A differential model of controlled cardiac pacemaker cell Karima Djabella, Michel Sorine To cite this version: Karima Djabella, Michel Sorine. A differential model of controlled cardiac pacemaker cell. 6th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Sep 2006, Reims, 2006. <inria-00001196v2> HAL Id: inria-00001196 https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00001196v2 Submitted on 4 Apr 2006 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. A DIFFERENTIAL MODEL OF CONTROLLED CARDIAC PACEMAKER CELL Karima Djabella ∗ Michel Sorine ∗ ∗ INRIA Rocquencourt / B.P.105.78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France Abstract: A differential model of a cardiac pacemaker cell with only ten state variables is proposed. It is intended for 0D or 3D simulation of the heart under the vagal control of the autonomous nervous system. Three variables are used to describe the membrane (membrane potential and two gate variables of ionic channels), taking into account the dynamics of the main ionic currents (inward sodium, L-type calcium and outward potassium), N a+ /Ca2+ exchangers and N a+ /K + pumps. The remaining seven variables are associated with the fluid compartment model that includes Ca2+ binding by myoplasmic proteins, and the intracellular concentrations of free Calcium, Sodium and Potassium. Despite its moderate number of state variables, this model includes the main processes thought to be important in pacemaking on the cell scale and predicts the experimentally observed ionic concentration of calcium, sodium and potassium, action potential and membrane currents. The control by the calcium of the c pacemaking activity is also considered. Copyright 2006 IFAC Keywords: Electrical activity, Nonlinear systems, Dynamic modelling, Frequency control. 1. INTRODUCTION There are many mathematical models of the electrophysiology of the different types of cardiac cells. For models of human ventricular or atrial cells, see e.g. (Tusscher et al., 2004; Nygren et al., 1998) and the references herein. The sinoatrial node cells and their pacemaker activity, considered here, have been studied in (Demir et al., 1994; Dokos et al., 1996; Dokos et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 2000; Kurata et al., 2002). These models result from iterations between mathematics and experimentation on the cell scale where detailed characteristics of isolated ion channels can now be measured. They are based on the ionic current model of (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952), but the cardiac myocytes being far more complex than the squid giant axon considered by this first model, their complexity is high with e.g. 28 state variables for the model in (Kurata et al., 2002). Recently, model-based image and signal processing on the heart scale has become an important goal as in (CardioSense3D, 2006). In such project, models are not only needed in direct computations to gain insights and for their predictive capabilities, but also in inverse problems to estimate state and parameters from measurements. In that case it is necessary to predict the shape of action potential (AP) for electrocardiogram interpretation, as well as the concentration of calcium bound on Troponin C, responsible for electromechanical coupling at the origin of heart deformations seen in the images. It is then necessary to represent also some intracellular calcium buffering, as will be done here, a special attention being paid to model complexity in order to have a good tradeoff between the descriptive power of the model and the well-posedness of associated inverse problems. The ionic currents that control membrane depolarization during diastole and then the heart rate, are still a matter of debate. (DiFrancesco, 1993) argues that the hyperpolarization activated current (if ) is the only current that can generate and control the slow depolarization of pacemaker cells. This current is normally carried by N a+ and K + . (Guo et al., 1995) reported another current, called the sustained inward current ist , where the major charge carrier is believed to be N a+ . Also a Ca2+ “window” current has been observed in rabbit sinoatrial node cells (Denyer and Brown, 1995). It is possible that any of these currents, or a combination of them, is responsible for membrane depolarization during diastole. During diastole the electrochemical driving forces produce outward K + currents and inward N a+ and Ca2+ currents, and the driving force for Ca2+ is much larger than that for N a+ (Endresen et al., 2000). This implies that a significant background influx of Ca2+ is possible during diastole, and that this current might be responsible for pacemaking activity in sinoatrial node cells (Boyett et al., 2001). The conductance for this current is denoted I¯b,Ca and used in the proposed model to control the voltage-dependent calcium current ICa,t . I¯b,Ca is responsible for the slow diastolic depolarization, and appears to have control capability of the pacemaker activity. In fact, changes in the cycle length of the pacemaker AP will be observed in an almost linear relationship with I¯b,Ca . Then, we conclude that the autonomous nervous system interacts almost linearly in the regulation of heart rate as assumed in (Warner and Russell, 1969). JCT Sarcoplasmic Reticulum SR 2+ Ca 2+ Mg + Na Troponin Ca Troponin Mg + Na−K pump Inak Calcium Buffers Ca Troponin C Inaca + Na−Ca exchanger 2+ Ena Ek Eca Ina,t Ik,t Ica,t Ik,t Junctional Ina,t Na External Space Ica,t Calsequestrin Bulk Cytosol Cm K In this paper, a model for a cardiac pacemaker cell is proposed. It is realistic enough to exhibit many of the characteristics of larger pacemaker cell models, and yet, is simple enough with only ten state variables. It has furthermore a sound asymptotic behaviour without drifts of the state, a useful property for multi-beat simulations. The same model structure has been used in (Djabella and Sorine, 2005) to represent excitation–contraction coupling in a ventricular cell. It consists of two parts: 1) a cell membrane with capacitance, voltage-dependent ion channels, electrogenic pump and exchanger, the ionic currents model being derived using conservation laws as in (Endresen et al., 2000), and 2) a lumped compartmental model that accounts for intracellular changes in concentrations of N a+ , K + (Hund et al., 2001) and the main processes that regulate intracellular calcium concentration: release and uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), buffering in the SR (Tusscher et al., 2004) and in the bulk cytosol (Shannon et al., 2004). Intracellular Space Calmodulin Sarcolemma Fig. 1. A representation of the model of a cardiac pacemaker cell: electrical equivalent circuit for the sarcolemma and fluid compartment The paper is organized as follows: the model is described in Section 2. Section 3 shows some simulation results. A discussion and conclusions are presented in Sections 4 and 5 respectively. 2. MODEL DESCRIPTION The mathematical model is a nonlinear system of ten first order ordinary differential equations. The detailed equations, parameters values and abbreviations used are presented in the APPENDIX. Figure 1 shows the lumped electrical equivalent circuit for the sarcolemma and the fluid compartment system of a single pacemaker cardiac cell. The membrane model includes both the potential–mediated ion channels responsible for the dynamic aspects of the membrane AP (inward sodium, L-type calcium and outward potassium) and N a+ /Ca2+ exchangers, N a+ /K + pumps. The fluid compartment is modelled by seven differential equations, three of them describing the intracellular concentrations of free Calcium, Sodium and Potassium. The remaining four equations describe the binding of Ca2+ to specific sites on the myoplasmic troponin and calmodulin proteins, taking into account the competition between Ca2+ and M g 2+ . The Ca2+ buffering system is very important for the regulation and limitation of free intracellular Ca2+ concentration transients. 3. RESULTS The dynamic behavior of the cell model was computed by solving the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations with a second order modified Rosenbrock method with variable steplength. The initial conditions are listed in the table 1. Concentrations (mM) 0.02 (pA) 0 Ca,t I 1 Cai Ca −200 SR 0.5 −400 −600 −800 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 2 Occupancy IK,t (pA) 400 200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 1 2 θ θ Tn TnCa 0.5 θ Cal 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 1 1.5 2 Na (mM) 0 −4 −6 0 0.5 1 1.5 21.6 21.55 0 2 127.4 12 11 10 9 8 I NaK 400 127.3 i Currents (pA) 21.65 i −2 K (mM) INa,t (pA) 21.7 I NaCa 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 −600 127.2 0 0.5 Time (s) Time (s) Fig. 3. Computed spontaneous AP and ionic currents (left) and intracellular Ca2+ dynamics (right) 2 0.01 1.8 Pacemaker frequency (Hz) 0 −0.01 V (V) −0.02 −0.03 −0.04 −0.05 −0.06 −0.07 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Fig. 2. Spontaneous action potential 1.2 1 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 Ib,Ca (pA) 7.5 8 8.5 9 −3 x 10 Fig. 5. The relationship between the pacemaker frequency and the amplitude of the pacemaker current: the control effect 0.02 Reduced I b,Ca 0.01 Control zero potentials 0 −0.01 −0.02 V (V) 1.4 0.8 Time (s) −0.03 −0.04 −0.05 −0.06 −0.07 −0.08 0 1.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 Time (s) Fig. 4. Effect of a reduced I¯b,Ca on action potential Figure 2 shows the computed AP that had a cycle length, amplitude, duration (measured at -30 mV) and maximal diastolic potential of 550ms, 85mV , 120ms and −71mV , respectively. This simulated pacemaker AP has a reasonable shape compared with those recorded experimentally. Figure 3 shows, on the left, the computed temporal behaviour of sarcolemmal ionic currents. On the right, it shows the intracellular Ca2+ dynamics including the changes in Ca2+ concentration in the SR, the associated changes in the occupancy ratio of Ca2+ buffers and the changes in N ai and Ki during pacemaker activity. These computed waveform changes during spontaneous AP are very similar to those recorded experimentally (Demir et al., 1994). In Fig. 4, the AP computed under control conditions is compared with that computed when the pacemaker current I¯b,Ca was affected. It shows: - a cycle length increase from 550 to 900ms, - an AP amplitude slight change from 85 to 88mV , - an AP duration increase, at −30mV , from 120 to 130ms, and - a maximal diastolic potential decrease of 5mV . These changes are qualitatively similar to those observed experimentally in rabbit sinoatrial node cells (Boyett et al., 2001). Reduced I b,Ca Control (pA) Ca,t −200 0.005 I Cai (mM) 0 0.01 0 0 1 −400 −600 −800 0 2 1 2 400 IK,t (pA) −5 I Na,t (pA) 0 −10 0 1 100 1 2 1 2 1000 (pA) 11 NaCa 10.5 10 9.5 500 0 I (pA) NaK I 200 0 0 2 11.5 9 0 300 1 2 Time (s) −500 0 Time (s) Fig. 6. Ca2+ transients and ionic currents computed under control conditions and for a reduced I¯b,Ca Figure 5 shows the relationship between the pacemaker frequency and the amplitude of the pacemaker current I¯b,Ca : it appears to be approximately linear. This has an important consequence: there is no need for a more complex model for quantitative simulations of pacemaker under the control of the autonomic nervous system. This frequency control can be described fairly well by assuming that the sympathetic–parasympathetic balance interacts almost linearly on the heart rate as assumed in (Warner and Russell, 1969). Figure 6 shows the effect of a reduced pacemaker current I¯b,Ca on the simulated intracellular calcium concentration and ionic currents. In this case, there is no slight change in the Ca2+ transients shapes or in transmembrane ionic currents waveforms (there is a small decrease in the IN a,t current amplitude): they were only shifted. In conclusion, only pacemaking rate was affected. In the present paper ICa,t means ICa,L (Djabella and Sorine, 2005) and the I¯b,Ca affects this current (eq. 6), therefore, the simulations are consistent with the experimental data (Boyett et al., 2001). 4. DISCUSSION A simple model for a cardiac pacemaker cell has been presented. It involves only N a+ , K + and Ca2+ ions, their respective channels, the N a+ /Ca2+ exchanger, and the N a+ /K + pump. It also includes a description of the dynamics of the main calcium buffers in the bulk cytosol and in the SR, and it takes into account the calcium uptake and release from SR. The model is able to produce sinoatrial node AP, the behavior of the most important currents and the intracellular Ca2+ dynamics (concentration changes, SR Ca2+ uptake and release, and Ca2+ buffering) involved during normal pacemaking. The contribution of the currents to the pacemaker activity is still ill known despite many studies (Rasmusson et al., 1990; Demir et al., 1994; Kurata et al., 2002). All of them agree that the calcium plays an important role in the slow depolarization of the cardiac pacemaker potential. In recent years much attention has been focused on the possibility that Ca2+ can control the pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node. In this article, using computer simulations, it has been shown that a significant background influx of Ca2+ may be important in the changes in the AP and pacemaker activity (Boyett et al., 2001). The proposed model and simulations can provide guidance for future developments of more realistic controlled cardiac pacemaker cell for use in models of the intact sinoatrial node or in whole heart models in three dimensions. 5. CONCLUSION A differential model of cardiac pacemaker cell has been presented. Simulations of the electrical pacemaker activity and associated cytosolic ion concentration changes appear realistic. They demonstrate the control of the pacemaker activity by the calcium, so that the modulation of this activity by the autonomous nervous system can be explained fairly well by assuming that the sympathetic– parasympathetic system interacts linearly on the heart rate via a calcium input. Due to its sound asymptotic behavior without drifts of the state and to its medium complexity, this model can provide guidance for future modelling work on the controlled cardiac pacemaker cells in multi-beat simulations from the cell to the heart scales. 6. APPENDIX The proposed model of cardiac pacemaker cell is the following system of differential equations: IK,t +IN a,t +ICa,t +IN aK +IN aCa dV =− dt Cm dKi 2IN aK − IK,t = dt F VC IN a,t + 3IN aK + 3IN aCa dN ai =− dt F VC dCai 2IN aCa −ICa,t = +Jleak +Jrel −Jup dt 2F V X dθb C , IB = {T n, Cal, T nCa} Bb − dt b∈IB dgX gX∞ − gX (1) = , X ∈ {N a, K} dt τg X dθT n = kTonn |Cai |+ (1 − θT n ) − kTofnf θT n dt dθCal of f on = kCal |Cai |+ (1 − θCal ) − kCal θCal dt dθT nCa = kTonnCa |Cai |+ (1 − θT nCa − θT nM g ) dt f −kTofnCa θT nCa dθT nM g on = kT nM g |M gi |+ (1 − θT nCa − θT nM g ) dt f −kTofnM g θT nM g The gate dynamics are defined by 1 V − V gX gX∞ = 1+tanh , 2 RT /2F τX , X ∈ {N a, K, d, m} τg X = V −VgX cosh RT /2F (2) where X = d, m represent fast Ca, N a activation gating, denoted as usual d∞ = gd∞ , m∞ = gm∞ . Setting Xe RT log , X ∈ {Ca, N a, K} , (3) VX = zX F Xi the currents through the membrane are then: V −VK IK,t = I¯K gK sinh 2RT /F IN a,t = I¯N a gN a m∞ sinh V −VN a (4) (5) 2RT /F ICa,t = [I¯Ca (1−gK )d∞+I¯b,Ca ] sinh N a −VAT P IN aK = I¯N aK tanh V +2VK −3V 2RT /F Ca −3VN a IN aCa = I¯N aCa sinh V +2V2RT /F V −VCa RT /F (6) (7) (8) Finally, the CICR mechanism is described using Cai H CaSR H Kmf − Kmr Jup = Qup Jmax i H CaSR H + 1 + KCa Kmr mf (9) Jrel = Krel d∞ (CaSR − CaiJCT ) (10) Jleak = Kleak (CaSR − CaiJCT ) (11) BJCT |Cai |+ CaiJCT = (12) |Cai |+ + KJCT BSR |CaSR |+ = CaSR + |CaSR |+ + KSR ! X VC Bb θb −CaiJCT (13) CaT −Cai − VSR b∈IB CaT = Vext Cm (V − Vext ) − N ai − Ki F VC F VC =− (N ae + Ke + 2Cae ) Cm 1 2 (14) (15) REFERENCES Boyett, M. R., H. Zhang, A. Garny and A. V. Holden (2001). Control of the pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node by intracellular ca2+ . experiments and modelling. Phil. Trans. The Royal Society 359, 1091–1110. CardioSense3D (2006). 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V Vext IX,t IN aCa IN aK gK gN a d∞ m∞ Jrel Jup Jleak Xi Xe CaT CaSR θT n θT nCa θT nM g θCal CaiJCT Definitions Action potential External stimulus voltage Total X current through all channels N a+ − Ca2+ exchanger current N a+ − K + pump current Potassium activation gating Sodium activation gating Fast Calcium activation gating Fast Sodium activation gating Calcium-Induced Calcium Release current Pump current taking up calcium in the SR Leakage current from SR to the cytoplasm Intracellular concentration of the free ion X External concentration of the ion free X Total calcium concentration in the cell Free calcium concentration in the SR Fraction of Troponin–C sites bound with Ca Fraction of Troponin–Ca sites bound with Ca Fraction of Troponin–Mg sites bound with Mg Fraction of Calmodulin sites bound with Ca SR Calcium buffered in the junction Table 3 Model parameters Parameter VC VSR F Vm Vd VgK VgN a τN a = τK VAT P Cm R T zN a = zK zCa I¯N a I¯K I¯Ca I¯b,Ca I¯N aK I¯N aCa Ke N ae Cae M gi Kleak H Kmf Kmr Jmax Qup Krel on kT n of f kT n BT n on kT nCa of f kT nCa BT nCa on kT nM g of f kT nM g BT nM g on kCal of f kCal BCal KJCT BJCT KSR BSR Value 16.404 1.094 96.486 −56.86 10−3 −5 10−3 −26 10−3 −71.55 10−3 0.2 −450 10−3 22 8.314 10−3 310 1 2 11.27 164.5 131 0.0074 11.46 7000 5.4 140 2 1 5 10−8 1.787 0.246 10−3 1.7 286 10−3 2.6 10−5 25 10−2 32.7 103 19.6 70 10−8 2.37 103 0.032 140 10−8 0.003 103 Unit pL pL Cmmol−1 V V V V s V pF Jmmol−1 K −1 K 3.33 140 10−3 34 103 238 24 10−8 13 10−3 4.6 10−3 0.0065 0.14 s−1 mM mM −1 s−1 s−1 mM mM mM mM mM pA pA pA pA pA pA mM mM mM mM s−1 mM mM mM s−1 s−1 mM −1 s−1 s−1 mM mM −1 s−1 s−1 mM mM −1 s−1 of a rabbit sinoatrial node cell. 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