Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Lesson: Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits, Lesson-I: Integrator Lesson Developer: Dr. Arun Vir Singh College/Department: Shivaji College, University of Delhi Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.1 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Table of Contents Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits:Lesson-I: Integrator 1.1 Nonlinear Circuits 1.2. Integrator 1.2.1 Basic Integrator 1.2.2 Input and Output Wave Forms 1.2.3 Limitations 1.2.4 Frequency Response of Basic Integrator 1.3 Practical Integrator 1.3.1 Frequency Response of Practical Integrator 1.4 Applications of Integrator Summary Exercise Glossary References Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.2 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator 1.1 Nonlinear Circuits In nonlinear circuits output of op-amp does not follow the input. Integration and differentiation are two arithmetic operations performed by using nonlinear op-amp circuits. In these operations op-amp is used with negative feedback. Other nonlinear applications are comparators, voltage level detectors, zero-crossing detectors. In nonlinear applications op-amp is generally used in open-loop configuration. In this lesson, we shall discuss integrator. 1.2 Integrator Integrator is a circuit that performs a mathematical operation called integration. Output voltage of such a circuit is equal to the integral of the input. The integrator is very useful in many applications which require the generation or processing of analog signals. Such as triangular wave, square, and saw tooth wave generators. The most popular application is to generate a linearly increasing or decreasing voltage, which is known as a ramp. 1.2.1 Basic Integrator Such a circuit is obtained by using operational amplifier in the inverting configuration with the feedback resistor Rf replaced by a capacitor, Cf. as shown in figure1. Fig: 1. Basic integrator Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.3 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Developed by :ILLL This is a basic integrator circuit. Input to this integrator can be time varying (sin, cosine, triangular, and square wave) or a step/ a dc signal and it is applied at input resistor R1. Output is taken across the capacitor. Notice that the capacitor is feedback element and forms an RC circuit with the input resistor. The expression for output voltage is obtained by using Kirchhoff’s current law at node N. [1.1] Since IB is very very small. So the current flowing through the input resistor R1 is equal to the current flowing the feedback element /capacitor. [1.2] The current through the capacitor is related to voltage by the relation [1.3] is the voltage across the capacitor, given by , Current through the input resistor [1.4] [1.5] But [1.6] Substituting Eq.[1.6] in Eq.[1.2] [1.7] Substituting Eqs.[1.5] and [1.3] in Eq.[1.7] [1.8] Substituting for from Eq.[1.4] in Eq.[1.8] [1.9] By using the concept of virtual ground in Eq.[1.9] [1.10] Output voltage can be obtained by integrating Eq. [1.10 ] Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.4 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator = [1.11] Where C is the constant of integration and is proportional to the output voltage at time t=0. Hence output is (i) directly proportional to negative integral of the input signal voltage. So the circuit is an integrating circuit. (ii) Inversely proportional to the time constant . 1.2.2 Input and Output Wave Forms Step Input A step input is shown in figure 2a. Let its magnitude is A unit. Mathematically it can be expressed as Fig:2(a).Step input signal of magnitude (+A)and 2(b) Negative going ramp with slope (-A). Developed by :ILLL Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.5 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator If =1, and C=0 , then from Eq.[1.11] [1.12] The output is a straight line with a slope of –A. The output is shown in Fig.[2b] Example Consider a positive step input =1 Volt, to the integrator circuit shown in Fig.[1] . Calculate the output voltage and draw the output waveforms. Solution Let the power supply voltage =±15 V. Calculated output for the circuit of Fig. 1 is This is a negative ramp voltage dropping at a rate (slope) of 10,000 V/s. This ramp voltage will drop from +15 V to -15 V in 30 V/10,000 sec or 3× sec(3 ms). After 3 ms output changes from +15 V to -15 V and gets saturated at -15 V. Figure 3 shows the input step waveform (3a) and the resulting output ramp waveform (4b). Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.6 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Fig. 3 Input step waveform (3a) and output ramp waveform (3b). Developed by :ILLL So we can conclude if input signal is a step function, output voltage is a ramp and is opposite in polarity to the input voltage and is multiplied by the factor . Output is saturated at voltage level slightly < ± supply Voltage. This is because of the voltage drop across the op-amp. Value Addition :FAQ Why is the output of step input linear? Body Text: The capacitor charging in a simple RC circuit is not linear but is exponential. But here it is linear. The key thing about using an op-amp with an RC circuit to form an integrator is that the capacitor’s charging current is made constant, thus producing a straight-line (linear) voltage rather than an exponential voltage. Suggested Reading: Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert. L Boylestad and L. Nashelsky,8th Edition. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits : Ramakant A. Gayakwad, 3rd Edition Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.7 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Square Wave Input The square wave input signal is shown in figure 4a. We can say that it is made of two step inputs (i) a positive step between time period 0 to T/2 and (ii) a negative step for time period T/2 to T. Mathematically it can be expressed as Fig: (4a)Square wave input (4b) output wave triangular wave Developed by :ILLL As discussed earlier the output for the positive step input is a straight line with a slope of negative A. So for the period 0 to T/2 output will be straight line with negative slope (-A). For the period T/2 to T, output will be straight line with positive slope (+A). Mathematically output can be expressed as [1.13] Output wave form is shown in figure (3b). This is called triangular wave. So integral of square wave is triangular wave, and also shown in animation 1. Animation1 Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.8 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Animation 1: Integrated output of square wave from. Developed by: ILLL. Sine Wave Input Sine wave input signal is represented by expression [1.14] Output is given by substituting Eq.[1.13] in Eq.[1.11] for and C=0 Output is cosine wave and is shown along with the input signal in animation 2 Animation2 Animation 2: Integration of sine wave from. Developed by: ILLL. Triangular Wave Input For triangular wave input, integrated output wave form is a sine wave and is shown in animation 3. Animation3 Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.9 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Animation 3: Animated output waveform for triangular input wave form. Developed by: ILLL 1.2.3 Limitations When input voltage to the integrator is zero, ( ) the integrator works as an open loop amplifier. This is because the capacitor acts as an open circuit to the input offset voltage . This input offset voltage and the part of the input current charging capacitor Cf produce the error voltage at the output of the integrator. 1.2.4 Frequency Response of Basic Integrator As already mentioned for dc signals, the capacitor behaves as an open circuit element and there is no negative feedback. The op-amp thus operates in an open loop, resulting in an infinite gain. In practice, output never becomes infinite. The plot in figure 5 shows the frequency response of the basic integrator circuit. The gain decreases with a constant rate over the entire range of the plot. The gain goes down 20 db for every decade (power of 10) with Fig.5. Frequency response of basic integrator. Developed by :ILLL increase in frequency .As frequency continues to increase the gain will continue to diminish at the same rate. The frequency at which gain in decibel is zero, is called higher cut off frequency and is given by the equation [1.15] Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.10 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator As frequency decrease, the gain will continue to increase. frequencies produces a practical limit for using this circuit. This increasing gain to lower Value addition :FAQ Why is decrease in gain of basic integrator with increase in frequency? Body Text: Gain of integrator is We can write the components of basic integrator shown in S domain as under (S), .where S=jω=2πf , and ,where where . and Therefore A= . Magnitude of gain is ω ω , so for a fixed value of we can say that gain decreases with increase in frequency f. The frequency (f= at which the magnitude of the gain of basic integrator is 1 (or 0dB) can be obtained by equating the above equation to 1. Hence (Cutoff frequency) Suggested reading: Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits : Ramakant A. Gayakwad, 3rd Edition. Linear Integrated Circuits :D.Roy Choudhury and Shail B. Jain,2nd Edition. 1.3 Practical Integrator The limitations of ideal integrator can be minimized in practical integrator to limits the low frequency gain and hence minimizes the variations in the output voltage circuit. In this circuit a resistor Rf is connected across the feedback capacitor Cf to reduce the error voltage at the output. The circuit for the practical integrator is shown in figure 6.The addition of the Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.11 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator resistor also corrects the stability and low frequency roll-off problems. Gain of this circuit if given by ratio of . A practical op-amp integrator approximates the characteristics of the ideal circuit, but has a fixed gain equal to ratio of Rf and R1. Fig:6. Practical integrator Developed by :ILLL Output is given by [1.16] 1.3.1 Frequency response of Practical Integrator Frequency response is shown in figure 7. In this plot the dc gain of the integrator is 10 (20 dB). Notice that the circuit’s gain is relatively constant until 30Hz and then starts to decrease. The point where the gain begins to decrease is called the cutoff frequency. This is defined as the point where the gain is down 3 db from the gain in the pass band. A 3dB reduction in gain corresponds to a 0.707 reduction in the output voltage from the level in the pass band. This point is defined by the gain limiting frequency fa and is given by [1.17] Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.12 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator After the cutoff point is reached, the gain of the circuit falls at a rate of -20 dB/decade; just as in the ideal integrator circuit. It eventually takes the shape of the ideal integrator below the cutoff frequency. To use this circuit as an integrator, the lowest frequency expected to be encountered must fall into this part of the circuit response. The lowest frequency is the frequency at which Fig:7. Frequency response of practical integrator Source: Self/ Developed by ILLL. gain is 0dB and is given by [1.18] The circuit acts as an integrator in the frequency range fa to fb. the value of fa and in turn and Rf Cf values should be selected such that fa<fb. Input frequencies, f<fa passes to output without integration. So integrator acts as a low pass filter. In this range gain ( constant. For proper integration, the time period T of the input signal has to larger than or equal to That is, where Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.13 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Value Addition: Did you know How an infinite gain of ideal integrator, gets limited to a finite value in practical integrator. Body Text: Gain of practical integrator shown in fig.6 in terms of frequency using S domain is .where Magnitude of gain is At f=0, i.e 20 log , S=2πf , where . Thus an infinite dc gain of ideal integrator, gets limited to integrator. (a finite value) in practical When f =fa i.e 20 log 20 log =20 log =20 log(0.707)+20 log =- 3dB + d.c gain. Thus the dc gain remains constant for all frequencies less than fa, and the gain drops by 3dB at the frequency f = fa, which is the break frequency .And for frequency f>fa gain reduces at the rate of 20dB/decade.For integration ,frequency response must be straight line of slope -20 dB/decade, which is possible for the frequency f>faand f<fb.. Suggested Reading Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits : Ramakant A. Gayakwad, 3rd Edition. Linear Integrated Circuits :D.Roy Choudhury and Shail B. Jain,2nd Edition. Example Let , and circuit shown in Fig.[6]. Calculated values of (square wave) for the practical integrator , ,gain A and Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi are page no.14 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator (i) Gain limiting frequency (ii) Cutoff frequency , using Eq.[1.17] , using Eq.[1.18] (iii) Gain Frequency response of the circuit and input and output wave forms are obtained using probe. Frequency response is already shown in Fig.[7]. It can be seen from the response curve, that in frequency range (f <fa) gain of integrator (20 dB) is constant up to 30 Hz. Calculated and obtained values of , and gain are approximately equal. After fa gain decreases at the rate of ≈20dB/decade. At fb gain is 0. Response of the practical integrator for square wave at three different values of frequencies is illustrated in figures 8 to 10. (i) f<fa . f=5 Hz Input and output wave forms are illustrated in figure 8. Fig:8. Input and output wave form for f=5Hz < fa. Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi Developed by :ILLL page no.15 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Output wave is inverted having magnitude (Vo) equal to 10V. So gain is equal to 10 or 20dB. Comparing with the input signal we can say that output wave form is same as that of input. It is not integrated. Hence input signal is passed by the integrator. (ii) f<fa . f=50 Hz Input and output wave forms are shown in figure 9. At this frequency, gain decreased slightly as observed from the response curve. It can be seen that output wave is not perfectly square. We can say that circuit starts integrating input wave. Fig:9. Input and output wave form for f=50Hz < fa. Developed by :ILLL However, magnitude of output is 10 V, which is equal to the gain of integrator. Comparing with the input signal we can say that input signal is not integrated properly. (iii) f>fa but < fb , f=500 Hz . Input and output wave forms are shown in figure 10. Frequency of the input signal is chosen, such that it lies between fa and fb ie.( fa,<f,<fb). Output wave is triangular as expected. So we can say that input signal is integrated by the integrator. Magnitude of output wave decreased. Output is inverted. Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.16 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator So for integration of any type of input signal, frequency should be between gain limiting frequency and cutoff frequency. Fig: 10. Input and output wave forms for f=500Hz, T=2ms Developed by :ILLL 1.4 Applications Of Practical Integrator Integrator circuits are used in following applications (i) In analog computer (ii) Analog-to- digital conversion (ADC)and wave shaping circuits. (iii) In ramp generators. (iv) In solving differential equations. Summary: After studying this chapter, you should be able to Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.17 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Explain and analyze the operation of integrators. Discuss the ideal integrator and compare it to practical integrator. Show the various output wave forms. Explain the limitations of ideal integrator. Explain the frequency response curve of ideal and practical integrator. EXERCISES Question Number Type of question 1 Multiple choice questions (1) In an ideal integrator, the feedback element is a Question Number Type of question (a) resistor(b) capacitor (c) zener diode (d) voltage divider 2 Fill in the blanks (2)The rate of change of an integrator’s output voltage in response to a step input is set by (a) the RC time constant (b) the amplitude of the step input(c) the current through the capacitor (d) all of these (3) For a step input, the output of an integrator is (a) a pulse (b) a triangular waveform (c) a spike (d) a ramp (4) For a triangular wave input, the output of an integrator is (a) a pulse (b) a sine wave(c) a spike (d) a ramp (5) For proper integration, the time period T of the input signal has to (a) larger than (b) equal to (c) smaller than (d) both a and b Correct answers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) b a d b d Type of question Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.18 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator 2 Fill in the blacks (1) Integration of a constant is -------------. (2) Integrator acts as a ------------filter. (3) Gain of the practical integrator decreases in the frequency range ---- to----at the rate of ----------. (4) Output of integrator is ----------- phase with respect to input. (5) The scale multiplier (factor) of a basic integrator is --------. a Correct answers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Straight line low pass fa to fb, 20dB/decade out of phase - Question Number Type of question 3 Subjective questions 1. Discuss the operation of basic op-amp integrator. 2. Mention the limitations of basic integrator. 3. What do you mean by gain limiting frequency? 4. What are the differences between basic and practical op-amp integrator? 5. Discuss the frequency response curve of practical op-amp integrator. 6.What are the applications of integrating circuit? 7. Which type of filter we get from integrator. Type of question 4 Unsolved questions 1. Calculate the lower frequency limit for the integrator shown in figure 6 .Given . 2 For an integrator circuit shown in figure 1 how long does it take for the output to reach saturation. Given Vin= +10 mV, and power supply voltage ±15V. Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.19 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator 3.Determine the rate of change of output voltage in response to a single pulse input of amplitude 1V, to the integrator shown in figure 1. Given . Solution (1) , (2) , Vin=+10 mV , Saturated voltage =- 15V , (3) , GLOSSARY Integrator: A circuit that produces an output which approximates the area under the curve of input curve. Differentiator: A circuit that produces an output which approximates the instantaneous rate of change of input function. Node: A node is any junction wherein two or more two-terminal components meet. KCL: Kirchhoff’s Current Law simply states that the currents entering a node are equal in magnitude to the currents leaving that same node, so Time constant: It is equal to the product of the circuit resistance (in ohms) and the circuit capacitance (in farads). Ramp: A linearly increasing or decreasing voltage. Input offset voltage: The differential dc voltage required between the inputs for the output to be zero. Cut of frequency: This is defined as the point where the gain is down 3 db from the gain in the pass band(where gain is constant). Decible (db): Unit of gain. A logarithmic measure of the ration of one power to another or one voltage to another, Decade: When frequency changes from f1 to f2 such that f1=10f2, it is referred to as decade. Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.20 Applications of Operational Amplifier: Nonlinear Circuits Lesson-I: Integrator Roll off. The decrease in voltage gain of op-amp with frequency is called as frequency roll off. Bode Plot: When the gain is represented in db and the frequency is plotted on a logarithmic scale, a Bode plot is produced. Bode plots are used to determine the stability of control systems and the frequency response of filter circuits Virtual Ground: Means the node N shown in Fig.1.1 is at 0V but it is not mechanically ground. So no current flows from point N to ground. Low pass filter:A circuit which passed the low frequency. References/ Bibliography/ Further Reading Source: Op-Amps and linear Integrated Circuits :Ramakant A. Gayakwad,3rd Edition. Electronic Principles :A.P. Malvino ,6th Edition. Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert.L Boylestad and L. Nashelsky.,2nd Edition. Electronic Devices by Thomas L. Floyd,6th Edition. Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi page no.21