WATER RESOURCESRESEARCH,VOL. 28,NO. 11,PAGES3043-3054, NOVEMBER 1992 Climateand EnergyExchangeat the Snow Surface in the Alpine Regionof the Sierra Nevada 2. Snow Cover Energy Balance DANNY MARKS ManTech Environmental Technology, Incorporated, Environmental Research Laboratory,U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, Corvallis, Oregon JEFF DOZIER Centerfor RemoteSensingandEnvironmental Optics,Universityof California,SantaBarbara A detailedevaluationof surfaceclimateandenergyexchange at the snowsurfacein a smallalpine watershed,typicalof muchof the southernSierraNevada,is presentedfor the 1986water year. Measurementsof snowfall,meteorological and snow cover conditions,and snow cover ablation, describedin part 1 of this paper(Marks et al., this issue),are usedto characterizethe climate. Each form of energytransfer,radiation,sensibleandlatent heat flux, soil heat flux, and heat flux by mass advection,is evaluatedseparatelyto determinehow its magnitudechangesduringthe snow season. These are then combinedto approximatea snowcover energybalance and determine the relative importanceof eachformof energytransferin theseasonal energyandmassbalanceof the snowcover. Radiationand sensibleand latent heat flux dominatethe snow cover energybalancethroughoutthe snow season.During snowmelt,radiationaccountsfor between66 and 90% of the energyavailable for melt. Sensibleand latentheattransferduringthistime are of approximatelyequalmagnitudebut are usuallyof oppositesignand thereforecancel.Calculatedsublimationduringthe entire snow season accountedfor the lossof about20% (approximately 50 cm snowwater equivalent)of the massof the snow cover. This experimentshowsthat energyand masstransfercan be adequatelymonitoredat a remote site usinga combinationof measuredand modeledparametersand that the energy balance of the snowcover in the alpinezone of the SierraNevada is dominatedby net radiationduring snowmelt. INTRODUCTION In part 1 of this paper [Marks et al., this issue]the detailed surfaceclimate monitoring required for investigationsof the snowpackenergy balance and melting in remote alpine watersheds is presented. Snow metamorphism,melting, and runoffare controlledby the magnitudeof energyavailableto top of an arete about 300 m above the lake, and the lake site is a protected location at the lake inlet. ENERGY EXCHANGE AT THE SNOW SURFACE In a seasonalsnowpack, newly fallen snow is thermodynamically unstable, undergoing continuous metamorphism drivetheseprocesses,and these energy fluxes are deter- until it melts and becomes runoff during spring [Colbeck, minedby the combinationof local meteorologicalinputsof 1982]. These metamorphic changes and final melting are precipitation and energy.Detailed observationsof snowpack driven by temperature and vapor density gradients within energyfluxes in montane climates are limited. Most of those the snowpack, which are caused by heat exchange at the thatdo exist come from locationsat lower elevations[Smith snow surface and at the snow-soil interface [Colbeck eta!., andBerg, 1982], are from nonalpinelocations[Anderson, 1979; Male and Granger, 1981]. In general, the energy 1976],or have been limited to a single though well- balance of a snowpackis expressed as instrumented measurementsite [Davis and Marks, 1980; (1) AQ = Shet q- H q- LyE + G + M Daviset al., 1984]. Here we utilize the climate data presentedin part 1 of this paper to characterizeenergyexchange at the snowsurfacein a remotealpinewatershedand whereAQ is changein snowpackenergy,and Snet,H, L•E, G, and M are net radiative, sensible, latent, conductive, and evaluate the effect that these parametershave on snow advectiveenergyfluxes. In temperatureequilibrium, AQ = distribution, metamorphism, andmelt. Asdiscussed in part 1, the studysitefor thisworkwasthe 0; a negativeenergybalancewill cool the snowpack,inEmerald Lakewatershed in SequoiaNationalPark,in the creasingits cold content(the amountof energyrequiredto bring it to 0øC), while a positive energy balance will warm southern SierraNevada of California,locatedin the Marble the snowpack.The snowpackcannotbe warmerthan 0.0øC, Forkof the KaweahRiver drainage,approximately 8 km fromand700 m abovethe nearestroad. Data from the 1986 and melt cannot occur in significant amounts until the entire snowpackhasreachedthistemperature,whereuponpositive wateryear were integrated into hourly averagesfor a "ridge"and"lake" site,whichrepresent the extremes of themeasured data.Theridgesiteis anexposed location on Copyright 1992by theAmerican Geophysical Union. Paper number92WR01483. 0043.1397/92/92WR-01483505.00 values of A Q must result in melt. In the followingsectionseachof the termsin the energy balanceequationis presentedin detail,showingthe parameterswhichweremeasuredor calculated.The uncertaintyof thosemeasurements and the assumptionsmade in calculatingenergyfluxare evaluated,andthe sensitivityof theresult 3043 3044 MARKSANDDOZIER:CLIMATEAND ENERGYEXCHANGEAT THE SNOWSURFACE,2 to reducecomputational difficulties while to errorsin eachphaseof the calculationis determined.The be parameterized magnitudeof eachterm in the energybalanceis estimated retainingthe importantspectralfeaturesaffectingnet solar to throughthe snowseason,andthe sensitivityof thisbalance radiationat the snow surface.We use their approach examinenet solarradiationat the snowsurface.Incidentand to errors in the exchangecalculationsis evaluated. reflectedsolarradiationare measured in two wavelength bands:visible(0.3-0.7/xm)andnear-infrared (0.7-2.8 NET RADIATION AT THE SNOW SURFACE The radiant energy flux, or net all-wave radiation,at a pointis the incidentspectralirradiancelessspectralexitance integrated over all wavelengths' Sne t'" S,• - St (2) The irradiance term S $ includes direct and diffuse solar radiation and longwave radiation emitted from the atmo- sphere.ExitanceS •' includesboth reflectedand emitted The net solar radiation at a point is calculated by Snet,sol = S • vis(1.0 -- Rvis)+ S $ nir(1.0 - Rnir) (3) The albedosare calculatedfrom a modelpresentedby Marks [1988] which is based on effective snow grain radius and solar zenith angle, as detailed by Marshall and Warren [1987]. Albedo changeswith sunangleand grain size decayafter radiation from the surface. a snowdeposition event.The decayof albedois inversely Radiation is the only form of energytransfer that can be measureddirectly in the natural environment.Incidentradiation can be reliably and accurately measured in broad wavelengthband widths, using well establishedtechniques and instrumentation [Monteith, 1973]. Under clear sky con- related to the square root of the grain radius. The albedo decaywith increasingsnowgrain size is linear in the visible and nonlinear in the near infrared. The increase in albedo with solar zenith angleis a function of the squareroot of the ditions the distribution of incident radiation can be modeled linear in both the visible and near-infrared bands, but the effect is much larger in the near infrared. When the solar zenith angieis 0.0 with respectto the snow over complexalpineterrain for both solar[Dozier, !980] and thermal [Marks and Dozier, 1979] wavelength ranges, but under cloudy conditions, measurementsare necessarybecausethe separatecontributionsof direct and diffusesolar and emitted thermal radiation from the atmosphere and cloudsare not easily predicted or modeled. At some sites, irradiance includes significant contributionsfrom reflection and emission from adjacent terrain. At Emerald Lake, incident radiation is measured at two sites to calibrate the estimate of irradiance for terrain effects, atmospheric effects, and cloud cover. Parameters that cannot be reliably measured are modeled, and net radiation is calculated from a combination of measured and modeled parameters. Net radiation at the surface is separatedinto two solar and one thermal spectral bands. grainsizeandthecosineof thezenithangleandis essentially surface, Rv,o = Rv,maxavrl/2 (4) Rnir,O = Rnir,max exp[anirr 1/2] (5) wherer is the effectivegrainradius,Rv,ma x is the maximum visible albedo (1.0), a v is the slope coefficientfor visible albedo decay withgraingrowth (2.0x 10-3),Rnir,ma xisthe maximum near-infrared albedo (0.85447), and anir is the slope coefficientfor near-infrared albedo decay with grain growth (-2.123x 10-2).Thisallows a lineardecay ofP•,0 from about0.98 to 0.90, and an exponentialdecayof Pnir,0 from 0.70 to 0.40, when reasonablegrain radii are used.For sun angles other than 0.0, Solar Radiation Solar radiation (effectively 0.3-3.0/•m) is absorbedand scatteredby terrestrial materials but not emitted. For snow, absorptionand scatteringare functionsof wavelength,incidenceangle, and the grain size and concentrationof absorbing impurities in the surface layer [Bohren and Barkstrom, !974; Warren, 1982]. Snow albedo varies spectrally,but detailed spectralmea- Rv,o= Rv,o+ [rl/2av, o][1.O - cos0] Rnir, 0= Rnir, 0+ [(r!/2anir, o)+ bnir,#][1.0 - cos0] (6) (7) where0 is the solarzenithangle,correctedfor slope,av,ois theRv,oslope coefficient (1.375x 10-3),anir, 0istheRnir, o slope coefficient (2.0x 10-3),andbnir, 0istheRnir, ooffset coefficient(0.1). The slope and offset coefficientsin the surements of radiation at the snow surface are difficult under above equationswere derived from measuredreflectancesat controlled conditions and not possibleat a remote site. A spectralapproach to modeling solar radiation [e.g., Dozier, 1980]will give an accurate result under clear skies, but it is complicated computationally and requires detailed information about the atmosphereand the snow surfacethat cannot be known when monitoring a remote site. Other investigators have taken a single-band,global approachto modeling solar radiation over remote alpine areas [Davies and Idso, !979; Munroe and Young, 1982; Olyphant, 1984]. This simplifies the calculation of net radiation so that it can be doneat a remote site, but it ignoresthe distinctdifferencesin the absorptionand scatteringpropertiesof the snowsurface in the visible and near-infraredwavelengths. a snowstudyplot in a similarregionof the SierraNevada. They are similar,thoughnot identical,to thosereportedby circulation models(GCMs) parameterize solar radiation into two wavelengthbandsand suggestthat snowalbedocan also Largesolarzenithanglesduringwinter causethe lake siteto Marshall and Warren [1987]. Net solar radiationwas computedfrom the modeled albedosandmeasured irradiances for the two representative sites in the Emerald Lake watershed. As shown in Table 1, near-infraredirradiancerepresents53% of the total solar irradiance at the ridge site and 60% of the total solar irradianceat the lake site, but it represents85% of the net solarinput at the ridge site and 89% of the net solarinputat the lake site. In early winter the ridge site receives more solarirradiancethan the lake site, but by early springthey receivethe sameamount,andby late springthe lakesite Marshall and Warren [1987] point out that most general receivessignificantly moresolarradiationthantheridgesite. be shadowed for a significant part of the day, but in spri• MARKS ANDDOZIER: CLIMATE ANDENERGY EXCHANGE ATTHESNOW SURFACE, 2 3045 TABLE 1. SolarRadiationSummary, MonthlyFluxes,EmeraldLakeWatershed, 1986SnowSeason SolarIrradiance,W m-2 S • so• S $vis Month(0.28-2.8tzm)(0.28-0.7 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March 95 83 93 96 133 45 39 44 48 68 April May 217 272 105 129 June 338 154 July 309 143 Season 182 86 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March 80 73 82 96 171 34 31 35 40 69 April May 238 298 96 12! Net SolarRadiation,W m-2 Proportion Proportion Proportion Proportion Snct,ni r of of S •,nit of Snet,so 1 Snet,vi s of S,Lsol (0.7-2.8 •m) S•,sol (0.28-2.8/xm) (0.28-0.7 •m) Snet,so 1 (0.7-2.8/.t,m) Snet,sol 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.50 0.51 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.47 50 44 49 48 65 113 143 184 166 96 0.42 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.39 0.40 46 41 48 57 102 142 178 204 192 112 Ridge Site 0.52 0.53 0.53 0.50 0.49 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.54 0.53 22 19 22 21 34 62 86 130 119 57 3 2 2 2 5 8 13 21 20 8 0.12 0.12 0.09 O.10 0.13 O.12 0.15 O. 16 O. 17 O. 15 20 17 20 19 30 54 73 109 1O0 49 0.88 0.88 0.91 0.90 0.87 0.88 0.85 0.84 O.83 0.85 20 17 21 25 51 75 101 140 134 65 2 1 2 2 4 7 11 18 17 7 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.11 18 16 20 23 47 68 90 122 117 58 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.89 0.87 0.87 0.89 Lake Site June 332 128 July 314 122 Season 187 75 0.58 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.61 0.61 0.60 thesunis higher in the sky and this shadowingis reduced. Moreover,in the spring, reflected radiation from nearby densityprofileswithin the snow cover [Anderson, 1976], and terrain adds to the radiation received at the lake site. these data were not available continuously during the snow season. The difference between the snow surface layer Thermal Radiation temperatureTs and an effective snow surfaceskin temperature Tso was estimatedfor the upper 10 mm of the snow Thermalradiation (effectively 3.5-50/•m) is absorbedand emittedby the atmosphere without appreciablescattering [Paltridgeand Platt, 1976]. Because the emissivity of snow isspectrallyrather flat [Dozier and Warren, 1982], spectral variabilityin incoming thermal radiation can be ignored. Integratedthermal irradiance can be measured, and broadband emissivities can be used for the snow surface and surroundingterrain. The thermal irradiance in an alpine regionis a function of the atmosphericconditionsand the temperatureand configuration of the surroundingterrain [MarksandDozier, 1979].Net thermalradiationis Snet,lw = S• lw- (esrrTs4o) (8) cover for each month in the snow season from the magnitude of the net turbulentheat flux (H + L•,E) and from the snow surface layer temperature Ts. Daily net thermal radiation, calculated from the snow surface layer temperature Ts presentedin part 1 of this paper [Marks et al., this issue] is shown in Figures 1 and 2 for the ridge and lake sites during the 1986 snow season. Table 2 shows the monthly net thermal radiation flux calculated from the estimated snow surfaceskintemperatureTsofor the ridgeand lake sites. Net All- Wave Radiation Net all-wave radiation is the sum of the net solar and net thermal. Figures 1 and 2 present daily meansfor the ridge Considerable effort has goneinto developmentof simple and lake sites during the 1986 snow season. Table 2 shows models of thermalirradiancefrom the atmosphere,but most the monthly fluxes for each component of the radiation oftheseare applicableonly to clear sky conditions.Cloud balance at the two sites. Thermal and solar radiation make coverincreasesthermal irradiance at the surface, and as for up approximatelyequalparts of the radiation balance at the solarradiation,this effectis not easilymodeled.The atmo- ridge site. If the October and August totals were included, spheric contributionto thermalradiationgenerallydoesnot the difference between net solar and net thermal would vary much over an area the size of the Emerald Lake almostbalance.Thermalradiationis slightlymore important watershed,and measuredvalues at a few points effectively duringwinter, but by March higher sun anglesand longer characterize it, incorporating the effectof cloudcover. days cause solar radiation to dominate. Thermal exitance is a function of the snow surface skin Solar radiationis more important than thermal during temperature andemissivity.The emissivityof snowis0.988-- mostof the snow seasonat the lake site. Only duringthe 0.990 forall grainsizesabover = 75 /•m;for fine-grainedvery cold month of December did thermal radiation domisnow,r = 50 tzm, the emissivitydrops slightlyto 0.985 natetheradiationbalanceat the lake site.Thisis primarilya topographiceffect. During winter, thermal radiation from [Dozier andWarren,1982]. If a coupled energybalance is calculated, theskintemper- adjacentterrainincreasesthermalirradianceat the lake site, at'ure ofthesnowcoverT•0canbederived [Outcalt, 1972], reducingnet radiativecooling,and duringspring,enhanced butthesecalculations requiredetailedtemperature and solarirradiancefrom scatteringby adjacentterrainincreases 3046 MARKSANDDOZIER:CLIMATEANDENERGYEXCHANGE AT THESNOWSURFACE, 2 Emerald Lake Watershed, 1986 Water Year Mean DailyNetAll-Wave Radiation (Rn),Ri,d?Sit• I I I I I Obukhov stability length 1 I ,3 I m (9) 150 • Rn •o . + 0.61E kgTaCp .• .• Friction velocity -100 uk -150 '200E,,I Nov I Dec I Jan I Feb ,I Mar (10) I Apr May Jun In Jul .......... Xllsm zo Sensibleheat flux (positive toward the surface) 2OO (o. - e,)a•ku*pC• 1•o zr- In o do zr - •sh Z0 -5o Mass flux (positivetoward the surface) -lOO -15o (q- qs)aEkU*p -2OO In Fig. 1. Daily averagenet all-waveradiation(R n) and net solar (Rn,so]) (0.28-2.8p•m)andnetthermal(Rn,iw)(3.5-50p.m)radiation at the ridge site, Emerald Lake watershed, 1986 snow season. zq- do.- •sv zq zo The latent heat flux is LyE. The • functions,•sm for mass,•sh for heat, and•sv for water vapor, are solarinput.By March,net solarradiationSnct,so I is 15-20% Stable (•' = z/L > O) greaterat the lake site than at the ridgesite. In general,early in the snow season the radiation budget is dominated by thermal radiation, but by early springthis beginsto change, and during melt season, solar radiation predominates. 0<•<1 •r>l /3s=5 (13) SENSIBLE AND LATENT HEAT FLUXES Turbulent energy exchange at the snow surfaceis second only to radiation in importanceduringthe snowseason.The turbulent transfer of momentum, heat, and water vapor at the snow surfaceare the most complicatedforms of energy exchangeand are not easily measuredin a natural environment. The data required to calculate them are difficult to measureat a point, and they have a highly variabledistribu- tion over a topographicsurface.Yet not only doessignificant energy transfer occur by turbulent exchange, but in the Sierra Nevada significantmass loss can occur from sublimation [Beaty, 1975; Stewart, 1982; Davis et al., 1984]. Tractable approachesto calculatingsensibleand latent fluxes have been summarized in textbooks [Fleagle and Businger, 1980; Brutsaert, 1982]. The method we use is adapted from Brutsaert [1982]. This method was used because it can calculate turbulent transfer independentof Emerald Lake Watershed, 1986 Water Year MeanDailyNetAll-WaveRadiation (Rn), LakeSite I I 200t z{ ] ] [ 150 -tOO -150 '200F ! "m I Nov Dec I Jan I Feb ! Mar I Apr I I Jun lV•y lul MeanDailyRn•l &Rn,tw,Lake Sit• I I I I Ul '""" "'"' 50 a"d I ! I I I estimates of net radiation and accounts for variations in wind speed. It is particularly adapted to high-wind loading sites like the ridge. The usual condition for data collection at a remote site is that only one measurementis availablefor air temperature, humidity, and wind speedand that these may not all be at the sameheight above the surface.The height above the snow surfacewill be continually changingas the snowcover accumulatesand ablates.Air temperatureTa is measured atheight zr, specific humidity q ismeasured atzq, and wind speedu is measuredat zu. The equationsbelow iteratively solve for the friction velocity u*: i• / .i , /iJ -•ol- " •,• ß ' / i I Nov Dec '• ' ,ti • ' •i n •1 .-am iW'.. , ?•%/ I I I Jan Feb Mar i Apr I May , I Jun Jul Fig. 2. Dailyaverage netall-waveradiation (Rn), andnetsolar (Rn,so0 (0.28-2.8/•rn) andnetthermal (Rn,lw)(3.5-50/•xn) radiation at the lake site, Emerald Lake watershed, !986 snow season. M•d•KSANDDOZIER: CLIMATE ANDENERGY EXCHANGE ATTHESNOW SURFACE, 2 3047 TABLE 2. Net All-WaveRadiation Summary, MonthlyFluxes,EmeraldLakeWatershed, 1986 Snow Season Net Solar Month Snet, (0.28-50/an) Net Thermal Snet,so I, Wm-2 Proportion Snet,lw, W m-2 (0.28-2.8•m) Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Season -5 -18 - 1 -23 16 23 40 86 85 23 Ridge Site 23 18 22 23 34 63 85 132 114 57 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Season !2 -15 9 9 31 37 44 93 94 35 20 17 21 27 50 77 100 142 128 65 Proportion of She t (3.5--50 /.fill) of She t 0.45 0.33 0.49 0.33 0.66 0.61 0.65 0.74 0.80 0.56 -27 -37 -23 -46 - 18 -40 -45 -45 -29 -34 0.55 0.67 0.51 0.67 0.34 0.39 0.35 0.26 0.20 0.43 0.71 0.35 0.64 0.60 0.72 0.66 0.64 0.74 0.79 0.65 -8 -32 -12 -18 - 19 -40 -56 -49 -34 -30 0.29 0.65 0.36 0.40 0.28 0.34 0.36 0.26 0.21 0.35 Lake Site Unstable(•r= z/L < O) x = (1 - flue)•/4 flu= 16 ature difference between the two can be very large. Therefore sensibleheat transfer is small, and the net turbulent flux (14) (H + LyE) is negativeand dominated by latent heat loss. However, once the air temperature is above 0øC, the snow surface is constrained, and the temperature difference can 2 2 increasein magnitude,allowing sensibleheat flux to increase and net turbulent flux to be smaller and finally to become positive. This is particularly important during spring of the 1986 snow season when air temperatures remained above freezing throughoutthe diurnal period from early May on. The three most critical terms in the above equationsare Because the magnitudes of latent and sensible heat fluxes thewindspeedu, the temperaturedifferencebetweenthe air are controlled by the wind speed, they are smaller at the lake andthe surface, Ta - Ts, and the humidity difference between the air and the surface,q - qs- Turbulenttransfer site than at the ridge site. The direction (positive toward and •sm---2In 2 +In,1+X - 2arctan x+- (15) , ,, •sh(•') = •sv(•') = 2 In 2 (16) ofheatand mass is controlledfirst by the magnitudeof the negative away from the surface) of these fluxes is controlled w•d speed and then by the temperatureand humidity by the sign of the temperature and humidity gradients. gradientsbetween the snow surface and the air. As in Latent heat flux is therefore negative at both the ridge and calculation of thermal exitance, the snow surfacetempera- lake sitesthroughoutthe year. Sensible heat flux is usually tureis important, first, in determinationof the temperature positiveat both sitesthroughoutthe year and alwaysposigradientbetween the air and the snow cover, and second, tive during spring once the air temperature does not go because humidityat the snowsurfaceqs is calculated asthe below freezing at night. Figure 3 presentsdaily averagesof calculatedsensibleand saturation humidityat Ts. Becausethe snow cover is por0us,turbulentexchangeis betweenthe atmosphereandthe latent heat transfer for the ridge and lake sites during the first 15-25 cm of the snow cover. Therefore sensible and 1986snow season.As expected, the magnitudeof turbulent latentheat flux were calculated from the surface layer exchangeis larger at the ridge site than at the lake site, and temperature Ts ratherthan the snowsurfaceskintempera- in general,latent heat transfer is away from, and sensible turerso. heat transferis toward, the snow surface.What is striking Climatic conditions in the Emerald Lake basin, as re- about these calculations is that the latent and sensible portedin part 1 of this paper [Marks et al., this issue], transfers tend to mirror each other most of the time. For showed that while the lake site is significantly lesswindy both to be negative the air must be both colder and less thantheridgesite,thereis seldoma longperiodof calm humid than the snow surface. This condition occurs occaconditions at either site. Except under very cold, calm sionallyduringwinter but does not persist, as the snow conditions or duringstorms,the vaporpressure of theair is surfaceeithercoolsto theair temperature or the air temperalways lessthanthat of the snowsurface.As longasthe air atureincreasesduringa diurnalcycle. It almostneveroccurs temperature is lessthan0øC,snowsurfacelayertemperature during springin Emerald Lake watershed. In a mid-latitude willtrackairtemperature, soit is unlikely thatthetemper- alpine environment,above-freezingair temperaturesare 3048 MA•KSANDDOZIER: CLIMATE ANDENERGY EXCHANGE ATTHESNOW SURFACE, 2 partsof thenetturbulent transfer(H + LyE) at bothsites, Emerald Lake Watershed, 1986 Water Year MeanDailyH &LYE, OverSnow, RidgeSite I I I I 1 I I .... thoughL•,E is slightlyfavored.We calculatethat626mmof snowwater equivalent(SWE) sublimatedat the ridgesite and487 mm of SWE sublimated at the lake siteduringthe , I I 150' 1986snowseason. Turbulenttransferis slightlymoreimpor. 100 so • (Win-2) j •3te4. I•.• , ..... -100 L•E -150 - - -200 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug MeanDailyH & LuE, OverSnow,lake Sit• 200•' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '•"-- "• .... •'" • 'I '- ' "• tant at the ridge site than at the lake site, but althoughthe magnitudesof both H and LyE are larger at the ridgesite throughoutthe snowseason,differencesin the net turbulent transfer are not large. Latent heat exchange dominatesat both sites during winter but is replaced by sensibleheat transfer during spring melt. Though the magnitudeof// duringspringis largerthan L,,E duringwinter, L•,E is also largeduringspring,unlike H duringwinter. The effectof// on the net turbulent exchange is therefore reduced. The crossoverbetween negative and positive net turbulentexchangeis made duringMay and June when H and L•,E are about equal in magnitude.This is important becausethese were the months of maximum snowmelt runoff generation duringthe 1986snow season.Errors in the estimationof the sumof H andLyE duringthis periodwould havea minimal -150 -2• ¾ effect on calculation of snowmelt. - - - Nov • Fig. 3. D•y I• F• • Apr •y 5• l• CONDUCTION AND ADVECTED HEAT TRANSFER TO THE SNOWPACK Aug averageturbulent•ransfer(H and L•E), Hdgeand lake sites, Emer•d Lake watershed, 1986 snow season. Both conductive and advective heat transfer tend to be small when comparedto the seasonalenergy balanceof the snowpack.They can thereforebe ignoredor greatly simplified. One-dimensional,steady state heat flow in a homogelikely during part of the day throughoutthe snow season, neous layer is and very cold temperaturestend to occur duringperiodsof low wind speeds. The air temperature did not go below aT G = K -(17) freezing at either site after early springduring 1986. For both to be positive the air must be warmer and more humid than the snow surface. These conditions occurred Because soil and snow temperatures near their interface very infrequently during either snow season, only during are usually very similar, the calculation of heat transfer stormsor during very cold, calm conditions.A warm rain event duringspringwould be an extreme caseof combined positiveturbulenttransferat the snowsurface,but theseare Emerald Lake Watershed, 1986 Water Year rare and of short duration. MeanDailyH +LuE OverSnow,RidgeSite Over time then, the magnitudesof sensibleand latent heat transferover a snow surfaceare of oppositesign,and their I sum tends to minimize their effect on the overall , , , I , I , J 150 0 transfer at the snow surface during the 1986 snow season. The valuesof the coefficientsa u, a e, k, do, and z0 used -150 -200 in the turbulent transfer calculations are not precisely known, although Brutsaert [1982] states that they can be Nov estimated to within 10% of their true values from an evaluation of conditions at the data collection site. The values used for these calculations are in the notation list. This uncertainty, however, affects the magnitudebut not the sign of the calculations. , snow surface energy balance. This sum, designated"net" turbulent transfer and shownas daily meansin Figure 4, illustrates the overall effect of turbulent ' Thus the sum of sensible and latent heat transfer should not be affected over a period of a day or Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug MeanDailyH + LuE OverSnow, 200-I I I I I' 1 I I I 150 11X - . •Wm 4 more. Mass flux will be affected, however. Calculations of massflux are approximationswith an uncertaintyof at least 10% over a time period of a day or less. Over a longertime periodthis uncertaintyshoulddiminishbecausepositiveand 3 summarizes turbulent -150 -200 - negative errors will tend to cancel. Table -50 -100 heat and mass transfer Nov De.z: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug during the 1986 snow season. Over the snow season, sensi- Fig. 4. Daily average"net" turbulenttransfer(H + LYE), ridge ble (H) and latent (L,,E) heat transfermake up aboutequal and lake sites, Emerald Lake watershed, !986 snow season. MARKS ANDDOZIER: CLIMATE ANDENERGY EXCHANGE ATTHESNOW SURFACE, 2 3049 TABLE 3. Turbulent Transfer Summary, MonthlyFluxes,Emerald LakeWatershed, 1986Snow Season Sensible Heat Exchange Net (H +LvE) H, W m-2 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April -45 -26 -61 -43 -54 -59 10 0 7 8 12 27 May June July Season -8 32 42 -25 67 110 115 39 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Season -28 -59 -54 -28 -28 -33 -4 21 23 -21 8 21 16 7 18 15 50 92 69 33 Month Latent Heat Exchange Proportion LyE, ofNet W m-2 Proportion MassFlux, ofNet kgm-2 Ridge Site 0.16 0.02 0.09 0.13 0.!5 0.24 0.47 0.59 0.61 0.38 -55 -27 -68 -51 -67 -86 0.84 0.98 0.91 0.87 0.85 0.76 -51 -25 -61 -54 -61 -83 -75 -78 -73 -64 0.53 0.41 0.39 0.62 -65 -73 -64 -538 -35 -80 -70 -35 -46 -48 -54 -71 -46 -54 0.82 0.79 0.81 0.84 0.72 0.76 0.52 0.43 0.40 0.62 -34 -73 -64 -36 -43 -46 -49 -66 -40 -451 Lake Site 0.18 0.21 0.19 0.16 0.28 0.24 0.48 0.57 0.60 0.38 betweenthem is based on the assumption that the two represent homogeneouslayers in contactwith each other. If Pø [Ts'Ilnr De=De,0 •aa [TmeltJ weknowthetemperature, Ts,tandTg, of theselayersand estimate their thickness(usuallythe distanceof the temperaturemeasurement above and below the interface), heat transfercan be approximated by G= 2Kes,lKeg(Tg-Ts,t) KegZs,l + KesdZg (18) (20) The temperature exponent was empirically determined by Andersonto be • 14. Becausethe temperature for a snow or soil layer is nearly always close or equal to 273.16 K during the snow season,and P a is always equal to or less than the sealevel value, precisionof n r is not critical. The effective diffusioncoefficientDe is always small and relatively stable, Thethermalconductivity of soil,Kg, is assumed essen- varyingfrom10-5 downto around0.5 x 10-5 m-2 s-• for tiallyconstant[Davis, !980]; we use the value for a moist an air pressureof 65 kPa and snow temperaturesbetween coarse sand(2.2 J m-• K -• s-1) [Oke,1978].Therearea 273.16 and 250.0 K. varietyof empirical methods for estimatingthe thermal Thermalconductivitiesare adjustedfor vapor transportby conductivity of the snow as a function of density, summa- an empirical correction based on the effective diffusion rizedby Yen[1969]and morerecentlyby Langham[1981]. coefficient(this is an empirical correctiondevelopedby The methoddescribedby Yen [1965], selectedas most Anderson [1976] and is not dimensionally correct): appropriatefor use in the Emerald Lake basin, is used to computethermal conductivity of a snowpack layer as a function of snowdensity Ps,l(kilograms percubicmeteD: 2 Ks,l = 3.2238x 10-8 Ps,t (19) Because the air fractionof the snowpackis alwaysat Kes,l= Ks,1+ [ZvDeqs,l] (21) Keg= Kg + [LvDeqg] (22) While the latent heat of vaporization or sublimation is a it is alwayslarge (>2.5 x 106 J saturation, andthe air fractionof soilis usuallyat saturation, functionof temperature, vapor diffusion is estimated as a function of snow and soil temperature and air pressure.Both the snowand soilther- kg-•), sothiscorrection canhavetheeffectofincreasing the thermal conductivity of snow by a factor of 10 or more. During springat EmeraldLake we found the following malconductivities Ks,t andKg arecorrected for vapor typical conditionsat the base of the snow cover: diffusion by addinga valuethat is basedon theirspecific humidities q•,landqgandthecalculated vapordiffusion Ps= 600kg m-3 coefficientfor each. The effective diffusion coefficient for Pa = 75 kPa Ts,l= 273.16K andsealevelairpressure De,0wasdetermined experimen- Tg=273.16K watervapor in snow or a saturated,inorganicsoil at 0.0øC tallyby Yen[1965]to be around10-5 m-2 s-•. Anderson De =1.351 x 10-5 m2 s-• [!97.6] developed thefollowing relationship fordetermining qs,l= 4.847x 10-3 thediffusion coefficient at othertemperatures: qg=4.847x 10-3 3050 MARKSANDDOZIER:CLIMATEANDENERGYEXCHANGE AT THESNOWSURFACE, 2 TABLE 4. SnowcoverEnergyand MassBalanceSummary,MonthlyFluxes,EmeraldLake Watershed, 1986 Snow Season MassFlux, kgm-2 Energy Transfer, W m-2 Month She t H + LyE G M AQ Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March -5 -18 -1 -23 16 -45 -26 -61 -43 -54 7 5 4 3 2 -0 0 -0 2 -1 Ridge Site -43 -51 -39 -25 -58 -61 -61 -54 -37 -61 0 0 0 -26 -18 0 0 0 -26 -18 298 413 152 1249 427 Aphl May 23 40 -59 -8 2 1 0 -0 -34 33 -83 -65 -12 -8 -12 -261 49 34 2197 1905 June 86 32 1 0 119 -73 -4 -940 0 892 July 85 42 2 0 129 -64 -15 -1020 0 -538 -83 -2277 Total Es qbase qmelt [pppZpp] SWE 2622 247 635 726 1895 2243 0 -192 Lake Site Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March 12 -!5 9 9 31 -28 -59 -54 -28 -28 8 8 6 5 3 -0 0 -0 2 -1 -8 -66 -39 -12 5 -34 -73 -64 -36 -43 0 0 0 -36 -25 0 0 0 -36 -40 298 413 152 1249 427 Apdl May 37 44 -33 -4 2 1 0 -0 6 41 -46 -49 -13 -8 -47 -324 49 34 2169 1830 June 93 21 1 0 115 -66 -4 -908 0 856 July 94 23 1 0 118 -40 -11 -932 0 Tot• Lv=2.834x 106J kg-1 Ks,t=0.0116 J m-1 K -1 s-1 Kg=2.2J m-I K-I s-1 Kes,l=O.1971 J m-1 K-I Kea=2.3971 J m-• K-• s-1 Though there is nearly a twentyfold increase in the thermal conductivity of the snow when it is corrected for vapor diffusion,this is still a very low conductivity; it is more than an order of magnitude lower that the corrected thermal conductivity of the soil. Heat transfer between the soil and the snowpack was computedfor the ridge and lake sites for the 1986 snow season.Included in Table 4 is a summary of these calculationsfor the 1986 snow season.The flux is small and slightly positiveduringthe snow seasonat both sites. Over the snow -442 -98 -2287 2622 264 604 692 1869 2213 0 -116 melt is 100% of total snowmelt only during February, with surfacemelt beginningto contribute as early as March. The contribution of base melt during the snowmelt monthsof May, June, and July was insignificant at both sites. Advected heat transfer at the snow surface occurs when mass,in the form of precipitation (rain or snow), is addedto the snowpack. If there is a temperature differencebetween the added precipitationand the snowpack, the energytransfer (Joulesper squaremeted is a function of the massadded and the magnitudeof the temperature difference: M = Cpppppzpp[TppTs] (23) Becausethe temperaturedifferenceis not likely to be large, the magnitude of advection is largely controlled by the mass of precipitation (pppzpp) deposited on the snowsurface. season thisrepresents anaverage fluxof lessthan3 W m-2 Advection is treated as an event occurrence because no at theridgesiteandlessthan4 W m-2 at thelakesite.This reliable data exist on deposition rates or conditions.The flux is slightly larger at the lake site during winter than at the ridge site, but by springboth sitesare the same. Though the flux is small, it will generate melt at the base of the snow cover once the temperature of the lower snow cover layer is 0øC. This had occurred by February at both sites, and as shown in Table 4, significant base melt occurred at both sites. The magnitude of soil heat flux decreased from midMarch until the end of the snow seasonbecauseliquid water percolationinto the soil removesmost of the temperature gradient,reducingbasemelt. Davis [1980], utilizinga similar but more detailedmodel at severalsitesin the alpine Sierra Nevada, got the sameresult becausetemperaturegradients were always small. In February, base melt is equivalentin magnitudeto evaporation at the lake site and to nearly half the magnitude of evaporation at the ridge site. However, qbasediminishes each month after that, until it is only mean air temperatureduring the precipitation event is as- sumedto be the precipitationtemperature.If precipitation is warmer than the snowpack,M will be positive. Advection will be relatively smallunlessthe temperaturedifferenceis large, which is not usually the case. Even rain-on-snow events tend to be at or very close to freezing temperatures. Heat transferduringrain on snowis usuallydominated by condensation rather than advection. Seventeenprecipitationeventswere recordedduringthe 1986 snow season. The total advected heat from all events wasrelativelysmallduringthe 1986snowseason,thoughthe massof depositionwas very large. The directionof the transferhad no seasonalpattern,thoughmost of the advectedheattransferoccurredduringlarge-volume eventsin February and March. Table 4 also summarizes advected heat and mass transfer 15-20%of the magnitudeof evaporativelossby May. Base for the 1986snowseason,presenting monthlyfluxesand melt represents100%of total snowmeltqrneltduringFebru- totals. (The November values include heat transfer and mass ary, March, and April at the ridge site. At the lake site, base flux from Octoberprecipitationevents.) Advection is always MARKS AND DOZIER: CLIMATE AND ENERGY EXCHANGE ATTHE SNOW SURFACE, 2 3051 TABLE 5. Snow Cover Energy Balance Summary, Monthly fluxes.Table5 presentsa summaryof the relativemagniPercentages, EmeraldLake Watershed,1986SnowSeason tudesof energytransfer,andTable 6 presentsa summaryof , the relative magnitudesof mass flux at both sites. Proportionof EnergyTransfer Month Snet H + LyE Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July 0.09 0.37 0.02 0.32 0.22 0.28 0.82 0.72 0.66 0.79 0.53 0.92 0.61 0.74 0.70 0.16 0.27 0.32 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.20 0.49 0.51 0.90 0.81 0.80 0.58 0.72 0.78 0.64 0.44 0.46 0.08 0.18 0.19 In general,AQ is greaterin magnitudeat the ridge site throughoutthe snowseason,thoughthis differenceis not large.At the ridge site the transitionfrom a negativeto a positiveAQ occursin late April or early May, while at the lakesitethistransitionoccursin late February.The critical termsin determining the energyare net radiationSnet and net turbulenttransferH + L•,E. As shown in Table 5, turbulenttransferis moreimportantat the ridgesitethanat the lake sitethroughoutthe snow season.It dominatesthe energybalancethroughApril at the ridgesitebut dominates onlyuntilFebruaryatthelakesite,whichcorresponds to the transitionof AQ fromnegativeto positiveat bothsites.The importance of energytransferby conduction from the soil, (7, is slightlygreaterat the lake site,but it is alwayssmall andis especially unimportant duringspringmelt. Its signif- G M AQ 0.12 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 !.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 of basemelt duringlate 1.00 icanceis primarilyin generation AdvectedenergytransferM hasno 1.00 winterandearlyspring. 1.00 significant effecton themagnitude of AQ at eithersite. 1.00 The absoluteuncertaintyof the energytransferterms Ridge Site Lake Site presentedcannotbe determinedin the field. However, an estimateof the uncertaintyis presentedin Table 7 for the criticalparameters affecting the magnitude of eachenergy season's precipitation occurred. The massof precipitationtransferterm. Radiationand turbulent transfer each contribin thetotalenergybalance. falling during a snowseason willdominate themagnitude of uteabouthalfof theuncertainty These estimates are for conditions duringsnowmelt andare advected heat transfer.The fact that the 1986snowseason small, butit was largestduringFebruarywhenmostof the wasone of the largeston record makesit clear that the basedon the estimatedprecisionof the recordeddata for bothmeasurement anddatarecordingerror. magnitude ofthisformofenergy transfer willalways bevery accounting They representthe maximumrangeof variancethat could occurfor alltermsconsidered. Uncertaintyshoulddiminish small. SNOWCOVERENERGYANDMASSBALANCE if averaged overa longerperiod,andit is likelythatthe combination of positiveand negativeerrors in individual Theenergytransfertermsdiscussed in previous sections parameters would tend to cancel. determine the thermalconditionand the ablationratesfor Figure 5 presentsdaily averagevaluesfor net all-wave theseasonal snowcover.To precisely specify theenergy radiationand net turbulentenergyexchange,calculated andmass balance of the snowcoverrequires a coupledusingsnowsurface layertemperature Ts, whichmakes up energy balance modelsuchasthatdescribed by Anderson mostof the energybudgetat the ridgeandlake sites.It is [1976]. Thiswasbeyond thescope ofthisinvestigation, but noteworthy thatthemagnitude of thehourlyaverages ofAQ aneffort wasmadetoindependently estimate themagnitudecanbelarge(greater than-+500W m-2), though thedaily ofeach formofenergy transfer. Table4presents a summaryaverages areseldom greater than---200 W m-2, andmonthly oftheenergy terms estimated independently during the1986 averagesare even smaller. The effect of these short-term snowseason,for the ridge and lake sites, and the mass periodsoflarge-magnitude energyfluxonthe snowcoverare balance ofthesnow cover derived fromtheestimated energymaskedwhenonly longer-termaveragesare considered. TABLE6. SnowCoverMassBalance Summary, Monthly Percentages, EmeraldLake Watershed, 1986 Snow Season RidgeSite,Proportion Snowmelt Month Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Total Precipitation Runoff 0.11 0.16 0.06 0.48 0.16 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -0.05 -0.23 -0.38 -0.26 -0.83 of Mass Flux Evaporation Melt -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 -0.02 -0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.10 -0.36 -0.39 -0.88 LakeSite,Proportion of Mass Flux Evaporation Melt -0.01 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.02 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.12 -0.35 -0.36 -0.88 3052 MARKS AND DOZIER: CLIMATE AND ENERGY EXCHANGEAT THE SNOW SURFACE,2 TABLE 7. Estimated Parameter Uncertainty, Melting Conditions, Emerald Lake Watershed, Spring 1986 Uncertainty terms.Evaporation is calculated fromlatentheatlossL,E, Snet,so I $net,lw -+10W m-2 -+10W m-2 depthtimesdensity(PvvZvv), andtheestimated SWEonthe --+20 W m-2 -+10W m-2 +-5W m-2 ground at the end of the month is shown as cumulative precipitationlessmelt and evaporativelosses.By the endof Rvis Rnir ñ0.01 -+0.02 S,• lw -+10Wm-2 es Ts -+0.001 -+0.01øC and lake sites. Calculated snowmelt plus evaporationis within7%, or 192mm of SWE, of the measuredprecipitation at the ridge site and within 4%, or 119 mm of SWE, at the lake site. This discrepancyis within the uncertainty of the energybalance, and the precipitationdata, and is a good verification of the energy flux calculationsduring snowmelt. Parameter Radiation Sne t S 4,v S ,[.nir Turbulent Transfer H -+14 W m -2 LyE --+6 W m-2 Ta Ts ea es u zo +-0-4øC -+0.01øC -+25 Pa -+0.5 Pa -+0.5 m s -• -+0.0001m G -+0.5W m-2 Tg Ts,l Os +0.25øC -+0-25øC -+25kgm-3 Advection M -+0.1 W m -2 Tpv -+0.5øC Ts -+0.25øC pv• -+25kgm-3 Zpp -+0.22m Energy Balance -+40.5 W •Q m -2 This is especially true during spring melt when significant melt may occur only during half of the diurnal cycle. To evaluate changes in the relative magnitudes of net and net turbulent transfer we must consider that net radiation is computed using Tso while net turbulent transfer is computedusing Ts. During melting conditions this is insignificant because snow temperaturesare constrainedto be 0øC.Duringwinter, however,estimatesof A Q are much more uncertain because combined basemelt is from soilheatflux G, andtotal snowmeltisfrom AQ. Mass input is shownas the total monthlyprecipitation Julythesnowcoverhadessentially ablatedat boththeridge Estimates of snowmelt runoff shown in Table 6 are based on measuredflow volumes from the outflow of Emerald Lake. The basinis a granitecirque, with virtually no soil, and hasno Conduction radiation Evaporation Es,basemeltqbase, andtotalsnowmelt qmelt shownin Table4 arecalculatedfromthe monthlyenergyflux appreciablesubsurfacestorageor baseflow. In summer,rainfall on the watershedis measuredin the outflowdischarge withinan hour or two. Effectivelyall the dischargeduringthe snowseasonis from snowmelt.That the measureddischarge duringthe snowseasonwas 83% of the measuredprecipitation inputsuggests that the volumeof evaporativelossshouldbeof the order of 500 mm of water duringthe 1986 snow season, whichis verifiedby both the relativemagnitudeandthe volume of calculatedevaporationfrom the snow cover. Thoughthe data indicate that the ridge and lake do not differ greatlyin terms of energy transfer, we observed many locationsin the watershedthat either receive more energy early in the season or remain colder longer into the spring. The snow coverat these sites either ablated earlier or persistedthroughoutthe summer. This is reflected in the snowmelt runoff volumes, which show initial melt occurringin March and April and Emerald Lake Watershed, 1986 Water Year MeanDailyRn & H +LoE , RidgeSit• t I I I I I I 200 Rn 150 H+L•E 100 0/ ,, ..... a..•d• effects of solar heating and radiant cooling, and sensible warming and evaporativecooling, all depend on the correct estimateof snow surface temperature. The estimatesof latent heat and mass flux using snow surface layer temperature Ts are reasonable because the vapor source for the exchange is likely to come from the upper 25 cm of the snow cover. However, the estimates of sensibleheat flux during winter '•1 I Nov I • I J• I F• MeanDailyRn & H +LyE, •e [ I I , I • I A• •y Site , ,' I , , ] usingsnowsurfacelayer temperatureassumethat Ts does not depart significantlyfrom Ta and are thereforeof limited magnitude.If a colder snow surfacetemperature,such as Ts0, were used, the temperaturegradientbetweenthe snow andthe atmosphere,and subsequentsensibleheating,would be larger, and the magnitudeof net turbulent transfer would be reduced during winter. Therefore our estimates of the magnitudeof energyflux during winter are probablytoo largebut are reliableduringthe snowmeltperiodof April, May, June,andJulyat the lake siteandMay, June,andJuly at the ridge site. 50 , , •. .,j91d•, j o•,,..aa,, , a•.•^ •,•••,7.•' - ' • I• I Nov • I Jm I F• I • I A• _ I •y I J• Fig. 5. DaVyaveragenet taxation •d "net" turbulentt•sfer (Rn and H + LyE) for the ridge •d lake sites,Emer•d watershed, 1986 snow season. MARKS ANDDOZIER: CLIMATE ANDENERGY EXCHANGE ATTHESNOWSURFACE, 2 3053 continuing intoAugustandSeptember. However,87%of the Kes,! effectivethermalconductivityof lower snowlayer (J m-• K-1 mowmelt runoffoccurred in May, June,andJuly,andthese volumes correspond closelywiththemeltvolumes calculated K# thermalconductivity of moistcoarsesandJOke, 1978](2.2J m- 1 K-l s- 1). at theridgeand lake sites.Thesedataindicatethat the -1 calculated meltvolumesarereasonable, eventhoughtheyare Ks,l thermal conductivity of lowersnowlayer(J m K-1 based on generalized characteristics of the snowcoverand L Obukhov stability length (m). meteorologic conditions. L•, latentheatof vaporizationor sublimation (J SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Thispaperpresents a detailedevaluation of alpinesurface climate,energyexchange,and snowmelt.A combinationof meteorological measurementsand model parameterswere usedto calculatethe net energytransfer to the snow cover bysolarandthermalradiation,sensible andlatentheatexchange with the atmosphere, conduction from the soil,and advected heattransferfrom precipitation.The magnitudeand relativeimportanceof each form of energytransferwere evaluated to determinewhich measuredparameterswere most critical andwhattype of simplifyingassumptions mightbeused in snowmeltcalculations.During the 1986 snow season,net radiation contributedthe largestamountof energyfor snowmelt,followedby sensibleand latent heat exchange.Soil conduction and advectionprovidednegligibleenergyflux, but soilconduction generatedsignificantbasemeltduringmidwinter.Duringthe snowmeltseason(May, June,and July in 1986), netradiationcontributed5 to 10 times the energyfor melt over the combination of all other forms of heat transfer. This is an encouraging resultbecauseradiationis easilymeasured,andits distribution over a topographicsurface can be modeled. It shouldbe noted, however, that this result was achieved at a mid-latitude, alpine site and may not be true duringsnowmelt inforested,prairie, or high4atitudelocations. Calculationsof snowmelt based on summingthe totals of eachenergytransfer term resulted in a massbalance which wasvery close to the measuredprecipitationinput, and to measureddischarge from the watershed during the same periodof time, showingthat the calculationsof energyflux arereliable during melting conditions. The combinationof meteorologicalmonitoring and physical measurementsof snowfall andthe seasonalsnowcover, andrelativelysimple modelsof snow albedo and surfacetemperature,provided adequate inputdata for calculationsof energytransferin the alpinewatershed. NOTATION L•,E latentheatexchange (W m-2). M heattransfer by advection (W m-2). P0 reference air pressure, usuallystandard sealevel air pressure(101,342 Pa). P a air pressure(Pa). AQ change in snowcoverenergy(W m-2). Rnir near-infrared (0.7-2.8/zm)albedo(dimensionless). R vis visible(0.28-0.7 •m) albedo(dimensionless). Snct netall-wave radiation (W m-2). Oenet,/w netthermal radiation (3.5-50 t•m;W m-2). Snet,ni r netnear-infrared radiation (0.7-2.8/•m; W m-2). Snet,so I netsolar radiation (0.28-2.8/.cm; W m-2). Snet,vi s netvisible radiation (0.28-2.8/•m; W m-2). $ irradiance on snowsurface(W m-2). lw thermalirradiance(3.5-50/.•m) on snowsurface (W m-2). nir near-infrared irradiance(0.7-2.8 tzm)on snow surface(W m-2). sol solarirradiance(0.28-2.8 p,m)on snowsurface (W m-2). vis visibleirradiance(0.28-0.7/•m) on snowsurface (W m-2). SWE snow water equivalent (m H20). T temperature (K or øC). Ts averagetemperatureof the entire snow cover (K or øC). Ta air temperature (K or øC). Tg soiltemperature (K or øC). True k melting temperatureof ice (273.16 K). Tpp precipitation temperature (K). Ts snow surfacetemperature (K or øC). T,,• averagelower snowlayer temperature(K). Tso snow surfaceskin temperature (K or øC). a, ratio of eddy diffusivity and viscosityfor water a• vapor (•--1.0, dimensionless). ratio of eddy diffusivity and viscosity for heat (= 1.0, dimensionless). Cp specific heatof dry air, constant pressure (1005J kg-1 K-l). do zero-planedisplacementheight(=(2/3)7.35z0, m). Cpp specific heatofprecipitation, ice,orwater(Jkg- k yon Karman's constant (=0.40, dimensionless). n r temperatureexponent for calculation of diffusion De (=14, dimensionless). K-l). De effective vapordiffusion coefficient (m2 s-•). De,0 effectivevapordiffusioncoefficient at sealevelair pressure and0.0øC(m2 s- 1). E massflux by evaporationor condensation from thesnowsurface(kgm Es massof evaporationor condensation fromentire snowcover(kgm-2). G heattransferby conductionand diffusionbetween snowcoverandsoil(W m-2). H sensible heatexchange (Wm-:). K thermal conductivity (J m- 1 K- • s- l). Key effectivethermalconductivity of the soillayer(J m-• K-! s-l). g acceleration of gravity(9.80616m s-2). q specific humidity of theair(g kg-•, dimensionless). qbase snowmeltvolume from the base of the snow cover(kg m-2). qa specific humidity of thesoillayer(g kg-1, dimensionless). qmelt snowmeltvolumefrom entire snowcover (kg m-2). qs specific humidity at thesnowsurface (g kg-•, dimensionless). qs,• specific humidity of thelowersnowlayer(g kg-1, dimensionless). 3054 MARKS AND DOZIER: CLIMATEAND ENERGYEXCHANGEAT THE SNOWSURFACE,2 r effective snow grain radius (/am). u windspeed(m s-•). u* frictionvelocity(m s-•). z height, length, depth, or thickness(m). z0 snowsurfaceroughnesslength(in the range 1.0 x zt snowpack, M.A. thesis, 60pp.,Dep.of Geogr.,Univ.ofCalif., Santa Barbara, 1980. Davis, R. E., and D. Marks, Undisturbedmeasurement of the energyandmassbalanceof a deepalpinesnowcover, Proc.West. Snow Conf., 48, 62-67, 1980. Davis, R. E., J. 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Additional supportcame from University of California Water ResourcesCenter grant W-546, NASA grant NAS5-28770, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through contract 68-C8-0006 with ManTech Environmental Technology.This documentwas preparedat the EPA Environmental ResearchLaboratory in Corvallis, Oregon.It hasbeensubjected to the Agency's peer and administrativereview and approvedfor publication. All references to specific manufacturers,instrument brand names, or model types are for informationpurposesand are not to be considered a product endorsementby the author, the University of California, NASA, EPA, or the California Air Resources Board. REFERENCES Anderson,E. A., A point energy and massbalancemodelof a snow cover, NWS Tech. Rep. 19, 150 pp., Natl. Oceanic and Atmos. Admin., Washington,D.C., 1976. Beaty, C. B., Sublimationor melting:Observationsfrom the White Mountains, California and Nevada, U.S.A., J. GlacioI., 14, 275-286, 1975. Munroe, D. S., and G. J. 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