Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM AC ACI ALJ AWEA BA BACT BART BO BSER C&I CAA CAIDI CAIR CAP Capacity Factor CapX2020 C-BED CC CCGT CCRs CCS CEL CER CERA CH4 CHP Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Alternating Current Activated Carbon Injection Administrative Law Judge American Wind Energy Association Balancing Authority Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Best Available Retrofit Technology Buildout Scenario Best System of Emission Reduction Commercial and Industrial (Customers) Clean Air Act Net capacity factor of power plant, typically expressed as percentage, is ratio of its actual output over period of time to its potential output if it were possible for it to operate at full nameplate capacity indefinitely. Clean Air Interstate Rule Competitive Acquisition Process Measure of how often an electric generator runs for a specific period of time. Indicates how much electricity a generator actually produces relative to the maximum it could produce at continuous full power operation during the same period. Coordinated transmission development effort by group of 11 regional utilities (the CapX2020 Utilities) in MN, ND, SD and WI. Community-Based Energy Development Combined Cycle Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Coal Combustion Residuals (often referred to as coal ash) Carbon Capture and Sequestration Capacity Export Limit Capital Project Module Cambridge Energy Research Associates Methane Combined Heat and Power 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 1 of 8 Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM CIL CIP Circuit Breaker CO CO2 CO2e CON CONE CPD CPNode CSAPR CSG CT CWA DA DEM DG DIR DNR DOC DOE DOI DR DSD DSM ECC EE eGRID EGU ELCC ELGs Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Capacity Import Limit Conservation Improvement Program An electromechanical device used to configure the flow of electricity on the distribution grid. A circuit breaker is designed to open or close while electricity is flowing through the circuit. When a circuit breaker is open, no electricity is flowing through the circuit. Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Equivalents Certificate of Need Cost of New Entry Coincident Peak Demand Commercial Pricing Mode Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Community Solar Garden Combustion Turbine Clean Water Act Day Ahead Drive Electric Minnesota Distributed Generation Dispatch Intermittent Resource Protocol Department of Natural Resources Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Energy Department of the Interior Demand Response Minnesota Deemed Savings Database Demand-Side Management Economic Carrying Charge Energy Efficiency Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database Electric Generating Unit Effective Load Carrying Capability Effluent Limitation Guidelines 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 2 of 8 Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM EPA EPA Clean Air Act 111d Rule EPRI EQB ESA EVs Externality Values Fault Feeder FERC FERC Order 1000 FIPs FL&U FWS Gas Burn GAF GHG GW GWh GWP IB MACT IBEW ICAP IDS IGCC IPPs IRP ITC Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Environmental Protection Agency Draft regulation to reduce carbon dioxide gas emissions from existing power plants that burn coal and other fossil fuels. Electric Power Research Institute Environmental Quality Board Endangered Species Act Electric Vehicles Range of environmental costs. Abnormal condition on electric system, such as short circuit, broken wire or intermittent connection. Lines connecting distribution substations to taps. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Rule mandating how public utility transmission providers plan for and allocate costs of new projects on regional and interregional basis. Federal Implementation Plans Fuel Lost and Unaccounted U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Energy from New Natural Gas Generation Generation Module Greenhouse Gas Gigawatt Gigawatt Hour Global Warming Potential Hazardous Air Pollutants from Industrial Boilers International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Installed Capacity Value Interdepartmental Sales Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Independent Power Producers Integrated Resource Plan Investment Tax Credit 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 3 of 8 Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM ISOs kV kVA kWh LAF LBA LCM LCR LED LMF LMPs LOLE LRR LRZ LSE MATS MEFF MGP MISO MMBTU MMERA MPCA M-RETS MTEP-11 MTEP-13 Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Independent System Operators Kilovolt Kilovolt Amps: 1,000 Volt-Amps. Volt is measure of force of electricity. Amp (Ampere) is measure of flow of electricity. Kilowatt Load Module Load Balancing Authorities Life Cycle Management Local Clearing Requirement Solid State Lighting Load Management Forecast Locational Marginal Prices Loss of Load Expectation Local Reliability Requirement Local Resource Zones Load Serving Entities National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Coal- and Oil-Fired Power Plants. This rule is often referred to as the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard. Minnesota Energy Future Framework Manufactured Gas Plants Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.: Non-profit organization providing reliable coordination and regional planning services including: regional planning, generation interconnection, maintenance coordination, market monitoring and dispute resolution. Million British Thermal Units Minnesota Mercury Emissions Reduction Act Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System MISO 2011 Transmission Expansion Plan MISO 2013 Transmission Expansion Plan 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 4 of 8 Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM MW MWh MVA MVP N2O NAAQS NERC NGEA NMFS NO2 NOx NPDES NRC NREL NSPM NSPW NSPS NSR O&M O3 OFA OSPA Pb PCBs PCOR PIRA Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Megawatt Megawatt Hour Mega Volt Amps: 1,000,000 amps or 1,000 kVA Multi Value Project: Regional transmission solutions that meet one or more of three goals: reliably and economically enable regional public policy needs, provide multiple types of regional economic value, and provide a combination of regional reliability and economic value. Nitrous Oxide National Ambient Air Quality Standards North American Electric Reliability Corporation Minnesota’s Next Generation Energy Act National Marine Fisheries Service Nitrogen Dioxide Nitrogen Oxide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Nuclear Regulatory Commission National Renewable Energy Laboratory Northern States Power Company-Minnesota Northern States Power Company-Wisconsin New Source Performance Standards New Source Review Section of the Clean Air Act Operating and Maintenance Ozone Over-Fire Air Sales to Public Authorities Lead Polychlorinated Biphenyls U.S. Department of Energy’s Plains Carbon Dioxide Reduction Partnership Petroleum Industry Research Associates 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 5 of 8 Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM Plume Blight PM PM2.5 PM10 PPA PPB PPM PRC PRPs PRM PRMR Proview PSD PSHL PTC PV PVRR PVSC RAC RAVI RCRA RDF Recloser RECs Reference Case REPI Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Smoke, dust, colored gas plumes, or layered haze emitted from stacks which obscure the sky or horizon and are relatable to a single source or small group of sources. Particulate Matter Fine Particulate Matter under 2.5 micrometers Coarse Particulate Matter under 10 micrometers Power Purchase Agreement Parts Per Billion Parts Per Million Planning Resource Credits Potentially Responsible Parties Planning Reserve Margin Planning Reserve Margin Requirement Expansion Planning Module Prevention of Significant Deterioration Section of the Clean Air Act Public Street and Highway Lighting Production Tax Credit Photovoltaic Present Value Revenue Requirement Present Value of Societal Costs Reliability Assessment Commitment Reasonably Attributable Visibility Impairment Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Refuse Derived Fuel Circuit breaker that includes mechanism to automatically close (reconnect) after set period of time. Reclosers are used to restore service after momentary fault. Renewable Energy Credits: A certificate representing all of the environmental attributes of one MWh of generation from a renewable resource. Baseline scenario identifying necessary resource additions. Renewable Energy Production Incentive 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 6 of 8 Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM Retrofill RFP RGGI RHR RSG RTO S*R S*RC SAIDI SAIFI SCADA SCC SCR SEPA SES SFH SIP SO2 SOx SolarTAC SQ Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Remove contaminated oil and replace with clean oil. Request For Proposal United States’ Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Regional Haze Rule Revenue Sufficiency Guarantee (Charges): Direct result of production shortfalls relative to earlier forecasts. Regional Transmission Organization Solar Rewards (Company’s Program) Solar Rewards Community (Company’s Community Solar Gardens Program) System Average Interruption Frequency Index: Measures average number of times customer is interrupted over given period (usually monthly or annually). Lower values are better. System Average Interruption Frequency Index: Measures average number of times customer is interrupted over given period (usually monthly or annually). Lower values are better. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Social Cost of Carbon Selective Catalytic Reduction Solar Electric Power Association Minnesota Solar Energy Standard: Minn. Stat. § 216B.1691, subd. 2f, which requires 1.5% of retail sales to be sourced from new solar resources. SES is incremental to the Renewable Energy Standard (RES). Single Family Housing State Implementation Plan Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur Oxide Solar Technology Acceleration Center Status Quo 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 7 of 8 Xcel Energy ACRONYM / TERM S-RECs Switch Tap THI Transcos Transformer Transmission Inadequacies TRC TSD UCAP USACE V2G VAr VOCs W2B WDNR WOTUS WTP ZRC Appendix B Acronyms, Terms and Descriptions DEFINITION Solar Renewable Energy Credits: Created from a solar resource installed after August 1, 2013 and eligible to be used for compliance with the MN Solar Energy Standard. Electromechanical devise used to configure the flow of electricity on distribution grid. A switch is designed to be opened or closed when electricity is not flowing through circuit. When switch is open, no electricity is flowing through circuit. Final leg of distribution system before connecting to customer premises. Temperature Humidity Index Transmission-only entities designed to respond to the FERC Order 1000. Electromechanical devise that converts alternating current to higher or lower voltage. Identified deficiencies in the transmission system that need to be upgraded to keep the transmission system within its defined limits. Total Resource Cost Technical Support Document Production Capability Value U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vehicle-To-Grid Voltage and Reactive Power Volatile Organic Compounds Wind2Battery Project Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Waters of the United States Worker Transition Plan Zonal Resource Credit 2016-2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan Page 8 of 8