(A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição Report of Independent Accountants on the Limited Review of Quarterly Information - ITR September 30, 2001 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) Report of Independent Accountants on the Limited Review of Quarterly Information October 29, 2001 To the Board of Directors and Stockholders Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição 1 We have carried out limited reviews of the Quarterly Information - ITR of Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição for the quarters and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2001 and 2000 and for the quarter ended June 30, 2001. This information is the responsibility of the Company's management. 2 Our reviews were carried out in accordance with the specific standards established by the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil (IBRACON) in conjunction with the Federal Accounting Council (CFC) and mainly comprised: (a) inquiry of and discussion with management responsible for the accounting, financial and operational areas of the Company with regard to the main criteria adopted for the preparation of the quarterly information and (b) a review of the relevant information and of the subsequent events which have, or could have, significant effects on the Company's financial position and operations. October 29, 2001 Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição 3 Based on our limited reviews we are not aware of any significant adjustments which should be made to the quarterly information referred to above in order that such information be stated in conformity with the accounting principles determined by Brazilian corporate legislation and with the standards of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), specifically applicable to the preparation of quarterly information. PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes CRC 2SP000160/O-5 Henrique Luz Partner Contador CRC 1RJ045789/T-2 "T" SP 002332 2 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 REGISTRATION WITH THE CVM DOES NOT IMPLY ANY ANALYSIS OF THE COMPANY. COMPANY MANAGEMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED. 01.01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 2 - COMPANY NAME 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number – CNPJ 01482-6 COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 47.508.411/0001-56 4 – State Registration Number – NIRE 35900089901 01.02 – HEAD OFFICE 1 – ADDRESS 2 – SUBURB OR DISTRICT Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 3142 Jardim Paulista 3 – POSTAL CODE 4 – MUNICIPALITY 5 - STATE 01402-000 São Paulo SP 6 – AREA CODE 7 – TELEPHONE 8 – TELEPHONE 9 - TELEPHONE 011 11 – AREA CODE 011 3886-0533 12 – FAX 3884-7177 13 – FAX 14 - FAX 10 - TELEX 15 – E-MAIL pa.relmerc@grupopaodeacucar.com.br 01.03 – INVESTOR RELATIONS OFFICER (Company Mail Address) Aymar Giglio Junior 2 – ADDRESS 3 – SUBURB OR DISTRICT Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 3142 Jardim Paulista 4 – POSTAL CODE 5 – MUNICIPALITY 01402-000 São Paulo 6 - STATE SP 7 – AREA CODE 8 – TELEPHONE 011 3886-0421 12 – AREA CODE 13 – FAX 011 3884-2677 16 – E-MAIL pa.relmerc@grupopaodeacucar.com.br 9 – TELEPHONE 10 - TELEPHONE 14 – FAX 15 - FAX 11 - TELEX 01.04 –GENERAL INFORMATION/INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT CURRENT YEAR 1-BEGINNING 01/01/2001 CURRENT QUARTER 2-END 3-QUARTER 12/31/2001 3 PRIOR QUARTER 4-BEGINNING 07/01/2001 5-END 09/30/2001 9 – INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes 11 - PARTNER RESPONSIBLE Henrique José Fernandes Luz 6-QUARTER 2 7-BEGINNING 04/01/2001 8-END 06/30/2001 10 - CVM CODE 00287-9 12 - INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS' REGISTRATION NUMBER OF THE PARTNER RESPONSIBLE 343.629.917-00 1 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 01.05 – CAPITAL COMPOSITION Number of shares (Thousand) Current Quarter 09/30/2001 Prior quarter 06/30/2001 Same quarter in prior year 09/30/2000 Paid-up capital 1 – Common 2 – Preferred 3 – Total 63,470,812 49,025,597 112,496,409 63,470,812 49,025,597 112,496,409 62,858,755 44,339,512 107,198,267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Treasury Stock 4 – Common 5 – Preferred 6 – Total 01.06 – CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COMPANY 1 – TYPE OF COMPANY Commercial, industrial and other 2 – SITUATION Operating 3 – NATURE OF OWNERSHIP Private national company 4 –ACTIVITY CODE 1040600 – Supermarkets 5 – MAIN ACTIVITY Retail Trade 6 – TYPE OF CONSOLIDATION Partial 7 – TYPE OF REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT Unqualified 01.07 – COMPANIES EXCLUDED FROM THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 01 02 03 04 05 48.093.892/0001-49 .. / 04.129.171/0001-76 00.027.682/0001-26 04.281.635/0001-65 Supermercados Mogi S.A. CBD Technology Inc. Supermercados Mirambava Ltda. Ponte do Ó Veículos e Peças Ltda. Companhia Progresso de Alimentos 01.08 – DIVIDENDS APPROVED AND/OR PAID DURING AND AFTER THE QUARTER 1 –ITEM 01 02 2 –EVENT AGO/E AGO/E 3 –DATE APPROVED 04/26/2001 04/26/2001 4 –AMOUNT Interest on own capital Interest on own capital 5 –DATE OF PAYMENT 10/16/2001 10/16/2001 2 6 - TYPE OF SHARE ON PN 7 –AMOUNT PER SHARE 0.0007978660 0.0007978660 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 – COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number – CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 01.09 – SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL AND ALTERATIONS IN THE CURRENT YEAR 2 – DATE OF ALTERATION 3 - CAPITAL 4 – AMOUNT OF THE ALTERATION (IN THOUSANDS OF REAIS) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 02/05/2001 03/08/2001 05/04/2001 05/18/2001 06/12/2001 06/15/2001 06/22/2001 06/27/2001 06/28/2001 06/29/2001 06/29/2001 06/29/2001 5 –NATURE OF ALTERATION (IN THOUSANDS OF REAIS) 2,001,099 2,001,113 2,001,206 2,001,208 2,068,613 2,074,766 2,075,231 2,076,244 2,124,301 2,172,702 2,222,854 2,244,136 7 – NUMBER OF SHARES ISSUED (THOUSANDS) 66 14 93 2 67,405 6,153 465 1,013 48,057 48,401 50,152 21,282 Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Debentures conversion Private subscription in cash Private subscription in cash 01.10 – INVESTOR RELATIONS OFFICER 10/30/01 3 8 – SHARE PRICE ON ISSUE DATE (IN REAIS) 1,667 333 1,153 26 1,645,050 150,032 11,333 24,600 1,166,255 1,174,222 612,057 337,647 0.0398170500 0.0398940960 0.0805476510 0.0806870000 0.0409743960 0.0410094980 0.0410915210 0.0411926360 0.0412060290 0.0412194270 0.0819400000 0.0630300000 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 02.01 - Balance Sheet - Assets (Thousands of reais) 1 - CODE 2 - Description 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Total assets Current assets Available funds Cash and banks Financial investments Receivables Trade accounts receivable Customer credit financing Allowance for doubtful accounts Advances to suppliers and employees Taxes recoverable Other receivables Inventories Other Prepaid expenses Long-term receivables Sundry receivables Accounts receivable Deferred income tax Judicial deposits Prepaid expenses Receivables from related companies Associated companies Subsidiary companies Other related companies Other Permanent assets Investments Associated companies Subsidiary companies Other Property and equipment Land Buildings Building improvements Equipment Installations Furniture and fixtures Vehicles Constructions in progress Other Deferred charges Goodwill Exchange variance Pre-operating expenses 3 - 09/30/2001 4 - 06/30/2001 6,354,018 2,116,698 575,409 68,322 507,087 978,667 497,520 299,007 (44,286) 72,335 84,392 69,699 545,688 16,934 16,934 572,293 143,194 29,097 34,867 77,570 1,660 429,099 0 429,099 0 0 3,665,027 113,563 0 112,783 780 2,760,027 683,526 1,091,691 413,240 297,810 127,523 36,856 9,111 91,665 8,605 791,437 632,314 26,867 132,256 4 6,079,189 1,954,433 402,076 50,795 351,281 1,007,862 473,465 345,192 (37,066) 84,555 69,873 71,843 530,325 14,170 14,170 521,852 136,315 27,560 33,434 73,316 2,005 385,537 0 385,537 0 0 3,602,904 108,923 0 108,143 780 2,673,621 671,649 1,017,238 395,002 298,724 130,415 33,914 10,148 107,920 8,611 820,360 652,038 31,344 136,978 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01-01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 02.02 - Balance Sheet - Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Thousands of reais) 1 - CODE 2 - Description 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.05.05 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity Current liabilities Loans and financings Debentures Suppliers Taxes, charges and contributions Taxes on sales Taxes payable in installments Dividends payable Provisions Provision for loss on investments Payable to related companies Current account with parent and subsidiary companies Other Purchase of assets Salaries and related contributions Interest on own capital Public services Rents Advertising Insurance Other accounts payable Long-term liabilities Loans and financings Debentures Provisions Payable to related companies Other Income tax Provision for contingencies Purchase of assets Taxes payable in installments Capitalizable funds - interest on own capital Deferred income Stockholders' equity Paid-up capital Capital reserves Fiscal incentives Subscription bonus Revaluation reserves Own assets Subsidiary/associated companies Revenue reserves Legal Statutory For contingencies Unrealized profits Retention of profits Special for undistributed dividends Other Reserve for expansion Retained earnings 3 - 09/30/2001 4 - 06/30/2001 6,354,018 1,820,764 1,022,234 1,486 521,858 16,959 16,587 372 0 71,192 71,192 0 0 187,035 50,635 90,797 18,149 2,849 11,463 2,181 81 10,880 1,192,461 521,317 130,550 0 0 540,594 1,169 509,364 29,899 162 0 0 3,340,793 2,244,136 348,292 4,050 344,242 0 0 0 748,365 51,386 0 0 23,664 295,405 0 377,910 377,910 0 5 6,079,189 1,582,656 714,746 7,065 525,129 12,246 11,875 371 0 61,051 61,051 52,352 52,352 210,067 73,005 89,384 18,149 2,855 11,092 2,909 628 12,045 1,197,637 505,997 128,518 0 0 563,122 1,972 521,637 39,324 189 0 0 3,298,896 2,244,136 348,292 4,050 344,242 0 0 0 706,468 51,386 0 0 23,664 253,508 0 377,910 377,910 0 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 03.01 - STATEMENT OF INCOME (Thousands of reais) 1 - CODE 2 - DESCRIPTION 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.06.01 3.06.02 3.06.03 3.06.04 3.06.05 3.06.06 3.07 3.08 3.08.01 3.08.02 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12.01 3.12.02 3.13 3.15 Gross sales and/or services Deductions Net sales and/or services Cost of sales and/or services rendered Gross profit Operating (expenses) income Selling General and administrative Administrative expenses Restructuring costs Financial Financial income Financial expenses Exchange variance Others Other operating income Other operating expenses Other taxes and charges Depreciation and amortization Loss on investment in subsidiary company Equity in the results of subsidiary companies Operating profit Non-operating results Revenue Expenses Net income before taxation and profit sharing Provision for income tax and social contribution Deferred income tax Statutory profit sharing and contributions Profit sharing Contributions Reversal of interest on own capital Net income for the quarter/period Number of shares, ex-treasury (in thousands) Net income per share 3 - 07/01/200 to 09/30/2001 4 - 01/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 1,963,315 (303,637) 1,659,678 (1,183,318) 476,360 (429,553) (274,437) (64,673) (64,673) 0 6,629 120,176 (113,547) (4,477) (109,070) 0 (102,597) (10,225) (82,231) (10,141) 5,525 46,807 1,171 1,171 0 47,978 (6,081) 0 0 0 0 0 41,897 112,496,409 0.00037 6 6,122,393 (954,608) 5,167,785 (3,717,923) 1,449,862 (1,281,248) (817,444) (208,841) (201,802) (7,039) 26,346 352,950 (326,604) (13,431) (313,173) 0 (286,834) (31,301) (220,779) (34,754) 5,525 168,614 3,928 3,931 (3) 172,542 (37,455) 0 0 0 0 0 135,087 112,496,409 0.00120 5 - 07/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 2,081,708 (330,400) 1,751,308 (1,268,142) 483,166 (379,693) (263,023) (73,238) (73,238) 0 23,385 113,624 (90,239) (4,477) (85,762) 0 (66,817) (9,009) (51,588) (6,220) 0 103,473 879 879 0 104,352 (14,110) 0 0 0 0 0 90,242 107,198,267 0.00084 6 - 01/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 5,681,934 (890,842) 4,791,092 (3,460,458) 1,330,634 (1,109,290) (726,213) (217,385) (217,385) 0 28,019 319,593 (291,574) (13,431) (278,143) 0 (193,711) (29,285) (136,159) (28,267) 0 221,344 3,326 3,571 (245) 224,670 (19,938) 0 0 0 0 0 204,732 107,198,267 0.00191 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information 1 Operations The main activity of Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição ("the Company" or "CBD") is the retailing of food, apparel, electric/electronic goods and other products from its supermarkets, hypermarkets, specialized outlets and department stores which operate primarily under the trade names: "Pão de Açúcar", "Extra", "Barateiro", and "Eletro". At September 30, 2001, the Company had 412 stores in operation (415 at June 30, 2001), of which 391 are own stores and 21 are stores managed by subsidiary Novasoc Comercial Ltda. ("Novasoc"). 2 Presentation of the Financial Information and Significant Accounting Policies The financial information was prepared in conformity with the accounting principles and practices adopted in the preparation of the Company's financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2000, which were published on February 15, 2001 and are presented at their historical value. Upon consolidation of financial information of the Company and its subsidiary Novasoc, investments were eliminated in proportion to the equity of the investing company in the results of the investee, and intercompany assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and unrealized profits were eliminated. In conformity with CVM Instruction 247, the financial information of the wholly owned subsidiaries Supermercados Mogi S.A. ("Mogi"), Ponte do Ó Veículos e Peças Ltda. ("Ponte do Ó") and Supermercados Mirambava Ltda. ("Mirambava"), Companhia Progresso de Alimentos ("Progresso"), were not consolidated into the Company’s financial information as these companies are not operating and have already been transferred to the Company. In addition to the above companies, the financial information of the wholly owned subsidiary CBD Technology, Inc. ("CBD Tech") (Note 8) was not consolidated into the Company's financial information since it has no material effect on the Company's consolidated financial position and results of operations. No transactions have taken place from the date of its formation up to September 30, 2001. 7 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information 3 Accounts Receivable Thousands of reais Parent company Consolidated 09.30.01 06.30.01 09.30.01 299,007 345,192 336,447 83,479 299,924 83,360 30,757 (44,286) 91,791 265,429 78,694 37,551 (37,066) 89,569 342,157 86,532 752,241 781,591 808,162 29,097 27,560 31,227 137,201 29,097 27,560 168,428 Current Customer credit financing Customer Installment sales (postdated checks) Credit cards Sales vouchers and other Accounts receivable - Novasoc Allowance for doubtful accounts (46,543) Long-term Customer credit financing Accounts receivable - Paes Mendonça Customer credit financing is contracted at prefixed interest rates and is repayable over periods varying up to 24 months in the case of monthly payment coupons and in up to six months for postdated checks. Installment sales comprise postdated checks bearing interest at a prefixed rate of up to 6.9% per month and with a maximum term of 90 days. Credit card transactions are carried out through cards administered by third parties and can be payable in up to 12 monthly installments. Accounts receivable from Novasoc relate to the sale of merchandise supplied to the stores by the Company. 8 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information Accounts receivable - Paes Mendonça - comprise credits arising from the payment of obligations assumed (mainly with suppliers) by Novasoc pursuant to the leasing agreement entered into with Paes Mendonça. These credits are being restated by the General Market Price Index (IGP-M) before the end of the term of the agreement. Pursuant to the contract, guarantees were received represented by the goodwill of stores currently operated by Novasoc. The allowance takes into consideration the average effective losses in prior periods and management's specific analysis of probable losses: Thousands of reais Parent company 09.30.01 Customer credit financing Installment sales (postdated checks) 06.30.01 Consolidated 09.30.01 (42,502) (1,784) (35,054) (2,012) (44,572) (1,971) (44,286) (37,066) (46,543) The basis for recording this allowance is as follows: . Customer credit financing - based on historical loss indices in the prior 12 months; amounts overdue more than 180 days are charged-off against the allowance. . Installment sales (postdated checks) - based on average historical indices of checks returned and recoveries in the prior 12 months; once all legal procedures have been exhausted, checks returned by the bank are charged-off against the allowance. . Credit cards and sales vouchers; no allowance for doubtful accounts is recorded because the credit risk is substantially assumed by third parties. 9 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information 4 Advances to Suppliers and Employees Refer mainly to advances to suppliers for the development of products to be sold by the Company. 5 Inventories Thousands of reais Parent company At stores At distribution centers 6 Consolidated 09.30.01 06.30.01 09.30.01 362,110 183,578 338,339 191,986 396,769 190,751 545,688 530,325 587,520 Taxes Recoverable Thousands of reais Parent company Taxes Income tax on financial investments Social security contributions (INSS) Prepaid income tax Consolidated 09.30.01 06.30.01 09.30.01 50,023 10,621 12,029 11,719 37,539 24,640 7,573 121 49,052 12,707 12,029 11,719 84,392 69,873 85,507 Taxes recoverable include income tax and social contribution credits arising from the incorporation of Rede Barateiro de Supermercados S.A., and recovery of sales tax (ICMS) credits. 10 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information 7 Related Companies Receivables: These are receivables from the subsidiary Novasoc, amounting to R$ 426,326 thousand (June 30, 2001 - R$ 385,537 thousand), and from the parent company amounting to R$ 2,773 thousand which accrue financial charges based on the CDI variation. 8 Investments (a) Information on investments at September 30, 2001 Thousands of reais Progresso Ponte do Ó Mirambava CBD Tech Novasoc Mogi Shares/ Quotas Held Percentage ownership - % Capital 67,463 1,827,998 49,998 1,000 1,000 3,640,134 99.99 99.99 99.99 99.99 10.00 99.99 67 1,828 50 19,538 10 14,185 Loss for the quarter (10,141) Stockholder's equity (negative equity) 1,007 2,310 50 19,270 (71,192) 14,041 In July 2000, the Company formed CBD Tech, headquartered in the U.S.A. for the purpose of researching and developing technology for the web site www.amelia.com.br. Novasoc’ by-laws state that profit sharing need not be made proportionally to the quotaholders interest in the capital. During a quotaholders’ meeting held on December 29, 2000, it was agreed that the Company will participate in 99.98% of Novasoc’ results of operations. At September 30, 2001, Novasoc presented a negative net equity. Based on the planned continuation of viable operations of this subsidiary, as guaranteed by the parent company, the Company has been recording the losses calculated by the equity method of accounting and simultaneously has set up a provision to recognize its obligations to the subsidiary’s creditors. 11 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information Goodwill arising on acquisition of companies is based on appraisal reports of independent experts and principally relates to the expected future profitability of these companies and the appreciation of property and equipment items, and is being amortized based on the projected profitability of the stores acquired and/or in conformity with the depreciation of the assets which generated goodwill, when applicable, over a maximum period of 10 years. For acquisitions in prior years and in the first half of 2001, the goodwill related to expected future profitability was transferred to deferred charges (Note 10 (a)). (b) Movement on investments Thousands of reais Addition Balance at 06.30.01 Progresso Ponte do Ó Mirambava Novasoc Mogi CBD Tech Other Total 9 Equity in the results Cost Goodwill Amortization of goodwill Provision Balance at for loss 09.30.01 15,028 9,963 1,694 15,028 9,963 1,694 (10,141) 10,141 67,774 13,684 780 (946) 5,525 61 108,923 (4,616) 61 (946) 66,828 19,270 780 10,141 113,563 Property and Equipment Direct investments in property and equipment totaled R$ 138,922 thousand for the quarter (R$ 369,251 thousand – accumulated from January to September 2001) and refer mainly to the purchase of operating assets, land and buildings to expand its activities, refurbishment, construction and expansion of stores and distribution centers, investments in equipment and capitalization of interest. These investments were partially financed and amounts payable are recorded in the account “liabilities for the purchase of assets”. Also recorded in this account are the balances payable for the acquisition of supermarket chains. Most of these liabilities bear financial charges based on the General Market Price Index - IGPM, increased by interest at market rates. 12 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information In conformity with CVM Deliberation 193, interest and financial charges arising from third party financing for specific operating expansion purposes are capitalized during the periods of construction or refurbishment of the stores and distribution centers. Interest capitalized from January through September 30, 2001 amounted to R$ 14,348 thousand (R$ 22,949 thousand through September 30, 2000). The appropriation of capitalized interest and financial charges to results is consistent with the depreciation terms of the financed assets. Construction in progress comprises the expenditures on the refurbishment and construction of stores and distribution centers of the Company and the subsidiary company. 10 Deferred Charges Thousands of reais Parent company Goodwill Exchange variance Pre-operating and other expenses Subsidiary company Consolidated Pre-operating and other Sub-total expenses Total At June 30, 2001 Additions Disposals Amortization 652,038 650 31,344 136,978 6,240 820,360 6,890 27,392 847,752 6,890 (20,374) (4,477) (10,962) (35,813) (2,354) (38,167) At September 30, 2001 632,314 26,867 132,256 791,437 25,038 816,475 (a) Goodwill On merging Peralta, Nirpec, Stratosfera, Gepires, Reimberg, Nagumo, Rosado, Panamericano and Boa Esperança in the first quarter of 2001, the amounts originally recorded as investments, in goodwill, based mainly on expected future profitability, were transferred to deferred charges and will continue to be amortized over the original terms and in proportion to the profitability projections that determined them. 13 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information (b) Exchange variance As authorized by Federal Law 9816/99 and CVM Resolution 294/99, the Company opted to defer a portion of the net exchange losses arising from exchange rate variations in the first quarter of 1999. These exchange losses amounted to R$ 210,413 thousand, R$ 71,639 thousand of which was deferred and is being amortized over a period of four years. (c) Pre-operating and other expenses Relate to pre-operating expenses (including employees' salaries, training, and rent) deferred until the stores in construction and/or reform start operating normally. These expenses are being amortized over a period of up to five years. 11 Loans and Financings Thousands of reais Annual interest and charges Short term Local currency BNDES (i) (i) (ii) Exchange variance + 3.5% TJLP + 3.5% TJLP + 3.5% TJLP + 3.5% Exchange variance + 3.5% TJLP + 1% to 3.5% TJLP + 2% 14 Parent company Consolidated 09.30.01 06.30.01 09.30.01 25,068 67,284 29,596 9,193 2,250 12,372 108 20,844 66,645 29,438 8,226 983 3,506 77 25,068 67,284 29,596 9,193 2,250 12,372 108 145,871 129,719 145,871 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information Thousands of reais Parent company Consolidated 09.30.01 06.30.01 09.30.01 1,201 642 984 639 1,201 642 1,843 1,623 1,843 0.8% to 12.6% (06.30.01 -5.2% to 13%) 856,473 560,277 866,897 LIBOR + 0.6% to 3% 18,047 23,127 18,047 1,022,234 714,746 1,032,658 26,795 86,446 89,952 37,789 42,867 166,442 11,109 27,177 101,892 96,160 35,153 36,723 173,845 10,746 26,795 86,446 89,952 37,789 42,867 166,442 11,109 461,400 481,696 461,400 1,538 1,676 1,538 58,379 22,625 58,379 521,317 505,997 521,317 Annual interest and charges Working capital 21.3% (06.30.01 - 18.8%) TJLP + 3.5% Foreign currency Working capital Imports Long term Local currency BNDES (i) (i) (ii) Working capital Foreign currency Working capital Exchange variance + 3.5% TJLP + 3.5% TJLP + 3.5% TJLP + 3.5% Exchange variance + 3.5% TJLP + 1% to 3.5% TJLP + 2% TJLP + 3.5% 8.1% to 10.9% (06.30.2001 - 9.3% to 9.4%) 15 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information Long-term amounts fall due as follows: Thousands of reais 2002 2003 2004 2005 onwards 09.30.01 06.30.01 42,771 216,272 101,264 161,010 81,549 172,784 98,117 153,547 521,317 505,997 (a) Contracts with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development - BNDES are summarized below: (i) Contract signed on November 10, 2000 A contract to open a line of credit, the principal of which amounts to R$ 211,100 thousand. Up to September 30, 2001, the Company had drawn down R$ 204,169 thousand. Interest is 3.5% p.a. above the TJLP (82% of the line of credit) or 1% p.a. above the TJLP (4% of the line) or above the BNDES basket of foreign currencies (14% of the line) which is being appropriated monthly. Payments will be in 60 monthly installments after a 20-month grace period. (ii) Contract signed on December 14, 2000 A contract to open a line of credit, the principal of which amounts to R$ 11,116 thousand. Up to September 30, 2001, the Company had drawn down R$ 11,011 thousand. Interest is 2% p.a. above the TJLP which is being appropriated monthly. Payments will be in 60 monthly installments after a 20-month grace period. These contracts require that the Company maintains certain levels of capitalization and current liquidity levels and uses the funds in the investment program for the construction/ refurbishment of stores and purchase of equipment. The parent company has offered a joint responsibility surety until the financings are settled. 16 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information (b) Other financings Working capital financings represent mainly funds raised with fixed financial charges for direct customer credit operations, mainly customer credit and postdated checks. To mitigate foreign exchange risks on foreign currency financings the Company signed swap contracts at pre-fixed rates (Note 17). Financings are guaranteed by promissory notes and stockholders' sureties. 12 Debentures (Parent Company and Consolidated) Thousands of reais Annual interest and charges 09.30.01 06.30.01 IGP-M + 13% IGP-M + 13% TJLP + 3.5% 55 742 689 7,065 1,486 7,065 1,731 23,667 105,152 1,677 22,937 103,904 130,550 128,518 Short term 2nd issue 4th issue 1st series 2nd series Sole series Long term 2nd issue 4th issue 1st series 2nd series Sole series IGP-M + 13% IGP-M + 13% TJLP + 3.5% 17 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information Interest related to the 4th issue of debentures was paid during the 3rd quarter. Debentures movement Number of debentures Issue Converted/paid Balance Number Of Preferred shares converted In 1999 In 2000 (23,375) (24,569) 151,625 127,056 779,158,875 818,958,477 02.05.2001 03.08.2001 in 1st quarter (50) (10) (60) 127,006 126,996 1,666,650 333,330 1,999,980 39.817050 39.894096 66 14 80 06.12.01 06.15.01 06.22.01 06.27.01 06.28.01 06.29.01 06.29.01 in 2nd quarter (49,352) (4,501) (340) (738) (34,988) (35,227) (617) (125,763) 77,644 73,143 72,803 72,065 37,077 1,850 1,233 1,233 1,645,050,216 150,031,833 11,333,220 24,599,754 1,166,255,004 1,174,221,591 Paid 4,171,491,618 40.974396 41.009498 41.091521 41.192636 41.206029 41.219427 67,405 6,153 465 1,013 48,057 48,401 in 1st half year 2001 (125,823) 1,233 4,173,491,598 171,574 (173,767) 1,233 5,771,608,950 229,010 (90) (2) (92) 99,910 99,908 1,153,890 25,642 1,179,532 (92) 99,908 1,179,532 95 4,174,671,130 171,669 Date of conversion 2nd issue Issued Capital increase (R$ thousand) 175,000 Total 2nd issue 175,000 4th issue 27,121 30,315 171,494 100,000 05.04.01 05.18.01 in 2nd quarter Total 4th issue Share price per thousand shares (R$) 100,000 Total conversions from January to September 2001 80.547651 80.687000 93 2 95 Expenses for the placement of debentures, mainly commissions, are recorded in prepaid expenses and are appropriated over the term of the debentures. 18 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information 13 Provision for Contingencies Thousands of reais Social Contribution on Revenues (COFINS) and Social Integration Program (PIS) (i) National Institute of Social Security (INSS) (ii) Income tax (iii) Tax on Financial Transactions (CPMF) (iv) Labor claims and other Parent company Consolidated 09.30.01 06.30.01 09.30.01 210,449 181,128 55,264 51,329 11,194 198,811 173,944 79,924 47,078 21,880 210,462 181,654 55,264 55,647 11,204 509,364 521,637 514,231 Provisions for taxes and contributions are recorded to cover probable losses from unfavorable decisions, against which appeals have been filed. (i) The Company obtained a favorable decision in the lower courts waiving the application of the provisions of Law 9718/98 and permitting the payment of COFINS under the terms of Complementary Law 70/91 (2% of revenue) and of PIS under the terms of Law 9715/98 (0.65% of revenue) as from February 1, 1999. However, the difference in amounts determined pursuant to the provisions of Law 9718/98 is being recorded as a provision. (ii) The Company obtained a preliminary injunction to offset contributions considered to be paid in excess for Labor Accident Insurance (SAT) and Education Allowance against payables of the same nature to the INSS. Accordingly, the amounts determined are not being paid and are maintained in the provision for contingencies - INSS until a final ruling is obtained. In compliance with a court order, the Company has been acquiring public debt securities which are maintained in judicial escrow in order to secure the right to offset the Education Allowance amounts which it considers as having been paid in excess. 19 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information (iii) The provision for income tax contingencies includes matters under dispute, as well as the recognition, based on a judicial ruling, of the effects of the depreciation of fixed assets relating to the inflation index differences arising from the Summer Plan (Economic Stabilization Plan). On May 31, 2000, the Company obtained a favorable sentence which permitted the reversal of part of the effects of monetary restatement of the Summer Plan, which had been classified in this account. (iv) The Company is questioning, through its legal advisors, the constitutionality of amendment 21/99 which refers to the extension of the period for the collection of tax on financial transactions (CPMF). The Company has obtained an injunction which suspends the obligation to retain and pay this contribution until final judgement of the case. Unpaid amounts are being provisioned. The Company is also questioning the application of Bacen Circular Letter 3001/2000, against which it obtained an injunction with a suspensive effect. 14 Income Tax The provision for income tax and deferred income tax on timing differences is recorded at the basic rate of 15%, plus the surcharge of 10%. The deferred income tax asset was calculated based on timing differences considered for taxable income determination purposes. Income tax in long-term liabilities is based on the inflationary profit generated up to 1994. (a) Income tax reconciliation Thousands of reais Parent company Consolidated 09.30.01 09.30.00 09.30.01 Net income before income tax 172,542 224,670 154,949 Income tax expense at nominal tax rates (43,135) (56,167) (38,737) 2,154 14,724 3,415 2,411 Net permanent adjustments (additions/exclusions) Income tax incentives Reversal of provision for income tax on inflationary profit Reversal of provision for prior years income tax Tax credit of tax loss carryforward 3,526 3,526 17,595 12,938 Accumulated income tax up to September 2001 (37,455 ) 20 (20,433 ) (19,862) (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.02 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information 15 Stockholders' Equity (a) Capital Number of shares - thousands Capital (Thousands of reais) At December 31, 2000 2,001,033 Conversion of debentures 2nd issue, 1st series (Note 12) 80 At March 31, 2001 2,001,113 Conversion of debentures 2nd issue, 1st series (Note 12) 4th issue, sole series (Note 12) Capital increase (i) At June 30 and September 30, 2001 (i) Preferred 44,513,279 62,858,755 2,000 44,515,279 62,858,755 171,494 95 4,171,492 1,179 71,434 337,647 2,244,136 Common 612,057 49,025,597 63,470,812 The Annual and Extraordinary Stockholders’ Meeting held on April 26, 2001 approved the Board of Directors proposal to increase capital by issuing 1,175,543,513 shares, of which 612,056,784 common and 563,486,729 preferred, all nominative without nominal value. Subscribed shares were paid up using the interest on own capital receivable in the amount of R$ 71,434 thousand. Stockholders entitled to interest on own capital which did not use this distribution to subscribe the capital increase will receive their respective amounts on October 16, 2001. The balance of shares not subscribed will be auctioned in due course in conformity with legislation. Number of shares (thousand) Proposed increase Paid-up capital In reais (thousand) Common Preferred Total 85,668 (71,434) 612,057 (612,057) 563,487 (337,647) 1,175,544 (949,704) 225,840 225,840 Unpaid balance 14,234 21 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.03 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information (b) Stockholding position Number of shares (million) At September 30, 2001 Stockholders At June 30, 2001 Common % Preferred % Total % Common % Preferred % Total % Pão de Açúcar S.A. Ind. e Com. Valentim dos Santos Diniz Península Participações Abílio Diniz Lucília Maria Diniz Gallo Casino Group Other 38,333 2,281 6,458 254 894 15,218 33 60.4 3.6 10.1 0.4 1.4 24.0 0.1 7,333 15.0 38,333 2,281 6,458 254 894 15,218 33 60.4 3.6 10.1 0.4 1.4 24.0 0.1 15.0 25.4 59.6 40.6 2.0 5.8 0.2 0.8 24.6 26.0 7,333 1 12,438 29,246 45,666 2,281 6,466 254 895 27,656 29,279 1 12,438 29,246 25.4 59.6 45,666 2,281 6,466 254 895 27,656 29,279 40.6 2.0 5.8 0.2 0.8 24.6 26.0 Total 63,471 100.0 49,026 100.0 112,497 100.0 63,471 100.0 49,026 100.0 112,497 100.0 8 22 8 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information 16 Preferred Stock Option Plan At the Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings held on April 28, 1997, the preferred stock option plan for company directors and employees was approved, and the first options were granted relating to 1996. The exercise price for each lot of shares is at least 60% of the weighed average of the preferred shares traded in the week the option is granted. The percentage may vary for each beneficiary or series. Exercise dates and forms are as follows: (i) 50% in the last month of the third year following the option grant date and (ii) 50% in the last month of the fifth year following the option grant date, under the condition that the sale of a certain number of shares will be restricted until the date of retirement of the beneficiary. Shares from options exercised have the same rights granted to other stockholders. The management of this plan was entrusted to a committee appointed by the Administrative Council. Information on the stock option plan is summarized as follows: Preferred shares (in thousands) 278,600 373,200 1,007,074 305,975 361,660 I Series - May 9, 1997 II Series - December 22, 1997 III Series - December 18, 1998 IV Series - March 31, 2000 V Series - April 2, 2001 Options granted 2,326,509 Options not granted (i) 2,732,365 Global volume of the plan 5,058,874 Exercised options I Series - December 15, 1999 (ii) II Series - December 13, 2000 (iii) (138,950) (172,100) Current volume of the plan 4,747,824 23 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information (i) At a meeting held on December 7, 1999, the Administrative Council approved the issue of a further 3.4 billion shares to the stock option plan. (ii) At a meeting held on December 15, 1999, approval was given by the Administrative Council for an increase in capital of R$ 7,503 thousand (138,950 thousand preferred shares), of which R$ 5,530 thousand was paid up in 2000. (iii) At a meeting held on December 13, 2000, approval was given by the Administrative Council for an increase in capital of R$ 12,305 thousand (172,100 thousand preferred shares). 17 Financial Instruments (a) General considerations The use of instruments and transactions with derivatives involving interest rates is designed to protect the results of the Company's asset and liability operations. Operations are carried out through the intermediation of the financial operations area in accordance with a strategy previously approved by the Board of Directors. Management evaluates that the risks are minimum since there is no concentration of counter-parties and operations are realized within approved limits with banks of recognized solidness. (b) Market value of the financial instruments The market values of the main financial instruments are the same as their book values, as presented below: Thousands of reais 09.30.01 Financial investments Loans and financings 06.30.01 Book Market Book Market 507,086 1,553,975 507,086 1,553,975 351,281 1,253,152 351,281 1,253,152 24 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 04.01 - Notes to the Quarterly Information The book values of financial investments do not differ from market values since they are subject to the variation in the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) index. The Company entered into a swap contract for the purpose of exchanging the interest rates of foreign currency loans - working capital for CDI indexed rates. Market values were calculated based on the present value of these financial instruments, considering the interest rate practiced in the market for risk operations with similar terms. (c) Concentration of risk credit Sales financed by the Company are distributed among a large number of customers. The Company manages risk credit through a strict credit qualification and concession program. Doubtful accounts are covered by a allowance to meet possible loss on realization. 25 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 05.01 - Comments on company performance See comments on consolidated performance in ITR form 08/01 26 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 06.01 - BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED ASSETS (Thousands of reais) 1 - Code 2 – Description 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Total assets Current assets Available funds Cash and banks Financial investments Receivables Trade accounts receivable Customer credit financing Allowance for doubtful accounts Advances to suppliers and employees Taxes recoverable Other receivables Inventories Other Prepaid expenses Long-term receivables Sundry receivables Accounts receivable Deferred income tax Judicial deposits Prepaid expenses Receivables from related companies Associated companies Subsidiary companies Other related companies Current account with parent company Other Permanent assets Investments Associated companies Subsidiary companies Other Property and equipment Land Buildings Building improvements Equipment Installations Furniture and fixtures Vehicles Constructions in progress Other Deferred charges Goodwill Exchange variance Pre-operating expenses 3 - 09/30/2001 4 - 06/30/2001 6,338,231 2,224,171 581,799 74,713 507,086 1,036,634 518,258 336,447 (46,543) 72,438 85,507 70,527 587,520 18,218 18,218 322,137 319,364 168,428 71,186 78,090 1,660 2,773 0 0 2,773 2,773 0 3,791,923 113,563 0 112,783 780 2,861,885 683,526 1,096,281 470,752 314,190 139,786 41,654 9,608 97,478 8,610 816,475 632,314 26,867 157,294 27 6,083,532 2,051,123 407,026 55,745 351,281 1,057,730 488,558 381,952 (39,522) 84,643 69,449 72,650 570,003 16,364 16,364 299,277 299,277 159,009 64,513 73,750 2,005 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,733,132 108,923 0 108,143 780 2,776,457 671,649 1,021,869 450,944 315,058 143,128 38,669 10,685 115,841 8,614 847,752 652,038 31,344 164,370 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 06.02 - BALANCE SHEET - CONSOLIDATED LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY (Thousands of reais) 1 - Code 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.5.5 2 – Description Total liabilities and stockholders' equity Current liabilities Loans and financings Debentures Suppliers Taxes, charges and contributions Taxes on sales Taxes payable in installments Dividends payable Provisions Payable to related companies Current account with parent and subsidiary company Other Purchase of assets Salaries and related contributions Interest on own capital Public services Rents Advertising Insurance Other accounts payable Long-term liabilities Loans and financings Debentures Provisions Payable to related companies Other Income tax Provision for contingencies Purchase of assets Taxes payable in installments Capitalizable funds - interest on own capital Deferred income Minority interests Stockholders` equity Paid-up capital Capital reserves Fiscal incentives Subscription bonus Revaluation reserves Own assets Subsidiary/associated companies Revenue reserves Legal Statutory For contingencies Unrealized profits Retention of profits Special for undistributed dividends Other Reserve for expansion Retained earnings 28 3 - 09/30/2001 6,338,231 1,800,110 1,032,658 1,486 551,108 19,525 19,153 372 0 0 0 0 195,333 50,635 96,379 18,149 2,849 13,433 2,283 89 11,516 1,197,328 521,317 130,550 0 0 545,461 1,169 514,231 29,899 162 0 0 0 3,340,793 2,244,136 348,292 4,050 344,242 0 0 0 748,365 51,386 0 0 23,664 295,405 0 377,910 377,910 0 4 - 06/30/2001 6,083,532 1,582,220 747,155 7,065 542,978 14,767 14,396 371 0 0 52,352 52,352 217,903 73,005 94,365 18,149 2,855 13,083 3,005 640 12,801 1,202,416 505,997 128,518 0 0 567,901 1,972 526,416 39,324 189 0 0 0 3,298,896 2,244,136 348,292 4,050 344,242 0 0 0 706,468 51,386 0 0 23,664 253,508 0 377,910 377,910 0 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 07.01 –CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME (Thousands of reais) 1 – CODE 2 – DESCRIPTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.7 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.13 3.14 Gross sales and/or services Deductions Net sales and/or services Cost of sales and/or services rendered Gross profit Operating (expenses) income Selling General and administrative Administrative expenses Restructuring costs Financial Financial income Financial expenses Exchange variance Other Other operating income Other operating expenses Other taxes and charges Depreciation and amortization Loss on investment in subsidiary company Equity in the results of subsidiary companies Operating profit Non-operating results Revenue Expenses Net income before taxation and profit sharing Provision for income tax and social contribution Deferred income tax Statutory profit sharing and contributions Profit sharing Contributions Reversal of interest on own capital Minority interests 3 - 07/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 2,177,296 (335,243) 1,842,053 (1,314,014) 528,039 (485,959) (311,379) (67,904) (67,904) 0 (13,024) 104,578 (117,602) (4,477) (113,125) 0 (99,177) (11,452) (87,725) 0 5,525 42,080 658 658 0 42,738 (841) 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 4 - 01/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 6,780,121 (1,052,612) 5,727,509 (4,132,475) 1,595,034 (1,442,033) (926,886) (219,258) (212,219) (7,039) (30,263) 308,875 (339,138) (13,431) (325,707) 0 (271,151) (35,229) (235,922) 0 5,525 153,001 1,948 1,951 (3) 154,949 (19,862) 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 - 07/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 2,300,647 (364,178) 1,936,469 (1,410,160) 526,309 (420,906) (293,890) (74,496) (74,496) 0 12,669 104,452 (91,873) (4,477) (87,396) 0 (65,189) (9,051) (56,138) 0 0 105,403 (1,194) (1,195) 1 104,209 (10,362) (3,605) 0 0 0 0 0 6 - 01/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 6,326,869 (991,414) 5,335,455 (3,880,931) 1,454,524 (1,245,932) (825,185) (223,005) (223,005) 0 (16,060) 281,278 (297,338) (13,431) (283,907) 0 (181,682) (32,772) (148,910) 0 0 208,592 1,321 1,565 (244) 209,913 (5,181) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 07.01 –CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME (Thousands of reais) 1 – CODE 2 – DESCRIPTION 3.15 Net income for the quarter/period Number of shares, ex-treasury (in thousands) Net income per share 3 - 07/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 41,897 112,496,409 0.00037 30 4 - 01/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 135,087 112,496,409 0.00120 5 - 07/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 90,242 107,198,267 0.00084 6 - 01/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 204,732 107,198,267 0.00191 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Comments on Sales Performance Net sales reached Consolidated net sales totaled R$1,842.1 million in the 3rd quarter of 2001 and R$5,727.5 R$1,842 million million in the first nine months of the year, representing, respectively, a 4.9% decrease and a 7.3% growth compared to the same periods in 2000. Same stores sales decreased by 6.9% in the third quarter and by 2.0% in the first nine months. Sales in the third quarter were negatively affected by low consumer confidence level, aggravated by the terrorist attacks in the United States. Extra and Eletro The electric energy rationing caused a decrease in sales of electronic products, affecting the Divisions under the Extra and Eletro Divisions. In the specific case of the hypermarkets, sales of food products in impact of the adverse economic scenario general presented a good performance, but it was not enough to compensate for the retraction in sales of electronics. The highlight of the quarter was the launch of the Extra private label card, which represents an important tool to increase our customers’ loyalty and our knowledge about consumption habits in hypermarkets. This card was designed to meet the needs of lower income classes, since it requires a family income of only R$ 150. The card is a product of the partnership with Fininvest (Unibanco Group) and, therefore, it does not represent an additional credit risk for CBD. Pão de Açúcar Division The Pão de Açúcar Division had the best performance within all the Company’s formats, presents the best quarterly performance benefiting from its sales mix which focuses on food products (around 95%) and the fact that its target customers are less susceptible to the adverse macro-economic scenario. We highlight the beginning of the program of discounts focused on information obtained through the Pão de Açúcar Mais relationship card. After 12 months accumulating information from about 60% of the stores’ tickets, CBD initiated, pioneering in Brazil, a personalized discount program, by means of which customers receive discounts on their preferred products which will certainly have a positive impact in terms of customer loyalty and on the efficacy of market strategies. 31 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Re-launch of the The Barateiro Division passed through a transition period in which the stores were prepared for Barateiro format the re-launch of the format at the beginning of October. We have directed our actions towards the implementation of the ideal store model to meet the needs of the lower income population. We highlight the following changes: complete review of the sales mix with an increase in the assortment and a better balance between national brands, first price products and own brands; improvement in the level of services, review of own brands line; renovation of the lay-out and internal environment of all stores and the launch of the Clube Barateiro Card in partnership with Fininvest (Unibanco Group).This card offers: a fidelity program to customers; services, such as the payment of bills at checkouts (light, telephone, water, etc.); and credit for low income families (minimal family income of R$ 150). The Company is certain that the necessary adjustments have been put into practice and that productivity gains will be noticed as from the next quarter. 32 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Evolution of net sales by division - Consolidated* Variation 2001/2000 (%) rd Corporate legislation quarter Accumulated – 9 months Same stores All stores Same stores -0.3% 10.5% 1.2% -9.3% 9.0% -2.8% -11.5% -3.8% -10.2% -20.8% 2.4% 5.2% -6.9% 7.3% -2.0% Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD 3 All stores -1.3% -2.6% -14.1% -22.5% -4.9% Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD In constant purchase power (IPCA) 3rd quarter Accumulated - 9 months All stores Same stores All stores Same stores -7.4% -6.5% 3.8% -4.7% -8.6% -15.0% 2.3% -8.6% -19.5% -17.0% -9.6% -15.8% -27.3% -25.7% -3.6% 3.1% -10.8% -13.0% 0.8% -7.7% *The sales figures of same stores include only the stores that are at least 12 months in operation. 33 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Comments on the Results Gross Margin The gross margin of the quarter reached 28.7%, compared to 27.2% in the same period in reaches 28.7% 2000, reflecting the higher participation of foods in the mix of products, instead of electronic products which have a gross margin inferior to the average since part of the gains are recorded as financial income. CBD estimates that this change in the mix generated an increase of approximately one percentage point in the gross margin of the quarter. Efficiency gains allow We also increased our price competitivity, without deteriorating margin. This is a margin gains consequence of the restructuring process implemented during the first six-month period, one of the main objectives being to focus on the commercial areas of the Company in negotiations with suppliers. During the first nine months, the gross margin was of 27.8% compared to 27.3% in the same period of 2000. Reduction in Operating expenses also reflected the changes occurred in the first half of the year, operating expenses mainly concerning the reduction in the number of employees. General and administrative expenses totaled R$ 67.9 million, an amount less than the 2nd quarter of 2001 and the 3rd quarter of 2000 - R$ 76.5 million and R$ 74.5 million, respectively Selling expenses were impacted by R$ 15.0 million due to extraordinary marketing expenses for the re-launch of the Barateiro format and the launch of the Extra card. EBITDA margin of 8.1% in the quarter In the third quarter, the profit before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) totaled R$148.7 million, with an 8.1% margin. In the nine first months, EBITDA accumulated R$449.0 million, representing a 7.8% margin, compared to, respectively, R$406.3 million and 7.6% in the same periods in 2000. 34 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Depreciation/amortization included R$ 33.7 million for amortization of deferred charges, of which R$ 20.4 million goodwill amortization and R$ 13.3 million amortization of preoperating expenses. The pre-operating expenses capitalized during the period amounted to R$ 6.2 million. Negative financial Financial expenses totaled R$ 113.1 million compared to R$ 87.4 million in the same result of R$ 13.0 quarter of 2000. The exchange variation expense of R$ 4.5 million refers to amortization million of part of the exchange loss deferred in the first quarter of 1999. Financial income totaled R$ 104.6 million, at the same level of the 3rd quarter of 2000 (R$ 104.5 million), generating a negative net financial result of R$ 13.0 million. Net income of In the third quarter of 2001, net income was of R$ 41.9 million, (R$ 0.37 per thousand R$ 41.9 million shares), compared to a net income of R$ 90.2 million (R$ 0.84 per thousand shares) in the same period in 2000. In the fist nine-months of 2001, net income was of R$ 135.1 million (R$ 1.20 per thousand shares), compared to R$ 204.7 million (R$ 1.91 per thousand shares) in the same period of 2000. Inventory turnover New advances were obtained in the administration of our working capital. For the second improves once more consecutive quarter, the inventory turnover improved from 43.1 days in the second quarter to 39.6 days. This improvement is a result of increased efficiency in category management and purchasing and the maturity of the investments in the distribution and information technology areas. Investments of In the third quarter of 2001, investments totaled R$ 138.9 million (R$ 317.0 million in R$ 138.9 million the third quarter of 2000), accumulating R$ 369.3 million in 2001 (R$ 792.0 million in 2000). Of note are: • Inauguration of one Extra store and the construction of 2 hypermarkets to be inaugurated during the fourth quarter; • Opening of 2 Barateiro stores, one Pão de Açúcar store and one Eletro store; 35 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE • Refurbishment of 4 Pão de Açúcar supermarkets, 116 Barateiro supermarkets and 5 Eletro stores; • Conversion of 2 stores of the Pão de Açúcar format into the Barateiro format. • Beginning of the construction of 2 Pão de Açúcar stores to be inaugurated in the fourth quarter. Aiming at possible investment opportunities that may arise in the market, management opted to work with higher cash compared to the position of the second quarter of 2001, passing from R$ 407.0 million to R$ 581.8 million. This rise in cash explains the increase in short-term borrowings, but did not alter net indebtedness significantly. 36 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Movement at stores by Division 06.30.00 Opened Closed Converted 09.30.00 Opened Closed Converted 12.31.00 Opened Closed Converted 03.31.00 Opened Closed Converted 06.30.01 Opened Closed Converted 09.30.01 Pão de Açúcar Extra Eletro Barateiro CBD 188 1 (1) 188 1 (3) 186 (1) 185 1 (2) 184 1 (2) (2) 181 46 4 50 3 53 53 53 1 (1)(*) 53 72 (1) 71 1 (6) 66 (2) 64 64 1 (3) 62 108 1 109 2 111 2 (2) 111 3 414 6 (2) 418 7 (9) 416 2 (5) 413 4 (2) 415 5 (8) 412 114 2 (2) 2 116 (*) To be reopened as Pão de Açúcar 37 Sales Area (m2) Number of employees 750,063 46,478 788,336 48,498 815,291 50,106 811,696 49,350 808,161 48,035 813,246 46,642 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Net sales by division – Consolidated In thousands of R$ – nominal (Corporate legislation) JULY 2001 % 2000 % Var.(%) Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD 206,740 292,963 78,244 26,966 604,913 34.2% 48.4% 12.9% 4.5% 100.0% 214,097 306,013 94,781 33,705 648,596 33.0% 47.2% 14.6% 5.2% 100.0% -3.4% -4.3% -17.4% -20.0% -6.7% AUGUST Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD 2001 219,936 290,635 81,130 27,099 618,800 % 35.5% 47.0% 13.1% 4.4% 100.0% 2000 218,767 303,585 92,874 34,985 650,211 % 33.6% 46.7% 14.3% 5.4% 100.0% Var,(%) 0.5% -4.3% -12.6% -22.5% -4.8% SEPTEMBER Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD 2001 207,425 304,442 80,254 26,219 618,340 % 33.5% 49.2% 13.0% 4.2% 100.0% 2000 209,543 301,777 91,389 34,953 637,662 % 32.9% 47.3% 14.3% 5.5% 100.0% Var,(%) -1.0% 0.9% -12.2% -25.0% -3.0% 3rd QUARTER Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD 2001 634,101 888,040 239,628 80,284 1,842,053 % 34.4% 48.2% 13.0% 4.4% 100.0% 2000 642,407 911,374 279,044 103,644 1,936,469 % 33.2% 47.0% 14.4% 5.4% 100.0% Var,(%) -1.3% -2.6% -14.1% -22.5% -4.9% 9 MONTHS 2001 % % Var,(%) Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD 1,937,197 2,787,111 728,106 275,095 5,727,509 33.8% 48.7% 12.7% 4.8% 100.0% 2000 1,752,502 2,557,820 756,564 268,569 5,335,455 38 32.8% 47.9% 14.2% 5.0% 100.0% 10.5% 9.0% -3.8% 2.4% 7.3% (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Data per division on September 30, 2001 Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro Total stores Management # Checkouts 2,248 2,673 1,285 193 # Employees 14,081 17,210 5,374 1,292 6,399 37,957 2,559 Loss prevention (security) 2,991 Distribution Centers 3,135 CBD 6,399 46,642 39 # Stores 181 53 116 62 Sales area (m2) 221,265 420,407 129,935 41,639 412 813,246 412 813,246 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Productivity indices* In R$- nominal (Corporate legislation) Sales per m2/month Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD 3Q/01 970 730 614 648 772 3Q/00 933 807 725 826 831 Var (%) 4.0% -9.5% -15.3% -21.5% -7.1% 9m/01 966 760 624 745 794 9m/00 969 790 712 727 823 Var (%) -0.3% -3.8% -12.4% 2.5% -3.5% 3Q/01 14,924 16,790 14,914 20,095 15,955 3Q/00 14,232 17,643 16,309 23,334 16,361 Var (%) 4.9% -4.8% -8.6% -13.9% -2.5% 9m/01 14,985 17,380 15,034 21,662 16,327 9m/00 15,227 17,444 16,306 19,589 16,531 Var (%) -1.6% -0.4% -7.8% 10.6% -1.2% 3Q/01 16.9 34.4 11.3 249.1 21.7 3Q/00 16.3 37.1 11.7 245.8 22.0 Var (%) 3.7% -7.3% -3.4% 1.3% -1.4% 9m/01 17.0 35.2 11.4 235.0 22.2 9m/00 16.9 36.4 12.0 223.2 22.4 Var (%) 0.6% -3.3% -5.0% 5.3% -0.9% 3Q/00 85,974 118,817 73,888 193,154 99,493 Var (%) 9.7% -7.2% -16.0% -27.2% -3.6% 9m/01 92,472 113,150 63,055 175,671 97,524 9m/00 89,933 115,793 74,551 164,920 99,838 Var (%) 2.8% -2.3% -15.4% 6.5% -2.3% Sales per employee/ month Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD Average ticket Pão de Açúcar Extra Barateiro Eletro CBD Sales per checkout/month 3Q/01 Pão de Açúcar 94,286 Extra 110,312 Barateiro 62,079 Eletro 140,637 CBD 95,903 * Data on sales area, employees and checkouts were calculated based on average amounts proportional to the period in which stores were opened. 40 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 08.01 – COMMENTS ON CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE Sales composition (% of net sales) Cash Credit card Food voucher Installments Postdated checks Credit 2000 53.9% 26.9% 6.2% 13.0% 6.8% 6.2% 1st Q/01 53.7% 28.0% 6.1% 12.2% 6.3% 5.9% 2nd Q/01 53.5% 28.7% 6.2% 11.6% 6.7% 4.9% 41 Jul/01 53.9% 28.6% 6.4% 11.1% 6.3% 4.8% Aug/01 53.9% 29.3% 6.2% 10.6% 6.3% 4.3% Sept/01 53.5% 29.7% 6.5% 10.3% 6.2% 4.1% 3rd Q/01 53.8% 29.2% 6.4% 10.6% 6.3% 4.3% (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 – COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 09.01 – INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARY AND/OR ASSOCIATED COMPANIES 1 - ITEM 2 – SUBSIDIARY/ASSOCIATED COMPANY NAME 7 - TYPE OF COMPANY 01 NOVASOC COMERCIAL LTDA 3 - NATIONAL CORPORATE TAXPAYERS' REGISTRATION-CNPJ 4 - SHARE CONTROL NATURE 5 - % OWNERSHIP 6 - % OF OF THE INVESTEE INVESTOR'S STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY 9 - NUMBER OF SHARES - PRIOR QUARTER (thousand) 8 - NUMBER OF SHARES - CURRENT QUARTER (thousand) 03.139.761/0001-17 COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PRIVATE ASSOCIATED COMPANY 1 42 10.00 1.04 1 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 10.01 – CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE DEBENTURE ISSUES 1 – Item 01 2nd 2 - Issue order number 3 - Registration number at CVM SEP/GER/DCA-98/0013 4 - Registration date at CVM 08/17/1998 5 - Issued series 1 6 – Type Convertible 7 – Nature Public 8 - Issue date 07/01/1998 9 - Due date 07/01/2003 10 - Type of debenture Subordinated 11 - Remuneration conditions prevailing IGP-M + 13% p.a. 12 - Premium/discount 18.77% 13 - Nominal value (reais) 1,448.50 14 - Issued amount (R$ thousand) 1,786 15 - Number of debentures issued (units) 175,000 16 - Outstanding debentures (units) 1,233 17 - Treasury debentures (units) 0 18 - Redeemed debentures (units) 617 19 - Converted debentures (units) 173,150 20 - Debentures to be placed (units) 0 21 - Date of last renegotiation 22 - Date of next event 10/01/2001 43 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 10.01 – CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE DEBENTURE ISSUES 1 – Item 02 2nd 2 - Issue order number 3 - Registration number at CVM SEP/GER/DEB-98/0060 4 - Registration date at CVM 08/17/1998 5 - Issued series 2 6 – Type Simple 7 – Nature Public 8 - Issue date 07/01/1998 9 - Due date 07/01/2003 10 - Type of debenture Subordinated 11 - Remuneration conditions prevailing IGP-M + 13% p.a. 12 - Premium/discount 18.77% 13 - Nominal value (reais) 1,463.81 14 - Issued amount (R$ thousand) 24,409 15 - Number of debentures issued (units) 25,000 16 - Outstanding debentures (units) 16,675 17 - Treasury debentures (units) 0 18 - Redeemed debentures (units) 8,325 19 - Converted debentures (units) 0 20 - Debentures to be placed (units) 0 21 - Date of last renegotiation 22 - Date of next event 10/01/2001 44 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 10.01 – CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC OR PRIVATE DEBENTURE ISSUES 1 – Item 03 4th 2 - Issue order number 3 - Registration number at CVM 4 - Registration date at CVM 5 - Issued series 1 6 – Type Convertible 7 – Nature Private 8 - Issue date 09/01/2000 9 - Due date 08/31/2005 10 - Type of debenture Floating 11 - Remuneration conditions prevailing TJLP + 3.5% p.a. 12 - Premium/discount 22.55% 13 - Nominal value (reais) 1,059.38 14 - Issued amount (R$ thousand) 105,841 15 - Number of debentures issued (units) 100,000 16 - Outstanding debentures (units) 99,908 17 - Treasury debentures (units) 0 18 - Redeemed debentures (units) 0 19 - Converted debentures (units) 92 20 - Debentures to be placed (units) 0 21 - Date of last renegotiation 22 - Date of next event 10/01/2001 45 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 16.01 – Other significant information On August 9, 1999, Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição signed a stockholders’ agreement involving its main controlling companies and Segisor ("Cassino"). The content of the main items of this agreement was included in the Report on Annual Information (IAN) 2000, represented on September 18, 2001. 46 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE Corporate Legislation BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 17.01 – UNQUALIFIED REPORT ON THE LIMITED REVIEW October 29, 2001 To the Board of Directors and Stockholders Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição 1 We have carried out limited reviews of the Quarterly Information - ITR of Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição for the quarters and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2001 and 2000 and for the quarter ended June 30, 2001. This information is the responsibility of the Company's management. 2 Our reviews were carried out in accordance with the specific standards established by the Institute of Independent Auditors of Brazil (IBRACON) in conjunction with the Federal Accounting Council (CFC) and mainly comprised: (a) inquiry of and discussion with management responsible for the accounting, financial and operational areas of the Company with regard to the main criteria adopted for the preparation of the quarterly information and (b) a review of the relevant information and of the subsequent events which have, or could have, significant effects on the Company's financial position and operations. 3 Based on our limited reviews we are not aware of any significant adjustments which should be made to the quarterly information referred to above in order that such information be stated in conformity with the accounting principles determined by Brazilian corporate legislation and with the standards of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), specifically applicable to the preparation of quarterly information. PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores Independentes CRC 2SP000160/O-5 Henrique Luz Partner Contador CRC 1RJ045789/T-2 "T" SP 002332 47 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 18.01 – STATEMENT OF INCOME OF SUBSIDIARY/ASSOCIATED COMPANY (Thousands of reais) Subsidiary/Associated company: NOVASOC COMERCIAL LTDA. 1 - CODE 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.6.5 3.6.6 3.7 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.13 3.15 2 - DESCRIPTION Gross sales and/or services rendered Deductions Net sales and/or services rendered Cost of sales and/or services rendered Gross profit Operating (expenses) income Selling General and administrative Financial Financial income Financial expenses Other operating income Other operating expenses Other taxes and charges Depreciation and amortization Equity in the results of subsidiary companies Operating loss Non-operating results Income Expenses Loss before taxation and profit sharing Provision for income tax and social contribution Deferred income tax Statutory profit sharing and contributions Profit sharing Contributions Reversal of interest on own capital Loss for the quarter/period Number of shares, ex-treasury (thousand) 3 - 07/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 213,981 (31,607) 182,374 (125,347) 57,027 (72,408) (37,516) (8,580) (19,590) 8,069 (27,659) 0 (6,722) (1,228) (5,494) 0 (15,381) 1 (2) 3 (15,380) 0 5,239 0 0 0 0 (10,141) 1 48 4 - 01/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 657,729 (98,005) 559,724 (398,117) 161,607 (213,609) (111,263) (26,853) (56,421) 20,717 (77,138) 0 (19,072) (3,929) (15,143) 0 (52,002) (345) 0 (345) (52,347) 0 17,593 0 0 0 0 (34,754) 1 5 - 07/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 221,220 (33,778) 187,442 (138,132) 49,310 (55,672) (33,003) (7,423) (10,653) 11,359 (22,012) 0 (4,593) (42) (4,551) 0 (6,362) 0 0 0 (6,362) 9,576 (9,434) 0 0 0 0 (6,220) 1 6 - 01/01/2000 to 09/30/2001 658,309 (100,572) 557,737 (415,928) 141,809 (184,900) (101,215) (23,538) (43,909) 18,566 (62,475) 0 (16,238) (3,487) (12,751) 0 (43,091) 67 67 0 (43,024) 14,757 0 0 0 0 0 (28,267) 1 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 – IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 18.01 – STATEMENT OF INCOME OF SUBSIDIARY/ASSOCIATED COMPANY (Thousands of reais) Subsidiary/Associated company: NOVASOC COMERCIAL LTDA. 1 - CODE 2 - DESCRIPTION Net income per share Loss per share 3 - 07/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 (10,141.00000) 49 4 - 01/01/2001 to 09/30/2001 (34,754.00000) 5 - 07/01/2000 to 09/30/2000 6,220.00000 6 - 01/01/2000 to 09/30/2001 28,267.00000 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 18.02 – COMMENTS ON SUBSIDIARY/ASSOCIATED COMPANY PERFORMANCE Subsidiary/associated company: NOVASOC COMERCIAL LTDA. See comments on consolidated performance in Item 08.01. 50 (A free translation of the original in Portuguese) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICE BRAZILIAN SECURITIES COMMISSION (CVM) QUARTERLY INFORMATION – ITR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER COMPANIES Corporate Legislation September 30, 2001 01.01 - IDENTIFICATION 1 – CVM CODE 01482-6 2 - COMPANY NAME COMPANHIA BRASILEIRA DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO 3 – Federal Corporate Taxpayers' Registration Number - CNPJ 47.508.411/0001-56 INDEX Group 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 03 04 05 06 06 07 08 09 10 16 17 ITR 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 01 01 01 01 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 18 18 01 02 Description Identification Head office Investor relations officer (Company mail address) General Information/Independent Accountant Capital composition Characteristics of the company Companies excluded from the consolidated financial statements Dividends approved and/or paid during and after the quarter Subscribed capital and alterations in the current year Investors relations officer Balance sheet –assets Balance sheet - liabilities and stockholders` equity Statement of income Notes to the quarterly information Comments on company performance Balance sheet - consolidated assets Balance sheet - consolidated liabilities and stockholders' equity Consolidated statement of income Comments on consolidated performance Investments in subsidiary and/or associated companies Characteristics of public or private debenture issues Other significant information Unqualified report on the limited review NOVASOC COMERCIAL LTDA. Statement of income of subsidiary/associated company Comments on subsidiary/associated company performance 51 Page 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 26 27 28 29 31 42 43 46 47 48 50