Swedish IHP NATIONAL REPORT ON IHP RELATED ACTIVITIES Sweden http://www.smhi.se/svenskaihp 1. ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN IN THE PERIOD JUNE 2010 – MAY 2012 1.1 Meetings of the IHP National Committee The committee has regular meetings. During the period June 201-May 2012 seven meetings where held (24th June 2010, 16th Sept 2010, 31st Jan 2011, 18th Feb 2011, 2 Dec 2011 8th Feb 2012 and 18th April 2012). 1.1.1 Decisions regarding the composition of the IHP National Committee UNESCO:s scientific programs, including IHP, are coordinated by the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO. With the aim to facilitate communication and cooperation between the programs and disseminate results from activities to the National Commission, an expert group with representatives from the committees is established. The expert group is hosted by the Swedish Research Council. It proposes budgets to the Swedish National Commission for UNESCO and distributes financial means between the various programs. The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) (www.smhi.se) is pointed out by the Government as the responsible organization for the Swedish IHP and hosts of the Secretariat of the Swedish IHP. Two committee members represent SMHI. The chair of the committee is the head of the Swedish Water House (SWH) (www.swedishwaterhouse.se). Also the head of the Swedish Hydrological Council (SHR) (www.hydrologi.org) is a member of the committee. The following have been members of the committee during the reporting period: Chair: Karin Lexén, Swedish Water House (Karin.lexen@siwi.org) Secretary: Lotta Andersson, SMHI (lotta.andersson@smhi) Representative in the Swedish expert group and in the Intergovernmental council: Berit Arheimer, SMHI (berit.arheimer@smhi.se) Member: David Gustafsson, SHR (davidg@kth.se) 1.1.2 Status of IHP-VII activities 1.2 Activities at national level in the framework of the IHP 1.2.1 National/local scientific and technical meetings The Swedish IHP committee was co-convener for the SWH seminar”the role of water in an urbanized world”, held in connection to the 2011 world water day. http://www.swedishwaterhouse.se/en/seminars/previous/seminar.html?id=350&year= 2011&type=archive The workshop ”Water status and hydrological models – handling of uncertainties in water management” was arranged the 15-16 September 2011. The workshop was directed towards water administrators and modelers, as a follow up to the international research workshop described below. http://www.smhi.se/svenskaihp/aktiviteter/workshop-om-att-anvanda-modeller-ivattenforvaltning-1.17992 1.2.2 Participation in IHP Steering Committees/Working Groups From 2012, Sweden is member of the IHP Intergovernmental council, with Berit Arheimer appointed as the Swedish representative in the council. 1.2.3 Research/applied projects supported or sponsored A ”terminology group”, hosted by SHR has been appointed and sponsored by the Swedish IHP committee. The task of the group is to establish an Swedish-English dictionary. The available “Nordic Glossary of Hydrology”, established witin the NHP 1973-1981 framework will be the basis of the new electronic dictionary. The output aims to be a Swedish contribution to the “Glossary of Hydrology”, published by WMO. 1.2.4 Collaboration with other national organizations and/or programmes and international For the 2011 and 2012 World Water Days, SHR has, by appointment by the Swedish IHP committee coordinated Swedish activities during and initiated new activities www.vattendag.org 1.2.5 Other initiatives 1.3 Educational and training courses 1.3.1 Contribution to IHP courses 1.3.2 Organization of specific courses 1.3.3 Participation in IHP courses 1.4 Cooperation with the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education and/or international/regional water centres under the auspices of UNESCO 1.5 Publications 1.6 Participation in international scientific meetings 1.6.1 Meetings hosted by the country The Swedish IHP, represented by Berit Arheimer, was co-convener of the 2010 World Water Week workshop « Water Quality in Capacity Development: Policy Options and Practical Solutions in the National and Transboundary Context (http://www.worldwaterweek.org/sa/node.asp?node=750&selEvent=&selTheme=&se lYear=&filter=1&mySchedule=&txbFreeText=arheimer&selRegion=&sa_content_ur l=%2Fplugins%2FEventFinder%2Fevent%2Easp&id=3&event=288). A scientific workshop ”Nutrient model comparison” was arranged by the Swedish IHP committee in Söderköping, Sweden, the 28-30th March 2011. The aim with the meeting was to increase knowledge about uncertainties in model-based information aimed to be used for decision support. Twenty participants from five countries participated in the meeting. Seven water and nutrient models where set up for the Söderköping river basin in connection with the workshop. Revealed uncertainties were analysed and recommendations for how to deal with uncertainties were proposed. Documentation is available at http://www.smhi.se/svenskaihp/Nyhetsarkiv/planned-workshop-on-nutrient-modelcomparison-1.12423 1.6.2 Participation in meetings abroad Xth Kovacs Colloquium, Hydrocomplexity: New Tools for Solving Wicked Water Problems, July, 2010, UNESCO, Paris. Lotta Andersson was invited speaker with the presentation “Use of participatory scenario modelling as platforms in stakeholder dialogues” http://iahs.info/conferences/2010Kovacs.htm Sixth World FRIEND Conference, Fez, Morocco, October 2010. Lotta Andersson presented : “Participatory modelling for locally proposed climate change adaptation related to water and agriculture in South Africa” and (on behalf of C. Donnely et al) “High-resolution, large-scale hydrological modelling tools for Europe”. http://www.unesco.org/water/water_events/Detailed/1713.shtml ”Raising awareness and enhancing the adaptive capacity of water resources planning and management to climate change impacts”, 14-15 November, UNESCO, Paris. Karin Lexen was invited speaker to the panel. http://www.worldwaterforum6.org/en/news/single/article/raising-awareness-andenhancing-the-adaptive-capacity-of-water-planning-and-management-to-climatech/?tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=20&cHash=19957e9d8fad58e86fdc202c2374feb7 1.7 Other activities at regional level 1.7.1 Institutional relations/cooperation 1.7.2 Completed and ongoing scientific projects 2. FUTURE ACTIVITIES 2.1 Activities planned until December 2012 The Swedish IHP committee will host a side-event workshop during the International Conference on Fresh Water Governance for Sustainable Development - – 5th to 7th Nov 2012, in South Africa. Use of seasonal forecasts and scenario-modelling to facilitate planning for food security and water quality in the developing world – possibilities and challenges. The workshop aims to create a meeting place for policy makers and modellers from South and North who will share experiences and evaluate possibilities and challenges related to the use of models in a policy context in the developing world, with focus on planning for food security and water quality. The workshop will be based on experiences from the two workshops held in 2011. http://www.wrc.org.za/Lists/Events/DispForm.aspx?ID=176 A number of scientific and popular papers related to the two modelling/policy workshops arranged in 2011 will be compiled. 2.2 2.3 Activities foreseen for 2013-2014 Activities envisaged in the long term