Management ensures efficient support to IT

Management ensures
efficient support to IT
Customer profile
Hospital do Coração deploys a management solution and reduces annual
spending on software licensing and maintenance by 22%
Company Hospital do Coração
Industry Healthcare
Country Brazil
Employees 2,893
Business need
With a hardware environment of more
than 1,800 PCs and servers, the Hospital
do Coração relied on an outdated
management solution that required a
series of manual work and decided to
replace it with a more modern solution
that offered more resources.
After evaluating the market, the hospital
decided to implement a Dell endpoint
management solution that includes
KACE appliances.
“We started managing 1,400 devices with
Dell KACE appliances at a lower cost than if
we had renewed the license of our previous
solution. The annual cost fell by approximately
22 percent, which represents a significant
Marcio Lima, Technical Support Coordinator, Hospital do Coração
• R
educes annual spending on
software licensing and maintenance
by 22%
• Automates the patch distribution
process, so all machines are up-todate
• Streamlines machine warranty
control, facilitating updates and
replacement planning
Solutions at a glance
• Endpoint Management
Located in São Paulo, Brazil, the
Hospital do Coração (HCor) served its
first patients in 1976, when it opened
its admissions, surgical center and
emergency units. In 1989, it opened a
diagnostic center capable of performing
tests for basically all specialties and
degrees of complexity. Next, pediatric
cardiology was introduced as a specialty,
and soon after, in 1996, HCor opened
another building to house the pediatric
and adult intensive care units.
The institution entered the 2000s with
an IT environment that included more
than 1,500 PCs and servers. According
to Marcio Lima, HCor’s technical support
coordinator, the hospital adopted a
management tool in 2008 that covered
its demands for a while.
The IT team started searching for a
solution that offered more features at a
lower cost. The hospital was already a
Dell client — Dell technology constituted
95 percent of its environment — so its
first choice was natural. “Dell presented
us with the Dell KACE solution and we
asked for a proof of concept,” recalls
The proof of concept (PoC) began
with the management of 100 PCs and
servers. The results were satisfactory,
and the test was expanded to 300 PCs
and servers and, soon after, to 600. The
tests lasted three months, during which
time the solution proved itself superior
to the one previously used. “During the
proof of concept, Dell KACE had two
updates, which was not the case with
the previous solution. We were surprised
by this evolution,” says Lima, noting
there were also features that were not
available in the previous model.
New solution at a lower investment
According to Lima, after the PoC, the
Hospital do Coração decided to shift to
the Dell KACE solution, which included
two appliances: the Dell KACE K1000
Systems Management Appliance for
managing software and the hardware
environment; and the Dell KACE K2000
Systems Deployment Appliance for
deploying devices. Implementation
was quick: the test scenario went
into production, taking over the
management of, at the time, 1,400
PCs and servers. In addition, the HCor
implemented the solution to a Dell
appliance that was later replaced by a
virtual server.
“We started managing 1,400 devices
with Dell KACE appliances at a lower
cost than if we had renewed the license
of our previous solution,” said Lima.
Furthermore, Dell also performed a
simulation of the investment needed in
the subsequent renewals, reaching an
amount that was also lower. “The annual
cost fell by approximately 22 percent,
which represents a significant reduction.”
One of the highlights of implementation,
according to Lima, is that the Dell KACE
solution runs its his own operating
system, which eliminated the need
for a specific server and for licensing
Microsoft SQL Server in order to run the
solution. “Now we don’t have to worry
about the means of access to the server.
The Dell KACE solution is much simpler,”
said Lima. Currently, Dell KACE K1000
is responsible for the management of
1,800 devices.
HCor uses Dell KACE K2000, in turn,
for device deployment. In a hospital
environment, there are devices that
support customer service — that is,
patient care — so they cannot stop
running. With Dell KACE K2000, the
support department can recover any
machine in minutes, with very little
effort from the IT department and, in
several cases, without having to dispatch
workers to the site, which can often be a
restricted area.
Products & Services
Dell Deployment Services
Dell KACE K1000 Systems
Management Appliance
Dell KACE K2000 Systems
Deployment Appliance
More features and efficiency
Comparing IT environment control
today with that of a few years ago, Lima
notes that much of what he used to
do required extra investments. “For
example, Dell KACE K1000 automatically
distributes software correction patches
from different manufacturers. Dell KACE
also has the ability to distribute updates
for BIOS, firmware, and drivers, which
saves our help desk work and makes
service much faster,” he says.
The benefits obtained with the new
features don’t stop there. Lima also
highlights the machine inventory
process, now carried out in a transparent
way for the users.
Another feature Lima singles out is the
control of licenses and warranties. For
example, with Dell KACE, the Hospital
do Coração’s support department can
tell how many Office licenses there are
in the environment and how many are
actually in use, optimizing their use and
avoiding the purchase of unnecessary
licenses. In the case of machines,
the solution can identify when each
machine was purchased and control the
warranties for each one. “We managed
to reduce costs for both licensing and
the automation of what we were doing
manually. Now, thanks to Dell KACE, we
can see that very clearly.”
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