1/2 1/8 1/12 Conductivity measuring equipment 1/18 1/26 1/28 1/30 1/32 1/33 1/36 1/37 Application Mode of operation SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers SIPAN 34 analyzer 2EL sensors, fittings, accessories 4EL sensors, fittings, accessories IND sensors, fittings, accessories Accessories for SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X and SIPAN 34 analyzers Technical data Standard combinations Documentation Siemens PA 20 · 1999 1/1 Characteristics SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X $ SIPAN 34 #)+(!$ '+!&#$* !) )!$ *% *(#!$ * "*(! %$+*!,!*/ % '+%+) %( %($! )%"+*!%$) SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X %( SIPAN 34 #)+(!$ '+!&#$* %$)!)*) % )$)%( $ $ $"/0( &!" !**!$) ( +) !$ !*!%$ *% #* * )$)%( *% * ,(!%+) &(%)) &(#*() 2EL sensor %$+*!,!*/ #)+(!$ ($ .*$) %,( &%-() % *$ (%# +"*(2&+( -*( &&(%. # +& *% ,(/ ! %$+*!,!*!) &&(%. ## !) -! ($ !) %,( / * ( #)+(!$ &(%+() ) ! *-%2"*(% &(%+( 2EL sensor %+(2"*(% &(%+( 4EL sensor $ !$+*!, &(%+( IND sensor #)+(!$ ($) ) -"" ) * !") % &&"!*!%$ % * * ( &(%+() %,("& *% (*!$ .*$* SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 34 4EL sensor " IND sensor ! 1/2 $ #)+(!$ '+!&#$* )"*!%$ *" %(!$ *% !") % &&"!*!%$ !#$) 1 100 mS/cm 1000 2500 S/cm 10.0 1.0 100 10.0 1.0 0.1 0.01 ! ! Characteristics -0 5(2' 1$,1-0 '$ 25-;$*$"20-#$ .0-"$#30$ 1$,1-0 (1 31$# 2- +$ 130$ 2'$ "-,#3"2(4(27 -% 3*20 ;.30$ 5 2$0 ,# '(&'*7 #(*32$# /3$-31 1-*32(-,1 %0-+ "+ 2- : "+ 5'$0$ "-,2 +(, 2(-, ,# #$.-1(21 -, 2'$ $*$"20-#$1 $62$,#(,& (,2- 2'$ +$ 130$# +$#(3+ 0$ ,-2 $6.$"2$# '(&'$0 "-,#3"2(4(2($1 !-4$ : "+ *$ # 2- .-* 0(8 2(-, $%%$"21 ,# 2'31 2- $00-01 (, +$ 130$+$,2 $#( 5(2' "-,#3"2(4(2($1 "+ 5 2$0 3*20 ;.30$ 5 2$0 $6'(!(2 #(12(,"2 ,-,;*(,$ 0 2$+.$0 230$ #$.$,#$,"$ '$ , *78$0 (1 2'$0$%-0$ .0-4(#$# 5(2' 2$+.$0 230$ "-+.$,1 2(-, %3,"2(-, %-0 3*20 ;.30$ 5 2$0 6 +.*$1 -% .-11(!*$ ..*(" 2(-,1 2$ + &$,$0 2(-, !-(*$0 %$$#5 2$0 "-,#$,1 2(-, $+("-,#3"2-0 $ 1$,1-0 "-,"$,20(" $*$"20-#$1 + ,3% "230$ 3*20 ;.30$ 5 2$0 "'(. "*$ ,(,& 2$0 .0-"$11(,& 0$4$01$ -1+-1(1 (-, $6"' ,&$0 1$,1-0 .(, $*$"20-#$1 ) 2$12(,& -% '$ 2 $6"' ,&$01 0(,)(,& 5 2$0 ,# 130% "$ 5 2$0 .$"( * "' 0 "2$0(12("1 $ 130$+$,2 -% 4$07 1+ ** 0 ,&$1 "+ !7 31(,& 12 (,*$11 12$$* 1$,1-01 0$1(12 ,2 2- .0$1130$ ,# "-00-1(-, 5(2' "-,"$,20(" $*$"20-#$ 00 ,&$+$,2 5(2' (,2$&0 2$# 2'$0+-+$2$0 1$,1-0 "-+. "2 *(!0 2(-, -% +$ 130$+$,2 (1 3,,$"$11 07 %-0 "-,"$,20(" 1$,1-01 $4$, %-**-5(,& 0$.* "$+$,2 -% 1$,1-0 2 (,*$11 12$$* $*$"20-#$1 1$ *$# (, &* 11 ,- & 1)$2 + 2$0( * -5 .0("$ %-0 12 (,*$11 12$$* .(, $*$"20-#$1 5(2' .* 12(" 1' %2 5(2' -0 5(2'-32 2$+.$0 230$ "-+.$,1 2(-, %-0 +$ 130(,& 0 ,&$1 "+ -+. "2 $*$"20-#$ 1 "-+!(, 2(-, 5(2' +$ 130$+$,2 (, -,$ %(22(,& ** .0$#-6 -0 , *78$0 4$01(-,1 5(2' $6.*-1(-, .0-2$"2(-, %-0 8-,$ , *78$0 (& ,# , *78$01 5(2' 1$,1-01 ($+$,1 9 1/3 Characteristics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haracteristics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echnical description Measuring procedure for conductivity measurements Salt content mg NaCl/l The conductivity of liquids is based on the electrolytic dissociation of acids, bases or salts in water into electrically charged particles (ions). The magnitude of the electrical conductivity κ is the reciprocal value of the electric resistance of the solution. The dimension for electric conductivity is S/m (Siemens per meter). A differentiation is made between strong and weak electrolytes depending on the degree of dissociation. Strong electrolytes are dissociated into ions completely or at least by more than 80% when dissolved in water. These electrolytes include many salts (NaCl, KCl), strong bases (KOH, NaOH) and strong acids (HCl, HNO3, HClO4). Weak electrolytes (H2CO3, CH3COOH, H2S, NH4OH) are only dissociated to a small percentage. Pure water is also a weak electrolyte with a basic conductivity of 0.048 µS/cm, resulting from the selfĆdissociation of the H2O molecules (H2O + H2O ↔ H3O+ + OHĆ). Conductivity µS/cm Fig. 1/5 Dependence of conductivity of water on the NaCl content In general the electrolytic dissociation of a dissolved material increases with the dilution of the solution, the magnitude of the dielectric constant of the solvent and the temperature of the solution. The conductivity of a dilute electrolyte solution depends on: The number of ions in the solution, i.e. its concentration The number of unit charges capable of being transported by each ion, i.e. the ion charge number The migration velocity or mobility of the ions. Examples of the dependence of conductivity on the concentration are shown in Fig. 1/5 and Fig. 1/6. The total conductivity of a solution is the sum of the conductivities of all ion pairs present in the solution and is thus usually a nonĆspecific variable.. Conductivity The conductivity of an electrolyte is a linear function of the concentration at a constant temperature since the valency and also the ion mobility in dilute aqueous solutions - remain constant. Concentration Fig. 1/6 1/6 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 Conductivity of dilute solutions at 18 ºC Technical description ( *,.$ #)1 0 , .# )( (.,.$)( )! )'*)( (. ( . ,'$( $, .&3 !,)' .# )(/.$0$.3 )! -)&/.$)( $! J )(&3 )( -/-.( $- *, - (. $( .# -)&/.$)( J && )(-.$./ (.- )! .# -)&/.$)( #(" $( **,)2$'. &3 .# -' ,.$) ( 0,$.$)( )! )( )(-.$./ (. )! .# -)&/.$)( )'*, .) .#. )! .# ).# ,- $- -) *, )'$((. .#. $. &)( *,.$&&3 . ,'$( - .# )(/.$0$.3 ( .# - )! )( (.,. -)&/.$)(- )! & .,)&3. .# , $/-/&&3 () &$( , , &.$)(-#$* .1 ( .# )(/.$0$.3 )! .# -)&/.$)( ( .# )( (.,.$)( )! .# & .,)&3. # )(/.$0$.3 !, +/ (.&3 , - - - .# )( (.,.$)( $(, - - -$( .# ", )! $--)$.$)( ,)*- )( .# )( #( ( .# $)( ')$&$.3 $- , / )( .# ).# , /- )! $(. ,6$)($ $(. ,.$)(- )(/.$0$.3 J .# )( (.,.$)( ' -/, ' (. ( ( 0 ,.# & -- ,,$ )/. $! $. $- )(&3 ' $( , &$& ,(" $ 1# , .# )(/.$0$.3 $.# , ,$- - ), !&- #$- --/' - .#. .# , &.$)(-#$* .1 ( )(/.$0$.3 ( )( (.,.$)( )! .# & .,)&3. $- %()1( .& - ), /,0 - " $" # )(/.$0$.3 )! & .,)&3. - $- #$"#&3 . '* ,./, 6 * ( (. -$( ).# .# (/' , )! $--)$. ')/& - ( .# $)( ')$&$.3 , #$"#&3 . '* ,./, 6 * ( (. , ! , ( . '* ,./, )! _ $- .# , !), - & . ( .# ' -/, )(/.$0$.3 0&/ - , ),, . ),$("&3 /-$(" .# . '* ,./, ) !!$$ (. a )( (.,.$)(11 $" )(/.$0$.3 )! )( (.,. -)&/.$)(- . $" * ( ( )! .# , -$-.( )! ( & -)&/.$)( )( .# . '* ,./, . 0,$)/- )( (.,.$)(- # . '* ,./, ) !!$$ (. a * (- )( J .# )'*)-$.$)( )! .# J .# )( (.,.$)( )! .# -)&/.$)( & .,)&3. -)&/.$)( ( &/ - !,)' .) , *)--$& $" -#)1- .#. .# , -$-.( * (- ()(6&$( ,&3 )( .# . '* ,./, !), ( & -)&/.$)( #, $!! , (. ' -/,$(" *,) /, - (& ' -/, ' (. )! .# )(/.$0$.3 $($0$/&&3 *. .) .# .-% ( .# )( (.,.$)( )! .# & .,)&3. J 1)6 & .,) *,) /, J )/,6 & .,) *,) /, J (/.$0 *,) /, 1$.#)/. & .,) - # )(/.$0$.3 ' -/,$(" +/$*' (. )(-$-.- )! .# !)&&)1$(" -$ )'*)( (.- J )(/.$0$.3 - (-), J '* ,./, - (-), .) )'* (-. .# $(!&/ ( )! . '* ,./, J (&34 , $ ' (- 5 1/7 Mode of operation Analyzer SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X Ex zone 1*) Ex zone 2*) Not Ex zone Ex zone 1*) Ex zone 2*) Not Ex zone Not Ex zone SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X Keyboard Display Mains Conductivity 4 to 20 mA EPROM Isolating power supply EEPROM HART interface Conductivity 4 to 20 mA Mains A/D Temperature D/A Temperature 0/4 to 20 mA or 0/4 to 20 mA Limit signal Cleaning signal Warning Basic version Option External device $% ! " $ #" 1/8 !& Isolating power supply Mode of operation SIPAN 34 analyzer Not Ex zone SIPAN 34 Keyboard Display EPROM EEPROM Conductivity Conductivity 0 / 4 to 20 mA D/A Temperature 0 / 4 to 20 mA Limit 1 Limit 2 Diagnosis: alarm Warning Temperature A/D Function check Range signalling Range signalling D/D Range signalling Option or Cleaning Mains D/D Fitting Flushing Range switching Basic version Option $%! !# "& 1/9 Mode of operation Analyzer SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X and SIPAN 34 MeasuredĆvalue processing The signals delivered by the analog input amplifiers are processed into a temperatureĆcompensated value by the digital data processing function. Conductivity With all three measuring procedures (2EL, 4EL and IND), a squareĆwave or sineĆwave AC voltage is applied to the sensors. The magnitude and frequency depend on the measuring procedure. The current output by the sensor is a measure of the conductivity of the medium. Parameter sets (option) The analyzer contains complete parameter sets for 4 methods which can be set independent of one another. Thus optimum adaptation is possible in a process in which different media are to be measured in succession in one line. Selection of the respective parameter set can be controlled externally. Depending on the parameter settings of the analyzer, the following functions are executed in addition to output of the measured value: SIPAN Functions Output of measured signal and temperature on the display Temperature compensation Either Pt 100 or Pt 1000 thermometers can be connected to the analyzers. The measurement is designed as a threeĆwire system. The type of thermometer connected is recognized automatically. Cleaning function (option with SIPAN 34) 3 relay contacts can be triggered via a timer in order to control a changeover fitting and to apply cleaning and flushing solutions. 32, 32X 34 X X Output of measuring range and trend on the display X Switching of respective parameter set onto the display X Conversion of measured signal into % w/w X X Output of temperature via the second current output X X Limit monitoring X X Monitoring of sensor X X Digital communication via the interface X Diagnostic functions X X Cleaning and timer function X X PI controller X Ex protection (SIPAN 32X) Software clock X X Analyzers with type of protection "Increased intrinsic safety" EEx ia can be mounted in potentially explosive atmospheres (zone 1). The conformity certificate corresponds to the European standard (CENELEC). Logbook X X 1/10 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 Illuminated display X Output of measuringĆpoint name on the display X Mode of operation Conductivity measurements *"-'%" #%"(% &$(%-*) )"' & ## '" ' '*" (%%!' '%"& (%%!' "*! '%"( ' &"('"! & !)%&+ #%"#"%'"! '" ' '% %&&'! ! %'+ #%"#"%'"! '" ' "!(')'+ SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X or SIPAN 34 analyzer U I i Measured medium Measured medium *"-'%" #%"(% " " "#%'"! "(%-'%" #%"(% "(%-'%" #%"(% (&& '*" (%%!' '%"& ! '*" )"' '%"& &$(%-*) )"' & ## '" ' (%%!' '%"& ! ' (%%!' "*! '%"( ' &"('"! & !)%&+ #%"#"%'"! '" ' '%" %&&'! ! %'+ #%"#"%'"! '" ' "!(')'+ )"' & &(% ' ' )"' '%"& ! (& '" "!'%" ' "('#(' )"' ' ' (%%!' '%"& !%'"! " #"&' "! ' &!&"%& & '(& '! !'" "(!' ! " #!&' SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X or SIPAN 34 analyzer I U u I u i i Measured medium !(') #%"(% &!&"% "!&&'& " '*" "& * % #"&'"! "! '"%" '# "%& #% %+ " & %)! + &!(&" )"' ! )"' & !( ! ' $( ""# &(% ( * "!&''('& ' &"!%+ *!! " '& '%!&"% % ! ' & " '%+ "!('! $(& (%%!' "*& * & #%"#"%'"! '" '% "!(')'+ $( ""# & & ('!"(&+ ' #% %+ *!! " ' &"!%+ " * "#%'& & (%%!' '%!&"% % & (%%!' & %' !-#& ! # Measured medium "(%-'%" #%"(% " " "#%'"! SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X or SIPAN 34 analyzer U I u i Measured medium !(') #%"(% Measured medium " " "#%'"! !& , 1/11 SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers Characteristics SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X are analyzers of the new twoĆwire generation with stateĆofĆtheĆart microĆpower technology with microprocessor control and multiĆsegment display. The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers are optionally available with special features for process use. The SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers are available in field housings. They contain the analog and digital data processing functions for the signal delivered by the sensor. There are three SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers, each available for the 2EL, 4EL and IND procedures. Special characteristics of SIPAN 32X Analyzers with type of protection "Increased intrinsic safety" EEx ia can be used within the potentially explosive atmospheres (zone 1, CENELEC). Options Second passive output, freelyĆparameterizable as second current output for temperature, flushing function with timer control, limit or warning (preĆalarm) HART communication via handheld communicator or PC Only Special characteristics of SIPAN 32 TwoĆwire analyzer with stateĆofĆtheĆart microĆpower technology Extremely simple field installation with only two wires Complete basic configuration operation with understandable symbols (based on IEC) available via HART interface: 4 methods with remote selection for complete parameter sets, not only for measuring ranges, e.g. also limits, physical dimensions, temperature compensation, hysteresis, calibration factors Functions Basic analyzer MenuĆbased Complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, clearlyĆarranged multiĆsegment display of S/cm, mS/cm, mS/cm, mS/m, MWcm, kWcm, % w/w, H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, NaCl, KOH Conductivity value Display Direct output of concentration values instead of conductivity (19 stored material tables) All Temperature °C or °F with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Output Fault signal 4 to 20 mA or limit output > 20 mA NonĆlinear ultraĆpure water temperature compensation for conductivity Automatic Analog output with alarm 21 mA permanent temperature display selectable in Logbook HOLD function Comprehensive fault diagnosis system operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists Output tests for: display, keys, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM of defined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection field housing (IP 65/NEMA 4X) with four Pg screwed glands for easy connection Ć Remote selection of method: example Method number 1 2 3 4 Medium Beer Water Cleaning 1 (lye) Cleaning 2 (disinfecĆ tion) Range 800 to 1600 0.001 to 0.6 1 to 5 1 to 4 Dimension mS/cm mS/cm % w/w % w/w 400 mS/cm 2.5 % w/w 2.0 % w/w Calibrated value 1400 mS/cm Robust special or expensive mounting set required for wall or panel mounting 2nd analog output for temperature or flushing function or limit or warning Ć Contacts 3 Selectable HART interface, thus access to 4 complete parameter sets for comĆ plete methods including measuring ranges, limits, physical dimensions, temp. compensation, hysteresis Outputs measuring procedures 2EL, 4EL and IND are available Additional Options Inputs Temperature coefficient fixed or temperature curve No e.g. Beer characterĆ istic UltraĆpure water characterĆ istic 1.6 %/K 2.8 %/K 1600 mS/cm max. 600 mS/cm max. 2.0 % w/w min. 1.5 % w/w min. 1 limit 1/12 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers Display and control panel Cleaning Temperature limit Upper limit Lower limit Measured value limit Upper limit Lower limit Calibration Slope / zero Maintenance request Sensor check Alarm / fault Measured value display Parameter value input Dimension Parameter texts Parameterization Degrees Celsius / Fahrenheit Calibration Temperature display / 2nd measured value Measurement HOLD Measurement display in normal mode (example) keys for menu control, incrementing/decrementing MEAS key for switching over to measurement mode or trend display ENTER key to call the main menu or to store the input values PAR key to call the parameterization menu ESC key for scrolling backwards and for correcting inputs CAL key to call the calibration program ! " 1/13 SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers Technical data (two-wire system) Display Meas. value/set value Secondary display Text display Others Input display Inputs 8 keys: MEAS PAR CAL ESC ▲ ▼ " ENTER Four 16Ćmm digits Four 8Ćmm digits Five digits Symbol displays Symbols According to NAMUR Measurement Parameterization Calibration 1 step backwards in menu Increment the number Decrement the number 1 digit to right with numbers Acceptance of entered value Coding 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) Dimension mS/cm, mS/cm, S/cm, mS/m, mS/m, S/m, MWcm, kWcm, % w/w for 8 media Measuring range See technical data of sensors Measuring span (expansion) Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Output range Optionally selectable between 0 and maximum fullĆscale value Meas. range for temp. Ć50 to +200 °C, Ć60 to +400 °F Meas. span for temp. Any, but at least 10% of meas. range Temperature compensation with conductivity measurements Linear TC value, 0 to 10 %/K or nonĆlinear response (max. 5 characteristics), 2 characteristics defined as standard for ultraĆpure water and beer Temperature compensation with % w/w Conductivity tables stored for H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, KOH, NaCl (see Table 1, page 1/21) Error limits with conductivity measurement < 2.0 % of measuring range (at rated conditions) Error limits with temperature compensation < 1 % for characteristic (with conductivity) < 0.5 % of measured value (for pure liquids) Influencing effects Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Zero error To DIN IEC 746, Part 1 < 0.2 % of fullĆscale value < 0.5 % of fullĆscale value < 0.2 %/10 K < 0.1 % < 0.1 %/100 W < 0.2 % of fullĆscale value Output signal 4 to 20 mA linear to measured value or bilinear to measured value (2 linear partial ranges with a knee at 12 mA, see Fig. 1/18), electrically isolated from sensor Max. permissible load (power supply Ć 14) V/0.02 A Logbook Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, nonĆerasable Data storage > 10 years (EEPROM) Device selfĆtest Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard; data can be called on display Clock Software clock Identification CE marking EMC NAMUR NE 21 1/14 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 Applied harmonized standards EN 61010 (IEC 1010) EN 55022 class B IEC 1000Ć3Ć2 IEC 1000Ć4Ć2 class 2 IEC 1000Ć4Ć3 class 3(2) IEC 1000Ć4Ć4 class 4 IEC 1000Ć4Ć5 class 3 IEC 801Ć6 class 3 (prIEC 1000Ć4Ć6/1995) prEN 61000Ć4Ć11 class C Radio interf. suppression EN 55011 and EN 55022 Lightning protection EN 61000Ć4Ć5 Mechanical stress Vibration load of modules to IEC 68Ć2Ć6 Repetitive shocks to IEC 68Ć2Ć27 Climatic loading IEC 721Ć3Ć3, IEC 721Ć3Ć2 Transport loading IEC 68Ć2Ć6 Electrical safety IEC 1010, IEC 664 Foreign matter/ water protection IEC 529 Degree of protection IP 65 to EN 60529, NEMA 4X Quality assurance system DIN ISO 9001 / EN 29000 Material of field housing Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) Permissible ambient temperature Operation (field device) Transport and storage Ć20 to +55 °C Ć25 to +85 °C Permissible relative humidity 10 to 95%, no condensation Power supply DC 24 V (14 V to 30 V) 0.8 W Protection class II (field housing) Dimensions See Fig. 1/16 Weight 2.5 kg Options See page 1/12 2nd passive analog output 0/4 to 20 mA linear to temperature, or flushing function, or limit, or warning (preĆalarm) Communication PC/laptop or HART communicator with SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers Load with connection of HART modem HART communicator Line Protocol SIPAN 32X with Ex protection Explosion protection to DIN EN 50014 and DIN EN 50020 Permissible ambient temperature during operation Power supply/output signal circuit 250 to 500 W 250 to 500 W TwoĆconductor, screened: < 1.5 km HART, version 5.1 Type of protection "Increased intrinsic safety ia" II 2G EEx ia IIC T4 Ć20 to +50 _C With type of protection "Intrinsic safeĆ ty EEx ia IIC" only for connection to certified intrinsicallyĆsafe circuits with the following maximum values: Ui = 30 V,, Ii = 100 mA, Pi = 750 mW, Ri = 300 W, Effective internal inductance: Li = negligible Effective internal capacitance: Ci = 16 nF SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers Electric connections SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer DC 24 V 4-20 mA Option: HART 5 6 7 8 Not used 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Sensor 20 mA passive SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pt 100 BN WH Conductivity YE GN Pt 1000 10 GN 10 2EL sensors 7MA2 000 - 8DS Conductivity BN 4 GY 3 WH 2 PK 1 2EL sensors 7MA2 000 - 8 . . SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pt 100 BK BN GN WH GY PK RD Conductivity YE 10 4EL sensors 7MA2 100 - 8 . . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Conductivity YE GN WH GN BN BN YE WH VT BU IND sensors 7MA2 200 - 8 . . (not -8BA, -8EA) IND sensors 7MA2 200-8BA, 7MA2200-8EA Pt 100 BU Pt 100 Conductivity VT GY PK RD Pt 100 10 BN 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 GN 10 SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer WH SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer Legend of colors RD Red PK Pink GY Gray WH White BN Brown BU Blue YE Yellow GN Green BK Black VT Violet Ex zone Not Ex zone %($% $& "$" #! $"")# ($& '$!( # %$*& ')%%!+ W '$!( # %$*& ')%%!+ W $& #!+,& !(& $##( $#' '$*# ( $(($" ' $"")# ( $# (*# $& # $"")# ($& $& * ( "$" # "#'- 1/15 SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers Dimensions, design 172 86 3 mounting points M6: 1 at top and 2 at bottom 20.5 86 Screw-on cover; terminal connections accessible from the front (Pg screwed glands at bottom) Ø 6,5 Ø 13 306 269 31 286 58 Display, original size Polycarbonate field housing Degree of protection IP65 3 mounting points M6: 2 at bottom and 1 at top 100 26.5 128.4 114 152 Pg 11 SW 22 Pg 13,5 SW 24 With SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X: 3 x Pg 11 SW 22 in addition 20 104 Isolating power supply 7NG4021, PCB and housing for rail mounting 22.5 Handheld HART communicator Isolating power supply 7NG4121 for rail mounting #$ " !# ! 1/16 % SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers Ordering data Order No. Order No. SIPAN 32 analyzer Two-wire system, for conductivity measurements Measuring procedure: Two-electrode procedure (2EL) Four-electrode procedure (4EL) Inductive procedure (IND) Microprocessor-based, membrane keyboard with LCD, menu control, logbook, concentration display, temperature compensation, diagnostic software, 1 parameter set, power supply: DC 24 V, in field housing SIPAN 32X analyzer with Ex protection, intrinsically-safe version, II 2G EEx ia IIC T4, two-wire system, for conductivity measurements Measuring procedure: Two-electrode procedure (2EL) 7MA2041-8A Four-electrode procedure (4EL) 7MA2141-8A Inductive procedure (IND) 7MA2241-8A Microprocessor-based, membrane keyboard with LCD, menu control, logbook, concentration display, temperature compensation, diagnostic software, 1 parameter set, power supply: DC 24 V, in field housing 7MA2040-8A 7MA2140-8A 7MA2240-8A Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA without interface A 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface B 2 signal outputs with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA, 2nd signal output: temperature or switching contact for limit or cleaning or warning C Standard version, 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA without interface A 1 signal output: 4 to 20 mA, with HART interface B 2 signal outputs with HART interface: 1st signal output: measured value 4 to 20 mA, 2nd signal output: temperature or switching contact for limit or cleaning or warning C Order No. Calibrated reference equipment See page 1/25 Order No. Order No. Isolating power supply (see MP 19, Section 5 for technical data) D With AC/DC 24 V power supply, DIN rail mounting D With AC/DC 24 V power supply, PCB, individual locking D With AC 115 V power supply, DIN rail mounting D With AC 230 V power supply, DIN rail mounting D HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, smart, with AC/DC 24 V power supply, compact subassembly, DIN rail mounting D HART version with Ex protection EEx ia IIC, smart, with AC/DC 24 V power supply, PCB, individual locking Handheld HART communicator Intrinsically-safe version EEx ia IIC T4 (see MP 17, Section 5 for technical data) D German version D English version HART modem Software for PC 7MF4998-8KF 7MF4998-8KT 7MF4997-1DA On request Accessories/mounting material Order No. For mounting of analyzer or isolating power supply on a pipeline (see page 1/28 for dimensional drawing) Protective hood (mat. No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (mat. No. 1.4571) Base plate (mat. No. 1.4571) Set of screwdrivers ”TORX” C79451-A3177-D12 7MA8500-8DG C79451-A3177-D11 C79451-A3246-D50 7NG4121-1AA00-1NN0 7NG4021-4CA33-0NN0 7NG4021-6BA33-0NN0 7NG4021-6AA33-0NN0 7NG4121-1AA20-1AN0 7NG4021-4CA33-2NA1 1/17 SIPAN 34 analyzer Characteristics SIPAN 34 is an analyzer of the fourĆwire generation with stateĆofĆtheĆart technology with microprocessor control and illuminated graphic display. The SIPAN 34 analyzer is optionally available with special features for process use. The SIPAN 34 analyzer is available in two designs: - With a field housing - With a panel housing It contains the analog and digital data processing functions for the signal delivered by the sensor. A SIPAN 34 analyzer can be used for all measuring ranges. Special characteristics of SIPAN 34 FourĆwire analyzer with extremely easy operation Universal power supply (24 V AC/DC, 115 V AC, 230 V AC) Complete basic configuration SelfĆexplanatory menu operation in plain text in five languages (German , English, French, Spanish, Italian), help function Operation according to NAMUR, i.e. complete local operation with directly accessible keypad with 8 keys and large, illuminated, fullĆgraphic display Display of S/cm, mS/cm, mS/cm, mS/m, MWcm, kWcm, % w/w, H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, NaCl, KOH Direct output of concentration values instead of conductivity (19 stored material tables) Additional Graphic of freelyĆdefined current values for test purposes Maximum electromagnetic compatibility according to CE and NAMUR, sensitive lightning protection Panel housing made completely of metal, CE safety for every control cabinet installation engineer Robust field housing (IP 65) with seven Pg screwed glands for easy connection No special or expensive mounting set required for wall or panel mounting Options for SIPAN 34 Second current output for measured value or temperature with additional limit Four parameter sets with remote selection for complete methods, not only for measuring ranges, e.g. also limits, physical dimensions, temperature compensation with complete characteristic (not only TC value), hysteresis Individual calibration of each parameter set possible Automatic cleaning function (3 relays) for cleaning, flushing, fitting control with cyclic time input, waiting and holding functions TwoĆpoint controller for pulse length (dosing valves) or pulse frequency (diaphragm pumps) Additional switching contact for maintenance (function check) and preĆalarm (warning) permanent temperature display in °C signal 0/4 to 20 mA, floating FreelyĆprogrammable, permanent measuringĆpoint designation (saves tag labels) Logbook with entry of faults or calibration procedures with date and time Fault Output tests for: keys, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display trend display of measured value Additional Output permanent bargraph of measuring range Selectable Functions Basic analyzer Inputs and limit contacts Conductivity NonĆlinear ultraĆpure water temperature compensation for conductivity conductivity measuring procedures (2EL/4EL/IND) can be selected, i.e. only one analyzer is required for the complete conductivity range Temperature All Program for automatic recording of userĆspecific temperature compensation Maintenance switch with automatic HOLD function Comprehensive fault diagnosis and preventive maintenance system in plain text 3 operating levels with coded protection for monitoring, routine and specialists 1/18 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 Options Remote switching of range for 4 parameter sets, thus access to 4 complete parameter sets for complete methods including ranges, limits, physical dimensions, temperature compensation, hysteresis Outputs Analog output 2nd analog output for temperature Contacts or 1x failure 1x limit and 2x NAMUR contacts Second limit 2 limits with controlĆ ler function 3 x cleaning or 3 x range signalling contacts SIPAN 34 analyzer Display and control panel Measuring-point identification Digital measurement display Alarms Menu-based, self-explanatory operation (examples) Illuminated graphic display Temperature display Parameterized range (bargraph) keys for menu control, incrementing/decrementing MEAS key for switching over to measurement mode or trend display ENTER key to call the main menu or to store the input values HELP key for calling additional information, display of alarm information ESC key for scrolling backwards and for correcting inputs CAL key to call the calibration program ! " 1/19 SIPAN 34 analyzer Technical data (four-wire system) Display Measured value Graphic Four 15Ćmm digits or trend display: 5 bars, 3 mm high Temperature, alarms, measuringĆpoint identification, 3Ćmm digits Current output as bargraph, 3 mm high 8 lines of text 1 heading (inverted display) and 6 text lines, letters 4 mm high LED Others With inputs Illumination Inputs 8 keys: MEAS HELP CAL ESC ▲ ▼ " ENTER According to NAMUR Measurement/trend Help Calibration 1 step backwards in menu Increment the number / 1 line upwards Decrement the number / 1 line downwards 1 digit to right with numbers Calling a menu item / acceptance of entered value Languages 5: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish; selectable Coding 3 coding levels for operations (display level, user level, specialist level) Dimension mS/cm, mS/cm, S/cm, mS/m, mS/m, S/m, % w/w, MWcm, kWcm Measuring range See technical data of sensors Measuring span (expansion) Any, but at least 10% of smallest measuring range Output range Optionally selectable between 0 and maximum fullĆscale value Measuring range for temperature Ć50 to +200 °C Measuring span for temperature Any, but at least 10% of measuring range Temperature compensaĆ tion with conductivity measurements Linear TC value, 0 to 10 %/K NonĆlinear response (max. 9 characĆ teristics), 2 characteristics defined as standard for ultraĆpure water and beer Temperature compensaĆ tion with % w/w Conductivity tables stored for H2SO4, oleum, HNO3, HCl, HBr, NaOH, KOH, NaCl (see Table 1/1) Error limits with conducĆ tivity measurements < 1.0 % of measuring range (at rated conditions) Error limits with temperaĆ ture compensation < 1 % for characteristic (with conductivity) < 0.5 % of measured value (for pure liquids) Influencing effects Repeatability Linearity Ambient temperature Power supply Load Zero error To DIN IEC 746, Part 1 < 0.2 % of fullĆscale value < 0.5 % of fullĆscale value < 0.2 %/10 K < 0.1 % < 0.1 %/100 W < 0.2 % of fullĆscale value 1/20 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 Output signal 0/4 to 20 mA floating, linear to meaĆ sured value or bilinear to measured value (2 linear partial ranges with knee at 10 or 12 mA), see Fig. 1/18 Max. permissible load 750 W Limit 1 NO or NC contact selectable, adjustable hysteresis and response time Alarm contact 1 alarm (failure) Relay contacts NO contact, rating AC/DC 24 V, 1 A, floating, nonĆsparking Logbook Automatic recording of warning and failure messages with date and time, 20 entries with overflow, nonĆerasable Data storage > 10 years (EEPROM) Device selfĆtest Testing of RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, display, keyboard; data can be called on display Clock Software clock Identification CE marking EMC NAMUR NE 21 Applied harmonized standards EN 61010 (IEC 1010) EN 55022 class B IEC 1000Ć3Ć2 IEC 1000Ć4Ć2 class 2 IEC 1000Ć4Ć3 class 3(2) IEC 1000Ć4Ć4 class 4 IEC 1000Ć4Ć5 class 3 IEC 801Ć6 class 3 prIEC 1000Ć4Ć6/1995) prEN 61000Ć4Ć11 class C Radio interference supp. EN 55011 and EN 55022 Lightning protection EN 61000Ć4Ć5 Mechanical stress Vibration load of modules to IEC 68Ć2Ć6 Repetitive shocks to IEC 68Ć2Ć27 Climatic loading IEC 721Ć3Ć3, IEC 721Ć3Ć2 Transport loading IEC 68Ć2Ć6 Electrical safety IEC 1010, IEC 664 Foreign matter/ water protection IEC 529 Degree of protection Field device Panel mounting IP 65 to EN 60529, NEMA 4X IP 54 to EN 60529 (front) Quality assurance system DIN ISO 9001 / EN 29000 Material of field housing Panel mounting housing Macrolon (polycarbonate + 20% glass fiber) Aluminium Permissible ambient temp. Operation (field device) Operat. (panel mounting) Transport and storage Ć20 to +55 _C Ć5 to +70 _C Ć25 to +85 _C SIPAN 34 analyzer Technical data (four-wire system) Permissible relative humidity 10 to 95 %, no condensation Power supply AC 120 V (94 V to 132 V), 48 to 63 Hz, 10 VA AC 230 V (187 V to 264 V), 48 to 63 Hz, 10 VA AC 24 V (20 V to 26 V), 48 to 63 Hz, 10 VA DC 24 V (20 V to 30 V), 8 W Protection class II (field housing) Dimensions See page 1/16 Weight 2.5 kg field housing 2.0 kg panel housing Additional options See page 1/18 Second output signal 0/4 to 20 mA linear to temperature Temperature range _C Possible measuring ranges1) % w/w H2SO4 Ć20 to +120 0 to 34 32 to 85 92 to 99.5 Oleum +10 to +100 +10 to +60 12 to 45 60 to 70 HNO3 Ć20 to +55 0 to 30 34 to 85 t 95 92 to 0 to +100 0 to 12 HCl Ć20 to +55 0 to 16 24 to 42 Measured medium 0 to +100 0 to 12 0 to +100 0 to 26 18 to 32 Additional limit 1 x NO or NC contact selectable, any assignment to measured value or temperature NaOH NaCl 0 to +100 0 to 26 Parameter sets 4 KOH 0 to +100 Diagnostic contacts 2, preĆalarm and maintenance 0 to 34 32 to 42 Range signalling contacts Cleaning contacts with timer Signalling of current measuring range (3 contacts) 3, fitting control, cleaning and flushing HBr Ć20 to +55 0 to 30 39 to 52 Range switchover (if without interface) 4, parameterizable as desired using range selection; external control possible Controller 2 floating contacts (instead of limits) as PI controller Table 1/1: Measured media data preprogrammed in SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X and SIPAN 34 for concentration display mA 20 Calibrated reference equipment Smallest measuring range 0.1 S/cm Largest measuring range 5 S/cm Repeatability < 0.5 % of fullĆscale value, but at least 0.5 nS/cm Deviation from absolute value < 1 % of fullĆscale value, but at least 1 nS/cm Max. permissible temperĆ ature of medium 5 to 50 _C 10/12 0/4 KA KK KA: StartĆofĆscale value KK: Knee KE: FullĆscale value KE Fig. 1/18 Linear and bent characteristics in SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X and SIPAN 34 analyzers 1) Measuring ranges are temperatureĆdependent, see 1/28 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 1/21 SIPAN 34 analyzer Technical data (four-wire system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analyzer Electric connections SIPAN 34 analyzer 7 8 9 Not used 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Output signal 6 Range switchover 5 Range signalling option (cleaning) 4 Diagnostic contacts 3 Limits 2 Power supply 1 Sensor SIPAN 34 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 +24V – + 24 V= L Alarm Failure Limit 1 Signalling Range 2 N Pre-alarm Warning Limit 2 24 V 110 V 230 V Selection Range 2 Signalling Range 3 Conductivity Selection Range 3 Selection Range 4 Signalling Range 4 Maintenance Functional check 20 mA 8 20 mA 7 0/4 6 0/4 5 +24V 2 +24V 1 Temperature Option 12 13 14 15 Fitting Flushing Cleaning Conductivity 2EL sensors 7MA2 000 - 8 . . IND sensors 7MA2 200 - 8 . . (not -8BA, -8EA) Pt 100 BN GN YE WH GY PK BK BN 4EL sensors 7MA2 100 - 8 . . VT* YE BN GN GN Conductivity BU 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 WH 23 BN VT* YE GN BU BN WH GY PK RD Conductivity SIPAN 34 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pt 100 SIPAN 34 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pt 100 Conductivity 2EL sensors 7MA2 000 - 8DS SIPAN 34 23 WH YE Pt 1000 WH Pt 100 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 GN 23 BN WH GY PK GN SIPAN 34 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RD SIPAN 34 23 IND sensors 7MA2 200-8BA, 7MA2200-8EA Legend of colors RD Red PK Pink GY Gray WH BN White Brown BU Blue YE GN Yellow Green BK Black VT Violet VT* Connection to terminal 23 of analyzer for panel mounting Connection to screen of analyzer as field device 1/23 SIPAN 34 analyzer Dimensions, design 172 86 3 mounting points M6: 1 at top and 2 at bottom 20.5 86 Screw-on cover; terminal connections accessible from the front (Pg screwed glands at the bottom) Ø 6,5 Ø 13 306 286 269 3 mounting points M6: 2 at bottom and 1 at top Polycarbonate field housing Degree of protection IP65 Profile rail can be shortened for greater front panel thicknesses 152 90 100 96 96 Pg 11 SW 22 Pg 13.5 SW 24; with SIPAN 34: 3 x Pg 11 SW 22 in addition Profile rail for instrument mounting in panel with M3 screw #$ " ! ! 1/24 % SIPAN 34 analyzer Ordering data Order No. SIPAN 34 analyzer Four-wire system, for conductivity measurements Process version, microprocessor-based with illuminated graphic display, membrane keyboard, menubased operation (5 languages), diagnostic software, trend display, concentration display, logbook, temperature compensation 1 parameter set 1 signal output 0/4 to 20 mA, 1 alarm contact, 1 limit contact and 2 diagnostic contacts Power supply DC 24 V/AC 24 V, 48 to 63 Hz AC 120 V, 48 to 63 Hz AC 230 V, 48 to 63 Hz Measuring procedure: Two-electrode procedure (2EL) (standard setting) Four-electrode procedure (4EL) Inductive procedure (IND) Instrument design Field housing Panel housing 96 x 96 Options D Without D With second signal output 0/4 to 20 mA and second limit contact D With 4 selectable parameter sets and 3 range signalling contacts D With second signal output 0/4 to 20 mA, second limit contact, 4 selectable parameter sets and 3 range signalling contacts Limits with controller function Without With Order No. 7MA2034- 0 - 0 0 Calibrated reference equipment for measuring conductivity in ultrapure water with factory certificate to DIN 50 049 Part 2.2 and EN 10 204 Part 2.2, comprising: Analyzer 7MA2031-2AA30-0AA0 Sensor 7MA2000-8AB Flow fitting C74451-A1789-A1 mounted on supporting rack, smallest meas. range: 0.1 S/cm largest meas. range: 5 S/cm (annual factory check recommended) 7MA5503-0AA00 Accessories / mounting material Order No. For mounting of analyzer on a pipeline (see Fig. 1/27 for dimensional drawing) Protective hood (mat. No. 1.4571) with base plate Pipe clamp (mat. No. 1.4571) Base plate (mat. No. 1.4571) Set of screwdrivers ”TORX” C79451-A3177-D12 7MA8500-8DG C79451-A3177-D11 C79451-A3246-D50 0 1 2 A B C A B 0 1 2 3 A B Automatic cleaning/flushing (3 contacts + timer for fitting, cleaning, flushing) Without With A B 1/25 2EL sensors, fittings, accessories Dimensions of 2 EL sensors for very low to medium concs., power plants, ultra-pure water Pg 11 Pg 21 Pg 11 Pg 21 Cable, 5 m long Pg 13.5 Ø 31 Rd 78 x 1/6 Ø 12 50 Ø 112 185 1 90 Ø 24 2EL sensor, compact 7MA2000-8DS 40 Ø 30 11 22 230 Mounting depth 118 Mounting depth 118 125 230 68 Ø 30 2EL sensor with pin electrodes 7MA2000-8DD Ø 13 60 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 DIN 405 Rd 78 x 1/6 170 170 150 Mounting part C74451-A1789-D1 Mounting part C74451–A1789–D1 Ø 54 150 R 3/4 3/8–18NPT 42 3/8–18NPT 165 3/8–18NPT 22 Ø 112 Ø 90 Ø 67,5 Ø 50 Electrode holder, PP C74451-A1789-B1 Union nut Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 162 142 Ø 15 2EL sensor with concentric electrodes 7MA2000-8AB, -8BB, -8CB 65 2EL sensor with concentric electrodes 7MA2000–8AA, -8BA, -8CA Ø 70 Ø 62 Int. Ø 50 Ø54 Int. Ø 50 Internal Ø50 Internal Ø 50 Blanking plug 3/8–18NPT 3/8–18NPT 3/8–18NPT 3/8–18NPT R 3/4 Flow fitting, VA C74451-A1789-A1 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 Union nut, VA M54445-A23 85 R 3/4 Flow fitting, PP C74451-A1789-A3 Electrode holder, PP C74451-A1789-B1 Ø 50 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 35 Ø 50 Flow fitting, PP M54145-A92 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 150 Flow fitting, VA C74451-A1789-A2 85 85 Screw connector for welding on, VA: M54445-A25 150 Ø 50 Internal Ø 50 85 170 Ø 55 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 Flow fitting, VA C74451-A1789-A21 Ø 92 Union nut, VA M54445-A23 1/26 T-piece, VA M54445-A21 Four-way junction, VA M54445-A20 14 14 R 3/4 85 22 Ø54 Ø 68 Tapered seal, VA M54445-A27 2EL sensors, fittings, accessories Ordering data for 2EL sensors for very low to medium concs., power plants, ultra-pure water Order No. 2EL sensor for conduct. measurements Six-hole flange version, concentric stainless steel (VA) electrodes and built-in Pt 100 compensation thermometer Measuring ranges 0 ... 0.1 S/cm to 0 ... 25 S/cm1) 0 ... 1 S/cm to 0 ... 250 S/cm1) 0 ... 20 S/cm to 0 ... 5000 S/cm1) Cable, 10 m long Cable, 30 m long 2EL sensor for conduct. measurements with union nut, concentric stainless steel electrodes and built-in Pt 100 compensation thermometer Measuring ranges 0 ... 0.1 S/cm to 0 ... 25 S/cm1) 0 ... 1 S/cm to 0 ... 250 S/cm1) 0 ... 20 S/cm to 0 ... 5000 S/cm1) Cable, 10 m long Cable, 30 m long Order No. 7MA2000-8AA 7MA2000-8BA 7MA2000-8CA C79451-A3298-N100 C79451-A3298-N300 7MA2000-8AB 7MA2000-8BB 7MA2000-8CB C79451-A3298-N100 C79451-A3298-N300 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Gasket for DN 50 Six-hole flange gasket (set of 5) Standard gasket, Viton (set of 5) for union nut Special gasket, EPDM (set of 25) for union nut Special gasket, Teflon (set of 15) for union nut C74451-A1789-A1 C74451-A1789-A21 M54145-A92 C74451-A1789-A3 M54445-A21 M54445-A25 C74451-A1789-A10 C74451-A1789-A12 C74451-A1789-A14 C74451-A1789-A16 7MA8500-8FU 7MA8500-8FV 7MA8500-8FW M54445-A31 M54445-A24 M54445-A34 M54445-A35 Accessories Electrode holder, PP Union nut DN 50, PP Union nut DN 50 (mat. No. 1.4301) Set of mounting parts (all fittings) Mounting set for sensors with six-hole flange Tapered seal DN 50 (mat. No. 1.4301) Hook key spanner (mat. No. 1.4301) for union nut M54445-A23 Adjustable-height flange for immersion fittings 7MA8500-8FU, -FV, -FW ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ '#" # #( ''"& #% &"&#%& ✔ %#!!" ✘ $#&& Immersion fitting (see Fig. 1/23), PP, for tanks or open vessels, with immersion tube and protective cage Immersion length 600 m Immersion length 1000 mm Immersion length 1400 mm Immersion length 1800 mm Immersion fitting (see Fig. 1/23), PP, for tanks or open vessels, with immersion tube and protective cage Immersion length up to 1000 m Immersion length up to 1500 mm Immersion length up to 2000 mm C74451-A1789-A2 C74451-A1789-B1 C74451-A1789-C2 M54445-A23 C74451-A1789-D1 M54445-A32 M54445-A27 M54445-A33 7MA8500-8FY ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ 7MA8500–8FU, –8FV, –8FW C74451–A1789–A10, –A16 M54445–A25 7MA8500–8BR M54445–A21 M54445–A20 2EL sensors C74451–A1789–A3 7MA8500-8DJ 7MA8500-8DK M54145–A92 Cable with plug, 3 m long Cable with plug, 3 m long C74451–A1789–A21 7MA2000-8DS C74451–A1789–A1 2EL sensor for conduct. measurements Compact with Pg 13.5 screw plug connector, with Pt 1000 compensation thermometer, stainless steel pin electrodes, meas. range 0 ... 10 S/cm to 0 ... 2500 S/cm1) C74451–A1789–A2 7MA2000-8DD C79451-A3298-N100 C79451-A3298-N300 Fittings 2EL sensor for conduct. measurements Mounting flange DN 50, fixed cable 5 m, stainless steel pin electrodes, PES shaft, measuring range 0 ... 2 S/cm to 0 ...500 S/cm1) With built-in Pt 100 compensation thermometer Cable, 10 m long Cable, 30 m long Flow fitting, stainless steel, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using six-hole flange, connection 3/8-18 NPT Flow fitting, stainless steel, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) Connection 3/8-18 NPT Connection R 3/4 Flow fitting, polypropylene, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) Connection R 3/4 With union nut, connection 3/8-18 NPT Fittings, stainless steel, for installation in DN 50 pipelines, sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) T-piece with 3 gaskets (Viton) Screw connector for welding on, stainless steel, with 1 gasket (Viton) Order No. SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers SIPAN 34 analyzer Calibrated reference equipment See page 1/17 See page 1/17 See page 1/25 5 times the full-scale value possible (with reduced measuring accuracy) Available ex-stock !"& ) 1/27 4EL sensors, fittings, accessories Dimensions of 4EL sensors for high concs., drinking water and waste water applications Pg 16 Cable, 5 m long Cable, 5 m long 26 4 Disconnector socket Ø 30 G 2” Ø 60 218 220 fitted Ø 40 Ø 68 Ø 63 Ø 61 Ø 50 120 35 74 84 Ø 12 40 Ø 22 Ø 165 Ø 125 4EL sensor Ø12 mm 7MA2100-8CA 4EL sensor Ø22 mm 7MA2100-8BC Union nut, PP C74451-A1789-C2 Ø 62 Internal Ø 50 Blanking plug 3/8–18 NPT Adjustable immersion depth 60 Et Electrode holder, PP C74451-A1789-B1 22 65 3/8–18NPT 150 165 Ø 13 L 22 4x Ø 18 1000, 1500 or 2000 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 Adjustable-height flange 7MA8500-8FY Union nut Ø 40 Pg 13,5 3/8–18 NPT Flow fitting, PP C74451-A1789-A3 Ø 45 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 50 DIN 405 Rd 78 x 1/6 Ø 103 42 R 3/4 51 Ø 40 M8 Ø 20 Mounting part C74451-A1789-D1 170 170 150 R 3/4 Ø 70 Ø 54 Internal Ø 50 C74451- A1789- Internal Ø 50 Variable-height support R 3/4 - A10 - A12 - A14 - A16 Immersion depth Et mm 600 1000 1400 1800 Length L mm 778 1178 1578 1978 R 3/4 Flow fitting, VA C74451-A1789-A21 Flow fitting, PP M54145-A92 1/28 Immersion fittings, PP 7MA8500-8FU, -8FV, -8FW Immersion fittings, PVC C74451-A1789-A10 to -A16 4EL sensors, fittings, accessories Ordering data for 4EL sensors for high concs., drinking water and waste water application Order No. 4EL sensor for cond. measurements with 4 ring electrodes, with Pt 100 compensation thermometer Measuring range 0 ... 0.1 mS/cm to 0 ... 500 mS/cm Diameter 22 mm, including plug-on cable, 5 m long Diameter 12 mm, for Pg 13.5, fixed cable, 5 m long 7MA2100-8BC 7MA2100-8CA Extension cable 10 m long, with plug Extension cable 10 m long, with plug C79195-A3453-N100 C79195-A3453-N300 7MA2100-8BC ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ Flow fitting, polypropylene, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) Connection R 3/4 With union nut, connection 3/8-18 NPT M54145-A92 C74451-A1789-A3 Flow fitting, stainless steel, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) Connection R 3/4 C74451-A1789-A21 Fittings, stainless steel (mat. No. 1.4301), for installation in DN 50 pipelines (page 1/21), sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) Four-way junction with 4 gaskets (Viton) M54445-A20 T-piece with 3 gaskets (Viton) M54445-A21 Screw connector for welding on, steel, with 1 gasket (Viton) M54445-A25 Immersion fitting, PP, for tanks or open vessels, with immersion tube and protective cage Max. immersion length 600 mm Max. immersion length 1000 mm Max. immersion length 1400 mm Max. immersion length 1800 mm C74451-A1789-A10 C74451-A1789-A12 C74451-A1789-A14 C74451-A1789-A16 Immersion fitting, PP, complete, for tanks or open vessels, with immersion tube and protective cage, adjustable-height holder Immersion length up to 1000 mm Immersion length up to 1500 mm Immersion length up to 2000 mm 7MA8500-8FU 7MA8500-8FV 7MA8500-8FW Gasket DN 50 for union nut Standard gasket, Viton (set of 5) Special gasket, EPDM (set of 25) Special gasket, Teflon (set of 15) M54445-A24 M54445-A34 M54445-A35 Accessories Order No. Electrode holder, PP Union nut, PP, DN 50 Set of mounting parts for flow fitting (mat. No. 1.4301) Union nut DN 50 (mat. No. 1.4301) Tapered seal DN 50 (mat. No. 1.4301) Hook key spanner (mat. No. 1.4301) for union nut M54445-A23 Mounting stand (mat. No. 1.4301) Wall mount (mat. No. 1.4301) Support (mat. No. 1.4301) for immersion fittings, for fitting to mounting stand 7MA8500-8CG or to wall mount 7MA8500-8BP Adjustable-height flange for immersion fittings 7MA8500-8FU, -8FV, -8FW Calibration solution for conductivity sensors, 1.413 mS/cm, 460 ml C74451-A1789-B1 C74451-A1789-C2 M54445-A33 7MA8500-8CG 7MA8500-8BP Accessories Order No. SIPAN 32 and SIPAN 32X analyzers SIPAN 34 analyzer Calibrated reference equipment See page 1/17 See page 1/25 See page 1/25 C74451-A1789-D1 M54445-A23 M54445-A27 7MA8500-8CJ 7MA8500-8FY 7MA8500-8DU ✔ 7MA2100-8CA 7MA2100-8CA and C74451-A1789-B1 7MA8500–8FU, –8FV, –8FW C74451–A1789–A10, –A16 M54445–A25 M54445–A21 M54445–A20 C74451–A1789–A21 C74451–A1789–A3 7MA8500-8BS M54145–A92 Fittings Junction box for extension cable 4EL sensors Order No. ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ Available ex-stock 1/29 IND sensors, fittings, accessories Dimensions of IND sensors for medium to very high concs., chemical and food industries Cable, 5 m long Cable, 5 m long 24 24 24 Cable, 5 m long 24 Cable, 5 m long 24 Cable, 5 m long Ø 62 Ø 40 151.5 11 89.5 13 96 36 14 85 15 25 150 20 R 3/4 170 M12 13 65 IND sensor, DURAN 7MA2200-8BD Ø 41.4 85 Flow fitting PP: M54145-A102 VA: C74451-A1789-A22 Ø 70 VARIVENT seal, VA 7MA8500-8DH Internal Ø 50 R 3/4 24 28 40 Cable, 5 m long Flow fitting, PVDF M54145-A93 55 ISO 228 G1/4 170 35 M5 SW17 Ø 62 50 42,5 Ø 60 VARIVENT sealing ring, VA 7MA8500-8AE SW17 120 Flow fitting, PTFE/GF25 7MA8500-8AB VARIVENT fitting, VA 7MA8500-8AD including: 7MA8500-8DH, -8AC, -8AH VARIVENT clamping ring, VA 7MA8500-8AC 13 85 ISO 228 G1/4 R1/4 13 19.5 54 13 65 IND sensor, PEEK 7MA2200-8CB Thermometer, VA 7MA8500-8AA 85 96 Prot. tube, PTFE for thermometer C79451-A3302-B6 17,5 DIN 405 Rd 78 x 1/6 42 160 R 3/4 Ø 85 1/30 IND sensor, FEP 7MA2200-8BF 7MA2200-8EB 65 VARIVENT connector for welding on, VA 7MA8500-8AG including: 7MA8500-8DH, -8AC, -8AH Int.. Ø 50 Ø 70 Ø6 60 60 36 290 13 96 IND sensor, PEEK 7MA2200-8DD Ø 76,5 IND sensor, FEP 7MA2200-8BA 7MA2200-8EA 73 Ø 41 Ø 42 Rd 78 x 1/6 DIN 405 R 3/4 157 11 89.5 157 44.5 Ø 41 IND sensor, PEEK 7MA2200-8DA Ø 60 Ø 68 Ø 63 44.5 50 12.3 14 Ø 60 Ø 68 151.5 Ø 36 50 70 Ø 36 IND sensors, fittings, accessories Ordering data of IND sensors for medium to very high concs., chemical and food industries Order No. IND sensor for conductivity measurements Made of FEP, with 5 m long fixed cable Measuring range: 0 ... 0.1 mS/cm to 0 ... 2500 mS/cm With Pt 100 compensation thermometer Made of PEEK, with Pt 100 compensation thermometer Made of glass (DURAN), with Pt 100 compensation thermometer Pt 100 compensation thermometer for IND sensor 7MA2200-8BA IND sensor for conductivity measurements Made of PEEK, with special flange matching the VARIVENT fittings, measuring range 0 ... 0,1 mS/cm to 0 ... 2500 mS/cm with Pt 100 compensation thermometer and O-ring made of EPDM, including 5 m long fixed cable For flow fitting 7MA8500-8AD For screw conn. for welding on 7MA8500-8AG IND sensor Ex for cond. measurements in explosive atmospheres, made of FEP, type of protection: intrinsic safety EEx ib IIC T4 for Tamb < 80 _C and liquid temperature Tmed < 130 _C, incl. 5 m long fixed cable, Measuring range 0 ... 0.1 to 0 ... 2500 mS/cm With Pt 100 compensation thermometer Order No. Flow fitting, PTFE/GF 25, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using flange, with gasket and flange screwed gland 7MA8500-8AB Flow fitting, PVDF, for bypass applications, connection R 3/4 sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) M54145-A93 Flow fitting, VA (see Fig. 1/23), for bypass applications, connection R 3/4 sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) C74451-A1789-A21 Flow fitting, VA, side connection R 3/4, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) C74451-A1789-A22 7MA2200-8CB 7MA2200-8DD Flow fitting, PP, side connection R 3/4, for bypass applications, sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) M54145-A102 7MA2200-8EA 7MA2200-8EB Fittings, VA (mat. No. 1.4301), for installation in DN 50 pipelines (see Fig. 1/21), sensor mounting using union nut (union nut not included in delivery) T-piece with three gaskets (Viton) Screw connector for welding on, with 1 gasket (Viton) 7MA2200-8BA 7MA2200-8BF 7MA2200-8DA 7MA2200-8BD 7MA8500-8AA 7MA2200–8BA 7MA2200–8BF ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ 7MA2200–8DA 7MA8500–8AG 7MA8500–8AD C74451–A1789–A22 M54445–A25 M54445–A21 M54445–A20 M54145–A102 IND sensors C74451–A1789–A21 C79451-A3300-N100 C79451-A3300-N300 7MA8500-8BS M54145–A93 Extension cable, 10 m long Extension cable, 10 m long Junction box, for extension cable 7MA8500–8AB 7MA8500-8AA Fittings Pt 100 compensation thermometer for IND sensor 7MA2200-8EA ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ☛ ✔ ✔ ✘ ☛ ✔ ✔ 7MA2200–8BD ✔ ✘ ✔ 7MA2200–8CB 7MA2200–8DD 7MA2200–8EA 7MA2200–8EB ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ☛ ✔ ! ✔ ✘ ☛ M54445-A21 M54445-A25 VARIVENT fitting, VA As flow fitting for DN 50 pipelines, with 1 seal, 2 clamping rings and 2 EPDM gaskets 7MA8500-8AD As connector for welding on for mounting on tanks, DN 50, with 1 seal, 1 clamping ring and 1 EPDM gasket 7MA8500-8AG VARIVENT gasket Standard gasket, EPDM (set of 5) Special gasket, Viton (set of 25) 7MA8500-8AH 7MA8500-8AJ Gasket DN 50 for union nut Standard gasket, Viton (set of 5) Special gasket, EPDM (set of 25) Special gasket, Teflon (set of 15) M54445-A24 M54445-A34 M54445-A35 Accessories Order No. Set of mounting parts for flow fittings C74451-A1789-D1 Union nut DN 50 (mat. No. 1.4301) M54445-A23 Union nut DN 50, PP C74451-A1789-C2 Tapered seal (mat. No. 1.4301) DN 50 M54445-A27 Hook key spanner (st. steel) for M54445-A23 M54445-A33 VARIVENT sealing ring (mat. No. 1.4404) for 7MA8500-8AD and -8AG 7MA8500-8AE VARIVENT seal (mat. No. 1.4404) 7MA8500-8DH VARIVENT clamping ring (mat. No. 1.4404) 7MA8500-8AC Thermometer protective tube, PTFE (Teflon) for 7MA8500-8AA C79451-A3302-B6 Adjustment set for inductive conductivity sensors 7MA2200-8BA, -8BD, -8BF, -8CB, -8DA, -8DD, -8EA and -8EB 7MA2200-8FA SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X analyzer SIPAN 34 analyzer Calibrated reference equipment See page 1/17 See page 1/25 See page 1/25 Available ex-stock " 1/31 Accessories for SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X and SIPAN 34 analyzers Dimensions, installation 220 200 220 M6 Ø 60 384 286 384 43 72 M8 38 56 M6 240 ( %!) 145 Analyzer fitted in protective hood (base plate also available separately) 570 Protective hood C79451-A3177-D12 fitted on pipe clamp 7MA8500-8DG ! ') ''# &* %"#) . (($' ( $' # #!+,'( "#( $#( # "" 1/32 "#(- Technical data 2 EL sensors, 4 EL sensors 2EL sensor 7MA2 000 - . . -8AA Cell constant cmĆ1 Min. measuring range/ max. measuring range S/cm -8AB -8BA 0.00580 -8BB 0 to 0.1 / 0 to 25 0 to 1253) -8CB -8DD 1.160 0 to 1 / 0 to 250 0 to ā12503) Resistance thermometer 90% time 0 to 20 / 0 to 5ā000 0 to 25ā0003) Union nut 6Ćhole flange 0.50 0 to 2 / 0 to 500 0 to 25003) 0 to 10 / 0 to 2ā500 0 to 125ā003) 3s Electr. carbon + glass Stainl. steel (1.4571) Stainless steel (1.4571) + glass 6Ćhole flange -8DS 0.10 60 s Wetted parts material Mounting -8CA 0.0580 Union nut 6Ćhole flange Union nut 20 s PES1) + stainl. steel (1.4571) PPO2) + stainl. steel (1.4571) Union nut Pg 13.5 Type of connection Conical flange DN 50 Permissible oper. pressure PB at TB 16 bar 6 bar Pg 13.5 2 bar Permissible oper. temperature TB 130 ºC 60 ºC 80 ºC Ć25 to +85 _C Permissible storage temperature Cable Ć Type of cable 5 m plugged LIYCY 4 x 0.14 5 m fixed 3 x 2 x 0.2 LIYCY Max. recommended cable length (with max. measuring range) Ć < 50 m Ex protection DIN 50014/EN 50020 In conjunction with SIPAN 32X, all sensors are approved for use in Ex zone 1 Max. cable length with Ex protection Siemens cable C79451ĆA3298ĆN100, max. 5 m long Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP 54 Weight Dimensions 4EL sensor 7MA2 100 - . . Cell constant cmĆ1 Wetted parts material Conical flange DN 50 Mounting -8BC -8CA 0.0471 0.0828 100 s PlugĆtype cable Max. recommended cable length (with max. measuring range) Type of cable Ex protection DIN 50014/EN 50020 40 s Epoxy resin with graphite Yes No Union nut Pg 13.5 6 bar 100 _C 110 _C 70 _C 110 _C Ć25 to +85 _C Permissible storage temperature Fixed cable Ć 5m 5m Ć < 50 m < 50 m 4 x 2 x 0.2 LIYCY In conjunction with SIPAN 32X, all sensors are approved for use in Ex zone 1 Max. cable length with Ex protection Siemens cable C79195ĆA3453ĆN100, max. 5 m long Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP 54 IP 65 Appr. 1 kg Appr. 0.5 kg Weight Dimensions Appr. 0.2 kg 0 to 0.1 / 0 to 500 Permissible oper. pressure PB at TB Permissible oper. temperature TB Continuous ShortĆterm Appr. 0.5 kg See Fig. 1/21 Min. measuring range/ max. measuring range in mS/cm Resistance thermometer 90% time IP 65 Approx. 1.5 kg See Fig. 1/23 1) PES: polyethersulfone; 2) PPO: polyphenylene oxide 3) Reduced measuring accuracy Siemens PA 20 · 1999 1/33 Technical data IND sensors IND sensor 7MA2ā200 - . . -8BA Cell constant cmĆ1 -8BF 3.82 -8CB -8DA -8DD 3.16 -8BD -8EA -8EB 5 3.82 3.82 3.00 Min. measuring range/ max. measuring range 0 to 0.1 mS/cm/ 0 to 2500 mS/cm1) BuiltĆin thermometer No Resistance thermometer 90% time Yes Ć 100 s FEP2) Wetted parts material Conical flange Type of connection DN 50 VARIVENT Permissible oper. pressure PB at TB 50 s 100 s PEEK3) DURAN4) Con. flange Flange ISO 3587 VARIVENT DN 50 10 bar No Yes Ć 100 s FEP2) Conical flange DN 50 4 bar Permissible oper. temperature TB for immersion part 10 bar 130 ºC Ć25 to +85 _C Permissible storage temperature Fixed cable 5m Max. recommended cable length (with max. measuring range) < 50 m Type of cable 3 x 2 x 0.25 LIYCYĆCY Ex protection to DIN 50014/EN 50020 _ II 2G EEx ib IIC T45) zone 1 Max. cable length with Ex protection _ Siemens cable C79451ĆA3300ĆN100, max. 5 m long Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP 65 IP 67 Weight Approx. 1.2 kg Dimensions See Fig. 1/25 1) When using the panel housing, smallest 2) FEP: perfluoroethylenepropylene 3) PEEK: polyetheretherketone measuring range 0 to 2 mS/cm 4) DURAN: special glass 5) When using SIPAN 32 Ex analyzer T/_C T/_C HCl 110 NaOH H2SO4 100 100 80 80 HNO3 60 KOH 110 HBr 60 H2SO4 HNO3 40 40 20 20 % w/w 10 20 30 40 80 90 100 % w/w 20 30 Fig. 1/28 SIPAN 32, SIPAN 32X and SIPAN 34 analyzers, ranges in which conversion into % w/w is not physically possible 1/34 Siemens PA 20 · 1999 40 50 100 Technical data Fittings Flow fitting C74451-A1789-A2 Fitting Screwed sample connection Flow fitting C74451-A1789-A1 3/ Ć18 8 Flow fitting C74451-A1789-A21 Flow fitting C74451-A1789-A22 R3/4 NPT Flow fitting C74451-A1789-A3 3/ Ć18 8 NPT Stainless steel (1.4404) PP1) Permissible oper. temperature TB 160 _C 90 ºC Permissible oper. pressure PB at TB 16 bar 1.5 bar at 20 ºC 0.2 bar at 90 ºC Material Weight Approx. 2 kg Approx. 1.5 kg Dimensions See Fig. 1/21 Flow Recommended 0.1 to 0.5 l/min. (max. 10 l/min) Flow fitting M54145-A92 Fitting Flow fitting M54145-A102 Screwed sample connection Flow fitting M54145-A93 Flow fitting 7MA8500-8AB R3/4 FourĆhole flange DN 25 PP1) PVDF3) PTFE/GF252) Permissible oper. temperature TB 90 _C 130 _C 120 _C Permissible oper. pressure PB at TB 6 bar at 20 _C 0.2 bar at 90 _C 6 bar at 20 _C 1 bar at 130 _C 4 bar at 120 ºC 6 bar at 20 ºC Approx. 0.3 kg Approx. 2 kg Material Weight Approx. 0.25 kg Dimensions Approx. 2 kg See Fig. 1/21 See Fig. 1/25 Flow Recommended 0.1 to 0.5 l/min. (max. 10 l/min) Flow fitting M54445-A20 Fitting Screwed sample connection Screw connector for welding on M54445-A25 Flow fitting M54445-A21 Rd 78 x 1/6 Screw connector 7MA8500-8BR For welding on Stainless steel (1.4301) PP1) Permissible oper. temperature TB 160 _C 90 _C Permissible oper. pressure PB at TB 16 bar 6 bar at 20 _C 0.2 bar at 90 _C Material Weight Approx. 1 kg Approx. 1 kg Dimensions Approx. 0.25 kg Approx. 0.1 kg See Fig. 1/21 Flow Recommended 0.1 to 0.5 l/min. (max. 10 l/min) VARIVENT flow fitting 7MA8500-8AD VARIVENT connector for welding on 7MA8500-8AG Immersion fitting C74451-A1789-A10, -A12, -A14, -A16 Immersion fitting 7MA8500-8FU, -8FV, -8FW DN 50 for welding on (DN 40 to DN 125 possible) For welding on Ć Ć Stainless steel (1.4404) PVC2) PP1) Permissible oper. temperature TB 135 _C with EPDM gaskets4) 200 _C with Viton gaskets5) 60 _C 90 _C Permissible oper. pressure PB at TB 25 bar 0.2 bar 0.5 bar Fitting Screwed sample connection Material Weight Dimensions Flow 1) PP: 2) PTFE/GF25: 3) PVDF: 4) EPDM: 5) Viton: Approx. 0.85 kg Approx. 2 kg Approx. 1.8...3 kg Approx. 2 kg See Fig. 1/25 See Fig. 1/23 Recommended 0.1 to 0.5 l/min. (max. 10 l/min) Ć polypropylene polytetrafluor ethylene with 25 % glassĆfiber polyvinylidene fluoride ethylene propylene caoutchouc fluor caoutchouc Siemens PA 20 · 1999 1/35 Standard combinations 1 D D D D Conductivity measurements in ultra-pure water, boiler feedwater, chip production Measuring range < 0.5 S/cm, installation in bypass (after cooler and pressure reduction, e.g. Thiedig table): 2'.2/1 6+3* 3 23#+.,'22 23'', -/4.3+.) 42+.) 4.+/. .43 1&'1 / 7MA2000-8AB 3#+.,'22 23'', (,/6 (+33+.) 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-A1 .#,89'1 1&'1 / 7MA2040-8AA /1 7MA2034-0AA00-0AA00 03+/. ; '3 /( -/4.3+.) 0#132 (/1 (,/6 (+33+.) 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-D1 ; #$,' 0'1 1&'1 / C79451-A3298-N100 4 Conductivity measurements for drinking water/ waste water in bypass: D 2'.2/1 6+3* 3 - %#$,' 6+3* 0,4) -/4.3+.) 42+.) 4.+/. .43 1&'1 / 7MA2100-8BC /,801/08,'.' (+33+.) (/1 $80#22 1&'1 / M54145-A92 /,801/08,'.' 4.+/. .43 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-C2 .#,89'1 1&'1 / 7MA2140-8AA /1 7MA2034-2BA00-0AA0 /1 6+3* '70,/2+/. 01/3'%3+/. 1&'1 / 7MA2141-8AA " 03+/. ; /4.3+.) 0#132 (/1 (,/6 (+33+.) 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-D1 D D D D 2 Conductivity measurements in ultra-pure water, inline installation: 5 Conductivity measurements for waste water in basins or canals: D 2'.2/1 6+3* 3 23#+.,'22 23'', -/4.3+.) 42+.) 2+7;*/,' (,#.)' 1&'1 / 7MA2000-8AA .#,89'1 1&'1 / 7MA2040-8AA /1 7MA2034-0AA00-0AA0 /1 6+3* '70,/2+/. 01/3'%3+/. 1&'1 / 7MA2041-8AA " 03+/. ; #$,' 0'1 1&'1 / C79451-A3298-N100 D 2'.2/1 6+3* 3 - (+7'& %#$,' ) -/4.3+.) 1&'1 / 7MA2100-8CA /,801/08,'.' ','%31/&' */,&'1 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-B1 ! +--'12+/. (+33+.) 6+3* 4.+/. .43 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-A10 .#,89'1 1&'1 / 7MA2140-8AA /1 7MA2034-2BA00-0AA0 /1 6+3* '70,/2+/. 01/3'%3+/. 1&'1 / 7MA2141-8AA " 03+/. ; 3#+.,'22 23'', -/4.3+.) 23#.& 1&'1 / 7MA8500-8CG ; 1'',8 2420'.&'& 1/& -#&' /( 23#+.,'22 23'', 1&'1 / 7MA8500-8CJ ; 3#+.,'22 23'', 01/3'%3+5' *//& 1&'1 / C79451-A3177-D12 ; 3#+.,'22 23'', 0+0' %,#-0 1&'1 / 7MA8500-8DG ; 73'.2+/. %#$,' 6+3* 0,4) (/1 2'.2/1 1&'1 / C79195-A3453-N100 D D 3 Simple conductivity measurements, for checking of deionized water, installation in bypass (after cooler and pressure reduction, or after ion exchanger): D 2'.2/1 -#&' /( 6+3* 3 6+3* 23#+.,'22 23'', 0+. ','%31/&'2 -/4.3+.) 42+.) 4.+/. .43 - (+7'& %#$,' 1&'1 / 7MA2000-8DD /,801/08,'.' (,/6 (+33+.) 6+3* 4.+/. .43 ; 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-A3 .#,89'1 1&'1 / 7MA2040-8AA /1 7MA2034-2AA00-0AA0 03+/. ; '3 /( -/4.3+.) 0#132 (/1 (,/6 (+33+.) 1&'1 / C74451-A1789-D1 D D D D D D D 6 Conductivity measurements in the food industry (CIP plants, breweries, dairies) Inline installation ”VARIVENT”: D 2'.2/1 -#&' /( 6+3* 3 - (+7'& %#$,' /4.3+.) 42+.) !! %,#-0+.) 1+.) 1&'1 / 7MA2200-8CB !! (,/6 (+33+.) -#&' /( 23#+.,'22 23'', 1&'1 / 7MA8500-8AD !! %,#-0+.) 1+.) -#&' /( 23#+.,'22 23'', 1&'1 / 7MA8500-8AE .#,89'1 1&'1 / 7MA2240-8AA /1 7MA2034-2CA00-0AA0 03+/. ; 73'.2+/. %#$,' (/1 2'.2/1 1&'1 / C79451-A3300-N100 ; 4.%3+/. $/7 (/1 '73'.2+/. %#$,' 1&'1 / 7MA8500-8BS ; #,+$1#3+/. 2'3 (/1 +.&4%3+5' %/.&4%3+5+38 2'.2/12 1&'1 / 7MA2200-8FA D D D D 1/36 +'-'.2 : Standard combinations, documentation 7 D D D D D Conductivity measurements in the food industry (CIP plants, breweries, dairies) Conventional connection system (milk pipe): Catalog PA 20 -")-*, (!" *# 1&.% . (*/).&)$ /-&)$ *)& ' #')$" ( #&2"! '" ,!", * 7MA2200-8DA .&)'"-- -.""' - ,"1 *))" .*, #*, 1"'!&)$ *) ,!", * M54445-A25 .&)'"-- -.""' /)&*) )/. ,!", * M54445-A23 )'34", ,!", * 7MA2240-8AA *, 7MA2034-2CA00-0AA0 +.&*) 6 '&,.&*) -". #*, &)!/ .&0" *)!/ .&0&.3 -")-*,,!", * 7MA2200-8FA Flüssigkeitsanalytik (German) Liquid analysis (English) Analyse de liquide (French) Análisis de liquidos (Spanish) Analisi de liquidi (Italian) 8 Conductivity measurements in concentrated sulphuric acid (sulphuric acid production): D -")-*, (!" *# */).&)$ /-&)$ *)& ' #')$" ( #&2"! '" ,!", * 7MA2200-8BA . *(+")-.&*) .%",(*(".", 1&.% ( #&2"! '" ,!", * 7MA8500-8AA %",(*(".", +,*." .&0" ./" (!" *# ,!", * C79451-A3302-B6 '*1 #&..&)$ (!" *# ,"&)#*, "! #*, -")-*, )! . .%",(*(".", (*/).&)$ /-&)$ #')$" ,!", * 7MA8500-8AB )'34", ,!", * 7MA2240-8AA *, 7MA2034-2CA00-0AA0 +.&*) 6 '&,.&*) -". #*, &)!/ .&0" *)!/ .&0&.3 -")-*,,!", * 7MA2200-8FA D D D D D 9 Conductivity measurements in the chemical industry: with explosion protection D 2 -")-*, (!" *# 1&.% . (*/)."! /-&)$ *)& ' #')$" ( #&2"! '" ,!", * 7MA2200-8EB D '*1 #&..&)$ (!" *# ,!", * M54145-A93 D .&)'"-- -.""' /)&*) )/. ,!", * M54445-A23 D )'34", 1&.% "2+'*-&*) +,*." .&*) ,!", * 7MA2241-8AA D +.&*) 6 */).&)$ +,.- #*, #'*1 #&..&)$ ,!", * C74451-A1789-A10 6 2.")-&*) '" #*, -")-*, ,!", * C79451-A3300-N100 6 /) .&*) *2 #*, "2.")-&*) '" ,!", * 7MA8500-8BS 6 '&,.&*) -". #*, &)!/ .&0" *)!/ .&0&.3 -")-*,,!", * 7MA2200-8FA Order No. E86060-K3520-A101-A1 E86060-K3520-A101-A1-7600 E86060-K3520-A101-A1-7700 E86060-K3520-A101-A1-7800 E86060-K3520-A101-A1-7200 Manual Order No. Printed version of Manual (each language separately) SIPAN 32 Leitfähigkeits-Meßeinrichtungen (German) SIPAN 32 Conductivity Measuring Equipment (English) SIPAN 32 Dispositif de mesure de conductivité (French) SIPAN 32 Equipo de medición de la conductividad (Spanish) SIPAN 32 Dispositivo per la misura della conductività (Italian) SIPAN 32 (5 languages on CD1)) Leitfähigkeits-Meßeinrichtungen (German) Conductivity Measuring Equipment (English) Dispositif de mesure de conductivité (French) Equipo de medición de la conductividad (Spanish) Dispositivo per la misura della conductività (Italian) Printed version of Manual (each language separately) SIPAN 34 Leitfähigkeits-Meßeinrichtungen (German) SIPAN 34 Conductivity Measuring Equipment (English) SIPAN 34 Dispositif de mesure de conductivité (French) SIPAN 34 Equipo de medición de la conductividad (Spanish) SIPAN 34 Dispositivo per la misura della conductività (Italian) SIPAN 34 (5 languages on CD1)) Leitfähigkeits-Meßeinrichtungen (German) Conductivity Measuring Equipment (English) Dispositif de mesure de conductivité (French) Equipo de medición de la conductividad (Spanish) Dispositivo per la misura della conductività (Italian) C79000-B5400-C45 C79000-B5476-C45 C79000-B5477-C45 C79000-B5478-C45 C79000-B5472-C45 C79000-G5464-C048 C79000-G5400-C41 C79000-G5476-C41 C79000-G5477-C41 C79000-G5478-C41 C79000-G5472-C41 C79000-G5464-C50 ) '/!"! &) !"'&0",3 *# )'34", #,""6*#6 %,$" Available ex-stock &"(")-5 1/37 1/38