Product Lifecycle Management Solution by EDS Business

Case Study ‚ PLM-Solution by EDS on PRIMEPOWER March 2003
Product Lifecycle Management
Solution by EDS Business Solution
Collaborative Product Lifecycle Management at
Fujitsu Siemens Computers – „we sell what we use“
Global integration of processes and technologies with PLM
As a web-based enabling technology, collaborative Product Lifecycle Management facilitates a global
integration of processes and technologies. Thus enables companies to gain a strategic competitive
advantage by the reduction of cycle times, the increase of innovation possibilities, the reduction of
product development times as well as the cost reduction within the value creation chain.
The flexibility of companies is no longer bound to site, virtual teams can operate worldwide albeit
existing company borders. A collaborative PLM-system additionally offers the possibility of an
integration into the Supply Chain.
EDS – leading position in the PLM Solutions market
EDS is one of the worldwide leading service providers in the IT and Electronic Business.
The company has mainly focused on the segments Management Consulting, Solutions Consulting,
Operations Consulting and Product Lifecycle Management.
EDS offers the established PLM-Software “Metaphase”. This software product is characterized by its
flexibility and its large scope of works. Metaphase not only convinces due to fulfilling all functional
requirements and the ability to work with different sites but also with the protection of investments.
Especially these criteria are relevant for the introduction of a PLM-system for many global acting
companies. Under the motto „we sell what we use”, Fujitsu Siemens Computers opt for the product
Metaphase of its software partner EDS.
Fujitsu Siemens Computers is strategically aligned with the segments Mobility and Business Critical
Computing. The widespread product- and service portfolio reaches from Handhelds over Notebooks up
to Storage Solutions.
Case Study ‚ PLM-Solution by EDS on PRIMEPOWER March 2003
From Product Data Management to Product Lifecycle Management
A local Product Data Management (PDM) was introduced with the help of the product Metaphase at the site Paderborn
already previous to the foundation of Fujitsu Siemens Computers – at Siemens Nixdorf times.
The target of the introduction of an integrated system environment was the optimization of the processes within the R&Dand production division, the reduction of existing IT-costs as well as the reduction of the system intricacy. Furthermore,
the PDM-system should ensure the competitiveness of a company in the long run by the optimization of the process- and
data management and the consistency regarding all product data.
However, the foundation of Fujitsu Siemens Computers demanded new challenges from the existing PDM system.
Not only a local integration of the R&D-and production division had to be ensured, but also the integration of the several
sites as well as the possibility of linking all systems with partners and suppliers. The existing local integration with its
optimization of processes and methods should be transferred into a global integration. This global product presence
required a collaborative Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).
In order to introduce a collaborative PLM system, all single PDMs had to be integrated into a Joint Product Data
Management (JPDM) at first. It was the target to reach an operative excellence by the reduction of the time to market,
the optimization of the supply chain as well as an optimised range of components.
Today 400 active users are situated at different sites. Five companies (FSC, Flextronics, Siemens, Wincor, Cognitas)
are already linked to the JPDM. The connection of business partners via the Internet is already realized. Today, JPDM is
the leading system for the administration of product data and for supporting all development processes at Fujitsu
Siemens Computers. It contains all material numbers, technical and logistic master data, parts lists, configurations,
documents and data files. The system controls approvals, interfaces and all filing processes.
PRIMEPOWER and Metaphase – an optimal combination for a successful PLM
The Solaris based PRIMEPOWER server family is characterized by its extremely high reliability and is the ideal solution
platform for Business Critical Computing due to its excellent scalability.
Therefore a PRIMEPOWER 400 with a connected JukeBox was taken, ORACLE comes into operation as database.
For security reasons all hard disks are mirrored. Today, decision makers need to meet the challenge finding the right
balance between cost reduction on one side and increase of quality on the other side. Fujitsu Siemens Computers helps
to find the perfect mix for IT investments. The usage of Fujitsu Siemens Computers hardware together with solutions by
EDS are therefore an outstanding combination for the successful usage of PLM systems.
Nicole Radtke
Fujitsu Siemens Computers
Solution Marketing Manager SCM/CLM
Marketing Strategy & Corporate Alliances
Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1
D-33106 Paderborn
Phone: +49 (0) 5251 8-16445
Published by:
Nicole Radtke
Phone: ++49 5251 8-16445
++49 5251 8- 15002
All rights are reserved, including rights created by patent
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Copyright  Fujitsu Siemens Computers, 03/2003