CVM Research Space Allocation Guidelines The CVM space committee will make recommendations for the assignment of laboratory space (wet and dry). Prioritization of space will be based on consideration of a faculty member’s productivity which can be based upon all of the following: Number of students/post docs/fellows/technicians in the lab Type of research (e.g. cell cultures versus rodent work versus behavioral testing on large animals) and fit for assigned space Funding Publications Service center Patents/technology In general, the following guidelines will be used: New Hires: Assistant Professor level: Space will be negotiated with the Dean at time of hire. Location of laboratory should be carefully considered to place junior faculty near strong researchers/mentors/collaborators. Lab space should not be decreased until after tenure process is complete. However, a faculty member could request an increase in space before that time. Associate or Professor Level: Space will be negotiated with the Dean at time of hire. Clinical track: If laboratory space is needed, it is anticipated that it will be shared with other investigators. Research Track: It is expected that laboratory space will be shared with the investigator providing their initial funding. Space Reassessment: Space will be reassessed every 3 years in a rotating system so only 1/3 of the labs will be reassessed every year. Reassessment will be performed by completion of a 1 page form requesting: o List publications for last 3 years o Funded grants o Patents/new technology o Number of students/staff/trainees o Information on pending grants, incoming grad students/post docs