Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation Detectors Heinz Graafsma Photon Science Detector Group DESY-Hamburg; Germany The Detector Challenge: Las e rs à é l e ctron s l i bre s Free-Electron Lasers Brillance d2/0.1%B .F.) PETRA-3 1023 Li m i te de di ffracti on 1022 ESRF (2000) brilliance 1021 1020 ES RF (fu tu r) 3è m e ge n e rati on ES RF (2000) ESRF (1994) 1019 Synchrotron Sources ES RF (1994) 1018 1017 16 10 15 10 2è m e ge n e rati on Second generation 1014 1013 Rayon n e m e n t s yn ch rotron 1è re gé n é rati on First generation 1012 1011 1010 X-rayTu be s à rayon s X tubes 109 108 107 106 1900 1900 1920 1940 1960 Années 1980 1960 2000 1980 2000 2 The Detector Challenge: 3 XFEL Beamline Layout 4 The Detector Challenge: • Spectroscopy (determine energy of the X-rays): – meV – 1 keV resolution – time resolved (100 psec) – static • Imaging (determine intensity distribution) – Micro-meter – millimeter resolution – Tomographic – Time resolved • Scattering (determine intensity as function momentum transfer = angle) – Small angel – protein crystallography – Diffuse – Bragg – Crystals - liquids 5 What are the basic principles ? 1. In order to detect you have to transfer energy from the particle to the detector 2. X-ray light is quantized (photons) 3. A photon is either fully absorbed or not at all (no track like for MIPs) 4. The energy absorbed is transferred into an electrical signal and then into a number (digitized). 6 Signal Generation Needs transfer of Energy Any form of elementary excitation can be used to detect the radiation signal: Ionization (gas, liquids, solids) Excitation of optical states (scintillators) Excitation of lattice vibrations (phonons) Breakup of Cooper pairs in superconductors Typical excitation energies: Ionization in semiconductors: 1 – 5 eV Scintillation: appr. 20 eV Phonons: meV Breakup of Cooper pairs: meV 7 Band structure (3) Ge Eg = 0.7 eV Si Eg = 1.1 eV Indirect band gap GaAs Eg = 1.4 eV Direct band gap 8 What would you like to know about your X-rays? 1. 2. 3. 4. Intensity or flux (photons/sec) Energy (wavelength) Position (or mostly angles) Arrival time (time resolved experiments) 5. Polarization 9 4 modes of detection 1. 2. 3. 4. Current (=flux) mode operation Integration mode operation Photon counting mode operation Energy dispersive mode operation 10 Current mode operation X-ray detector I Integrating mode operation X-ray detector C V(t) 11 Photon counting mode X-ray detector C R V(t) Upper threshold Lower threshold 12 Energy dispersive mode X-ray detector C R V(t) Height total charge = energy of the photon 13 Some general detector parameters • QE = quantum efficiency = fraction of incoming photons detected (<1.0). You want this to be as high as possible. • DQE = detective quantum efficiency = signal noiseout 1.0 signal noise in You can never increase signal, nor decrease noise! So signal to noise will always degrade in the detector. (NB: signal to noise is the most important parameter when you measure something!) • Gain = relation between your signal strength (V, A, ADU) and the number of photons. 14 Some more parameters for 2D systems • Point Spread Function (PSF) (Line spread function (LSF) or spatial resolution): A very small beam (smaller than the pixel size) will produce a spot with a certain size and shape. Very important are the FWHM; and the tails of the PSF. This is experimentally difficult use sharp edge and LSF Note: pixel size is not spatial resolution! (but should be close to it in an optimal design). 15 Some more parameters for 2D systems • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF): How is a spatially modulated signal (line pattern) recorded (transferred) by the detector? Modulation contrast Max Min Max Min This depends on the frequency. Is directly related to the LSF and the DQE 16 100 % 0% 17 Some more parameters for 2D systems • Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Example 100 0 1.0 100 0 Ideal: contrast Effect of noise: 150 50 contrast 0.5 150 50 Effect of PSF: contrast 75 25 0.5 75 25 18 FEL Sources vs. Storage Rings • Pulse length: 103 shorter (100 fsec vs 100 psec) • Emmittance: 102 horizontal, 3 vertical lower • Intensity per pulse: 3x102 higher (1012 ph) • Monochromaticity: 10 better Peak brilliance: 109 higher 19 FEL Challenge: Different Science x109 • Completely new science • Fast science 100 fsec • “Single shot” science Consequences for the detector: (H.Graafsma; Jinst, 4, P12011, (2009)) 1. Single shot-science: 1012 ph in 100 fsec (complete) ionization of sample; followed by coulomb explosion. • Fortunately scattering is faster: “diffract-anddestroy”. (<50 fsec) (Nature 406, 752, (2000)). • Crystal diffraction is “self-gating” (Nature Photonics, 6, 35, (2012)). 21 Single shot imaging… K. J. Gaffney and H. N. Chapman, Science 8 June 2007 Consequences for the detector: 1. Single shot-science: 1012 ph in 100 fsec (complete) ionization of sample; followed by coulomb explosion. • Fortunately scattering is faster: “diffract-and-destroy”. (<50 fsec) (Nature 406, 752, (2000)). • Crystal diffraction is “self-gating” (Nature Photonics, 6, 35, (2012)). 2. Central hole in detector & no beamstop: 1012 ph @ 12 keV 1K rise in mm3 Cu 3000 K per bunch train + huge background 23 Radiation doses: worst case (?) > 5000 h User-operation per year > Undulator shared between 2 experiments 2500 hrs/exp./year > Date taking 50% (rest alignment etc.) 1250 hrs/year > Each branch can take ½ of the load: 15000 pulses/sec 6.75 1010 pulses/year > Certain experiments expect 5 x104 photons per pixel (200 mm) per pulse. Small angle and liquid scattering always same place on detector 3.4 1015 photons/year = 1016 ph/3 years (@ 12 keV silicon surface dose of 1 Giga Gray!!!) Angular coverage / detector size: > 12 keV = 0.1 nm in order to study features (d) to atomic resolution. > Bragg’s law (2dsin(q) = l) 2q = 60 degrees 120 degrees total 2q Liquid scattering: momentum transfer 10 A-1 200 degrees back scattering Angular resolution 2 examples: Coherent Diffractive Imaging (CDI): > 0.1 nm spatial features: dmin > 100 nm samples (e.g. virus): D Nyquist >2000 sampling points (pixels) 0.5 mrad D2q = dmin x asin(l/2dmin) / 2D X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy: Speckle size: Qs = l/D, D is sample or beam size Compromise between sample heating (large beam) and speckle size (small beam) 25 mm beam at l=0.1 nm 4 mrad speckles (80 mm at 20 m) E-XFEL Challenge: Time structure = difference with “others” Electron bunch trains; up to 2700 bunches in 600 msec, repeated 10 times per second. Producing 100 fsec X-ray pulses (up to 27 000 bunches per second). 100 ms 100 ms 27 000 bunches/s But with 4.5 MHz rep rate 600 ms 99.4 ms X-ray photons <100 fs 220 ns FEL process XFEL Detector requirements 4.5 MHz The XFEL solutions: Hybrid Pixel Array Detectors Hybrid Pixel Array Detector (HPAD) Diode Detection Layer • Fully depleted, high resistivity • Direct x-ray conversion • Silicon, GaAs, CdTe, etc. Connecting Bumps • Solder or indium • 1 per pixel CMOS Layer • Signal processing • Signal storage & output Gives enormous flexibility! X-rays Hybrid Pixel Detectors Pixelated Particle Sensor Particle / X-ray Amplifier & Readout Chip CMOS Qsignal Power Indium Solder Bumpbonds Clock Inputs Connection wire pads Power Inputs Outputs Data Outputs Particle / X-ray Signal Charge Electr. Amplifier Readout Digital Data 31 The new generation: Medipix et al. Sensor Sensor Substrate Sensor Substrate Substrate Al InGaAs InGaAs UBM UBM UBM Insulator Insulator Au Au bump Au Au UBM UBM Al Al CMOS ROIC 32 Why are HPADs so popular ? • Custom design of functionality: you design your readout chip specific for your application (unlike CCDs). • Direct detection good spatial resolution • Massive parallel detection high flux • But: development takes long and is expensive. 33 The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector The AGIPD consortium: PSI/SLS -Villingen: chip design; interconnect and module assembly Universität Bonn: chip design Universität Hamburg: radiation damage tests, “charge explosion” studies; and sensor design DESY: chip design, interface and control electronics, mechanics, cooling; overall coordination Some Facts 6 years development ~ 20 people Some Milestones First 16x16 pixels prototype End 2010 Definition of final design Summer 2011 Production, assembly and test >2013 The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector High dynamic range: Dynamically gain switching system Extremely fast readout (200ns): Leakage comp. 1,4 Normal Charge 1,2 V sensitive amplifier Vthr Discr. 1,6 Trim DAC ADCmax Output Voltage [V] C1 Analogue pipeline storage Analogue encoding C2 Control logic 1,8 C3 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 Cf=100fF Cf=1500fF Cf=4800fF 0,0 0 5000 10000 Number of 12.4 KeV - Photons 15000 AGIPD03 Gains 0 Gy 7,00E+03 Not corrected for variation of charge injection circuit 6,50E+03 6,00E+03 Amplitude [LSB] 5,50E+03 5,00E+03 >Gain Ratios: 4,50E+03 >H/M= 23.0 (23.1; 23.0; 22.8; 23.0) 4,00E+03 >M/L= 4.37 (4.67; 4.23; 4.10; 4.46) 3,50E+03 3,00E+03 2,50E+03 0,00E+000 1,00E+003 2,00E+003 Analogue Pix 0 Analogue Pix 1 Analogue Pix 2 Analogue Pix 3 Gain Pix 0 Gain Pix 1 Gain Pix 2 Gain Pix 3 2,87E+3 + 3,26E+1x 2,80E+3 + 2,77E+1x 2,75E+3 + 2,52E+1x 2,77E+3 + 2,94E+1x 3,61E+3 + 1,42E+0x 3,96E+3 + 3,03E-1x 3,54E+3 + 1,20E+0x 3,79E+3 + 2,84E-1x 3,49E+3 + 1,11E+0x 3,70E+3 + 2,70E-1x 3,47E+3 + 1,28E+0x 3,76E+3 + 2,87E-1x 3,00E+003 4,00E+003 5,00E+003 Charge [Clk] 6,00E+003 7,00E+003 8,00E+003 9,00E+003 1,00E+004 AGIPD – Analogue Memory & Radiation Hardness >Droop (loss of signal) •Time R O Bu s •Radiation dose Analogue Mem CDS + THR SW CTRL DAC Analogue Mem RO Amp Electron bunch trains; up to 2700 bunches in 600 msec, repeated 10 times per second. Producing 100 fsec X-ray pulses (up to 27 000 bunches per second). 100 ms 100 ms 600 ms 99.4 ms Write: within 220 nsec Store and read: for 100 msec AGIPD - Analogue Memory 100 msec “loss free” Charge Storage in Analogue Pipeline • Switch design is the challenge • Thick oxide & MIM caps in IBM process are OK AGIPD analogue memory: • DGNCAP (thick oxide n-FET in n-well) caps • Minimise voltage drop across T1 – Floating n-well – Special precautions for radiation hardness needed AGIPD03 Memory Leakage Droop (av. reduction of dynamic range) [%] 20 0 -20 Transistor type – connection of upper n-well – potential of guard ring -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 1,00E-004 RVT-IN-GND (0Gy) RVT-VDD-GND (0Gy) RVT-IN-GND (100kGy) RVT-VDD-GND (100kGy) RVT-IN-GND (1MGy) RVT-VDD-GND (1MGy) LP-IN-GND (0Gy) LP-VDD-GND (0Gy) LP-IN-GND (100kGy) LP-VDD-GND (100kGy) LP-IN-GND (1MGy) LP-VDD-GND (1MGy) LP-VDD-VDD (0Gy) RVT-VDD-VDD (0Gy) LP-VDD-VDD (100kGy) RVT-VDD-VDD (100kGy) LP-VDD-VDD (1MGy) RVT-VDD-VDD (1MGy) 1,00E-003 1,00E-002 Storage time [s] 1,00E-001 1,00E+000 AGIPD ASIC ASIC per pixel HV Pixel matrix Analog Mem CDS + - SW CTRL DAC Analog Mem RO Amp THR Calibration circuitry Adaptive gain amplifier 352 analog memory cells Chip ASIC periphery output driver RO bus (per column) Sensor … … Mux Imaging with AGIPD 0.2 prototype The Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector Basic parameters 64 x 64 •1 Megapixel detector (1k 1k) pixels •200mm 200mm pixels •Flat detector •Sensor: Silicon 128 x 512 pixel tiles •Single shot 2D-imaging •4.5 MHz frame rate •2 104 photons dynamic range •Adaptive gain switching •Single photon sensitivity at 12keV •Noise 300e •Storage depth 350 images •Analogue readout between bunch-trains bump bond chip Connector to interface sensor wire bond HDI Base plate ~ 2mm ~220 mm 1k x 1k (2k x 2k) Calibration challenges: > 106 x 3 gains; with > 10 points per gain curve: O(107) > 106 x 350 storage cells > 10 points per droop curve: O(109) > How to store the calibration data and how to correct data? > How often do we need to recalibrate > On-chip calibration sources > Cross calibration with physics (photons, alpha, …) > How long does this all take? Some reflections on the future • Active Sensors (DSSC) 45 DSSC - DEPMOS Sensor with Signal Compression > DEPFET per pixel > Very low noise (good for soft X-rays) > non linear gain (good for dynamic range) > per pixel ADC > digital storage pipeline > Hexagonal pixels 200mm pitch > MPI-HLL, Munich > Universität Heidelberg • combines DEPFET > Universität Siegen • with small area drift detector (scaleable) > Politecnico di Milano > Università di Bergamo > DESY, Hamburg 46 DEPMOS Sensor with Signal Compression DEPFET: Electrons are collected in a storage well ⇒Influence current from source to drain gate drain source Storage well Fully depleted silicon e- Output voltage as function of charge injected charge injected charge DSSC 47 Some reflections on the future • Active Sensors (DSSC) • Built-in intelligence per pixel (AGIPD) 48 Some reflections on the future • Active Sensors (DSSC) • Built-in intelligence per pixel (AGIPD) • Communication pixels (Medipix-3) 49 Medipix3 – charge summing concept The winner takes all • The incoming Charge processed is quantum is every assigned summed in 4 as a single hit on an pixel cluster event-by-event basis 55m 50 Some reflections on the future • • • • Active Sensors (DSSC) Built-in intelligence per pixel (AGIPD) Communication pixels (Medipix-3) More functionality per area/pixel: 3D-ASIC technology (Helmholtz Cube) 51 Hybridization Cut the sensor as close as possible Use thinned readout chips Stay within the exact n-fold pixel pitch 52 XFS Module Specification: PSI/SLS Operate 2x4 (8) Chips per Module. ~78 x 39 mm2 53 PILATUS @ SLS Sensor Wire bonds Read-out chips Base plate Al support Module Control Board MCB Cable Courtesy: Ch. Brönnimann, PSI SLS Detector Group 54 55 Current State-of-the-art The “Helmholtz-Cube” Vertically Integrated Detector Technology Replace standard sensor with: 3D and edgeless sensors, as well as High-Z Replace standard bumpbonds with new interconnect techniques Replace standard ASIC and wire bonds with thinned ASICs and TSV as well as ball-grid arrays Replace standard ASIC with 3D-ASICs Develop new high speed IO’s 58 3D-ASIC technology 59 60 The “Helmholtz-Cube” Vertically Integrated Detector Technology S Sensor Analogue ASIC Digital ASIC I/O ASIC Electrical + Cooling + Support Power-in Optical I/O 62 Summary Detectors • Signal-to-noise ratio most fundamental parameter in measurements. • A detector is always a compromise (ex. speed vs. noise). Application determines what you compromise. • Never take a detector as a “perfect black box”, be aware of limitations. • Understanding your detector is part of understanding your science. 63