Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Annex to the Accreditation Certificate D-EP-20469-01-00 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 Period of validity: 20.06.2016 to 02.04.2017 Date of issue: 28.06.2016 Holder of certificate: muva kempten GmbH Ignaz-Kiechle-Straße 20-22, 87437 Kempten Proficiency testing in the following fields: physical, physico-chemical, chemical, sensory and microbiological analysis of food; physico-chemical and chemical analysis of animal feed; sensory analysis of packing materials Abbreviations used: see last page 1 Proficiency testing in the fields of physical, physical-chemical, chemical, sensory and microbiological analysis of food Testing field Chemical Testing Matrices / Products Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, sausages and others) Property / Testing Parameter Proficiency testing scheme (examples) Main components (e.g. fat, fatty acids, protein, carbohydrates and others) RVQS Type Type A Milk Type AL Milk, lactose-red. Type B Milk Powder Type C Cream Type FS Fruit Juice Type H Butter Type S Boiled Sausage This document is a translation. The definitive version is the original German annex to the accreditation certificate. 1/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-EP-20469-01-00 Testing field Chemical Testing Matrices / Products Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, sausages and others) Property / Testing Parameter Proficiency testing scheme (examples) RVQS Type Minor components Type K Raw Milk (e.g. caseine, NPN, Type L Yoghurt hydroxyproline, organic Type N Chocolate acids, theobromine and Type X Chocolate Milk others) Type FS Fruit Juice Type S Boiled Sausage Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, sausages and others) Additives (e.g. sodium chloride, starch, vitamins, preservatives and others) RVQS Type Type C Processe Cheese Type H Butter Type V Hard Cheese Type T Carbohydrates / Vitamins Type FS Fruit Juice Type S Boiled Sausage Chemical Testing Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, sausages and others) Minerals (e.g. calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, phosphorus and others) RVQS Type Type T Infant Food Type G Whey Powder Type U Dietary Supplement Type FS Fruit Juice Type S Boiled Sausage Chemical Testing Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, sausages and others) RVQS Type Type A Milk Trace elements Type B Milk Powder (e.g. iron, zinc, copper, Type FS Fruit Juice manganese and others) Type U Dietary Supplement Chemical Testing Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, sausages and others) Residues (e.g. mykotoxines, pesticides, heavy metals, veterinary drugs and others) Chemical Testing Period of validity: 20.06.2016 to 02.04.2017 Date of issue: 28.06.2016 - Translation - RVQS Type Type A Milk Type B Milk Powder Type FS Fruit Juice Type S Boiled Sausage 2/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-EP-20469-01-00 Testing field Property / Testing Parameter Proficiency testing scheme (examples) Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, sausages and others) Chemical-Physical Properties (e.g. pH value, freezing point, dry matter, ash, soluble solids and others) RVQS Type Type C Processed Cheese Type L Yoghurt Type E Evaporated Milk / Coffee Cream Type V Hard Cheese Type S Boiled Sausage Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, jam and others) RVQS Type Type SE Detektion of Attributes/ Ranking Order of Basic Taste Appearance, Odour, Type SEA Taste, Consistency and Detektion of Attributes/ others Ranking Order of Aroma with Type SED Ranking Order, Triangle Triangle Test Test, Profile Testing Type SES and others Detektion of Attributes/ Ranking Order of Basic Taste, Aroma, Color, Consistency Type SEP Profile Testing Microbiological Testing Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, jam and others) Colony Count of Microorganisms of the risk group R1 (e.g. E. coli, yeasts, moulds, lactic acid bacteria and others) RVQS Type Type OE E. coli (R1) Type OH Yeasts Type OK Mesophilic Bacterial Count Microbiological Testing Food (mainly milk, dairy products, juices, jam and others) Colony Count of Microorganisms of the risk group R2 (e.g. E. coli, enterobacteriaceae and others) RVQS Type Type OE2 E. coli (R2) Type OEN Enterobacteriaceae Physical and Physical-Chemical Testing Sensory Testing Matrices / Products Period of validity: 20.06.2016 to 02.04.2017 Date of issue: 28.06.2016 - Translation - 3/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-EP-20469-01-00 2 Proficiency testing in the fields of physical-chemical and chemical analysis of feed stuff Testing field Chemical Testing Chemical Testing Physical and Physical-Chemical Testing 3 Matrices / Products Property / Testing Parameter Proficiency testing scheme (examples) Dry Feed RVQS Type Type FM1 Milk Replacers Nutrients (e.g. protein, Type FM2 fat and others) Complete Feedingstuffs Type FM3 Concentrated Feedingstuffs Dry Feed Residues (e.g. mycotoxines, pesticides, heavy metals and others) RVQS Type Type FM1 Milk Replacers Type FM2 Complete Feedingstuffs Type FM3 Concentrated Feedingstuffs Chemical-Physical Properties (e.g. dry matter, ash and others) RVQS Type Type FM1 Milk Replacers Type FM2 Complete Feedingstuffs Type FM3 Concentrated Feedingstuffs Dry Feed Proficiency testing in the field of sensory analysis of packaging materials Testing field Sensory Testing Matrices / Products Packaging Materials (e.g. foils, beaker, card board and others) Period of validity: 20.06.2016 to 02.04.2017 Date of issue: 28.06.2016 Property / Testing Parameter Proficiency testing scheme (examples) Appearance, Odour, Taste, Consistency and others with Ranking Order, Triangle Test, Profile Testing and others RVQS Type Type SEV Intensity Testing after Sample Preparation, Odour and Taste, Triangle Test Taste - Translation - 4/5 Annex to the accreditation certificate D-EP-20469-01-00 Applicable Documents (Evaluation of PT) DIN ISO 13528 2009-01 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons DIN ISO 5725-1 1997-11 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions DIN ISO 5725-2 2002-12 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method Abbreviations used: DIN EN IEC ISO Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. European Norm International Electrotechnical Commission International Organization for Standardization Period of validity: 20.06.2016 to 02.04.2017 Date of issue: 28.06.2016 - Translation - 5/5