August V63/T04051/EE/20150810 2015 Linear Integrated Circuits Instructions: Marks-80 Time: 3 Hrs 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. “Long Answer type Question (LAQ)” is a supply type question of 15 marks which required a typical answer of about 60-80 lines in bout 32-40 minutes. 3. “Sort Answer type Question (SAQ)” is a supply type question of 5 marks which required a typical answer of about 15-20 lines in bout 08-10 minutes. 4. Figures to the right indicate marks allotted to the questions. 5. Assume suitable data if necessary 6. Use a nonprogrammable type of scientific calculator is allowed Marks SECTION-A Q.1 Explain in Brief Level Shifter and Complementary Push Pull Amplifier. 15 OR Q.1 Explain in Brief the Basic concept of frequency compensation of op-amp and give its application. 15 Q.2 Write Down the Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of Active Integrator. 15 OR Q.2 Explain in Brief Differentiator using Op-Amp. 15 Q.3 What is amplifier? Write down equation for non inverting amplifier. 5 Q.4 Write Down the advantages of Active integrator. 5 SECTION-B Q.5 Design Sample and Hold Circuit using Op-amp. 15 OR Q.5 Explain Schmitt Trigger in Brief. 15 Q.6 Explain in Brief IC555 Timer. 15 OR Q.6 What is Multiplier? Explain Monostable Multivibrators in Brief. 15 Q.7 Write down the advantages of Schmitt Trigger. 5 Q.8 Explain Band Pass Filter. 5 Computer Generated Random Question Paper dated: 07-07-2015 14:38:45 ***BEST OF LUCK***