and we have the best news of all to share

Elim Church of New Zealand
PO Box 58644, Greenmount, Manukau 2141, New Zealand
(Charities Registration CC26555)
Phone// (09) 538 0373 | Fax// (09) 538 0366 | Email//
Welcome to
Welcome to this
guide for visitors to
Elim churches
Church is
about people
To most people ‘church’ means
offering forgiveness and eternal
Church is one of the most unusual
a building but the true Church is
life, and His compassionate heart
places; where people who wouldn’t
people in whom Christ lives by His
showing mercy to the oppressed
naturally spend five minutes
Spirit, giving us spiritual life, and
and needy.
together, begin to share their lives.
When I discovered the Elim church it was like coming
When you attend an Elim church you are joining tens of
strength to represent Christ to the
home. This was my spiritual family and where I belonged.
thousands of other Christian believers who worship in
world in every generation. In fact,
Church is a place that encourages
I know God has a family much bigger than Elim, but the
Elim churches around the world. We all have a similar
the Bible describes the Church as
people to have purpose and
atmosphere, music style; relevant teaching and family
aim that unites us. It is a desire to reach up to God in
like Christ’s body. We are to be
direction. It is a place of love,
People matter to God and they
focus of the Elim church told me I had found my spiritual
worship; to reach out to our communities in service and
His hands bringing healing, His
acceptance and transformation.
matter to us.
home. That was over twenty years ago and I am today
to share the difference Jesus Christ has made in our
feet bringing good news, His voice
as excited about that family as I was when I first came.
That is my dream for you.
I am delighted that someone has made this magazine
Nearly a century ago our founders wanted the name of
available to you and trust that the following pages will
their new movement to express their vision and values,
bless and encourage you as you read them.
This happens as they live in the love
that God provides.
and so they chose the name Elim. This was the name of
an oasis in the Bible that the people of God discovered
as they wandered through the desert. It provided both
shade and refreshing for all who encountered it. Life can
sometimes feel like a desert, and so in Elim we have
sought to build churches that are places of spiritual
Luke Brough
refreshing in their communities.
National Leader Elim Churches of New Zealand
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: © Copyright 2008 Elim Church of New Zealand Incorporated
Many thanks to Elim Pentecostal Church of UK for assistance with this publication.
What does
‘Elim’ mean?
This unusual word has a very interesting background. It
was the name of an oasis mentioned in the Bible, located
Our History
on the escape route of the Israelites from Egypt.
You can imagine what this oasis meant to weary people
after days of slogging through the soft, clinging desert
sand with the sun beating down relentlessly on their
Exodus 15:27 says that at Elim there were 70 palm trees
losses in trade. Bad language disappeared and never
A well known evangelist, Smith Wigglesworth - the great
clustered round twelve wells. After the dust and heat and
returned to the lips of many. The Times observed that
man of faith, came to New Zealand for crusades in 1922.
thirst of the desert, the shade of the stately palms and
In 2004 we celebrated 100 years since what is known
the whole population had been suddenly stirred by a
This was the beginning of what was to be known as the
the cool sparkle of those refreshing springs must have
as the Welsh revival. During the spring of 1904 a young
common impulse. Religion had become the absorbing
Pentecostal Church of New Zealand. In August 1949
seemed like heaven on earth.
Welshman named Evan Roberts, a 26 year old student,
interest of their lives. They gathered at crowded services
negotiations were set in motion by the Conference of the
had a spiritual experience which led him back to the
for six and eight hours at a time.
Pentecostal Church of New Zealand to link up with the
It was this idea of finding shelter and refreshment that
Elim Church of Great Britain.
inspired the name ‘Elim’.
The Elim Pentecostal church in the United Kingdom has
For many people life is like a desert. They just exist in
over 500 churches, and over 9000 churches in many
a monotonous round of working, eating, sleeping. For
Introducing the Elim Pentecostal Church
young people of his own church where he shared this
experience and encouraged them to be open to God’s
A powerful spiritual awakening that brought 100,000
people to Christ was under way.
God poured out His Spirit and within two weeks
The revival storm that hit the hills and valleys of Wales in
countries around the world. The Elim Church of New
them – perhaps for you – even the pleasures of life are
the Welsh Revival was national news. Before long
the dying months of 1904 soon became a hurricane that
Zealand has over 40 churches throughout the nation with
no more than a kind of mirage – ultimately meaningless
Evan Roberts and others were travelling the country
affected the world. Visitors caught the flame then passed
significant churches in the main centres.
and unsatisfying.
conducting Revival Meetings. Meetings which broke
it on to new countries.
Every year we hold our Annual Conference where over
The emptiness of life without real purpose can be
the conventional and bypassed the traditional – often
the ministers just sat down unable to preach or even
Our Elim churches were birthed out of the Welsh
1000 people from around New Zealand gather for 3 days
transformed into the richness of a life that is meaningful
to understand what storm had arrived in their usually
revival. The Elim Pentecostal Church was founded in
of worship, teaching and fellowship.
because it is shared with Jesus Christ.
sedate churches.
1915 by a Welshman named George Jeffreys who was
an outstanding evangelist and church planter. He was
It is our belief that Elim has a significant part to play in
You can know this reality in your life! Drop in and see us
strongly influenced by the Welsh Revival of 1904.
the world today, and we are confidently looking forward
at Elim – we’ll be glad to tell you all about it and share it
to what God will do in the future.
with you.
People were changed in so many ways. The crime rate
dropped, drunkards were reformed, pubs reported
Jesus—who He really is
More words have been
spoken, more books
have been written,
more songs have been
sung, more art has been
created and more movies
have been made about
Jesus, than anyone else
in history.
Latourette said, ‘Measured by his
God, to love him was to love God,
living life our own way and put
effect on history, Jesus is the most
and to reject him was to reject God.
Jesus in charge of our lives.
influential life ever lived on this
Even his sentence to be crucified
When someone asked the great
planet. That influence appears to be
was on the charge of blasphemy,
scientist Sir James Simpson, who
because he claimed to be God.
pioneered the use of chloroform,
Charles Dickens would often tell his
He is the only person who ever
‘What do you regard as your
family the story of Jesus’ life, but in
chose to be born and chose to die
greatest discovery?’, he was
1849 he decided to do more than
and to rise again. There are those
expected to say it was chloroform.
His birth, death and resurrection are
that. He wrote for them the ‘Life of
who may choose how or when to
But Simpson answered, ‘My
the biggest events celebrated in our
Christ’. The intro reads, ‘Everybody
die, but ultimately death is not a
greatest discovery was that Jesus
world today, with more than two
ought to know about Jesus. No
choice – we all have to go some
Christ is my Saviour.’ He wrote, ‘In
billion people claiming to follow him.
one who ever lived was so good, so
time. But Jesus had never sinned,
Christ you will find a companion, a
The whole world counts time as
kind, so gentle and so sorry for all
and so never deserved death – it
friend, a brother who loves you with
Before Christ – BC – and after him
the people who did wrong or were ill
had no right or power over him
a greater love than a human heart
– AD (Anno Domini, which means
or miserable, as he was.’
unless he allowed it.
can conceive.’
‘In the year of our Lord’). Some
But Jesus isn’t just the central figure
In the Bible, the Apostle Paul tells
Have you experienced that? The
academics now use the politically
of history, he is outside of history
us that, ‘In Christ all the fullness of
amazing truth is that you can have
correct terms BCE (Before the
too! He is alive today, because he
the Deity lives in bodily form.’ But
a personal relationship with the
Common Era) and CE (Common
is more than just a man, he is the
instead of asserting his authority
Creator of the universe – through
Era) instead, but they mean exactly
human face of God. He existed
over humanity, he washed his
Jesus. It’s what life is all about – and
the same thing: history revolves
before time and space, and is
followers’ feet and chose to take
it’s why life is empty, if you don’t
around Christ. Even those who write
the punishment for all mankind’s
know him.
against Christ acknowledge him
Jesus said that to see him was to
sin by dying on the cross. Why? To
See page 18 if you would like to
when they date their writings.
see God, to know him was to know
save the whole world from God’s
know how to become a Christian.
The great historian Kenneth Scott
God, to receive him was to receive
judgment – only if we turn from
Church is
about caring
is about
Secondly, worship is an offering. We bring ourselves. We
give what no one else can give: our time, our love, our
voices and hearts. As we worship, we offer something
of priceless value that actually brings God pleasure.
Thirdly, worship is an encounter. In the Garden of Eden,
Jesus once said that no sparrow – the
smallest and most insignificant of birds
– ever fell to the ground without God
knowing and caring about it. Then
he went on to say that human beings,
whoever they are, are far more valuable
to Him than a sparrow.
Adam and Eve had an amazing relationship with God.
Many Elim churches around the nation are actively
We believe in
involved in reaching out to their community and the
surrounding nations.
The Bible makes it very clear that faith without action
is of little value. Jesus said the same when he pointed
out that even the simplest act of giving some refreshing
Adam talked with God and could sense when he was
around. Since this relationship is now damaged through
our disobedience, God has made provision, through his
Son, for a new relationship.
water to someone who is thirsty is as valued in God’s
Bible believing Christians are convinced that God really
eyes as an outward display of worship.
does answer prayer. Not always in the way we would
like; sometimes He says ‘no’ to our requests, or ‘wait
until the right time’; but if the Bible is true then God must
Church is...
answer prayer because He says He will do so many
times in his book.
Prayer is simply talking to our Father God in our own
words – you don’t have to know all the right Christian
jargon or be perfect in order to get God’s attention. He
cares and He is always listening out for genuine hearts.
Firstly, worship is a response from the heart. Genuine
worship, like love, can never be enforced by command.
The more our personal relationship with God develops,
God wants it to be the expression of a heart touched by
the more we will be in tune with His will and His ways, so
his Spirit.
that we will pray for the right things at the right time.
Don’t all religions
lead to God?
With all the religions in the world, what
makes Christians think they are right and
other religions wrong?
Some people
think that there are
many paths to God
but Jesus said, ‘I
am the way’—not
one of many ways
does not make other religions right. For the Christian
power behind the universe?’
are right.
there is an underlying bedrock motivation to go into the
Again there are such diverse answers that they cannot
But the fourth and only choice for the Bible-believing
entire world and preach the Christian Gospel as the only
all be right. For some, spiritual enlightenment is achieved
Christian is that only Christianity is true and other
It sounds like arrogance, but that’s not the reason
answer to man’s eternal needs – because that’s exactly
physically, through severe self-discipline. For others, it’s
religions are either imitations or false. There can be no
Christians believe they have the truth.
what Jesus commanded us to do.
through study and learning. Still others emphasise that
doubt that this was the attitude of Jesus Christ to the
One thing is certain: not all religions can be true, because
A simple definition of religion is: ‘Humanity’s attempt to
you need a mystical experience, even induced by drugs.
other religions he was surrounded by. Jesus himself said,
their basic beliefs contradict each other. If a witness in
relate to the power behind the world in which we live.’
‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to
a court of law stood up and gave a completely different
On that definition, most religions, superficially, look the
the Father except through me.’
account of events to someone else, it would be up to the
same. They all develop an organisation and professional
jury to decide who is telling the truth. In religion, it’s just
priests or clergy; they all put up religious buildings –
the same, but woolly thinkers somehow get away with
whether temples, shrines, churches or mosques; they
saying, ‘But all religions are the same.’
all have certain ceremonies of worship; they all mark
Hindu scholar Professor Zaehner correctly states,
significant times in life – such as birth, marriage and
‘To maintain that all religions are paths leading to the
same goal, as is frequently done today, is to maintain
But very basic differences between religions do exist,
something that is not true. The basic principles of
and to see that we need to ask two more questions.
creator God of the universe. That is not to say that other
Eastern and Western religions are simply not starting
First, ‘What exactly is the power behind the universe?’
religions do not do good things to help mankind, but
from the same premise.’
Some religions, like Buddhism, say it’s a kind of life force.
So which religion is true? There are only four possible
the fundamental truth about forgiveness and salvation is
Today, our Western world is a multi-religious society
Others say there are all kinds of different ‘spirit’ beings in
answers. First, none are right and religion is just a crutch
found only in the Christian Bible.
and so it is popular to say, ‘We should be tolerant of all
trees and rivers or mountains. Still other religions say that
for the weak. Second, all are right and it doesn’t matter
That message is exclusive to Christianity, but the offer of
there is a single person or supreme being. They cannot
what you believe as long as you are sincere. Third, they
friendship with God is also totally inclusive – it’s open to
We certainly should be tolerant of other people’s beliefs
all be right.
all have part of the truth, some more than others and we
all the world, to as many who have faith to put their lives
– Jesus never forced anyone to follow Him. But that
The second question is, ‘How do you get related to this
need to decide for ourselves which bits of each we feel
in Jesus’ hands.
Jesus said, ‘No one comes
to the Father except through
me’... The Bible says, there is
one mediator between God
and men—Christ Jesus
The Christian faith is both exclusive and inclusive!
Exclusive, in that the Bible says, ‘There is one God and
one mediator between God and men, the man Christ
Jesus.’ Peter, one of Jesus’ twelve closest followers,
said, ‘Salvation is found in no one else.’
The Bible clearly states that only Christianity reveals the
way to get into a living, eternal relationship with the one
Church is
reaching out
Our Churches
The desire in Elim is to have churches that are all God
we should operate on the basis of relationship, not rules.
wants them to be. The vision is for ministries and
And that we get along even though we are different. I
churches to be free to diversify and be as creative as
have six brothers and three sisters. We are all different.
possible to get the job of preaching the Gospel and
It doesn’t mean that we fight whenever we get together;
making disciples done.
we accept each other’s differences. Our Christian family
will last much longer, it lasts for eternity.
Different groups or ‘denominations’ of Christians have
emerged over the centuries. Each of these groups has
The Bible also teaches that the church is a body. A body
their different emphases, but all share the same basic
doesn’t operate on the basis of elected parts, but each
Evangelism means to bring good news
—and we have the best news of all to share
faith. Elim’s own emphasis is on the work of the Holy
part does what it was created to do. Did your hand elect
Spirit in the Church and in the life of every believer.
to be a hand? Of course it didn’t, it does what it was
There are many different ways that you can structure
not operate on the basis of elected officers. We do not
We all like to hear good
news! Whether it’s the
birth of a baby, good
exam results or a positive
career move, these
notable events put a
smile on our faces and
change an average day
into a great one.
From the very beginning the church
designed to do. Because the church is a body, we do
with the good news about Jesus. It
become disciples – learners – in
a church but the Bible doesn’t teach us about the
practice congregational government, but by recognising
was Jesus’ own command to ‘go
God’s school of life. Our local
structure of the church; it teaches us about the nature of
spiritual gifts. If God has called you to do something, it
and make disciples of all nations’.
churches exist not just to spread
the church.
will become apparent over a period of time. Your gifting
And still today, the church is an
the word about Jesus, but to help
institution that exists primarily for
those who believe to build their lives
The Bible teaches that the church is a fellowship.
the benefit of non-members!
to reflect Jesus to others. Why,
Fellowship implies promoting unity and down playing
We are not about restrictions or divesting responsibility,
because if our lives back up our
differences. Promoting unity and harmony is a top
but about allowing each church the freedom to pursue
But making disciples is not just
message, people are more likely
priority. We are saying that we want unity with diversity.
the vision God has given them, and yet still desiring to
about leading people to belief in
to be convinced of the truth of that
Just because we may have different emphasis, it doesn’t
remain part of the Elim family. Our denomination’s vision
Jesus. It is about helping them to
mean that we can’t have fellowship.
has always been for the local church to be motivated to
will become evident to others.
evangelise their community, city, nation and the world.
existed to reach out to other people
The Bible teaches that the church is a family. Therefore
New Zealand
Global Network
Ministry Training College
Ministry Training College
of New Zealand is a
great place to come for
practical, effective and
life changing training for
Christian ministry and
leadership development.
is done through church involvement, strategic ministry
and partnerships, releasing and supporting people to
serve overseas, prayer, funding, training, and emergency
humanitarian relief assistance.
Over two-thirds of the
worlds people still don’t
know the life changing love
of God for themselves.
As well as longer-term missionaries we also encourage
further with you to see how we can
persons in Christian ministry skills.
assist your growth in God, and to
In the Diploma programme, the
develop your leadership capabilities.
focus is more on the development
of leadership skills and ministry
specialisation via an internship
Coming to MTC has definitely
type programme. The two College
changed my life. I have grown in my
It offers a supportive learning
campuses are based in Auckland
relationship with God and I
environment in which you will be
and Christchurch, each with their
have grown in my understanding of
challenged, stretched, encouraged,
own flavour.
His word. I am able to use what I
Many of our Elim Churches are engaged in transforming
people, communities and nations around the world. This
ranging from young adults to mature
have learnt and apply it to my life.
blessed and empowered by the
Holy Spirit. As God works in your
We want to help you develop a
own life, so your influence on
vibrant and intimate relationship
the lives of others will be greatly
with God that shapes your everyday
MTC has become a vital part of
- Neena Paul, Student
short-term missionaries and team visits overseas.
because over two-thirds of the world’s people still do not
choices and propels you into the
the development and training of
People who participate in short-term missions are not
know the life changing love of God for themselves.
The College is the ministry training
amazing future that God has in
people for Christian ministry. We are
arm of the Elim movement, and
store for you. If you are interested
increasingly encouraging those who
Our heart is to see our Elim churches in New Zealand
offers NZQA accredited Certificate
to learn more about MTCNZ, visit
feel the call of God into leadership
playing an effective role in reaching out to this world that
and Diploma level qualifications. or call 0800
God loves so much.
In the Certificate programme, we
MTCNZD, or email admin@mtcnz.
themselves in the college.
teach, train and equip students We would love to talk
- Luke Brough, National Leader
only a blessing to those they visit and serve, but they
themselves can be enriched, inspired and challenged.
Being involved in global missions is not an optional extra,
We believe in the
The Bible is God’s manual for life. Everyone knows what
History—His Story
happens when you try to build kit-set furniture without
looking at the maker’s instructions. So why try to live life
without following the Creator’s instructions?
We believe the Bible because:
• In it’s focus upon Jesus Christ it is the supreme
The Bible reveals that truly to understand
the history of the world and its future,
you have to understand that God is in
Jesus first came to live as a man, and perhaps one of
the most remarkable was that of the place where Jesus
was to be born. At the time of his birth there were five
Bethlehems in Israel and yet the prophet Micah, 500
Despite the chaos we often see around us, history is
years earlier, specified Bethlehem Ephratah as the place!
following God’s plan – He knows all that is to come.
The Bible contains perhaps twice as many prophetic
The Bible is a remarkable book, not least for its
signs relating to the Second Coming of Jesus, and from
prophetic/predictive content. It is estimated that 25%
the beginning of the 20th century onwards there has
of the Bible is taken up with prophecy or prediction.
been an amazing series of fulfilments of these signs.
There are in fact over 700 predictions in the Bible, of
In view of all this, the Bible is a book that needs to
which more than 600 (86%) have already been fulfilled
be taken seriously because it is truly history written in
exactly as predicted. This makes the Bible unique, when
advance – just one area of proof for the fact that the
compared to other methods of prediction. Computer
Bible is inspired by God. The reason Jesus told us not to
predictions are reckoned to be 25% accurate, and occult
be anxious is simply because he’s told us the end of the
predictions only 5% accurate!
story – good will triumph over evil!
Someone once said that the Bible is not a book by man
While the Bible warns against futile speculation about the
about God, but rather a book by God about man, so it is
details of the future, it nevertheless gives us a clear guide
not surprising that one expression is used almost 4,000
to the general picture of how this world will end – and
times – ‘The Lord says’.
then begin again in a new way.
Bible prophecy covers a wide range of subjects, but
More importantly, the Bible is also a guide to our lives
most prophecy deals with two main events involving the
here and now. And God can speak to us through it. The
same person. That person is Jesus of Nazareth, and the
writer of the Psalms said, ‘The entrance of your word
two events relate to his first and second arrivals on our
gives light.’ There has never been a more important time
to read the Bible, and respond to what it says, because it
Scores of very detailed prophecies were fulfilled when
truly is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path!
revelation of God to man.
• Its 66 books, though written by over 40 different
human authors in three languages over 1,600 years,
signs and wonders from God that affirm that preaching,
in the same way that New Testament Christians did!
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is intended for every
believer and it brings us into a new realm of living – life
in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is ‘God’s empowering
presence’ in the lives of his people and God wants us all
to be continually filled with his presence and power.
We believe in
water baptism
retain a close-knit unity of theme and purpose. This is
The act of baptism in water is a thrilling moment in the
evidence that the Holy Spirit inspired the entire book.
life of a believer. Elim baptises people because we
• Jesus himself made it the basis of his teaching and
believe in following Bible teaching in all that we do. Even
personal conduct. To be a follower of Jesus means that
Jesus was baptised, because, as he said to John the
we, too, believe the Bible.
Baptist, “we must do all that God wants us to do.”
• It alone reveals the way to be saved from sin, and all
we need to know to live a life that pleases God.
Elim churches totally submerge the believer in water
(only briefly!) because we believe that this is how it was
We believe in the
baptism of the
Holy Spirit
done in the Bible. The original words used in the Bible
Like all Pentecostal churches, Elim places great emphasis
do “christenings” with water. For babies, we have a
on the work of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives today.
dedication service instead, where we dedicate the child
for baptism mean to dip or to dye – both of which involve
going under the water.
In the Bible, only people old enough to make their
own decision to become a Christian were baptised
– not babies or young children. In Elim we do not
to God.
We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit equips
believers for full involvement in the mission of the Church.
If you are a Christian and have not yet been baptised in
We do not believe that God wants his Church to be weak
water, there is no better time than now!
and ineffective. We want to preach the Gospel and see
We believe in
heaven and hell
One day a little boy came home from
Sunday school looking sad and upset.
His mum asked him if Sunday school
had been all right. The boy said it had
been fine, so Mum asked, ‘Then why are
you so upset?’
What is a real Christian?
Why make Jesus your
priority? Because Jesus
made us His top priority
– he gave His life for us.
And in exchange for our
commitment to Him, He
gives us everything that
really matters.
right direction. The brilliant principle
A// Admit
on which a holy yet merciful God
that you have done wrong.
operates is substitution.
The bible says, “All have sinned
only half the picture, because the Bible also says just as
A real Christian is someone who
ask Him to become your personal
B// Believe
clearly that hell is a real place. What is hell like? Jesus
has made Jesus the Lord of his life
Saviour; otherwise the death of
that Jesus died so that you can be
tells us it is a place of anguish (Luke 16:23) and a place
– the number one priority.
Christ cannot apply personally to
forgiven, and ask God to forgive
Through Jesus, the Apostle Paul and the Gospel writers,
the Bible teaches that heaven is a reality. But this is
to avoid at all costs (Mark 9:43). The only thing that hell
and fall short of the glory of God”
Jesus became our substitution
(Romans 3:23).
when He died on the cross. He
willingly allowed himself to be killed,
so that we can live. But you must
The Bible says “If we confess our
The boy replied, ‘The Sunday school teacher said,
has in common with heaven is that it also lasts forever
Everyone has made mistakes and
“Hands up everyone who wants to go to heaven.” ’
(Revelation 20:10). The Apostle Peter tells us it is a place
done wrong. “All have sinned”,
Following Jesus will change your
sins, he is faithful and just and will
‘So what was wrong with that?’ asked Mum.
of absolute darkness (2 Peter 2:17) and the Apostle Paul
says the Bible. God will not allow
life forever, but the actual steps you
forgive us our sins” (1 John 1:9).
‘Nothing,’ the boy replied. ‘I wanted to go to heaven,
tells us it is a place where people are shut out from the
any sin into heaven, so people must
take to begin are as easy as ABC.
but you said I had to come straight home after Sunday
presence of God (2 Thessalonians 1:9).
be completely ‘clean’. No one can
If you would like to know Jesus for
How can a loving God send people to hell? The answer
get into heaven on their own merit.
yourself, be certain that your sins
The boy had misunderstood, but he was clear on the
is that he doesn’t send anyone there – we choose it
God does not work on a ‘do the
are forgiven and that one day you
C// Commit
fact that heaven was a place he did not want to miss.
ourselves. If, in this life, we choose to avoid God – then
best you can’ basis. He doesn’t
will go to heaven, follow these three
yourself to living God’s way from
When you understand what heaven is like, you can
that choice lasts forever. But if we choose God in this life,
weigh up our good works and bad
easy steps while talking to God in
now on.
appreciate why the boy was keen.
then we choose to be with him forever.
works and see if the scales tip in the
your own words.
Jesus said, “Whoever follows me
The Bible tells us that heaven is a place where there will
The good news is that God does not want anyone to be
will never walk in darkness, but will
be no more pain, no more sadness and no more death
shut off from his presence. God loves you so much that
have the light of life” (John 8:12).
(Revelation 21:4). Not bad for starters! But much more
he wants to begin a relationship with you right now – that
than this – the Bible tells us that heaven is a real place.
will continue into eternity.
Following Jesus is not always an
There are over 250 references to heaven in the Bible.
Perhaps the best known verse in the Bible is John 3:16
easy road, but it is the best decision
Jesus himself often talked about heaven, encouraging
which tells us, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave
you will ever make. For help to live
us to pray to his Father in heaven (Matthew 6:9). The
His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall
your new life, speak to one of the
Apostle Paul also talks about heaven, telling us of the
not perish but have eternal life.’
leaders of your local Elim church.
‘hope that is stored up for us in heaven’ (Colossians 1:5)
You can know God for yourself, and be certain that you
and that life in heaven lasts forever (2 Corinthians 5:1).
are going to heaven.