Treasury Board Real Property Management Policy Suite – Past

Treasury Board Real Property Management Policy Suite – Past, Present, Future RPIC Na(onal Real Property Workshop November 18, 2015 Evolu(on of RP Policy 1980’s
• Policy requirements set out in
volumes of Administrative
Policy Manuals, detailed,
prescriptive, and very limited
flexibility afforded to
• Policy requirements contained
in several hundred “Chapters”
• Policy requirements updated
and streamlined and
reorganized into 6 major
component manuals.
• Real Property policies
contained in the Information
and Administration
Management Component
Policy Suite Renewal
• New Real Property Management Policy replaces 17 previous policies.
• Requirements are now less prescriptive and tending to being
principles-based. The onus is to provide DM with accountability and
flexibility in achieving the policy principles
• New Policy on the Management of Projects; shift from $ based to risk
and capacity based approval limits
• New Policy on Investment Planning replaces Policy on Long-Term
Capital Plans
• TB approval of capacity-based
•  Mgmt. of projects and
real property transaction
investment planning policies
approval limits (3 year
amended to reflect lessons
implementation cycle)
learned from initial
implementation phase
• Amendments to real property,
•  Renewed Fire Protection
project and investment planning
policies to reflect new
requirements for P3s
•  Real property functional
competencies developed
Policy Suite Review
• 5 year review/evaluation of
real property policies
• Consultation Committee
findings: gaps, needed
updates, and need for more
• Retain principles based
approach, policy structure, but
add guidance
Policy Suite Rest
• TBS commences Policy Reset.
A horizontal Triage of ASAS
policy requirements conducted
as part of Policy Suite Reset
• Goals to reduce overlap in
policies, reduce number of
instruments, apply clear
language and foremost, be
responsive to user needs
Under Policy Suite Renewal, policies were shifted to a risk/principles basis, resulting in the number
of project generated submissions reducing from 743 to 440 over 7 years.
TBS Policy Review 2013-­‐14 Objec>ves • 
Assess whether policy instruments and requirements remain relevant, adapted to their purpose and effec(ve –  Clear and understandable –  Current and relevant • 
–  Yielding results Assess the status and effec(veness of government-­‐wide implementa(on Iden(fy gaps, including lack of capacity, to mee(ng policy Make recommenda(ons regarding policy implementa(on and effec(veness and for the development of renewed policy instruments 3
Real Property Policy Review Findings Real property policy instruments have been generally effec(ve in achieving results, but there are gaps and areas that require clarifica(on. For example: •  Updates are required to align with current policies, processes and prac(ces •  Clarifica(on is required in certain key areas: –  Applica(on of the market value principle to various transac(on types –  Dis(nc(on between the rou(ne and strategic disposal process –  Roles of custodians and tenants/employers for fire protec(on –  Direc(on for the development of real property informa(on technology systems (enterprise-­‐wide solu(on) 4
Real Property Policy Review Findings • 
Other review observa>ons: –  Consider policy means to make be]er use of exis(ng underu(lized federal inventory before acquiring new real property –  Explore implemen(ng improved tools to consistently and effec(vely circulate surplus real property to priority organiza(ons –  Explore possibility to re-­‐profile and access proceeds of sale in future years –  Policy requirements related to heritage are not aligned with current best prac(ces –  Further assessment required on the costs and implica(ons of requiring compliance with the revised CSA standard on accessibility 5
Real Property Policy Review Findings •  Structural changes to ensure continued relevance of instruments should be
–  Necessity for stand-alone instruments for fire protection, appraisals,
reporting, and accessibility
–  Possibility of having two policies – one for management of real property
and one for real property transactions
–  Acceptance of a triaged, risk-based approach that reflects the diversity of
real property holdings to ensure timeliness and efficiency
–  Support for a more cooperative, horizontal approach to real property
management among custodians to ensure optimal use of real property
•  More guidance (versus more policy) is desirable
Treasury Board Management Regime • 
Federal real property is managed through legisla(on, regula(ons and policies. • 
Emphasis is on promo(ng accountability and responsibility when managing assets. • 
Seeks to enhance results and effec(vely manage risk. • 
TB and TBS have a leadership role in promo(ng prac(ces that reinforce sound asset stewardship. • 
TB Real Property Policy generally applies to all departments defined in the FAA as sec(on 2 (excludes Crown Corpora(ons, CLC, and some other federal agencies) Legislation/Regulations
Foundation Framework
Policy Frameworks
• Assets and Acquired
• Financial
• People
• etc
Administrative Policies /
Directives / Standards
Guidance and Tools
Departmental Policies and
Current ASAS Policies & Capacity Building • 
Acquired Service and Assets Sector (ASAS) policy suite includes 1 framework, 8 policies, 6 standards, 7 direc(ves and 12 guidelines. 22 mandatory + 12 non-­‐
mandatory = 34 ASAS policy instruments –  Includes approximately 270 individual requirements Treasury Board policies for the management of acquired services and assets set the direc(on to ensure that the conduct of these ac(vi(es provide value for money and sound stewardship. Investment Planning Project Management Procurement ASAS
Capacity Building for ASAS communi>es Real Property 1 Policy 1 Direc(ve 4 Standards 3 Guides Materiel 8
From Review to Reset (2014-­‐2016) • 
Desire from TBS Senior Management for fundamental re-­‐examina(on of the en(re TB policy suite Streamline, build on the results of policy reviews Emphasis on ver(cal and horizontal alignment Allow TBS to speak with a unified voice 9
TBS Policy Suite Reset • 
Introduced in late summer 2014, Policy Suite Reset is taking ac(on to: –  Streamline the suite of TB policies (remove duplica(on) –  Clarify the connec(on points, within and between policies –  Minimize compliance and repor(ng burdens –  Use principles-­‐based and prescrip(ve requirements, calibrated to risks and materiality to ensure consistency –  Ensure a user-­‐centric approach to its design –  Include regular policy reviews and MAF results to ensure on-­‐going relevance and integrity Reset is taking a phased approach: –  Triage policy instrument objec(ves and requirements, focusing on ver(cal and horizontal linkages and elimina(ng non-­‐essen(al requirements –  Assess impacts of policy requirements government-­‐wide –  Design the suite based on users’ needs –  Establish rules to govern how TB policies are developed and implemented in future New policies’ approval planned by December 2016 10
TBS Policy Reset Triage “sieve” Is the requirement
essential for the
objective and is it
Is the requirement
needed to address a
material risk?
Can the requirement
be monitored and
If kept, where is
requirement best placed?
are retained
in TB Policy
Drop duplicate
Drop requirements
that are not
essential to
managing risk
alignment of
within policy
Demote to guidelines
those requirements
that can be achieved
voluntarily or cannot
be monitored
Triage phase was just completed and reviewed by TBS’ Executive Committee. This lays the groundwork for policy centres
to review the design of their policy instruments and embark on the Government-Wide Design stage.
Triage Findings • 
Exis(ng suite has greater focus than an(cipated on governance (i.e. requirements for departmental frameworks for the management of assets and acquired services) • 
Fewer requirements for planning and capacity than expected. Poten(al for synergies, streamlining and improved horizontality between ASAS policies in the areas of: –  Decision-­‐making and accountability; –  Life cycle management (planning, acquisi(on, usage, disposal); and, –  Performance and monitoring. Asset related Treasury Board limits (i.e., authority to acquire and dispose of real property, authority to contract for goods and services, authority to spend project funds) are not aligned – either dollar, or risk/capacity based thresholds). Policy reset is an opportunity to harmonize authori(es and limits. • 
Where is Triage leading us? •  Three poten(al op(ons are being considered… 12
Op(on 1: Exis(ng ASAS Policies, Direc(ves & Standards Minimal Revisions Key principles of the exis(ng ASAS Framework to be captured in a higher-­‐
level TBS or OCG founda(onal policy instrument(s)
Framework Procurement Policy Direc(ves/ Standards Procurement Direc(ve Materiel Investment Planning Materiel Direc(ve Real Property Direc(ve Fleet Direc(ve • 
Real Property Projects Organiza(onal Capacity Standard Risk and Complexity Standard Each policy instrument would be reviewed, revised and updated to align with objec(ves of Policy Reset Policies would retain reduced number of requirements, be more clearly targeted at deputy heads and have a greater emphasis on principles TB limits on departmental authori(es would be addressed in various direc(ves Func(onal community capacity-­‐building component would be included in each policy 13
Op(on 2: Single ASAS Policy with Func(onal Direc(ves Moderate Revisions
ASAS Policy • 
Policy Sound stewardship Open & Fair Transparent Value for money Life-­‐cycle approach Support program requirements Capacity building Revised requirements would be presented at the highest possible principles level TB limits on departmental authori(es addressed in a single direc(ve Stand-­‐alone Horizontal Approval & Authority Direc(ve Merged Direc(ves Procurement Direc(ve Materiel Direc(ve Real Property Direc(ve Investment Planning Direc(ve Management of Projects Direc(ve Policy would be supported five func>onal area direc>ves 14
Op(on 3: Single ASAS Policy with Life-­‐Cycle Direc(ves Major Revisions • 
Policy Eight ASAS policies would be revamped into one policy ASAS Policy Sound stewardship Open & Fair Transparent Value for money Life-­‐cycle approach Support program requirements Capacity building Revised requirements would be presented at the highest possible principles level Stand-­‐alone Horizontal Approval & Authority Direc(ve Life-­‐Cycle Direc(ves Assessing & Planning Acquired Services and Assets Direc(ve Acquisi(on of Acquired Services & Assets Direc(ve Opera(ng, Using and Maintaining Acquired Services & Assets Direc(ve Disposal of Assets Direc(ve Policy supported by four life-­‐cycle based direc>ves each applying to all assets TB limits on departmental authori(es addressed in a single direc(ve 15
Outcomes of Policy Reset Significant reduc(on in number of requirements
Approvals requirements all in one direc(ve –  Provides users with greater clarity on the need for, and (ming of TB approvals. –  Would support departmental strategic planning, which may reduce the number of lower-­‐risk TB submissions. Strengthened horizontal direc(on for func(onal communi(es –  More user friendly for communi(es. –  Consistency in applica(on of ASAS competencies across government. Changes that streamline policies could provide TBS with more flexibility to maintain/update instruments 16
Next Steps •  Further development of horizontal approvals directive, as well as
possible configuration of policy suite options
•  Internal and external consultations to continue throughout
development on policy instruments
Feedback Ques>ons •  Which option do you feel would best enable you in your functions?
•  Do you feel the emphasis of policy reset should be on providing:
–  non-mandatory guidance/interpretation of policy principles or
–  more prescription / description of mandatory requirements ?
•  Do you think that a policy that intends to increase horizontal
collaboration in departmental operating ranks will simplify or
complicate your lives in the long run?
Thank you!