Call for book chapters/ Edited book: GENDER AND FAMILY

Call for book chapters/ Edited book:
To be published by Routledge 2017
Vanessa Ratten, Veland Ramadani, Leo-Paul Dana, Robert Hisrich and Joao Ferreira
Submission deadlines (Chapter proposal, 2-3 pages): January 15, 2017
Authors are invited to submit a book chapter proposal on either
for an edited book to be published by Routledge
This edited book will focus on gender and family entrepreneurship. There has been an increasing focus on the
role of gender in business because of associated personality and behavioral traits. This has meant that the study
of gender entrepreneurship has encouraged research about the way females and males may approach differently
the process of business creation. In conjunction with the growing interest in gender entrepreneurship has been the
literature about family entrepreneurship increasing in significance. Family business comprises a large proportion
of overall total businesses and many large multinationals once started as family owned organizations. Many
family business are small and regionally focused but this has changed with the increased usage of technological
innovations. In addition, more media attention has been placed on the role of family businesses in society as being
the originators of ideas and creativity. The aim of this edited research book is to focus both on gender and family
entrepreneurship as they are interrelated concepts particularly important in today’s global society. It is important
to include both gender and family entrepreneurship as gender plays a role in the development and growth of
family businesses. This helps to better understand the role of family dynamics in business particularly in terms of
succession planning, strategic development and internationalization. Often both gender and family
entrepreneurship are studied independently but the role of this edited book is to combine both perspectives by
offering a novel approach. This creates a synergy between gender and family entrepreneurship that increases the
potential value to entrepreneurship scholarship, policy and business practice. This edited book will be one of the
first to combine both gender and family entrepreneurship thereby offering a new and insightful addition to the
entrepreneurship field.
Please send book chapter proposals to any of the editors:
Vanessa Ratten; Veland Ramadani; Leo Paul
Dana; Robert Hisrich; João Ferreira