick proceeded to tbe Mungaroa on business, on John Laing (tl), Mes-srs. .1. Kursehiii-r, 11. .1. IHniciui, Hichard- is strong enough to overtake and punish of certain Bills of Exchange. After the action time, and we also observed some of the officers horseback, and on his return about 6 o'clock in Nat. "Valentino ,oii, G. Welch, Mr. and .Mrs. Kale, Mr. nnd Mrs the wrong-doer, of whatever class he had been brought certain negotiations took and crews of the vessels in port. All present the evening when near!* opposite the " HighCustom House Street, U'niili tt nnd daughter. We are free to con- ■place which failed; oilier negotiations took seemed lo vie with each other in their efforts to land Home" Hotel, (wiere some cuttle were December SO, 1851). Dec. 26, schooner Sen Gull, 01 tons, J. Famie, may happen to be. and a draft of a mortgage deed was ( extinguish the (lames j and the exertions ofthe being driven into Mr. M'Hardie's stock yard) for Wanganui. Passengers—.Mr. huiitli, Mrs. I'at- fess that our own acquaintance with place horse became through some cause restive prepared in which the plaintiff was mortgagee,, millitary and citizens were worthy ofall praise. bis lorson and seven children. NEW YEAR'S BALL. ships and sailors, and the testimony of and lie, through iiis solicitor, Mr. It is not known how the fire originated. There and rearing upon his hi id legs over balanced which .IMTOIITS. itself and fell heavily tiion its rider. -Mr. Milincline us to deed executed the Archi;iUs time, Mr. was on was no ntio in the house at Chees-maii, accepted many competent persons, ~\ ft B. MANSII.L in consequence of tlie great In the Airedale, I.G.K.M. Company, Agents.—l bald being absent from heme, and the family at liard on attempting to rise found himself too -IVJ mccess of his Clirislnias Festivities, has. Nt cask zitin, F, K. Allen; (1 do SI cases, 24 camp tho belief that a large part of the in- the Ist of June lasl, whereby thu whole amount severely injured to do si, he was consequently the date, tho Mutt. The premises were insured iv the solictta-ioii of many ff his patrons, con- ovens, IM kegs paint. 2 tins varnish. 2 bundles humanity with wliich tho unfortunate of the bill, \iitli interest, oaieuhled to that lifted by several of tin neighbours and Dr. l<l June, Northern Assurance Company for£l33. to:.ted to give. handles, i case axles, 3 kegs nails. .1. Viu-nlinni; 1 j Francis Mn.ii' was treated, is chargeable was with |irinei|)al to be repaid on the the 18th of the Hutt, was immediately sent for Boor, 18fiO,—-givingat the sanio tiuiu tin: defendant, OuTiuGi".—On Sunday morning, A GRAND BALI,, case, 1 case books, \V. i yon ; 1 case drugs, W most promptly attended, and remained On MONDAY next, tbe 2nd January. 1 R('.o, on .Hit-hop ; 1 case, 2 kegs, Hie).aid: ou; 1 inns, 4 | upon the seaman themselves, not with Mr. Wavbiinon, the option of paying uH any ■inst., it valuable horse the property of Mr. C. who with the sufferer. Oa the following day his wliich occasion a most efficient Band will be en- cases, 1 ense jams. Order; ri cases tobacco, any design of doing him serious harm, portion of the amount at any time <i'.ui:>y that A. Vailnuce, was wantonly destroyed by some gaged 1 box sovereign's (*£3000), 0. 11. C.; 1. bale. but simply from that want of considera- interval, in sums of not less than 4! 130. The miscreant. We can hardly find language to asymptoms becoming more serious and alarming messenger was despatched to Wellington for The Gardens will be open all day; Dancing to ,1. ivinriin; 7 cases blocks, 1 pkg. weights, 1 case had accepted this mortgage in siuisfae- express miv abhorrence of such an act, and too often causes the greatest plaintiff Kehbell, who arrive las quick as his horse commence at eipbt o'clock. meat cutters, J do. dnipeiy, l'ilo. toils, 1 do. cof- tion which tion of his demands. Tile defendant main- trust the perpetrators thereof will shortly meet Dr. Admission will be only by tickets, which mny be fee, 1 do. drapery, 10 drums oil, 31 half chests evil?. can we admit that this ex- tained an affirmative view of this question, and the punishment that such brutality merits. A could bring him, hut so severe was the nature Nor obtained nt Messrs. l-lorrcr's, Valentine's, lioler- congou, 4 cu'ks hardware, 2 bales sieves, 0 do. onerates the officers of the ship, who it was for the Jury to decide if this hail been reward of£20 is offered for the conviction of ofthe accident that no medical skill could stop its fatal consequence. miind's and at the Office of this paper. spades, i do. trays, 30 .-bests, 10 half chests tea, not to be ignorant of what is going the case. The Juryrelumed a verdict fur ihc the ofiendors. aiilli DTrcmbrr. 1850. the total .1. Drunsficltl; 00 boxes, 10 chests congou, 0 cases ought The whole of the neighbours were most assiplaintiff, the interest to be calculated by the FutK.-Wc regret to have torecord tobacco, 200 units sugar, 10 qr. casks rum, 3 cases on in the little community over which .Registrar. by fire on Christmas morning, of duous and seemed to try who couhl do most destruction KOYAL LYCEUM THEATRE. toys, 2 do, dri-pery, 3 ba es do., 2 cases candles, 10 for the time they havo such absoAcotu-t's house at the Waiwetu in the val- to render assistance, aud Dr. Boor •rits unreAm,ex. Kino v. Mr. *)2 soap, bills, iron, 71. liars do 1 cask, 20 boxes sworn ley ofthe Mull, and the most aggravating fea-1 mitting in his attendance upon thesufferer from TUESDAY NIGHT, 3im .lANAUARY, 1859 boxes candles, lling; 20 hull'chesis ten, Johnston lute authority. The result of this The following Special Jury were thenWhite-, ture in the case was, that the propelty was Wednesday until Saturday, when at übout £ Messrs. J. Kebhcll (foreman), H. A. & Co.; 8 bales leather, I*, levy ; I ease, -1 kegs, 1 trial therefore we hope will bo most saluIt. C. J. G. uninsured. The origin of the fire we have been after 1 o'clock, death put an end to his patients Brown, Kinross, \V S. Luxley. \V. Great Success of d,av, 2 wheels, 1 axletieo, .lohrslon & Co.; 2 pkgs. and will teach officers of ships that George tary, William Turnlmll, to ascertain. Much sympathy is felt suffering. It has caused a deep melancholy Walter unable Tiuubiili, Win. VILLIKIKS AND HIS DINAH." ci,se 1 ink, 25 chests, 50 half chest* ten, Positively the laßt night cf (he above Burlesque. Howler, Son, and Co.; 3 cases, Gilbert Pickett & they are directly amenable for acts which Best, Georg-H Cinwford, \V. L. Hurst, Tliomas for Mr. Ascourt as he is a hardworking, honest! throughout the Upper Hutt, as the deceased and that W.Taylor. steady to and and settler. \V. box, power Wellington—Mis. ; Ballon have the Kchhell, I was much respected by all who knew him. they prevent, Co.;--Nelson for 1 was held ou Saturday,, Fire at GuEyrowN, Wahukaea.—We rer Prices to suit the times,Boxes 25.6d., Pit Is. 6il. G. Moore; 1 parcel,' bcrlr.se; 1 do. Turiibull and wherever they may go within the Queen's Mr. UnAXDOS appealed for plaintiff, and Mi. Inquest.—An Inquest before Hutt, Aglionby Arms, (I casks and 1 D ec. the at Co.; ; 2(, 28 Hirst for defendant.pkgs. sbeeiikskine, 1 Children to hear, that on Sunday Evening, Nov. dominions thoy will find themselves with- Boulasu on gret Professor Holl and bis pupil in tlieirutiiivnllcd The only question for the jury to decide in Dr Kobbcll.and a highly respectable Jury, crate beer, T. VV. Pilcher; and a quantity of cargo 23rd, 1859, Mr. Judd's house was burnt to the Barrett, of a that its named John in a rightegrasp law, body the the of the of man performances on for Canterbury nnd Otago. stipulatiniiforsigning whether view in was during tho temporary absence pf its this case ground morning bed the elfjcts of which who was found dead in his ou In the Eagle, Johnston & Co., Agents,—lßo tons ous administration knows no difference L-A P Elt CHE. i occupants—and everything a certain schedule of goods and was destoyed, they coals. of the defendant took possession, by virtue of in question. It seemed that deceafed, who vim being only bft with the clothes they stood upNew Farce allow feelings and cannot persons, of Ageals,—»2 retired in, a state In ihe Esther, Uelhunc & Hunter, as executor of intemperate.habits, to rest made with TEN O'CLOCK IN THE MOONING, plaintiff, arrangements right in. and that pity to obstruct its course. Therebales wool. Or, Bachelors Hn'l. estate of the late vV. F. Christian, was of intoxication im the Friday evening, Cocumoebs.—Mr. M-instil, Nurseryman, In trio /landolph, Bcibnue *V Hunter, Agents,— fore again say that it is matter for con- of the Mr. Thomas in course of the night he was seized with a Portobella waived or not. The plaintiff andonly HALL and his Pupil in IA Tea Gardens, has shown us some bnles wool, Levin & Co.: 1 do., Uethnno und Jury 33 The verdict a the colonies as llio witiu'ssoo fit returned of apoplexy. THAI'EZK, wliich drew down thunders of Hunter. Waters, of Wanganm, were gratulation that in very flue samples of cucumbers. One of them applause on Thursday lust. The best cntcrtainthe Courts arc kept," examined, and tiie evidence was only a •recapi- accordingly. measured 24 inches in length, by seven inches In the Swift, Hctbiine fr Hunlcr, Agents,— Sft us in .England Thursday, the The in Snahesbhook."—On n.ent ever ofTeicil in Wellington. circumference, with thc.bloum on it, anrl.d.iw* U, St Hill; S bales do Ucthune and and Judges and Juries are found to vin- tulation of what had been already published An efficient. Band bus been engaged under the bales wool, Sth inst, George Bell, cook of tbe barque in at tbe end. Several others were columns. Hunter. nearly ns by whomsoever it may ourThe Juryafter .i shot consultation returned Snaresbroak, was charged at the Resident er iliiection of-Messrs. Gardner and Curry. In the Mary Thomson, Win. Howler, Sun, and dicate tiic law, large, and taking them as a whole,are ocrminly Magistrate's Court, with a breach of the-Mer Doors .open at bnlf.pust Seven o'clock, Curtain to Co.,—Agents, —pun of wool press, Hobinson ; 6 have been transgressed. finest specimens that we have seen grown a verdict for the plaintiff. the duty, refused having n'sc a' blighi precisely. chants' Seaman's Act, in hb.is, nic, K. Miii.heiid. Bird and Another «. Hiokson. The length of these proceedings must made in this Province. Tickets to be obtained nt nil tl c Hotels iv Town. following Sjieoial Jury were sworn in and with having wilfully damaged and In the Emerald, J.& T. Kolibcll, Agents,—-1000 The Aoasia.."—Tjuis vessel was very fortuBents can bo secured from a I'.aii, at the HoxOflice, feei. tinibi-r, 30 doz. tether lines, 2-i lbs. butter, 10 be our apology for the omission of almost The M. Bannatytie, (foreman), away with part of the cookiug titeusils belongMessrs. W. case, this have Then! o. tried before nate with her last shipment of sheep to O.stsrq,; coils icw, HOO bshs wheat, half lon bacon, J & T, all besides, it. will bo seen that wo Tiuubiili, J. G. Kinross, J. C. Crawford, ing to the said ship, Tbe case was \V 'lire Strictest- Order will bo enforced, and no pase .uiviug Tbe was lost only 70, out of upwards of 1400'" George B. A. Fcrard', Esq., R. M. Kebbell j U coils tow, tl kits onions, \V. Lyon. considerably increased our usual space, r II Wallace, VV. Bowler, \V. S|>inks, Smoking sllowod. Wright. W. tt B. Brown, clearly substantiated,by the testimony of severu put. on hoard, aud they were principally tost ia In tho Zi//o7t, \V. & G. Tiimbidl & Co., Agent*., will readers J. Turnbull, F. B. that our and therefore trust to sentenced surf tbe whs*i--Isndmg. JOHN HALL, —Transhipped from Shooting Star, nt Auckland— witnesses, and the prisouer was While, uiid W. li. UUodes. Miiunijcr, accept our brief notes under the heads H. A. t box, I*. I-cvy"; 3-'i pkgß* glassware, 1. box sample*", 89tl> December, 1.-SO. Sniiib & Co,; 1 box, J. W. Aikiinon; 1 caees, 1 00 Island to and the Lighthouse in ( In 'li- \\'h,lr Somes' Hxcnrsion the Steamer I I «WON 6A WONGA." „ Jrlfe.* , "; . . '"' " "' , . .„, -■ '"" ~, . ~" > 'f '■ . , • ,„, „ ; , „: . ; J&li. ~ — , : t : * SUMARY F O ; , „ — ' „„ „„,, : , • »4 *' ~. SEVKHAL . rT aW ° '" A^^UClKi^Axß"- S?\At\ g ' , , ," Wnbiicu""' ' . ~ , ,„..,. . -,„,, , ' ,, - , , ~ ' H~ ol tho . ; ,, , " - " Intelligence. Ship ing WelingIto ndependent. '■ " ; - :— • , I , ' " P'IIO'FESS'OK , _ , " _ I ' " " , ftECEMfcER 21 iN.ftEM2Ni>E-Nf the Wellington : QUEEN'S ... ..'wsûaa»«w<&» a . ! » &\ i c cllant ov ». H0 TEL, aro %tt or &«n, TO' BE SOLI*. TO BE LET OR SOLD, ACRES OF FHEEttOLD LAND, '.pWO J situate at Karori, about two miles from Town. Miscellaneous, ~~ NOTICE. Desirable Business Promises, situate THOSE tho corner Ghuzuec & Taranaki improving tho one of being , ;'l»f«C'»H^iuong^Baa POaTJUITsTToBTIUI^^ MR. ""«& usediiiLondo", Tl . 'VTIE undersigned will not lie answerable for Streets, BRAGG'S Portrait Rooms, Willis 5„.,, i any ilcatbs or losses of Cuttle entrusted to parts of (near Mr DnAsstn tap's) are now There is a substantial three-roomed Cottago on the Town. in.There Is a frontnge of 90 feel, to Ghuznee his care after tliis lUtc. a scale on ground, and the whole is substantially fenced in, DANIEL RICHARDS. description similar to those Street, and 00 feet to Taranaki Street, the house is of Portraits either Glass l>a„„ y Porirun, full possession of that well-known and j being principally live fence. For particulars apply newly Undersigned having whole of ropmb, contains seven the other material can be executed on built, paper, ot the office of this or to in -he Augtist 26, 1859. papered, and finished flrstn-hte iv old solicit a share of Hoodand don FAMILY begs respectfully to styles on more liberal terms tlnm has i them nre J\ ELLIS, I been ottered to the public. "•■ucria stylo. To small capitalists the present affords an who may favor him a call public patronage, and in doing so, assures Kin tiri. opportunity for investment. For curds to A excellent choice TO ARRIVE PKll TORNADO." seleotion'of new R1i,1„,, be promptly met with civility and attention, throughout November 1,1859. that their wants 0 view and further particulars,apply to Sale. The public are im-ited Sternosconic to o, alt of SMITH FURNESS, every I,a )0r BUi l!,1 <'<"" enclosing TO IONS STOVED THE established HOTEL,. those with will the Establishment. N.B.—Luncheon Provided every day from Tivelve to Two o'clock. P. W. LUGONG. Wellington, October 21,1859, branch BARRETT'S HOTEL. SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS AND FAMILIES. BROWN begs sincerely to thank his Friends for the liberal support he has a received since he commenced Business, aud assures Gentlemen newly arrivad in the Colony, that his Accommodations, combined with moderate charges, are such as be trusts will ensure an increased patronage. ■ WINES, SPIRITS, &c- of the best quality, imported direct from first-class Houses. A Wellington, August 23, 1559. ~H THE ' ' B .' J I entered into fiF O^NARURf*" ■ . LEE AFIVE-ROOMISD DWELLING HOUSE oii Wellington lerrace. JACOB JOSEPH & CO, Lambton Quay, Nov. 1, 1850; 17th August, 1859. ON SALE ~ l\ PHOTOGRAPHER AND ILLUSTRATOR. FLOF.ENCE LODGE, Willis-street, Wellington; 2nd September, 1859. HENRY MEECH. Northern ' by its Owner, THOMAS TANNER, Esq., is a large and powerful IMPORTED bl. br. Horse, standing nearly sixteen hands high, with a .first-rate temper and constitution, and has never broken down. His engagements were heavy, and his performances were as follows in the year 1856. New Market, First Spring Meeting. —Won a beating 8 others. nnd Bran. jPLiMMER & N.B.*—Boarders are requested to bringa Tablespoon Knife aud Fork, and Six Towels. Washing 1 guinea per quarter. 11EMOVAL. 1 " Jewelry Toys Haberdashery 1 1 " FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE At HOME AND ABROAD. Established in 1836.—Incorporated by Act of Parliament. " C casks Glassware W. B. RHODES & CO. Rhodes' Wharf, 23rd September, 1859. £1,259 760 Sterling. EX "COUNTESS OF FIFE." W. WARING TAYLOR, Agent. tobacco! Handicap Plate of 50 soys., ON SALE, — 120 " «« Porter VI cases Oilmen's Stores (Coward's) 6 cases assorted Saddlery 2 trunksBoots and Shoes 1 case Printed Books W. B, RHODES & CO. Rhodes' Wharf, 23rd September, 1859. . KEGS SHELLARD'S SMALL FIG. i Hampshire Spring Meeting. —Won a Scurry Stakes, Gentlemen Riders, carrying 10 HOUSE AND LAND FOR bALE. 10 st. 5 lbs., beating Surgeon-General, 5 yrs. old, carrying 11 st. 3 lbs., and November 10,1859. JACOB JOSEPH CO Allebwello, 6 yrs. old, carrying 11 st. 3 lbs. large and commodious Dwelling erected ESTATE OF NICHOLAS CAREY, HpHAT JL last year by Mr. Thomas Jeffares, situated in (MARINER,) DECEASED. \lajoribanks street, Te Aro Flat, and built of the Mid-Summer Meeting at Brighton. —Won the Maiden Plate, beating Kestrel, tutmaterials . and eleven others. Brighton Race Ohil Handicap Plate of 70 Soys., G-entlemen Riders. BISHOP OF OSNABURG, 11 st Ist ALBERMARLE, 12 st. 7 lbs 2nd New Market, Ist October BISHOP OF OSNABURG, 8 st. 5 lbs. INSPIRATION, 5 st. 12 lb. Ist 2nd Foaled in 1853, got by Surplice, out of-Her Royal Highness, (Sister to Her Majesty) by Velocipede, out of Miss Garforth, by Walton—Hyacinthus—Lava, by Delpbini. Surplice (Sire of the Bisiiop of Osnaburg,) by Touchstone, was the first winner of the two great events of the Derby and GreatSt. Leger, in 1848. The *' Bishop of Osnahurg," Will Stand to Cover as soon as he is in condition at Mr. J. Mclntosh's Stables, and will take a limited number of 12 Mares.—Terms £10 10s> Groomage ss. Half of the number are already engaged. Apply to MR. J. McINTOSH, The New Zealander," " N.B.—lt is Mr. Tanner's intention to allow his Horse to stand in Wellington for the next Season (1860). Wellington, 24th November, 1859. NEW SUMMER GLOTHING. ALL Coats, Tweed, Tweed, Doeskin, and Black Cloth Trousers . Men's and Boy's Moleskin Trousers Blue Serge Jackets, very good Boy's snd Youth's Tweed Trousers nnd Sac Coats A very large assortment of Men's and Boy's Cloth Caps Blue and Black Regulation Caps Brown and White Brazilian Straw Huts Men's and Boy's White Shirts, Brown Drill Trousers White Marsella Vests, &c, &o. ° FENCING~ on the reasonable CAN bethesupplied shortest notice by GEORGE SPACKMAN, most Upper Hutt Valley. Orders to be left at Mr. Charles Brown's, Royal Hotel, Lambton Quay. Wellington, Hist September, 1859. THE UNDERSIGNED, CharlesF.verhard Suisted, Charles Hartmau, and Frederick Augustus Kruli, hereby agree that the partnership between ub under the firm of Suisled & Co., is to be dissolved, as of thisdate. Dated this 10th day of October, 1859. (Signed) Chables Suisted, Cham.es rliMjns, Fred. Auo.Kruli,, Witness (Mgned) Fbederick Mabtin. 15thNovember, 1859. WE CRITERION HOTEL. THE above Family Hotel will be continued ns usual, under the management of the undersigned and a reduction in prices will be made on and after tills date. 15th November, 1859. DANIEL MUNN'S ESTATE. NOTICE. of notice circulated To the Public New Zealand, and the Public Wellington, and Hawke's Bay inparticular. by Daniel Marquis Munn, anil an advertisement contained in the Hawke's Hay Hex-aid of the 19th of ■November inst ,to the effect that he YE thatDaniel Munn has paid off most of the liabilities that be assigned his prolias paid off " most of the liabilities that he assigned for, and that he, previous to the TRUST perty IN Lis Property in trust for," and that the undersigned have made arrangements with him for the manage Ist day of October, arranged, through Messrs. & and \V. M, Banuatyne, Esq., iudi-pendemly Uetlmiie Hunter ment of his Estate of the deed nf | assignment to Messrs. Stunrt, Kinross, & Co.,tinted merchants, of the City of Wellington, also gaTe his for several bills the amounts owing to his creditors, the eighth day oi October, 1858, we hereby certify j that there is no foundation for the statements nmde wliich docs not become due until the 15thday of therein, and that Messrs. Stuart", Kinross, & Co.| January, 1800, and that on or previous to that date nre the only persons legally authorised to realise \ he will be prepared to " square the yards with the the estate for the benefit of his creditors. j world ;" nnd in conclusion,hereby informs Messrs. Stuart. Kinross, U Co., they had better gang hame 81-ITHUNE & HUNTER, again and learn their grandmithers to sook eggs," M. W. HANNATYNE. WITH reference to a printed of KNOW ; Wellington, Ist December, 1850. TO COACH & CART BUILDERS, AND WHEELWRIGHTS. & CO. have just received per "Christopher Newton," an as-iortment of Arms and Boxes, with Pins and Gluus,Patent .Mail Axles, Bright Dog Cart Springs, Chase Head, Bolts and Nuts, and Iron Washers. December 1,18551. JOHNSTON ' , SHEEP, SHEEP. ABOUT 190 SHEEP principally POREweaSALE and Lambs, apply to rtj cvember, 1850. ***<tf ~O K„ ■>• H. WALLACE. CHARLES SUISTED. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE. /"pHE A. whole of those Extensive Premises, in- eluding a Six-smiled Stable and detached Cottage, consisting of Four Rooms, having a frontage of 122 feet, by a depth of 231 feet, situated at the junction ofthe Tinakori and Hutt Roads, and now in the occupation of His Honor the Superin- PORTABELLO TEA GARDENS. Lambton Quay. December 1, 1839. terms tendent. For further particulars apply to Messrs, JOHNSTON & PHARAZYN, Or, C. R. CARTER, Builder. August 23rd, 1859. J. BURNS, WMANSILL • begs leave to invite theLadies and Gentlemen of Wellington and its Vicinity to inspecthis stock of Calceolarias, which are now in full flower, they nre of the finest description, having been imported last season from one of the best known stocks in England. -Those persons who may favour disappointed. in pots. him with a visit will not be Plants in the autumn, 30s. per dozen N.B.—A fine supply of Cucumbers on hand. Nov. 24, 1859. TAUHERINIKAU STORE, "WAIRARAPA, NEAR THE FERRY. begs to acquaint the InhabiT"HEtnntsundersigned the Wairarapa Valley that he has' re-opened June 20, lt-59. STUAHT, KINROSS, & CO. TE AEO HOTEL FOR SALE. Late in the occupation of Mr. M'Donough well-known and commodious House, commanding one of the best businesses in Wellington, will be disposed of privately. It contains besides a numerous suite of Apartments, a Skittle Allet, Extensive Cellarage, excel- STUART, KINROSS, & CO. notice" . *£1,960,000. hereby given Interest will be NOTICE allowed the monthly minimum Balance of Current Accounts, the per is A. W. Kaingaroa, Chatham Islands, 10th July, 1859. 202,000. that. on . NOT.^E- ■ rate 2 per cent, at until, anil SHAND, R,M. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR GOVERNMENT "PLANS . "Messrs. WILLIAM June 20,1859. 12 bales Woolpaclts, 3 uushel and Gunny bags 12 qr. casks Brown and Pale Brandy 0 " Whisky 8 Sherry 6 hhds. W. I. Rum 50 cases Offley's Port Sherry 40 " 35 cases and bales Drapery Goods, comprising the newest articles in black andcolured Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Dresses, Mantles, Ribbons, Sewed Goods, Hosiery, Haberdashery, Muslins, Culicoes, Sheetings, Counterpanes, Shirts, Hats and Cups, Brussels, andKidderminster, Carpets, Rugs, &c., &c. 73 cnses Finett Dunlop Cheese 15 casks Pearl Barley 20 Ontmeal 6 oases Britannia Metal, Plated and Tinware Paper bales 12 Hanßings 40 bundles Fencing Wire and Wire Netting 10 ensks assorted Glassware 18 crates Earthenware Sugar, Tobacco, Bottled Ale, Pickles, Sauces, Mustard, Snlad Oil, Jams and Jellies Smoked and Pickled Herrings Salmon, Cod, Ling, Haddocks Salt.Sago, Cinnamon, Arrowroot Ploughs, Harrows, Grubbers, Chnffcutters Pavement, Gunpowder, Pipes, Bath-bricks Parlourand Cooking Stores, Furniture, Books " " " and other W. & September 12, 1859. goods. G. TURNBULL, & CO. [Advertisement.] Mr. EniTon—Please insert copy of the following notice tliat I served on Messrs. Stuart Kinross, and Co., Napier, on the Bth inst., at 8 a.m. Messrs. Stuait, Kinross, & Co., " ' ''' Wl¥¥~"king" ' ' Pimento, Bottled Raspberry Vinegiir, Mustard, Sauces, Picklec, Salad Oil, Table Vinegar, Jams, Capers, Curry Pow. dcr, Maccnroni. Sardines, Cinnamon, ' • •. Cloves, Pepper, Sperm Candles, Sago, Arrowroot, Carbonate of Soda, Saltpetre, Split Peas, Pearl Barley, &c. W. & G. TURNBULL & CO. November 22, 1859. Stuart and JohnGibson Kinross, both.of Wellington aforesaid, merchants, of the second part, and the VALUABLE FREEHOLDS. '" day of October, 1858, and made between the said £f\ ACRES Section No. 9, Grey Town, adjoin* ing the property of Mr. Kempton's (Tbe Daniel Munn of the one part, and the said Jiimes Meliss Stuart and John Gibson Kinross of the Rising Surf,") Wairarapa, n rich-fertile soil, well other part, being a Conveyance by the said Daniel timbered with fine Totura. Munn to tbe said James Meliss Stuart nnd John ALSO, Gibson Kinross, their heirs, executors, administraTown Acres No. 70 and 755, r.tljoining each other tors, and assigns, of nll the real and leasehold one acre fenced and partly cleared, adjoining Mr, Estates of the said Daniel Munn. It was witnessed Kempton's Garden, a frontage to the main road. that for the considerations in thesaid Deed of AsIf not previously sold, will be disposed of at the signmentraentioned, the saidDaniel Munn did there- Hutt Mi.rkct, January, 1800. by assign and set over unto tlie said James Melis-i For further particular.-!, apply to Stuart and John Gibson Kinross, their executors, Mil. HUMPHRIES, administrators, and assigns, all and evety the Stock Hutt, or to in Trade, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, HouseJ. 11. WALLACE, hold Furniture, Plate, Linen, China, Books of Lambton Quay, Wellington. Accouut, Book and other Debts, sum and sums of Land & Estate Oilice, Money, and all Horses, Cattle, Sheep, dirts, 18th Nov., 1859. Drays, Whaleboats, and oilier Boats, and all other the personal Estate and Effects whatsoever ard wheresoever, of him the saidDaniel Muim, in possession reversion, expectancy, or otherwise, (except the wearing apparel ofthe said Daniel Muim, and of his wife and children,) upon certain Trusts in the said Deed mentioned, and amongst other Trusts, upon Trust that if the said Daniel Munn should not nn the first day of October, 1800, pay the several debts in the said Deed of Assignment mentioned and thereby secured, that then the said James Meliss Stuart and John Gibson Kinross, and the survivor of ihem, do and shall take possession of, call in, collect, and receive, all and singular, the real and personal Estates of the said Daniel Munn, pud sell the same as in the said Deed of Assignment mentioned. And we hereby caution aud warn all persons from dealing with tbe said Daniel Munn, in respect of any of the said real and personal Estates of tte said Daniel Munn, so conveyed and assigned to us. Dated this 15th day of November, 1859. Si-rnn.ll S,gnod ''• M-'SIUAUT, J. G. KINROSS, Per J. M. Stuart. Witness to the signature of the above named James Meliss Stiuirt for himself and the above named John Cibsou Kinross. JOHN KING, Solicitor, t . Wellington. MR. W. F. Organ & HARRIS, caution! " BBiVTHAM^ CASES FINEST WHISKY TQIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS 400 10 tons Bar and Rod Iron •*- Concertinos, Flutinas, and Accordians 24 bales and eases Drnpery, assorted and otber Musical Instruments Tuned and *t trunks Boots and Shoes (Lochore & Sons) Repaired on Reasonable Terras. 0 bales Paper Hangings 2 cases assorted Hardware Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington. 47 cases O-Hey Cramp & Co.'s Port & Sherry 27 boxes Dunlop Cheeses May 10,1859. 109 packages consisting of Currants, Almonds, Raisins, Nuts, Walnuts, Caudied Peel, TTi/'E HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that by Deed Fruits, other persons whose names and seals were EX " EAGLET," « SNARESBROOK," AND several theteunto subscribed and set, being severally crediLATE ARRIVALS. tors of the said Daniel Mvuin of third part. After |■*■ 1 TONS Bar and Rod Iron reciting a certain Deed bearing date the said Sth of the " , Paid up Capital Reskiive Fund Vr of Assignment dated the flth day of October, lent Staple and Garden. There is also abun 1858, and made between Daniel Munn, formerly of dance of ground on which to erect oilier buildings, Wellington, in th<> Proviuce of Wellington, and with good frontage to Willis and Dixon streets. Colony of New Zealand, but then of Napier, in the TEBMS lIBEBAL. District of Ahuriri, in the same Province, Licensed Apply to Mr. Samuel Gawith, or "Victualler, of the first part, and James Melius Gentlemen, I Hereby give above Store, and having pln oed it endeavouring to sell any ofyou notice to cease under efficient management, respectfully my property until share of public support. The following solicits a my billsgiven you, now running, are dishonored, branches oi or until furlhernotice from me. business will be enrried on, viz.: I am Gentlemen, Ironmongery, Grocery, Drapery |bofefore attempting to Jewthe founder oftheProvince Oil and Color Trade, &c. Your OVriient Servant, Hawke's Bay, and of twenty years colonial exTHOMAS MILLS, Daniel Miinm. perience in New Zealand. CllC a: Sto«*«Per. DANIEL MARQUIS MUNN, NEW MILLINERY & DRESS MAKING The Hutt, Foimcrly of Greenock, N.8.; afterwards Master Nov. 29, 1859. ESTABLISHMENT. Mariner of New South Wales; afterwards LiN.B.—Wool, Hides, Sheep Skins, and Tallow censed Victualler and Master Mariner of Wellingtaken in exchange. C. AND L. ton, New Zealand; now Licensed Victualler of ~" Napier, Sheep farmer and Grazier, LATE OK BEOEKT SirißET, LONDON. Government Run, Te Mata Block. y 8 Hcrob G en I,'" after this-Int.- j)F.O to acquaint Ihe Lndies' unci the Public of r UCCa Trespassing j} Wellington, c 0 1" o» No. that they hove opened au Empo, i Sccti.-u „? T r te' I CAUTION TO ALL PARTIES Kai Harbour District, will be impounded Warra, rium in W illis Street, where they respectfully solicit pnssing Having JAMES visit. a a very choice and select HALL, have purchased land, or intend to purTHOMAS PHILLIPS' assortment of the Newest Fashions the Misses' chase Land at Mr. Daniel Munn's Land prepared Harris JOHN 'are to corhplclc onj' Oi'iiers they RKID. Sales, that the said Daniel Munn never empowered Kai Warra, Nov. 29, 1859. may be favoured with in ih'e'inost finished style •ucssis. Stuart, Kinross, & Co., or nny ono else Wedding Outfits and Ball' sign to in his name auy conveyance fromhis Crown MR. KN O Dresses made on the '■ •'■■:. shortest notice. Grants. Ladies' Ridinff Habits In' tho Newest Style of SURGEON, &.c, DANIEL M. MUNN. Fashion. A graceful fit warranted. Aa early iv Witness—John Curling, J.P., MULGBAVE STREET, THORNDON spection respectfully requested, Resident Magistrate. W!l NoTCHber 39, 1808. Willis Street, SlstNovember, 1859. WHO .. ~~ Loans negociated, Mortgages arranged, and capital invested. NATIVES or these Islands requests to be qnHE Properties valued, and Surveys executed. 1 put iv communication with tho highestbidder Estates managed, and general Agency Business from llie Merchants of Wellington for Whale ami conducted with Europe, the Australian Colonies, Black-fish Oil, Bone, &c. They have now started four "tt haling Stations of India, and America. Lambton Quay, shore parties at.Okiiwa, Kaingaron, Maierakau, Wellington, Sept. 13, 1858. Owenga; and along with offers and conditions for purchuse, will be glad to receive any useful sug. gestions to assist them in establishing a ORIENTAL BANKCORPORATION. largo Fishery on theseIslands. (Incorporated by Royal Charter.) I _ Christopher Newton," a very RECEIVED per superior Shipment of:— " Colored Tweed Sac of the newest styles Block Cloth and JUSTGent.'s Doeskin, Shepherd's Plnid and Silk Vesls ' CONTRACTORS. anon fixed deposits lodged after this date, AND SPECIFICATIONS ofthe Parties having Claims on the abovenamed It contains sevenrooms aud kitcheß, ont-houses, as under, viz I— Per annum. *- Government Works of tbeNew Province of Estate, are requested to send in their accounts fcc.,&c.,and stands on half an acre of ground. to 3 months notice of withdrawal, 3 p- cent Hawke's Bay can be seen and copied by appli*to the undersigned, and all parties indebted to the It was built expressly for the builder's own use, Subject Do cation to Daniel Munn, at the office of 6 do 4 do. do Estate are requested to make payments nt their and has consequently been put up with unusual Do Betliune and Hunter, on payment of ten shil12 do do 5 do. earliest convenience. jood care. The landis well fenced in. lings and sixpence. Deposits lodged On for interest longer periods, For a large family, or private lodging house, a will be allowed according to C. J. PHARAZYN, "1 Nov. 15th, 1859. special arrangement. suitable building Esecnl more could not be procured, and r s* JOHN VARNHAM, J BURNES, ADAM Manager. the view excels any in Wellington. Nov. 28,1859. Wellington. 13th July. 1858, PER «TORNADO," "MERMAID," TERMS lIBEBAI. AND "CHRISTOPHER NEWTON." Apply on the premises, or to SAWN TIMBER OR at The "Bishop of Osnaburg," ' MAKTIN's STOKES Manners Street, to thank his Friends and tlie Public or the liberal support he has received during fthe five years ho has been in business, and to inform them that he has always ou handalso a good supply of Kegs of nil descriptions, at the \a«e*x 01T0SITE JIB. JOHN , procured. Copies of Prospectus, forms of proposal, and Company, can ty X HHDS. BASS'S No. 3 ALE AeJ 80 doz. Bottled Ale be obtained on application to any other information respecting the . I-lOLMEsr^" GENERAL COOPER, RICHARD LAND AND ESTATE OFFICE. prices. J. H. WALLACE begs to inform Churns, Cheese Vats, &0., made to older the Public that he has removed his Land aud 15thNovember, 1859. Estate Office to those premises lately occupied by Messrs. Smith & Co aud formerly occupied by Mr. TO BE LET OR SOLD W. Allen as the Wellington Sale Rooms,Lambton V FOUR ROOMED 00 PT AGE, having C,uay. LJk. Kitchen and Scullery, with a good Gardelt Properties and Stock sold either by Ptiblio Auc- attached; situate in Tory-street. tion or by Private Contract. A fine Well of 'Antcr ou the premises. ImmePlans and Registers of every District kept for diate possession will be given. reference and general information. For particulars, apply at the office of this paper. 4th November, 1859, Lands purchased and selected, and Crown Grants MR. 7 crates Earthenware 2 hhds. Hollow Ware 8 cases assorted Hardware " BEGS Tlie Hutt, near Bridge, Sept. 23, 1850. j T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the 1. ship earned on by me, the undersigned. Johv King. Willi Mn. Hbnby Dunny, as Solicitors was dissolved on the 2nd day of November' instant, nnd that I, tho said John Kino, will con' linue the business of Solicitor, Conveyancer ami Notary Public. JOHN KING, Manners-street November 14th, 1859. Wellington.' Boarders, 00 guineas per annum, no extras Day Pupils, 1 guinea aud a half per quarter "" " Gunny Bags S bales Assurance Herbert Street, Wellington, 18th August, 1859. HOME* iv Photographer, Wi ia Slrec,i November 10, 1860. MRS. « EAGLET." ' Xf> » in^oi '"' "" - J." W.°BRAGG, SDi'il September, 185?. EDUCATIONAL SONS. DOZ. PALE ALE QfV ™V 120 doz. Porter 01 cases Coward's assorted Oilmen's Stores 3 " Leather 1 Guns 1 Electro Plated Ware 2 •< Wax Vestas 1 Writing Desks Company Capital W. B. Wharf, SALT. latter ' BHODES & 00. A FOU LOBI> GLUDEN, BRED BY " FINE QUANTITY of Maize, Onts, Barley, Sharps EX SHIP « OLIVER LANG." Undersigned, having enteredinto an ogreefi. ment with the Owners ofthe Oliver Lang, to break up and remove the said vessel, hereby gives notice, thnt from this time rll parties found trespasing on boird will be deemed to be there for an unlawfulpurpose r*ud will be prosecuted accordingly. THe"uNDERSIGNED, |X "VRhodes' ' ue'wesMuZ" 'J BYCROFT bogs to acquaint her friends and the ptiblio generally, thnt she has TO BE LET, Vacancies for two Boarders, anil a few dny pupils. NEAT and Comfortable five-roomed Cottage, The usual branches of a sound English education, withFrench, Music, Singing, und Drawing, will be situate in Ghuznee-street. strictly enforced, und every care taken to combine Apply to the comlorts of home, consistent with the daily jC. R. CARTER, educational routine. Builder, August 30, 1859. NOTIOE. October 25h, 1859. BY Builder, Ghuznee-Street. Plimmer's Wharf, June 10, 1859. MR. J. W. BRAGG, ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER, AND SURVEYOR". The of tho most at it ®u\xt STREET. Orders lo be left at Mr. Lyon's, Lambton Quait IHr.S) ..'.'' ~ NO.TIOE. PERSONS*'found Cutting Timber Seotion'No; ALL cuted. on Iflfl.-Upper -Hutt,"will be prose£0 will be paid to any person A; Reward of NOTICE Insurance ffioinpani? THE Liverpool & London $m # fife Insitrarra ~ Liability of the Company unlimited, Amount of claims paid for leases by Fire, 1857, .£105,028 14 1 Amount of claims paid for losses by Death 1807,. -lO.olfl 12 U HIS COMPANY presents unusuul facilities for Life Assurance. Policies iesned without attendant upon rcforriDg to Loudon or Oydney. ■ Bonus additions calculated on a ijiost libemi scale, udded to the amount Insured after Five An* mini pavnciits. Thus it Policy for .t'looo on tue life ot jcrson, aged 40 years, would, after fire payments', represent *ClOlO lis. 2d., and at.the endto of *10 years, the Policy would he iucrotised *C2OOO. Fire Insurance in all its branches, Premiums varyingaccording to risk. Lassi'S arising from Fire or on Death, paid Dy the undersigned immediately upon proof of tM same. oi On all subjects oonneotcd with the- PUBiDess tho Company, tho fullest information can bo una ' AJ • ' , Wellington, 23rtl Atigudt, 1800. Lambton-quay, Wellington, May 28,1858. *• . , givipg such information as may lead to the convict tion of the offender. '■■ on application to WM. BOWLER, Apply to JOHNSTON & CO. , .. .... .. - Instituted 1836. Millions Two **C1,088,018 13 9 Capital Subscribed Reserve Fund tho delay AND I'ISGULATOR, CUBA Crown Land's Office, Wellington, 23rd November, 1860.. is Hereby Given, that various section! ofLand i;i the Wairarapa District will be put up for sale by Public Auction at thin Oilice, on Friday, the 2;lrd day of December next, at one o'clock in the afternoon. Maps of the land are now ready for inspectionat the Laud and Survey Offices, where funher information may be obtained, WILLIAM FITZHERBERT, Commissioner Crown Lands, SON.& CO. Agents. Pkputatio.sto thb. Juiioe.—A deputation THE WE LI. I,\ . , to Ihe iutri,, R N Gillard, George AVillinm ic utobabilii,* tl,a Cooper, of the Cuinmittee. who have been ei-*g-age<) in the testimony adduced u<rai,,sl Campbell, .Tames Garner, John petting' np tho petition fir a commutation ofthe though undoubtedly stih.--ta,u*.uCharles Gai-nor, Thos. jll<r acts Struker, ()f tl a Carter, Joseph John sentence passed upon Charles Struker, waited most cruel and criminal "was' nature, yet, us Cameron, Elijah Hayes Garner, Wm. Gudgeon T. "VV. aiT.H-miir the capital charge, ~»t wholly reliable, Croucher, ■on His Honor Mr. Justice Johnston, hv apGully, Charles Crichton, John pointment on Saturday mornitifr in his Cham- being tainted both with si.|.pres„ioii whole Chisholm, J. "W. Guthrie, Thos. ber's tit tho Supreme Court. The deputation truth, and exagg eraturn of some ()f of'the th(J hct3 Carty, Charles Gootler, N. which.consisted of James Carter, Ksq., Chair1 lie ncco.npai.ymtr fW„,,,tj„n (B ) 0 f Mr. Cowie, Charles Gull, John man, Mr. It. J. Duncnn, Secretary, and the foi* Duncan iiiul .Sergeant-M,.),,,. | s William y irn(lt Churchill, Gascoigno, G. lowing' members of the Committee, Messrs. ■restive ol concerted suppress!,,;, Gootler, John on the part of Churchill, W. Jun. Banuatyne, Bowler, Hart, Hunter. Bin.des and the wr.cr.ily is Colquohtin, John „i]„ Gony, l| Thomas j v cn s ve Connell, Henry witness Woodward, was very kindly received by the as against the Second Male, mElra Graham, J. N. Ul)(.}, Odlitig: Judge, who requested the Chairman to'state Gordon, W. C." Anotherwitness, George Hell, has heen.'sub- Clout, John what the Committee wished him (the Jml ire) to soi-in-ntlv Collee, Thomas Gardiner,Robert tin*, trial, scute,,,.-.-' liy tn do. Mr Carter then in a 'brief,address pointed iho Resi- Cockrn'ii, D. Green, Willinm Mauistrate to hard lab„v) &,/„„,, mo!ltll Cnrt.wright, John out with much force, the number and quality of dent Gray, James for inihilctiie.-iiiMiir : the signatures to the petition, and lUe earnest Carey, Peter Colder, William Above all, it seems quite i„ei-,*dib:c that the Cavannh, James desire that was felt for the co operation of Ihe Harris, James Judge on the one ground, thai it was iticonsis crew should nave sh.nvu so li tl|e sv np!lt iv nml Clapham, Joshua Howard, Charles S. Cheeaiwn, alleged assistance with the R. with humane of xi.flViii',.>s Herd, Alfred ■■lent procedure modern limns the nf 'Muir ! Cobham, Samuel Howell, Thomas to inflict the punishment ofdeath in the ab- ih not to have at any time ■made the least reJames Hoggard, T, W. Creanwr. of sence proofof deliberate'malice. The Judge sistance or remonstrance against the nets of S. Huyinan, Henry in reply poined out very lucidly tlie reasona- the prisoners: thereby clearly showin.r that the Coinino, George Carter, Philip James Heun, of Muir bleness and propriety of the law under wliich treatment did not n't the time appear CUeesmati, AY. F. Hall, jchn Laurance the convictinn had taken place, expressed his to any of i.-iem to bear the sorioue character it. Clark, George Hawthprne, Morris pleasure that nothing had been done Li cast winch it was represented to t],e J„rV,—„„, e.ss Clark, Joseph Hornblow, C. W. any imputation upon the 'jury who he con- indeed, the whole crew are v *,c consi,|ere(i as eiapham, T. 11. Hodgson, John Thos. sideredhad very ably and faithfully -discharged accessories to the crime of the prisoner* Ocllett, Charles Humphries, William their duty, or upon the conduct nf the defence The statement ,'tliat Muir was in robust Cottell, Charles Henderson William Joseph which he believed to have been most judicious, health on .imning the ship, s seril)l Carter, Hart, G., J.P.M.P.C. sp. s| v impeachCurtis, George Humphries, W. but added that he would again pray his Excel- ed by the before mentioned declaration of Mr. Curtis, Alfred lency Jo consider, whether ihe example already Duncan : Huite, William Henry, James Curtis, James made by the trial and sentence, coupled with Secondly. Thedifficulty, !U mnl j„,r t Catt, John Hemmings, John the lengthened term ofimprisonment thatwould -...Imi.sl utter impossibility tlle un of lhe Carver, It iberfc Howell, Isaac necessarily follow, would not answer all the prisoner, of rebutting- tbe chm-ire Ore:ise, E. H. Hastings, Thos. ends of justice, in which case he (the Judge) Cook, John There was only one passenger Holmes, W. H. •„,.,,,, would join most earnestly in tlie prayer, that John Herman John Cook, he was not cle.uly cojrni/.-.m, the life uf the prisoner might be spared, upon, evidenced by Carpenter, Robert Hqlt Houghton, Houghton, James declarationiiS f a v 0()n". Cionin, Patrick (c which the deputation withdrew, after thanking the accompanung Hoggard, JohnF. the on part pvison duct of the er a.no tin ting to Croft, C. His Honor fur the very kind consideration he Hutchinson, W. had given to the subject they had biought be. anyliiing beyond harsh treating;,,: Cox, James George Hickson, W. J.P. fore him. It may be added thai His Honor t Upon consideration of the Se grounds, your Catieleu, Richard Hickson, A. H. Petitioners fear that if the sentence of death Carter, C. It. Halliday, John ■took occasion to express tbe gratification that he should J. W. Calleott, in the Hunter,Robert out felt in observing the interest with which the t]ie bedimed ~resent c Howell, Thomas proceedings ofthe Courts were watched by the olheers Ot any merchant ship may fee| t m Compton, T. Cooper, John any they can time Hirst, George at classes of the the effect be p|ilC(!ll intelligent cniiimum'tv. 5ll .„,.-,■ uf Adin Hirst, Charles of which he said could only be, most inaleri their lives, by the concerted testimony of an Cockroft, Conacher, D. Hunt, Williatu ally to strengthen the hands of those to whom uii.sc.upuli.us or vindictive crew, in the event Calnaii, John Hall, Joseph ol any apprentice who may .the administration ofthe law was eiitrusted. have been sub- I Cole, T. W. Hill. George jected to a certain nmimiit of 11.*,.-.,..,,,, <| v i,„, Coysh, George i Hunt Charles {To tha Editor of the Urcllitiglun Independent.) during the voyage even from natm-a'f or ucci- Capper, J. H. Hickson,Richard denta causes: But without Ashing to sug- Camaron, Dugald. AVilliam Hunt, Srn,—i beg to offer the following remarks on gest that Charles Mraker was ,he Croft, George Hall, Joseph of victim a the trial of the officers of the "'Snare.-sbrook,' conspiracy, yo.tr petitioners s t) mit that G. P. Campion, Joha Bollard, thinking they are in favour of the prisoners and almost absolutely certain that U,e prisoner it is Curry, Hugh Horton, David ■have been overlooked. withstanding pr-,ss brutality of AwA .„„}' not- Cass, Charles Charles Hollard, la It appears to me that Muir died ns -much Cannon, Donald had uo deliberate iutentioa 0 f Hedges, George through the effects of sea scurvy as ill-treatment. rruage compassing r Cockburn, Andrew Death: John Harrison, His legs were covered with sores which when Clarke, John Henry Hughey, David While, therefore, your Potiii oners „.;.}. pressed by the finger did not rise, butretained the R. C. William Cleland, soino Harwood, mark of the finger: and at the time of his death exceptions, profess no morbid antipathy to the Cleland, J. M. Heese, A. A. A. his breast was covered with black spots, which pun.shme.it of death, in the o« se of of murder Cole, John Hornblow, Samuel always appear in the last of sea scurvy, commuted under aggravated complications Castess, A. Harris. J. nnd after which death would almost immediately of atrocity and wilfulness; yet tl Clapham, John Hitchings, Thos. f occur unless the patient received proper medicine. one and all, that if this a\ vml se Chappell, James Hamlin'Frances E. ueuee Clapham, G. P. The boy having the scurvy would naturally should be earned into execution Healey, Thos. the present in become lazyand even careless oflife. Itmay bo said case, without any distinction b W. Cronin, Hood, Peter M. ein<>- made b*> that this makes the cruelty of the prisoners worse, tween the different degrees Carlyon, E. A. Hunter, G., J.P., M.P.C. of deliberate and —but they might have been to sea tor years and constructive murder, the G. Cockroft, F. Hawkins, George never havo seen a case of scurvy, and therefore tice would be liable to he future coins" of ius- Dorset, William Hall, David by~ defeated not knowing tho disease or its effects, they would tbe di'". Davidson, T. \V. Houghton, George, fioulty which Juries might feel, j„ cousi<-ninjr naturally attribute the boy's lazy conduct to habit. Dixon, S. Junr. Hall, H. People delicately brought up, and unaccustomed prisoners to the severest penalty of the law Dryden, S. Huddleston, Arthur W. to salt provisions, are always more subject to for any crime short of the most odious and Dickie, David Hartley, Charles aggravated enormity; and, scurvy thansailors. they Duncan, R. J. above all, Holdsworth, G. .Having had a great amount of experience in would feel that, m .his particular oilg the £ Dearing, J. Hammill, J. this disease; not the slightest doubt remains in he detestation oi the acts of Charles Striker Dickson, Joe Hardcastle, AY. M. .rhy mind that the boy at his death-was in the last would be merged in sympathy f Heigham, Henry Robert Darg, or the criminal, ■stage of sea scurvy. occasioned by the fearful severity 0 f his punish- Dtelton, Henry Hercock, William r I remain, : Hanis, W. ment D.u-g, Wm. " Your obedient servant, Hogan, David Diclton, John Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that Desmond, John F. Locus, Haybittle, W. G. the sentence of death, passed Surgeon, R N. Haybittle, R. B. Charles Duncan, Charles Straker, may be commuted i,Uo un such M. Doyle, Heritage, Richard R. punishment as lo your Excellency may PETITION. seem fit: Deighton, R J. Havden, B. Dransfield, J. The following petition was drawn up And your Petitioners will eoar pray, Holdswortli, J. G. *J*e. Harper, Robert Diclt, David and circulated in accordance with the resolu- A <ton, Samuel Burt, Thomas Davison, J. W. Jenkins, Richard tions above mentioned. Bailey, F. jf David Anderson, Joseph Davies, Johnson, William Ho His Excellency Colonel Thomas Gore Anderson, D., jun. B <-ef.liam,\villiam Devereaux, W. C. Jackson, Stephen S. Browne, C. 8., Governor and Commxnder in- Allison Campbell Burt, Thom,K Thomas Doreen, William Jan-is, Chief of New Zealand. Ames, Jamoj Bail, Janies Durran, John Jepson,Ed. G. This Petition of the Grand Jurors,Justices of Allen, A. S. Buller, Ray Jame J. Railton Dixon, H. E. Jones, the Peace, Merchants, Gentlemen, and Anderson, Edward Bennett, Ja mos Dixon, E. Jackson, Edwin otber inhabitants of the Province of Welling Aitkin, AVilliam Barlow, J0'.,,,,], Douglas, Hugh Edmond Jupp, Allen, George tOD. Devine, John Irmis, Jonathan, AYesSuckr-idge, Atkins, Henry B;>x,. John Humbly Shewith, Diiudney, John leyan Missionary the last W. T. Quarter Sessions of the An 'crson, Alexander Bion, That at John Davison, Jackson, H. Broughtc'i, Chai-lt--. ■Supreme Court in Wellington, Charles Straker, Armstrong, R. Sydney William Dimond, Jackson, Chief Mate of the barque Snaresbrook, having Allan, Wm., M.P.C. Backhouse Dimond, John Senr. T Johnson, 1 R. Allen, Bennett, Ay" been found guilty ofthe wilful murder of aii Austin,F.Charles Downe3, George Jackson,William Burnes, A. 0 B C apprentice, named Francis Muir, on board the Duncan, Alex. S. Jackson, Edward Robert Austin, Brown, Alcv.ln,w said barque,during her voyage from England Archibald Rjberfc Johnson, W. H. Ih Ca-stro, Chas. Boylan, Edmonds, T. Y. Johnson,Ahxander to New Zealand was sentenced to dcat'u:— Allen, I. K. Brathwaite J B Eyeas, Frederick Jackson, Thomas That your Petitioners, without impugning Ashton, AA illiam Bennett, Edward Eglington, Inkpen, Junr. Ed. Lockyer B. the verdict of the jury upon the ease as presen*- Acourt, James Bennett, G-. orr*e William C. M. Edwards; Iggulsden, ted to them, beg to represent to your Excellency Allen, Charles Bannister, Henry John Edwards, Jun', Edwin several reasons, which havfe impressed them Allen, Eli Bernard, AY Edwards, William Jobson, Thomas H with the deepest conviction'that the crime of Andrews, George Burkett, Edward Ells, Wm. John Josh,Robert murder was uevcrreally harboured in the mind Avery, George Brown, M. (j Eades, Thomas T. Jones, John Brown, J. of the prisoner: and that the carrying out. Ashte, John Edwards, Charles Jones,Richard Brown, Geo™ .under such circumstances, the extreme penally Arnell,AVilliam Edwards, Giles Jones, W". H. Arthur, John Brewer, Georire -of thelaw would berepugnant to thebest feelings Bolton, Alfred Ea<e, Jones, Thomas lward Bolton, Genr™ Judge,Alfred ofthe community, and in retrogression from the Blackey,EAY. Elliott, W. R. Tioyla, AY. if Elliott, M. E. Jones, Wm. •humane tendency which has. now for many Brown, David Bruce, Alexander Eaves, William Hy. Kilminster, John years invariablyprevailedin the Mother country, Bragg, Henry Bowler, Janle7 Eglington, B. Sonr. Kilminster, James ■of admitting the interposition of the Royal pre- Bony, G. Alfred Bromley, J. h Farnie, John Kirton, Wm., Minister rogative of mercy, in all cases where neither Bairstpn, Isaac Brackin, Hi,2|, Scotch Church France, Charles •motive nor pre-concerted design of destroyino- Burnard, Andrew Brook Hp Flyger, William King, John life has been shewn to exist. Bell, T, AY. Buick, AvVSen William ° Robert Fiost, Kent, On this main ground, therefore, your Peti- Bell, AY. C. Buick, Wm f,,"' Kelly, J. J. Fame, John Burnett, Samuel tioners found their most fervent prayer, that the Bragg, J. ll. Fox, William J.P. MPCKing, Thos. E. Barrett, Joh n sentence of death passed on Charles Straker, Butten, Charles Friend, George Knock, Augustus may be commuted for a less terriblepunishment Bowler, AVilliam, M.P.C. Barrett, John ,-Thomas Keellay, Mitchell Francis, Joseph F. J. Bradey, Alfre King, Ruben Ferard, B.A. R.M. namely—that, iv the present case, the charge of Bowton, Bcntham, AVilliam AY. B. Knight, James Freeman, Walter wilful.murder is only made nut by the construc- Burgess, Bull, Bolton, FreaVrick Samuel Henry tionof law; the actual guilt, as alleged, consis- Bull, Edward Ford, Kells, Joseph Leonard Bills, Frederick Frarapman, C. E. Knowles, Arthur ting in the acceleration of death by cruelty; but Bain, James Brewer, Geor<-a Smith Walter Furness, Knowles, far from so any motive for the wilfulness of Benshaw, W. Battorsbee, Jg° Farmer, James Kirton, George murder being even suggested, the witnesses Brooke, James Brown, J. G AY. G. J. Fraser, Kurshew, F. H. avow theirbelief, as evidenced by the accom- Baiment, Joseph Brewer, \VU,'i,im Frethey, George Knowles, John panying declaration (A.) that the prisoner Boyce, William Bethune, J. rr it, Joseph was Fa wee Knowles, F. W. totally unaware ofthe serious 'consequences of Bell, G. F. Brewer, Fitzherbert, W., J.P. Kennedy, Archibald his admitted brutality,—or, in other words, that B.ernan, F. Biggs, Matthew M.P.C. Kane, Henry It; the acceleration of death was, at all events, un- Bowtell, John Barrett, John Featherston, I. E.M.G.A.Kingdorn, Paul Brookes, Charles H. premeditated. Brandon, 11. pa. b Superintendent Kntll, F. A. Brogan, Patrick Boulcott, Almon But although this be the main ground on Bra.thwaite, Faulkner. George Knowles, H. S. Arthur Brown, Charle3 Knowles, John which your Petitioners rely; they no less ar- Bergen, AVilliam Ferrars, B. Bamlbrd, J. Fletcher, William Key, Thomas dently hope that your Excellency will take into Bragg, Nathaniel Buntlor, Jatn Frame, W. H. Kirton, Robert 0s the gravest consideration further doubts which Benson, AVilliam Clark, Kinneburgh, D. Robert' John Fitchett, most painfully agitate their mind. Bishop, AVilliam Clifton, Richard Fidge, William Kennedy, Alexander Firstly- As to whether some circumstances Burke, William Cleland, AVilliam Foley, John Knox, F. J. •were not withheld from the notice of the Jury Brown, John Charlton, Genrce Futter, James Kebbell, John which might, if disclosed, have materially atfee' Baker, Rev. Arthur, m.a. Catchpool, Edw-irrl Foster, R. S. Kirhy, Robert ted their decision. Budden, Henry Carswell, DavM Fonter, John Kirkwood, W. P. And Secondly.—Whether the important Beilby, William Colenzo, Willi-.,, Fuller, John Kinross, J. G. Barraud, CD. Chambers, Fisher, C. •tearing of some of the points put in evidence Bannatyne, Kebbell, Thos., J.P. W. M. J.P. Chamberlain, John T were not cither imperfectly shadowed forth, or Fraser, Thomas Kebbell, Mark, Coroner Bloom, Joseph Clark, \V. James Green, Kcrapthorne, Thomas impressed their, ■ insufficiently upon uu'-leisttnd- Bridge, T. A. , Crowthar, Sa^uei Grigg, Robert Kinvan, John S. ing-* ; Bright, Frederick Gampkins, Willinm Cameron, Alexander Lindsay, D. E. As to the first of these points both, the medi- Borlase,,C.B., Cole, John'T Gandy,,AV. J. Thomas Lowe, cal gentlemen, who were called in evidence Brown, .., Clapperton, Jamw Greenfield, William Luxford, C. E. concur (as. proved by their signatures hereto Bannister, AY., jon. ™ Cook,, Gfunley, Geofge Luxford, Edward G. H. in statin-r, that had they been asked, if the Bannister, J. E., Curt'iH, R;'JQell,Edward Lewis, Edward symptoms,described by the witnessesWuld have Bannister, R. E. Crawford; Geo*™. Grey, George Ling, Benjamin resulted from the fall from the gaff,' they must Bing, Adolph Copo-land/Georl^ Grimstorie, 8. E. Lambert, It. have unhesitatingly answered-—*' yks." But ourne, Joseph -Craighead, \Y.ifl4m Gtmn, Wm.. Lechm*-. Wm. no such questions were asked,' nor' was the Burnei John' " Cleary, John Laaoy, John Gunn, John Beighton, John ■'' C'rimliu, F. opportunity of making such statement-, to the Gray, John Lswtsi, John Blaker,'G. H;Cornford,'WTUiiV Gill, Georgo Jury allowed them. Lowroy,' Joseph Frederick: Chew," John •''-•' Gamble,.Charles ?*yall, As io the 2nd point, your Petitioners, with Birch, John Henry- i-- Oook,'It; C; '■'■' •' -" Gawith,Samuel Lyon, Wm., J.P, due regard to the eminent abilities and' unques- Buhny,< Joseph Cook, H.■■• Grace, John, J.P. tionablezeal ofthe counsel who conducted the Bodrlington, William Leslie, .Barry, Clark,Osaae Grainey, AY, H. *• Luxford, William defence,cannot but think the Jury were not Barton,Itidhard Richard, Carter, J., '•" Gray, -George Loxlsy, AY. S. sufficiently impressed-with, the grave suspicion Bradshaw; J...E... J.P. , Oarmont,'A,V. B -a Goff, Timothy Laing, Peter r 1 to which the evidence, for the Prosecution is Buick, AVilliam Oorgran, Mkhael GawHOn., Henry Lewis, Edmund > Bycroft, Richard open: Ganson, Henry Lemmington, ThomasS. Loight, Thomas U. Griffith, W. IS. Firstly.—As ,, ., ,' ,„, „,, „„: t , — - . , -- ; ' „ „ „ .„„, „ * , „. " ,, , , ' — - o^^ Alf?-. M?cCl r ' " WiU&m . ' ; -- . .- , ' ; .. ,; ' • .. "• ;~ : •• ": •'-' ' ' ,°* fiei* solcm2&' ,"•' 1 NH»KPKNDE N'T , Liimsden, "William L'.imas, Joseph Leighton, John Ltiwrctison, 11. Lawson, James Perry, Edwin Pbiiriizyii, Robert Parkes, Samuel Pnytoii, Charles Pike, William Stutrield, C. fi. Sidey, Francis Spinks, William Stoekbriilge, S. Styles, S. S.,sevj., police Woon, J. G. Wyatt, A. D. Colonel GStli Itegt. Welch WUliniii Wliito Cliiu-los Williams, W. Stratford, G. A. Watson, Thomas Laing, John Picksss, Thomas Samuel Stodcbrt, Williams, W. Lyiill, Robert Jamo9 Parsons, Porsoiinge, Joseph Smith, J. V., J.P. Wilkie, George Loniare, Joseph Watson T. Potter, William Stntlbrd, James Loury, Joseph Lambert, Joseph Pharnzyn, E. Symington, George Wilkie, G. Jun. Tolley, S. Wrigloy, Thos. Lovelock, Ismie Pliuraavn, C. Wilson, Thos. Lewis, F. Phillips, G. Tonics, William Tiiidoll, Fred. J. Wilson, George Lew, LParle, Robert. J.P. Till, L. , White, Joseph Ledger, It. S. Pickering, W. P. Taylor, Richard, M.A. Williams, Thomas Levin, N., .1. P. Peters, Frederick Lessington, James Taylor, T.B. Peterson, Henry AYe.itherhoad, Robert Leverton, John Pilcher, T. W. Tuckov, S. J. .Waters, Thomas Lowten, 11. Pain, George Trottor, Williiim Wallace, John Ltigong, P. W. Petit Jean, J. B„ Priest Tunzlcmami.Von. N.B. Wills, J. F. Thomas, George Levy, Solomon .Puttinson, Alexander Waldon, John Wrigley, Henry Tui'iibull, Walter Logan, Houston Patten, R. N. Lapein August Pentley, William Taylor, J. M. Walker, Thomas Taylor, W. W. Lowteti, Lowten Quin, Michael Walker, J. E. Captain Dunedin Lowndes, Lewis Read, Thomas G. Toomath,Edw., M.P.C. Mince, John M. Tako, W. " Rossiter. W. Watts, William Topping, James Moxham, William Wilson, Cluules Richardson, James Slav, James Rowden, AY. G. Tolinan, George Wallace, J. H. t McFairst, Thos. Robjohns, John Tnipin, T. Wakelin, Georgo Munn, Daniel Read, Thomas Taunton, W. E. Wormold, John Moody, AY. Robinson, Robert Tattle, G. Waters, Thomas (Wanganui) McCleland, Thos. Robinson, Samuel Tamo, Jas. J. Moody, Arthur Rodgers, Thomas Thirkell, Edward Wilkins, H. Martin, John Tanner, ltev. \V. P. Robinson, Thomas Warburton, T. IC, Martin, G. L. Redward, F. Tomkins, John M. P. C. Mundell, Georgo Redward, Jas. Baldwin Trist, Samuel Wilson, G. H. McNasty, Martin Robinson,Robert Tuckwell, Richard Wilson, G. Murray, Thomas Taylor, Edmund Roe, R. Welch,RobertPorter McHardie, John Ti-ueninii, John White, Thomas Rudd, C. S. Mctlardie, David Roe, Edward Ti-ueman, Henry Watson, Robert Mabey, Job Roe, George Trist, Samuel James Webb, Frederick Mabey, James Thompson, H. S. Richardson, AY. B. Williams, David Meagher, Henry Raiipnraha, T. Taylor, John Webster, W. Tolley, John R *y, John Morgan, G. Widdop, William Mudgway, Charles Tompkins, John Ultson, Thomas Woodward, J.Pro. TreaMcAlley, Robert Richardson, Henry Trask, Thomas surer, M.P.C. Tully, John Moran,Patrick Riddock, James Woodward, Samuel McCoy, Thomas Ramsay, John Taylor, William White, H. A. Widdop, William Jun. Mills, Thomas Robinson,Edwin Unmack, Carl Mincliin,William Read, H. Valler, Henry Wakelin,Richard Rowley, S. McLean, John Varnham, John,M.P.C. Willis, Archibald Matthews, Adam Reid, Nicholas Veale, Henry Wilrnor, William Meech, Henry Rhodes, AY. B. Vickers, Rev. Robt. I*. Wilmot, John McKenzie, Thomas Read, Miciah Valentine,F.,ard. police VYriglit, J. F. B. Miller, AVilliam Richardson, Chas. Thos. Vennell, G. H. Wall, Anthony Metizies,David Vatigban, James Rendwick, Andrew Watson, William Means, J. W. Rollo, John Viard, P. H. S., Catholic"" Wilkinson, David Murray, Richard Retter, S. J. C. Bishop Watts, Walter Minifie, Josiah Renner, F. Williams, William Valentine, John Read. H. Y. Mudford, -John Voltmsr, P. Williams, George Muir, James Robertaon,; David Valentine, N. Whitehouse, Thomas Moore, George, J.P. Ronie, Henry Waldegrave, John John Waters, Meek, AY. H. Roe, George Williams, Henry Williams, J. R. Moss, Lewis Russell, James Watkin, J. E. Withers, J. (Oriental.) Ready, Robert Mason, AY. F. Watkin, James E. Wise, Henry Ramsay, Peter Marston, Samuel Williams, Jas. Roger Wilton, John Reispentrog, Henry Mason, J. Wood, Thomas Whatton, Joseph Martin, Robert Rehberg, A. Yate3, Henry Wilson, Daniel Moore, James Randall, AY. Witherow, James Yule, John Monaghan, Nicholas Rose, Robert Wood, James Young, George Mountain, T. J. -Roberts, J. W. Worgan, G. B. Yorston, William Manuel, John Richardson, George Webster, J. A. Youmans, Sidney Mitchell, James Read, John Youmans, Giles Whytle, Robert Minifie, John Rowden, H. The Petition was signedby upwards of 1015 Reay, John Minifie, Thomas persous, by nearly every Grand Juryman, 20 Martin, F. Rotermund, H. AY. Magistrates, 14 Ministers of Religion, 5 MemMcGee, John Ramie, D. bers of the House of Representatives, nearly Martin, James Remington, John Mangnuson, F. G. 100 Seamen, 7 Barristers and Solicitors, 14 Ramsay, George Marriott, Thomas Richards, Samuel in the Provincial Council, all the Medical men McLaggan, John,M.P.C.Richardson, G. E. io town, and almost without exception every Masters, AY. H. Biekmnn, A. T. Merchant and respectable trader. Miller, George Roe, Edward, (jun.) Madden, Samuel Richardson, Thomas (A, B,) The following are the declarations Mowbrey, AVilliam Roberts, Edward and C) referred to in the Petition praying for Mason, John Robertson, Jones commutation of Charles Striker's sentence: McNalley, James Reid, Robert (Declaration A.) M'-Ewen, David Richardson, AY. B. AAre, the undersigned, Wm. Adolphus Wilson, Milach, Joseph Renwick, James Richard Foley, Phillip Uannell. August Alson, Moore, Jas. N. Scarrow, AVilliam all or part the witnesses iv the late trial of Mansill, AY. Swan, George Henry Jtegina v. Straker, hereby solemnly and sinM'Elraain, E. H. Stew-art, Richard cerely declare that we do not believe that M'Caffarty, Patrick Storey, E. Spencer, Edmund Charles Straker had anyreal intention to cause Maunder, E. the death of Francis Muir, on board tbo barque M'Lean, Donald, J.P. Stewart, James Mills, E. W. Sebley, John Snaresbrook. M'Namara, John Stephen, John And we make this declaration, conscientiously Meagher, Michael Smith, AVilliam believing the same to be true, und by virtue of Shirley, H. Medlyn, John the Act for tbe more effectual abolition of oaths Muir, James Stewart, James and to substitute declarations in lieu thereof. Sharp, Charles M'Kenzie, Thomas AY. A. Wilson, (Signed) Sykes, George M'Phie, Malcome TticiiAi'D Folby, his mark f Speerin, George Maher, James Phillip Cannell, Southey, George Mitchell, James Augustus Olskx. Mason, AY. SwatfTord, William Murray, AVilliam Spackrnan, George Declared before me, this Speck, AVilliam i)t'h day of Dec., 1859. Mason, Andrew Mogar John Sykes, Isaac (Signed) Wilc.ia.ii Lyon, J. P. Mitchell, Gaorge Scholes, John AVitness to the mark of Sykes, William Morris J. W. Richard Foley, Mackay, James Smith, Benjamin A. P. Stuiht. Miles, Alfred Scholes, John, (jun.) Moore, John Swainson, G. F. Declaration B.) Masters, Joseph Southey, John I, Richard John Duncan, of AVellington, Stephenson, J. Moir, John merchant, do hereby solemnly and sincerely deMarsh, Octaviua Smith, Mackwood clare—That on Friday evening, the second of M'Donald,Edward Standeven, William December instant, while I was standing at the Symons, James M' Donald, James door of the Government Buildings, having been Mills, Charles Storey,Lewi3 Storey, Edmund M'Lean, Alexander detained by the rain, in, company with SerMesch, H. jun., Stent, Charles geant Miijor Styles, ofthe armed police, Enoch Mordin, John Stace, Thomas 11. Odling, the Second Mate of the barque SnaresM'Lenny, Dennis Sawyer, James brook, came up and entered into conversation M'Manaway, T. D. Stock, Arthur, M.A. with Sergeant Major Styles, in reference to Moore, John Schultze, H. the trial ofRegina v. Straker, in which Enoch Miller, Robert Stuart, J. M. Odling was one of the witnesses, for tbe Crown; Moir, David Stuart, A. P. in tbe course of that conversation I most disMajor, John Stifle, L.B. tinctly heard the said Enoch Odling avow to M'Ginity, James Smith, JohnW. Sergeant Major Styles that be knew what he Mudgeway, Richard Smith, John had to say ; be should tell the truth,but he was Milne, Thos. M. Smith, John Junr. Mitchell, AVilliaan not bound to tell the whole truth. I forthwith Smith, Robert M'Kerrow, J. urged the most serious expostulation upon Stevenson, Thomas Morris, William Smith, Joshua, Minister Odling, but without the least effect; as he Mullens, T. Stent, Charles afterwards, twice over, emphatically repented Mills, A. Scoones, George that he would not tell the whole truth. I imNathan, Henry Shaw, Alfred mediately took down," in writing, the -exact Newton, F. K. Sievers, August words as above used by Odling, with the intenNodder, Thomas Shaw, Hunter tion of informing the Supreme Court of tlie Nattrass, AVilliam Scott, Joseph startling fact that the evidence, of ut least the O'Mearn, John Smith, James (Otago) Owen,. Henry Smith, James (Welling- Second Mate would certainly not be impartial. I was informed, however, by the prisoner's Owon,'H. A. ton) counsel, towards tbe close of the trial, that a-j Owen,Edward Sutherland, Nathaniel Osgood, E. G. the Second Mate had not been examined on the Sherlock, C. E. O'Connor, John Sawyer, Arthur part of the prosecution, my evidence could not Oakley, James Squires, George be received. Oaks, Owen Stokes, Edward I make this declaration,conscientiously belieOrmond, John Slater, Richard ving the same to be true ; and by virtue of the O'Neil, William Scott, John provisions of an Act, made and pissed in thesth Strand J. A. Princ3, William and Oth year of his late Majesty, entituled an Stephenson, Timothy Parker, Frederick Act to repeal an Act of the present sesPuttinson John Stafford-, Edward St. Hill, Hy. R.M. and sion of Parliament, entituled an Act for Powell, Thomaa the more effectual abolition of oaths and William Sheriff Philpott, Smith, J. S. affirmations, sworn and made in various dePresney, Samuel Parker, Richard Stevens, John partments of the state, and to substitute declaPayne, S. rations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire Sim, James Potta, Lawson Stuart,Rchard euppressiou of voluntary and extra judicial Prouse, Richard Stuart,Richard, jun. oathsand affidavits, and to make other proviPhilip, F. L. St. Hill, H. sen. foi tlie abolition of unnecessary oaths. St. Hill, Woodford, Clor. sions Phelan, William (SigucdJ It. J..Duncan. Pitt, Henry Saunders, William Declared before me, ut Wellington, Phillips, George Simonds, C. this day Nth of 18.09. December, Phillips, Edward Smart, James B A. Fun ami, J.P. (Signed) Pliminor, William Stirling, Andrew Pudney Joseph Saunders, S. (Deci.auation 0.) Pickettj Gilbert Smith, J. E., J.P. I, Georgo Frederick Harris, passenger on Plimmer, John Swiubourne, James Pharazyu, C. J.. board the barque Snaresbrook, from Loudon to Seed, William Petcy, James Wellington, do hereby solemnly and sincerely Keranelco, W. M. Poulsonj B. Sutherland, John declare, tin-it I was nol peisontilly cognizant Pagon, J. F. Sutherland, John, jun. ofany acls committed by Charles Straker on Sargent, Henry Poolo, Thomas F. the person of Francis Muir, late apprentic Stoiijy, Edward Pond, John on board the said barque, which were calculated Skcy, Samuel Patorson, Alexander in my opinion lo do him any serious bodily Phillips, Fronklyn Shirley, John harm; aud Isolemnlyaudsiuco.o'ydeclare that Lutto, Robert Putney, George Singlo, George _ • -. . ' • thnt the said Charles <?. i)V)t believe any intention of tloing the sabl had ever r cts Muir any serious bodily harm mil 'i,V"".. .1 do ChS' I hcliove that the said <* 0 611 eontcmnlatcd for a moment accelerating the death of the said And I further sincerely and iWei at that I was personally informed by the Francis Muir, on leaving the English Chanl,-i that he, the saidFrancis Muir, had been « to sea'for the benefit of his health, advice i>ra physician, who considered him „ l-oa comDasciL unde/tu' sumpiive. , ... (Signed) G. F. Harßlß . " ' n Declared before me, this 12lh day of Dec., 1859. (Signed) B. A. Ferard, J:p. The following is the declaration of Serireint Major Styles, in the case of Regina v. Charles Stralter, which is referred to in the Petition his Excellency for the commutation of Strakar'n sentence: .„ — • I, Samuel Stafford Styles, Sergearit-IrW the Wellington Police, hereby solemnly at of ,4 sincerely declare, that on boarding the barque Snaresbrook, immediately after her arrival in Port Nicholson, 1 was informed by Enoch Od** ling, the second mate of that barque, that ha had himself recommended the apprentice Francis Muir, before leaving; London, to leave' the ship, as hy reason of his ill-health he not live to reach half way to New Zealand.eotild I 'further solemnly and sincerelydeclare tliat on seeing the said Enoch Odling On fr,'(iay evening, the 2nd December inst., at the door of the Provincial Government Buildings, I strongly urged him, in the presence of Mr. John Duncan, of Wellington,to informRicliaTd. the Supreme Court, on his being examined the next day, of the above stated circumstance, but. he answered, that " He knew what he had to say he should tell the truth, but he was not bound to tell the whole truth ;" and on being expostulated with by the said Mr. It, J. Duncan, the said Enoch Odling twice afterwards repeated that "he would not tell the whole truth." I make tbis declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of t1,6 Act 5 & 6 Win. IV., eh. 02, entitled au Act to repeal an Act ofthe present Session of Parliament, entituled an Act for tbe abolition of Oaths and Affirmations, sworn and made in various departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial Oaths and Affidavits, aud to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary oaths. Samuel Styles. Declared before me at Wellington, this 17thday of Dec, 1859. J B. A. Feiurd, Itesident Magistrate. Wis, George Brebeck, Seaman of the barque Snaresbrook, and Richard Waters, ordinary Seaman of the same barque, do solemnly and sincerely declare, that the late Francis Muir*, apprentice of the said barque, did not sleep in the leng-boat of the said barque during any part of the voyage from London to Wellington. But we solemnly and sincerely declare that he slept on a bed placed on the oars and small spars which were lying on the thwarts of the pinnace of the said barque, and we further solemnly and sincerely declare that owing to the said pinnace having been capsized on_.the.tnp of the longboat of the said barque, the thwarts 'ni such pinnace Were perfectly sheltered from the wastings of the sea, and we also sincerely and solemnly declare that it was impossible for the said Francis Muir to have slept in the long boat, in as much as there was no midship thwart whatever in such long-boat, and we make this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and by virtue ofthe act for the more effectual abolition of oaths, and to substitute declinations in lieu thereof. Declared before me, this twelfth day of De» cembcr, 1859. (Signed) Thomas Kebbeli,, J.P. R. Waters, (Signed) (Signed) Geo. Brebeck, x his mark. AVitness to the signature of (Signed) • George Brebeck, E. A. Carlyox, Barrister at Law, Wellington! SUPREME COURT. December.l, 1859. Tiir usual quarterly, sittings ofthe above Court for tbe despatch of criminal business was held as above. The calendar on this occasion was, although light, veiy serious in its nature, including as it did an indictment for the capital offence of murder, as also one forassault with intent, &o. His Honor the resident Puisne Judge> Mr. Jos'i ice Johnston, presided. After the Court had been opened with the usual formalities, the following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury, viz*—A. Ludlam, Esq., (Foreman,) George Hunter, T. Kebbell J. G. Kinross, N. W. Levin, W. S. Loxley, W. Lyon, J. May, G. Moore, Cv J. Pharazyn, W. B. Rhodes, C. W. Schultze, J. Smith, R. Stokes, W. W. Taylor, W. Tumbull-, J*. H. Wallace, and E. J. Wakefield* Esquires. His Honor then proceeded to deliver the following very able charge to the Grand Jury. Gentlemek or the Gband Junir.— Twolvo months having elapsed since I first took my seat in this Court, I naturally look back at the proceedings oftho year and try to ascertain their not results; and if I do not find in them much ground for Congratulating the province, Ican at all events discern in tho retrospect somereason .. for hoping thai", the administration of criminalJustice will occupy hereafter a due shareof the attention and care of the public and tho government, and be placed on a footing in some rospocts more satisfactory than that in which it stands at pre- • * sent. ~ T. I find that to tho 4 quarterly sittings, at which I have alreadypresidod in this province,:?? pe*"9o?? j5» of whom have been committed or held to bail, were Europeans and three Natives; and of those3 Calendar, 32, 5 appear twice in the Quarterly P* of them having been tried Wice, and the cases two postponed from one quarter to the next. Against 8 of the 32 persons so committed.no (nu 4were ignored was presented, and tho bills against hirr.he OUnd Jury; so thattho number of persons number of cases lor 25. The actually tried was 14 trial was 31. Of the 25 persons actually tried, 3 of them twice sentenced, guilty and were found trou over, and verdicts of not guilty (either aftoi'being on the merits, or on account of no evidence offered), were returned in the cases of 11 persora. Prosecutions of personß Committed for trial or ne.u .. to bail, havu broken down througheasily<*™ , ™oie oj faults in the prosecution attributable to.want proceedings, non-'irr system in thopreparatory of witnesses, 0; mistakes in the cases, and against 10 persons, nf murder, -i cases of robbery•*.h' plica-ting 5 persons, 2 cases of 2 persons o beiug natives, and ?, cases against accessories before tho fact to felonious JOVO I fear that the Committals not been fewer in proportion $ w lation, than the average wo™ whilo the circumstances of *« polony tne much less than rally induce one to expect tea. I jHoreovei, crime. glish —f «£ E«™«^B ' average of . , M^L^H' 1 . .~ 'IN DEPENDENT Keeping these remarks in mind you will antdv of trifling offences ooi/imitted in wlllle M •""•Ml"', before v/hich aro never prosecuted, and them to the facts established before, by the wit YOU bo*v* oi„,,,.hi„ed Citoss-EXAMrxEu by Mn. Kisa.—l joined tbe Inot friendly, though I did not observe any ill th B " T a tyth re 8 other i'ning unpunished,mayhave veiy iienoui* nesses in the case of which, ai-eoi-dtii-- to t \>* h WIW a l'»' na'"*on the vesseland signed articles on the 28th day of May usuageon the part of Waters; Waters was very depositions, following ofthe com the appears iae oortoln to he "the outh"? °. porttorw ? U oa tt tho Woolwich ; the decased, Francis Muir, was oh thick witnboth the captain and mate, and was m S at tendency 'y i,lto tlle obxuin- actly like was exi' boy fltatistics, lioWeVor, are to be , V' got I"in atl"'od-ieed a it; the °?i Bii nute the bow of the board when I joined; I do not know tho tonnage great favourite witli themboth; I saw Waters thii deceased, Kra'.ici* Muir, at the eim.me.ieo. ml! j ,„,*.* c-i-eat caution mid care, before any The, >oa ,he ~, ippkedatwitlyeatc ,7 v fl to of the vessel, at a rough guess it might be from morning, hi came down in the st.'rarer from the eettU v.. on »« ment of tins voyag., teemed v, he j„ ~„„.•|lealt . I, 'i™;,. il I" ««t only one ofgo-eat -lo .ot remember to have the any bedding in 400 to COO tons; I havo been eighteen years at Ahuriri, seen same time as myself; although prevent considerable dill*. the long-boat, addition to thecrime of the body and sensible in i„im|; hut Im was ,*l,-w inihis i .ttt.ee: but it my but an old woolen rug, sometuing sea, but I am not able to say whether for tho size no repre-ientations either to the cutainorI'jmide A of the ol the ,1*" v„« /.Iforded by tho cases of escape from tbe movements, and afterwards, uf, nil ev-nts very I, nature of a lUilway warper but, veiw ofthe " Snaresbrook" -die was eflioiently manned; withregard to Muir, 1 thin!; they must liayemate Tct t0 thiiYouWlioation the circumstances. Te'tnn-akh.dorofrenc 0 to which 1 trust there is dirty in his person. From an early period'if tin* la. rto will not allow no. 1K,0111 a hui,lea;y there Were seven able seamen, oiie ordinary sea- ticcdit thcuiiclves. f J l.e,d h y the ",< 1 have statement of and voyage the Captain anil Chief Mute seem to have' he outline o n ol !" he had o;i w],,in «•>•** temptation than there was formerly, w facts~' which the man, five boys or apprentices, cook, carpenter, By Tip Couar.-P.-cviou.? to my joining extinct. In treated bun with more strictness considered it l,w king-boat a shirt, trousers, andl»cap;•»»' i'> boy -V.T-.1,lessT hoDO may become speedily than other th» boys I necessary to,nuke in steward, captain, mate, and second-mate, in all "Snaresbrook" I B e.v=d as biatswains with the prison, I in the same position-probably on account of His Of course ,f these order to explain the law. c'.i.i;.lamed to me of cold, and the ihe on X of matters connected facts are not fully made out was very weather seventeen, sbtds; there was also a passenger on board titj " Persia," East liidiman, *,n hermato exhibiting symptoms of uiifii-ii.jss for passa-** of aboutwithn. the system that a you blowing hear the duties severe and board, Harris; of a Mr. snowhg-; the boy rdad to lmve to see how far 1 was in the second mate's from Bombay to London.Where I had gone as oikS-" am which rosult-i his vocation. The ship H n\]-,l observations as the rtmained in the long boat 20 daysorfhree Hie 2,ltl>' of law can be applied to the the vallq of tho prison has been adopted, begining watch the at master passage; weeks; of the his name the in facts from "Victoria," 'Sydney; ivL established before tlie no/ could not stand upright in theboats ii, tho Pict that tho hard labour prisoners are now May, ol this year, from Wool.vieh, „„d the first with- was Enoch Oldling; Muir wisin the chief mate's !a Sydney on board the Government lminVrant instead of date .iter that to which your attention will be Alter winch o.tt hunt ing m water of which there was from oarning enough to pay for theirrations the Grand Juryretired, and i„ the to -0 inches 28 watch; my watch Was changed into the chief ship the "David Mclvor,'-' when I got my l whon the prison as formerly, in m in long shortly time mute's watch of day boat; b">y complained charge, having their course the the after we had sailed mssins returned with true hills hi every during tins tune of his feet from been only engaged as a snpernumwluo.i day, Muir, Wno was in a the Chief Mice's ease presented to their consideration, and legs, I saw them Woolwich, but for what reason 1 cannot say; I ary seaman on board tha-. vei.el, on the most pernicious idleness. This, is gmtilyi.,g her passo™ 'ihe nutiies about some 14 days after he Bills wi Watch, was ordered hy him to go the mizen ol tlie petty jurymen were then called over, had been living in suppose it is optional with tbe officers of a ship to from Livo.-pool; previous to that/I served as mala mark of progress in tho right direction. when to the boat four of which do rigging, as you necessary change cases some described and gaff: act at the I was not asked on board an American ship they seemed full of ulwo the men their parties were fined 20s. each for their non-atwatch; in and be ...wonted to give inyoufive the "Jena," he did which not move quickly, the Mate" followed tendance. cers; I heard him on one occasion ask the captain as to whether I would like to change or very little trouble. A as not, and used to trade between L.v ;r jool and New York' will, probably, before he went to live in the long boat for some- no reason was assigned to me for so doing; Cookram for stealing him up: immediately after Muir fell, for all that 1 had 1 was in her for seven m-,.it.is, antkedant •case against a soldier namedcase to tho. that tlung ot recent posses- appears on for his feetand legs, the captain at first depositions, accidental's', from did had no quarrel with the second mate, and 1 made vessel I served as mate in the British American a cold watch, is a common WILFUL MURDER ON THE HIGH SEAS. not believe they were sure but on seeing them no complaint to the captain ; I did not either by ves«i the "Morning Light," against a woman named Monaghaii the gall to the p00,,, breaking a hen cop in his sion' casefrom for a period of five promised disgusting and fall, him something and told him at the same word or action refuse duty while in the second months, having left the Dorc:iester,-"'an injuring his shoulder. The Captain the person, is one of a for larceny Eneliak IlEai.N-A V. JOHN AJiD cuaiiles stuakbb. tune if he would keep his feet clean they would mate's watch ; on one occasion I remember at home, but I seemed to have paid him some attention on that Ire- ship.inwuieh 1had servcdasmateforthreernon'h" kind too common in large townsThen there is a occasion, and he remained below for 3 or 4 days ,-.i1-°!- I> Aa" CI,AI ES STitAitmt, late Captain and get well, there was no medical gentleman on fused t<> take the wheel, before 1 was changed into we used to tradebetween ■hope' not yet common here. and a port Liver.iool called Uuef Oflicet- of the barque it Snaresbrouk, were board the ship, I saw the sores three or four times, the first mate's watch, because I thought tho boys Dorchester in North America; 1 wa. y.evloudytn charge against a person named Salmon, the mate but will appear that after this time, and while for stealing a pair the boy seemed still sufferingfrom his shoulder he placed at the bar and charged with the wilful they were round and bad eaten into the flesh.' red could have aided in discharging part of the night the Engh.-hschooner "Marlborough,'-' up the Mcdi of a vessel called the " Eclipse," round duty; they were only kept to the wheel during teranean; I was in the schooner in the the edges and-white in the centre, had borrowed experienced harsher treatmentat thehands both of murder, ou the high seas, of one Francis Muir, an ■of oars left in a boat by persons who capacity oi were some six sores altogether, one about thethere Eclipse" the Captain and Mate than before thoaccident, size the day, while the men in tho watchhad always seaman; I have a brother, sister, and two aunts thoin from the owner; and traced to the "the of apprentice on board the said vessel. A second night which several particulars will appear. Sometime count in theindictment charged the prisoners with of a two shilling piece and the others smaller; at the night work; there was seven altogether in his New Soath Wales; I am a single man I was in on in and there found. It appears that_ the timehe shewed the sores to the captain there watch, there were two boys, ordinary seaman, two New South Wales for three or four years I the prisoner brought after this as it would appear, towards the end of tlw manslaughter of the saidFrancis Muir. when tho oars were missed, was on Each prisoner in a firm tone, pleaded " Not were three on hisleft foot; they were similar to able seamen, the mate, aiid myself; the boys were the diggings but was not successful; my relations a pair of additional oars to his boat before leaving July—arepresentation having been made to the Guilty." what I afterwards saw but not so large nor in- Phillip Cannell and Henry Scott; there "was no were in New South Wale, before I that the boy was lousy, ho was removed Eclipse,' Captain tbo shore, and put them on board the "not flamed; I noticed no other colors about the sores one else in the watch; I had no quarrel with the I did no*, live with them it is customary direct, from the half-deck where his and the other hoy's Mi-. Brandon (as usual) with whom was Mr. than ■bo that there in strong circumstantial, if in red and white ; when he got out ofthe boilt captain, mate, or any body else on board the the Aust.*ahan trade for seamen to ship for tha Waiid, appeared for the prosecution. berths committed tho larceny. by Captain and ordered tho having were, to "sleep of his Widened King appeared for of in Mr. I 6wear this"; I shipped on board passage oat and home; iv.- friends were in Ans longboat. prisoner named tha the John Kidd, Por three weeks Muir seems to ker, Stra- anda morningahe seemed very tired, trembling "toSnaresbrook," Next comas a case against a man shaking good deal, and much more than get a living; it was no object with me in ship- traliabefore 1 left England* they io not! to my aiid_Mr. ItoiiEiir Jlautfor Charles Straker. tor assaulting a young woman of the name of have slept, a:id lived in the longboat. Tbe weaher. If evi- ther was then very severe. Muir had only a w<*t Mr. ICi.vo, previous to impaunelliiig the Jury the others of us who were exposed to cold, yet I ping on board to get to New South Wales; I have knowledge expect me there nothing was written Louisa Bright, with intent to ravish that I can remember, ever stated to Waters in the declaration I -gay •, t., the magistrate he fairly in- bed to lie on, nnd a thinrug to cover bim, and asked the Court in the prisoucr.i'.vcie separately never heard bim remonstrate with or complain to not, dence be given from which it may although on their trialat the same time, the captain of being obliged to live in the long that such was my wish and intention; I do not Mmrs de.it i.exejpt aliout hU being thrown after foiTCd that, the acts which he did were done with there Was water in the boat. There was another defended, overhaving any conversation on this parti- board, aid that w.s could ad prove it; all whether remember boat; the August under on 13th each, ia it waj the intention of possessing himself of the person b:.-at over it, but it was not quite covered,and Muir exei-ei.se his right of such circumstances, could the half deck which is elo*,eattonight he went into cularsubject; 'I know the carpenter, John Cole; I written during tire voy.ig., 3 jo:i after the tranaa". challenging separately? the forecastle near ofthe girl by force, eVon if she offered all the re- complained ofgreat suffering from cold, and a >- ills ll'oxoithe foremast did tell referred I was in not tions to application, ; anything conceded llie" the forecastle of this Waters took the *Ue*; next mornsort to in pointing numbed in the mornings, and he asked dates therein ■uistance in her power, you Will find a bill for the paired out however that by Colonial Legislation (the ing I saw Muir who was in the same watch with Cole's presence; during the voyage I might have mentioa-d, are the dates of the events as they 00, aggravated offence; but if you shouldbe satisfied leave of the Captain more than once to go below, New / Yf. Zealand Ordinance) in this matter, limited myself; I saw the mate come into the half deck spoken to Waters about going to New South cuiTed. in vain. During the time when he was living that be did not intend to proceed to further vio- but with but Wales, I do not remember; we left Woolwich the right, to Hix peremptory challenges on behalf the boy, about 20 minutes to five o'clock I Thiswitness whos; c\a*mi:iation lasted for no lence if sheresisted, then you m.iy ignore the bill in the longboat, both Captain and Mate wc-e of on the 29th May, and arrived in AVellington on wards of four do not pannel. transpired the know what the half deck; in guilty of was then hours, acts of.ill uaige—kicking and beating I ordered down "havin** for theassault with intent, and find a true bill for tlie boy from Mr. Ki.Na, on the Jury coming to be sworn on heard the mate tell the boy to go aft on the poop; the Sth of September; on the morning after we been first cautioned &i were time to time. all the witnesses an indecent orcommon assault, if the bill contain asked time to dress himself; he was told arrived I requested to be allowed to go ashore and against conversing on the subject The next important date is Sunday, the I4ih behalf of John Straker. challenged the following tho boymate of tho inquiry 'appropriate counts. There is, however, evidence see a gentlemen, namely—Messrs. by reply magistrate, intimating the deck without what go for; in to ou I The Court at thisstage of the proceedings immediately Dick, Amos •oi his having endeavoured to stop her' mouth with August. On tho nightof thttl3th,Muirhad gone Fisher,, Joseph Dodge, SamuelDavid he had a cotton shirt and a pair of thensaid I would not work until I had seen a magis- ed for half an hour, a bailiff being swornadjournnothing but Drydon, Conrad ulong into thehalf-deck without shew, to tako leave, and slept forfour Deihl, and Cornelius Fi-dier. a handkerchief in such a manner as to duck trowsers on, no covering on his head or feet, trate ; I went aft withall the seamen, except the the Jury in Charge. ° ■ ■'" boys, we see the captain ; he went on shore after with her screaming, that 'she Was resisting, and hours on the wot sails, and on the Sunday morning Mr. llaht, on behalf of CharlesStraker, chal- the weather was very severe, there had been sleet Georos HiGOAaD woe then s«orn By Vis. thathe \vas prepared to use violence if neeessaiV ii; C> a.m., the Mate ordered him on deck, sent lenged Meisrs. Abraham Dowsett, James Fisher, that morning: his shirt aud trowsers were wet breakfast about 8 o'clock; wewere taken on shore am a seaman on board the baraua Ward—l to accomplish his purpose, and is therefore guilty him aft to the poop, without giving him time to and Samuel Staoey Downes. by the All witnesses were whenhe came on deck ; he went af. and thema;e breach Sergeant-Major of Police on a charge of " Snaresbrook." I joinedher on the dreru, and lie having iwtiiiug on but a wet shirt of the graver offence. of duty ; not one of us were dressed in our 28th of May ordered out of Court. followed: Ido not know if the mate had anvFrancis Muir was an apprentice on last; when One case remains; but that one, I regret to say, an I pair of trousers, and then caused a rope to be board of following Jury were then sworn, Messrs. thiug in his hand, when I went o.i the peco at "(5 Sunday clothes; one of us, Haggard, made a her The the fastened round to I .joined; I saw" nothing bad character known law. his wrists and very a rope round bis Henry Doming, (foreman), William gravest complaint against the captain on that occasion; is of the in tho o'clock relieve the helm to th-; boy' saw made F-aweett, I it is the case of two persons, named John Straker waist arid caused him to be triced up to tlnlea AVilliamDunn, Hubert Donald, Patrick Donelly, fast to the lee uiizea rigging on the starboard the magistrate told us we rnu.st.go on board again, treatment he experienced until after the firstday •and Charles Straker, the Captain and Chief Mate inizati rigging with histoesjust touching the deck. John Duck, Edward Dixon, Joseph Dixon, side, he was fattened' to the shrouds, his arms which we did; none of us worked for two or three of July; 1 heard the mile about 9 o'clock on "the evening j.-hi:n of that day, 0.-d aloft to lose tha of a vessel recently arrived from England, who'are| At tiiis lime it was blowing very hard, and was Thomas Fumiagcr, Joseph Dodds, James Donald, stretched out, his toes only and about half of ci;'aI days after that; heard no orders given that I inksen; was forward, the rni.e on the poop'and .•charged, with the wilful murder, on tho high very cold, and Muir was allowed" to remain in this and William Donald. footresting on the deck,"his aims extended and should work ; nor did I hear any orders given to the boy 1standing by mewhen the order was given"* "seas, of a youth named Francis Muir, an appren-] position till 20 miiiuli'S to 8 (two and a half hours; Mr. King the Jury having been sworn, took his hands higher than regard by that effect with to of the crew any* his the noticed head, I I ten minutes after the hoy had gone to wiin'i tho mate ordered him to be taken down, an tice on board the vessel. objection to theindictment but the Court over- description ofrope with whichhe was tied, there either captain or mate, who were both onboard; order be had received t heard a sound execute the The offence ofriiurder—as you probably know ati.l ordered him to goand pump the shin, saying ruled a3 if soma was a closehitch round his bre-xst and each wrist, the complaint I made to the magistrate was about one had fallen from the point, urgedby thelearnedCounsel aloft; I ran and got to the boy the Francis the Muir, W9l1—(iCmSi'sts in unlawfully killing any one, with that he would have allowed him to remain till writing; the and it was in end of tbe rope round the shroud, the Mr. Biiaxdon- then proceeded to open the case and before I saw him. he w« lying on his side malic* aforethought either oXpress.or implied by noon but for that. lie fell down benumbed; but for the prosecution, commenting on the rope passed round his waist quite slack, his whole paper produced is the paper in question'; the cap- boy grave the captain who was on deck ordered law—if the person injured(lie within a year and a was obliged to work during the forenoon among responsibility of patiently and impartially investi- weight seemed to be suspended on his arms; the tain was present when I handed it iv to the mag- insensible; to take him into the cabin, it was twenty wet ropes and both Captain and Mate drove him ■day of the time ofreceiving the injury. I wrote me gatinga charge of so serious a nature, it being the ship was lying over; his back was against the istrate; the paper is my hand-writing; minutesbefore he at all recovered, and when w> passage; it from time time T;ho killing which must be proved in order to up the rigging. It was blowing a hard gale and highest to reduring the with shrouds, more exposed he was far on the lee crime recognised by law. After pointing did,he complained of his shoulder which constitute this great crime, need not be by a blow, slciitiiig. In the afteriio:jn Muir was clinging to what the law defined murder to be, and giv- mizen rigging, than he Would have been on the ference-tocircumstances after the Ist July, I will swollen, for I took offhis clothes and though a/stroke, or wound, or fifty other act of violence, the spars while he attempted to coil some rope out ing a synopsis of the facts which he 6tated weather rigging; I saw the mate on the poop, most distinctly swear ft Was not all written at one yetI'did not perceive that any examined bories' were it he cau *ed by a direct act of tho and on tbo mate speaking to him he laughed— he should be in a position to prove, the learned this was while I was nt the wheel, I heard the time; the events therein narrated were entered as him, broken; he complained ofhi 3shoulder which was and seemed to the sa'dors to have become foolish. Counsel proceeded to call the following .iceuscd. boy ask' the mate leave to go forward and ease they occurred or as I was told them; I began the a little swelled; the captain gavehira a glass 6? paper day boy gaff; JWhe following are some illustrations:—Laying The Mate then ordered Muir below, and lie had on the after the fell the from the refused himself, mate to-let him go; he said and ordered me to take him forward* thj EVIDENCE. insisted. the paper is headed " Traitsiiclioiu which have brandy, poison for a person, exposing a sick mtn to the, to be FitEDEiucic John English,being sworn, stated, 'no I will take the d—n soldiering out of you,' occurred next day the matecame down,and told him'that Three days afterwards, on "Wednesday,the 17th —lain on board the on her barque Scold, leaving a child covered by leaves in an Snaresbrook, by soldiering skulking; boyrepeated is the meant an artist residing in Wellington; have been he had better get sometlring and rub on the boy's passage "orchard where a kite struck it and killed it, put- August, came the climax. On the forenoon of requested to go on board London tv New Zealand, thtreby shoulders, and he saidhe the barque " Snares- the request three or four times but was refused; causing from would,but I do not think death of Francis Muir, an apprentice;" ■ting a/ child in a hog stye where it was de next day, the Captain went down tbe aft deck, brook " to prepare plans which were now pro- about 20 minutes to eight he Was taken down by I explainthethe he did; th; following morning his shoulder vourijd, the conveying by parish officers of a poor mil ordered Muir, who was lying on tbe wet sails, headingby saying it was addedafter much swelled; 1 have been accustomed in Eng- an ordinary seaman!)}" themate'sorder; he was then the at saw him again, and he duced noon Court; in I boy's death ; I swear the events occurred as said his shoulder wM from parish to parish so that it died from to get up and wash himself. The weather was land to make plans. The drawings now before told to go and help to pump theship out; the mate was much better. On the third the Ist July was not written nt day after his vant.of Care and sustenance—forcinga person in very severe, and 'Muir asked if he might wash tlieCourt are perspective and plans. The one is said if he had not wanted Muir to assist in pump- entered; I swear he came on deck and'was Bet to fall Gaol ih'to the company of a person having small below. The Captain said no, that if be did not a drawing ofthe deck ofthe Snaresbrook" with ing the ship he would have kept him in that the same time a3 the heading; ofthe heading the work by themite he was after his fall, mpr*j " portionof it as far as the words " New Zealand," roughly treated than the other bi.ys; pox'whereby the prisoner caught the diseaseand get up he would have him dragged up with a boats packed thereon, and the other is a plan position until noon; tbe boy fell on bis knees were was'set written during the passage, the remainder to work plating sinnet; about a fortnightheafter ■died, providing insufficiently for a prisoner, illtrcat- rope. Muir went on deck, apparently suffering; tlie the said" boats, to scale. I found the boats as I when cast loose; beside the mate, one Richard after ths boy's the death. ing apprentices ho that- the.y died directly from the Captain went aft. and Muir went back again. of Waters was the saw Waters time, I cast represented ; they were pointed out to me present at boy's fall, he heard the captain order him ajo'ti"; therein -such treatment, or from debility consequent upon ; In 111 tuiriuies. the Captain returned, went and by tiic .second mac; they were packed just pre- I the boy loose and offered to assist him when ha The Coubt here ruled that If this d-jcain.'nt and the male hi the maintop, called upon Muir the treatments-all these are cases which have dragged Muir off the nails, and kicked him on vious tv the " Snaresbrook" sailing for Ahuriri ; I i fell; but the mate said Ist him alone the d—n was put in and used for the defencethe prosecution tobring him some taikle sp; the boygot up abot-'S "been held to' be cases of unlawful killing, and to deok; ordereda bucket of water, and gave him a drew tin; plans previously to the bouts being soldier, 1I saw the hoy leave thepoop he crawled would become entitled to reply upon it even in the one-thirdof the way, and he com darned that h.i amount to"] murder or manslaughter according piece of canvas to scrub himself, m-.ide him pull packed. feet were so acre he could not go further; tho'ca". Ialong the deck he went down the lee aide and I absence ofany witnesses for the defence. oil'his shirt, and afterwards his trousers. It was ■to their other circumstances. tain asked tho boy to shew him his Toot Cross -examinedhy Mu. Kino.—To tha best of | remained at the wheel until eight bells, at 9 lia to re- did, and the captain said ho would wliich Nor is .the characterof the Act affected by the snowing at the time. He washed, but not to the my beliefund ability, the plan produced is a cor- o'clock he came up with al! hands; the boy was i'he Magistrate ordered myself and crew we give Win 'consideration that- the person on. whom it is in- Captain's liking, arid be was told to. wash again. rect one. The under boat is the long-boat mid the Iworking at coiling rope in tho water from fl..'clock turn towork on board the " Snarebrook,"but did something for the.n. The mate was all the time till not to not to duty, and determined work return flicted was in such a state of body that without The chief niirc was present during this time. upper thepinnace; theboats in the drawing marked I to iib.utt llj: he was trembling all over during calling on him to bring up the tickle ;' tho 'bosthe doing of the act complained of, he must have Tiic proceeding secm.s to haveoc-ciipiedsometi.no, A, and thoserepresented in drawing B; are precisely the ri.ne; he was sent aloft to help lo reef the some enquiry was made, we were three or fourdays went halfway up the rigging, and said he .co4d 'died shortly -afterwards. To accelerate the death while according toono witness, Muir was sinking to same scale: one is in profile and one in plan ; tho main top-sail; saw him again a little after 12 without working;to we were taken before the not goany further. Tae mate then came down* again give our evidence against the and put a rope round his Wiistand hauled 'of a p-iraon suffering under a mortal diseaseby an down inch by inch. At last, he fell down naked boatswain was with tne when I measured the boats; o'cl ick, lie was then sitting close to the galley; magistrates him" •unlawful act is equally culpable in the eye of the and benumbc.l and crawled to the galley fire, I. saw many of those I have seen ouwide the Court, at i o'clock lie was called aft by the mate to captain in the case ofFrancis Muir, two days after I did notice how the hoy came doW 1-; abosit the that 1 middle of August on a Sunday morning, I •law as to kill a healthy and strong person who where he lay foaming at tlie mouth and nose. on board while 1 was there; my drawings are per- pump the siiip. which after being called several we went aboard; I do not remember saw tiie or any of the the might have lived long. boy The mate told him to get up, spoke harshly, and fectly correct, with regard to the niizcn-garY; the times he did, dragging himself along; the wea- had any talk with Haggard, strike with he mate a struck hiri never told once on the sni.ill of thebackfid;1 took che lnthe next place, to make the killing murder threatened to knock the top of a water cask out distance from the guff to the deck from the end of ther wii* very bad indeed a', the time ; the mate crew, on the subject of the charge;was fidaway pressed waj to strike him the second tm*t** it must be done with malice cither express or im- and put him it. it. 110 was then carried to the the chainis thirty-rive feet; 1am sure of tai.; for culled from the poop to the boy, " why don't you Richard Waters that if the chargehis discharge ; asthehereason about plied and the law presumes thatevery voluntary half deck and seemedinsensible. Theconkasked 1 myself measuredit three times. for this punishment w\n that he *yai come aft and help to pump tiie ship;" the boy against tho captain ho would get asked him to leave off work; hod a great below when it was his watch on deck; this wis never laugh grin, something foolish or and said act which causes death is done with malice, till ft the mate if he might take him to the g.iliey, aid a gave itself, lit the Coutrr.—l did not measure the gaff in New South Wales; never told on the S-itiday the 17th August on which'dav !)*> ■be made to appear that it was justifiable, excus- the mate made use of an expression, which I do but only from theparticular spot pointed out tonic which was nothing to the purpose; he appeared many relations he Waters that if would'leaveoff workand go with had been triced up; the boy replied s*j able, or done under such circumstances of allevia- not wish to repeat st present. He was then taken by the men on board; I did not take the measure- foolish; the mate desired him to goforwardagain; me New South Wales, that ho should never sick hecadd not go on deck'; I toldhethe'was to ; assisted down the half-deck forward, tn ■'tion as will reduce it to manslaughter. But the to the galley, and appeared out of his mind, poul- ment of the poop, my attention was not called to he was mito a day's work; had been imprisoned for ob- that it w.i3not the way totreat the boy; the use of the word malice in this definition is not a tices were npplia 1 and other steps taken, but the half-deck; the drawings 1 made hud only par- saw the boy the, same night, he was lying down want mats jecting to go to Ahuriri; there were four of us that replied, thathe was idle, dirty, and lousy, little apt to mislead, inasmuch as the malice without effect; and ha lingered on shewing symp- ticular reference to where the boy fell from and on thohab'-dsek on the sails which were wot; objected and hi to go to Ahuriri; I might hove said that did not know what, to do with him;" which is necessary to constitute murder is not toms of delirium, but neveragain speaking nor re- boats in which it was said he lived; tho difference this was on n Sunday, the llth, and he remained "ivliiir '.■*/«* to New South Wales to see bareheaded; and the shirt and trowsers ha had'or* •necessarily thatwhich in the ordinary language covering the use of his limbs, till Monday, the between the gunwales ofthe boats is eight inches, below until the following Wednesday morning, I was anxious to go voyage was out pinnance on the the friends; my while had seen bin*, two or three times wet, I was looking for a cap for kin ■oT modern times is'called malice. In 'this defini- 22nd August, (four day's after) when he died. tho long-boat was the broadest; the pinnace did J.Ttli August; I long-boat; W*ii9 not sure that they were the mate took the boy on deck ; this wai betw-ejji tion the word does not n imply any The first question for you on these factsis whe- not quite cover it; the lower boat was six feet in the meantime, and when I spoke to him he capsized on tbe during the passage out; the five and six o'clock in the morning; grudge, hatred or ill will to any person or persons, ther tbe boy died a natural death—a doath in the eleven-inches a-midship, the pinnace five feet ten rs.-ilied in a similar foolish manner.: before the Were not disturbed I wont on 1 ship; dirty joined the time the at boy was not the weather was rainy and sleety; I jvjjj nor does it necessarily include any deliberate in- ordinary course ofnature—and the next, if he did j at the lateral point, leaving thirteen inches tricing up he .seemed a rational and intelligent Muir was about 5 feet 7 inches; 'Waters was about deckbelow sent to work to fid a new rope when I wenj : ttntion to cause death. Of Course where these not, -whether his death was caused or accelerated inches space as wanting completely to cover the lower boy; lie had no bed in the half-deck, apprentices the same height; the boys lived in tho after deck by below th'jboy wa3 standing the galley*'the two incidents occur, there is the clearest case of by ill treatment. Then ifhe died from ill trent- ; boat. are expectid to find their own; on the Wedinto the with the carpenter and cook ; the rest of the crew wind freshened during breakfastand we were callii expresß malice. But tbe malice, in the legalsense, ment, was the ill treatment the act of the accused William Aoolwiiis Wilson—By Mr. Brandon. nesday in question the captain went in the forecastle; theafter deck was between to take canvass off the vessel; the boy could not which makes tho killing murder, nbetl not go or either of them'? If you think the death was —I am a seaman and served iv that capacity on half-deck and ordered Muir to go on deck lived ; there division was a walk without support; 1 d d not notice him parto the forecastle andfore hatch ■nearly so far as that. It consists in a mischievous causod by the whole seriesof ill treatment tho boy the barque Snaresbrook on the voyage from and wash him.elf: he asked permission go called a bulkhead right up to the deck between ticularly during the hours of 9 and 11" further he should 'disposition, the condition of n. wicked depraved recoived from tho prisoners then they are respon- ]1board England to New Zealand; the prisoners at tho wash below, theacaptain Ra'd after deckand the forecastle ; on the occasion than seeing- him coiling rope; „the ship the persuasion he conwas'at ■and malignant heart, generally, which may be sfble for it; or if you think that tbe death was 1bar deck: after deal of on ChiefOfficer of ought to have times bu.-'.ed were respectively Captain and being of Mair tricedup the watch followed him the deck, in. water;, being sent down at captain inferred from a person acting with apparent reck- hfitnediatuly caused or hastened by the washing tthat vessel; there was an apprentice by name sented to so on on deck at 4 o'clock; I went to the wheel at o'clock iii the afternoon to 'assist tho cook in3 lessness ofconsequences. Take a. familiar illus- aftd surrounding circumstances on the 17thAu- ]Francis Muir on board the vessel; I cannot say up theladder, and went into his cabin when the been seen the 6 o'clock; it Was getting day-light; had cask of water; I spoke to the boy who tration. gust,—that it wits not done voluntarily by Muir, exaetlvwhathis age might havebeen, but I should cantain's back was turned, he (Muir) returned into captain strike the boy on one or-two occasions.! a broachinja in thehalf deck lying on some sails; he boIf a man with a loaded gun in his hand— but by thecoercion and authority of the prisoners jjudge "he was LC> or 17 years old; the boy seemed the half-deck without washing himself as ho bad only one who was was man named Antone was tho gan sing'.ng laughing as if silly; I told tha the and minutes after this ten been ordered: about knowing it to be loaded, walked towards a crowd or either of. thorn,—then the prisoners, or ono of \ to be in good health when I joined; we sailed when Muir showed his sore feet to the mate I f wught Muir had gone out' of hia mini;" ofpersons, not one of whomhe has ever seen or them mustbe responsible. And next, ifyou'think from England on tho 2'Jth of last May ; the gene- captiiin returned to the half-deck, he said some- present the first dog-watch, that was the mateon hearing this went down to" Bee the", tho captain; it was in o'clock 'heard ofbefore, and against none of whomhe oan that the party or parties responsible, acted quite ;ral treatment by both c.iptnin.i'.id mite,ofthe boy thing to the boy, but I do not, know what; four or five in tho afternoon I do boy, and whenhe returned he told me ho thought, pbssiblv have any grudge or ill will, andho volun- recklessly of consequences in the bad treatment to (lute you mention, namely, tho first. July, was captain drugged him offthe sails on which he was about any one else being present, this was tho boy deranged; I did not see tho boy anytarily discharges his gun among them cither to of the boy which caused deatli,—even if they had ininy opinionharsh; therewasa differencebetween I lying, nnd kicked him behind up the ladder on not remember he fell from the gaff; when he fell I was more for four days and then I saw him washing after of the forethis about the middle was sec what the effect would be, or without any no intention of causing bia death,—or if you think the treatment Muir and the other apprentices on i the deck abreast tho galley; himself with his trowsers on, but is shirt was was walking about the fore rigging, of; definite motive, and he kills some person in the the acts Were done evon by way of correction, but board tho ship experienced; the, captain and mute ! noon, and in the mute's watch; the weathercook, fall the am half-deck'; in I I saw the boy after his there wai a snow squall at the time: the captain and blowing hard the crowd, the act is justas much murder in point of such as milst probably cause or hasten death seemed much stricter with him than with the very Midi,snowing into the captain's cabin,but I and mat)were close behind him; the wash!*,,, by the captain's instructions, got a aware he was taken (lO.Vge law and common sense, as if by secret Waylaying Wore particulars condition wliich do know what took any a in I did not un! I there, person though the the accused notice see nor to in him others, going on for two hours; at 12 when I returned did not and artful planning be had contrived and brought musthave known the boy then to be, it will bo til the Ist. of July; the boy fell on that day from Ilnicl;J* of witer to.' the boy to wash himself, and place; It was some time after we left that I heard was from punping ship the boy was na!;od, with one io pass the death pf some one whomho had loner thocvptatii de-ired the boy to pull his shirt oil", complaints of the boy's dirty habits; Bell thecook hand duty to find a bill for wilful murder. the mizen-gaff; I* did not sec him fall, but I saw and on the natch, and foaming both at the to scrub hitnoi' canvass lie him v gave piece hated and tried to kill, and against whom he boro your complained lively of his his accident; I up to •Itis competent, for you, if the facta should seem him after the foil when ho mouth a id nostrils; at -1 I saw the boy in shaking as if ha had tho complained; the boy was was in the the galby, whereho waso'clock sleeping place •and expressed tho bitterest malice in the popular to warrant yon—to find a- bill for manslaughter; shoulder; a few minutes after 9 o'clock I heard jself wit!?: the boy was his do know where not shaking both hands"and I senße of Are word; beca.ii.se the reckle3snoss of the but t cannot advise you to adopt that course, if it the mate order tho hoy to loose the peak of the ague at tho time: tlie mate was presenj, ho could half-deck; tbe carpenter never complained to me feet; sa.vhim again after o'clock, for 8 when I took he washing after iud been Ihe hear orders: act showed'the perpetrator to be of an wea- I the boy the ladder that went down to thehalfhira bel >w ; there' was no heat in either his legs or ovil, mis- be only a question of doubt with you whether the mizen, the night was very dark anil the hours some time, the optnln told him to pull his trow- of chevous disposition. a common piece of woodwith small strips body; I made up a bed for him on a dry sail; tha■ case amounts to murder.as I have defined it, or to ther inclement; 1 saw the boy three deck was had about been leg-*; oil and wash his he ears On the otherhand, even if tho act whioh caused manslaughter; unless the evidence clearly satishe was carried below, ho complained of Ins I cook ha 1 some rum and'eaimeal for him, given himself when the witness nailed across. ■death was done with an intention to kill and fies you not only that the conduct of the accused after shoulder and knoo; it was Muir's watch on dock iwar.tv minutes wathing By Mr. Hart,—-Although I havebeen eighteen for thepurpose by the captain, who told him to there was a foeling pf temporary ill will to the in- was not indicative of any ill-will to tho boy—but at tho time the accident happened, he being in ! went "nit-; when I came :orward abouthistwelve as to whether tho make so.iye gruel ar*d put some rum in it aiid give 6peak I cannot years head sea at lying ho the dock with on dividual, yet if it was done on suddenprovocation, moreover, that a reasonably careful man having the mate's watch ; he did no work for three day.**; o'clock was Matrj'fiiit the. boy could not take italthough tha galley, bis trowsers were " Snaresbrook carried her fair proportion of hands; J it to or in tho of passion, not preconceived and the same knowledge of Muir's condition, that the when I saw him platting siunot on the port side of loaning against' to about his feet, and' he was quite naked; I have been in several ships,and yet I never form- he attempted Bo do, and thenbecame jnsensibio; voluntarily engendered, thelaw, from tenderness accused vessel a kept thenumber ofhands he iii'iiu kise'n-dblo state until ho died about had, could not have nupposed that tho the deck ho had been put to this \vn;k by order hanging to j you any opinion as ovor shaking ed towards the frailty of human nature, does not conduct whichresulted in hir, death, could either of the mate; he complained of his shoulder, it tho riiate said to him "give in a vessel of the size of tho " Snares- five dayi aftorj.'hi.s teeth wore rivoUedand Icould boy leaning cany, should was damned tho then wretch;" imply malice, but roducea the quality of the crime oautse or hasten his death or be seriously injurious seemed to me bruised and swollon, though I do not sparo even one not got sonpeii as ii spool) into' l)is tnoiitj}; the die foremast; tho mate said if he did not brook we could not conveniently to manslaughter. imagine that the mate receives his captain aiid.'niito went dowii to see hjm several to him, I advise you to find the bill tor the think there wore any bones broken ;t he hoy was in ai'iiiint would have'the head of a cask out and put him band; I should With regard to tixa circumstances of the caa« gravor acts under lib) j thno3, and'th'a mate asked mo whether J thought Petty Jury hisberth when the mato pulled him out and order- be captain, it for the the offence; from leaving tho instructions and. went when was before witness aft; which is to be-snbmitted for yoflr consideration, under the diroction oftho Court (Whose duty it is ed him on deck ; tho mate ropes' ended him; the in; this the boywas.loaning directions; I never drew tho attention oi' eitherthe Muir would'die',and I,replied- J tljo-uglft he was bells eight returned at witness yon may takeit from me as law, that if a thinkmany con- dead already; I hover, raw.the. mato do Anything to decide on the question of implied malico), upon rope was a two inchrope, but I do not against the galley and fore-hatch, foaming at tho captain; or mate to tho boy Muir's dangerous forceanother to do, or do to another, an act person which a more full investigation of all tho circumstances blowsweregiven oranygreat forceusod thecondtict he returned from dition I was not awaro of possessing any authority in tho way'ofrelieving him; Jheard lytrj say to' ; he was" there whan in ita nature ib likely to Cause death, or which is at the trial to say, whether the crime can be re- ofthe captainand mate from this time to he boy's| mouth or influencewith th* men on board; I did not per- Muir h-ewished 'he would take hold ,of a slatjk by down the aft-hatch was carried ;ho dinner likely to eauce or accelerate the death of theother to manslaughter. You are very well aware death was extremely harsh, driving him about, and the cook and Waters, he being then quite naked ; ceive that they in any way deferred to r.iy opinion; ropo whindie went aloft',; Ikavß not perron, reference being made to the state and con- duced deal of Work that was unneces- ho had no other sores on his body that I could I never wished on tho day after the boy's deathfor threatening'language. jt nevar he*rd the.captain that the duty of a Grand Juryis, not minutely to making him do ahim dition in>hich ho is at the time—such state-and weigh with their hands, feet, and complain about tho matter; I never uso threatening'language,beyond calling him. "a evidenoe in ordor to ascertain the exact sary they beat but theulcers alluded to on hia logs and the crew toproposals condition being known, to. such first mentioned qualitythe scarcely ropes; a daypassed over thathe perceive, amountofprobabilityof their was on the matter; I drewup a soldier; Mtilr waadn good, healtj) until aftwr hi of the crime or tho had a bad smell; I i-aw him next mftde any person;—and death actually ensue; thnt person conviction, but only to take care that personsshall was not beat by the mato; he was beat a good feet, which a declaration on this subject, butit wa« not for the fell from the gaf)';'heßlej)t.in tbe.early p«i oftho to eat galley, trying o'clock the iv eight about is guilty Of muhler although he getting signed by the crew; I com- voyage, on the half dock and.subsequently in tho it may not have had not bo putupon theretrialunless theirbe a fairprinui deal more by the mate than the captain ho only scattering purpose unable of do; to which he was any express ill-wiUtowords the sufferer, or have facie case to support tho charge brought against ; remembered ono or two occasions on which the little gruel, on the 22nd day of August, tho day of long ooat ;'ho slept in thi long boat throe weeks; and neck; r-aw him again at pleted itdeath; actually contemplated or.wished for his death A 'them. Possibly, there may be some difficulty for captain ill-treated tho boy; tho boy was obliged it nbout his mouth I never myself personally remonI nevarwtwin'tho long boat myself; on one'oche Muir'e 18th, afternoon, Thursday the four o'clock on master has aright to cdrrcct.his apprentice with the Court in applying tho law to the circumstances to use his arm, but he complained ofit veiy much was with the captain or mate respecting their casion I lnj:u*d the mato threaten to ropes' end then quite insensible; saw him on Sunday, strated tho use of his arm ; the boy believe others did; him; the boy said"hfi oould;not hear the .wavsh moderation, and in a'manner and measure com- in I boy, recovered of the but he treatment GeorgeHaggart there be facts never were with will probably but cookand present on my call him howas so deaf;. ho said ha laid* nearly mensurate with his "offence; and know ol first, went on board down in the the i Ist, tiie with an old 1 never Bhowed or mentioned this1 pare: I no dif- enough before you, to nuke you feel it your duty slept when ho him; he wm then lying on two cheats leronce mprinciple the Ahuriri; have used no tho whole four hburß before he .could even get i'o boys; bo took his sail between an apprentice at sea to find tho whole bill, upon the principles which half-deck along with the other for his bed ; saw him dead the next day about passage down fromothers 1 did sleep he waiso '..ooid ;.ho appeared cold h i -waV sign paper; turned of the halithe out to he was too chests; lying ho excceJ consideration. Justice m eals there the exertion to"induce moderation, if on six in the alternoo.i j I have brought underyour he is August .Olson tp -always shaking and'shivering, as if he hr.-l coi it was about half-past odour from his body; on one occasion, I recollect, ask any to the deck a short time aftor the accident; captain might suffer by a l-estricl-ion of tho charge that thoag'.iT.he complained of being in the long gave there was a very offensive promise before his the but never held out death; finding body sign paper, live weeks tli3 -i or in or, by such suffer the throe of them rolled the 01, in. manner minor offence; it cannot same evening hay ,S /"* boat towardstho close of the tithe he was therehim to be taken outof tho half-deck I the on deck; thenext morning if he did so he would get hia discharge. the whole, bill; unless indeed itbe clear that there t the orders for noticed tbe it was. vsiy cold weather during ihe time ho wa-j mate having com- the sail and brought it tbe Brasdos—l S mo long-boat; the RE-ExAitixEDDrMa. the more serious and nut aud it waa thrown it, to iv preferring captain prayers the mas-' for read over "S'•"-<»«» is no pretence tho they or the iaMiXiry ? were Muir, i that otuer to dirty boy the of the Wators so very and he was conduct plained that P oduco *»*. h9 Nearly charge—and that it would be oppressive he saw the state of Ioverboard. der vexatious to do so, wliieh certainly could not be 1hoys were getting dirty also; ~"~A\ mint lb'I"??' 'i-'rl'" *"* ' * wm" vtoSomom S ' , ,, T"'! , u v1 Z „ ! , ,• >' e - ie „„ „,, 1 ' If1iS IV !°T5"' ; * Juv\-f' Jnl.,7';/l!r " S7 « * . • ' : '"r ; "'" " ' «u'fa>Z ' I^ dfe - "' ; ; ; ; arrivedTher? ; - ; ' - ' -• : ; - ' , ; : . . ' ; < ; ; : : severe. ; ■ • ; : ; " ' ; ; ; case; xZ2^Ti Sat £Sit?of t * ' '° -^ ■ , ,• , ; ; 1 ; ' ' _ ■ ■Till': , IWDIiPENDIi.NT YVK'LM.nGTOj* . .' .* **»«..»■ I, n ■ I )ll^lll to examination by the Court.—-J am ft ■M O.VCAY, D E answer ,„-„ in my knowledge about Muir he svas to plaints ; the nationality, nnd by Wellington; I a practising and ilwrc ; he win tumidly complaining' of being | "ii.; Has no be:lei-; 1 saw him sov.iml times next, alleged in residing surgeon lousy; it was not a morning ; j ay ;he was iiison.-ibl.!, lying on sails on two pprisoner could not. be taken its against himself. scut into the long bant for being KOUKTII DAY. have either personalis' heard or havo had read to •cold ; tho boy always seemed wot ofpermission the half-deck ki.owleibj'u stated that niy 11 to in if by Counsel his argument supported to L! ties..-.: 1 tiir-.l kielll-olually' to'lced him, but his The learned -I have hctt.'d ...*.i .'uik'ch mn.o for theevidence given in this case respecting the BUST'-'-ijl' ON Tin: Muir did nut leave that, part of tho ship we would ; me riusoNlUl,, was said 'about li" ii to re'iti'ii aid go ar.d sleep below again. I t c.-th wec cl.iipol t-igeth'l-: ni.-i !o seve.nl poul- j'Jggreat'number of legal retemuee.-". ■allow urn quitii sure of this; Muir sold, though 1 dv boy Francis Muir. I heard what Ou the opening of the Cou.t this My opinion is from tiv Mu. Kino,—-I have been at i nces's by the cintaiu'.- ...-de.' for th: boy, nn 1muds i After a long discussion. His Honorreserved the 1 his shoulder. •- Cross KXA'.it'.'f.D to injurs' the mornia£r ov<"y portion somo of his svhile what, clothes, not know available apnea was throiii?ed by an ■t-eafora pvind of 2-1 years; I.signed articles to c f I'm <Lii\ meal :'l noplieil them to bisice- and legs ppoint. that death svas acby (if true) adduced n allxl°U-* and the evidence were in dock ; 1 thinkhe sold some portion of celerated could form no opinion as to excited crowd., Z-f-.'W /. fa'and f.nl hack to London,; I have not.) .y rhe captain's order, tbey weiv fullof ulecnlu 1 Ciioss-KXAMiNi;ii ny Mn. ICixn.—l do not know we I by cold. apprentice bail find 1 to as bedding, my his nn quarrelled with- the captain, there was no talk of j ores; the cap.'am asked tin; to look itfic the buy, tthe present rate of wages in thjs pott for seamen. His Honor took his iscat on the Bonnh .1, the cause of death. The appearances after death Ono *»«ly Air. Kino hero requested the Court would allow own cluthesand bedding; Muir svas never on tho are the ci'jw'l'avi-.ig tho vessclon her arrivalhere; I ] said 1 h.i 1 not time: and then another nppronthose that, are often perceptible from languid after ten o'clock. quick in his mos'emeuts as the rest, have had in c .iv.-fsiition with Wilson on this I ice wa- ii.dared by the captain to do so in my 1hint to recall the cook, which being acceded to by passage 1sobelieve winch to ; exposure mortification the circulation or Cuaiii.es S'l-itAKi-nsvas then placed at th<ii,„,, he had not the posvor; I personbecause v bl*r to rnati.'r; I rca/.loe! -on th■ morning after we arrived ! lead 1 made othe.i' poultaces, and so did the bay 1His Honor. under all circumreceive sentence-. about Muir's dirty habits; tho boy was subjected, might liKouorc.Uiai* (this witness had been already ally made no complaint •here., telling th-.',■ captain we had a complaint to j itiending him: 1 never made 'any iiiu-i'n.-vl poulsaid 1 saw the Captain kick him on the 17th of stances, have accelerated death. The. svashing Ct.Eittv oi-- Ann-Aiaxs (Mr. Strang) ■naki t.i a nu.tditr.tto, butwe did not tell him what aces, the cap.am saying it was too late then ; 1 •■■Mvorn.t, by.Mr. lv.xv—l have had no quarrel with IAugust; but address! m- aha Wilson svas present at the time ; I have alone to a weak* boy, would have accelerated said, « Charles was nnide against the we hit :ud'J c ..n laining about; I did refuse to leiird a ooiivei-satiiui between Muir mil thi chief 1Wilson since the charge l' death; such treatment prisoner lound guilt}' hy a ,lury of vsm- comt™ nf^,n a few words with Wilson respect- had no further talk svith Wilson on this matter not nceesMiirilv caused do any, d-.u'y uit'.l I had soo-.i a magistrate; we all j nate before the triceing ttji: the mate sa d 'Frank, Captain; I hadin not have materially- injured v robust boy, crime of Wilful Murder would Harbour; prcviou-dy coining into Wilson of who to presence this the Waters than ing l,i tog.th captain the we wished see cure on ihe went '*■ f.-ll to lere is a pis .d, now blow your brains on', you i who might be subject to a strong boy nor would it want me a saw liquor; say,-I said he should as witness to te say why sentence of 1 did not, a magistral-", «'j w:iv not then dressed to go a I—-I—y sol-lier.:' the boy replied, 'no, sir, you j backed me on ;we were both in (,o the svashing hiive-yoi. got Death °**vivo. kick him up on deck; he did not hosv- first to the tricing up and then shore; we ha I ~v.- working dress on; wa did go ', have nearly killed nic, finish it off;' the mate I tto mv know edge, charge him with perjuring him- tlie captain I do not not bo passed upon you ? tell nic what I svas to say; during the svash- provided ho hadrecovered from the first;caused behalf .oil 31101V., it was W.l.vjn who was requested by the then sal I, 'you dniiiiiod em-, I w.-ml i think no ,•*self.' [it \vas here suggested that Wilson should ever of Mit._H.utT or ou the tricing up any way prisoner, think the alone in partly belosv; foi owing point—Thnt inasmuch as tho ralsorl ti, others of us wb -•mule tive complaint to the niagis- more of blowing your brains out nud 'browing be rec.itli'd, hut iho Court e.iuld not accede to the ing, the crew svns partly on deckand on board; Wilson accelerated death; but from the whole course of did not aver that the prisoner trate; he com-ilii'ne.lof the boy's treatment, and you overboard "than 1 would a hound;' the buy i request of oniis.-l. | 1 hud no angry words with I iiever talked about this case act j was a nice that if this ease svas proved tho treatment, to one iv Muir's condition such un of the state of' Cue forecastle; the magistrate'said took the pistol, but it not being loaded, returned 1and did not tight Wilson, not being of a lighting never u-ld would and as in a Criminal prosecution of this erav* .' be discharged aud the apprenti- might have accelerated death ;a robust boy svould the " Sniue.s- apprentices I character: 1 went to Ahuriri in * one of us mils-, prosecute,and Wilson undertook to it to the mate that was all 1 h.tard. not bu expected that the- prfso,,!: ture, it could easily tricing up. have from the J'Oiigliind ; asked it of recovered agent, of the galley in ces sent- to I the Mr. do so; we wen o.d veil tv go on board again by the Cuoss-kxamixed ny Mn. Kino. —I have been at I brook " n 1cook; 1 had charge Cross Examined liv Mr. Kino.. —I have not seen should prove affirmatively in his defence that thi, magistrate, but wedid no duty; Wilson never told sea about lii years; 1 signed articles for Welling- that capacity ; 1 dhl not threw .portions of the Stuart; no one advised me to do so; I heard of being duty was the case—this the long-boat. the of the prosecu between Bell, quarrel no Wilson and the cook, me that if this c.i.i.'g7> was pressed we should get ton, Hawke'-sßay, and back to the port ofLondon ; i galley overboard, nor utensils. Mark. ICbuuei. being duly ssvorn svas examined tor—and toutif tha same had been averred'or at" Wahp.—l whom I know; during the washing 1 was passing etir dischavge; I never, to my knowledge, com1 berthed in the'hulf-deek, where also did the ap- Kti'iiAiit. Foi.'kv, being sworn, by Mr. from the upper to the half-deck; in a similar manner by the Court. Dr. Kobbell's tempted to be proved, the prisoner might have 'Snare-brook': and repassing plained of M-ih-'-i dirty habits; the mate having prentices, live in number, and the carpenter: the am a seaman on board the barque evidence was to the following effect; that even to proved tho contrary, that he svas an alien and of that day I svas laid up; I occupied the on oiio occasion h-nvil tho boy complaining to nic apprentices wereMuir, Waters, Clink, Caunelland I joined in London on the 28th day of May last; part a healthy boy there svas some danger in such ex- therefore out of the'jurisdiction of this Court that then 011 board; the boy alter his fall half-deck. of being cold I did not think it necessary to press a small hoy whose name I do not know; iho car- Muir was gall" posure in described Muir experienced in the long- in the absence of such averment and proof, it was showed me his shoulder; I tried to By the Court.—Three parts of the crew rethe matter either on his attention or on thatof the penlei's name is Ctdc ; Mtiirslept on theaftermost f'rcJii the (if true); fair to suppose suoh,svas the case, and that therecaptain, bes'des which the boy boing_ cbntinua'.ly hunk starboard side, over the carpenter; on one put it in its place but ho could not beat" it; tho mained svere the hoy svas while svashing him- boat, and that from the whole evidence the whole treatment to which the boy svas sub- fore the indictment could not be maintained and cold, they must c irtably have seen it, the mate occasion the boy made water through the bunk boy was leaning against the windlass cry'n;: 1 self. probably cause, death, ought to be quashed ? Tho learned Counsel'sunjected on board svould .-.xamiiioil bis otl' n'.nl 1 took his shirt shoiilde':-: kept the "boy continually in a wet part of the ship; upon the carpenter, this was about 14 days bofote AcorsT Holste-v, being duly sworn—by Mr. though no single act ot" itself might do so ; tho ported his argument, by the citation of a number in the night watch the boy was kept walking from ha. went into the long-boat; I diceivei-e.l the saw a lump about two inches0:1 above what the. —I am a seaman on board the barque tricing up svns tho severest of those acts. of. cases, bearing as he presumed, on the point thoshoulder but Waiim the poop to the mainmast,and this continued in fact from hearing talk about it ; I slept on the other sho'iilder was; I pressed •' Snaresbrook" ; Muir wr.i an apprentice on board This closed the case for the prosecution. so raised by him. all tne cold weather until he died; the rent of the other side opposite to him; he was dirty in his lie could not boa." it; J tried to rai-.o his arm but llio vessel; during the passage" I sasv him lashed Mr. King submitted that there hhd been no Mit, HttANooM hasdng been heard in reply. watch used to be forward; I was in the same clothel There was no reason that I know of for he could not bear it, but he could use, tlunu'h to the riyging; this ss-as on the 14th August; I evidence allegation adduced the containsupport to His HoN-oi'. ruled against Mr. Hart, at tho sarno watch as Muir; In the day time I was at work, at aUribuiiug vermin more to h-m than the other with difficulty, his hand; the mate oid-ied him was a: the wheel from four to six o'clock: lie svas ed in tho Indictment that the Snaresbrook" was " much regretting that through the carelessness night when forwatd I could sit down'or walk hoys; I had cut.his hair close at his own request ; to go to work, but be replied he wa* not nb'.e not on dock when 1 ss-em to the svheel; ho came a.British of ship, prisoners that the wore British or shoulder till he was there dead; the prosecution, tho heavy responsibility should about as optional with myself; I do not know, who thee, was di.-tijruoiue.ut. to my knowledge exist- d.'d not see hi* on deck about half-past five o'clock; the mate as required by the til section 18 and 19th bo throsvit on him of deciding unassisted such imordered Jluir to.go, or why he went into the long- ing between Muir and myself, 1 used to shut him was twenty inches ofwater iv the long boat; there | c.inie with him ; I did not notice how be svalkcd ; subjects Victoria, and therefore on behalfof his client obboat, he told me he svasi lousy and so were all the up iti the galley at night"; I did not tell him to was some old dunnage otl tiie bit.iiui; the bos- the mate fold him to come over on the starboard jected to go to the jury. After some argument portant questions, especially-when human life svas boys; Muir was not.dirtier at first than the others, 1 g.i into, thi long-bout; I never said to Muir in tiie was lying 011 the top of it; the boy t-.-l-.l nic he j side, and fastened hina with a clove hitch round upon the point raised by the learned Counsel, at stake, intimating, however, as he had in the half deck he could v to down into the svhc j go with thei cd he after.sy.ds became so; he was not, p: eset.ee of Water., that he Muir did not go into each svi'ist, and fastened him to the rigging; 1 did the Courtrecalled Enoch Odling svho stated that course of the trial, that on this and other points, exception of being lousy, dirty in his habits; he rhe long-boat that I would, but. I said to Waters got a chance 1 called him one night bat he wa; | not notice how his hands svere; it svas ve."y cold; though land had been sighted during the passage, he svould tako the opinion of his brother Judges. hardly j could luv.i both stiff, 1 seen them, move; taking no care of he The usual proclamation "hasdng been made for clothes, -was lazy withhis did ant notice how* be was supporto I:' he re- tlie boy hud not died, while the land svas sighted silence, I tha, if' tie (Muir) did not leave tbo half-deck I too smder penalty of 'fine and imprisonment nnd leaving the.n lying about the decks, and not ! would ai I di I not like to see the ill usage Waters capiat and mate beat him it was about a week j !ma'ii'ed in thnt position till a quarter bei'.-.e eight; nor during such time svas he triced up or put in while sentence picking them up again; I heard no complaints, subjected him to; after Muir wetted the carpenter at'te.- lie fell fiom the gall' saw the captain beat- j .viie'.t he was unloosed he fell; he ofDeath svas being pronounced. in that"po- the long-boat. His however, about this; Muir was three weeks in the in his bunk, he .sometimes slept in his bunk avid ing him with the cud of a n\.-c, nnd 1 have --cftn \ sition (triced up) tor two hours ; thewas HoN'Oit assumed the Black Cap, and proboy had comafter consulting the statutes quoted ceeded to -longboat; I be.-thed in the forecastle,Muir and I sometime< on sails. He wa* 22 days in the long- the mate heat him while he svas i:i the li-ng boat, | plained of being sick; he ss-as not very sveli treated; byHis 'Honor pass sentence as follows Mr. King in support ofhis argument, decided wire in the same- watch; Muir could havo gone 1 boa.; be wa? locked up by me in the galley; I but 1 do not know what for; 1 ;i-.w the b.-.y's feet, j lie was often rope's ended ; so than the other upon letting the case goto the jury, as he reCiiAtiLMs ijTi'.AKEti, after a long and anxious down to the hah"deck where the boys were with- j use 1 to try an 1 persuade bim to go below but lie they were very bad; after aboi't two sveeks in the boys: the mate beat him;more I garded distinguished for sasv several the cumulative their trial—a trialhim statutes as in advantage on quoted deck, a; complaints long coining he from the half boat, to wa; afraid of Waters telling the'Mate, who.would svas out my knowing it; Muir made no 1 times when ho was in the long ;; ho svas nature remarking at the same time on the heavy your behalf—as faira trial asevery under any circumme of being put in the long-boat, nor did he say have beat him and pe.'haos order him to take the aw thc-iiiate ii! usirirr him; the boy cried, "fori sleeping there when 1 went to call boat him stances could be expected—a trial in svhich you responsibility Judge having he svas of svho like himself a mate me, ordered take Cod's sake d.ci't tiir." Tiic said him to a | grea-e'pol and go aloft and grea,e :he fore-royal kill anything when the mate i very to wake up, he saidhe was so cold ho no learned brethren to consult, had to establish have had the.benefit of a defence, pre-eminently slack rope when he went aloft; It was said loud which theMate used often to do in bal weather; " 1 wi i kill you before you reach New Zealand." couldhard not ;,;et up. (The witnesshere recapitulated precedent ou so important a point, he regretted distinguished for its ability, eloquence, and astuteenough for al! to hear; at that time the boy, I used often to go into tlre long-boat and see how the Captain was not present; about the sumo time all the circumstance-i of the svadiing, as to tho athe absence of any court of appeal but trusted ness ; after the most jealouscare on my own part through the soreness of his feet, could not j he got on. when "he. win writing a sta:ement of the j 1beard the mate nay to Muir. "I svish to Cod you 1 d-.'oss the boy had on, the weather, and the tiihe however that Colonial Legislation -would shortly that nothing should unfairly militate against you walk f'a3t; I ha.*o not made this matter a subject ■ treatment he experienced on board; I last raw it j wouldget hold of some slack rope ami I should have ; he was exposed to it.) reiuejly this defect. The point hosvever wouldbe svith the Jury, youhavo been found guilty of tho ofpublic conversation, though I may occasionally Ith; statement) about 7 or .0 days before -.he boy done with yuu." 1 never heard the Captain make j most atrocious crime that man can be guilty of; Choss-kxamixeu by ilr. ICiNo—I have had no reserved. have conversed regarding it with my other mes- died. It was writicn in German to, prevent the line of any threatening language;•! saw ■ him Mit. Kino am leaving conversation about the a then proceeded to address the Jury and I am bound tc say, that no Jury having revessel; I mates. Mate understanding its contents. 1 had no con- with nothing but his t.owsers on clo.'e by the foregard to theirsolemn oaths and obligations, could on behalf of the prisoner. This witness was subjected to no cross-examina- versation 'with Wilson about leaving- the vessel mast near tho galley ; he was shaking and trem- Swede,and I wish to return in her. Joiix StritAKEit. Ho commented on the fact-that have come to any different conclusion. In your tion by Mr. Hart. Mr. Hart did not cross-examine. exeeptingntperhaps the beginniugof thevoyageand bling all over; 1 next saw him in the galley, the captain ss-as ignorant of the tricing up, that case I can find no extenuating circumstances; not half-past six o'clock,but he could not speak; George Frederick Harris, being duly Gnor.oE Bern* "was the next Witness called, thsn' for a lark ; I do recollect 1 saidbefore I came about all probability tbe placing Muir in the long one featureofalleviation—not ono touch ofnature in ssvom ; below S o'clock was carried about I suw him after having been duly sworn— Mr. Brandon—l svas a passenger on board boat svas at his own request. Aud that as svith thatsvould warrant me to recommend you to tho | to WeiD'-gton that if this matte.-was not brought ho three days after, he svas lying on some wet sails: ! —by the barque '■ Snaresbrook," from England to New regard to the washing, the fact that stood in soli- notice of His Excellency, svith whom ulone rests By Mk: BitANBOx, —I am cook on board the I to light and the Maoand Captain retured in the he was still shaking and trembling, and when I! Zealand: .Muir svas an apprentice on board the tary array against the captain, it was necessitated the Crosvn's prerogative of mercy. What motive barque " Snaresbrook,and was in her on a voyage vessel 1 would not go home in her; I have men- spoke, he laughed, foolish like; I saw him two to several parties in Wellington, what he seemed svhen I first went on by the boy's dirty habits, that as captain of a ves- could have induced you to adopt such a systematio ■from England to New Zealand; I knew Francis Itioned spoke to him. but rc- same vessel; have sta'cd in my examination in chief hours before his death and a state of health; the captain and selhe svas bound, occupying the position of loci course of cruelty,-God only knows; thatpoor bofy, Muir, an apprentice on board the said vessel; he ceis'cd no reply; I next saw hiin' when dead; I board in good joined the ship in London; I should say his age about tlie pistol, it was at the boarding house I re- i had to sow him up in the morning; I took the mate both seemed stricter svith him than svith parentis to those on board, to see the apprentices probably your'superior in everything but physical not know who to, or when; apprentices; other I have seen the mate strike kept themselvesclean, and -if necessity required strength, could has'o offered you no provocation*. was about 17, and ho appeared when he joined in side in, but, I dohelpedboth his legs, one svas swollen him me to take him down after boy and examined on sundry occasions ; he'met an accident by use force in this matter pthat though some incon- (After some further remarks relative to ti:*> cruel\ a very good state of health; the mate treated him Hiciniid Waters upwards from the foot, and one only hud sores on falling gaff; from the one occasion after this I sideration might have been used svhen the state and unnatural course of treatment that Mvi- cst-i|| badly, the captain not particularly ill, until aftet: the washing about 3 o'clock, during the washing it; all his chest svas quite black, blood svas run- saw the. captain rope's on end him ; I have been pre- of the weather was considered, yet it could not perienced on the s'oyage) His Honor the Ist of July; the prisoners in the dock were re- I was at the galley at work I saw him during the ning out of his mouth. sent on ses-eral occasions when the ciptain has be established by evidence that the captain was \Vhat makes your crime so detestableis thatit is th™» pectively Captain and Chief Mate of the " Snares- washing, about every threeor four minutes; when By the Cocet,—Some of his chest was black, no ordered him aloft; the boy appeared s-eryreluctant aware of tho ill health of the unfortunate boy. crime of cowardice, and if in future men in brook ;" I remember Muir being brought dow-n in- I saw him falling after the washing I offered s I always got upbraided for what other portions of it of a lighter character; I to go; he said he was unable; the captain said he That the abscence of bedding and sufficient cloth- position shouldbe tempted to indulge in their in- d_ sensible on the evening of the Ist July; I saw him assistance because .mate, forwhom I used to wash and noticed no other colours save black, and the must go; by did the T following morning; his knee-and shoulder he moved as if incapacitated; I do not ing was through tho folly of the boy himself. humanity, the fate of Charles Straker svill act a« | the was (the chest) natural colourof the it black flesh; were much swollen; I could not say whether any do his needle work ; the washing occupied about in patches, about as big as half my hand; he was remember any particular occasion; Ido remember That notsvithstandiiig the dirty, lazy habits of a svarning. But no more of reproach. You have \ tlie captain ordering him aloft and the mate the boy his client had on se\*eral occasions shewn perhaps heard thelost words of reproach you svill j "tones were broken or whether there was any dis- 25 minutes, ho was on deck from about 12 to 2 nothing but skin and bone quite attenuated; his once saying he had better look sharp ; his movements great kindness and humanity. In conclusion he ever hear in this svorld, for I cannot buoy youup%<-***p* location; ha remained below two or three days: 0'..-1-..ck; It- .was showingnearly all the time until cheeks were quite a green colour this was on j being slow, the mate put a rope of beput his flannelson Waters took below I him -whep boy ; ifter this he ordered the round him and begged the jury to disabuse their minds ofall the svith any delusive hopes that the legal points work, to was L the morning after his death there came a smell jhauled him up; this svas an occasion prejudices that they might has'e conceived svhichhave been raised and most properly aa'd he was not able, a couple ofhours after I saw tween 2 and C; Muir all that time was lying at out Ofhis mouth; one of his shoulders svere ssvol- said he would not. go ; his movements svhen he manywhat things door put am galley the and there on his I I scrubbing scuppers, using they heard out of doors respecting this your behalf, by your Counsel, that the decision on ."""" boards the his svere gene- from him neat" len and a lump was on it just over the point of left arm. the right-knee was injured, he was using not certain whether I took him into the galley or the shoulder was black and green; his feet sveve rally slow, but 1 did not notice that they were case but come to inquire into and pronounce ver- these matters svill save your forfeited life. A the left; the injured knee was swollen over the not; 1 gave himhis meals in the long boat two or swelled up, spotted and black: there svas a ssvell more so then than at other times;-when the boy dict upon the facts submitted for their considera- great svarning is required—a great punishment is oap o'fit£ I saw the shoulder,-the bone was raised three times a day because the boys below used to on his legs; I did not see his chest, befure death fell from the gaffthe captain seemedmost anxious tioncalmly and dispassionately. And svith these prepared. You svill ha\*e time for reflection— I about him anl looked as pale as the boy fesvremarks he left the case svith them to deal svhatremains to you svill be I trust employed ia the -captain'iß use the boy steal his food and that is the reasnn why he ceased ebouj, an-inch-, -I saw him immediately, two hours before | himself; he ordered making your peace ss'ith an offended God. You him into the cuddy, when he upset a bucket of water in the cabin; he having his meals below ; one day I squeezed his when II could svith. just hear him breathe; I felt his brought out some spirits to revi\-e him;'heand exMr. Hart in on ableand most eloquentspeech svill have the benefit ofthe ministrations of ono of beat the boy and kicked him down the com- our for wearing my cap: Ido not know whose death, very which svere slow and feeble; the pulse \m\m yourosvii religion—a good old man, full of good fear t hat he had hurt sent him lisio tho tint 1 heard a was \r,i,R-Vii>at; pressed jury prisoner. orders and addressed the for the himself, panion Udder; the boy at that tiroo was was going at the rate ofa second pendulum; the going to fetch a portion of his own bedding for Chahles Stkaker. He commented most ses*erely svorks—svho svill lead you—you, the unmerciful, suffering from his shoidder, tttwhich though the mate threaten to send him there; It is not true body was cold as ice. not to the fountain of All Mercy. Profit by those on, noticing dirty would let live tho half but lie svhen the condition of coidd deck, T him in him to calmly still much diS. obon the conduct of svitnesses svho not gone down was swollen; I Cuoss-EX-WiN'EB ny Mic. JCin'o.—No one svas the boy, he desisted; he seemed to shew every keep memoranda of that which they perhaps calm hours ofreflection, svhich, unlike" the closing and Clink did ; the witness next proceedserve his knee or feet; on first coming on board he Waters but myself svhen I heard the mate say he care and kindness to him then; I did not hear foresasv ed de-eribe the of Muir when triced life up to position preient disastrously, and of Francis Muir, will be untouched by physiyet mate not the saw the send svould issue halfd'.ck; I him. slept in beating him any orders emanate from the captain about Muir attempt to remonstrate ;he begged the jury to cal pain, in making due preparation for that futuro aloft to grease the mast whenit was his watch be- to the rigging on the 14thof August. I could would kill him; when the mato ss-as but myself; it svas near the sleeping in the long-boat; I sasv the long-boat; separate tho isvo great facts of compelling to live state on which you must shortly enter. It now low, thiswasfrequently done; on the occasion ofthe see underneath his feet from the galley I havo no one svas present captain b-.ating him, I saw the mate who was on conversed with Richard Folev, about Muir's being half-deck, I was going to relieve helm at twelve I there svas water in 'it; 1 ones asked how he in the long boat, and of the last episode in the only remains for nic to proceed to pass on you tho deck laugh; I hare never seen the captain near | triced un, as nho with Mr. Harris and oil hands o'clock,he svas standingnear the foremast shaking, sveathered it in the long-boat, he complained in unhappyboy's life, the washing, as acts for svhich last dread sentence of the-law, namely—" That when the male beat, the boy; the boy was sent except Waters but as ho unloosed him from that (I allude to the day svhen he svas washed) cap- answer that i f ho was kept there any length of his client svas in no s\*ay responsible, for although you, Charles Straker, be resioved hexce to he might have been, and was doubtlessly ass-are tub l'lace prom svuence you came, and thence to tht long-boatabout fiveweeks before his death ; I position he did not require my telling him ; I saw tain and mate were near him, I saw him about [ time he svould die; I did not tell this to the cap1 used to supply his meals, Bometimeif at the j Foley in tho forecastle scuttle during the time half past six in the galley ; it ss-as on account of! tain or to the mate; I think this was in the month of them; yet, that emanating as tbey did from to tiie i'liaoe op execution*, amd that there galley doorsom.timei I gave itto him through the 1 Muir was triced up the boy Muir slent while in the boy crying near the svindlass that induced of August last on one occasion he shoss ed me his the commands of the captain', he could not subvert ix manner aki) form by lasv aptolnted, xou bb until you are dead. axd bows.of tho long-boat; when not at work' he wa3 ] the long-boat on the na-s, I saw him sleeping on me to examine his shoulder, svhen I did so, no! foot; it svas sore ; and tha leather of the shoe svas an authority which from his own position in the hanged by tub neck Almighty have merov os generally in the long-boat; it had from 18 j his bed which was on the top thereof; the bed one was present; on the first ceeasion of my doing working into the sore; this svas on one of those ship he svas bound to maintain. The learned may tue Lord God los. ss-ages ; Bell £2 svhen he slow his Soul." sick; ray per your svas svere occasions in placed pinnace; forcibly point cuild be on tho thwartsof the so svas counsel then to 20 inches of water in it; tho pinnance was over j not movements I went on, most to out sinful month as able seman which is I believe the or- told him he "had better be brisk or he svould be that life on shipboard at all times is not an easy it but did not cove* it; the boat en his first going 1 got in the long-boat from the bows. Honor was much affected during the deliHis into it had less water thanwhen he left, through Cnoss-Examined ny Mr.. Jlaut.—l had not the dinary rate ofwages ; 1 have not conversed with getting into trouble;he said he could not; Ido one ; and most peculiarly unfitted for such a boy very of the sentence, ag ss'as most all in Court. shipping heavy seas; tho weather during the l.istol to which I have alluded in my own hands, any body respecting leaving the vessel; I toll the i not recollect telling the captain about his feet; I as the deceased; svho naturally of a delicate con- Tho prisoner, svho svept bitterly, svas then recaptain I s\ ould .*:ee a magistrate before I did any think on one Sunilay, about breakfast time, svhich stitution, svas unsuited to svork such, as in a s-es- moved. period he was in the long-boat was very severe, but I heard Muir say it was not loaded. By the Court.—l did not know Muir previo v duty ; I said this svhen I was alone svith the cap- svas at. eight o'clock, the mate said I have had sel short handed as the" Snaresbrook" svas, svould, blowing constantly, accompanied with sleet at John Straker s\M3 thencalled up forjudgmont. times ! the boy was continually complaining of to coming on board the ship; lie seemed to be in- tain; I was ordered by Magistrate on board again; that boy tied to the rigging;" the captain made without any undue partiality be entailed ou him. On being asked the usual question svhat should cold and of the. numbness of his limbs; he ap- tel'igent and gentlemanly in his manners; he was I knosv Richard Waters; I never heard Bell no comment in my hearing*; I had not been on That seeing in addition toall this the boy wnslnzy, be said why sentence should not be passed. peared at this time very sickly, and was often always yon* civil to me. He was a lazy and not charge Wilson svith prcjnring himself, I have deck myself: this was not long before the washing dirfy, and on many occasionsdisobedient,it might Mr. Kino in arrest of Judgment moved a at the galloy door shivering; he said to me they a robust boy. and ill fitted for the sea; 1cannot say made no inquiry as to rate of wages in this port, I ss*hich I miw ; the boy appeared at this time unhave caused a rough untutored sailor,—and of lasv to the effect that the avermontof have nearly killed me and they can finishit;' the I talked much with h'm previous to the first day have seen Muir take the Ivjhn for about a sveek. healthy; there svns dark shades under his eyes; sailors especially have no sympathy with delicately point"Snaresbrook" being a British ship (ss'hich the no question washing crying Hart asked of this svitness. he Mn. bed ho had in the long-boat was either an old one of July but ho seemed in good health and u*ed to when I ?asv him was and shak- nurtured people, as in all probability Muir svas— the learned counsel contended svas made of straw or shavings ; ho had an old brown help me to draw water and fetch coals. I heard PittLi.tr Castnem,, being duly ssvorn,—l3y Mr. ing very much ; that it was so must have been to act iv a harsher manner than perhaps might be allegation necessary to establish tho case as materially they ; very exception from Ireland know he naked svith the of say evident; I was altogether justifiable; yet these acts sprung from woollen rug to cover him; I used often to go to tho prisoners come -IJitAXDOM, —1 nm an apprentice on board the the accused) had not been proved in evitlie 0 it to see him in the morning; I have seen nothing about Waters: Clink and Waters were i barque ".Snaresbrook." and made the passage in his trousers; there was snosv and slest every quar- no personal or vindictive feeling. As to the many against that tho prosecution could not expressions they had heard detailed in evidenceas dence ami therefore him shive iaj and benumbed all over; he was the two most respected by tho prisoners and they i her from England to New Zealand; I raw the ter of an hour. as being bad in lasv, maintained Cnoss-EVAJiiNKD By Mu. KiN'o.—Muir told me used by the mate, they svere to be regarded as bo very stiff in n ov^.-g; I saw the captain go to the used to learn navigation on the voyage; I believe captain heating the boy more than once, I did not against His Honorruled svenfc Mr. King, reserving lo!ig-b.>:it about, ten days after he was there, but I Waters comes from London. long-boat nothing before he into the thathe should still more jests—brutal jestsperhaps—but hear the captain say why or what Jluir had done: do not know that anything particular took place; Ciiahixs Ward was then called and sworn but the captain w*as beating him with his hands, I saw ask tho Captain to put him there on nccountof'the than jests: and instanced the giving the unloaded hosvover as in the former case, tho poitits_ so forcihe (Muir) came nut i.f theboat through the stern ; as it was now half-past ten r>'cloek and as it was the captain kicking him to go on deck and ss-ash persecutions ho underwent in the half-deck: I svas pistol to the boy, as shesving the absence of any bly arguedby counsel for further consideration, the boy moved but -bwlyafter his accident. (The likely his examinationwould involve tho raising himself, I raw while reefing top.-nils one day the in tho galley svith the cook ss-hen the boy fellafter seriousintention of tho nature endeavoured to he and for reference to his brother Judges. Then witness next recapitulated in a most corroborative of somo points of law, his Honor suggested that captainbeating him, becausehe ssmsnot aloft as soon the svashing, and foamed at the mouth; the imputed to him. "After alluding to the tricing addressing tho prisoner, he said, manner, both in leg.nds the date, 14th August, Mr. Ward should stand down for this evening and as "therest; this srasdiiring the reriod he was in cook drew my attention to him, but I. said I could ii]) as a punishment not unf'requent at sea,—that it John Straker after apatient fair and length*, the hou,\ the weath.;.', Muir's clothing, and the between thenand next morning, learned Counsel the long boat, I do not know lvhether the mate not bear to loolt at him ; the boy had crasvled to svns not of itself sufficient to cause death,—and ened trial, yon havo been found guilty of the factitself, the trici.ig up to the mizy.cn rigging,) should consider the points likely to be raised. or aloft: on this occasion, Muir s*,-ent the galley ; nil the cook did svas to ask some one commenting on the other parts of the evidence, crime ofmanslaughter, there being 1 circumstances was on deck ■whenreleased he feli into tholeo scuppers; the His Honok then directed the Court to be aloft very slowly; he wild he was smile and not to take him into thehalf deck, and put his flan- Mr. Hart most, feelingly appealed to the Jury as in your case svhich induced me to suggest to tho -wat not pre-cut at any time during that adjourned intimating however that he should able to go aloft, as soon us the rest, I has-e toon nel* on. to the sacred nature of their obligations as jury- Jury the more lenient consideration and although ■ captain punishment; he coiledropes that afternoon by the take his seat an hour earlier next morning to al- the mate bent him more than once because he By the Court.—Tho reason 1 made no remon- men, and that were any reasonable doubt existed I am not quite satisfied that you are not in a legal me he svas concluded the svhatMuir told svhen in in they were bound to give the licensed'the benefit; sense guilty of murder, yet if I erred in so directorder of the mate,or rather made an attempt so to low if possible the case to be was not on dee!-: in time 1 sasv the captain beat strance about do,.a- from his cotidition be win unable ; tho ship evening und so preclude tbe necessity of detaining him from the foremast to the mainmast,hekicked, the long-boat, was because the mate told me he and asking them to abstract from their, minds all ing that you shouldbe found guiltyof manslaughto day. boys their homes on the Sabbath had instructed one of the ask into tho that inighthavebeenpreviously heard of the matter ter, that error ss-as on the side ofmercy; svho shall great was lying over to ;* rt side; therewas a him deal the Jurors from him and it seemed to me svith s-iolc.-r.ee, the disof water r.t th« timo reaching-up as far as the spars The Court stood adjourned accordingly to Sa- tance was about fifte.iti yards; he (Muir) asked half-deck svithout letting it he understood that it now before them, he left the case in. their hands say that thatlittle fact that small traitof humanknowledge 0 a.m. svas consent. Imlf-way turday Jury (the mate's) the the bulwarks the 3rd at o'clock The withhis and svith all that anxiety svhich one in his position ity you evincedsvhenthoaccidcntoccured to Muir of. bulwarks; inst., up that is him not tn kick him as ho was not able to go Mn. Hart did not subject witness to cross-ex- might naturally feel, but svith every confidence falling from the gaff-—svho sliall say that that fact a.o-w.-mo three or four foot high, so that there was being' i'emove:l in custody to Oawith's whero the fast..':-, I did not we his fee-, Muir did not walk they would faithfully discharge thoir trust. has not iuHucnced.my mindand that of the jury f-'om twelve to eighteen inches of water on the Shi-.i-iffhad scouredaccommodation for them. amination. that Kt'.'Oii-'ly, M.iti-.- noser used his tirin freely after his Tho Court at this opportunity adjourned for and led us lo conceive a judgment of your subseMn. 3'iianijon here put in "The Mercantile deck 1 ob.erved no particular alteration of counThe proceedings attracted the largest possible full. I remember his being in the long boa', the attention, li'j'.ving Wednesday, puhlin proceedings published by Appentho 17th share of nnd the of and Annual of an hour. On re-assembling His quent acts in a more lenient, manner than perhaps List," authorit, quarter iho f. .a until boy's tenance pinnace svas over it, the bed svas on the ( Align t, whim tin captain told me to bring n the. inqtiiiy was watched by an exceedingly crow- thsvnrh'of the long boat; he had 1111 old straw 1 dage to the Codeof Signals for All Nations, edited Honor proceeded at twenty minutes past seven otherwise svould havo been the case? Docs not linden of water ib:* Muir to wash himself; the ded Court with the keenest and most painful bed nnd a sin.!! rug for a covering. Muir c-mi-1 by J. 11. Brosvne, K-q., Registrar General of o'elcck, to charge tho Jury. He pointed out tho thisalso prove the truth of maxims and of tho pla'mid of n morning, of being cold and his legs, Seaman's Shipping,.lßoS, to prove that thes-esscl definition ofmurder, and tho difference between holy gospels that little acta of kindness to inferiors witue s the 1related the incident of the washing, anxiety. that and the lesser crime of manslaughter, arid and to those around us in our daily life will not agreeing with thcf'i.'st witness (Wilson) in his rebeing stiff, saw Muir lying on tails nn tho half- " Snaresbrook svns a British ship. follows:—I could tho evidence as although recapitulated the evidence at great length, shewing only meet svith reward hereafter but also great reexcept DKCKMUER, 185!). ns lation of tha. iimtt-er. .SATUIIDAY 3itn, 1 deck, on theI 17ill August, captain told him to go The Court rejected lint ray the c;\ i«i ordered him to takehis trowsvas not able; captain no question could be raised us to its authenticity, svith regard to each prisoner hosv it "told for or ward even in thislife. His Honor then comment and svashhinvclf he said he of contents. THIRD DAY. against them, and suggesting the doubt svhether ed on the act of washing, as the crowning act o. te.'s .■if, they fell *<il', and remained round his feet'; said if he did not go be would, kick him, again there svas no proof svitfiing to cross-examino a witness as regards the Captain, John Straker, they could barbarity lie fell and "caw! ■*) to the port side of tho .galley in the wretched boy's existence and as be said lie svas not able, the boy went on deck Mb. Kino appearing Itrgixxa v. John and Charles Straker. on the back of the indictdoor: 1 looked and ,-aw foam rising two inches whose name find on the first count, of tho indictment. His the moans of acceleratinghis death,but went pa the captain followed him and kicked him; I next been called by tho Coun- Honor's address, which svas listened to svith the to say, I,have reason to bolicve that your confrom hia mouth nod nostrils; the captain was aft lira Iloxon Mn. Justice Johnston took his i-asv Muir on deck whenhe was svashing himself; ment, but svho had not the Court summoned greatest attention, lasted over a space of exactly science is not quite seared,and to hope that you I could not «iy ihal he saw the boy; 1 do not seat precisely* at 9 o'clock. TheCourt room being this svas about eleven o'clock in the forenoon, cap- sel for the prosecution, Enoch Oudlino who svas duly sworn by Mr. four hours, he concluding at twenty minutes past repent. In the time that you must pass separatea kn.w wh.ro the mato at that moment was, but he even more densely crowded than on the previous tainond mate were both present; 1 svas on .deck boas'tsvain and second am unite 011 King.—l board eles-en. and the captain c-,*rne and'looked at him, and then day. until four o'clock in the afternoon, I could see from tho svorld, you will have the advantage ot a After the Jury had been given iv charge of a priest of your own religion, a good old man whoso went alt again; 1 put his shirt and trowsers on as 7 Cn.vni.ra Ward, by Mr. Brandon.—l am second every thing that took place ; Muir tinished about the " Snaresbrook;" I Khippediti the former cahe was linked; 1 told the mate I had better take clerk in Her Majesty's Customj.at this port; the a q.utrtor of an hour after 1 saw him first; the pacity, the duties of wliich I still discharge as also ssvorn bailiff, at twenty-five minutes past eleven life is ono ofcharity and kindness to Ins fellow the b ly in the galloy, and try and circulate his document produced I sasv signed by the.pannel, weather svas snows- at the time ; Muir was not able those of second mate, 1 don't possess a mutes cer- they retired, and at five minutespast tsvo o'clock men—listen to his teachings and pass your houi» night withany- on Sunday morning (the 4th inst.) they returned ofseclusion in thoughts of another world, somas blood.'for it. W.i my opinion he would not weather John Struker (the usual declaration made by cap- to put on his clothes, iu:seemed tube insensible, tificate; 1 had no conversationlast y°» the mil:: hi .-;, li'-'d, 1 don't care a damn, you tains, ofvessels comingprito port.,) it svas declared he fell dosvn, Muir could not hold himself still body about giving evidence to-day. I never■'had into the Court with the follosvingsvhen your punishment shall have terminatedwin on board tho " Snaresbrook re-iv» pat him in the copper and boil jhini if you before mc. (this and the other witne'«.f described by notion any" conversation will emerge again into the world a new mani act* VERDICT. discharge. have had stated, 1 not tiiy specting my by work for about continued two T V.ke ,' I ih.'.n went on a new heart ready and anxious Mn. Bhanijox offered the documents ns evidence the. shaking.and trembling of the hoy) Muir.- was my clothes all ready to leave ; 1 do not remember hoiii-s, a.,d r'n.'ii weiil and told the captain the against I Jonx Straker, guilty of manslaughter on the ofgentleness and forbearance to make an tno him there; the prisoner. John Straker, as an admission carried to the half-deck ; 1 next sasv about sous. und that'-'l believed he was the "Si'mreibrook" reparation in your ]>osver for the sad, sad past. Jv 'condition o.'the.boy; Muir, conversing with Waters about leaving the vessvl. Ihigh mate ncs-er gave, me any orders ship, British the svas a and Charles Stoaker murder guilty of wilful on now only remains for me to pass tho sentence oi By the Court. —1 am not aware of any conspi- j mt d -ni i* d .or; the captiin immediately went therefore that the offence alleged to have been nor said anything to me about him. on board to get discharged from the vessel; the high sens. foiwatd. 1 -wked at Ihe boy, ordered me to got him committed, was the Courtupon you which is. that,s™theb sp*«-» came svithin the jurisdicCROss-nXAMixun ny Mil. Kino.—l joined, that racy not His Honor intimating that it being nosy the prisoned anything about svho leads this prointo the galley, a;*d inalto him some gruel, bring- tion of the Court.0110.that know and kept to penal sorvitude for I 510 i is I signed my indentures in Billitev-street, Lon- secution ; 1 have not heard this mutter conversed Lord's Day, it would be more consistent svßh ing me aixiut haif-a-pint of rum to put'into the decorum to postpone judgment until Monday of TheJ Mn. Kirn*, on behalf of John Straker, urged the don, I svetit on board while tho vessel svas in the about on hoard ship. (who looked srretchedly ill anil oatnicd. and try and get. him to take some; I Muir board; svas then on svas made he A, y fast in the galley, in which therewasa document ought not to bereceis'cd in esi.lence as docks; Muir adjourned for half an hour on morning. He thanked the gentlemen ofthe Jury careworn) was then removed. Courthere ~..„' „€ dirty while the Tbe not. in I svas middling, very dock; not the to patient investigation they given his it was sufficient under the io7th clause of for the had blood, large ihe, my i'lij.iet being to chculate This case terminated the Criminal «tt in deck lias-ing joined on the re-assembling the following medical testimony svas this painful case and discharge them. and d,v.. !iij"c'o* hes;.l made'the gruel, but'the Act, i7th,and 18th Victoria, as the declaration about three weeks behalf of the prosecution so as hypotheCourt, and it then adjourned.to Thursday wtf. called on sailing May vessel on the' 2'Jth of mentioned, by Monday herein should be made the ownc-. 2ndand the TheCourt then the ta*# to adjourned in'taking succeed svas W>U tried,could not boy, althoii'-jj-i he. tho Bth instant, when the Civil <n«l» I berthed ticully to prove the foregoing evidence. Gth instant, at 10 o'clock, when the prisoners placo. jt; two men carried him down into tho half deck Also that the prosecutor) under the sectionalluded last. Muir svason boiv.d fhesvholetiinc; Alexander Johnstonbeing duly ssvorn stated would receive, sentonco. him'-'gruel next'day, to, ought by direct evidence -pro\*e distinctly tho in the half-deck svith him ; there was no com- - , : , 1 ,,, «..,„-*, that any admission OEMBeTT « t " : , ,< .. : ' '1 ' ' ' : IHltXw , ' ' -, . . : , : 1 ; ..• • StrakcrtChave HfchaSafJ% ffl .' :1 1 ' :— • . ' . - ' ,, ; ; : . . ; * Jak : . : ' - 1 r " > • • . ' — ' •• : : , ' - J . ' ■ '.''"'. " p?fsoner : tbecaptauiitp2d:anoto?nako . °