CT INVENTION CONVENTION™ TAKE APART TEACHER’s GUIDE CLASSROOM OBJECTIVE: Provide Students with real-life hands-on opportunity to experience and think about how everyday appliances, and other objects work. Students will learn names and use of parts, develop a store of parts from which to make their inventions, and learn proper use of tools. Students are paired or grouped up to 4 students maximum, to permit active use of various tools. Encourage students to take some parts home if they like them and want to further explore these with their parents. TODAY’S OVERVIEW: 1) Provide & familiarize yourself with forms, and develop a sense of Intensity, Time and Use for your Class. 2) Develop grade appropriate objectives for your class: a) Learn Tools, Practice using, naming, and applying tools. b) From a simple look at a product external features, a student can theorize how a produce works before it is taken apart. c) Parts Nomenclature (Hex, Torx and Allen nuts and bolts, Philips and Flathead screws, springs, LCDs / LEDs, coils, capacitors, connectors, motors, switches, and general Parts classification (Fasteners, Electronics, electromechanical) promote common communication in the technology world, and provide a life-long lesson in tools Plus, items can be used to begin a student’s own toolbox. It’s a good idea to get a few 6 Volt Lantern Batteries, and several sets of Alligator Clip wire sets from Radio Shack or Home Depot, to “power” up LEDs, small light bulbs, or small Direct Current motors from CD Players, Cassette recorders etc. d) COSTING, ASSEMBLY, INVENTION exercises… count parts in old appliance VS: new. (Higher part count general adds to product cost) Newer products have innovative plastic snaps molded into cases in place of fasteners). Theorize Assembly via De-Assembly (TDA: Top-Down-Assembly? DFA: Design for Assembly? None?). Identify NEW inventions such as Lasers, Integrated Circuits, etc.? 3) Safety: a) Volunteer support, a local company Engineer, Scientist, your School’s Maintenance Supervisor. b) Eyewear is a must have, (so sez mom…. “or you’ll poke yer eye out.”). c) Small Latex Gloves, (backup with Polyethylene for those with Latex Allergies). d) Implosion / Explosion Hazards: NO Picture Tube TVs, NO Monitors, NO Vacuum bottles, NO Pressure tanks, NO combustible or flammable fluids/gases, NO CFL Lighting. (Unless Adult supervision present). e) Electrical Hazards: Assess cutting cord to prevent accidental plug-ins, review items beforehand for possible high voltage risk (Electronic Flash cameras, big capacitors with more than 80 V. stamped on side). f) Fluids Hazards: NO Chemicals of unknown origin, NO Flammable Liquids (RED DIAMOND LABEL) MINIMIZE Printer Toner or Ink Cartridges. g) Pinch Hazards, take care on large objects with hinges, review and warn children of pinched finger hazards. h) SAVE reusable items: Motors, Switches, LEDs, magnets, etc. TOSS / RECYCLE extra parts as appropriate. Suggested “CIC In A Box” TAKE APART Tool Listing (quantities may need to be increased on some items): ITEM *** Ripclaw Hammer , 10 oz. *** Wire cutter / Wire Stripper ** 3 Pc. Wood Chisel *** 6” Needle Nose Pliers *** 6” Slip Joint Pliers ** 5” Adjustable Locking Pliers ** 8” Groove Joint Pliers * Stanley Mobile Tool Chest 033025 ** 9 Pc. Box Wrench Set – S.A.E. ** 9 Pc. Box Wrench Set METRIC *** Safety Eyewear (4 Pack) *** Precision Screwdriver Set (jewelers) ** Hex-Key Wrench Set – Metric & S.A.E. *** Stanley Screwdriver Set (Flat & Phillips) * TORX Screwdriver Driver Set * Stanley Mini-Bit Screwdriver Set *** Must Have; ** Nice to Have; CIC-TAKE-APART-TEAHCER-GUIDE.DOC HOME DEPOT SKU# 676-923 576-007 749-236 816-927 203-045 817-092 204-305 870-830 193-527 193-560 719-962 127-759 545-747 060-081 074-502 583-334 ESTIMATED TOTAL * Optional © 2011 CT Invention Convention by Charlie Baumgartner PRICE $ 4.98 $ 10.48 $ 9.88 $ 3.49 $ 3.49 $ 3.49 $ 3.49 $ 49.97 $ 7.88 $ 7.88 $ 19.99 $ 4.88 $ 8.97 $ 6.47 $ 5.97 $ 10.88 $162.19