by God, and composed of the Old and New Testament. Advent

Advent - The four-week liturgical season during which Christians prepare for the celebration of the
birth of Jesus.
Bible – The collection of Christian sacred writings, or Scriptures, accepted by the Church as inspired
by God, and composed of the Old and New Testament.
Contextualist - An interpretation of the Bible and Christian doctrine based on accepting the text as an
inspiration by God and the writer based on the historical context in which the writer or teachings were
first developed.
Creed – An official procession of faith, usually prepared and presented by a council of the Church and
used in the Church’s liturgy.
Epiphany - The manifestation of Jesus to the world through the visitation of the Magi.
Fundamentalist - An interpretation of the Bible and Christian doctrine based on the
literal meaning of the words & without regard to the historical setting in which the
writings or teaching were first developed.
Grace – The free will and underserved gift of God’s loving and active presence in the universe and in
our life.
Immaculate Conception - The church dogma that the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from sin
from the first moment.
Incarnation - The mystery and church dogma that the Son of God assumed human nature.
Messiah – Anointed one.
Oral Tradition - The process by which stories are composed and performed for an audience by
word of mouth.
Virgin Birth - The dogma that Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary and born by
the power of the Holy Spirit.
Yahweh – The Old Testament name for God, frequently translated as “I am who I am”.