Today’s class: Quantum tunneling and radioactive decay Radioactive decay George Gamow: 1928 Announcements • Midterm next week. No homework this week. There will be one next week. • Reading 8.1-8.3 Application of quantum tunneling: Scanning Tunneling Microscope 'See' single atoms! Use tunneling to measure very(!) small changes in distance. Nobel prize winning idea: Invention of “scanning tunneling microscope (STM)”. Measure atoms on conductive surfaces. Measure current between tip and sample Look at current from sample to tip to measure gap. Tip SAMPLE METAL SAMPLE (metallic) Electron tunnels from sample to tip. - energy x How would U(x) look like after an electron tunneled from the sample to the tip if sample and tip were isolated from each other? a. same as before. b. U in tip higher, U sample lower. c. U in tip lower, U sample higher. d. U same on each side as before but barrier higher. sample tip ans. b. electron piled on top (in energy) of many other electrons that contribute to U(x). Add electron, makes higher U(x), remove makes lower. So what does next electron want to do? Correct picture of STM-- voltage applied between tip and sample. Holds potential difference constant, electron current. Figure out what potential energy looks like in different regions so can calculate current, determine sensitivity to gap distance. + sample I I SAMPLE SAMPLE METAL (metallic) energy Tip What does U tip look like? a. higher than U sample b. same as U sample c. lower than U sample d. tilts downward from left to right V e. tilts upward from left to right tip applied voltage Correct picture of STM-- voltage applied between tip and sample. Potential energy in different regions so can calculate current, determine sensitivity to gap distance. What is potential in air gap approximately? + sample I I SAMPLE SAMPLE METAL (metallic) energy Tip tip V linear connection Notice changing V will change barrier, and hence tunneling current. applied voltage Current vs. Position. • • • • Tuneling Controversy STM now Superconductors STM (picture with reversed voltage, works exactly the same) end of tip always atomically sharp Piezoelectricity • Electric dipole • Ordered domains linked to lattice (like ferromagnetism) • Electric field ≈ strain ≈ displacement – Applications in sensors, lighters, actuators – Length-scales involved can be ~nm/V Piezoelectric actuators and sensors are everywhere! Buzzers in electronic gadgets and in smoke alarms. Microphones in cell-phones. Quartz crystals. BBQ grills and lighters. Knock sensors in car engines. Seismology. Concrete compactors Sonar devices (Submarines, Robotics, Automatic doors) STM results 0 300 Å • Atomic lattices and surface structure Si(111) 7x7 reconstruction Trenary: UIC Gold surface B. Barker: LPS STM results 0 0 200 Å 300 Å • Atomic lattices and surface structure Can selectively “write” on surface ~10nm lengths Charge Density Wave on TaSe2 Jixia Dai Colorado STM results • Electrons are waves Fe on Cu(111) ? on Cu(111) D. Eigler: IBM Almaden As approached, voltage pulse, 100nm away, and How does CDW react to somewhere with 1T phase 200Ǻ 100Ǻ 0 0 disorder? We have been writing large scale defects into these surfaces We can also induce a structural transition to write 50nm bits into the surface… Bad memory Slow scan 0 100Ǻ Whatcopper aboutatoms doping with Dragging across the surface Cu? We have also learned to manipulate the dopant Cu atoms to create defined structures Application of Quantum Tunneling: Radioactive decay George Gamow: 1928 Radioactive decay (Quantum tunneling – George Gamow) Nucleus is unstable ejects alpha particle (2 netrons, 2 protons) Typically found for large atoms with lots of protons and neutrons. Polonium-210 84 protons, 126 neutrons Proton (positive charge) Neutron (no charge) Nucleus has lots of protons and lots of neutrons. Two forces acting in nucleus: - Coulomb force .. Protons really close together, so very big repulsion between protons due to coulomb force. - Nuclear force (attraction between nuclear particles is very strong if very close together) … called the STRONG Force. Radioactive decay Proton (positive charge) In alpha-decay, an alpha-particle is Neutron (no charge) emitted from the nucleus. Polonium-210 84 protons, 126 neutrons Lead-206 82 protons, 124 neutrons This raises the ratio of neutrons to protons … makes for a more stable atom. (Neutrons are neutral.. no coulomb repulsion, but nuclear force attraction) How to figure out what's going on? Starting point: Always look at potential energy curve for particle! + KE New nucleus Nucleus Alpha particle (Z-2 protons, (Z protons, (2 protons, & bunch of neutrons) bunch of neutrons-2) 2 neutrons) Now look at this system… as the distance between the alpha particle and the nucleus changes. As we bring the a particle closer to the core, what happens to potential energy? As bring a closer, what happens to potential energy? U=0 At a great distance r A U(r) C D. Something else U(r) B U(r) r r Potential energy curve for the α particle + KE New nucleus Nucleus Alpha particle (Z-2 protons, (Z protons, (2 protons, & bunch of neutrons) bunch of neutrons) 2 neutrons) Strong attractive force (Nuclear forces) U(r) Look at this system… as the distance between the alpha particle and the nucleus changes. As we bring the a particle closer to the core, what happens to potential energy? r Coulomb repulsion: Nucleus: (Z-2) protons kq1q2 k ( Z 2)(e)(2e) U (r ) r r V=0 for r ∞ Energy very small r (~1fm): nuclear force dominates ~30 MeV ‘Large’ r: coulomb force dominates U(r) kq1q2 k ( Z 2)(e)(2e) U (r ) r r 1 to 10 MeV r Edge of the nucleus (~8x10-15 m), Nuclear (‘Strong’) force starts acting strong attraction between nucleons. Potential energy drops dramatically. Energy What’s the kinetic energy of this particle inside the nucleus? U(r) D C B x A E: Something else Review: Radioactive decay Energy Small r: Nuclear force dominates ~30 MeV Large r: coulomb force dominates U(r) kq1q2 k ( Z 2)(e)(2e) U (r ) r r 1 to 10 MeV r Edge of the nucleus (~8x10-15 m), Nuclear (‘Strong’) force starts acting strong attraction between nucleons. Potential energy drops dramatically. Energy What would the kinetic energy of that particle be after it tunneled out from the nucleus? U(r) D C B x A E: Something else Energy So we found that the particle has less kinetic energy outside than inside the nucleus. Did it loose energy? U(r) KEoutside x KEinside A) Yes. B) No. C) Impossible to tell. Need to solve Schröd. equ. first. Energy Wave function picture: U(r) ~100MeV of KE inside the nucleus Exponential decay in the barrier ~1-10MeV of KE outside Wave function of the free particle: ‘small’ KE Large wavelength Wave function of the particle inside the potential well: Large KE small Wavelength U(r) Energy Observations show Alpha-particles from the same chemical element exit with a range of energies. 9 MeV KE 4 MeV KE Different KE in different isotopes # neutrons influence nuclear potential Observe a particles from different isotopes (same # protons, different # neutrons), exit with different amounts of energy. 2m a (U E ) 2 U(r) Energy 30 MeV 1. Less distance to tunnel 2. U-E is smaller (smaller a) Wave function doesn’t decay as much before reaches other side … more probable! 9MeV KE 4MeV KE x The 9 MeV electron more probable… Isotopes that emit higher energy alpha particles, have shorter lifetimes!!! Solving Schrodinger equation for this potential energy is hard! V(x) Square barrier is much easier… and get almost the same answer! V(x)