Statistics MATH-1410-6A (Spring 2013) Project 1 – Monthly Milk Production (Part 1) Due: 3-17-2013 Worth: 8 points Mr. Bennett, a dairy farmer near Des Moines Iowa, has volunteered to take part in a study conducted by the Dairy Farmers of America. He has been asked to report the monthly milk production, in pounds, of a random sample of 50 of the 400 Holstein cows currently on his farm. Use the PHStat2 program to generate Mr. Bennett’s sample. Assume each cow on his farm has been tagged with a number from 1 to 400. Once your sample has been generated, copy and paste your results to a Word document and either e-mail me the document as an attachment to or hand in a hard copy by the above due date. A copy of what I would like from you is shown below.