Pasel ))-. CHM l-52l54 Exam 1 FaI1 2004 l-00 pts 1. Name: hrral-= ,/ In the reaction 2llo2+2NO+02 a t 3 0 0 o C , I N O Z I d r o p s f r o m 0 . 0 1 0 0 t o 0 . 0 0 6 5 0 M i n l-00 s. disappearance of NO2 for this period is M/s. a. 0.35 I 1 ) L 0.003s c) 0.000035 d. 0.0070 e. 0.00L8 2. - A-L,"; V ' At / D O * I-tui<= ^ LCoJ remains unchanged triples i".ieases by a facror of 4 is reduced by a factor of 2. z A n law of a reaction is rate = k[a]x. is second order in A, are _. ha.*e- 4 f b] I,I-ts-t c. t/s d. I/M e. s/tQ The units of k, if a. remain . the =*-&-fnJ-* //1-= s i N sI A reaction was found to be third order in A. Increasing the concentration of A by a factor of 3 will cause the reaction rate ,/iq kept -= I tal ::"J;iliJ" The rate reaction a. M/s constant, C9,/ rncrease by a factor c. increase by a factor d. triple e. decrease by a factor of _ q o € 5 D - 0 . o l o o= ] - f x / o J J A reaction was found to be second order in carbon monoxide concentrat.ion. The rate of the reaction if the concentration of carbon monoxide is doubled r6ith everything else b. c. (E) Y. 4. / The rate of 27 of 9 of cube r o o t the of 3 = h. tA: n \ / 1 n l3l l - u-Jl ' \ 4 to )1+ Page2 5. Using the information below, the rate reaction is .u-1s-1. A + B - ' P Experiment Number tAl (M) tBl (M) L 2 3 38.0 0.278 L5.Z 4 2. 0 2.21 0.273 0.273 0 .B L 9 ^ H: f-r r l l ( r'rn wS1 following 2.83 l at "^&: (E) z o . J e. 4 150oC. cons anEt for a l - 5 0 o C , a n df Jl __ ..1_ X l_o - 3 u f o r t h i s reac reac r i o n a t 2 5 , ll ? x l o - Y a. L32 ym LO I b. 55 c. 99 tt e. 22 what is the A S Y1-, '\jA- ) / r ' \ llr4,) \ / N,tu* ALn)'/ A s The rate lg the for Bl Pt"'n f,r P b*0 7. for .jll'ifi)", rc{0, hUD'Lq' 0.763 The rate constant for l-00oC, and 1.1- x l_0reaction? a . constant = overall order of the ,-\ rti cular reaction s l-.3 x 10-4M-1s-1 at 1 f a t 2 0 0 " C . W h a:t i s the energy of act,ivation I ? s \JCL q f u = 1 1 0 1 1 J, I x l o -3 9. 3 t'-l I I I 413;, [ ' I I , - _; -I u / 4t- I The reaction CH3-N=C t CH3-C=\ is a first,-order lCH3-N=Clg is reaction. At 230.3"C, k - 6.29 x l_0-4 s-1. If 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 M , t C H 3 - N T l i n M a f r e r j - . O O Ox L 0 3 s i s @ s.rg x 1o-4 b. c. d. e. 2.34 1.88 4.27 1.00 x x x x L0-4 10-3 L0-3 10-6 -4t t 1"Id, f,r1.: ),' ,...}'&''o oo' x/19 = 6,!,,Lilo (: K' )I -1,53f,7.--a = l.-LA), 7,83(1' l A l ,= e l - 1 L/ "r 'M X I D = 5,33 aa\ ,) t'-7 V,.* Page3 9. The rat.e constant f or a second-ord.ex, reaction is 0.1-3 U-1s-1. If the initial concentration of reactant is .0.2G mol/L, it takes " al"t the concentration to decrease to 0.13 mol/L. ". 0.0i? rr (' 'ir c. 1.0 Oe.t t4.4 x r.o-r lo. t ! = At+# Lfi)" ./ \ 1-0. The half-life of a €rref*rOer concent,ration of reactant is d e c r e a s e t o 0 . 0 5 5 ;(o Y. rn1 Yd . 0ll, .048 1 1 J ' The reaction A -> B is first. order the rate constant for this reaction time (s) tAl (M) 0.0 5.0 l - 0 .0 1"5.0 20.0 a. 0.013 b. 0.030 If ^ in is ?. Using [A] initial m i n f o-r\ i t r the 6-d:;i --,I "'L*fo\fUr,fL o /,/ data below, s-1. t lrl L.60 0.80 0.40 0.20 0 .t 0 the =g '0fi3)t*)^b'ost ,^fo,ort - n'"=^-T ,l{=- 0,0533A;-r e . 8 . 4 ( [ol e1 reaction is 13 min. 0.085 M, it takes n r-^-r -(r, ( a) a.z ) q J- - ! -af shPe cr^,9?tPo{ X i - - r t- )*,LAi o (A o.u Y s.o e. 3.L x 10-3 1,2. The rate constant is s-1. a. 0.693 (6) t. o8 x i.o-3 Y. t.zs d. 12.5 e. 4.44 x l-0-3 of a first-order process that tr-= &_r A 0,(f3 "ft.: L 2 s 5 has a h a l f - I i f e of 225 0 .( (3 = O . 0 o 3 6 ?s - l )rn?-Page4 13. beLween first Qne difference and second-order reactions is that *" half-life of a first-order r e a c t i o n d o e s n o t d e p e n d on tAlO; t.he .VQ talf-rife of a second.-order reaction does depend on tAl 0 b. the rate of a first-order reaction does not depend on reactant concentrations; the rate of a second-order reaction does depend. on reactant concentrations c. the rate of a first-order reaction depends on reactant concent,rations; the rate of a second-order reaction does not depend on reactant concentrations d. a first-order reaction can be catalyzed; a second-order reaction cannot be catalyzed e. the half-life of a first-order reaction depend.s on tAlo; the half-1ife of a second.-order reaction does not depend on tAl 0 1 4 . As t.he temperature of a reaction is increased, the rate of the reaction increases because the a. reactant molecules collide less frequently ,^. molecules collide ( b) reactant with greater enerqy p e r c o l l i s i o n -f. activation energy is lowered d. reactant molecules collide less frequently and with greater energry per collision e. reactant molecules collide m o r e frequently with less energry per collision l-5. In at d ( 9.) c. d. e. l-5. the potential energry prof i1e of a reactl-on, the maxi-mum on the curve is called the trroduct activated complex activation energly enthalpy of reaction atomic state The activation energy of a first.-order reaction o f 4 . 4 L x l - 0 - 3 s - 1 a r 351K and rate constant, of k.l/mol. a. b. ;q. \d\ Y. 2.67 2.90 0.0s89 22.4 0.4s0 4,4ty/o-3 V,r? n;- A the species that that has a rate const,ant .\ 9.79 x 10-2s-1 588K is _I_\ l_l_ 3st ) B],-vr [ssE Fr., r )2 1) q Al t 1 , -t - , I o 1 - t . / , . / ' ," 1r'r 1'7. The stoichiometric equations and rate laws for several reactions given below. Of these, only-could represent an elementary a_.2A+P rate=klAl" 6pn+B+p c. A + 28 e P d . A + B + g + P e. A + 28 + P rare=klAllBl rate = kAIAW ra te = ktAl tCI /' ' - / rate exists = k[A] lBf---- are step. Page5 18. The stoichiometric equation for a reaction is: 2 A + 2 8 s C The mechanism for (1) (2) (3) A + 3 - r P D + 3 r g A + E + C Of the following t.his reacLion is: (sIow; ( (fast ) (fast ) rate 1aws, is the correcL rate law for this ,PEchanism. (9 xate = kr [A] [B] b. Rate = k:[A] [E] c. Rate = kt [A]2 :.Bl2 d. Rate = kZ [D] [B] e. Rate = k2k3tAl tBl tDl 1-9. Of the following, will lower the activation reaction. a. increasing the concentrations of reactants the temperature of the reaction _\raising a (c-ladding suitable catalyst -d-. all of the above e. none of the above energy for a Page6 20. Which one of concentration a. graph a b. graph b c. graph c d. graph d e. graph e the following and time for graphs shows the correct relationship between a reaction that is second order in tAl ? a) h tAl time b) time 1{Al time d) tAI time e) time 21. The graph shown below time for the following The slope o f a. k b. -1lk c. ln [A]g this cfl -t< Y ru* 2A-C In [A] time line depicts the relationship chemical reacti,on. is equal to between concentration and PageT 22. which energy difference in the reaction profire activation energy for the forward react.ion? b e l o w corresponds to A W q 9* c. y d . z e . w a n d z Extentof Reaction The following table questions below. For the reaction: E:<periment of e>cperimental data is necessary lox- 1 1 0.060 M 0.030 M z 3:3333:333 l::H: 2 3 . W h a t i s the order ct. a l- b. 0 €)2 d . 3 e. 4 2 4 . What is a. 0 of the initial rate 0.0248M/s reaction o. oe,{s (g- }j9).X O,ooll( \o'oT0/ the order of the reaction d . 3 e. 4 o - Dot )- I O.t) -J-/C 3 2 5 . W h a t i s the value of the rate a . 1 . 1 - 5x 1 0 4 A1;3 \*/ rrs with (; ^X rr / 0., =^[&^ - /) Ll0l/-) "J r,'x' ^ with.respect to CIO2? ,n-- i'x = ? = (s)r €p c . 2 answer the 2 C l O z ( a q ) + 2 O H -( a q ) + C l O l - ( a S ) + C l O z - ( a S ) + H z O ( l ) IcIo2l 3 to \ .esp"et-E6-6H-z (C- 'EP\V Q.rrett I conitant , for the reaction =r I r*J_ f frfr e. 71-3 o,orq8=^&,06D'[0.030 -k=?)?'d the