BANCO ESPÍRITO SANTO, S.A. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS OF 30 JUNE 2009 June 08 Dec. 08 June 09 (eur '000) (eur '000) (eur '000) ASSETS Cash and deposits at central banks Deposits with banks Financial assets held for trading Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available for sale financial assets Loans and advances to banks Loans and advances to customers (Provisions) Held to maturity investments Financial assets with repurchase agreements Hedging derivatives Non core assets held for sale Investment property Property and equipment Intangible assets Investments in associates Current income tax assets Deferred income tax assets Other assets TOTAL ASSETS 962 632 524 797 3 559 069 2 523 272 5 820 533 8 884 154 44 878 925 2 027 318 664 410 3 690 162 2 161 813 7 094 111 4 531 983 47 049 474 1 233 081 573 941 4 025 414 1 604 745 7 387 096 11 185 164 47 275 495 (1080 438) (1 148 065) (1 364 580) 539 283 228 315 379 732 574 440 94 985 559 121 18 582 27 057 2 989 156 2 160 196 936 290 148 372 638 487 124 216 644 506 52 721 141 753 3 120 916 2 669 785 487 140 252 108 644 911 123 388 671 596 57 410 142 157 3 094 451 72 564 053 75 186 728 81 427 882 LIABILITIES Deposits from central banks (ow of the European System of Central Banks) Financial liabilities held for trading Other financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Deposits from banks Due to customers Debt securities issued Financial liabilities of transferred assets Hedging derivatives Non core liabilities held for sale Provisions Current income tax liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities Capital instruments Subordinated debt Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES 2 880 137 4 810 458 3 238 757 (156 486) (1 440 505) (1 035 490) 1 419 072 7 313 479 23 917 300 27 330 070 396 324 249 536 165 298 67 414 52 153 2 087 832 1 779 683 1 914 423 7 681 738 26 386 754 24 596 682 727 475 12 827 131 211 89 515 37 448 2 828 983 1 316 270 1 584 365 10 350 211 25 155 915 30 230 074 310 462 41 938 144 637 46 103 78 654 2 663 796 1 353 568 67 658 298 70 533 784 75 198 480 2 500 000 668 851 ( 29 976) 600 000 140 851 614 895 264 143 146 991 2 500 000 668 851 ( 29 838) 600 000 ( 266 334) 624 472 402 284 153 509 3 500 000 1 086 586 ( 25 815) 600 000 ( 30 555) 666 125 246 205 186 856 4 905 755 4 652 944 6 229 402 72 564 053 75 186 728 81 427 882 EQUITY Share Capital Share premium Other capital instruments Treasury stock Preference shares Fair value reserve Other reserves and retained earnings Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the bank Prepaid dividends Minority interests TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES