Clarifying Objective : AH1.5.1 Summarize how the philosophical, ideological, and/or religious views on freedom and equality contributed to the development of American political and economic systems through Reconstruction (e.g., natural rights, First Great Awakening, Declaration of Independence, suffrage, abolition, ‘slavery as a peculiar institution’, etc.). Tagged : B2 (Understand Conceptual Knowledge) In Preparation: Set up three learning stations. Place a primary source analysis worksheet at each station ( ). What Teacher Will Do What Student Will Do 1. Write the following questions on the board. “Who are what has been a significant influence in your life? What was it that made you so impacted by them or it?” 2. Ask for volunteers to share their answers. 1. Answer the questions in their Social Studies Journal. 3. Project the following image and ask students to interpret what the image represents. 2. Share their answers with the class. 3. Comment on the meaning of the image 4. Discuss the meaning of Federalism in pairs and record their definitions in their individual notebooks. 4. Tell students to form shoulder buddies and pose the question, “What is Federalism?” 5. Rotate students through the following stations: A. The Declaration of independence html B. “Give Me Liberty or Give me Death” by Patrick Henry C. Join or Die 5. Spend about 15 minutes at each station. 6. Work together to answer the following question for their exit ticket: What evidence did you find during the analysis of What Student Should Learn How, why, and to what extent European enlightened philosophers influenced the decisions made by the founding fathers and the impact of these philosophies on the creation and development of the U. S. 6. Tell students to reconvene with their shoulder buddy. Based on their work in the three stations, they should revised their definition of Federalism. 7. Distribute copies of the following statement taken from James Madison’s Federalist Paper #51 which was written in 1788. “In the compound republic of America the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two distinct governments, and the portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will each control each other; at the same time that each will be controlled by itself.” Tell students to read the quotation and write a brief summary of the argument that Madison makes. these three primary source documents that you would discern as having an influence on the idea of Federalism? 7. Read the quotation and write a summary of the argument.