Determination of the Boltzmann Constant and new Definition of the Kelvin Joachim Fischer Physikalisch-Technische Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Berlin, Germany 1 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Determination of the Boltzmann Constant and new Definition of the Kelvin Contents i l di including concerns off CCT/10-34 CCT/10 34 The Kelvin Definition Impact Implications of Changing the Definition Determination of the Boltzmann Constant Summary and Outlook 2 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Standards and Scales the scale: additional fixed points and interpolating instruments temperatures from primary thermometers 0 H2 Ne O2 triple p point p of water Ar Hg Ga In … 273.16 × the unit intensive quantity temperature the unit length extensive quantity the scale 3 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Definition of the Kelvin (1968) and triple point of water “The Kelvin : fraction 1/273 16 of the 1/273.16 thermodynamic temperature of triple point i t off water” t ” (13. CGPM: Metrologia, 1968, 4, 43) Ttpw = 273,16 273 16 K definition = no uncertainty ptpw = 611,66 611 66 Pa William Thomson, the later Lord Kelvin of Largs (1824-1907) 4 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Effects of D and 18O on TP temperature 0.02 D 0 04 0.04 Tempe erqature diffference (K)) Temp perature diffference (K)) 0.05 10 mK 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.000 0.004 0.008 18 O 0.015 0.01 10 mK 0.005 0.012 Mole fraction 0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 Mole fraction Rod White, MSL N.Z. 5 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Isotope effect, a material property This substance is not available for filling of TPW cells 6 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 New definition based on Boltzmann constant k system of “particles“ thermal energy E per degree of freedom thermodynamic temperature T k = conversion factor E = ½kT CODATA value of Boltzmann constant 2006: k = R/NA = 1.3806504 ((24)) ·10-23 J/K u = 1.7·10-6 *)) *) Rev. Mod. Phys. 80 2008, 633 7 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 The Boltzmann Constant k and the kelvin Boltzmann: σ = ln P entropy 1/τ = dσ / dU measured in joule thermodynamic temperature measured in kelvin Planck: S = k σ = k ln P 1/T = dS / dU J 20 1 38 10-20 1.38x10 1.38x10-21 k = conversion factor between energy and temperature fixing the value of k : Boltzmann´s original i intention i (concern ( 1) 8 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 1.38x10-22 1.38x10-23 1.38x10-24 1.38x10-25 1.38x10-26 P probability U internal energy Wording 1. Reliable determination of k with different methods 2 Fixing of the value of k 2. 3. New definition of the kelvin like: Explicit-unit definition Explicit-constant p definition f The kelvin is the change of thermodynamic temperature T The kelvin, unit of that results in a change of thermal thermodynamic temperature, is energy kT by exactly such thejoule, Boltzmann 1.380 65X X ×that 10−23 where constant is exactly k is the Boltzmann constant 1.380 65X X × 10−23 joule per kelvin. 9 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Ludwig g Boltzmann (1844 - 1906) Determination of the Boltzmann Constant and new Definition of the Kelvin Contents The Kelvin Definition Impact Implications of Changing the Definition Determination of the Boltzmann Constant Summary and Outlook 10 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Future uncertainties for high temperatures 0,35 Best uncertainty 0,30 ITS-90 0,25 At very low and very high temperatures there will be in future no need to reference back to the triple 0,20 point of water n=1 (ITS-90 thermodynamic 0,15 Main practical advantage of the new definition 0,10 0,05 0,00 0 00 1000 Bloembergen et al. TMCSI 2003, 291-296 figure 2 ITS-XX 1500 2000 2500 Temperature p /K 11 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 3000 3500 The impact of a new definition of the kelvin Short term: • the kelvin definition is independent of any material • no favoured fixed point • no favoured measurement method • no error propagation from TPW • thermodynamic measurements and ITS-90 are coexisting • <20 K and >1300 K thermodynamics are superior Long term: • With improvement of primary thermometry thermodynamic y replace p ITS-90 measurements may 12 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Ludwig g Boltzmann (1844 - 1906) Determination of the Boltzmann Constant and new Definition of the Kelvin Contents The Kelvin Definition Impact Implications of Changing the Definition Determination of the Boltzmann Constant Summary and Outlook 13 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 CCT WG4 Task Group p (TG-SI) ( ) members Joachim Fischer ((PTB)) chairman Anatoly Pokhodun (VNIIM) Ken Hill (NRC) G h Graham M Machin hi (NPL) Mike Moldover (NIST) Laurent Pitre (LNE/CNAM) Andrea Merlone (INRIM) Richard Davis ((BIPM)) Executive Secretaryy CCT Osamu Tamura (NMIJ) Hüseyin Ugur (CCT) President CCT R d Whit Rod White (MSL) Inseok Yang (KRISS) Jintao Zhang (NIM) 14 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Status of ITS-90 For the foreseeable future : Most temperature measurements in core temperature range ((~ - 200 ºC … 960 ºC ) with SPRTs calibrated accord. to ITS-90 ITS-90 will remain intact, with defined values of T90 for all of the fixed points, including the TPW Uncertainties in T90 will not change Dominated byy uncertainties in the fixed-point p realizations,, and the non-uniqueness of SPRTs, typically totalling < 1 mK 15 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Fixed points of ITS-90 ( table 1.2 red book ) T90 Cu (fp) Au (fp) Ag (fp) Al (fp) Zn (fp) Sn (fp) In (fp) Ga (mp) H2O (tp) Hg (tp) Ar (tp) O2 (tp) Ne (tp) (t ) e-H2 (vp) e-H2 (vp) e-H H2 (tp) 4 He (vp) 1357.77 1357 77 K 1337.33 K 1234.93 K 933 473 K 933.473 692.677 K 505.078 K 429 7485 K 429.7485 302.9146 K 273.16 K 234 3156 K 234.3156 83.8058 K 54.3584 K 24 5561 K 24.5561 ≈20.3 K ≈17.0 K 13 8033 K 13.8033 4.2221 K u(T90) / mK u(T) / mK 15 10 1 03 0.3 0.1 0.1 01 0.1 0.05 0.02 0 05 0.05 0.1 0.1 02 0.2 0.2 0.2 01 0.1 0.1 u(Tk fixed) / mK 60 no change 50 at all 40 25 13 5 3 1 0 15 1.5 1.5 1 05 0.5 0.5 0.5 05 0.5 0.3 16 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 60.1 60 1 50.1 40.1 25 1 25.1 13.1 5.10 3 11 3.11 1.15 0.49 1 55 1.55 1.50 1.00 0 50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0 50 0.50 0.30 Uncertainties in thermodynamic temperature If 2002 CODATA recommended value of k were taken to be exact and used to define the kelvin : Uncertainty of k would be transferred to the value of TTPW B t estimate Best ti t off the th value l off TTPW still till 273 273.16 16 K K, but instead of being exact as result of definition of the kelvin : Uncertainty associated with estimate would become : ur(TTPW) = 1.8 × 10−6, corresponds to 0.49 mK 17 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Error propagation from TPW All thermodynamic measurements currently defined as ratios with respect to TPW : The 0.49 mK uncertainty propagates to all historical thermodynamic temperature measurements 3,0 Temperatue range of SPRTs additio onal u (tt ) / mK 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 How well represents ITS-90 thermodynamic temperatures ? 0,5 0,0 -250 0 250 500 temperature / °C 18 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 750 1000 Fixed points of ITS-90 ( table 1.2 red book ) T90 Cu (fp) (f ) Au (fp) Ag (fp) Al (fp) (f ) Zn (fp) Sn (fp) I (fp) In Ga (mp) H2O (tp) H (tp) Hg Ar (tp) O2 (tp) N (tp) Ne e-H2 (vp) e-H2 (vp) e-H2 (tp) 4 He (vp) 1357.77 1357 77 K 1337.33 K 1234.93 K 933change 933.473 473 no h K 692.677 at all K 505.078 K 429 7485 K 429.7485 302.9146 K 273.16 K 234 3156 K 234.3156 83.8058 K 54.3584 K 24 5561 K 24.5561 ≈20.3 K ≈17.0 K 13.8033 K 4.2221 K u(T90) / mK u(T) / mK 15 10 1 03 0.3 0.1 0.1 01 0.1 0.05 0.02 0 05 0.05 0.1 0.1 02 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 19 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 60 50 40 25 13 5 3 1 0 15 1.5 1.5 1 05 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 u(Tk fixed) / mK 60.1 60 1 50.1 40.1 25 1 25.1 13.1 5.10 3 11 3.11 1.15 0.49 1 55 1.55 1.50 1.00 0 50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.30 change > 0.1 mK Uncertainties in thermodynamic temperature ⇒ TG-SI could not foresee any experiment where the slightly increased uncertainties of u(Tk fixed) would present a problem Anyy future changes g in the temperature p scale much smaller than tolerances associated with current documentary standards for thermocouples and IPRTs : ⇒ No requirement is anticipated for any future change in temperature scales to propagate to the documentary standards Once k has been fixed in 2015 : TG-SI is not aware of any new technology gy for a p primary y thermometer p providing g a significantly g y improved uncertainty u(TTPW) ⇒ no change of the assigned value of TTPW for the foreseeable f future ( (concern 2) 20 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 The Roles of the Mise en Pratique for the Definition of the Kelvin I The mise en pratique (“practical realization”) for the definition of the kelvin (MeP-K) (MeP K) was created by the Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) in 2006 to give practitioners of thermometry a guide to the realization of the kelvin, i.e., measurement of temperature in kelvins, in accord with the International System y of Units. The International Committee for Weights and Measures also foresaw that adoption p of the proposed p p new definition of the kelvin would require q a MeP-K MeP-K will describe three categories of measurements: - primary methods for measuring thermodynamic temperature T - formal approximations to T, in particular the International Temperature S l off 1990 (ITS Scale (ITS-90) 90) and d the h Provisional P i i l Low Temperature T Scale S l from f 0.9 mK to 1 K (PLTS-2000) - indirect approximation methods that are neither primary nor defined on a temperature t t scale, l yett capable bl off exceptionally ti ll low l uncertainties t i ti or increased reliability. 21 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 The Roles of the Mise en Pratique for the Definition of the Kelvin II ((concern 3)) By providing a framework for primary methods and indirect methods, the MeP-K MeP K will foster development and application of new methods, such as the use of absolute radiometry or high-temperature fixed points MeP-K currently y includes the text of the formal scales and a Technical Annex of essential additional information Next version will include recommended differences, T – T90, between the thermodynamic temperature and the temperature on the ITS-90 along with the associated uncertainty (ready for inclusion) By documenting known ITS-90 biases, the MeP-K will support thermodynamically accurate measurements without mandating replacement of the ITS-90 in industry In this way, the MeP-K provides the CCT with a mechanism to update and expand the thermometric methods in common use, without imposing on industry the high costs of changing the International Temperature Scale 22 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Schematic representation of relationship between MeP-K and other documents SI Definition D fi i i SI Brochure MeP-K Section 3 Primary Methods Supplementary Guides Section 4 Formal Approximations ITS-90 Text PLTS-2000 Text Section 5 Indirect Approximations Supplementary Guides ITS-90 Technical Annex ITS-90 Supplementary I f Information ti PLTS-2000 Supplementary I f Information ti box with solid border: prescriptive document box with dashed border: non-prescriptive guidance 23 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 M P K 2006 MeP-K on CCT webpage under preparation Determination of the Boltzmann Constant and new Definition of the Kelvin Contents The Kelvin Definition Impact Implications of Changing the Definition Determination of the Boltzmann Constant Summary and Outlook 24 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Determination of the Boltzmann constant for the redefinition of the kelvin Coordinator: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Partners: at es Danish Fundamental Metrology Collaborators: Universidad de Valladolid 25 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Acoustic g gas thermometry y u02 = γ kT / m m atomic mass (40Ar) γ ratio of heat capacities cp/ cV = 5/3 for gas of single atoms u0 speed of sound AGT L. Pitre, C. Guianvarc'h, F. Sparasci, A Guillou, A. Guillou D D. Truong Truong, Y Y. Hermier Hermier, M. Himbert, C. R. Physique 10 (2009) 835-848 R.M. Gavioso,G. , Benedetto,, P.A. Giuliano Albo,, D. Madonna Ripa, A. Merlone, C. Guianvarc`h, receiver F. Moro, and R. Cuccaro, Metrologia g 47 ((2010)) 387-409 Measured quantites: ¾ sound frequency ν at resonance ¾ dimension d of resonator ¾ yields i ld speed d off sound d u0 26 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 transducer d Quasi-spherical cavity resonators J.B. Mehl, M.R. Moldover, L. Pitre Metrologia 41, 2004, 295 (QSCR) E.F. May, L. Pitre, J.B. Mehl, M.R. Moldover, J.W. Schmidt, Re Sci Rev. Sci. Instr Instrum. m 75, 75 2004, 2004 3307 (QSCR) J.W. Schmidt, R.M. Gavioso, E F May, E.F. May and M M.R. R Moldover Moldover, PRL 98, 254504, 2007 (RIGT) Refractive index gas thermometry p = kT (n2 - 1) ε0 / α0 n refractive index ε0 electric constant, defined α0 atomic polarizability, known by theory RIGT QSCR enable microwave measurement to determine dimension or RIGT: measurement of ε (p,T) of helium and argon 27 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 QSCR AGT preliminary results of spring 2010 Gavioso et al., Metrologia 47 387–409 (2010) AGT 28 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Dielectric constant g gas thermometry y p = k T ε0(εr - 1) / α0 ε0 electric constant, defined εr ≈ C(p)/C(0) α0 atomic t i polarizability, l i bilit known by theory Measured quantites: ¾ pressure p ¾ capacitance ratio C(p)/C(0) DCGT C. Gaiser, B. Fellmuth and N. Haft, I t J. Int. J Thermophys. Th h 29 2008, 2008 18 29 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 DCGT: Critical parameters pressure: capacitance: piston gauge: ¾ present uncertainty: 10 MPa Æ u (p)/p = 5 ppm ¾ main problem: uncertainty of area determination co-operation with pressure lab aim: i 1 ppm co-operation with electricity lab: present uncertainty: absolute: u (CN) relative: u ((CX /CN) aim: 30 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 u (ΔCX / CX) 20 ppb 3 pp ppb 1 ppb Doppler broadening thermometry ΔνD = [2 kT /(mc02)]1/2⋅ν0 C. Daussy, M. Guinet, A. AmyKlein, K. Djerroud, Y. Hermier, S. Bi d Briaudeau, Ch Ch.J. J B Bordé, dé and dC C. Chardonnet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 2007, 250801 G Casa, G. Casa A. A Castrillo, Castrillo G. G Galzerano, R. Wehr, A. Merlone, D. Di Serafino, P. Laporta and L. Gianfrani Phys Gianfrani, Phys. Rev. Rev Lett Lett. 100 2008, 200801 J. Petersen, J. Hald, Danish Fundamental Metrology m atomic mass p of light g c0 speed DBT Δ νD Measured quantites: ¾ doppler line width ΔνD ¾ centre wavelength ν0 31 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 ν0 University Paris North/LNE Universities Naples p and Milan/INRiM DBT Paris: CO2 laser at 10 µm and ammonia cell Naples: 1.4 µm diode laser and water-vapour cell Problems in line fitting at 10-4 to 10-5 level due to pressure effects 32 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Noise thermometry <U2> = STΔf = 4 k T R Δf Nyquist´s Formula valid to order hf/2kT ~ 0.09 ppm at 1 MHz, 273 K switched digital input correlator bandwidth of detection system mean square noise voltage 2 <U > JNT resistance R relative method Zn fixed point : u = 2•10-5 (k=1) 33 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 absolute method k/h from Noise Power Ratios Spectral density of thermal noise power Quantum-Hall Ohm Spectral density of electrical noise power AC Josephson Voltage Jifeng Qu, S. P. Benz, H. Rogalla and D D. R R. White White, Metrologia 46 (2009) 512–524 XR ؆ 0.003874 0 003874 resistance in units of RK-90 T = 273.16 K temperature as realized in TPW cell D2 = 1 1.47…×10 47 ×10-66/N2 dimensionless number from digital synthesis fs= DAC sampling frequency, 10 GHz (f1= Δf = fs/M) M = 24×106 bits, bits pattern repetition length (memory) N = number of Josephson junctions 34 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 JNT Determination of the Boltzmann Constant and new Definition of the Kelvin Contents The Kelvin Definition Impact Implications of Changing the Definition Determination of the Boltzmann Constant Summary and Outlook 35 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 36 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 Present state of k determination confidence interval = 68.3 % 1,38075 23 -1 k x 10 ( J K ) 1,38070 Review of methods in F ll th Gaiser, Fellmuth, G i Fischer, Fi h Meas. Sci. Technol. 17 2006, R145 - R159 AGT NIST CODATA 2006 1 38065 1,38065 35 ppm RIGT NIST DCGT PTB 1,38060 k =1 1,38055 1985 1995 DBT UniNA 2005 Year 37 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 DBT LPL AGT LNE INRiM NPL 2015 Development of the achieved and envisaged relative standard uncertainties Δk/k 2nd WS 2006 4th WS 2009 2013 possibility institute > 20 ppm 3 ppm 1 ppm CEM (UVa), INRiM, LNE/CNAM, NPL, NIM 15 ppm - 2 ppm PTB JNT - 25 ppm 5 ppm NIST, INRiM DBT 200 ppm 37 ppm only Type A 10 ppm DFM, LNE/CNAM (LPL), INRiM (UniNA2, PoliMI), UWA Method AGT DCGT 38 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 2007 : Report to the CIPM on the implications of changing g g the definition of the base unit kelvin …that that within the next four years there exists the possibility of achieving a reliable uncertainty of the value of k of order one part in 106 based on measurements applying different methods of primary thermometry. Thus, an improved value of the Boltzmann constant proposed for defining the kelvin would ideally have been determined by at least the two fundamentally different methods AGT and DCGT and be corroborated by other – preferably optical − measurements as TRT and DBT with larger uncertainty uncertainty. The TG-SI appreciates the considerable progress of ongoing experiments to determine the Boltzmann constant in order to corroborate the present value. It is assumed that the experiments currently underway to measure R or k will achieve consistent results by the end of 2010, so that the CODATA group can recommend in its 2010 constants adjustment j a new value for k with a relative standard uncertainty about a factor of two smaller than the current ur of approximately 2×10−6. With the new definition of the kelvin adopted, this would result in a value of ur(TTPW) of about 1×10−6, corresponding to about 0.25 mK. 39 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF THE REDEFINION OF KELVIN AND RECOMENDATION TO CCT AND CIPM CCT/10-34 by A. Phokodun, VNIIM: …In view of the above said, as a member of the CCT Task Group investigating the consequences of a new definition of Kelvin based on the Boltzmann constant, I would suggest the CCT not to be overhasty in adopting the new definition for the temperature unit of SI and, by the example the last meeting of the CCM in March 2010, to adopt a resolution stipulating that the redefinition of Kelvin should be conditioned by a number of criteria removing the above mentioned preoccupations. 40 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 2010 : RECOMMENDATION OF THE CCT SUBMITTED TO THE CIPM RECOMMENDATION T2 (2010) Considerations for a new definition of the kelvin The Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) recalling its previous Report to the CIPM in 2007, entitled “Report to the CIPM on the implications of changing the definition of the base unit kelvin kelvin”, TG-SI/docs05, TG SI/docs05 and considering • further discussion at its 24th and 25th meetings held in 2008 and 2010, • recent progress in experimental determinations of the Boltzmann constant, constant k, k as reported at rd th the 3 and 4 International Workshops on Progress in Determining the Boltzmann Constant held in 2008 and 2009 and • other experimental progress allowing a mise en pratique for the new definition of the kelvin y established and p presently y extended to cover direct measurement of thermodynamic y already temperature, noting • that various experiments, such as acoustic gas thermometry, dielectric constant gas thermometry, Johnson noise thermometry, total radiation thermometry and Doppler broadening thermometry represent distinct routes to determining the Boltzmann constant, • that the experiments currently underway to measure k need another two years before CODATA can recommend a robust value for k with a relative standard uncertainty about a f t off two factor t smaller ll than th the th currentt ur off approximately i t l 2×10 2 10−66. • That a relative standard uncertainty of 1×10−6 in k corresponds to a standard uncertainty of about 0.25 mK in the temperature of the triple point of water after the redefinition, 41 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10 RECOMMENDATION OF THE CCT SUBMITTED TO THE CIPM (continued) ( ) appreciating the considerable progress of ongoing experiments to determine the Boltzmann constant in order to improve confidence in the present value, recommends 1. that before proceeding with the redefinition of the kelvin a relative standard uncertainty of the value of k of order one part in 106 be obtained, based on measurements applying different methods of primary thermometry, 2. that these measurements ideally include at least two fundamentally different methods such as acoustic gas thermometry and dielectric constant gas thermometry and be corroborated by other measurements such as Johnson noise thermometry, total radiation thermometry or Doppler broadening thermometry, 3. that the CODATA recommended value be adopted for the Boltzmann constant. 42 50 years of efforts toward quantum SI, St. Petersburg, 6 Dec 10