Stronger relationships, simpler management


Customer profile

Stronger relationships, simpler management

Contech Engineered Solutions responds faster to customers and improves network visibility using an email security solution and network tools

“Maintaining Dell SonicWALL Hosted Email

Security has been a dream. It basically runs itself and allows our employees lots of flexibility to determine their own level of spam filtering.”

Matt Alvord, Senior Systems Engineer, Contech Engineered Solutions

Company Contech Engineered


Industry Manufacturing

Country United States

Employees 850


Business need

Contech Engineered Solutions needed a better way to control spam and viruses, which IT spent too much time managing.


The company deployed a hosted

Dell email security solution and is also using Dell email archiving and network monitoring tools.


• Contech IT saves 10 hours per month due to reduced support call volume

• The IT team has more time available for proactive tasks

• IT employees have network visibility and can troubleshoot problems more effectively

• Legal department easily and quickly complies with information requests

• Organization gets streamlined support and reduces spam

Solutions featured

• Data Center and Cloud


• Email Security


“We can be more responsive to customers and provide the high level of service they demand because of

Dell SonicWALL.”

Brad Ludwig, Infrastructure

Project Manager, Contech

Engineered Solutions

Like most companies, Contech Engineered Solutions - a manufacturer of construction products for bridges and civil engineering sites - relies heavily on email to do business. Each day, about 40,000 email messages go in and out of the firm’s

Microsoft® Exchange Server-based system. However, a growing amount of spam and junk email was causing problems.

Brad Ludwig, infrastructure project manager at Contech, says, “Our existing email filtering solution wasn’t effective at controlling spam, which was growing so much that it had really slowed down our network bandwidth.” Contech also needed a better way to protect its email environment from threats. “We need to prevent viruses from coming in as well as spam,” says Matt Alvord, senior systems engineer, Contech Engineered

Solutions. “We’ve received a lot of spam, which has led to lost productivity because employees spent too much time managing their junk email.” Another challenge was the prevalence of phishing emails, which often contain links to malware-infected websites that can infect systems.

Also, employees would sometimes miss important emails, because the company’s email filtering solution marked some legitimate emails as junk. “Employees would frequently get notifications from customers about emails that had been sent, but the employees hadn’t received them. So our IT help desk would have to try and find the original email. It took quite a bit of effort to do that, and the help desk needs to be able to concentrate on more important projects,” says Alvord.

evaluated Dell SonicWALL Hosted Email

Security, a solution offering cloud-based protection from spam, malware, zombie and phishing attacks. “The possibility of using Dell SonicWALL excited us because we’d been a Dell customer for many years,” says Ludwig. “We use

Dell laptops and desktops throughout our organization.” For the past several years, Contech has also used Dell

Foglight for network monitoring, Dell

Archive Manager for email archiving and Dell Enterprise Single Sign-On for authentication.

Contech could see that the solution’s email filtering capabilities would meet its needs perfectly. “The fact that the Dell

SonicWALL solution is hosted externally was definitely attractive to us, and we also liked the fact users can manage their own junk boxes,” says Ludwig.

“Employees can set up their own lists of spam-free email addresses and blacklisted addresses, so they’re really handling their own spam management, with no intervention from the help desk.”

Company chooses Dell hosted email security solution

Contech’s contract with its email filtering solution provider was coming to an end, so the firm began evaluating solutions from other vendors, including

Google Postini. The organization

Technology at work


Dell TM Archive Manager

Dell Enterprise Single Sign-on

Dell Foglight

Dell SonicWALL TM Hosted Email


Firm is more responsive to customers

Contech now has the ability to respond faster to customers, because the Dell

SonicWALL solution blocks spam and viruses in the cloud, so only legitimate email can be delivered to the company’s email infrastructure. As a result, network bandwidth is preserved. “About 70 percent of all email today is either junk or spam,” says Ludwig. “Why would we want that kind of traffic coming into our network, leaving less bandwidth available? With Dell SonicWALL Hosted

Email Security, only legitimate traffic gets through, which has really improved our network performance. We can be more responsive to customers and provide the high level of service they demand because of Dell SonicWALL.

We can respond faster to queries and invoices, and that really enhances our customer relationships. It makes our business better.”

Solution helps IT free up time for proactive tasks

The organization’s IT team now has more time to be proactive about administrative tasks, because Dell

SonicWALL gives users the power to manage their email filtering instead of relying on IT support. “Maintaining Dell

SonicWALL Hosted Email Security has been a dream. It basically runs itself and allows our employees the flexibility to determine their own level of spam filtering,” says Alvord. “That removes some of the administrative responsibility from the IT team, which saves at least

10 hours a month in support time. With more time available each month, the

IT help desk can focus on other tasks instead of firefighting and responding to questions about spam. This really fits in well with the company’s move to a more proactive IT model.”

IT increases visibility into network

The IT department also relies on

Foglight to monitor the ERP system and other parts of the IT environment.

“Foglight is a powerful tool that helps us see much more of our application environment and identify problems almost before employees notice them,” says Alvord. “We rely on Foglight every day to see what’s going on over our entire infrastructure, from our Microsoft

SQL Server environment to dozens of critical business applications. Even our vice president uses Foglight to view the network. It’s a valuable technology for us even at the highest level of the organization.”

Contech has also upgraded to the newest versions of Foglight and Foglight

Performance Analysis for SQL Server, and hopes to use those tools to monitor even more of its infrastructure. The organization is also evaluating the Dell

SQL Optimizer for Oracle and the Dell

Spotlight on SQL Server, and additional monitoring tools including the Foglight

Cartridge for Exchange and the Foglight

Cartridge for VMware.

Legal department can handle information requests faster

For the Contech legal department, Dell

Archive Manager provides a specific advantage: the ability to handle higher value tasks because information requests are handled much faster than before. Previously, when the department was asked to share emails from a certain company for legal purposes, it could take weeks to find all the emails pertaining to a case. “Putting that information together was a painstaking process before Dell Archive Manager,” says Ludwig. “But now our legal department can either get emails quickly or provide access to a specific account.

The department often receives these types of requests for archived email, and there have been several court cases that have been helped by our ability to quickly provide this information.”

Organization gets streamlined support

Contech receives strong, unified support from a single vendor because it has multiple Dell products, including the email security solution, network monitoring tools and laptops. As a result, employees face fewer interruptions because of an increase in infrastructure uptime. “Where possible, we try to work with the fewest number of vendors, because it makes things much easier in terms of support,” says Alvord. “With the

Dell solutions we have, the support is consistent across all the products, so we get faster access to technical support and quick answers to our questions.

The responsiveness from Dell has been outstanding.”

The company also receives insight into upcoming Dell products, because Dell product managers meet with Contech every month. “Those monthly meetings not only give us visibility into what’s new from Dell, but they also give us an opportunity to share our business needs,” says Ludwig. “The Dell product managers really listen to us, and because they understand our business, they can help us meet our specific needs. Dell also does a great job of providing firstclass solutions, so we continue to be excited about our relationship with Dell heading into the future.”

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