Load Management Wiring Guide

Load Management
Wiring Guide
Runestone Electric Association
6839 Power Lane SW
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 762-1121 or (800) 473-1722
Fax: (320) 763-4149
Table of Contents
Basic Load Management Requirements
Installation Requirements
Load Management Programs
Space Heating
Water Heating
Cycled Central Air Conditioning
A/C Quality Installation Program
Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural (Gen-Sets)
Energy Wise® Rates and Rebates
Space Heating
Fuel Cost Comparison
Water Heating
Interruptible Service
Interruptible Gen-Sets
CT Metering
Servicing Radio Receivers
Typical wiring diagrams
CT Metering Connections
Off-Peak Systems
Radio Receiver Functions
Water Heating (plumbing & wiring diagram)
Dual Metered Installation
Cycled A/C
Peak Interrupter Panel
Updated: January 2016
Basic Load Management Requirements
No application is required but the homeowner is urged to contact REA to make certain
that the proposed system meets requirements. See Load Management Programs for the
basic requirements.
Homeowner responsibilities
1) Select a contractor
2) Arrange for installation
3) Sign a Load Management Agreement when the job is complete
Contractor responsibilities
Arrange with REA to get a radio receiver and meter socket
Install off-peak system
Notify REA of completion and request a meter
All wiring must meet minimum code requirements
File a wiring permit with the State Board of Electricity
Installation Requirements
1) Off peak systems require the installation of a subtractive meter or a separate
service (dual metering).
2) Subtractive metering and radio receivers will be outside the home or other
building and mounted at a height of 5-6 feet. (Eye level)
3) A subtractive meter must be energized from a dedicated 20 amp circuit.
4) If dual metering originates from a meter pedestal, call REA to determine whether
it is necessary to add an additional meter socket or provide CT metering at the
transformer. All loads approaching 200 amp and larger will be CT metered.
5) If dual metering originates at an overhead service (pole), the contractor will pick
up the meter socket from REA and install the overhead loop. An REA crew will
make the overhead connections and install the meter after notification that the
service is ready to be energized.
6) Cycled air conditioners and water heater only systems are not metered on the offpeak rate.
Space Heating
Dual Fuel (Including heat pumps and hydronic in-floor heating):
A dual fuel system may be controlled up to 400 hours during the heating season. Heat
pumps will be cycle controlled in the summer. Typical control periods in the summer run
about 6 hours and the cycle time is 15 minutes off and 15 minutes on. The blower is not
interrupted by the load management system.
In the case of geothermal heat pumps, using the well, the well can be metered at the offpeak rate, but not controlled during the peak.
Electric water heaters can tag along on the same dual fuel rate, but must be controlled on
a separate function at the radio receiver. Normally, dual fuel is a combination of electric
heat and a fossil fuel backup system. Space that is heated with hydronic in-floor does not
require a backup heater.
Storage Space Heating:
Electric storage furnaces, storage room heaters, and under-floor deep heating cables are
options that allow homeowners with electrically heated homes to avoid a fossil backup
heating system. For additions or multi-level homes, all areas will be required to be
Storage space heating equipment is heated or charged between the hours of 11:00 pm and
7:00 am. A 2-hour bump may be possible in the afternoon for systems that are slightly
under sized.
An electric water heater can tag along on the same off-peak rate, but will be controlled
Water Heating
Storage Water Heating
REA sells the water heater to a member (see information on page 8). The cost includes
the water heater, a mixing valve, and a radio receiver, if needed. Water heaters in dairy
barns do not use a mixing valve. The homeowner is responsible for the complete
installation, including the radio receiver. The water is heated during the night, from 11:00
p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Monday – Friday and 11:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. on weekends and
holidays. Dairy barns and households requiring more than normal amounts of hot water,
may receive a 2-hour bump in the afternoon. Control times are normally limited as much
as possible.
8-Hour Peak Shaved Water Heating
Any water heater, other than storage water heaters that tag along with controlled electric
heat, may receive the applicable off-peak rate and will be subject to an 8-hour control
strategy, typically between 4:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Cycled Central Air Conditioning
REA will likely be promoting cycled central air conditioning each year. Incentives may
change each year, but as of now, the homeowner will receive a $7.50 electric service
credit during the months of July, August and September each year while on the program.
Radio receivers are installed by REA at no cost.
Central Air Conditioning & Air Source Heat
Pump Quality Installation Program
Studies have shown that more than 75% of central air conditioners are operating below
their rated performance. This causes wasted energy, decreases comfort and shortens the
life of air conditioning equipment. These problems can be addressed when units are
properly installed and maintained.
That is why we have developed the Quality Installation rebate. To qualify for the Quality
Installation rebate, the central air conditioner unit or heat pump must be installed by a
qualified HVAC contractor on our list.
Contractors can register for the program on our website at www.RunestoneElectric.com.
Qualified installations focus on 4 key areas:
• Equipment sizing
• Refrigerant charge
• Air flow
• Duct sealing (exposed ducts only)
Rebates available to REA members:
Air Source Heat Pump:
>SEER13 ...................$50
>SEER 14.5 ...............$480
>SEER15 ...................$580
>SEER 16+ ...............$630
Central Air Conditioning:
>SEER13 ...................$50
>SEER 14.5 ...............$50
>SEER 16+ ...............$50
>SEER15 ...................$50
Applying for the rebate will automatically enroll the member in our Cycled Central Air
Conditioning program.
Center pivot irrigation systems that are controlled during the summer peaks receive a
reduction in demand charges. At present, if controlling is necessary, REA’s irrigators are
limited to being controlled for 4 hours, normally 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Controls starting later
may be needed for the month of May. REA personnel will install the radio receivers.
Commercial, Industrial, & Agricultural
(Interruptible / Gen-Sets)
Under the interruptible load program, an entire load is either transferred to a backup
generator or turned off. REA will install special metering and a radio receiver that is
capable of starting the generator and transferring the load to the generator. An electrician
is responsible for the wiring beyond the radio receiver. The business or farmer is required
to contact REA for program specifics.
ETS (Electric Thermal Storage) .............................................. 4.77¢/kWh
Must be primary heating system
Dual Fuel (electric plenum heater, electric boiler, baseboard heat)
Automatic back-up system ...........................................................5.89¢/kWh
Without automatic back-up ..........................................................6.19¢/kWh
Air Source Heat Pump (without complimentary Dual Fuel system)
Automatic back-up ......................................................................7.25¢/kWh
Geothermal Heat Pump (with Dual Fuel control) .......................5.89¢/kWh
General Service Rate is available for uncontrolled geothermal heat pumps
A Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment (WPCA) may apply to above rates
with off-peak heating, off-peak rates may apply to electric water heating.
ETS (Electric Thermal Storage)
Space heating & room storage heating
$50/kw up to $5,000 or 100kw
Geothermal Heat Pumps - $200/ton, max $1,000
Quality Installation
Air Source Heat Pump:
>SEER13 ...................... $50
>SEER15 ...................... $580
Central Air Conditioning:
>SEER13 ...................... $50
>SEER15 ...................... $50
>SEER 14.5 ........... $480
>SEER 16+ ........... $630
>SEER 14.5 ........... $50
>SEER 16+ ........... $50
Plenum Heater
$25/kw up to $500 max.
Plenum heater must be designed to the heat loss of the home.
Air-Source Heat Pump Paired with Plenum Heater or Boiler
Efficiency Rebate - $100
Electrically Commutated Motors (ECM) - $50
Ductless Air Source Heat Pump (must be Energy Star® Rated) - $200
Fuel Cost Comparison
Fuel Oil
Natural Gas
$1.55 per therm
Example: You would need to buy LP at $1.42 per gallon to beat our off-peak
rate of 5.89¢ per kWh.
Storage Water Heating
General Service Rate
Suggested Retail: $1,600.00
- 1250.00 Discount
$350.00 REA price
Off-peak Electric Heat Rate
Suggested Retail: $1,600.00
- 1000.00 Discount
$600.00 REA price
Runestone Electric Association’s (REA) Energy Wise® water heating program uses
electricity efficiently to save you money. This program offers several high efficiency
storage water heater options and the use of electricity during non-peak usage times.
How it works
With a storage water heater from REA, your water heater will heat from 11:00 PM until
7:00 AM Monday thru Friday. On weekends and holidays the water heater will be off
from 3:00 - 11:00 PM. If you have a large family or use large quantities of hot water on
weekdays, we can program your radio controller to heat for a few hours in the afternoon
at no additional charge. This program is for residential and agricultural use. Interest-free
payment plans available. Price includes a mixing valve, radio controller and sales tax.
Installation is not included.
Limited lifetime warranty against leaks. In addition, the elements and thermostat (and
labor) are warranted for six years. (Warranties listed are for residential installations.
For commercial applications, call REA for details).
Annual Fixed Charge .....................................$300.00
Demand Charge .............................................$20.00/KW (IRRIG)
Demand Charge on controlled .......................$5.00/KW (IRRCL)
load in accordance with Association policy
Energy Charge ...............................................9.85¢/kWh
Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment additional
Rates subject to change
Service Charge
Single Phase
Three Phase
Energy Charge
Coincidental Demand Charge
Excess Demand Charge
$45.00 (IS1)
$60.00 (IS3)
Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment additional
Rates subject to change
Interruptible Gen-Sets
In an effort to reduce peak demand and provide a fair and competitive electric rate to our
members, Runestone Electric Association (Cooperative) offers the following interruptible
service. The policy will be consistent with Great River Energy’s S C & I Curtailable
Rate and Special Rate Rider L.
This service is available to consumers requiring a transformer capacity of at least 15
KVA and less than 350 KVA, subject to the established rules and regulations of the
Cooperative. The generator system, including the transfer switch and all associated
wiring and equipment must be installed in a safe manner and meet the National Electrical
Code or any other applicable standards. This program is not available for seasonal
services with the exception of certain natural air grain drying systems.
All existing off peak rates or credits on the applicable account will be forfeited and
superseded by the monthly rate above. An existing radio receiver, controlling such loads
as storage water heaters, storage space heating, cycled cooling, dual fuel, etc. may still be
maintained, but not be metered separately from the other load.
General Program Description:
Electric service to the member may be interrupted for up to 10 hours per day. The
Cooperative has the right to vary the times and lengths of interruptions within the hourly
daily limit.
Power during the interruption periods will be supplied by the member’s standby
generator. The member will have the choice of either an automatic system or manual start
and transfer type equipment.
In return for allowing the above interruption of service, the Cooperative will apply the
monthly rate above to all electricity purchased by the member at the applicable account.
Coincidental Demand Billing:
It is recognized that the member must have a continuous supply of power to protect their
investments. It must be further recognized that for the member to qualify for this
program, the normal electric service must be de-energized during all of the Cooperative’s
control periods. Currently the Cooperative is billed monthly by its wholesale power
supplier for coincident demand.
In the event of an emergency and/or an error on the part of the member, and the load is
energized on any of these billing peaks, peak demand costs will be recovered as defined
in monthly rate. After the fifth such occurrence on a billing peak or a non-billing control
day, the Cooperative will terminate this agreement and the member will be placed on the
previous or appropriate rate.
Members choosing this program must agree to participate for a minimum of one year.
After 1 year (12 months) a request to change to another rate can be made if the member
has satisfied all associated peak demand costs incurred under rate monthly rate.
Excess Demand Charge:
A control period is defined as the period of time during which the load management
system is operated with the intent of minimizing the Cooperative's coincident demand
with GRE. The excess demand charge will be added when the consumer does not control
or fails to control for the required length of time during a control period.
Method of interruption:
The method of interruption will vary slightly, depending on whether the system is
automatic or manual.
A radio receiver will be provided by the Cooperative and installed adjacent to the electric
meter. The radio receiver remains the property of the Cooperative and the Cooperative
will be responsible for maintenance of the device. It would, however be in the best
interest of the member, to notify the Cooperative of any possible problems with the
The radio receiver will be capable of two early warnings, one about 2 hours in advance
and one about 1/2 hour in advance of the control time. On extreme peak load days, the 2hour early warning may not be possible. No penalty would occur unless the load is not
transferred with in the 1/2-hour warning. The member is responsible for connecting an
approved warning signal that will adequately notify of a control period. The electric
meter will also record the peak alert signal and verify it by date and time stamping.
With a totally automatic gen-set system, the radio receiver can be connected as to start
the generator and transfer the load during the control period. Warning signals are also
recommended in an effort to maximize the awareness of a peak and insure that the load is
properly transferred.
With a manual gen-set system, the radio receiver is simply connected to the warning
device. The member will be responsible for having the generator running and the load
switched by the designated control time and also for restoring the load at the completion
of the control period. Another function of the radio receiver is the verification of the
signal and it is recorded at the meter.
The Cooperative will provide, maintain, and read all metering equipment needed to
provide this service.
Control length and days/year:
The Cooperative guarantees the maximum control time per year will not exceed 300
hours. It is not possible to project the number of days per year that control will occur, as
weather has a significant impact on the need for load management. Typical controls occur
during extreme weather conditions in the region.
CT Metering
If sub-metering is used at the house, CT metering is usually the simplest and least cost
way to meter off peak loads. REA will provide a 5-terminal meter socket. The electrical
contractor will provide the CT (200:5) and install the entire off peak system.
A 200:5 ratio CT is used and usually installed in a separate enclosure that is nippled to
the breaker panel. REA will also allow the CT to be installed in the breaker panel as long
as it is acceptable by the National Electric code and your area electrical inspector.
There are two different methods for running off peak loads through the CT.
240-volt loads1. Run 1 phase through the CT twice. All circuits run through the CT must
be the same phase and passing through the same direction.
2. Run both phases through once and in opposite directions. All circuits must
be in phase with each other.
3. 120v loads require only 1 pass through the CT to meter accurately.
The power source (240volts) for the meter socket and radio receiver is usually the water
heater circuit. However, it must be an un-interrupted supply, so a separate circuit would
be needed where the water heater is shut off for periods such as with snowbirds or
vacation homes. A loss of power to the meter would move the electric heat usage to the
general service rate.
Accuracy and burden becomes primarily a function of installation and wire resistance
between the CT itself and the Class 1ø, KWH meter. A CT will support ANSI ø.1 when
the CT to meter wiring hookup is as follows:
1. Standard wire is preferred.
2. Make sure the stripped wire is clean and properly prepared for a firm copperto-copper connection.
3. If using wire nuts at the CT pigtails (stranded wire only), twist the strands first
prior to twisting on the wire nut.
4. If solid conductor wire is used, only a screw clamp terminal (not wire nut)
shall be used for joining the solid conductor to the stranded CT pigtails.
5. If the meter socket terminals are for large conductors, strip sufficient length to
double back at least twice under the screw down connector.
6. The following wire gauge must be used:
#14 wire
10 feet
#12 wire
16 feet
#10 wire
23 feet
7. If you cannot use the wire gauge specified above or if the length is longer than
shown, consult the REA metering department for another specified metering
Service of Radio Receivers
REA provides and maintains radio receivers. The contacts are normally closed so in the
event of a failed radio receiver, the off-peak load is unable to be controlled. If a member
has no heat or hot water and it is not due to planned load control, it is likely there is a
problem with member owned-equipment. Members are advised to call their own
serviceperson to find the problem. If the serviceperson can verify that the problem was
due to the radio receiver, the bill should be sent to REA for payment.
Peak interrupter panels such as the 8-circuit panel that is used on multi-zone heating
systems is the homeowner’s responsibility. REA seals that may be on the panels can be
removed for service. It isn’t necessary to reseal these unless the homeowner requests it
for safety reasons.
If a serviceperson is called out after hours and has to disable a radio receiver in order to
fix a problem, please call REA as soon as possible to notify that the receiver is disabled.
The procedure for disabling a receiver is to pull the low voltage connection on the circuit
board. There is no need to change the load wiring in the house, as this will require REA
to get in and reconnect
Typical CT Metering Connections
Typical Off-Peak System
Radio Receiver Functions
Storage Water Heater Installation Guidelines
1) Member purchases water heater from REA, purchase includes a mixing
valve, and a radio receiver.
(Member is responsible for complete installation)
2) See attached plumbing and wiring schematics.
3) Thermostat adjustments:
Upper thermostat - No adjustment needed (factory set)
Lower thermostat - 150-160 degrees
4) Recommended mixing valve setting – follow manufacturer’s directions
5) Failure to install as above will affect the capacity and may result in
insufficient hot water supply.
Dairy Barns: 1) Member purchases water heater from REA, purchase includes a radio
2) No mixing valve is used.
3) Thermostat settings for dairy applications:
Upper thermostat - No adjustment needed (factory set)
Lower thermostat - 160 degrees
4) If higher temperature water is needed, it is recommended to raise the
lower thermostat to achieve the higher temperature. The upper
thermostat needs to be set 15-20 degrees cooler in order to avoid high
limit trips.
5) CAUTION - water temperatures could reach 185 degrees and would be
extremely dangerous if there is contact to skin.
Storage Water Heater Only
Typical Plumbing & Wiring Diagram
Dual Metered Installation
Typical Cycled A/C Diagram
Peak Interrupter Panel
Peak Interrupter Panel, cont.