Name: Email: Phone: Mark the boxes from subjects which you have experience from (projects, courses or similar): Vehicle Engineering : Mechanical Engineering : Optimisation : Systems Science : Environmental Science : Nationality: University degree(s) and name of University: Language Skills (mark relevant box with a “x”): Language English (spoken) English (written) Swedish (spoken) Swedish (written) Other: Other: Basic Good Fluent Engineering Design : Describe in maximum 100 words why you are a good PhD-Candidate and why you are relevant for this project: Describe in maximum 100 words two University level courses and/or thesis projects etc which you think is most relevant for this PhD-project: Describe in maximum 100 words a hobby or extracurricular activity which you think will benefit you as a PhD-candidate (hands on manufacturing experience, student projects, sports, music etc.) This cover sheet must NOT exceed 1 page!