October 4, 2015 Guide #2-4 Exodus 1:8-14; 3:1-10 Leader Guide A four hundred year leap is quite large for a narrative movement. But that is indeed what has occurred between last week's reading about Jacob and this week's about Moses. Last week we were engaged in the story of Jacob whose name gets changed to Israel, “he who strives with God.” This week, we are catapulted into the story of Moses and his call to be God's voice of freedom to the descendants of Israel. Last week we asked that people bring a picture or a souvenir from ground that is holy to them. If possible, send a message to the group midway through the week reminding them of this request. After we leave Jacob, his family situation with his brother improves greatly. Sibling rivalry, however, seems to be a family trait. Ten of Jacob's sons all gang up on the eleventh, Joseph. They can't seem to take his special treatment by their father and his dreams. Because of that, Joseph eventually finds himself in Egypt. And, even though his brothers meant it for bad, God worked through all of Joseph’s trials for good (Genesis 45:4-7). Because of Joseph's success in Egypt and a great famine in their homeland, Jacob's family trades in their nomadic life in Canaan for life in Egypt. And it was a good life for a long time, until memory faded and the name Joseph came to mean nothing to the pharaohs and kings. And that is when fear arose. By that time, the Israelites had multiplied. The pharaoh looked around at all the Israelites and was afraid that if they were given the chance, they would rise up against him and take away his power. Or, maybe even worse, they would join opposing armies to conquer the Egyptians (Exodus 1:9-10). Oppression wins the day, as it often does when fear is involved. But God does not forget the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God doesn't forget the way that Joseph was faithful to those promises. God hears the groaning of God's people. God needs a messenger and chooses a most unlikely one. God chooses someone who is reluctant (Exodus 3:11); someone who is a hotheaded murderer (Exodus 2:11); someone who has already run away (Exodus 2:15). But this unlikely messenger is also someone who is curious - curious enough to get pulled off track to see what was going on with a burning bush. That is all the opening that God needed; God sees Moses' interest and takes action. What takes place in front of the burning bush is an interesting take on worship. First, God reminds Moses that being in the presence of God is holy ground. Holy ground isn't only in the temple or the tabernacle: holy ground is precisely the place or places that God Kinsmen Lutheran Church © 2014-2015 Spirit and Truth Publishing – All Rights Reserved shows up. So, far from being a singular place that God lives, God is on the move in the world. God shows up in places other than the ones we expect. Holy ground can be all around us because it is nothing short of a place that God is known. God asks Moses to recognize it by taking his sandals off; then God reminds Moses of the promises made in the past. God proclaims a word to Moses about who it is that is speaking from the bush: the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is linked to the past, and by doing so, links Moses in with that line of promise. It is then Moses' turn to respond to the holy ground and promising Presence: Moses turns his face. In an act of sheer awe, he turns his face. Finally, God sends Moses out with a specific call: to go and save God's people. Holy ground (wherever it may be), a reminder of who God is, a response from us, and a call to go to proclaim that same promising presence that we have received. This is the essence of worship. To fill in some of the narrative gaps, it might be nostalgic fun for you (and maybe even your group) to watch some of these YouTube clips from some of the great cinematic depictions of the Exodus story such as: Cecil B. DeMille's The Ten Commandments Baby Moses (2:03): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =92ygYJw9CSE Picture of Slavery (2:21): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e VIJME3JW8 Moses and the Burning Bush (6:33): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U 0Mg-eZqEdI DreamWorks Prince of Egypt Various clips available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =E8pEXd4s1yU For a newer adaptation of the story, ? Has curiosity ever pulled you off track? Exodus: Gods and Kings by Ridley Scott is Did it lead to something good? available for viewing as well. ? Has God ever asked you to do something you didn't think you could do? ? Can you take the form of your congregation's worship and find its parallels in the worship points of the text? Psalm 78, 102 Jeremiah 34: 12-32 Mark 14:12-26 Romans 6 Kinsmen Lutheran Church © 2014-2015 Spirit and Truth Publishing – All Rights Reserved October 4, 2015 Guide #2-4 Exodus 1:8-14; 3:1-10 Participant Guide Share your picture or souvenir of your “holy ground” and share what makes it holy to you. If you don't have a picture or an item, simply describe what “holy ground” is to you. We have made a tremendous leap in Israel's history from last week to this – over 400 years! In that time, the people of Israel have gone from being a nomadic group to a people who have settled in the land of Egypt. But now things are not going so well for them…. Read Exodus 1:8-10 ? Right away we are called upon to remember who Joseph is and why he is supposed to mean something to the Pharaoh. Recall all you can about the Joseph story and Egypt and Pharaoh. Now that 400 years have passed, what seems to be the trouble (according to Pharaoh)? Read Exodus 1:11-14 ? What stands out to you about the oppression of the Hebrew people? Before going to the next part of the story, tell all you can remember from the birth and early life of Moses. What else do you know about Moses? Read Exodus 3:1-4 ? Moses is not real keen about being God's mouthpiece of hope (see 3:11). And, it seems as though Moses got himself into this calling because of his curiosity. When has your curiosity moved you into territories that you weren't sure about? Kinsmen Lutheran Church The Exodus story has always been the defining moment of freedom in the scriptures. It is that moment when God reached out to the outcast and despised and brought them into a land of milk and honey. This interplay between slavery and freedom returns again and again throughout the Scriptures. The psalmists remind worshipers that God is faithful to Israel precisely because of the Exodus story. The prophets call the wayward people of Israel to remember the goodness of God shown to them in the Exodus. And, as Jesus arrives on the scene, even he recalls the great Passover Meal as he celebrates his Last Supper with his disciples. Jesus' very life was a recounting of the story of the Exodus, as he himself reached out to the outcast and despised and ultimately, on the cross, liberated all people from slavery to sin and freedom to live anew. © 2014-2015 Spirit and Truth Publishing – All Rights Reserved Read Exodus 3:5-8 ? There are four actions in this section that can correlate with worship: 1) entrance into holy ground; 2) reminder of who God is; 3) response to who God is; and 4) a specific call to the world. Can you find these four items in the text? Are you able to find correlates in your own congregational worship? Worship is about our response to the loving, gracious presence of God. How do you, in your worship life as a congregation, hear about or experience the gracious presence of God? Does it ever happen outside of worship? How about in your own personal lives? How do you experience God speaking out to you? How do you, again in your worship life as a congregation, respond to the presence of God? Moses removed his shoes. Is there a ritual that you have as a congregation? How about you personally? What is your “shoe removal” action? Have you ever been so overwhelmed with the presence of God that you “hide your face”? When did that happen for you? What were the circumstances? Last week we learned that Israel means “one who strives with God.” How is worship a form of striving with God? Personally, we may encounter God daily. When is a time that you encountered God? What were the circumstances? How did you respond to God's presence? Last week we heard the story of Jacob and his return to his family. We heard about his identity and coming back to what he knows. This week, we leap four hundred years into the future. We have catapulted over the story of Joseph and his brothers, over the story of Jacob and all the family coming to live in Egypt, over the enslavement of the Hebrew people by the Egyptians, and over the story of Moses' birth and near demise. We find ourselves at the cusp of Moses' call to help God in a mission to free the Israelites. There is nothing but this story of curiosity and worship standing between Moses and his call. Next week, we take another leap as the Israelites have been let go by Pharaoh and find themselves in need of some guidance - guidance that God is more than willing to give in the form of the Torah. Kinsmen Lutheran Church © 2014-2015 Spirit and Truth Publishing – All Rights Reserved