BOARD OF GOVERNORS DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In order to satisfy the requirements of accountability and transparency, the following information is required of each Board member: 1. Are you an employee of the University? 2. Are any members of your immediate family employees of the University? Yes No 3. Are you a student of the University? 4. Are any members of your immediate family students of the University? Yes No 5. Names of boards, organizations, companies, vendors, contractors, etc. with which you have an interest, directly or indirectly, and with which the University might at some time consider a contract or transaction: Organization, etc Yes Yes No No Position Held (if any) I certify that the information provided above is true and complete, and that I have read and understood the attached guidelines governing board member responsibilities. ____________________ Date Signature Print Name Submit to: University Secretary, 212 Peter MacKinnon Building, University of Saskatchewan