COURSE SYLLABUS BIB 0300 3RD GRADE BIBLE I. COURSE DESCRIPTION The 3rd Grade Bible Course encourages and teaches students how to make Jesus the Ultimate Teacher of their lives. Through the utilization of God’s Truth, engaging materials, and intriguing technological activities, students will explore the life of Jesus and the choices He wants us to make for our lives. Additionally, students will research the lives of Biblical figures and examine Christian character traits. Students will learn Christian values, strengthen their faith, memorize Scripture, and most importantly, apply it to their daily lives. This Bible course is designed to help students expand their knowledge of Christ and His teachings. Ultimately, it will provide valuable opportunities for students to develop closer and more powerful relationships with Christ our Savior. II. RATIONALE The 3rd Grade Bible Course offers students a deeper examination of the life of Jesus Christ and the lessons we can learn from His life. Knowledge of different Biblical characters and parables will help the student to develop a deeper skill set both academically and spiritually. The study of the Bible will allow students to see Jesus Christ as the Ultimate Teacher for their lives and help develop an understanding for His great plan for their lives. III. PREREQUISITES 2nd Grade Bible IV. MATERIALS LIST Microsoft Office or compatible software V. MEASURABLE LEARNING OUTCOMES The student will be able to: A. Identify, understand, and apply character traits to their lives including: honesty, responsibility, cheerfulness, faithfulness, compassion, patience, enthusiasm, wisdom, contentment, and determination. B. Identify and understand the parable of the house build on the Rock. C. Identify and understand lessons from the Prodigal Son. D. Identify sin and understand the incredible gift of God’s salvation. E. Identify and understand the life of Moses and the Ten Commandments. F. Identify and understand lessons from Samuel’s life. G. Identify and understand the parable of the mustard seed of faith. H. Identify and understand lessons from Ruth’s life. I. Identify and understand the Fruit of the Spirit. J. Identify and understand the life of Job. K. Identify ways to shine the light of Jesus. L. Identify and understand lessons from the Good Samaritan. M. Identify and understand ways that Jesus can transform your life. N. Identify and understand lessons from the life of Saul. O. Identify and understand lessons from Joseph’s life. P. Identify and understand ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Q. Identify and understand lessons from David Livingstone’s life. R. Identify and understand lessons from the life of Thomas. S. Identify and understand lessons from Jonah’s life. T. Identify and understand the Armor of God. U. Identify and understand the life of Daniel. V. Understand that God knows all about us. W. Identify and understand the journey of the Israelites. X. Identify and understand the life of Solomon. Y. Identify and understand that God gives us a hope and a future. Z. Identify and understand the life of Jesus Christ and that He is our Greatest Example. VI. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS A. Individual lesson assessments and activities B. Quizzes in each module C. Scripture Module Test D. Module Test VII. COURSE GRADING AND POLICIES A. Daily Work Quizzes and Tests Final Grading Weights 24.9% 35% 40% 0.1% Grade B. Scale A 93 – 100 B 85 – 92 C 77 – 84 D 70 – 76 F Below 70 VIII. Other Policies A. Academic Misconduct See pages 27-30 of your Student Handbook B. Repeating Assignments Students have two attempts on the daily work assignments. Quizzes and tests cannot be repeated to gain a higher grade. Quizzes and tests may be reset for technical issues, but a new set of questions will be generated.