Page Memorial United Methodist Church TURN A NEW PAGE AT PAGE 2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 June 26, 2016 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. WELCOME VISITORS! Restrooms are located across the street in the Fellowship Hall. Nursery is available for children under the age of three (3) in the Children’s Building. We have an on-site pager system in the nursery. Quiet Bags are available in the narthex for children Second Grade and below. The bags have a clipboard, coloring sheets, crayons and books to keep restless children occupied during worship. Please return the bags after worship. A Pew Pad is located at the end of each pew. You may request a visit from our Pastor or sign up for Wednesday Night Supper. Please pass it to your neighbor. The Candle of Concern near the altar is lit in honor of our men and women serving in the United States military. Early and Later Worship Services. We offer a contemporary come-as-youare early worship service at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday in the Fellowship Hall. Breakfast is served before worship. We also have a service each Sunday at 4:00 pm at Gracious Living in Southern Pines. The Landing Zone is two parking spaces at the door with the ramp for any individual who needs easy access to the Sanctuary. Hand in Hand Boxes are the wooden boxes located at the entrances to the Sanctuary and on the table in the Fellowship Hall. They are placed there for those who have a need that perhaps the church can fulfill. If you or someone you know has a need, fill out an index card and drop it in the box. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pastor ................................................................................ Mike Davis 910-639-2204 ~ Office 910-944-1093 Fax 910-944-3026 * Our Staff Administrative Assistant .................................... Lois Thompson Director of Music Ministries ................................Dustin Shelton Sexton........................................................................ Lynn Mussetter Parish Nurse ................................................... Heidi Whitescarver 910 986-8589 cell EARLY WORSHIP SERVICE INDEPENDENCE SUNDAY Order of Worship 8:30 a.m. WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS SONG “How Great Is Our God” SONG “Forever” CHILDREN’S TIME THE PASSING OF THE PEACE PRAYER Joys and Concerns/Testimonies SONG “Love The Lord” SCRIPTURE READINGS MESSAGE “The Roots of Freedom” OFFERING SONG “Freedom” CLOSING BLESSING SONG “You Shine” Psalm 119:41-50 John 8:28-36 2 Corinthians 3:17 ● STAND IF ABLE WORSHIP OF THE LORD INDEPENDENCE SUNDAY 11:00 a.m. GATHERING OF GOD'S CHILDREN PRELUDE BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST WELCOME AND MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS (Please sign the Pew Pad and pass it to your neighbor.) GREETING What makes a nation? It is not gold, or sword, or crown alone, but the grace of God at work. It is a brave people ready to risk all for Liberty. Because they know God is calling. ● HYMN OF PRAISE “America the Beautiful” No. 696 ● THE AFFIRMATION OF FAITH I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. ● GLORIA PATRI No. 71 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. CHILDREN’S TIME Rev. Mike Davis THE PASSING OF THE PEACE MORNING PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER RECEIVING OF GOD'S TITHES AND OUR OFFERINGS OFFERTORY DOXOLOGY No. 95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. ● PRAYER OF DEDICATION ● SCRIPTURE READINGS Lay Reader: Raymond Sproles Psalm 119:41-50(Pew Bible,OT, p. 567) John 8:28-36(Pew Bible,NT, p. 101) ● OUR RESPONSE Leader: The Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God. SERMON TEXT 2 Corinthians 3:17(Pew Bible,NT, p. 180) SERMON “The Roots of Freedom” Rev. Mike Davis ● A DRAMATIC READING “Let Freedom Ring” (The Story of Freedom from the Revolution to Today) -See program in bulletin ● POSTLUDE Karen Davis PRAYER CONCERNS GRACIOUS LIVING CONGREGATION GAIL HARDGROVE JANICE RICHARDSON YOUTH AT SUMMER BREAK AWAY GENE HICKMAN BRENDA ROSS SAFE TRAVEL JUNIOR HUDSON BRICE ROSS UNSPOKEN JO ANN RUTH BOO BOBBITT JOYCE CHERYL SCHILLAWSHI ROSE BOWERS MS. KELLY’S FAMILY BENNIE SHUE CLAUDYNE BROCK WANDA & OTIS KENNEDY BILLY LEE SIMMONS BUCHAN FAMILY JACK LAROCHE KELLY SIMMONS BEN & HAZEL BULLOCK MS. LEDFORD JEAN & H.A. SLATE TONY BURWELL MURRIE LEE JOY SMITH HUGH CAMERON FAMILY MARIE LOMAC PEGGY SMITH ANN CAULEY FAMILY BEA MANGINE BILLY SMOTHERS GARY CLARK BILL MCCLURE SNYDER GIRLS ED CLAY MCGUGAN FAMILY STEPHENS FAMILY DOMINIC COLONNA RICHARD & TANYA MEDLIN STONE FAMILY PEG DAVIS JOHN & NONA MIMMS MARGARET TARLTON MADISON DORSETT RAMONA MYERS VEDA TAYLOR’S FAMILY JOMARA DUNN THE NEMETHS ANDY THOMPSON BABY EDEN DEBORAH ORTT ROSALIE TRONGO DOT EVANS OTT FAMILY KATHY TURNER’S FAMILY DEBBIE FASULO MELISSA PACKETT MRS. WILLIAMS JAY GREER DAVID POWERS SUSAN WILSON FRANK HAIRR SHEILA RAMOS DAVID & DELORES YOUNT *Margaret Tarlton fell and broke her hip. *Karen Mussetter’s (Lynn’s wife) uncle passed away. PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY TOM AKERLUND DANA KJELLSEN HECTOR SANTANA TONY BURWELL MIKE MANDEL JON SMITH AMANDA CHRISTOPHER JON RING JR. ROBERT STONE MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER ALYSSA RING ROB TEAGLE JIMMY FRANCE MARIA RING MIKE WHITESCARVER JOHN GROSECLOSE NICHOLAS RING DAVID WILLIAMS DANIEL HATFIELD SAM RING HANNAH WILLIAMS JOHN MARK WILSON ACOLYTE USHERS Sarah Diveley NURSERY Judy Hull & Genna Hephner Team Leader: Joe Dannelley Asst. Team Leader: Tom Diveley Brandy Diveley, Debbie Fasulo, Barbara Lannom, Charlie Lannom, Lynn Ruble We have a new Music Director. Dustin Shelton will be joining us as our new Music Director the first Sunday in August. Dustin received his BA in Sacred Music from Catawba College and has just completed his Masters in Church Music at Mercer University in Macon, GA. We are very excited to have Dustin join the staff at Page Memorial and know you will give him a warm welcome. Please contact me if you know of affordable housing for rent in our area and I will be glad to pass that information on to Dustin. Thank you, Cheryl Powers, SPRC Chairman, 692-2539 WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER ~ JUNE 29 MENU: Meatloaf, baked chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes & gravy, and dessert Please indicate how many will attend on the pew pads Sunday or call the office by Tuesday of that week. Come Join Us!!! Kids: Pizza Adult: $6 ~ Child: $3 ~ Family maximum: $20 “33 THE SERIES” Sunday Mornings ~Conference Room – 9:30 a.m.~ The United Methodist Men are sponsoring a men’s Bible study. The topic is from the “Man in the Mirror” series. All men of the church are invited to come and join us and develop strong men’s faith!!! Take Me Out to the Ball Game!!! ~ Durham Bulls vs. Pawtucket Red Sox ~ Date: Saturday, July 9 Depart: 3:30 p.m. Return approx. 11:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 for the game and $10 to ride in the van (limit 15 passengers). Call Mike Whitescarver (910-986-8590) for purchase and/or details. United Methodist Men Sunday, July 3, 7 a.m. Fellowship Hall FAITH IN MOTION SUNDAY’S Faith in Motion will be offered during the Sunday school hour, so come to early service for Worship and stay for Faith in Motion. This is an adult Sunday school group with a beginner level exercise component. Check out your May newsletter for details or call Heidi Whitescarver at 986-8589. FUN AND CHRIST-FOCUSED MISSION TRIPS IN APPALACHIA If you would like to help sponsor a youth for our upcoming Service/Mission Trip through TeamEffort, to Copperhill, TN, July 24-29, please fill out and include your donation in the envelopes provided and put them in the offering plates. Thank you! Youth groups will experience an unforgettable week of hands-on mission projects, exciting music and programs, and group-building high adventure activities. Our Copperhill camp is located in Tennessee, just miles from Georgia and North Carolina, allowing for service projects in all three states. Youth groups have the opportunity to reach out and minister in these areas where closed businesses and industries have left people with little means to provide for their families. Mission trip work focuses on home repair and renovation; however, it is the relationships formed with those served that will be remembered forever. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL …………is right around the corner! VBS will be July 15 and 16 from 5:30 – 8:00, then July 17 at the 11:00 service. Registration forms can be found at the office, church, and fellowship hall. If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please contact Amy and Mike Yanick at 570-445-7469. We hope to see you at VBS “Where Jesus cares fur you”! Page Single’s Group is opening a tour to the entire church to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte on Saturday July 30. Non-public sections will be available to our group. Admission is free. Coffee shop, ice cream parlor, and gift shop available. Pastor Mike and Gary Frick are looking for a bus full of attendees. Transportation is being arranged. Call Gary 944-7943 or Shannon 725-1844 to sign up. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP MEETING Monday – July 11, 7:00 p.m. Koinonia Classroom Open to individuals and their families needing support. Come as we continue to fight against cancer. Leader: Mike Hepfner The Soup Kitchen needs a volunteer to wash pots and pans on TUESDAYS. If you can donate your time once a month or more, please call Carolyne at 692-2907. “Parenting With Purpose” notes are available upon request in the church office. If you missed the workshop, the notes will bless you. Ministry Table Report The Ministry Table met and received nominations to add: Tony Miley, to the Trustees, and Rose Bowers and Kim Davenport to the White Christmas Team. In our Trustees Report: Gary Frick reported work is proceeding on a number of projects including: handrails, doors, the new baby room, and seeing if we can add sound to the nursery. Carol Hambrick reported we had a great Annual Conference, and next year’s event will be over the Father’s Day weekend. Our Finance Team is at work and is preparing our fall campaign which is “Sowing For Christ”. August 28th is Church Photo Day as we take a picture of our entire congregation to be included in a notebook that will be going around. We are asking every member of Page to be present on that day. Margaret Troutman is looking for members interested in writing letters to our College Students. Please contact her if you can be a voice from home and encourage a student. Family Ministries has two events on the schedule. Our “Back to School” kick off is August 28, 4:30pm in the fellowship hall with a hot dog, chips and ice cream event. Their second event is an Art Show on Saturday, September 24th. We will be asking every member to submit their own special photo, drawing, finger painting, etc. and these will be posted and put up for sale (with money going for missions). Everyone is an artist, so don’t be afraid to draw or be creative. A cover dish supper will kick off our exhibit that night. October we will have Cottage Prayer Meetings in preparation for our Revival. Our “Are You Ready for Revival?” revival will be held on October 23, 24, 25, with a special meal each night at 6pm, and service at 7pm. Reverend Beth Hood will be with us the first night, Thomas Simpson the second night and Pastor Mike will have the closing night. Don’t come to revival alone! is the message we want to share with you now. Think and pray now about someone you can bring to our event. In November, we will be having our Bazaar and hope you will help us with it, and Page will host the Community Thanksgiving Service on November 20.