PART 1 MINUTES FOR MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF LINGFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL Thursday 22nd October 2015 Debbie Marshall Jane Blunt Amanda Lowy Kathryn Percival Anna Sutton Julia Tappin Marion Unsworth Sue Yates DM JB AL KP AS JT MU SY Peter Gillespie Maggie Vinten Kelly Lancashire Penny Batty PB Clerk PG MV KL Topic / Purpose Item 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were accepted from Caroline Henry 2 DECLARATION OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 3 PREVIOUS MINUTES Previous minutes were agreed for: FGM 16th September 2015 Resources June 10th 2015 C&L June 18th 2015 4 PUPIL PREMIUM Prior to the meeting MV had distributed the attached Pupil Premium Report for 2015/2016 along with the Pupil Premium Impact Report for 2014/2015. DM thanked MV for the reports. The impact report was very detailed in explaining how the money had been spent in different areas and the impact that had been achieved. DM observed that the report included all children receiving benefit from these initiatives and not just receiving Pupil Premium. She questioned whether the report, although accurate, did not read as strongly as it could. MV said that all schools will report differently but felt that the LPS report for last year showed where the money had been spent and that it was important that parents could see and understand these figures. JT agreed and said that the report clearly shows the positive impact that Pupil Premium children are receiving and that it was good practice to include that some of the children in the report are not Pupil 1 Action By Topic / Purpose Item Premium children. MV advised Governors that each child had an individual breakdown on how much Pupil Premium they receive and how the money was spent. KL asked if there were any children who received Pupil Premium but did not need any of the money. MV replied that there were and these pupils were shown on a separate spreadsheet. MV said that the monitoring of Pupil Premium children was vigorous to ensure that each child was fulfilling their potential. Extra curricula clubs are available to all Pupil Premium children free of charge and these clubs have had a notable increase in uptake over the last year. Tuition sessions and Homework club have also proved popular and the parents of the Travelling Children will be focused on next term to encourage them to use these facilities during the months that they are not travelling. THRIVE is a continuing success and there will be shortly be an additional 2 practioners on site which will bring the total of qualified practioners to 5. KL sked if our THRIVE practioners will be able to help at other schools and MV said that this would be developed in the future. JT said that the SCC SMSC leader had recently been into school and she had commented on the success of THRIVE within LPS. Governors asked how many children were eligible for Pupil Premium this year and MV said that currently this figure stood at 74 children 5 SAFEGUARDING See Part 2 6 08.45 MV left the meeting CHAIRS REPORT DM had circulated the following report to Governors prior to the meeting. A copy of the new prospectus was also distributed to Governors at the meeting. Chair’s Report Actions on behalf of the FGB since our last meeting: 1. Formula Funding Consultation – I read and agreed with the feedback of JBL and JT to Surrey’s Formula Funding consultation and signed on behalf of the FGB. 2. Complaints Panel – unfortunately Felbridge Primary School have a stage 4 complaint and I have agreed to offer them support by sitting on the complaints panel. 3. Nick House – sadly I received Nick House’s resignation. His new role as Head Teacher has placed constraints on his time and he feels unable to undertake his role at LPS effectively. 4. Letters of thanks – I wrote to both Diana Murray and Nick House on the Governing Body’s behalf, to thank them for their time, input and support during their period as governors at LPS. 5. Clerk Appraisal (25/9/15) – I met with Penny to undertake her annual appraisal. 6. Governor Recruitment – I have placed an advert in the autumn edition of 2 Action By Topic / Purpose Item the Community News for new governors, stating that we are particularly seeking someone with HR skills. JB has contacted SGOSS and registered our recruitment needs there too. I have also attended: 7. Ofsted Training (12/10/15) – JB and I attended a training session on the new Ofsted framework, which gave us an insight into the key changes to the judgements and how to evidence our work. We were pleased to find that there were no surprises and that we are already doing, or in the process of implementing, almost all of the things suggested. In our next safeguarding report we need to understand what steps we are taking as a school to prevent radicalisation and extremism. 8. Super Spelling Workshop (15/10/15) – along with other governors, I attended a super spelling workshop in year 5. There were a number of parents present, who felt the session was interesting and informative. The children were engaged with their learning and enjoyed showing parents and visitors what they knew about words with silent letters, such as comb, knight, solemn etc. 9. Head/Chair meetings – JT and I have continued to meet fortnightly. Our discussions have covered attendance, new initiative – top table, SMSC, staffing structure and CPD, SDP, parents’ forum, OFSTED inspection, appraisal system, governing body structure and roles/responsibilities, academisation and Julia’s acceptance onto the NPQH programme. You have to pass an assessment in order to undertake the NPQH. I would like to congratulate Julia for passing the assessment and share with governors that Julia was given “above” the entry level standard for each of the seven competencies. 3 Action By Topic / Purpose Action By Item 7 PREMISES PG distributed the following report prior to the meeting. Item 7 – Premises, Maintenance and Health and Safety Summer Maintenance update: The following works have been completed over the summer: Early Years Day to day Ramp in Reception £2,250 KS1 path Reception soft surface £621 Sarah’s path Reception & KS1 canopies £1,183 PG gates Total Budget Balance £4,054 £10,000 £5,946 Redecoration KS2 Toilets KS2 classroom doors KS2 corridor £35,000 £8,970 £4,195 Total Budget Balance £48,165 £45,000 (£3,165) Light switch Woodlice door Parasol Fixed wiring Locker doors £814 £960 £564 £146 £1,060 £175 £2,194 £4,113 Total Budget Balance £10,026 £15,000 £4,974 Grand total Budget Balance £62,245 £70,000 £7,755 The over spend in the redecoration budget related to higher than expected costs in the redecoration of the KS2 corridor. Health and Safety: The health and safety schedule (as discussed in the Resources Committee meeting of 10 June 2015) has been updated based on those improvements that have been made to address identified risks. A health and safety walk now needs to be arranged to confirm that the improvements are satisfactory and identify any additional health and safety items. JBL has suggested that these take place on a termly basis. Action – PG to arrange the Christmas term health and safety walk with Sarah Marlow. Statutory Safety checks: The schedule covering statutory checks (again, as discussed in the Resources Committee meeting of 10 June 2015) has been updated. The revised format includes a checklist to indicate whether a check has been performed in a given year. Action – CH to confirm if any of the minor items that were outstanding by the end of the last year remain outstanding. Rolling maintenance plan: Now that the summer maintenance schedule is complete, the next objective is to produce the three year rolling maintenance plan as previously discussed in June. This will be developed over Christmas term 2015 with a view to report to the board in early 2016 to tie in with the next budget. 4 Topic / Purpose Action By Item PG explained that he had met with Janice Blatcher earlier in the term and she had confirmed that all work that had been scheduled to be done during the summer holidays had been completed. A rolling 3 year maintenance plan is being drawn up and this would be submitted to Governors at the January FGM. The Health and Safety walks would be carried out on a termly basis and the statutory checks would be incorporated into these. ACTION PG to produce a 3 year rolling maintenance plan. 8 FINANCE JB had produced and distributed the attached Finance report prior to the meeting. The August FMR is also attached. JB said that whilst staffing costs have been reduced, supplies and services costs have increased significantly with money being spent on the new Singapore Maths scheme and the increase in expenditure on the improved classroom displays 9 CURRICULUM The following report on the recent Curriculum Monitoring Course had been distributed by MU prior to the meeting. Notes from Curriculum Monitoring Course 29 September 2015 There was an emphasis on having a vision and plan for 3 – 5 years to enable the school to plan efficiently. We should ask the question- What will the school look like in 3-5 years time and our plans should work towards this, not just one year at a time. We should ask ourselves - Is it time bonded? What will be the difference? Governors should be ambitious and have high expectations. 5 PG Topic / Purpose Item We should say this is what we want to achieve and hold the HT to accountability We should be asking if what we do is value for money and if it is the best resource for the money spent Parents are now seen as much more of partners in learning. There is a need to publish information on the website of the curriculum There is a sports based Maths curriculum for boys in particular who are disaffected by maths but love sports We should make sure we are focusing on our more able children to ensure that they are working even better What do we do to stretch our more able. Do they join the local secondary school to stretch them . Who needs more stretching work. The more able need to work on an individual basis. Do we monitor our extra curriculum activities particularly the artistic, creative and sporting activities. Ofsted will look at this. Do we have a list of clubs and who is running themselves OFSTED – no-one is immune from discussion eg committees . We should ask for timetables eg how much maths/ English is taught. Reports Do we have subject leaders evidence on how the children performing. We need to triangulate between what is reported and the actual results What is our new assessment measure How do you know what the new curriculum is? What have been the challenges of the new curriculum How do we maintain a strategic approach with our new governing model? Do we have data per class? Who is our Data champion? What have been the trends of performance over the year per class? ASSESMENT What assessment system are we using now? What happens with inter- school transfers? What has been the impact of the two systems? Do we still moderate, with whom and how? Babcock have written some new assessment materials? Are we getting information on children who are falling down the cracks Do the governors get enough information to carry out their job effectively Does the HT report give us enough information for us to ask questions? Do we all get a report of the Learning Partner's termly reports. These should be available to the governing body not just the chair. This is because we are a corporate body and information should be available to all of the governing body How has the new assessment system helped teachers to plan better lessons? Closing the gap – Look at this from evidence from moderation and assessment Make sure the minutes of the governing body demonstrate that they ask probing questions 6 Action By Topic / Purpose Item Collect information re- children who go off role and where they go. A record needs to be kept of where they have gone Governors need to triangulate 1. Quality of lessons taught 2. Work in books 3. Pupil; progress data. Governors do not need to look at the actual evidence but they do need to receive reports to enable them to triangulate appropriately PREVENT DUTY Ensure staff receive Prevent training Build children's resilience – identify children who are loners on the edge of groups i.e. vulnerable to extreme behaviour Where does the curriculum build resilience SMSC OFSTED ask Primary School: How do we prevent our children from being radicalised? What groups are susceptible – what do we do to promote different cultures and faiths They assess how we have implemented the new Prevent Duty How has the curriculum been adapted How does practice meet the duty Members of the Governing Body Governing body skills base We need to identify who is responsible for what e.g.what are the head's duties and what are the governors and reference this against the school plan How is the school plan broken down What are the school strengths and areas of development. Do we know the risks and what the school is doing? Governor visits These school monitor against the targets set in the school plan. What and when will it be delivered? What does the progress data tell us? Design a visit to show how it is working Provide a report to the Governing body. Annex the report any unanswered questions Minutes and reports – questions should be clearly identified. MU said that she found the course very informative and was pleased to report to Governors that LPS were already following the suggested guidelines. MU said that following the course a Curriculum meeting was held (notes attached) with the 3 Curriculum Governors (MU, KP and SY) and Cassie Ladbrook. Each Governor would take responsibility for the following areas, English, Maths, Science and SMSC. MU said that the current classroom displays and working walls were excellent and 7 Action By Topic / Purpose Action By Item DM suggested that the displays should be photographed and a record kept for future reference. SY agreed to do this. SY told Governors that the extra curricula clubs were popular and suggested that Governors should take time to visit them in order to appreciate how much the children are benefitting from them. 09.15 SY left the meeting MU suggested that a record needed to be kept to ensure that over the school year all areas of the curriculum are covered. JT said that this was already in place and that the focus for this term was Science. ACTION SY to start a portfolio of all classroom displays SY 10 TERMS OF REFERENCE Governors agreed to the Terms of Reference for both the Pay Committee and HTPM which had already been circulated prior to the meeting. 11 PHONICS FOCUS VISIT AS distributed the list of criteria that Governors should be evaluating during their phonics focus visit along with a copy of the Phonics/Spelling action plan. Governors then split themselves into small groups and agreed to reconvene in the meeting room in 30 minutes. ACTION SY to write up the report on the visit MEETING ENDED 09.15 SIGNED: …………………………………………… DATE: ……………………………………………. 8 SY