PUBLIC ENTERPRISES SELECTION BOARD MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES & PENSIONS Minute No. 1 of the PESB Meeting No. 40/2015 Held at 10.00 AM & 2.30 PM on 30/04/2015 Sub: - Selection for the post of Director (Mining), Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL). The following persons were interviewed in the selection meeting: S/Shri 1. A K SEN, ED, HCL 6. S K DASH, ED, NALCO 2. R K SAH, GM, HCL 7. DIPANKAR SHOME, ED, MOIL 3. S K BHATTACHARYA, GM, HCL 8. T N JHA, AREA GM, WCL/CIL 4. SANTOSH SHARMA, GM, HCL 9. A K CHAKRABORTY, GM, CMPDIL/CIL 5. D K MAHAJAN, GM, HCL 10. JAIPRAKASH GUPTA, GM, BCCL/CIL 2. PESB recommended the following name for the post of Director (Mining), Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL):- S K BHATTACHARYA