Understanding Role of Selected Alternate Energy Application for Forest Conversation in Rawal Watershed Area (Special Problem Report) 0 INTRODUCTION Bio gas system is introduced around the world and in Pakistan too for the purpose to control pollution, recycling the waste, prevent deforestation and improvement in sanitation. Bio gas is very useful in Pakistan because it required relatively low investment, don’t need any kind of skilled labor, it operate in local material and self help ,can be considered as the appropriate technology for ruler environment Bio gas is the cheap and simple method that provides you gas. It is the alternative energy source. It typically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Organic waste (dead plant and animal material, animal dung, and kitchen waste) can be converted into a gaseous fuel called BIOGAS. Biogas is a gas mixture which is generated when organic compounds are fermented in the absence of air (anaerobic fermentation). This gas mixture is mainly made of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Methane is a combustible gas, which means it can be burned. It can be used as a fuel for cooking and lighting. . Bio gas plants usually of five components which are Inlet, fermentation chamber, gas storage bag or tank, outlet and exit pipe. The idea that rotting vegetable matter gives off a flammable gas has been understood since the ancient Persians. In modern times the first sewage plant was built in Bombay in 1859, an idea that was brought to the UK in 1895, when the gas produced was used to light street lamps. In 19th century other country starts working on it like Germany, America and other European country. Organic matter such as manure (human or animal), duckweed or rice straw is brought into the fermentation chamber (through the inlet). The process of anaerobic fermentation will take place here to generate biological gas (biogas). It will also produce a substrate rich in nutrients which can be used as organic fertilizer or fish feed. The processing of manure, organic rubbish and wastewater in the plant helps to keep the environment clean. There is no longer any bad smell from sewage or livestock manure. Cooking by biogas is much cleaner than cooking over a wood fire, and there is no smoke to cause lung problems and eye diseases. Three main types of simple biogas plants can be balloon plant, fixed dome plant and floating drum plant. A balloon plant consists of a plastic or rubber digester bag, in the upper part of which the gas is stored. The inlet and outlet are attached direct to the skin of the balloon. When the gas space is full, the plant works like a fixed-dome plant - i.e., the balloon is not inflated; it is not very elastic. The fermentation slurry is agitated slightly by the movement of the balloon skin. A fixed-dome plant Figure consists of an enclosed digester with a fixed, non-movable gas space. The gas is stored in the upper part of the digester. When gas production commences, the slurry is displaced into the compensating tank. Gas pressure increases with the volume of gas stored; therefore the volume of the digester should not exceed 20 m³. If there is little gas in the holder, the gas pressure is low. 1 Floating-drum plants consist of a digester and a moving gasholder. The gasholder floats either direct on the fermentation slurry or in a water jacket of its own. The gas collects in the gas drum, which thereby rises. If gas is drawn off, it falls again. The gas drum is prevented from tilting by a guide frame. The usage of Bio gas in European countries is increasing day by day. It has been detected that in 1994, there were 397 industrial anaerobic purification facilities (Nyns, 1994). The most number of anaerobic purification facilities is located in Germany, Holland, France and Italy, respectively. In 1994, there were 99 facilities in Germany, and in 1999, this number was increased to 125 (Austermann-Haun vd., 1999). And this number is increasing day by day in the world especially Holland, Denmark and Belgium use that technology a lot. Turkey is the last country by the anaerobic facility number for one million people in Europe. In Pakistan, biogas is not popular as such. During 1980, a lot of money was spent by the government and made large scale efforts to popularize that technology in Pakistan. But, after some time efforts died and only few numbers of plants was installed. At present Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technology (PCRET), NGOs and few commercial organizations are working on biogas production. (Biogas plant design in Pakistan) In this report we have three areas Arokus, Piple, and Shadara where they used to have rich forest area and people of these area are cutting trees and the wood they get from cutting trees used for the purpose of cooking, heating, business purpose etc. from this they are having very severe problems like by cooking on wood fire they got health issues and diseases as well like lung cancer, eyes infection and the major problem arise by cutting trees is deforestation which is the reason of environmental change in these areas as well as it is damaging the beauty of these areas. By considering these issues, there is a need of BIOGAS in these areas because only few families have biogas plants, so by this research we shall get know that are these families are 2 satisfied by using biogas plant or not? And non user communities have got what reason which makes their mind for not adopting biogas? This is the main purpose of this research as well. The main objectives of the study are; To investigate the attitude of people toward use of bio-gas plant. Study the effectiveness of bio-gas plant towards deforestation. Socio economic factors enhancing deforestation. To find out the reason for not adopting biogas by inhabitants. To review the existing forest policy with reference to deforestation. MATERIAL AND METHOD Locale NARC team visited different areas for the biogas project. This study is conducted in Rawal watershed areas of Arrokus ,piple and shadra which represents the upper and lower watershed ecology. National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad established in 1984, is the largest research centre of the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC). Data collection The study based on primary and secondary data. Primary information was obtained by interviewing the people of these areas by using a structured questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained through internet. Sampling My sample would comprise of 60 respondents user or non user of BIOGAS in order to study the role of selected alternate energy application for forest conversation in Rawal watershed area. The sample would be drawn through convenient sample technique and qualitative analysis. Key informant The key informant in Arrokus and Piple was Miss Sundas Naseem and in Shadra was Mr. Tariq. Both of them are the members of NARC team as well. Interview guide We have used descriptive and comprehensive interview guide in this study. 3 Group discussion We did group discussion in Piple at Mr. Nisar’s home for the sake of knowing the false/true statement judgment test for knowing the different opinion of Biogas regarding its usage, maintenance etc. we did pre-testing of questionnaire in group discussion as well. Questionnaire Questionnaire was developed after relevant review of literature, group discussion with the local community and personal observation. The questionnaire was pretested in Piple at Mr. Nisar’s home (6 individuals were interviewed). The base-line of the questionnaire is divided in following sections: Demographical section Fuel source for domestic energy consumption Deforestation Bio gas user Non bio gas user In this study, qualitative methods have been used. These methods were used, to know the preferences of the people of Arrokus, Shadra and Piple. The base-line questionnaire was conducted during month of January 2012 in two weeks at Arrokus, Shadra and Piple. Photography Photography has been used in this study. Because it helps me to observe the data and to depict the area sampled. The main purpose of using photography in this for recalling, critical observation, and making report attractive and for building trust on people as for few people seeing believes. Spss for data collection SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a powerful application among the most widely used programs for statistical analysis in social science that allows reading almost any kind of data, analyzes that data, and creates reports and graphs from that data. It prevents from making mistakes or even forgetting something as compare to other software. That is why project team takes initiative to analyze data by SPSS statistical package. 4 ANALYZING OF VILLAGE ARROKUS, SHADRA AND PIPLE Demography Gross monthly income Total less than 10000 41.7% 1000020000 35.0% 2000030000 10.0% 30000 and above 13.3% Gross Monthly Income Family Size 10000-20000 35.0% 14.3% 9 and above In the above table we have percentages of Gross Monthly Income of Shadra, Arrukus and Piple. After asking different questions from these areas people we calculate that majority of the people of these three areas earn less than Rs. 10000 per month. And the percentage of these much earners is 41%. And the percentage shows that 35% of the people earn around Rs. 1000020000 per month. So we can say that 35% of the people can afford biogas plant in their homes as they have enough money which is required for plant. The average family size of these three areas is 9. Fuel Source for Domestic Energy Consumption Valid Frequency 54 Percent 90.0 Valid Percent 90.0 Cumulative Percent 90.0 4 6.7 6.7 96.7 biogas 1 1.7 1.7 98.3 others 1 1.7 1.7 100.0 Total 60 100.0 100.0 wood fuel natural gas 5 120 100 80 wood fuel 60 natural gas biogas 40 others 20 0 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent In the above table we have percentages of sources of fuel for domestic energy consumption of Shadra, Arrukus and Piple. After asking different questions from these areas people we calculate that majority of the people of these three areas using wood as a source of cooking, heating. Because it is cheaply available. And we may say that through questionnaire result percentage that 90% of the total population using wood as a source of domestic cooking. (Fuel source for domestic energy consumption) 6 Deforestation Forest Cutting Forest cutting being Employed Zone Total 1 forest right 47.6% no restriction 28.6% no alternative fuel available 60.0% 2 52.4% 71.4% 100.0% 100.0% any other 5 Total 45.8% 40.0% 100.0% 100.0% 54.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% In this observation we see that mostly people think that they don’t have any other kind of alternative fuel so that’s why they cut trees. 60% of the population of the upper zone is ready to condom that if we have any other source of fuel then they will not use wood as a fuel and they save the trees. But in the lower zone the people believe if there is any chance of improvement in the forest department, it will help to reduce the deforestation. (Cut wood from forest) 7 Involvement in Illegal Forest Cutting Cross tabulation Involvement in Illegal Forest Cutting Zone Total forest guard local elite general public any other Total 1 7 3 8 4 22 2 4 0 17 4 25 11 3 25 8 47 The above table is showing the percentage of the people of zone 1 and 2, who are involved in illegal forest cutting. In zone 1,there are 7 out of 22 people said that forest guard is involved in forest cutting, 3 said local elite, 8 said general public and 4 said any other. In zone 2, there were total number of the people were 25, 4 said forest guard is involved in illegal forest cutting, 17 said general public and 4 went for any other option. So we may say that 18.3% people voted for forest guard, 5% said local elite, 42% said general public and 15% said someone else is involved in illegal forest cutting. Awareness regarding Deforestation Cross tabulation Awareness regarding Deforestation Zone Total 1 yes 50.00% no 38.10% Total 45.80% 2 50.00% 61.90% 54.20% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% In this table we have two zones. In zone 1 we have 50% people said yes to deforestation and 38% said they are not aware. In zone 2, 50% people are aware and 61.9% people are not aware of deforestation. 8 Environmental Issues because of Deforestation Cross tabulation Environmental Issues because of Deforestation Zone yes no 3 1 47.50% 38.90% 100.00% 2 52.50% 61.10% 100.00% 100.00% Total Total 45.80% 54.20% 100.00% 100.00% In above table, we have environmental issues because of deforestation. In zone 1, 47.50% people said agree that there are environmental issues in their areas because of deforestation and 38.90% do not agree. In zone 2, 52.50% agree and 61.10% people disagree. Participation in Forestation Cross tabulation Participation in Forestation Zone 1 yes actively 51.90% no 40.60% Total 45.80% 2 48.10% 59.40% 54.20% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Total In above table, we have data of how many people participate in the forestation of their areas. In zone 1, 51.90% people said that they participate and 40.60% said they do not participate in forestation. In zone 2, 48.10% people participate and 59.40% people do not participate in forestation. Health Problems regarding Deforestation Cross tabulation Health Problems regarding Deforestation Zone Total Total yes no 3 1 42.90% 48.30% 50.00% 45.80% 2 57.10% 51.70% 50.00% 54.20% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% This table showed that is deforestation is a reason of health problems or not? In zone 1, 42.90% people said yes and 48.30% said no. in zone 2, 57.10% said yes and 51.70% said no. 9 Bio gas user Animals requirement satisfaction for domestic cooking time comparison b/w biogas and wood fuel water requireme nt for biogas Distance b/w kitchen and plant 66.7% 66.7% 66.7% 80.0% 66.7% 66.7% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 20.0% 33.3% 33.3% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Zone Ideal animal for biogas plant wastage purpose capacity cost 1 62.1% 53.8% 66.7% 66.7% 2 37.9% 46.2% 33.3% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% This table showing that how much user of the biogas is satisfied from biogas? We can see that people of zone 1, 62.1% of the people says that only buffalo is the ideal animal for biogas plant. 53.8% said that only buffalo’s wastage can create biogas. 66.7% of the people agree with that, that wastage of animal or plant can recycle as well. 66.7% have capacity, they can bear cost, have required animal for the plant, can satisfy their domestic cooking and water requirement by using the plant and have less distance between kitchen and plant. 80% people said that biogas is better than wood for cooking. In zone 2, 33.3% people know the purpose of the plant, they have capacity, can bear cost of the plant, they can fulfill the requirement of animals and water, and plant is satisfying their domestic cooking. 37.9% people have ideal animal for biogas plant, 46.2% use the wastage of biogas plant for other use and 20% agree that biogas is better than wood. So we may say that zone 1 people are more satisfied with biogas than zone 2 biogas user. Non bio gas user Herd Size Cross tabulation Herd Size Zone Total less than 3 3-6 more than 6 Total 1 56.5% 50.0% 100.0% 54.8% 2 43.5% 50.0% 100.0% 100.0% 10 45.2% 100.0% 100.0% The above table showed the herd size of non user of biogas. In zone 1, 56.5% of the non user have herd size less than 3, 50% have 3-6 herd size and 100% have more than 6 herd size. In zone 2, 43.5% have less than 3 herd size and 50% have 3-6 herd size. Suggestions of Biogas Promotion Cross tabulation Suggestions of Biogas Promotion Zone awareness partially support 1 41.7% 53.8% 2 58.3% 46.2% 100.0% 100.0% Total effective any other demonstration 100.0% 5 12.5% 100.0% Total 46.6% 87.5% 100.0% 53.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% In this table, we have asked questions to the people about how we can promote biogas in their area. In zone 1, 41.7% people said by giving awareness we can promote biogas, 53.8% said by partially support, 100% said effective demonstration, 12.5% said any other ways. In zone 2, 58.3% went for awareness option, 46.2% for partially support and 87.5% said any other. Those who have resources required for Biogas plant Cross tabulation Those who have resources required for Biogas plant Zone 1 space money animal all none biogas user Total 100.0% 50.0% 83.3% 46.7% 14.3% 60.0% 45.8% 50.0% 16.7% 53.3% 85.7% 40.0% 54.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 2 Total 100.0% Above table shows the resources required for biogas plant, in zone 1, 100% people do not have enough space for biogas plant, 50% do not have money, 83.3% do not have animal required for biogas plant, 46.7% have all the resources, 14.3% people do not have any of the resources and 60% people are already user of biogas. In zone 2, 50% do not have money for plant, 16.7% do not have animal, 53.3% have all the resources but they are not willing to build a plant, 85.7% have no resources and 40% people are already using biogas in their homes. 11 Ready to build Biogas plant Cross tabulation Ready to build Biogas plant Zone user yes no Total 1 60.0% 58.3% 33.3% 45.8% 2 40.0% 41.7% 66.7% 54.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total In above table we have the percentages of the non user of biogas that how many people are willing to build biogas plant. In zone 1, 60% are user of biogas plant, 58.3% said yes and 33.3% people said no for building a plant. In zone 2, 40% people are already a user, 41.7% said yes and 66.7% people said no. REAL ISSUES 1. They do not have enough resources like money, land, animals required for biogas plant. 2. The design of biogas plant is not appropriate which reduce the production of biogas and does not appeal non-user of biogas for using biogas. 3. The people of these three areas especially Arrokus and Shadra, do not trust on Government and Non-Government organizations because many organizations came there and did surveys but they never benefited the people as such. 4. People assume that biogas is seasonal gas. They think that biogas works only in summers not in winters. 5. The people of these areas are not flexible enough to accept the change or new advancement in their areas. 6. People of these areas are not willing to change their social habits, they like to cut the woods and cook on wood fire rather than on biogas flame. 7. People do not know how to use biogas and biogas plant as well. Because they face problems in using it. 8. They do not have much supply of animal waste which is essential for biogas plant. 9. They are illiterate people. 12 10. The attitude of male community of these areas are not good with women because they have no concern how much pain their women suffer when they cut the wood and take that to their homes. ADVANTAGES OF BIOGAS Advantage of bio gas in Piple,Aarokus and Shadra 1. Biogas can be used for electrical power generation as well as for heating purposes. 2. It will reduce the workload for women of these areas because they will not require going to the forest for wood for the sake of fire. 3. Biogas is pure gas so it is not dangerous for the health of the people. It will not cause any kind of skin diseases and eye diseases which normally wood fire do. It reduces the respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung problems. Biogas plants also kill pathogens like cholera, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid. 4. Biogas usage will decrease deforestation in these areas and it will also decrease environmental pollution as well. 5. Biogas plant is for life time as we just need to install it once in our life and it will give its output throughout our life but electricity and for wood or natural gas we have to pay bills every month. 6. Biogas is a smell less gas but wood left its smell when we cook our food on wood fire. 7. Transformation of organic wastes into high quality fertilizer. 8. It protects the earth’s natural resources. It also protects the soil indirectly. 9. Biogas saves these areas beauty which is the greenery of these areas. And if people of these areas start using biogas so they will not cut trees and that is how beauty of these areas shall be safe. 10. It reduces cost of artificial fertilizer and protects the subsoil water. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Bio gas system is very useful in these areas but the people of these areas are not educated and these people not ready to adopt new and modern technology that is why they feel hesitatation and do not accept changes. They are used to of spending their lives on their traditional life style that is why they cook food on wood. The main reason of wood fuel usage for domestic cooking in these area is richness of trees in forest and wood is easily available so that is why they are happy to cook on wood and use wood as a heater and other purposes. Different NGO and 13 government institutions visit there and fill their questionnaire but they do nothing for these areas that is why the level of trust on NGOs is very bad and people are not ready to listen anything. Biogas system also provided by an NGO and they build biogas system in this area but they only build but they do not teach people how to use and what are the problem they face during usage of biogas plant so that’s why mostly user not happy and satisfy for their working of biogas plant. So they need training for the sake of giving them knowledge that is how they will be able to use this plant in better way, so that the production of biogas plant will increases its production as well as it will increases trust on the user of biogas and the non user will also show their will for using bio gas plant. Mostly people do not adopt this system because they think that it is very expensive system but through questionnaire we see that most of the people can afford bio gas system. People think that this system required huge amount of money but we see that bio gas system is idea for rural life because biogas does not need any kind of heavy machines and high labor. People clam that it has seasonal effect, it is not working on winter but when we study bio gas system then we see that the design of bio gas system matters a lot if the distance of kitchen is less, bio gas plant system is covered by plastic sheet in winter, use steel pipe in bio gas system instead of plastic pipes, bio gas plant is place on the height place, do not use any kind of joint, and some kind of fat deposit is add with animal waste it help in working of bio gas system . Buffalo is an ideal animal for bio gas plant. It is very productive system if people properly use biogas. It may help to decrease deforestation and also save the time of women. Also save women, men and their children for different infection and diseases. In the end we can conclude that if the above suggested points keep in mind and implement them into these area then biogas will be useful in these three areas otherwise it will not be easy to promote biogas in these three areas. LITERATURE CITED http://www.kingdombio.com/history1.html http://www.paksc.org/bio-energy/bio-gas-plant.html) http://bio-gas-plant.blogspot.com/2011/04/types-of-biogas-plant.html) http://www.technologytimes.pk/2011/07/02/biogas-in-pakistan-%E2%80%93-somefacts-and-figures/ http://www.economywatch.com/renewable-energy/advantages-of-biogas.html 14