'; ' i,.i:i,1,r, . ,: ;9y,*Sltir of the Localism Act, within :' di$clcisltre (s37f3l . 28 days beginning with the date of the Locatism Act 2011)l; tc) y!,e|elhe DPI il not entered t!9 authority's register and is not the subject of in ' eI pending notification, within_28 days blginning with the date when you become'aware that you have a DPI in ,oy ,rit"r to be dealt with, or being dealt *illt, 9.v yo, actini alone- in the couise of discharging a function of the authority {s?l(T) Locatism Act 2011)). tt is 'also a criminal offence to knowingly provide information m!11*i{!no. (or being t""rG"-rs to wnether the information that is false or is true and not misleading) ; _ ln add'ition to the above, chart Sutton Parish council has adopted a code of conduct for Membe.rs which requires y.ou to notify the Monitoring officer of any DPls before the. end of 28 days 'oeginning wittr i# day on which the code takes effect' Failure to comply wit'tr ttriJrequiiement would not of itself be a criminal offence but coutd rendei you liable to action being taken against you under the Code. l To the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is complete and correct. This fqr:m is to be returned direct to the Monitori use fhrs spafe as a continuation sheet or, if necessary, attach another fy Y:y ,',,,,.:ii,..,, . ,] i I 'lrrri:i t:.t!j: ' .i .r':, ; i l':i:'ii' ,,.' ,: .; i ,ii r'1 , :'r 1;.1 ,,,, ii : t. ;!lli .- Page 6 of8